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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 16 Oct 1896, p. 9

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515 every 2% nd armam- lvancc of ' . The (Wm ‘ 'ith draw-om I tin, fire burg: nple_x grate and h HI OJ helf, tea pot ski >r hearth and“ ng door with m‘. :r or six Cooling ziptive catalogue. mount, on. nirit 3. worn... ‘- . bgd “070- (L- t fumishthgc :scintmdei'rb fie Slimlanh, ‘ my grave. Wed suLur would OI hmnuuwflqbl lagoon “and. M OILI’; 'KBY RUN 'Iwâ€" Saves m’l by the VAOUU faauum pm ' insist upon!“ ' dealer {mi In Pulp. '1“. ' h I?‘ '73qu no Iton. ITTICK. r6303” iCTION” MY? """1' “‘ 7m: ml ht be queatlona m3". [3 H 4ij mg ln hand. Mrs. h ’H nwll').l was can-led. and agaln hdekmu {Mu} ed la a llvoly dlacua- sag‘l'IE-‘Vimu an ad, “Id 3:: \ Ihr-«m In each Auf‘llllt‘yh: “0 year!" was a quesv on :‘M much attention. In was decided the corrcwpondlnn secret." 3nd m “DPCW'Y. should hold once uw ryear. h: mm :1” dune. of cm vlct rul- wr'ldfl Mining In the .bunoo o "I. h n“ U m Indy salt! the ”06 '- Nahum ‘ we propand to la the um " nevennry. Io wu sing: in ‘° orl‘lmvor column upon ”’3'an her d “on. .04 mu m h Mlotung a a emu! ml: to: M N West] “I In." 0'“ ol lnumfl [#10 La“ "'9 “My diam-Cd. who! mulhmnflu “I...“ o. g “M ,"“ Itmngl "‘0‘ N Item. no 5m :5 hymn". ‘lna as any": O a “srukmatlc I!“ O m I In. ”av-33233;: a? I". *"é'mv Wu: AM a. ‘1 Furs: t, . pu 23m." "Ree“ F"! of 3. M5 BMW‘ behalf itw leach cc opened in the Cam- .. 3 church on Tnes‘da 105m. summing is the continual: .. :he repfz: fism yesterday: Wednesday Morning Session. ne Wedzoday morning session of the ct: main; or :he Bay of Qainte con ce cf :zze W. M. S. opened at. 9.30 in Cw.i-ri-igc-st. Methodist church aruli at‘endance cf.delegates and 8 1y numbz r of Lindsay ladies present. a impx‘enive opening devotional exer- were conducted by Miss Tonrjee and «Dy.» )1 “Sb. A: the close cf this ex- the prc'ident, Mrs. (Dr.) Barman, bested that a message of consumin- nirom the branch meeting of the Bay Qiinte conference he “at to Ml” Nellie rt. one cf their mlssionnrioa in Jinan, I being her wedding day. The sugges- I was resolved to ba curled into effect lthe following message was not: Mi“ NM-‘Ir ”(er Pictou .' Limp; m... 2‘. .m gum! wishesol Boy Q! I . stlon Elf BA!" 'K Imus IN SESSION. My, FRIDAY. 00177716. 1893. Conve‘ 1’ A)!“ ”Ozmmmnâ€"ZOO MFZSU no a v>._.m_00w >N_<20_wm:fin ”Ems. Fa a nudism gust (Co {ed mm H" tried 6’ I", aim : . forty years 330' . T l"‘eafiyks of sickness. my hair Wee ' er' ,me gm“ I began usxng Ay . a 39%,“: and was so well satu- ...X W ith the results Phat I have - _‘ j_-__ dby Dr. J. C. Ayer 8: 00., Lowell, ma. mphell then gave an Inter- ' 1: laslon of Leagues to mid their work 8would .1 «m the world had heard of the gasp pol. It was _rhe aqoompllshmenb pt I. Sampafiila {at the Complexion. !mt they should be Prayer and works no '1 churches have Leagues. .x establish misaions tin :1! : "We have a. League," m establish the Mission :3 their work. Mission many established where we. The League should runny With the W. M. S. sged earnestly the neces- fscllng the responsibility he extension of the work Lah our own church; they :mzht to aid the mission- ‘i be interested in the up ion", and thus help them- others. when called upon to give " Relation of Sunday m." moved that the Free ()lesilon Drawer be re- -â€"“I3ic of benefit to the "in9 to send a new dele- Lhe conventions 2“ After usasion it was talc to be a mid not be satisfactorily x, ADDRESSES, REPORTS, duc;ed by the president, at the Cambridge-st. xodlst Church. :rl from last week.) annual meeting of the r. interesting and pleas- ;uepsion to new Auxil- ~_v Mrs. J. C. Wilson and :5. Wilson extended to “:f a. right royal welcome ier socieslea, and Mre. av wordspf encourage- o the Free Parliament - and endeavor to ovEr- 3!: may await them in v arloua district organ!