Good to return leaving destination until Monday, October 16th, 18%. Full particular. s: so has from Agent! Gnnd Trunk Rdlmy System. 630. WILDER, A. M. PATON. 0.9. 3:11;. Dopot Agt M. O. DIGKSON, 50 Rolls of Tafetts Ribbons, wide widths, special, I 25 Pieces BETTER THAN EVER 1,000 Quins. in d2for Nmo regulu' when. No President: or Flam heads. Forty typewriting Mine- hinged premises. Every facility for good malts. Enter at. my time. AID RETURN. THURSDAY, PRU) AY ï¬nd SATUR- DAY. Sept. 2!. 5 and 80. 1899. ment and see for yourself. Can’t begin to tell of all the novelitiesâ€"not by half! lawman, wraaam Annual WESTERN EXOUBSIBNS MeLennaM Co. The complexion 99116 store i? beginning t0 change, New Goods are coming from all quarters of the arse and the receivmg room is all activity. You’ll be interested, of course you will, in the new sand qualities for tall. We want to emphasize the better values in store for you. Our buying has been on a larger scale than before, and great quantities make lowest prices possible. We '11: under obligations to do better by you than anyone» and our leadership for fall can be taken tor granted. Visit the store often ! This column will tell of new things as they appearébut shop around the depart- univ style u. { Winchester. Malia. luau Shot Shells.“ Curtis a Bang. hm Hundton Powder Co. [American Pom Co. Wit and Primers. M an reloading Tools. ï¬ncinnati, . . u w. t’KlNULl‘L, h Clty, Sagmaw, mm ‘ Cleveland, Columbus, | Powwow-mg]: 8min. College. opv. postomce "MEDINA" 00. k “21mm con. um nor Subscribe for the POST Port Huron, ' D Grand Rapids, Youge and Gonna-st: . Toronto complete stock awaits you in our lilhnery Department. ï¬t. (or psnicnlm. are the advantage. altered by mum song}: )02. Womens’ and Missea’ Trimmed Felt Sailors, til the latest styles uni all the new colors, 3 special hat at .......................... $1.00 cmnan, mnneapo St. Paul, Chicago, uslTOWN AND COUNTY Just Opened New Dress Making Department . . . Moderate Prices For Making . . . McLenm Go. 3f Tafl'etts Ribbons-in the new Paris sud London colon, soft mpho, widths, special, per yard .......................... r. . 500 of Chefl'ons, with the bright ï¬nish, 42 inches wide and in all the colors, per yd ..... ... ................................ 50¢ Dist. Pint. m. TOIDflO. Glam 3mm 1 difl'erent lengths, assorted kinds, and all the proper ooloia, ................ mac, 10c,156andupt031eaeh Minneapolis MILLINEBY Detroit, ‘ The Ladies’Aid of the Mldland Meth- odist church will hold their annual ex- cursion to Port Hope this year on Sept. 29th. p. :11. trains, and. on Sept. 30th '1. In. trains, returning on. Monday, 0d; 2nd. Cambray and Lindsay tickets good for 30th Sept only. For particu- ? Jars see G.T.R. agents and postersâ€"d1. FALL TERM The incuuin: dtmnd for Shana-nah": um Bool-keepcntnimdu this lutmnivn would it:- duecthon who inn decided to “tend I Busine- Ool‘ego,ton¢in r vi'h us. We have found pod- dom for 3 km number *hiu W, md, 39 usutl, all no giving mtirhction. Write us it you think of undyinc ollhot 811011th or Book-keeping. Lindsay Bicycle and General Repail’ Wotks. Many-Barrio and on other kinds of self-bipdprs repaired and satisfac- tion guaranteed. manners, have your bindoro looked after by a mechanic thoroughly acquainted will all kinds of automatic machinery.