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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 26 Oct 1894, p. 8

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5'8! AI ehamber on Monday evening a: a o cwcn, pursue: to motion made at the previous Huntley evening’s session. The members meant were, Meyer Walters, Reeve Kylie, Dep -reeve Grendel), Cows. Kmaby, Keith, Blah), Touchbum, O Hallom, Staples, (21110eg and Anflerson. COMMUNICATIONS. The clerk then read the following cem- manic 3t ior. s. From Root. Spier submitting Messrs. ‘D. Flaw-He and A. Campbell as his sure1. hr fulfillment of his 03136 as tax collie: Laid on the table: ‘ ‘ '74 â€"4 LLâ€"A- g." Advert u vâ€" -_v -V From '13th Pierce - asking that the assessment of certain property be reduced. â€"Befexred to finance committee. "um 12 w 1:“an with reference to â€"Befexred to finance commm Frcm 8. F. Ressor with electric street lightingâ€"Rafe and water cammittee. Fer J. A. Ban-on on behal Andrews, asking for csmpens: at time and expense atten ott‘ II nu; L‘uucuw "v“-.. -- .7 -,,, U _ _ _ the short wacd. Mr. Tsextcn rspkicd tam: be warm not. He tuought the ocher wood yards had had agoodshare cf the town pat- mnage L: the pass and his being the lowest tender, he thought he was entitled to the whole. . . .On motion of Mr. Crandell, seconded by Mr. O'Holloran. the tender of Messrs. Sadler, Dundas £2 Co. was accept- odeâ€"Carried. 'Iwo WEEKS HOLIDAYS. The qwestion of granting assistant Cea- sbble Reeves. two weeks holidays, in: agsln brought forward Movsd by Den -reeve CRARDELL. second- ed _by Conn. KILLABY, that tpe councn an: Chas. Reeves two week 5 holidays. her same discussion the motion was 3"?â€" 2n warm. w for the week ending Saturd £31m: )3an h; u- 9. new Gawain, ééééfld= .5 w mun. iÂ¥i3-11A.3‘Fa_$hai by W Na. m 59 new .n cam} and and a mini kima ewe sea! and um . 1an by the as: $39 ug Enamel} la: the; {luv-995e,: ’ {ad “find by My. meakaeoaudgd by Mr. i 3 first 33-18“ 6. T19 hg' flaw K {:36 find readathird “mafia pan 5 ii and and sealed. and tins clauses and “5530!: 3:9 council he “anyway :35. f :8 ~â€" “éc’uu- firmnzgungcd who waived the mm m the m at tho ground, Iran tho 1331:: U: u -\vv~â€" -- Bathe ar§eP mum, east of the wet; [1 scales m‘ the gamma of afiéflng mags, Ibsen?! hou- :- 89 be femévéq as the plea- $9395 55 emu; the sings! the gamete 14! 936 yam 3i. “moan a? it Baéfi {58 Biiigkfln Waé tar 9 w 95‘ as}! sea?- a we .5 in ' Dania X . 9.9V?” ME? adhy' H‘ 3: The nut-e: “13:11:“ 1mm in; e LINDSA Hand by D r I by Gem I 7..-.oao Ll!- y fathers meet at 1 on Monday evening to motion made at t mmaticm SAY TOWN calm UBNEI mmmowmcn. I}: D n.-reeve Gunman. second- nn [{mun', this“; Mr. J ohn ammd to band a stare house hthe' sumre, east pijshe 39}th Imperam Canaan said was b9 a flaw emplma. us if? 9 o teas “mm ,y-uws AND 0TB isem eats i‘gpklne, town solicitor. cf the councfl re case at Referred to finance com- M BETH} so attendica- puma amaze-cation brought 52m)- nkhtl M 67.8â€" suntan!- gasâ€"loudly. 'mzs Week- 01 M7. W- ion for loss ,noudny. collscto: (130110! lock XCA‘ AF AT nary-3919199. 