15. '1' 15%) ‘0 r81 ’ 'I'L'i smx HERBAGHEEz This In a higher grade and better quality of Paint that has ever been prepared for thetmarket and is more economical to use, more durable and beautiful that any other paint. either ready made or made by hand. Every gauon guaranteed to cover 306 square feetâ€"two coats. Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsi: Indigestion and T00 Hearty Eating. A pea feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Brows ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth: Coated Tonga Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. The} Regulale the W3. Purely Vegetable Small Pill. Small Dose. _ Small Price. Subst1tut1on the fraud of tha day. app mu get Carter's, Will Not If: Covers Most, Looks Best, Wears Longest, Most Economical. See you get ball-Cl Ask for Carter'S; Insist and demand r‘aï¬pr‘s Little Liv Failed to Remove the Disease from Hezekiah Vaughnn‘s Systemâ€"Dodd‘s Kidney Pins. Which Have Never Yet Failed. Cured Him in Short 0rder. SANDWICH, Sept. 13 â€"H:zak!eh Vaugh- an, of the township of Gosfleid, has lately gone through a severe surgiexi operation at Harper's hospital. DAtroit, for what difl’erent doesrrs amassed as liver oom- plaint, kidney trouble and bladder cam- nlnint. Four surgeons cut away at him for 4% hours. but when they got through none of them could teti what was wrong, and the patient was left es bed as ever. The handle derived by a neighbor from the use of Dadd’s Kliney Pius induced Mr. Vaughan to try them. From the ï¬rst he began to improve. His bowels soon became regular and the pains that afli‘et- ed him disappeared. Six boxes restored to his former vigor a man who had aban- doned all hope of regaining sound health. @513: Q‘mmdmu £0.51. Carter's Oï¬' to the Yukon. The Klondike geld fever has struck this place and now nothing else is talked abou t. Quite a number want to go, but the trouble is getting there. E :en some of our old business men have the fever, and it able would start away. This week Mr. G. A Strickland. manager of an English company formed for mining, trading and transpsr-‘ntion in the Klon- dike, with Messrs. F. R. S. Barlee as clerk, Giles Stone as woodranger. and W. Baptie, mechanic, left for the Klondike. The left Toronto on Wednesday noon for anconver, from there by host to Dyea, Alaska. The trip will take about fourteen days from here. and the future movements of the company wlll be decided onreachlng Dyea. Mr. Strickland intends returning early in the winter. It is likely a number more will start from here next spring. The company proposes to purchase general merohandbe and stores of every description in the best markets to be sent‘ up expeditiously to the â€gold ï¬elds for sale or batter, to take advantage of new 0 nings for the sale of stores and miners' ts, to ï¬t c u: prospecting parties with camp equipments. provisions and imple- ments. and to undertake transportion both by land and water. In the company’s prospectus mention is made that the fortunes made by pioneer traders during the tamous gold rmhes in Melbourne and California, and also in more recent times in South Attics, in supplying goods and t to the miners and pectors are matters oi hismxy. and the lrectr rs of this company consider there is every reason for success in the Klondike. The company proposes t) erect depots tor the storage and sale of provisions on a similar scale. _to thsnliudsgn Bay Co. In AL. _.1. -ud ik'ï¬nuï¬nmatï¬Ã©' EEflE‘EIiâ€"sié'ail’e and resale ct claims the oompxny expectato gauze trog__t1:anqurt gt pz§§e_r_|gora and -1.