â€"W. Webster, Mechanical Expert, 25 William-3L; N. Fire Deparmeut and Insurance Rates. A. citizen who, for sutficient rea- sons, doe! not wish‘ to appear m- the matter, makes the following very rea- sonable suggestion: If the; council are in earnest in their endeavors to find. a. competent sclL'eI- of the tire depart- ment, let them. comnlunicate with the fire departments in the b' centres, en- quiring for a mu capab e of organ- izing a tire department, while! at the same time following his trade in town at a living wage; and meantime. it must be obvious to the, meaneet caper. city that the salary. alone, as proposed by the council, is utterly inabï¬uu‘te to induce a good. men to' give himself to the work required.. therefore, it be- tollow his trades in town and. "earn something on the aide.†Rosetta B. Koyle; 2nd vioe-pms., Mrs. H. G. Whiteside; 3rd 2vice-pres., Mrs. S. M’cGill; 4th vice-pres" Miss M». J. :Whiteside; recording-secretary, Miss A. 'Wafte; wneisponding-secret‘nry, Mrs. P. Mitchell; treasurer, Mrs. M. Hamlin: auditor, Mrs. A. Watson. Nest Business Premises. Mr. E. A. Morgan, lato, of Guelph. openod out on Saturday in the mar- chant tailoring and gents furnishings line, in the premisfs lately occupied thy Mr. G. P. Mullett, fqrrier.‘ The. store was repapered and‘pmnted by Mr. Goo. MbFadden, and bang well-lighted by windows' opening on ghe lane to tho The annual meet'ng of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union We: held Tuesday afternoon, 19th. inst" an: the home of Mrs. Koyle. The reports sub- m (ted by the various officers yere very sat-s£actory and encouraging. The election of officers for the ensuing year Iain] Ed as foliawp: Presuient, OASHES HERE AND THERE. Midlandâ€"Port Hope Excursion. W. C. T. U, Nata SEPT. 5th. W. PRINGLE, Bowing a flu PETERBOB 0068 BUSINESS COL L898 Dudu G, Fjavollo Bron V " THE WEEKLY WesterancunionviaCP R. To Detroit, CleVeland. Saginaw, Bay City, Grand Rapids, Columbus, Chi- cago and Cincinnati, St. Paul and Min- neapolis and return, Sept. 28, 29 and. 30. For tick-t- 0»?er to ill aâ€" ML agent, C.P.R., Lindsay.â€"d6-w1. Railway Notes â€"Snpt. W. B» Tittin and Division Roadmster Cheer were in here yester- day on business. â€"It is not generally known that (Mr. Jam Mahar, section foreman on this division for many years, has, been dis- m’ssed from the. G118» employ. with- out cause being assigned, after 27 years’ service. To be sure, he is get- ting up in years, but: is as capable as ever of performing- his duties as sec- tion foreman. Local railway men ex- press considerable indignation at his summary dismimal and. wonder whose turn will come next. Talk about cheap photos! It' takes money to buy a good photographjust the same as anything else. People who have spent time and money in learn'ng thebusiness properly will not disgrace the profession by. turning out chea p, trashy work. We hear of cheap cheap p cturee, and we have seen pam- ples of them, and cone'dered them dear at any pr 'ce. People who turn out such work cannot charge any more for them. as it is more than they are worth. I have only one price for each class of p'cture, and if I cannot beat any cheap- pr ced picture taken in- this town I will return the money and lthe parties can keep the pictures. â€" E. W lliamson, photographer, Lindsay. County Division Courts. The annual report of the Inspector Division Courts, just» issued, gives the following statistics of the' seven' divi- sion courts in this county“. from lat Jan. to the 3lst day of December. 1899; No. l, Woodville, P. McIntyre, clerk â€"No. of suits entered», 104; amount of claim, $2,919.31; No. 2, Fenelon Falls, Edward. Hand, clerkâ€"No.1 0! suite. en~ tered, 84; amount of claims, $2,818.38. No. 3, Bobcaygeon, W. C. Moore, clerk No. of suite, 65; amount not; claims, $1,486.36. No. 4, Guam. James D. frhornton. clerkâ€"No. of suite. 