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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 26 Oct 1894, p. 1

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‘ (I *3 ) 028. were, U" surveyor" QOBELKIDSAY- 2 209w: ods. 3; 1333155, 1 " Omar“ .9 «rs. LICS 'eterbotousn, W3 E“ EODWw. Kgnt-St“ Lino: :mruers can _,.7 Now is the fill” out of town ' x Sis theplWI Mm Nets and N 103216 IA: DEW/egg E; 171.3017. Punt!) 00118,; at out. heir Time ', Quads: Scores \\ rile I wane": 0 a-gI-s Jo ,, stove and Nutt, 85.75 per ton. .3 Wood and Coal when mm by m purchaser. TERMS CASE. :re now established in new, convenient and E”0NAL EE RATHBUH 80.63 rent. G Mi. Eiid Wfiflfl I E? ii ESTER IF” g. E $. 5’ 223121855 Collegg. 7;," Mixed Wood, per cord, ‘ delivered, .............. $2.40 W Maple, Round and Rough, delivered, .............. $2.50 'oot )[aple, Chopped, delivered. .......................... $3.50 ,0; gough Hardwood, deliver- An _1. Essiess Shelia ,1: Lowest PMs 3 Powder, 6’s _ Lin . 18“ J“ UQWAN c. 2. day. Ont - vvll ’uvaplllys Wanship, Commercial {”10 Shorthand, Type- ‘-Sm7/th's D- THEXTON. Wm XXXIII. WHOLE N0. 1833 IN ITS FORTIE'I‘H YEAR. F0?) AND GOAL. Ed wards é': Co. Ign Mu” line of all Sporting Sizes. Bathbzzn Go’y. L 1892 ” flier makes. in Book-keeping. us for Shingles, L, Etc" than at D. 17263123,! st. BRIDGE, {23’s. YARD H. M. BAKER ............... $2.50 Hardwood, deliver- ‘er informa J! “GHQ: ‘. Opposite the P.’0. Ge. y stock of Wood and ‘ng Low Prices: n. 58$. , $3.75 The above are facts which it will be to your interest to investigate. The Auction Mart. opp. Benson House 2 Brooms for 250. 10 Bars Electric Soap. 25a. 6 Dozen Clothes Pins, 100.’ Second-hand Coal and Boa: Stoves and Stove Pipes. ware, Crockery, Glassware, Knives,Forks and Lookmg Glasses Bedsteadz, Mattrasses, Springs, Tables, Chairs, Sideboards, Lounges and Cook Stoves, Tin- Fer Sensible Pam JAs. H. LENNON. sawing Facts Staring them in the Face. Round Trip Rates to Toronto. - D02. Gillig; t’bEBHa'I Ikggage, Camp Equipment. to the amount 01 2001135., will be carried FREE. T. a MA TC'EETT, Agent. Good for rptnrn 1mm 1360.1»: 1894. For business passing through Toronto, rates to above points “in not be less than125c. added to the ordinary Muskoka Lakes and all stations. Msttawa, Nepigon. Spanish River and intermediate stations. Mfr. 26:1: and 27th. NOV. 2116. and 3rd. When Round Trip Tickets will be sold for H U IV 7 E 198’ Excursions SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE General Insurance Agent. Banker and Broker, 91 Kent Street. Lindsay. E; H. SOOTHERAN, Cfinadmn Pacific Railway Special privileges of tea-payment on straight loans oifered to farmers and othem desirous of changing their mortgages. and having their interest reduced to the very lowest rate. The cost is small compared to the saving efiected. REAL ESTATE bought and sold on Commission. or any term not exceeding twelve months. can Advanced on Fame:- 9' Sale Notes cm Pam tor xmmas Bnd Dabentnrea MONEY TO LOAN The cheapest phce in the County to buy LINDSAY AGENCY. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed at highest current rates. No notice of withdrawal required. Capital Paid up; surplus, - 330‘ Book and Stationery Store. Opposite Pol: emce. Kent-st. LINDSAY. M H OTES DISCOUNTED Lmdsay. Sept. 12th. 1891. . “u; uuu running ‘0 pur- chase will. (15' V5811 to cai'lu and see my stock before doing so. A full line of Banjo. Gunn- and Violin String. always on hand. AL pew s'p‘pply jug: arrived GEITARS DBMINIGN BANK. MORTGAGES CHANGED. Scranton COAL ., 52 Kant-32.. last 0! Gregory'- Drug morn. McLENNAN CO. GLASSES : GHOSEN AND qnmwffffnfl A r FURNISHED GEO. A. LITTLE. REMEMBER THE PLACE .733. H. Lennon. Lowest. Rates on Mortgage Security, or on approved Indorsea Notes. Guns and Rifles, Powder and Shot Pocket Knives, Apple Bearers, Meat Gutters Axes and Handles, Gross Out Saws, Look Knobs and Hinges, Plain and Fancy Window Glass, Scoop Shovels. . A. LITTL McLENNAN 00. J. E. Sooifierazz. 