“â€" all“. now w" 'â€" w..v___v the purchase and ado or tavoxi'blé'locnl fleas 3nd town sites. Mr. R. H. Sirloklwd. son of Mr. B. C. Strickland. will likely assist in oat-hilt]: .192 0-00“ for the new company. $3.130“ . amo, usabtlshmenn of gears stores. trade in live stock fer tran- p :xt and other prices. the purchase and sale of timber and bungling 13.3%:ng the, 3315 “‘6 ex- hmdlaé sud venom pt“: I INDSAY, F â€"â€"SURGEONS’ KGIVES Dealer in Stoves. House Furnish- ings, Mixed Paints. Plumbing '. G. WOODS. W', G. WOOdS. ‘RIDAY. SEPT. 24. 1891 Supplies Check. Chéllk or Bvister. rm“ Pilk A Fast Bicycuu Fell nd Broke In Arm and In Starving In Death. New Jfork. Sept. rotâ€"Henry Gebeth, a member of the Mount Vernon Cycle Club, and the crack rider of 'West- (-hoster county, is slowly dying at his home in Mount Vernon-avenue or lock-~ jzuv, brought on, the physicians fly, by the failure of a broken bone to kuxt. 0n Labor Day Gebeth took part in the bicycle races at “'illiamsbridge. ‘flxilv making his last hp :1 child rm: iv frunt of his wheel. He was thrown 1-) thv ground and his right arm was l-wkon in three places. He is unable to take nourishment, and is slowly surv- iux to death. l-‘n‘JoWhI .\'-~w York. S4 IIvml-J from ‘W w [I be :hkul a make :1 large manufacture of to "-0 instalk‘c‘ auxiliary cru'sc n .. “Miss Wilkins i re. Do you km: to; y'hen sh: 5 -. -- mm»? :1 huge appruprmuuu uu manufncmm of modem high-power gum. to ho instal‘ed far rel-vice on mud auxiliary cm‘scrs of the Unju‘d szos navy. in time of war. Ilcad Foremost Into a Tin-callus Machine and mangled In I Shocking lino-er. Owen Sound, Sept. 19.â€"â€"(Spccial.)â€" Yesterday morning a fatal threshing ac- cident happened at the farm of Mr. \Villiam Lee, in the Township of Sara- wak, whereby Mr. Albert Luke lost his life. The unfortunate man was feed- ing peas to the machine, when his hand was caught and he .was hauled head- toremost into the thrusher. His am it near the shoulder, the top or his head crushed in, and he was otherwise badly torn and crushed. D::1th was almost instantaneous. Lake leaves a wife and six young children in poor circumstances. He was known as an honest and faithful workman. and keen smrmthv is felt at the occurrence. Drawn blood yen 11an was uuv uuv Wu...“ w- 7.," was poor. and alter estin I was pulled and swollen at my chest an had a deal of pain. I was also much troubled with mszinets, and when out walking I feared I should Ml down. M sleep was broken up and I felt as tire in the morninq as when I went to bed. Then I rot low and nervous. I couldn‘t bear company, and took no interest in anything. For nearly two years I was conï¬ned to my bed, under a doctor’s care. It was in February. 1887. that a friend urged me to try Mother Ssigel‘s Syro . I got a bottle from the Co-operative tcres in West st.. and in a week I was greatly improved. I could est better and food agreed with me. I was brighter and in better spirits. I continued with the Syrup and grew stronger and stronger, and able once more to do my work and enjoy my life. That is now eight years ago. and at this date. M.ro‘a ; 6:h, 1895, I have had no return of the com- Another Accident. Miss Orde. accompanied by Mr. Marsh's little daughter, was crossing over from Allan Co.'s store Thursday afternoon. and when about the centre of the erosain the little child unfortunately trlpp an fell. ed At that moment Fisher's delivering came along and beiore Miss Ode ul pick the co little thing up the wagon passed over its back near the head. fortunately the was- gon was out ty or the child would have been killed. I: was carried into Gregory's drug stare and upon examination itwae discoveeed ehe received several nasty bruises in the taco, otherwise not serious- ly injured. , plaint. "In the Spring of 1389." says Mrs. Thomas Ward,news agent, :76 Bridgeman- in, Bolton. “I felt snrangeiy weak and ailing. At ï¬rstIhad a bad taste in the msuzh, no appetite, and after eating I had weight and pain at the chest, an tight- ness around the waist. I