20; amount of claims. $465.60. No. 5. Lind- say, Elias Bowen, clerkâ€"No. 0! suite. 240, amount of claims. 811.595.65. No. 8,. Oakwood. J. F» uOnninga, clerkâ€"No. o! en’ts, 84 amount of claima, “588.68. No. 7, Victoria M Ag. 0. Graham. clerk-No. of suits, 77; amount of claims, $2,433.42. . Lindsey's N ew Blevetot. Contractor McGeough has been us- ing all possible expedition in the work of tittingnp Mr. P. J. Hurley’s. new 40,000 bushel elevator, and: hopes to be able to take in grain [or a. trial. run on Monday next. m requisite m- eh'nery arrived on Monday, being sup- plied. by the†Goldie. mullqgh 00., Gait, and is now sell; placed. in gri- tion. Power will be“ furnished ten h.p .electric engine, which' is now be n3 installed b Lindsay Light. Beat andPower Co. The scale happet has a ca pacity of 40 busheln of wheat. The metal plate: with which the out- side of the pelentgr is sheeted. are on ed that the upper\ portion will settle considerably. in tho courses or the nod: month, and 11 the metal shoeti ' was in position} _it woul_d; wginklel ha _u 3 r330“: 01 the contraction. A w"tloo man connected with the new 0 onto: at Midland. who m m town Int Ir!!- day. . can Â¥r¢,Â¥9699uh has in. igfe. but will only. be placed; om 'thi lawor portxon o! the structure-tho first-EMF“ PIWH .u it isms- .._.,. to_ ‘50 proud of Emu-'75 $3.31: he has carrigdr out. his contract. m. P. J. Hurley tinnh I0, too. 1 Case of the Very Intent Plaida, Gennnn nude, smooth or rough elects, new Camel’s hair plaids, per‘yd . . . . ...:l 25, 31, 750, 500, 406, 250 8 Coloring: in German Worsted Coatings, 48 inches wide, 31! new dude, won’t draw or shrink, peryd .............................. $1 50 15 Pieces cf Soiette Linings, lightn- thsn silk, wan boner, per yd. . . .200 10 Pieces of New Black Mohair: and Blisters, 42 inches wide, Bl’i'r 10 New Colurings, in phin broadcloth, 47 inches wide, French mulc, per yard ................................................. 756 ish made, per yard ...... About Cheap Photos DRESS GOODS ’i ! m “hr-3c m atum ID.» {.1111 well attamhd. mm W a good do- mad for all kinds of produce, and the lprices realized were good. Following Iwom the quotntions: Butter. 20c to Imamrpmnd;chiohm,aï¬cto40c per panr; ducks, 500 to 60¢ per pan; egg. 13c to 14¢ per (103.; crab apple: 25!: per pail. DAV-3, l Inn‘v, up: I‘ dor. W or flee-infield. my posi- tion: 19cm pm. $47.50. Mensa“ Matchâ€"hugs†mount. of entrance {ecu 2nd.†pot cont; 8:11.20 per cent; @15paroont;5th.10pr cont" eerie-in No. 1 Nude: match. on- ly to count; ‘entnnoo too. 250. Extra Serie- ohâ€"Sovnn cull prison. amounting . ranâ€. no uh. any position, $21†Mt“ h but scores to count; entrance ï¬nish range, Snider, martini or Leo-Entield. 8.30 an sharp. Match No. l, rum m0 and 500 yards. 7m: at and: range. Snidor. Martini 9r Loo-Entiold. â€can: position; 19 call 1-1;...“ to $47 50.3.0011 No. 600 yggdy 7 _ahot_| qtuch rune, m8“: Havel: of Comfort end Beauty The Grand Trunk Railway System has lately placed in service between Toronto and Detroit Pullman Sleep- ing Cars that cannon Mexulled any- where tor beauty and comfort. The“ cars have w de vestibular. and. are im- ished inside with mahogany. The smoking compartments are provided with sofa pillows. The ventilation is perfect. The upholstery is o! maroon velvet. m finiisllirngtarq o!_brnu:. Centre! Business Cofleze. 