1301221121012 Bank. Delivered at Lowest Prices. â€"WILL RUN-â€" _TO_ W4: 00. G. A. Little. BANJOS. Any one Wing 2o Pur- ROBERT ROSS, Meat. $1,500,000 $1,500,000 The North Half of Lot No. Five in the Fourteenth Concession of the Township of Emily. in the County 1 of Victorin, containing 100 acres, more or less. The farm is now rented of an annual rental of 8125. The soil is a clay loam and there ere about. 70 acre. under cultivation. The following improvements ere aid to be on the premises: A good 102 dwelling house shout 18x22. 3 10:: born 80350. n log stable 18x20,md g fume shed 19x19 feet. The fences and buildings are in {Air repair. There is a good spring well on the premises. This form is situated about. 8 miles from Lindsay. 10; miles from Dunsford and 4 miles from Downeyville. andjic is readily amenable to these places by ‘ood roe. s. TERMS OF PAYMENT. â€"Ten per cent. down st the time of sale, to be paid to the vendor or his lollcitaors and sufiicient within thirty deys thereafter to mire. together with the deposit the sum of 8200 only. The hnlanoe any rennin on mortgage for e term of yarn with interest st 6 per cent Further pnrticnlnrs end conditions my be obtained from the undersigned or from Allen 3. Mandi. esq.. Berristcr. Lind”. BALL 8 HAYES. Vendor'- Sollclm ‘ _.. .3. no Hunter-n. Peterhorongh l 1824- “19 10410.??? 19% and remixes» namely Under and by: virtue of power of sue contained in a mortgage, Which Will be produced 3: the time of solo there will be oflered for sale, by Public Auction. by George Mrfiugh. auctioneer at. the Boa-on Home Hotel. in the ~own 0! bind“), in the County of Victoria. at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, on Saturday, November 3rd, BiORTGAGE SALE Valuable Farm Property In the Township of Emily, in the County of Victoria. â€"30-8. To be delivered during the coming xenon n Rail- way Sidings, for which the La prepared to make Contracts for any reachable number of H. D. McGAFFREY, 0.11. HOPKINS â€"81-4. Vendor’s Solicitor. TELEGRAPH POLES For further pariiéxififs 33:1“comiâ€"ition of side applv to G. H. Hopkins, esq" A. P. Devlin, osq.. or Moore Jackson. Barristers, ctc., Lindsay. Dated this 4th October, 1894. 1894, 3:12 o'clock. noon. to purchase or rent thst valuable farm. formerly occupied by the Into Thomas Powers; being composed of the South Ed! Lot 6. (Jon. 3. Town-mo 0! Emily. County 0! We- toria, 100 acres; and South Welt Part 130: 7. Con. 8, Emily. 2 acres. There is on the premises a comfortable frame house, frame barn, stables. etc" situated about a mile end 3 ha}! iron} _Dowr_myvillo. _ nu- 1....kh. ,, ,, <, For specifiations wd full particulars apply to Offers wifl be received by the undersigned Mamet, up to Monday, November 5th, FOR SALE OR TO RENT. â€"â€"L\' THE HIGH COURT OFJUSTXC! .I.' of Lot 2:2. in the 4th con. of Eenelon: 100 acres 0! good land. there being about. 75 ucm cleared and under good state 0! cultivation. Terms very reasonable. For further particulars apply to JOHN C. MURCHISON, on the premises. Glenann, Out... Oct. 4th, 1894.â€"31-4pd. ARM FOR SALE â€"Being south half of Lot 2:2. in the 4th con. 0! Eonelon. 100 has opened up a Dress and Msntlo business, with general Sewing, on Caroline-st" two houses north 0! Queen-st. Church. east. ward, and respectfully asks the ladies of the town and surrounding «many for a share of their patronage. PRICES VERY LOW.â€"32-:L .I. local agent. Must be respectable, 0! good xii: dress and energetic. Apply. giving referenccs. to TORONTO MUTUAL EXCHANGE, Room 4. 51 King- “. y‘ m AAAAAAA m st 3.. Torontoâ€"32 Highest Prices Will Be Paid. VV housework in s 511111] family. A Fermi)?“ mature ate preferred. Apply ta JAMES THORN- DJhE. Oakwood “Humâ€"814,911- POWERS 'vs. DEWAN. ANTEDâ€"A Servant to do general housework in a. small familv. A person of U York-52., Lindsay. Comlortablz; gamma and good horses on him at reasonable rates. BRIAN GUNIGAL. UNIGAL’S LIVERY STABLES \‘ork- st. .. Lindsay. Comforgablc conveyancgg a...