- d In electln to onion 9 had held o as during Mr. Shorey than pro- .;:iaa. aha-r which cane Hair Vigor to keep my hair of good color, to remove dandrufi to heal rs, and prevent the 11;: out. Ineverhesiâ€" zend A yer’s medicines â€".\Irs. H. M. Huan'r, y other kind of dras- mg It requiresonly .n ocgasional appli- 'cation of » AYEB’S I )on w-l davotlonal eXPr- "a (Rem) T. M. .M.-. :mg. The minutes me secretary. Mrs. Session w -u---~ _‘-_ "Miss B. Walters rendered in her usual creditable style a solo “Abide with me‘.” Miss Maud Whiteside, who is always favorite with Lindsay audiences. recyited The Wrman cf Samaria.‘ and “The cry cf the Perishing." both of which drew forth. by their perfect rendition, marked evidences (f appreciation. Miss Winters, in the absence of Miss Gross. rendered a solo “Behold, there shall be a da y," with beautiful effect and clear articulation, and merited great praise. ADDRESS BY \IISS MCDONALD. There is a met: 0, said the speaker. I wnuld give to this assemblageâ€"it is this: ‘ N )E by might. norby wcr. but bh m5 5p tit. saith the Lor. " If we oul accomplish great things for Christ, it will be by the assistance of the sp rit of God. as dZflnlte results only come through its presence. Note the vow of the Nazarene. definite separation fcr the service of God. 8 riklng instances were given in the life of Simeon and Paul; even as these were separated for the service of God. with His Spirit resting upon them. even so should we be. There is more power andreality in in5 service of any one wholly se yted unto the work of God. Let the spit rest mightily u n us. nor must we hold back any part c ourselves. but oenseerate the whole. Oftentimes we go forth In our Own strength thand not in the power and m'g ht of t efioly Spirit thereforswe :all. But God has promised that If we go out in obedience and hills ml ht one man shall put to flight a themes or meaninu ir. is within the scope of even one to win thousands for Christ. Bow caster. though, are the weri (I‘l’ihwsep‘eGod to herald the down- fall of the When God points out unmistakably the athway (or us to trend. we must no. tranche little caper-tun per-bunnies let u not he lulled to slecp‘hut“ unusual-cucum- lineeh . I gqmuneuu «:de :flptmfl” “nausea Ip £5?“ “want-“ii Wmemw lend is.” (MJ.§_m €353” 3'”;':“5i: Tc" demeaning ' this gave itpb unpm wretched conditioner the women ct this and other lands. and the great need that our own christian lite broaden and deepen through nub for others. Further. the existence or c . . W. M.S. is Justified-First because of t x. Master’s command “Go ye into the w . . and preach the gospel to ever orai. . - This command ad sent into t e ~ ‘2 school, the prayer meeting and _ -, more workers than itsendi hem ' .;. fields. This desire for Wu . ., and the desire that it should be effectually done, accompanied by that side of charity which “vaunteth not itself," gives a constant silent addition to the working forces of the church. Second. because of the edu- cational influence of the society through its anxilliary, disirict and branch meet- ings, its literature. and through its lessons on self-sacrifice and on systematic giving. Third. because the whole teaching cf the W. M. S. is that the funds raised shall not be at the expense of contributions to other 1 causes, but shall be at the expense cfj personal luxuries, comfort and necessities, : if need 139. Fourth, because the christian wcmen cf our missionary society, stren- uously endeavor not merely to train the children cf our mission bands to be 001- lectors of funds. but to develop in them a true missionary spirit, and to teach them righ; principles in reference to giving. They become contributors, hence must earn their