2% know u the Agricultural seclety has any right to control the fair grounds in the way of allowing such as the morn-gn- rouud to name on. Ccun Kama said that the society had full cnntrol of the ands and besides, that {My had contro ct 320 ft. out side all Conn. STAPLES add know u the Agricultu right to control the 1 way Pf allowing sue} A neat meet irem‘ Tie lemon Been: enact. [To the Better err“: Poet] Sim-4% last week‘s issues one.) Welsh: man and Newsiieo}; there ’ lei‘scfll rum on emu; one well-known «Miami: on the Silbjééi of eke mom meg sf momma whim have seemed in Lifiéshfi The apparent ohm! e! the film er iiaeagieiiefi is 99 988%? so the own me new film an eeidemie e! enamaua Bfiiiaflielfi as present exigia in, em tewn. M which ihebeayde! health. at whim be it} a momma me misery inspector, and wall. as medical health emcee, are vespgneible. The actual result. cf mesa eon Widely spiieed mange b s heen'to induca sometn as like a' pm v nmong our citizens and edread amen a violins and nsideuts thmughaufi a county, which is havin an injurious exl‘eci'. on the many interea s of our town. I; is not my intention tore yhere to the many oersonalties that gen omen has seen flu to use towards me, and nothing bun a sense of dot to the public at. the present time and a esire to corn y with the wishes at many citizens, in 11093 me to reply to his sensational and alarmist misrepresentations. and give the public a true armament o! tact-s as I believe them There 1 demic of there. be: medical ‘3‘ ever. Du all 50mg 5 to be. There k at present no widespread epi- demic of diphtheria in Lindsay. nor has there beca :21. my time, since I became medical health officer, any epidemic whet- cver. During that time there have been in all some fort-y cases of diphtheria reported to me, the largest numberln one month being fourteen in June last. At went there is only one case in town and t at one is ccuvalechny. Tim's heir-1: the ewe, hoyv ebsurd‘wasmtth’e to be. is convey v This being the ewe, how absurd was the “Watchman" lcttrr 51 last week. This was headed “A Pointer for the Board a! Health." T be leading paragraph was a quotation {ram an address entitled “An epidemic of diphtheria traced to its sourze," and delivered bye. Dr. Bell. of somewhere, same time ago. Dr. Bell eh, mad to an s\.-idem:‘c, durin the course .i wife!) 4C0 c-hiiclren died. is explana- ion cf the cause of the disease was that. ubtermnean I-treems contained the iafe c- ion and that noxious exhalation, pcured ate the U“; air from: below. produced dea‘: when; they came. Nevertheless. in spite of Dr. Bell's thecrv. the board of health 0 i312 city 52; absut to find the cmse and i: possible to ccu'ateraat it. There is no went-ten made in the “Watch- man" letter whether the board did find and csuntersct the cause or not, which is a pity, seeing: that the experience is held up 27.3 a parallel to what is gaing on in 3 “emu-t): s nrat app?uruucc. um. .JKJU u n ........ oulty comes in. Where does it first appear! At the £151: x‘zpnrted case! Not necaasnrilv. Diphtheria in aflrst, or any case‘may he so mild as to escape the obser- vation of the parent. Tha child may be snmewhnt dull. may want to lie down, may refuse feed fer a while, and the parent, espccfaliy it one who does not use “great vigtxnce,”ma.y rsfer the. days sickness to "6:114" cr_ fiwa‘ma”, or some n: M..- about among its playmates. attends school at c‘num'n, and so sat-ends the disease. A mild and unobservad term at diphtheria may fitted a. neighborhood. Take another case. The physician is called in, experlerca sham-s that: he has been called in and in the absence of convincing proof hesitated to call the disease diphtheria. when it may have been diphtheria. life: may In“; been “ ‘ ‘ -._.