‘ -AAJL_-,, ___‘ CEDAR POLES 1.". selection at Tux: Posr Printiné’ohicéf'éifi and see them. 3:?” 7'0” RIMS. glasses or not. We make no charge for ex- amination whether you buy YOUNG MAN WANTED.â€"-To act as WANTED. RESSMAVKING. â€" st. MARSHALL New Advertisements. A SNAP. EMQRIAL _CA13.DS:f4 veg choice Highly endorsed und extensively patronized. Best schools; but courses; best teachers. Toronto Itudontl transact business with Strnttord nudente. Scores 01 students phced in positions madly. Wrioo (or circulars and mention this paper. . RENT.â€"Two brick house: on York-st. Apply to BRYAN Gcmouâ€"BS. â€"2l-ly Canada’s Greatest Commercial Schools Central Business gal/age. Central Business College Cor. Yonze mt! Gerrard. Cor. Met 1nd Ede. Tomm, 0:7. 5mm”. 0n. Foo: Kent street. LINDSAY. Tu! HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE.â€" B @1an '. W. BLAIR. Manager. cums. Ont. If your sight is tailing or troubling you come to us; This is not merely n mutter of "selling" with us. Being oldhshion- ed enough to believe that permanent success depends on merit, we have {or years made Omcs a STUDY and no qualified to do us we ndvertlee-fit Glasses properly according to the most approved methods. BI'IZ‘tOII BIOS. Why will you have your night la- jured by Glasses imperloctly fitted or made, when you on have the benefit of those properly selected by an ex- pert Optician. With us than is no guess work. We at mnny very dull. cult oases. by us will enable you to rad with comlort and case. They uc fitted especially to your eyes on scientific principles. We are selling large numbers of those Aim Clock. 33 One Doll” each. They Are worth double the money. W. W. DEAN. Mute: at Lindsay. or «Latino. SHAW a: ELLIOTT, manu- MON BROS. LINDSAY, ONT.; FRIDAY OCTOBER 26 1894. _â€"- -â€".v we“: .....Mr Wm. Robinson hue returned from Manitoba after two years abeenPe. Be an 5 there is no place like home, and we be eve, intends sticking to Ontario in the future. Will was very popular here, ee- I: all ...... Mrs. Jul even, at Port Perry, a museum}; here ...... Mnendllre. Jggeph Penn, of Fenelon, are viei friendsinthievioinity ...... Mlee J Femsonhesheeneeeeningin the Oak school for the put threeweeb good eneeees. during the nheenee oi the ngnlArMoher,Mx-.E.oned ...... Klee Annie Mainhoodhaekindly ode. mmhthhohmh then!»- addressed the congregation on Mercury“ v'rork and needs, and he! to swell the coasts-{buttons thereto. 1: ”Sebheth the as r preached en excenen sermon on {he theme of “Christian Love." PERSONALâ€"Mr. William, end Muse. Florence and Lu]: Martin, of Prince A1- barn; visitedreletlves here Sebheth . . 1.. m... n_LnA,, - - ‘ Purimâ€"0n Sham, 7th Inst, the Rev. J. Mellett, of Norlend. conducted the ser- vice in the motning. Though but very young hole a fluent epeeber. end left n favonble impression behind ...... On the 14th Rev. Mr. Wilson preached the ennui misaianery sermon, which use highly interest on Tuesday evening Brag, pglntOEEgd Leuohlin end the e neuter DIPHTHERILâ€"Thnt most dreaded of diseases visited our neighborhood during the pant two weeks, the vic:im be Jessie Bower-men. o mists of our who was down wl' it for some time. However, thenks to the skill or Dr. Gil- lespie. of Mmilla, and of constant atten- tion, she is now out at danger and pro- gressing adrlnirgbiyi 7 [Correspondence 0! Tan POST] Arn- Amm. â€"-Atter a tow weeh’ vaca- tlon, Mr. Editor, we dip our quill Into the Ink of gossip and 33m wade out Into Tax POST‘S great. sea of‘ocp'respondagca. n__â€"_____ . "I Rx-xxoeoxmâ€"Miss Pattyeon has been re-eogaqed to tench the Dunsford school for 1895, at. a salary of 83%. being ten dollars in advance of the present . PERSONALâ€"Mr. William G tn, of Manitoulin Island, who has been visiting friends in and around Dunetord. returned home on the 24th inst. Mr. Graham looks halo and heart: and was kindly received by his old Men 5. Cinemaâ€"Neil: we'ek will close the cheese inc ' and Capt. Kenned e good-mantis)? will be among the m ne . 8°Om'rtmmr.