had an awful pain at the pit of the stomach that never let up night or day. and made me irritable and wretched. After a time I got so bad I was afraid to eat-the food hurt me so. became so weak that I almost fainted as I walked along the street. N a medicine gave me relief. In Much, 1890, after twelve months' snflering my brother recommended me to use Mother Seigel’s Cnrative Syrup. He said he knew its D virtues from a ha y exEPerience. I got a bottle from Mr. B. . the chemist. in Lever-sh, and it soon made me feel better. and in a few weeks it cured me completely. From that day to this (Feb. 19m. 1895) I have been stron and weu." Thus we see it is as I sai : To purify «I... blood we must do away with the 13 I“, val a - ....... Thus we see it is as I ssï¬: To purify the blood we must do away with the indigestion, the dyspepsia; we must cleanse and tone the stomach, which (when diseased). is the foundation of all the mischief. This necessary task is done by Mother Seigel's Syrup, with a thorough- ness thst ensures a lasting and reel cure. The whole body shares In the restoration, and so does the mind, whose powers rise and tell with the condition of the body. Now, as for the staunch-spring, don‘t wait for any let-time to clean it out. At‘ A-_ â€"-n "mic. W5“? {or mu any a..." w “v-.. -- hand to In on the very day yoli perceive that In needs attentlon. What Dyes are dways guaranteed, And In our country take the lead! ‘ The Diamond Dyes! What Dyes are strong, and bright, axd And always dye to 1i" “d 1â€â€œ The Dlnmond Dyes I What Dyes bring proï¬t, pleasure, peace, And by their work 3 great Increase 3,- ... n. ,,_._J1\__. What Dye; should om wow try? Hark ! Lman to than 511823! 01â€". ‘;\ '1 \‘ -:\,\'S 8005 LAKE’S 1‘ an.» M. ' IZrStlsh inn-oat -v. Yo K. S pt. LONâ€"a spacial to The IH 1‘ mm W asningzon says: Cnngre~s he :hkad at its cumiqg sessx ion m n n ‘uxrgve amyrnpriatiun [or tlw THE UHIVEBSAL ANSWER. _____._â€"r D) lth‘ 01†LOCII'JA W. uud, Sept. 19.â€"â€"(Spcci:ll.)â€" morning a fatal threshing :lc- pened at the farm or Mr. 0, in the Township of Sara- l-y Mr. Albert Luke lost his unfortunate man was feed- the machine, when his hand - and he .was haulgil. head- In: In l-lerrmwfl. :ins ii terribly afraid of u know thv pyeventxon she .~h- goes smlmg'." A WF UL DEA TH- m a. catboat."â€"E :- 2! hr: Sir! )I M!" The Diamond Dyes 1 Has Won th‘e Gratitude and Conï¬dence of All Canada. The Positive Evidence of Cure Too Conclusive to Permit of It. NO MORE DUUBTING If You Are Sick Ask Your N‘ Druggtst {or a. 25 Cent V131 of yon's Remedies and Mrs. T. Meloney, No. 2 Gildenleove Ave., Toronto. Cenndn, nyl :â€"“ Both my- self and hulband hove need Munynn'l Grippe Cure with splendid nesnlu. Mr. Meloney wu enï¬ering extreme peinl from the disease, bus the: using the remedy for only one night, evoke next morning com- plewly cured, nnd he: not been troubled since. My experience we: limilu'. We have nleo need Munyon’e Cronp Cure for our little one eix‘monohs oldk‘nnd ngnin we , -Ln) _-- our nun: vuv au- â€"_-_-..- - had the beat of reenlte. The child wu very bad, but after thie trenment the com- pletely recovered. We heve implicit feith in Munyon’e Remediea, md keep them constantly in the house." 'v_-____.,' Munyon’e Rheum-tic Cure seldom feile to relieve in one to three home, end cum in e few 69y... Price Sic. , - _:‘:_-I-. ...-.- Au. Avw “â€"1â€". -_-~_ 7- Mnnyon’s Dyapopuin Ciro positively cum 511 forms of indigestion sud utolnnch uon- bles. Price 259.