-‘- irrmmenb end disinsoect-ien have nor been yr‘c-‘ised what will the result he? Proh- sbiy the spread of the disease in a. severe form. Or it may be the temporary interest of the physician or parents not. to report the case to the authorities, and the remit: wiil be the same,â€"the spread of the disease Thpce cases show how it may hanpnn that the medical authorities can- noi: he censured under Dr. Coventry‘s opinion when the disease is not known to them ioexisf. And in every outbreak of dithcria Were is some one cr other 0’ these reassns for nob knowing that the disc-nee exists. Take another of these quotations. Dr Bryce is r fared to as saying. “(391116 E e nnhiic b° educated in thee‘tse ofhseariafi: ‘ Take am Br)" co, in r p'vflic b9? qnfl 1”th pl IVUN .u‘..-_ and rIith min as of small p‘x they-242‘ 1: ha ch ‘ per? nut in a =iml18r way. Tm" * qu! aft-e The pubTio dose not alwaye 7: "mm 2? the impottanve of properly ffm‘ -‘ in g't-heae diseases asa align hfiahéafiflbu‘ momse the 6%th 91‘ It 8 Indl'fle eva‘ in? “1 mild grgeaééflgesh m fifeésgiefiméfi d n V‘ Ky Te ME inéllfateuE-ofl area as traumas}: aé (19kg? fiflohté Harsh 5° ca! am. am she 9698 331%.“ ggaiém m 1; a! o {my 92 “gang-agar! [W F! H Shun; it“!!! new u: ar‘xgfinra was: a in: 6.136 {mum' 68 it“ ehédq, maga a‘fig Sabina mm M adueaéa 9m pg la mw $9 95 w fin namaaiaug diegam acting: gmaétfib Bus agfia oar 11:61! (“anew tagglsm “.5“ng has been a mastitis Bdiaput Bl mwggéiféfi pgéaepabs 91°sz 1mm and try 8E isaofl can mafitm mg the unmanablew It can coma UNICA moms. Jxé one of h! foveutry. W1! nan vigilan‘ H.332} 'Eiésnflfiheas to 1m MJ‘I. :he sum and aubatauea at his gspoudaq99._ ,,~L-LI-_~ ‘4. I. :infcction. Neither can thn h the board set out to find ; the came, for we are not they got; on. pr “mam" 'L 0- _.. Meanwhile the am my 1S". 1F who had been here the under-around :mlogzry grit-£0 spy? [Talia borne in under- uoe exhaled into 33rd of health ihe child goes attends school he disease. 3a m U"?! M board thev1 a "pointer nerfeist milmm'd tamer IhavebeenWwitha suit mm o! the head otheahh. This of conduct on thepertg “km- into contempt. Dr this efl’cct : ‘In order‘to be c s ing the of disease when disin- Ieet shed ngandwearlnga - to pa lento who have diph- longing therla, ii: is absolutely” necessary to use superheated steam.” An isolation hospital is badly needed, an it is some years since I tried to! impress necessity upon the public. tion hospital we could enforce complete separation of sick from well, something i is often impossible to do in our pie-en! circumstances. We could have a sham chamber attached to the building "It? my chemical opponent eon d disin ct - ding mm: "mm In! 155 . i; is st. myeri‘stie assaiisoia that the dieigiegglnn e and fumigation oi houses as name ‘ . An I- Inummhml. M Iggy Sm. â€" From sensational newspaper headings reporting the proceedings at the local board or health, the impression has gained credence that the medical health officer is beingiobetrueted in the perform- ance or his duties, and, on this account, he has not been able to prevent the spread of the present serious epidemic. This is entire- ly incorrect, at anv rate as far as any in dividuai member of the board is concerned. The medical health officer has, however, assumed positions which are not acacrded him by the public health aet,and it is simp- ly and solely in ca: raetien that any contro- versy has arisen. He has assumed that he is ex-ofilcio, a member of the board of health. that he may arrest a health officer who may visit houses infected with diph- theria, that he is acecuntabie for the board, not to the board ; that correspon- dence between the local board and provin- cial board of health should pass ti‘ rough his hands, as a conscqetce a letter from Lhe s: cretmy of the provincial board to the secretary of the lccsl board was not pre‘ seated at the last meeting of the board, although it gave special instructions to that board ; that he alone has authority to order 311) or remoge placards. He has re- A-.