contributions and make their otferings representations of love and self denial. Miss Lambley also referred to the pztlence and energy required in the mission fields of Japan. by quoting a few words raceLved from he_r sister. _ _ ‘vroab. ' A qumotto by Miuoo Winters Ind Walton nod Mum. Robson sud 13o“. was mil nooim being cionly on ox- preuivoly "odor-3. A i‘Ai’Efl ON AVXILIARY W033. Min Lambly, of Brookiin. tho: undo pum- wriuoon by Mn. Voila“. oi Soiby. "h our auxiliary work dono so Ibo ox- pauao oi. obbo: oburob work? Aim dwelling upon the boo gonna-oi min ro- bmaloa «nostalgia obpgorgkoi blag AM: un v: Vila.“- J I .1" -- v ~ 7 7 me." Sixty-five Discos have been In plied with goods and 180 onxiiinrioa and m nion band circle: and leagues have contributed to these pious. Nearly $4,000 worth of goods have been sent; one. and tin govern mono has refunded uco which ind been paid on “eight to indium in the North- Then followed the report of the Supply committee, read by Mrs. Wilson ; it was a pleasing feature of the evening session. Demands for goods usually brings offers of help, and all gifts are verv gratefully re- ceived. Instances were given where parents were so softened by them timely gifts that they were eventually led to Jesus. It is imprssi'ole to estimate the results of these gifts both to givers and receivers. All kinds of gifts are sent to various missionary stations. “Every article sent nivesjoy and pleasure to the recip. lent," is the message sent back to us from some of the mission stat-ions. “Gifcs 2 out, such as qzilts. blankets and warm cloth- ing. have been the means of alleviating much suffering," is another message sent from a mission station. Still another said: “I am sure the ladies that filled that box would feel amply repaid could they have heard the young missionary minister express his thanks for the cloth- ing he received.” Other messages received read as follows : “Over thirty families on the reserve in need;” "Twelve widows, many of them having a numb-r of young children; some of these eta all day at school without tasting foodan are almost naked." It was urged to give at our best. not despisin small thingsâ€""In as much as ye have one it unto the least of these ‘ my prethrenLye have done it unto it unto ,U a____ a.--â€" -...._n-.a l A dues: and chorus given byMtsses Winters. Waltus and choir, came next. on the prcgram and gave great pleasure to the audience. for God through the agency of the Women’s Missionary Society. A young lady lying seriously 11! sent the {allowing message by him: "Tell the young people â€"tell them ellâ€"to work for J eeus." “May the Master help us all to work for Him." added Mr. Totten. _ _ _, At eight o’cicck the evening session opened. the specious edifice being well filled with an intelligent and appreciative audience. Rev. Mr. Totten cccopied the chair. After the opening exercises Mr. Totten made a few remarks relative to the Eleasure and benefit he was poeittve ell ad derived from attending the meetings of the brunch, and thought that the chuxch conferences might take lessons from the society. He was glad to be able to say that agreat wrrk had been done a-.. 11...: sk-......h. eh.- IIM'ACI a! tin. ulwoAu w nae-um“ Lu)l.lll 53 VIII Dull “c “3,. Following this was the r p‘rt of the Memorial Committee. read by the seen- taxy of committee. The adoption of the report was moved and curled. It was also moved and curled that. the financial year hr the Bay of Quinta conference alo_e_e in May or Jone. .d._ â€" ‘f‘ 'â€" toeter a love tor the dramatic, which I: thought to be detrimental to spiritual growth. The meeting decided it wee not wise or proper for Mission Buds to have meetings. to trhgsaot tusjm as on _Sux_1de_y. so loud always _. ' w" "â€" Iom: manu- to 23â€"“ 3 rseipstorn new, . Rnthusissm+inlornnthn-seltx w- it: â€"by each memhex=s mi:â€" 5 may society. Mrs. Pinatnrgedopon the delegates to preosiveness. Again the Question aner was opened for discussion of in 1: questions. Attention was part! only drawn to the question which asked it it was to dress children in costume for isncy . This was strongly yetoeg, as i_t_ wss_ op]: igo \ ‘_-L-_ - -_s A, The oohv'e'nifoh’iiâ€"ein adjourned. The Evening Session. The preeldent then brought forwerd three resolutions which, were unmlmous- Iv carried : The: a vote of thanks be mt Rav. Dr. Briggs tor the treeprlottngot the W.M.S. report for our 95 end 96. That e vote 0! thanks not Mr. Ed. Morden. Ploton, for print the pro gramme: free of charge for e em. but in order to further expreee the up preoletlon of Mlee Meodomld’e oe In their midst, and eddreu Mrs. htt he eeked to write a letter to than Maodonerd embadylng the delegetee' expreeelone of thenktuiloeeq.‘ . _ _ NH. wI-u- Inc-unnu- Moved by Mrs. A. R. Cunpbcli. uncond- ed b by hm. Sim-in, aim the distribution 922 e fission»: new! 39"?! b! "'0 - g___.l of the missionary mono nlaed by an. L..Lotc.E. bobrou ha tenths board. â€"Ourled. Mn. Conant! an au and m: tho Enter ofl’orlm and t Ant-080m come nndorlho one had a It won my mu_0h_ almgllty bhgw v--uuvâ€" â€"â€"â€" -â€"_ “.â€" Moved b Mrs. Sher-1n. seconded by Mrs. Wilson. at Mrs. Gibson. of Nepenee represent the branch at the next ennnel ooaferenoe. ,_ _ tions to the followed; seconded _and_ om_l uvuu v son-v va-wvâ€"â€"d, _ , -_ v- __, The first business was reading the re- sult of the election for president. Mrs. (Dr.) Plate. at Ploton, was elected to the position, and after her installation in the new office in a few earnest words thanked the society for the honor paid her. Mrs. Piutt said she was willing to follow any line or service God marked out for her, and that she would endeavor to fill, through God‘s assistance, the iiaoe ap- pointed‘iorher in their great wor . ,AL4_ -m____ _-- LL-â€" A-t two o'clock the president was in the nhoiwmd opened \he service with eingit a. Miss Howley read the scripture lessons, after which Mrs. Carmen led in prayer. which was followed by the reading 0! min- utgg by_the eeoretery. Mrs. Kendry. 7#-- __-.n_._ LL- ... Afternoon Session. N at being able to oomptete the business during the morning session. It was neces- aaty to continue during the afternoon. n»... .‘_‘v .v..... bell the delegates ud'outnod. } The pruldonb. Mu. (Dr. Cum-n. a“. 5 law «no» word. or uh u to who clo- Fuu or. they has“ the bunlnm o! clut- ng 0mm" «3an lb wu tho no» Impor- omo no thou- analogs. Mu. 0m wry llngly to but unable: from tho Bu of Qalnto Much. now shout to M. plan. nu nld Ml but. oh would om luv. I van plum ln her mm. than hell“ wu mnll'utod by the dolo- gntu whllo Mn. Cu .am wu Ipuhlng er wordootomumelmn unwell. An “In cloaoucw m. .05 w: ‘ open: In Illuc pray". v' t IN a n In tho “notion of o n . , l was -l'eboud mou- . I h .1 rs. m led In urn- '1‘ ronto conference Branch be requested to memorialize the board cf managers to alter article VI. of the “Constitution for en Auxilfe'y" so as to provide for election of officers as the June meetingâ€"when in the judgment of our Auxiliary, it is thought best to hold the election at thst. n c. This closed the reading of msmuieis. Roll cell by the secretory then followed, and 89 delegates enswered to their nemes. A telegrem tron: Hamilton conhrence bfench was reed “‘8. (g. 1% no; 31 'eete- someoneme age 0 s: one branch. now in session. See 1 Tneeee- loniens 3-12: 13." The next notice of motion was trom the British Columbia. trench, asking the advis- ability of having equal representation at the gen: rai conferenca The Bay of Quinta branch tale that the time had not come to vote icr this motion. Another resolution was passed to the effect that the branch send one delegate to every six hundred, in place of one to every tour hundred, as heretofore. 