'Tcrotto. {Ibo report comes to us trom. this school that the attendance of you: men and women at the Commencement of the Fall Term this month in larger than at any previous: Autumn Session 1315.8 is accounted for" by the improv- ed commercial conditions which now seem to prevail -throughout our country. the excellent reputation this school enjoys tor thoroug work. and by t.» succeed of its etuden end graduates in securing end holding good situations. ‘. By reference to card in enother column we find. that the equipment is improved by the addition of another teacher and e hm number of new typewritix‘ mechinee no thet we my naturally expect reenlte from the eollegein the ntum. Vidqrh Co. Rifle man Tha annual prize meeting of the Vic» tori: County Rifle Association (in cm- noction with the 4m 3m.) win. be' held on Thur-adv. Oct. 5th, on the Western Excursions. Mr. Wilder, at the Express office. will sell excursion tinkete to the West at following rates: Pt. Huron, Detroit,... 86.00 Cleveland. .................... ...... 8.50 Grand Rapids..." ... 8.00 1103ng or Cincinnati... 12.00 All western roads from Chicago are selling Hom-Seekere’ cheap ticket! to nearly all po'nts went, which afford a. good opportunity to viext friend: in the West and South-West. Gall early and make all arrangements. lichen good gong Sept. 28, 29, 30, returning up to Oct. lBtLâ€"d‘luwl These can run daily, and†includ- ed, between Toronto and Detro cleav- ng'l'oronto at 1.1.15 pmy Cars are also ready for occupancy with porter i ‘n charge at 9.30 pm, and passengers from Toronto and Detrot cannot do better than patronize them. if they wish to enjoy everything that the hvghest art of car buildmg can pro- Muriage Licenses At Britten Bro... Jewellers. Kwt‘sto‘ Lim- Saturday's Hunt. '. 01114310, SEPTEMBER ‘22, -Guhu|. the One-Price King Clothiet winaveyou from $zooto$3mon your â€"-A Bancroft mn‘ in. tho' road a senor o! a horse vith two mks: freak may yet prove n money- in theshow line. but; in the meantime nut nah zmt inrouk in tho. ont- â€"The line dining-room of the Simp- eon house is being repapered and WIN present its heat nppeennce during the fair. Mine hoot Simpson has decided to cover the floor wth a handmme carpet later on. In theee and other ways he in increasing the popnlnrity of his comfortable bones with the travel- ling public. a. well as our townspeople. "â€"l'he fret shipment of exeeleior from the B’der Kitchener lectory was made on Saturdny. The mech‘nee ml! have to he run to full upeclty :2 till accentuated orders. no work her do arllnnnts i. ' ' the nth“ up eegefectori y. and the ow“? proepecte or 1 large hns‘ne- in the venous line. are very, bright. , â€"Cobour3 World: The act on for damages entered by He: Lillie E. De- Lany against the town and Contractor J. B. Hayes. of Peterboro and L'nds-uy. for injuries received through falling into a hole near the mrht building duritg the construction of the cement walk on that street. was settled out of Court laetweek, Mr. W. P. Kerr, act'nc {or Contractor Bayes. mi ' to Mr. Frank MLField. solicitor tor a De- La‘ny. the semi at $45. first anticipated. Mr. Baal hopes V) have them in fair share by cold weather. 4n» Gilxnour 00.. who hove «tub- l'mhed o shanty on. their old linï¬t in Harvey. about six mile; from. Bobcay- ;eon. will cut down everythi from n tour-induced†post to a lo; hord- wood. (lb firm will lib): start n all next sprinwto cut the unit. PConnty «tr-ate Demon. celi- mentiu upon '9 drlvo to Coboronk last week. any do found tb har- vest all in uni the country looklog it. but, and every ml! satisfied with prmnt and atom prospects. Sane famous complained um the root crop was lighter than nn‘icipotad. â€"m choose purchased at lat lon- day's sale here no slipped. Thur-thy It. Fit rald. buyer for Hodgaon Brae" ontreal. had 540 boxes. 