â€"Mr. Wm. Gemrn interred ’ 22° meld; *“ "m: “m: 'n ' t e y groan . an re. Germ have the sympathy oi the neigh hood in their bereavement. Anm'nsa m m: Bastâ€"Hod the G. T. R. advertiaed their late excursion to Midland in THE Posr they would have sold more tickets, as we know severnl‘ arties who, hearing of the excursion, ooked through Tan Paar for an advertise- ment, and seeing none believed the re ed excursion to be e fete or It would nave been advertised in the lendingpeper o! the ,V,,-_-_fiv "â€"‘vâ€"u'vB-"m Kwanzaaâ€"Mr. W. Kennedy's family have rec overed from diphtheria. , [ {Correspondence of Tun Post] Flamâ€"On Tuesday. 16m inet.,ehout 2 o'clock p.m.. the barn at Mr. Allen Hodge containing the season's crop was burnt to the grcuud. At the time of the are Mr. Hodge and his eon, William, wen at e distance from the barn cutting wood for the threshers, which they e ted the next day. The cause at the wee a spark from the chimney of the drew Mr. Hodge is an industrious and hon 0 man and his misfortune in; much reggetteud. ' RUNAWAY.â€" Considerable excitement was caused by a team of horses which had in some manner obtained their liberty {from their drivers. dashing through the village at their utmost speed. They were stopped befcra any serious damage was done by colliding with a gate at the end of our village. WSocuggiTie'Methodm cfifu- an; the omans Instant-y soolr tend wing a social and u entertainment on the even of Tu y, Nov. 651:. More pnpic an In nqxb Issue. BIBLE mm. â€"The ennui meeting at the Menilln branch bible society, will (D. V ) be held in the Ba tist chumh. on Monday. the 29th inst. ev. Mr. Rose, t for the society, will deliver en :1?!“ a cordial invitation is extended to Epwon'rn Luannâ€" The Enworth Lengu e of Christian Endeavor-.01 the Methodist church, held itsflrst meetingon Tuesday evening last, when a very profit- able time w_a:s spent, A I Correspondence oi Tun Poet] FOOTBALL. â€" The junior football boys went to Raglan on Saturday. but were do- teated by two goals to none. Swen-ton. Spamâ€"The ducks ere min 2 to have the pleasure of flying nah shot as thickes boil in some parts. We think that perhaps some of the are coming to the conclusion that ducks are provided with extre good bullet peoof 2101:“ by the effect their shots have upon an. [Compondenee 0! Tu: Poet] y . Monday evening. It is almost needless to say that they had a crowded house. and that all were mega than pleased._ _ 7 RA-, , -. saflstnction this 5033an an Emmaâ€"Mr. Lee's new house In nearly ted. Underthe supervision otMr.H deythewnrklssmhobo well done. It will be e oomtortehle, as well as a pretty one. { Barnumâ€"Mrs. Hugh McGlll has re- ‘ turned home utter a month's visit In Elno 1 vale, the guest of hereon.Dr. MoGlll. Dur- lugtrhs sumtzfingtI-s. McGlll was :31 tor save men n we are pleased say she has returned home in health. Nonaâ€"A tew tel-mere ere have nnleh- ed plan A great number will he donelnnno er week ...... Means. John- ston 8: Armetrong have b e lot of thresh- lng to do. 49}:an the work has given __Ae,-, and a‘edltafile addmoh to on: hun'leiI These, men st western: W £22” w'ork vicinity... .. residence summed by Mr. d flagshed, plated his house and hss now s handsome menthsabeenzhsdelnonr but new In the Blsok, postmsster hes just now painting ,ofiioesnds {till be :5 season. Mr. Hector MoDougsll hes v 'md 219ml; this can: §§LBM_â€"MARIP08 . l Co ndonoo 0! Tu! Pour.) Pxnsozunâ€" .Robt. Kirby. o! Hon-is ton, Ont, who was for years 3‘ well known mambo:- ct this community, is hot: as payout muting old acquaintance. LOCAL N EWS-LETTERS IILSOI “180$ G. H. Wnaor. Elm Ghanaian gust. 100mean of}!!! POOL] D UN SFORD. PORT PERRY. MANILLA. JANBTVILLJ. SON YA. PBOPRIETOBS. l' W. thox. um Fun Examâ€"Mr. Fred set had 3 lug. drove o! osttlo 3nd ham neat homo homthonnoh whmhahadthomwtnr- [as All summerâ€"153 young emu, And young lamaâ€"3n sleek and ht. Annals Axn Plush-Anon. â€" lb: 8 SadicDaI leak. duo StAudo-cw‘o M:$car â€"Wro. a hr at mama-landfill and viola!- anai-mad heron In.