-. ”an n\-!::n flat. and ywluv-vâ€" -_ .7 fl it often Impossible to cimumatanpeggh'gvtc ' ‘ on: anon "3 mm mm wgg‘w‘fiuw “we the opinion ta 9‘1“)“ “$1.9? Effififi'fffind this oom- “nus! aw ; u-w “w". [I I have beveyinduo'e'd to send this eon: munioation to the was to allay tears that have had no foundation. in feet, that should never have been excused. It is not my intention to enter the arena to defend myseif'egeinst the insults and as mines of my opponent. I can eii’nrd o treat them with slienoe.knewing that the public pay them the little attention they deserve. J. MCALPINE, Medical Health Ofiicer. Lindsay, Oct. 25th, 1594. public WEBB]: bupyel nu .v. ........ . he can break the contract; between land- lord and tenant ; he assumes to be dictator and notan advisory (Ifice: cf the board. Every osition is unwarranted and unten- able. ' hat: I maybe Mir with him and the public I will give some quotations from the public health set which are simp- ly incontrovertahle, and will perhaps in- form the uhlic. as well, as to the rmpacbivo ul‘ies M the medical health china: and health cmuera proper when ap- pointed by the proviachl board of health his duties are _:_ . ,uL -_L “Winn-n n v.-.â€" .-' -_ , moved whiskey tram the ex: placed it: among foods; he 6 public water supply a: (or do: he can break we'contrsct bf! 7 ______.A. 4 Ul‘au III-v “Sec-.37, publk healthi a medical health olllcer is shall poasessall llhhe Power possessed by any hen ch on Inspector and at table not”: cal health oflloorm ahnll per: imposed nponh “f the nmvlnol al boab 1 Each was plmllar dul lag are vav lull-Ir - --__-,,, puned upnn the [anal bmn‘ not mum Mm medlml hr? the «humane or snub « mm d by mutual mun. Sea. 3‘7.="A m Ioul h: munlut‘mmv may uernhn up out; mm mm: health and 70 0! um nob. and may innauluuy “thorium by m. m-y 130W“! \Vhlx‘b. undo; has mantel-red upon two we era. and the baud may balm: 5’3. 10 L l dim-mt. boards ahall 13¢ a can. and uhull have thus 1) assigned to such 0111mm any twp or‘more u! that ..‘,\:ls any uwu u: uunu v- -..-..- “77,, .- exeuutiou at any regulations or the provin- cial board of health may exercise the powers and authorities conferred by sea. 68 and an." __ . u.‘ _nv.-__. A. A“. UP auu u. I. See. thiâ€"“I‘he health officers of any municipiiii-y,mey in the day time. as often as they think necessary, enter into and upon any premises in the place for which :heyuhold cilice, and examine euch prem~ see. Sec. SLâ€"“When the small-pox, scarlet fever, diphtheria, or any oaher can one disease dangerous to the public )1 th is found to exist in any municipality, the health officers, or local board or health. shall use all possible care toprcvenh the spreading oi the infection or coniegeon and shall give public notice of infee 1. hr- :...l~ municipxiii-y as they thl upon any pr ghey__hold cfl spmading agnd shall pmcgs _ by ment, is moss effective tcr we Common safety." Sac. 76.â€"“The health officer of any municipality, or the local board of health, or any committee theracf, may Isolate any person having the smallpox or any other disease dangerous to the public health, and may cause to be posted up on or near the deer _ot any _honse cr dwelling in - _..