1nd ï¬r. Naylo_r._of_ Canlplglllord. repro- n-n--; II- â€"m" on tho Marlon M My conphinod o! the very foul small gnadiygyhg with“! gnrroundo ,-ALI__. â€"While assisting at a threshing one day last week a young man named Harrington, son of Mr. Simon Har- rington, of King's Wharf, Emily, in- haled a barley end. which fastened in the lining a! the throat and could not tie-dislodged by the use of. ordinary measures. A doctor was summoned, but he also failed to efford relief. sad as a result of the. irritation caused an abscess formed which involved the pal- ate and adjoining port: and caused intense suffering. The other day. the man was driven into town and young sought the aid of one of our well- known physicians, who opened the ah- -Bobcanoon connczl will levy a rate at so all: this your; and nut your mu ham to hoe ; W expendi- lm for walks. It I: thought that plank walks 7 ll be discarded-in tavor otgmvolorgnnolfthic. .- #-A__ “_ nul- A‘cyuvn. v. wu-r-~-_,_,- _ _ untin; Walkinl a. Ca, Bonevillc. looked otter the 617 bout purchased by Mr. Wh‘tton. the firm’s buy“. Fianna Bros. took 480 boxes into their warehouse. Tie. Err-in te_dri‘ih; in; ï¬tting work owing to tho low water. fining hm lama-inc to mnpapou. Be menu] nab n contact with the Bh‘udelphla Record for u whole page for a. your (or 8100.0“). . - â€"1;or; of erecting the new tax:- nory isheing pushed vory rapidly by a large stuff of workman. nnd nlthough the budding are larger than first anticipated. Hr. Baal hopes to ham them in fair share by cold â€"Dr. Nam ha nut noon- in crowning broha “I. 3m!“- hpth without min by can and flu!!!“ m. oase- mu-ly moon. lagoon â€"Juhn Wanna-1hr bpliov. in con arlumts is y, and the no. in the gm. . , not on for Lillie E. De- ._ Grant, -Onr our and shine fume, which have been mania nigh ; season, will be operated the edgy end-equate:- eym “1 the end of e week or ten. days. -‘B)o Tomato let-me. Mingei, has been given 0. contract by LL- “phoeenewrootonleuu. J. Re A: Bou'e store. men are now any-god at the work. ~10. Wesley Koore [cit Thur-d1 lent with e couple of 0311de o cattle, winch be bed purchased around Helsburton end- Kinnount. He rep m beekee- good in 11'. line. -â€"|(r. J. E- hwatt;, of Kahuna. 3% E g: -'n:e Own Beoitel for the ineq- nretion of the new 0133:: in a. An- drew’s church is expected to take piece on the evening of Tuesday. Oct. 8rd. - ~13» business at the court of movie- sian called to cattle upped. inf con- nection with the new Ccnbridgoâ€"ot. m: wu not completed on Hondny The court will sit again next Tank-y at 8 an. -â€"S x Toronloworu undo the Simp- son house their Mum“ {or a. few hours My. The, lett' in the afternoon {on s duck-shooting expo- d‘tloo. having ow u Mt {or a ton dayl' trip. â€"'l.'ho Gtunm' band played 1 tune prcnrun of music. last. evening. at‘ the corner of Run and William-nu. Our citizen- wnn (blighted. and hope the hand will midst it. determination to make it the last open-air concert at the moon. w'th n peculiu' mishap on sum-m Whlo shutt' of! atom the lubri- cator burnt the hot oil courted in- to h) taco. paintully burning- it. His eyes were injured but not seriously. -1316 annual 1|»th 01 “It Pb boro B :1. Association will be held My. Sept m The ransa- prim will mania tho um u I you. 5 sin? â€"X.r. John McCain, of the hut Valley Cum} unï¬t. Potofogrg.’ mt ~61.“ them Chaim bu 001! onepï¬ce. udtlnt the lewd. â€"-vl. â€"New grain in being marketed tree- liud the bayou b". that men on t lookout. Thom pron‘m to be brick competition. - B.» tactic-Inn Inn com- to 1:. P. J. and m buoy th‘s tho mil: with the the. short wttch' 4n. G '1'. M Ruby's chum. minus connecting .til lino. of 3.0830 .93! «one 375%“ 8 “:2. 