“ mm mm mm muww;m lxmvzumuâ€"Mr. mama Uncle. ll bulldln loooper shop nou- Mnnro’u can nor. a will have ltflnhhodln weeks” ...me Soul. In re his Mud pnttbgammdu: on the hunt. Mr. Wluhm Mabel]: u priplflng to band balms” etc “$.11: m the owner. e um mm on ground ...... M? Archibald Mcflumy h gutting his house flushed Inside. H. II no Inna new nranda'h on the trout. "Mugâ€"uh! Mchpuntono of I]. Hm4flssc hut-eds 3 party of eleven luazxt?rnsfl_stiling.5 tuna-chy ng'gler the o . o n . 0 leadership an 1 of n and may mtlnahox-ttlmo. Theywfllgo mulls nqrth or UphllL Psasoxu. ~ML<s Nloous. one of MI:- erohou'o dross makers. is visiting wands. She la n tine young wom....A young womm In this neighborhood Wuhan no to tothoodimot Tn: Pom-to t. hot flash“; ha must be good so man-trons. 3nd sound in a limb; the my In good looking on would he s first. hoqsokoeger. 7 _-_ v-" T'â€" Cthâ€"‘I‘Ho cans! sun anon-slouch; the work our Kirkflel . The election voyager: are non all done. Th on doing the work In the valley of the Fé!”- rim and the Tdbot river-j use: the phoo that Tn: Pas-r painted out. Tn out I. engtlod to 3 3113550 otjha boodle. sad the' "xiii iév'nYanIrd." "t3."‘i‘1ié§% r1293. was not seen mm. ‘ Bumâ€"Two large bears and e mullet oneoune to Mr. Robert Bay's home one night last week. The growled around the kitchen end made such a nolee thee to mused the whole mm. In wee light enough to see them. There wee no gun In the_ho_nee. but Mr. Bray nregl hie revolver To In Wobus'.lnir." [than mm but Thursday aux-w! north no the lumber cagpa to wgek all winter. Currantâ€"Widow McDanld dud but week a her son's maiden”. nou- Kin-mid. The funeral passed here Thu-ad” to the 8:0.ng nearrBesvu-zon. PmoxALâ€" Mr. S. MoGw. Llndny'a well-known and popular lmplemenc agent. ”continued by me excellent wlre. was must the tea on Mondsy nlght ...... Dr.Leslleot Bethany“: ulna poo-eat M: the“: “fad; nlghla. Thad indulge-ml; very pop n use: on. u: 3 large and mammal prawn. Misc Lsnra Kalle. Miss Wiley. Misc Cams and Misc Eva Flack. Each reci~ tattoo wac tendered distinctly and in a well modeuted mic: and cxeeted much lntueatand applause. Bertha Shields. a little tot. gave a very patty eon; which clued my leescnt smiles. Two young ladies from anezrilie gave an excellent exhibition of club swinging, which was loudly applauded. Mrs. Shea gave a very pro sale. A temperance song was given by Morrow and Stacey which wa- well received. Mr. John diamond oz Llodeay gave seven! cones which ucelved very hearty enchom. Mr. Wm. Mou'ow gave an excellent reading at the clone o! the most-amaze. Tae proceeds of the tee wgye in the neighborhood of $50. _.u_- â€"â€"r axles cubes and plos also fund 13' oh the hands of the hungry Inul - cede. Shortly heme seven o'clcck on ed‘onmxnent was made to the church. which In a very sham time was crowded to It. deem-r. Mr. But. the on den: Sunday school took churned the meeting to order. other whlch opening welcome chemo wee rendered theeeholan ol the school from a well- eppolnted platform which had been belle over the pol It for their accommodation. Rev. Mr. then opened the meeting with 3 short well-chosen prayex. {allowed with on excellent programme undead by ww: of the school. which did we t to pool! and teacher alike. Reclu- “m m “"9? 3?! 39.9.! 3411!. Stem If.-- I - ,, , egg; [Special com-oondcnce oi Tm: Putt] Autumnâ€"The annual annl Iervlcee in connection with the Fieetw Methodiet church were held Sunday end Monday lest. On Sunday services wen Embed b: the Rev. Mr. Bell of Little thin. w 0 was formerly pastor or the church. His sermons were tell at luau-oc- tlon and interest. and each service wee [well attended. 0:: Monday afternoon a towldlnnerwae served in the school house. at which over twchundred pal-took moot heertlly.whlehwaenot tohewonduedct altetlooking at the lane quantl of well- caohed fowl. over Which two of t e oniclal brethren of the church presided. who were 1 0 buy well into the evening carving. 