\L!. ., p.n‘-=hl‘ t'nnl' Cil‘b uuvs‘ un. a»; -v--- -_ _, , ... w r ic‘fl such parser: is, aunties stating that such disease is within the house or dwell- 11! g"!- __ .n “‘7- _-_-.... at.“ wamnvn nix. Rule 5‘ sec. 16.â€"“No person shall remove such card without the permission of the board of health or one 01: its cfllcers. There are a. great many mtrs clauses which show that. he should report. to the hnnr-i, and that “the board may act on his report.." Then there are clauses which give the attending physician equal powers with the medical health oilicer, and these he cannot disregard any more than he 1- ht uld !he p awers of members of theboard. For m own part I have endeavored to have l c board realize their powers Ind extrclse them ; surely I am not wrong in that I in your editorial 0! October 19: on ‘11:: Raul of Health" you were mleln i‘nxm' n, and your article revealed the uni- p us mw apiribot your interment. I will not mm: m that article. earl-tum, but may 5:1“! thefi at no time did he file 1 he ofiicsr ‘ 'e s more Elem? heard a liar. “Mrs 1:110 in iv» the staeemehi that "two new I = is: es see to vs a channel‘s p? gases-3a » Em $93.3“ appeal to e : éh‘géfz ' ("19; M! II. u D!!! v” mwgméifaés’tg ° gnu chi-1:3. aié‘:‘;:.§lf 3 giia {38 gags” ”‘3 :ggaéfidg 9.. 3 :maggzdd ӣ1: Him ”1% “ m mnéagfiéafi $595: In: wig Wiha°$w t we. no azteum nggflmu" P. mm: ”WEE: .u I'll. Baud at Health. [To the Editor 0! Tu: Pour.) From sensational n l Elva Ill-v '.' -7 ,_ . y men means as, m that Jada. moss effective for the common The member:- the exgisq fist n- at the mm and called health om- pawura and duties 5 by this act, and 3m auplgg In t_he Mu when wont be!“ . v amen-a m (U, pan "'H râ€"i; ,, “fl - Ion-um TOWN EWINGB. A horse not cool plnco In the mimic“. “'03 not... 3| park on End-y utter-noon Inst. which â€"Mr. J M- II. napkin. 00' 0‘ “'0 Dmh' owned oomldmblo excitement nmong out his (Irma! of “10 "01““; 0! “Elma”? [Cod horumon. The crowd ln “undue. h!!! pumhmod 80010 "I? III mu - 'u I“ “Mggmgxpecud but “I. bred Nflliflfld 08%“. I‘ “I. I“. O! O m ”HM ofl‘wlthout nhltch. 'Th. “L mo‘m" ”m...” lowlna hono- m and up under tho who udgumo in In tho order named : mm: Mm“ u [my Mall and Inspect. Tum l'on‘r‘nlnm stack of llmco'u Molllo Murphy. ......... I Clonw’u Duko...... .' the now»: ntylu In woddlnn union"). ‘ ‘ manual“ nrlnM launch. gold °" "‘33" gfigfififihifi? 3.13:3} .‘ I I .‘ .' .' I. : ‘__ .n .. . Dunsâ€"u;â€" #9:“â€" wnon About ‘0 Ian! t m and Inapcot Tm: l‘on‘n lam stock at the new»: mm In woddlna stationery. Invitation: prlnM In Muck. gold or film broum. u duh-ed. l'flou wry amenable. concur. Arnold Stnpioo. eidcut non of Mr. Joocnh Staple-mauled quietly own! on Friday in». luzh intent. in the 15th you cf hie me. ill: oiehncu was only of about one week‘s duration. but wan very oevere tom the first. Everything that medionl chill end kind loving attention could do wee done. but nil in vain on death evidently had come determined to claim a victim from this home. Arnold wen known on 3 nice. quiet. weii‘conduoted young person. Lie joined agoung oplc'o cine: which his pastor. e Rev. . W. Tattoo. hed ergon- ued eoon nicer his poetcrem in the Queen Street Church. Hie S 1‘ school teacher speak» 0! him a the mode ho in her close in the school. On hie death-Led he spoke of his trust. in the Saviour end his confident hope 0! a home in Haven. through the merits of. the world‘s rc- decmer.