38 u .9 ~53 1: ‘83 3. 8:5 uï¬laaoo «8.30.. .8... 11...: 8a to: 23 has. :- ’3. R A’Ian h 6‘0. Chan! Society Oran! (ion- At 7309.3. in the YLOA. Paxton Ion rm ovum: next. an m ' inst, a meeting will be hold for tho 'orgzmntion of this Society. All aiwotthotmmlnviudbojlin 'in mkinsthinngroax-ancceu. Prae- l tioe win ho held «a: week during tho ‘winter months. and about lurch n 1 grand concert will be given. all unso- ‘ companied gloss, part songs and charâ€" ma. Foreign talent will be scout» ed. ad a gmt treat given our. peo- plow-171. I â€"“A listener" writeszAt the Ca.- gveut. on Hominy evening. Lmdsay's {talented M realist, Kiss m ; Gross very generously entertained the S'sters and their pupils by singing some beautiful songs in s channi end sympathetne mnner. Her I rich voice showed particularly, to adâ€" ' nntqe inane rendering of Mm 'Ave Marie. His-Gro- goes tob- route (or the purpose of ï¬nishing her ' musical studies. We wish her every isuoceee, and hope. when she return l to enjoy soother sucli treat. - -l(eurs. Fred and Barry Fidler. :1 Toronto. are at» pun-ant in town. hub in aooanpaniod the body of thoir ais- tor. HILLC . Armstrong. Hr. RB Amati-m of ï¬n“. Ste. Marie. “I several rcitisens of that town. at.- tendod an funeral, and left; for he. next morning. -Port Hope Guib: It. W. Quinn. local We! the Bell Mophone a. in Port 8090. has been promotes! h ï¬miu. Ir. Quinn has done wall but and has and: bind! very popuhr. and while :1! an plum am his' pro- motion. rent the necessity of his W man] from Port Hope. --.Thin great journal is anxiously nothing owner: for a. ulver watch. nacho! keysmdaatolen hi- cycl_e. whoh ban yhelm picked. up at various tins nod “vertical without result. n. ma have mdcntly ia town. on our: cithon goods the Evy.- iw Pout rag-on.†posse-sin- of great weal o! a hands-or} pt char. actor is What embarrassing. and. we would his t_o unload on the Victo- â€"‘Wa rde; Bryan and County Co" cilion Switur tad Grdun. 17310 c.- pao the mental attics mm. d â€"1n the Century for October an. nonmemnt will be made of the nan. ot- the three winners at, the prize: (1- torodtortbbdmemy,anl story “knitted in competition by An- eriun college Mum: 01 18%. LIB year all the prizes were won by 810-.- nae of Bantam women's- collqrei: till year's winner: as Westerners, and only onoof than in n ma, Perk-m the most intending item. In commo- tion with this year's competition 3: the fact that tho. prise. story writgt: Is by erth part Indian. The commune: will appear again next you. 4M's stock of Clothing is alga: â€"no old sup-won gooda.â€"-wl. '- â€"Havm¢ secured : list a! an.“ Boys,†of Branttord. the. odxtor at ch Expositor now m for the compila- tion at: list of Humid Girls.†h noon thin. ‘ ' -)IS- Zena Elmer, who ha hau- toochina music Ind art in mu remininwwndnringthem We understand mu Silver has hi an extended mm of mal instab- tion under Ira. Pun! D. .Cuenauu. d New York. We can nah our lives “1me 3|" by 4018 as they do; Advertising :11 up time. â€"m monthly mating 0: Chad 0‘ Evil-Dd Temperance Society “I bohldin St. Paul-ks. S. on moot. tSo'cIOck. Ana. 0 X I welcome. -â€"Flavoflo Bros.’ tour nlill clonal m u noon Tuesday canon-1d can repair: being made. but ran- aluminum†a 7 Ln. Ligaa dam; and a}! remiggllu huidtopm everyday. Yet disqu- 11! am“: w ammumy.†-Lind-u dune-a were went-apt... seated at vm but hit wm 41m, 0(qu m but inthotrip. ~Doa’t I'm â€in; tho new I“ pennant on vast. sub 0! William-d. ma. unclean-par. 1t with our (ta- lithe vat. . m {onnrd mt at her no: Newsmandunguina