7 7 _ ‘ ‘ _ "'i‘iz'e'B'oâ€"x'E notice of motion was from the Carlton-st. Auxiliary, astpliows: Thphfip (Hi The reading of memorials followed. A motion was passed to the (meet that an assistant corresponding secretary be ap- pointed. Anotice of motion from the executive committee of the Landon conference trench was read. This motion called the attention of the branch to the movement of the league to raise missionary funds. It was resolved to forward this to the board. Mrs. Kendry, the secret , then read a telegram received. In t as follows: "The London conference bunch, now In sesslor, send greetings to Bay of Qumte ccnterence branch. salm 20 : 5.1 _ A motion was 5553366 the «fleet that any delegate to the branch must remain until the close of sessions. 7 . Mrs. Piatt, seconded by Mrs. Wilson, that the question of systematic iving. which had been debated yesterday, e reconsider- ed.â€"Carried. A discussion I: n this ques- tion followed, which rose! in maxing the branch superintendent, Mrs. (Rev. Sing. a member cf the branch. her e uses to be provided for. It was also deci ed to appoint a member of each Anxil 'as local superintendent to work up and ooh after systematic iving in each society. the branch to provi 0 them with literature on the sui-jecs. To this was added that the dwrict emanizzr become district superintendents oi the work ct systematic giyicg._ _ ._ _ .. ,7,__,s Thursday Morning Won. The Thuodny morning session of the Branch oi the Bay of Quinta oonfmnoo opened st 9.30 3.111.. in Cambridge-st. Methodist church. The oponin devotion- al exercises worn conducted by u. Ino- donald and Mn. Mm. Mrs. Kendry the secretary, then and 99° migrates. due: wow "29.9"“. b! L_A payer. mm,"_m,. atone-”7m; g else to entruste- ot taleehnreh. cm of n ete e vitamins-enthal- . but '0 beneveouruasterwnheeeptltee loving eervleereoderadnntomm. Rev. 1‘. M. Cmpbel', e former pater. end preeldent of the centerenee, wanted to come forward end eey e tew wade. Afters few well-chosen remake by the rev. gentleman, end theennouneementeby the eldent, the meeting wee brought to e. e oee by elnglng the doxology. and thekmdlldleaot L .‘ vim. In homesmdnt tho Inn shown nomad: attention; tom m '1” him hvored us with mumssneofld Wiwmwflx!“ mm! “1‘ _4_ _--A -_ . . . .. “mum: ct beuotl the pml. no Monte-u! conference ‘: ‘ w u leeelon. a letter acknow. ' \ 2 she greeting- nm by the Bey or n no contmnee branch. her benediction)! Reg. '1‘. M Campâ€" MOTION OF OFFICIIB. Gran: Prom thee m. lone-tr end True Phllnnthropy lull “in. If my men who in weeh.uerroue end dohlliteted. or who in eufferios from any of the urioue troublee reuniting from youth iul folly or exeeeeee oi overwork. will tone heert end write to no. I will eend him eon ddentielly end flu of Mono the plea pursued by which I wee completely rector- ed to perfect heeiih end menhood.\'. veer: of sufleriufi from Nervoue DehJ Lens of Vigor en Ornnlo Weeknool. I have nothing to eell end therefor went no mono . but us I know through my own exper enee how to e mgthine w th euch eutferere. I em sled eble to assist my fellow-being to e cure. I on well aware of the prevalence of queehory. for I myself wee deceived end in: need upon until I nearly loet faith in men ind but I resolco to any thet I am now perfectly well an happy once more and em desirous therefore to make this certain means of cure known to all. If you will write to me you can rely upon b:ing cured and the proud setiefection cf heringbeen ofeerviee to one in need will be sufficient reward for trouble. Absolute eeereey secured. Send 5 oento in silver to cover poet-co. end nddreee Mr. Geo. G. Strong North Rock- wood, Mich. mun. vâ€", -vâ€"-v â€"-vâ€"â€"â€"â€"râ€"~ -,, um Icon. the l and binding. huh ulceration an! In