1 from the rapidity and expert- neee o thel: work, the quantity coming under their knlvee was very [ex-go: Ap- __Ap_:-- __L_, n .11. Mr. menu: can man tauâ€"Er: but spmprlata address. other :31». the song. The Multitatgn :xisw! be- tween the teacher sud pupils wu demon- struod by the manifestations of toner mm mm- me. Mr. Mom Banded a: wake 119 la “acacia,” at Cannvme by Mr. G. A. Elliott. of Onory. a; ' madam ’ u. "â€" $10-$me and upmprhtem named to his plea-mt tour yam :nbor with theggztuhudnufi: pu-tlng mm them. tn open prosper- “! '99”wa mu the Iqbal»- out: Ind En Con. ' 7 7 Burn 'noranru, Imam Va.“ Ann: Van. qummnpy, gxpnguotl Isl-oom- A Pam'uuox. â€"Tho Du No. 5. 0am, on Wednesday minim the departure Luis; otthe cache}. comm ammonium... manta magma. mammalian»: 3115”?“de MM thew! thlgm gun -MB.F.W.H0â€" LIAN.M_U1§_TPLIA3AIT DurTcaolur PneoxALâ€"C. R. Courtn‘v m In Cobourg last week ...... ’1'. . 8(ch left to: Emma-d on 651: Inst ...... Mb: Addie Satellite ha returned non hot damn: Peta-ban. (Wanna 0! Tu: Pond Airgun!!!- Vmiâ€"Tho‘hRoflo G I“. m‘me' ' .M e o a o of this on Thursdny on. The Springvne lodge carried out I very Ian at: and leasing mine. that whfixhythe leaching cam than no luncheon. canoe of Miss Bowel-nun. moonwâ€"Pautoos wen u nix-1y good atop In this part ...... The turnips I on “on tho fly" thll weak ...... Good voucher. ondoo .1]. WWW "was? [99W 0! 'mi my BuwuVfili M0 UN 1' PLEASANT. FLEET W001). N6 Sum PorAmmâ€"Mr. John Dunk]. hum: um town a ample c! of Man, the he on his fun: the “W one. bolng'tonr Mummfit one. the Manhuntwotollhm nob. Tho "Ankara-caution c! M m_ I 7- -7“ Canxirxfi'sxnuvoxâ€" The Christina Endeavor Sooie or the Presbyterian in .yhadinviowwuto nuke the new othome while sojourning in a mum-Mr. Wm. Mitchell who live- otBury'eGnon.whilein town one u t Int week heel the mural-tune of i into on duh opposite Brooh' hotel. in hi. 1: proved tho ”at: now mu:- of m (images eul- mtohb (in thin instance) too brittle § 5 3r 5. E I [Conupondoooo of Tm: Posr.] Gun! maximâ€"Tho gnu: bushes. on this Inn-hot has been quite dug-Inc the lat two week- or?” ow does. me the mount 32 the world than much ttlehopeot mucholunlse tog-one time 30 come. uni. two object let-mom to a next Sunday morning. mmhjecta are “The Wounou Book.“ “maul. what In It 1’" An boy: and Is woloome....Quartu-ly SnudsyMrJl ughlln wfllspeakinSonth Otkwoodoohoolhouoo st 2 o'clock p. In. no will give 3n mutated address on :11:sz ' 3% ‘“ “m“x%%§° van n m a ohudm. All Vlad. _v.â€"v_â€"â€"â€" a. \WV. 0. mwnuwyud A \‘xsrr.â€"The wrltct 0 eat eSubbath ln Noe-lend letel end Jcl In the worship lntheMeth tchuchet2p.m.,and In the evenlng In the Salntlon Army hunch. he Methodist. have a fine commodlone church end all joln hemlly la the afi-end pulse. Miss Boedn . enne singer as well. e e lead: mulcel or the service. endleeneemeettcrcee specter. A Nye-pm end 1mm: comings“ the way from kllunount driven ln sheen double n. led the workln the bunch the “may Jolnlag emu, la the devotion. netball-t W * fi' . "(3.23. fifififfih A v"... , on..- __ .__ fl, lemon“ 0! Tm: POST. tumour: Swenâ€"Mr. Janos Thorn- dlhoJ-t this place. bought as the M. 1’. Allin" mount ode gt Little Britain. a cow Mum mom: the best In Mr. Alum chmuzh- herd 0! Bastien. palm high 911ng .3 around. xx’w’S‘zécmâ€"R. P. Ddylclsh koc a on hand 3 run stock of goods chasm! damn. and dc his new. and emu-Ive "out. More good: arriving every day.-33~1. [Correspondence of Tm: Po: r1 ATuâ€"A eee eoctel was held In the 3:1 here In W101: 132:: tgehcbe‘rcb on evening 0 ondey. t. t . very mmthcmeoneleun of readings. recitation: eolee. end lecture v Rev. Mr. Wfleon, of Tweed. wee wandered to the swam o! ell present. The Wilfred ‘ S. 1'. head wee preeent end rendered some oholeeend nimble mask. The pro- uneenhed to twenty done". Beam SocuLâ€"II: expected thet the S. ‘1'. been» eeehl wfllbeheld some time next month. We are enxlouely uniting It. u our village he: never : heeeknewn to penance enyshmg In le‘ gale! beeches- ho the south, new wears his 3 smile. 