__HLa funeral vine attended by :39 “CELEBS. uw lu‘Câ€" n..- _--.__-7 r lav. J. W. Totten, on the evening of Pr!- da last. as the sun was unufi out of 513 t. the body of Arnold wee q etly leld away in the beautiful Blur-side cemetery. Arnold. a short time ago so young and noble and ho {ul tor the future. is now amon t the eymted. We lovingly say. Arnol , fagowah till we {neet In the great. , , n_ L___ -___ Al‘uUu-I, mU"\'¢- --_ . .__"_ beyond. His parents Had tamlii hsv‘e' our sincerest sympathy in their bereave- ment. On Monday last, October 22nd. about 12 o'clock e. m., one of Vemlnm's oldest pioneers in the person of Stnert Begs. passed 03 to his eternal home. Deceased was born in Scotland in the yen-1819. In 1826. being then but event-Leer: old, he came to Canada with his in 1' end set- tled in the county of Glengnrry. All on early age he enlisted in the ranks of the army. and served brevea in the rebellion of 1837. Shtrtly after is he moved to Hamilton, where he met and married Ann Making to whom he had two children. Alexander, now residing at Goldwater. and Mrs. Wm. Cornish, of Owen Sound, and the: with their little temily they lived eppily until dentin bed ova-token hie loflng wife. in 1855 deoeeeed. how. ever, no bean content to live out the remninder of his life in singieneel. took to hlmeelt his second wile in the pct-eon 0: Miss Kelzle Baldwin who still Int-vine, end to whom n family of twelve children were born. all 0! whom ere stillllvlng, Thom B. residing in Lindsey. end D. H. of Bren on twine . Florence N. wires Mr. W. Ii. Weigh. oi town “in? of Oril .8 lies on 11.. of Aime. Adeline 3,3 chef‘s. P23”; fifiififi‘lflg its: glisfi'é a: film 03 sent? i «7. et A w a: me! t for e n w. W to ‘35" “M I" 4'2 $3“ ufifi .i film-"3:: -' vvuwvv -_-7-_ when he Edda! unluâ€" 37- “can. 09 (6 about amuse humublo ”3.35”“ plans. We use! attend!» a ”u. w: at" 9°“! _I m Like zhe ml ht Niagara. every dag. yetocke gm: Mon' I Heuvy Weight Suits,“ in double md dug strictly 311 wool, styles, for 85. ”Eva; with sewed,good shrie- mChe Cheviou. Tn Wonteds, Etc.” Colon en grey, nest minus nl-idn sud solid colon. Actual nines. You know it ! shivers out Tweed Lined Overcoats Worth $10, for THE WONDERFUL CHEAP MEN. inha- and $6.45. x mi In N! am. tradé ls oufln in; “Pam flu in. Sum grow lar ‘ 13$. Yatocg wlar r can? dgy. The full 33:.me In our N; «are: an acumen more Marat n a. he now good. mm. What‘s New. what'l enable. in what we «torâ€"reliable in what's But. make and honest In nine. A_--â€"- it! Everybody knows it! Our UV >ut of the cold winds of a Canadian flung. Aupumw M n II“ “'M w- Aulluu- Aha"! Ilium“. Boatmxliwfiw his front at“ and looked mxlouu. "v“-.. V "1 has your mnlon." he sum to the nut 14!de that came along. “but will you toll me it my necktie 1:: on right?" “Well. yes." replied the pedestrian. “Well, yes." mpllod tho podo “It is on fairly well. and I should it was socuroly tied. but it is bw m‘l aver. “Is my collar all “Well. yes. The 0011 and clean." said the pa you have it on upside dox change them immediately. Everything else all right?" “But is back side to." “Thmk you. Everything else proper? ' “Your watch is dangling." “Yes, I see. Anything else?" “Oh. nothing spooinl. but I noticed when you summed your necktie that you had forgotten toputon your shirt!" . “I am so glad you told xnu before I go into the house for one. Please tell me if ovorything clac- hi all right. " “Well, opinions difl'er somewhat in regard to tho propordotnilnuf men's drm. but personally I think it is better to button the first button on ono‘a vest into the first buttonholo mthor than intotho fourth, as you hnvn done. I think it h! better. too. wlu-n one combs hi. hair in the morning. to lonw the comb in the oomht‘m rather than In 0119‘: own hair. I. you have done I Ibo think thnt it In hem-r. when one h: tot-taunt» wouh to hug I out of “In: teeth. to put in tho upper and low: M: uuh not nun the upper “or. a you humane. It!