‘ "Eungréi’a Cold Cure prevents pneumonia» and breska up I cold in s few hours. Price we. Mnnyon's Cough Cure stops coughs, night swests. sllsys soreness, sud speedily hssls tbs lungs. _ Prise 25c. .. __ --A:l.. Aâ€... uuv nu- ... ----- _ Munyaon’s Kidno'y“ Cure speedily cure: pins in the back. loin: or grains. md All forms of Ridge] dingo. Ir’rioe 25c. Munyon’e NErve Cure Ito nerVonlneel and builds u the system. rice 25c. Mnnyon'e eedeche Cure nope headache in three minutes. - Price 950. nu Il.vv _.._â€"_-_. _ in Mnnyon’e Pile Ointment poeitively cnree 311 forms of piles. Price 250. Munyon’l Blood Cure endieetee ell 1m- puxitiee of the blood. Price ï¬e. Mnnyon’e Femnle Remediee are n boon to .11 Women. Mnnyon'a Cotenh Remedies never foil. The Conn-h Cureâ€"price 25¢.â€"endicom the dieeue from lhe system, end the Cu- nrrh Tabletsâ€"price 25c.â€"clennne end heel the I nth. _ Muny on 'a thalizor. as moot. tonic md ro- otoror of vitnl strength to weak poop pic. 81. A sopnrote cure for ouch diuuo. At all druggioto, mootly 25 canto n vinl. A- n_-: ‘l _____ II vuv Iâ€"' . Munyon'e Aethm: Remedies relieve in three minutes and cure permsnently. Price $1. ‘ ._ Paagsonnl letter: to Prof. Munyon. 11 Albert street. Toronto, Ont... unwered with free medical ndvice for my dueue. Football Notes. â€"The model school and the Collegiate teams played an interesting gems lest Wednesday evening. Though a very hot match was played during the tint lull time, no game was scored for either team. but after twenty minutes’ playing in the second half the model school succeeded in scoring, followed ï¬ve minutes later by a goal in favor of the Collegiate. just as time was celled. making the match a tle. The model school team is an Improvement on inst year's, while the L. C. I. team is making a brave eflart to uphold the former reputatzon of the school. Geo. Senies‘ a. Well known Contractor of Niagara. Falls. Completely Restor- ed by the Great South American Kidney Cureâ€"Thousands More Cain Beer the Same Testimony. i was a great 833'61'01' to: years with acute kidney disorder end pain in my sides When almost all other known remedies had been fairly tried and had failed. I was advised to take South Ameri- can Kidney Cure. One bottle did me so much good I purchased two more. I am now completely restoredâ€"feel better than I have m flve years. In 3 great care; will give relief in six hours, and I delight: in recommending if. to othere. Sold by A. Higintomam. A Lnd who had been Dropeieel from His Childhood Cured by Dodde Km- ney Pineâ€"tho Remedy thnt Never Med. Mctmm. 0m, Senna) m-The yonrg son of Hugh Lsmont. c! this pleee. he been afflicted with the elnee latency. He wee bloated and ewo en ell over. Eu parents were at their wlte' end to ï¬nd acme cure for him when they need at Dedd'e Klan: 3le3. Mr. Lamont not at: home! the p e end the hoybqun taking them. Before th â€e e In]: box we: ï¬nished _-__I _-neL-_ _L-nL-â€" {TWh gated. It doesn' : butter when): r the patient is (saunas: old, the pills wm efleeteenre or any duty aim» or of any disease arts! as from (ll-ordered me. neye. The VII-tor Ins Already Set 1- Away lip There A Foot and a Ilalf of Snow on Slug-a! 'I'rnll. San Francisco, Sept. 20.â€"A special to The Call from Hal Hoffman. dated Juneau, Se t. 13. says: The ï¬rst snow- storm or t e season swept over the mountains last night. which is_one in- dication that the me thing 18 likely to occur at any time or likely to Cull- tinue indeï¬nitely. Small boats which arrived here to-day from Skaguay m- g? the snow tell one and a halt feet p on Sknguay trail. This means that further progress cmot be made in that trail by the staggering thousnn s and that the establishment or winter quar- ters must be begun ï¬ickly. where nut aheady under way. e snow will run- der it almost impossible to make any 1) mess _with attempting. to so nothing or e dntts that pile up from t e winch. {the snowstorm may be said to stop fur- ther progress over both Dyes. and Skin;- nay, unless sue}: an \rnpmedetnted thin: â€"..v, __-_-- __V_ as a. spoil or dry. calm weather comes. Already the indications begin to bear out the statement made in these «Ins- tches four weeks ago that the trails to londike would be marked by collapse-l tents and the skeletons of the unwary tad venturesome. OOOTOB YOURSELF New York, Sept. 16.