no. use. nmom the tumors. Kt drama. or by for 50 «nu. Dr. rug. a: Son. PM] Ilphlt. Manson-a: . Manual. Wham Esuufidfi 'SDAP é More Curative Power 15 contained in a bottle d Hood's Sax-cap- u'iiia than in my Other similar proporction. It costs the proprietor 3nd manntsctnrer more. 10 cost: the j abhor more and in lo worth more to the customer. In but record 0! cures unknown to my other repuotion. It is the but to buy because ft is the One True Blood Partner. The word "mama" cont-Inn 0.1! the vowels In the main toxin. ~Don't let years depress your whiteâ€" Age has Joye in greoioue hoot; Tie the old birds in the tweet Sing the sweetest and the moot. â€"Thet surly sign “keep of! the me: i" From our light did quickly we; Ineteed we eee, on 0!: oeionr Ite rude euooeeeor, “ehut the door 1" -â€"’1‘h_e_glrl etood or; the bikini-o! leek; E LEVER BROS. Ltd. We”. 11- ”dawn-e ov---v â€"_ v 7, Township, Ken: county. Ont. aeys; “ My daughter hes bzen very weekly hr some years; she was very pale and elweys felt tired ; she was prevailed upon to try a box of Miller's Compound Iron Pulp. I muss say It. was s gocd Investment; she at once began to improve. The color came to her oheecks. she grew rapidly stronger end is now quite well." A Gsuing gun fire- 5,000 shots 1 minute. A er'e Heir V :- which he: outlived nnd’supereeded 1:36.314de of gunner we psmtlone, is undoubtedly the moat beh- tenable as well an economical heir-dressing In the market. By Its nee. the poorest heed'of hair soon becomes luxuriant and mutual. Not including Aluh. Bud! h Inn! in extent than the United 8am. Mlaunruhhoubotm with their mates than-i murmur. Wiem'gomenfi' tita- noxt meeting were then_ midg, :1th which the convention was troughs a close. MON OF nmeuns. The null buulneu In the election or delegwu to the board meeting, which rs salted In the sending of Mn. Oapelmd, Mrs. J. C. Wilson, Mn. Many. Mn. ‘ Grange, Mn. (Eugen, lugs. T. M_. cmgnben, | E? E i" F as? hell. nwnxn‘ 'ro mam. An Invitation m rogd from the Metho- dist churche- ct Paces-onto to the bunch. nqnosuna than to hold their next moot. lngquoaI-boro. The Invitation w to- mdlanwhmmmyhevhfld. thstuhemhelong zpu'od to am mm mm luau-urns. smug-Montana; hm Itching ad scum. no“ I“ 3'8”“ m b’ “aching. Innovodto continuum m which-0M! hind and M. mall "I! m ”FA-“‘3’. 9m!“ LEAD PA CKBTE. FROM ALL 68001788. H. P. ECKARDT 00., Toronto, Wholesale Agents. Of” course you how he: ta'u'e, She died because she wan 'c um Ber bonnet van on Its-night. “LUDELLA” Simply throw your Grocer a quarter and it’s yours. HERE AND THERE. A MlmOI ‘I’O MIN. Mn. Gib-on, Mrs. T. M. Cm We guy; dyamtlm.Mn toes, A pretty colored picture for every 12 “Sunlight” or every 6 “IA! " Soap mppcn. new Maura are well m acuity. Adamo ’. Kazan. Rogve c! 01:19:99: VAR IE TIES. PICTURES FOR But it will buy a pound of delicious WRAPPERS. CEYLON TEA szn 0113111013. Sunlzght Soap New York. Oct. nâ€"A lpedu cable- trom London reports the: greet he: been donein the west of Ireland by flood: end run. Them in pymueu! dean-eyed in me- 4!.- Meta. end everything threaten e m- tar “mine in cog-tun per;- ot Ireland uric ma.‘ 3. an be u'hai a. noun a. waste-n Widen when bl: the story :- phobtbty a. "Jolly." unlucky“. 'Nowdflnom'nummbbmud Hr. McAuludronon. Nothinghu boon hard or m two gold bricks since. Hunky” down to Manual 9- dfl. He kept the object of MI W beret-cent. bnt'l'hchuxflophfl: Ethanol-hereto:- the oecurlnz the miningdum the_Ca.x-lboo.wh1ch u owned by an“: " °”.’€’.t°°°..°.‘.£‘3‘ «ken °“‘ C c c has already deem nit-nth. In August [at 4' lot! the name. which ll Camp McKinley. new the tauntry. tor the hen-at rul- .t with two gold bricks. worth ~ Re have done in a. bum. :31“ the latch were “02"“th O e-he: we: out When he awed come '1:- uhoeheheudemanoommxththe M which how the mud. III mmtmdthehhrrelothwur cheater rifle owns: his ace. 