0:: hide“ lest week he wee the miplent of e nclng baby girl. heqee w, theme-e. Dnniinn. John Eek, whizfil‘UQ'n"; long 0m. 4m thlo life Wednes- day the 1m: tum-m! was buriod in tho Christina consul-y Frldoy afternoon. Itcv. Mr. Gal-butt conducted the funeral service. Eek. who matflondotnu with whom she had on mountain. “I a manta). lotto w 3nd mother Ind a devout! Christan. E Dmonm.â€"We mgr-at to learn that Mr. sum sod Mr. Morton hu‘e discolvcd W3). Although Mr. Sliver had In our village but A tow weekaJm has :1qu Mafia-yuan): msny Mandi. lCon-pondoooe 0! Tan; Pour] Putnamâ€"Mn. H daughter of flu. John Solos, who. with er two child- m. hove been In ourmldst tor them: two or thus months. lave today. Friday. to: Vancouver. 3. 0. Mrs. Soles will oc- PmouALâ€"W. Robin-on. editor of the Claim Glam. m In town last week. And had 3 plasma time calling on old friends. who were mdmsuahlm. Comoqnln.Ghmu-.... unoan McMillan, teacher. m In town this week. new Oath. Mr. . n all to Pickcrln . Me 8 will be to“ great village. It of the but - ROV. [Omdom of Tux Posr.) Baum Omanâ€"A. J. Smith bu sold filament business mfg“ mainly). nun who on managmg chow M Mr. Smith M the put than)". um I: s clover young and a balmy bought Smitgg'cfiood: I;- _-a- L bhe old t Smith's Rood- mad â€"5 Illa that laud: a future 01.5 on behdtotthe con «scam Andrew's. Do our we elloomblne e sing ourth ”man for past duties. Wee-k you to yeecept this puree. notu e mu live!!! for your service. but newghetobenotouesteem {or u. Ou- nnmed wieh hunt providence 1,; snideyouuebpreeencln e lueotueetu - Pepe en}! wayâ€"e “to that lead: to {ENELON FA LLF. LITTLE BRITAIN. OAKWOOD. WILFREU W001) VILLE. MAI; Md’msox, KATIE McLuN. mm Mchsozv. rfl-nd but m! ”2m rum With tho m In” of“ hm_mmmwm. -vr â€"- . Inn-"I he hed in his clothes that the owner him- ?elf could not 11 If; 1;le tickled the met mmenee y. an w goodm (or he had been working the mecheniem oi the Mir ell emu-noon, end knew it like e book. At once he pulled out his pocketbook end enquired how much mon- ey the other hed to squander. The em mnn had 818 and the former could only show up 15, but the men who sold him "he lock Ipped 83 into hie bond. end in ”corn wee mode eteh holder. Then the tanner. with e booed smile, reached torhhe I end excleimirg “Home ereâ€"pne- tc. 1" eeee to war it eenennl. it didnc work. owever. end the emile died own, team hie rnhicnnd countenance. Then he W himeelt to the but with such vigor the perspiration stood out on his toreheedin huge drape. but with- out clingy. Lieu; eqnertercien hour A loco! rumor “cocoa. A well-known tumor cf this district no fool of n eherpsr with Anew gene on the second day of the recent Centrel (sir hone. Fore anal] sum of money he he- csme the owner of a new look of improved design that could only be 0 ed the owner. and we: well saris ed wl hie purchnee. While hitching up his team in one of our hotel yuds the man who hnd sold him the loo}: stmycd along with I companion. and commotion uncanny turned Earn the good points or the pur- cneee. e oompenion wee cf the skepti- elnl:%rt;eauiid h: hot! negate-gee look 1 u. e con no oPen ven proper key, and when t..e look was produced worked ewe et it industrlcuely tor some minutes. 13‘ he grew angry. vowed thet the other two were pie ng ejohe upon himmnd oflened to hotel the money L- L-) 1.. LI. -I-AI_A, fi'hoomwT-zé' 15c. 3 dozen. 2:30. I 1b. . M. mu "-19. II coerce ngeln; they Butter. about the so! some Int week, good choice said mom 18c. sa§§ Manure Mm Rot, Theme was a. good nttezzisnce ct the when on Saturday last. The dey we the. and the road: In excellent: condition. A choice lot of the d fl’erent produce. wen brought In and said as fair prices. Theme was a am: 10: ct chlcc low! of every kind on all the counters. Ducks sold et 55c. and 60c. a pair ; geese were sell st 506. e pen-end doc byweighcm’ic.