-A speck! to 11.9 Herald from Havana says: The Spams); nuthorlfles do not hesitate to show their resentment of the Interest dIsplued by the vaee 01 Amen-Ian: In the ease of Range}. Inc 00510 Cinema. They have not 0% nheolutely shut 01! the Cuban mud horn eommnnIeetIon with her friends, but they have thrown Into th'e pm for lewd women In Sent: Clan ï¬ve women who du- ed to renew n most com to Genes-Ii Weyler for the releue of Inc. mmmwuwmummm uee In Santa Clan. YOUli NEIGHBORS TESTIFY. SNO WSTORM â€'14 LA SKA. AFFLIGTED FROM INFANOY. Good Women Throw- Intoffliom RELIEF IN SIX HOURS. WORK I have enmred m‘kldney trouble 3 number of yen-e, end h!" accented with phyeleuns wltmut reoclVlNl N17 DOW“ neat benem. At. In: I we: recommended to txy Dr. Hobbs’ S Kidney Pllla. I paralleled a box 30 Clerk Brae: drug store. end can tenement ny It In the cnly remedy from which I hue received my permanent cure. I he! like s new men. .‘Jd can recommend the plus to l" 'h0 hue kidney troubles. Cam A. CARL- sox, Jemeuown, N.Y. ' r "* "I?" 7 - HOBBS REMEDY 00.. Puma. ngcm Dr. Hobbs Pills {or Sale In LINDSAYbOhT.. H PHILIP MORGAN. Dwain. nwly pp. P. Shows Sun the lake Superior and llchlpmul location nu u Promhlnx .1 Any In an Bret leaked Over (or lulu: luveï¬meuls -- Pru- pert-n an ($02.: In. Buflulo, .\‘.Y., Sept. :0.â€"J. L. Edwards. a RAINY LAKE REGlON Buirnio, SAX. Sept. 20.4. L. Edwards. a well-known mining man and capitalizinwbo registers from Salt Lake City, but whom home is divided between the locations of his several sucwssrul gold mining [Imper- tlcs lu Montana. l'tah and Colorado. at- rivcd in Bull‘ulo 10-day. Asked as to wheth- er he had any lntenilon of coin: to the Klondike region. Mr. Edwards said: "So; i am not going to the Klondike. but i have just wmc tron: the Lake Su- for more. “The mines about the Lake of the Wood. are flowing u su risingly We who hnve made our ntr 'en the West have been rather lk deal about any mines mar- mnnent ne or of greet number or the Rocky Mountains. But my trip to thnt oonn ug north and northwest of Luke Super or as opened my eyes. The lichgglcoteu ï¬elds have not been much pne- pect :- yet. but they are making some lendid showings lo the little development at has been done. nud more men on a» In; in there every day. I new some sun- pleu of a quartz there thnt were urlnhin ol nannylhnveeverneenin my lite. e rock is very easily worhnble and there wul be some big piles mnde there or nail cupiml." “Did you make» any Investments?" wu pt-rior aid, 15am- Lake gold new. and the more 1 see or that surprising country the more I feel that I do not are to go to Links. I think thnt the new country which is being 0 ned up north of the Min- ne-otn line Ind he Sn riotâ€"the Lake of the Woods territory an the Inchipicoten acidâ€"in the most lprominlng country tor ying mines that have ever run now“. an: wanted by it. i have nimdy u- cured some option! uni have made some purchase- there. and 1 un going heck min pectea :- yet. but glendld shown“ 1 at u: been done In; L: there every pie: 0! deem a rich In 0! as I my use. 9 rock and there will be so 0'- mll apltnl." "Did 10! mi!" 1 aka-of 'ï¬rfkawardk. “Yes; I bought nn Interest In one claim :54 mound ‘39!!ng gt: 1 couple more. But A _I_-_ LI..