'Thro' those fiddlehm on " a~ dead the human: with I. at tho (.‘1 Ilclwu-u Ind. II. In. Out“. Gold Itr'«-' I “on. on...» The Client Residual 01’ out“! n-d Pro- bably of the Dent-Io- lee Jae. hosed Away. Ottawa. Oct. 1L-(SpeclnL)â€"xrl. Philip O'Meara. the oldest resident at the city. and probably of the Domin- lon, dled on Friday at the residence 0: her daughter. lire. J. Ryan. Well- ington-street. Mrs. O'Mem wu horn in Tipperary. Ireland. in 1785. end was. therefore. 111 years old. She wu mu- rled when :0 years of age. Her hue- band died 47 yeen ago last March. They hell 3 funny or seven none and one daughter. The sons that are alive are: Thomas O'Meern. Chlcexo; wmlun O’leu'n. Meechee' me; Phlllp end Devld O'Meere ot Hlnton- bmh. neer here. Ire. O'Keere he. 64 trend-children. One of her mad- chlldren le Con-tome O'Hara. of the city police tom The exut number of her greet [rend-children to not known. but they ere aid to be neerl: three hundred. She hed et leeet Mr met greet (rend-children. HOW M'A ULAY GA I’E UP. hhhhhh Ml, VBBUGSISTSL PERFUMEHSAIJ THE SWEETEST MOST FRAGRANT, MCST REFRESHING AND ENDURING OF ALL PERFUMES FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF, TOILET 0R BATH. h-lu “mu”... .- Ireland. Murray 6: F!I!!! Deva at Lawrence 00, Lan man’s FLORIDA WATER LIVED 111 YEARS. GENERAL DEALERS. out“, 00‘. II. n‘- :‘puhnl‘m h I3 .....y ‘I m “’00 MinMCo (or in tho M- .5 “MN". Wm .. In mum“ ‘roJL £31...” M on. 0‘ £31m" 88 soon Strut. given. HOSIERY,‘ A Word About Underwear. October Bla‘fiket Sale. We don’t descend to bluster and nonsense to draw trade, just a plain statement of facts. Always sure‘ to find things just as stated. Money back if not. price. In buying 'the grocer must be able to judge as to quality and cup flavor, and next in importance is uni- formity_' We flatter ourselves that in the judging of cofl'ee we have no peer. For years we have made a special study of this delicious beverage, and to-day have a cup of Coffee in perfection. Our Coffee at 45¢ per lb. excells all others, strictly pure and rich flavor. Our Cofiee at 40¢ per lb. is uni- form in strength and flavor, a rich, fragrant cup of Coflee. Our Coflee at 35c cannot be equalled at the We rather think we’ve learned the lessonfiwellâ€" now it’s your turn. Instead of the endless adultera- tions that literally flood the market we're getting the purest brands and the best, and we give you the‘bene- fit of our careful buying. -5923 ' mFIuy‘rTEAGA BY THE 00850 no PACKED m -Ivvvu 'v-uâ€" vw - Wan II M Fundi'féi GARDENS IN WWmeto .7 My. m Tut Bulb-At ALL m Tut DAVIDSON 5 HIV ".O~..IIOH¢ coo-on... PERFECT BLEND a... "u"‘â€"-‘ 'I’wâ€" v..- Our customers save money by purchasing their Blankets and Sheetings from us any time durin October. One of our wholesale lines is Alla/col Grev Blankets. 40¢ per 1b., White Lincoln Blanketa, long ailky fibre, pink and blue border, at 45¢ lb. We recommend these blanken to our customers. ey are carefully manufactured from bright clean wool. Compare the quality and price with othErs‘ This month we ship immense quantities of Blankets to fill wholesale orders taken last gpting. _ - n “a HOW TO BUY TEA. HORN BROS... Stockings. Socks and Mitts at wholesale prices. Japan Teas as low as 20 cents. Japan Teas, extra, at 25 cents. Japan Teas,lspecial, at 40 cents. Blend India and Ceylon, at 40 cents. India Tea at 25 cents. Catlin M Foundry Work. Repairing of [may if“? Bull .- him Is pmpnnd to do :11 kinds 0 h '1/ out anti-ohm 000., Soothe-up Show: Mus SPRATT KlllEN. COFFEE. Shani}! OIOWH. John lam:- LINDSAY FOUNDRY. Horn 85!. Karma Tea. um, mucus“: JOHN Lladuy Woollen Mills. J OHN MAXINE, William-lt- Nom gag . CEYLON AGENTS, TORONTO FAMILY GROCERS A PERFECT EA mm mm Lao Pm aux

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