“ 8c.elh.; turkey- brought 100 e R). : while chlahene were calling cr 30c. and 3:33. ”Jolt. flags Newm and Manuel. â€"'1‘he Bencnott Co.. of San Francisco. have established A bunch in Chicago. with office inbetlze Auditorinmhbuilgliing. thug: purpose R. among ot er Publication of an elegmt and 51“ liusimmd work entitled "The Book of the Fair.” under the outbox-ship of Robert Hows Bancrott. who has also moved to Chicago with his hmily. Bdgf taken oomph-t Mien mun-o repfled brl 1n a most suitable ma genes and music was nn the company, and rd definitely one. was we filled has eta of guests. It m [a the an morning that they might to their respective homes the thought theta they hm most respected friend. your utmost abillty and your loyalty to the church in every connection have won for you the respect of the whole com- munity. Through all than: years no ex- l melon of murmur has arisen from your lips, but; rather an apparent pleasure has orevaded your teen while do work for the Master merit-1 an". surely receive an ample reward. During uhis period you have endeared yourself to all classes and no censure or blame could justly be attached to your Cufi'1u“ in these undirected eflom. As a slight mark at our warm and triendly feelings towards you we present you thin purse hoping that. you may remain lens: with us to aid In the grand. good work. Slgncd in the behaltot memmegaolon. Emma Wearnmmr. 193m Sm Pm. n,s,, .- .“T__-_, _-... nun-n aas‘uuu. SW!!! 6 until 8 o'clock friends gathered hum quarters and the house was commrtahle 3 tilled. After handshakes and social unet- ingshad been completed, all quieted for the event of the evening. At about 11 o’clock the prvsentation of a nurse 5 Mr. Feed Staples and by Mr. fiddle 'eatherilt. took place. To Miss M Maguirc: Dmr Amtâ€"We. the congregation of the etbodlst church. Liner-d. have assembled bore. on this occasion to indicste the high esteem in which you for your serviccs in the church areheid. For many years through cloud and sunshine you have acted in the cape- city of organist and purer-mod yous-duties most faithfully. Your ceaseless ambition and hunting enL'orts to fill the position to u.._ _-_A_A - .Il‘ [Specnl correspondence of Tim Posh] Annnxss AND l’nnswunomâ€"On Fr!- dny even 195!) Oct. a. social sullen-In or mummtg'd blonds. memb :0 mg residence of Mr. John Magui mama, befitho occasion of a. surprl'rl'o to his d5 her. All." £119 Maguirg. an -v--.â€"-â€" â€" an... nonâ€"3o L‘mvw. m the omeere and manners ot the Pleasant Valleg No. 301. tend: you end or 1:1in their hearttelt enn- psthyen condolence in the end benevo- ment which has comeu an on in the ninth of yourdeerlybeo dam . and wepray that you will not stile:i knowing that there is One who con the broken heart and soothe the troubled brow. One who teaches you that?! lone ieyour loved cne'e gein. [fate is can we commend you and yours, end met thet you may find the comfort tint he slone on give. Signed on behalf of Piou- ant Volley I. 0. G. T. No. 301. MARSHALL Momma. chief temphr. IDA ALLLN, recording secrets-y. (Correspondence 0! Tm: Poo?) â€"'â€"' ' Rmsow'nox or Coxnouxcnâ€"Tho tol- lowln resolution was used no I m ct ting ledge all. 0. 31‘. on film! evening lost: To Mr. Taylor Park“: and Family ,' Dear Brother â€"Wbenu It ht! please the Almighty in his; wisdom to re- moveb death urbelovoddtughcerwho on! Q hnéoqmess. Rescind. that PL EAS deserved the: dbflnotion ma Wmient waiting. The he. fin swung to: e goodly nonhu- linoe its completion. but alter all the m old Anglo-Sum eculd novel-st up“ courage to mm than for whi the would. no long. As the days at her are over the owners an new hot to pleoee. The woodwork cf the upper por- tion will make 3?“! kindling the o machinery and Her any one mere after some repels-e, £0 hull will be towed to n convenient r t on the Ohm cf Cameron lake and be nched. With the diappenrnr-ca oi the Anglo-Sam on e e acre will be nemeved irom Echelon 1' Vet. ranged. was *crvod from“ the LiN 1" IvfiALLEiYâ€"FENELON. LIFFOIw of :Le self-invited ems?! hours of the All! be seen retiring ms 1‘: tin happy In had done one: no u lettalv by surprise. bri‘ fly. but however. manner. Amusing nmz‘ indulged in by rd.‘ "-mgnts moat '31).

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