â€" nun will“ vvuvâ€" vâ€" â€" ---,,e I“ u n genernl rule the miners there ere not rend. to cell for en: modernte “are. They it they have n Golconda nnd target thnt it me: money to run mince. After a time. when the lust flush of rich discoveries went: oi! and money in need- ed to work the properties. then the t:- ures will come down. Michiplcoten in a good country for the prospector now. but it will be better for the capitalist 12 month: from now. “L' in the Rain River and Lake of the W s district i and the most tempting ï¬eld for present investment that l have et struck. Some of the mince there hnve n deveio long enough to give a tut estimate 0 their value. Something can be judged Is to the character of the de- velopments benenth the nut-{nee showing. and this vex a chance to ï¬gure norm~ whnt on t e probable character of newer pros ts in the same country. New claims are in: continually fuund and there are many c9"°‘93'1‘?‘.Ԥ1"Ԥ prospects to be had ..... flan I-nl sud to lave lee- Accepud All Ion-d- To be Signed on Friday. Vienna. Sept. 16.â€"-The Neue Freie Presse says it is reported in ofï¬cial cir- cles that the Sultan of Turkey xrnd the Council of Ministers of the Otto- man Empire have accepted the condi- lious of peace with Groom. as arranged by the Ambassadors of the powers. and that it is expected "ll‘ prultminnrivs or the mat: will be signed on Friday. Montgomexfy. Ala" Sept. 18.â€"â€"3Iont- gomery to-m t quarauunal against Atlanta on e ground that she opens her doors to yellow fever refugees. c.»- n lawn-ill. "'""' “"' " ' " . mm tho and: or 3'83"†Vicksburg, Miss" sun. 18.â€"The total Wuv’ufltuml‘m a." '0: number of cases at Edwards and vzciu~ uwmnuncuwmda. um ity of yellow fever is 47. The latest WlWWW‘M J WI report go-qight‘ quite: the total new ; mum “1.38.90. w i' 2', EINING EXPERT AND UAPITALIST M'n-u ‘-"""-'-n -v-»â€"â€"--â€"-â€" . . there nt reasonably low ï¬gures. “0! course one can act go out there and pick I: a gold mine that will pay hand- some lvldonds unlm he knows his bull!- ness. but n_:m_§l_ mining 'mnn. can not bolt! knâ€" _Aâ€" I “foo. uu; .- .uuu .........,.. ,“7, __ of tom sch-mild pmpd‘rtla's there now. I have how: t two clnlms upon tho Lake of the Woods. which I will gamble on. I fancy I can trust my judgment to know a good prospoot when I two It." Inasmuch as Mr. Edwards has the rogu- tntlon of never havlm: been connected V th an unsummerul win». his last statement may be said to “go.“ Detroit. So t. 29.â€"-A Port Arthur mean! to The Eve n: hows says: A report has reached here of another gold and toward- the custom and of Lake superior. about 40 miles northwest of Mk-hlplcoten. The ore Is uted to be rich ln tree gold nnd H. F. rt: of Detrolt. n mining engineer and explorer. who has ï¬n: nanny years on the north shore of he Sagerior. ll credited with making the and. t I: In:- poulble to get theanrtlculan. u only one , .._-__ “u... -n‘ n-.-nl um» e-lh â€I: .v .‘. -_- .......... man known thout lEâ€"and he~will not’talk. It is min-d. however. that the discov- ery must be In the viclnit of the Little Pic River. as it is known . r. Ebert: spent men! months there this summer proo- ing and examining mincni and: own- poet ed by Detroit people. 'WHOBBS SuaragusuKidnï¬ifln'E: GU RED QIII'II'IIM Agni-n Aux-gun. vs Abundant Indications of Richness in Gold. 183772151012“ coxluuoxs of? 11:5 day ten. Anolhrr Gold I‘lld. 7i.†lath: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1697. ALSIKE, RED CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEED. The Very Best LAWN FEED JAMES KEITH SE EDS! Highest Market Prices Paid for Eldon nu Mr. .0 Woodvulo. Tue-day tad Wetlandâ€. Sept. am Ind 2201!. Township of cum h]! we on son: 3nd 2110 Sept" In Orano. Open to the province. Bat Dan-hm and 03m, st mum. on Sept. sou: tad Och. lot. Com Oontnl 1dr. Sept. ï¬sh and em. But Ycrk Andaman! Saciety. Muk hm.0¢t.«3.ht080h. 7 _ â€"'1‘he may (all M: will be bold Omee on October 4th nu! 5th. Ian. â€"ahvaya on mmmmua :99†non. madam van-Mr. lw “I“ Vanna-I; I..