“ too. [Hum l’urm to huw uo'ummmly Momma ruth- uhyouu. Bastion. mu. . balm-ennui"! " " lulu. Mt: numnm- Inn-tin Mud-Mun“ mm loo! boclln'l' 1351-: Bell vuutp. Jr . .. @VEEC-A@§ ing man HIS WIFE WAS AWAY. sud single hunted Sack .11 wool, well mdo, vol! lou. 'rnodn. Cuhmra. tmixturu, m“! 0506”- vgluu, 83 “Id 310. epliod the turned hi: 3' all right MELTON OVERGOATS Worth $12-50, for "I I MM! “'3“! W , for it! Our Overcoats, and the price of them, takes the a Canadian winter. Past Bargains out-distanced. pedestrian. xuuld judge Everything $7.38. anxious necktie A Chance to Save MEN'S FILL SUITS, Ken’s Fino All Wool Suits. woolly sold ot $12, 814, md #15 for only 87. Who: thou cults on all now, huh goodsâ€" ." .11 WHO styles of out and colorâ€"clu- to suit every body. Style. on Cour-yo. Frock, Such. mode from the be: Don-tic! and Impound Woollou. Your choice for $7. VMI dvlig Infill luv; nil which am “going like In Down W601 Blunts for $8.25. heavy, full line um! soft too the mono we I0" the faster we: our trade incmaso to um extent w Boya' Lo Stockings. strong yarn. Fast lack. neatly shap- ed. 25 to 400. Also Fine Hose for both_Ladie_§' end Children's I unv uvw w Shootings. 3813M}. :O'l'oith ma Knitted Underwear wear. Extra Value TOO BUSY pun-o tofu-y it :c HORN 3808., MAY womm mus; Iunt now on my much about (he burguigl yhich $7.00 Worth $12.00. $14.00, $15. ROSIERY. You will save health, as food causes dyspepsia, which bring you in a doctor’s bill. ] well aware that a doctor's bill is This is sound and good am“ he saved from this calamity if )1? of the Art Sultana, parlor ovcn, f Your money, your health, having the proper stove. Y‘ Coal, and Coal costs money. SUITS. u want Irish Frieze Overcoats LINDSAY and PETERBORO ac wd soft. as velw . {later we allow tln pt extent we will 11 J nut on" and no tlw White Wool Blank alum. at. .250 pa:- put and tho Pine 80 which we are ofl'ering 38112188 301811. Horn Brag; Worth $14, for Tho Pant. $8.50. 109 Kant-st. JUST NO 20 per cent. pm me du-ect mth facturers on, {or Ill TERMS- I." I! You “1‘ ll l“ .. DHESTER IFLes. 330 the iby we. by-INDSAY- vO“ Yo“ lufl hum. nm! an M. Nmmnm. Hpm: .Id mornnodlmn at: V. In no an a Md 7055721 49 “flunk-unto u Wuhan. "I y V. G. Edward: J: UNTERS’ £ Ila-v or 7-2:: AIVH. vVoLUMg xxxm. ITS POBTIIT ring them in the Face. shove are facts wh mm to investiga. iness College! Mon Mart. opp. Benson ,5! B uszness 00116;; flu, Chairs. Sideboaxds, and Cook Stoves, Ti: crockery, Glassware, and Lookmg Glasse [a ”mm mm MI. VALUE IN GUNS. less Powder, noiseless Shells At Lowest Prices JuHuHL {ling Facts Sensible Pen 111E for 250. Electric Soap. 250. all Clothes Pins, 100. W Coal and Bo: was and Stove Pipes, 'RIDGES . i. H. LENNON; 'DEL 1892 ” all other makes. .TION AL wdummd methods . In look-kuplng. In. Oomnnralal Maud, Typo- Esiwal’ds 81 CO. mu Pacific Rulug Afull line of al Sporting Sizes INN? ant-mes. 8px “by Informa XCUI‘SIO nn 91

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