- r-â€"-â€"â€"-â€" VP â€than“ auto! Ir. Gm. (Leeann-my mmtwom â€mime“ with mum: Origami Pochy - ~ 310mm _ Boom Ploflh added - - 757.54 Tom cum pdd - 1.75754 Premium: :ocelvcd by Co. “.90 the amne- id b % done exceeded ell PENN“ .64, end the comma! “11"“ -n , 7-, I. A-â€" -_A_ on in... CANADA 3;; LIFE. ammonia but These goods speak for them selves â€â€™. LOUDLY and CLEARLY Shot Guns J. l}. EIIWIIBJS 81 El] BMW. Inn. Shel. Gem. Sporting Goods. Man will he nodndbytboundouinlod uP ‘0 W! the 85th of 80 bar. (or Wunultum‘rm Rd! wood. Pha- ._nd Nflmflm a the cm:- odee. um. 3mm. ~_ _-. _...._.ll- -m-n.‘ EMPTY and LOADED SHELLS, Powder, Shot, Wads and Primers. Satisfaction guaranteed to pur- chasers of .1566. u ï¬"ron manna oboe. cw ad .0 “In. W. R. WIDDESS, F. G. TAYLOR New Advertisements. Return over out Builder and Contractor. ___ANDâ€"â€"â€"â€" Ammunition WI.“ “‘5 Que wâ€"r â€"â€"1 the rlak for over so â€I“- 1897- FALL FAIRS. F. O. TAYLOR. Maw rome- {or the loan new.“ "LNN. SI ’ I d' . Th 0n] 3, 3193 ,n Ian Toma m: 5;:ggsgr m. Acugzdumug-ï¬Ã©gaeziï¬ Rims cm â€Hm The Sloan Medicine 60., of Hamilton, Limitee. Chilly weather brings buyers by the score to pan our ALL-WOOL WHITE BLANKETS, ï¬rmly “own, sol warm. Manufactured from ï¬ne silky lambs wool, W'ai'lallted to without shrinking or turning yellow as all store blankets do. Th4 put of our factory 15 double that it was ï¬ve years ago. I arger means smaller proï¬ts. We give no credit employ no commission P.0. Draw 33 Hamilton. Canada. SL’CCESSORS TO BL’RTCH pay no agents salaries, purchase all our supplies for cas rates. Our customers reap the beneï¬t. Ian‘- Punt: 13.00. ago. £2.00. $1.60. etc. REMNANTS and Odd Lines OWm 50 2.00 etc Horn Bros., Lindsay Woollen Mills Man'- M Sula 88.60. 860. 750 6.60. otc 30" Puma Loo. 760. 40c. 25c. etc. HOG-G- BROS-3 WILSON SDOAN‘S INDIAN TONIC makes you out three menla n dny and enjoy natural alccp at high; . An Oxtord County Oflicial Cured. Woodstock. Ont.. May 2nd.1§9_ This is-to cerLity that l. James “us: To; 1 keeper of the Town of Woooutcck. Un'.. have _ n aufl'ener from Indigestion and a very wen stomach for a number of years and hawmed; great many medicines or ditl‘crcnt kings, bu: could only oblmn Lem ry relieï¬for a short time, be: due:- using 'one we of Sienna Indian Tom“ could peroewe n gm: dnferencu My indigcem: was better and mf stomach mu much sums: thnn before. nnd found I had gamed sevq pounds in flesh. where l was weak and um: flesh More. I think I used nine or Ian boiileex: sll. And I am. now n healthy man. but still I don»- wnnt to be wnhouc the medicine in the human: I procure one or two bottles every yen: analm truthfully rocommend Sloan's Indian Tonic in others sulfermg from the same complamts. JAMES nos 5, 'I‘ollgnlc Km, mum max Send for our new book of wonderful cures. Free by mail. Atter annual Stock taking there are a number 01 in every department. “In are being cleared at 88'3ҠPrices. Take a look over our Bargain Tables. decided to go out at READY-MADE CLOTHIVG '° drencrlï¬dngprlcestn...... The stock [I well assorted in all sizes and every M m“ “7 0118M prlce. Save money by bu) Swan Medlcme hp o o 3:31,}. SURPRISE SOAP withpower to dammit!» x out too bardrubbinéï¬iï¬iv % outmjuryto fabrics, Surprise Soap. Buss an Iron Founder ls Drepared to do all klndm Cutting and Foundry Work. Repslring of In,†men and Machinery 000.. Setting-up 5mm sdBollu'I. JOHN MAKINS John Harms. LINDSAY FOUNDRY Horn Bron. «a SURPRISE f 15 (he mmc.don‘t foréetn: Hog: Bars The P0: t. PRICE $1. 6 tor $5. All Drugglsts or tram Laboratory WWWQQ? JOHN MA KINS, William-.1. Non. 9 BR c our RETURN '6: B ‘23: 49E. wwï¬auaw mow-m- “ .o-n do I.- .uu do Bantam ï¬lth win You! wan-n 9°“! 60M“ flap, I John E Kenne Lumber, 0mm My Nd Factor; Pom-ch D: Bill“: “wuuam Friday Kenn ' PARCEL One and S1 “until tho" n‘ ainyw LUMBEï¬ JOTH Or! Wale! afl‘a 39K use and fl OTIC MON BSC I halved 5nd