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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 16 Oct 1896, p. 4

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you require at SPECIAL LOW PRICES. for the present school term. mum's W91” W- G. 3181!. We’nneilmtomifyw ehauec,aswe'reh Adollnrortwoona ordinary business- W W w / THE POST’S NEW STORY. Our subscribers cannot with justice complain that THE POST is dull or un- interesting when they receive weekly ten large pages filled with the choicest and freshest telegraphic news from all quar- ters of the globe, as well as a very com- plete summary of local and district events gathered by our correspondents and report- ers. We are ever striving to make Tm: Post a better paper for the home. and are cheered by the fact that in addition to a constant accession of new subscribers we receive many encouraging letters from persons who have taken the paper for many years, and whose words of commendation are highly appreciated. Owing to the demands made upon our space, first by the election contests and later by the reports of the fall fairs. we have been unable to give our usual com- plement of story. omission will now be repaired ; for the next two months we purpose printing a series of short but intensely interesting tales, and the first issue of the new year will contain the opening chapters of a serial story that will captivate old and young. Between now and the first of the year will be a capital time for new subscribers to join, as the paper will be mailed to any address in Canada or the United States untill January 1st, 1898, for the small sum of One Dollar. 5â€"“â€" EDITORIAL N O T38 A Winnipeg paper says that Lord Aber- deen, when he reaches that city on his way to the Pacific coast, will swear in Attorney-general Sifton as minister of the ' l1 terior. This unavoidable t i t v .v;. ' s I x 1 i l w i a 1 ’1 i‘.’ . :il a} . ., v a Z I, . v i' l. 6‘- '. Up till Oct. let the fire losses in the States and Canada were $90,088,700, against $96,277,900 rot-1895, and 897,602, 900. These are piping times for the in- surance men. Simwrr‘m‘srv mu ' a... a. There is some talk of moving Thanks. giving Day on till the fourth Thursday in November, a week later than the present Would it not be better to move it two weeks in the other direction? date. Among the many promising persons mentioned as probable senators is Mr. H. H. Burnham, of Port Hope, the president of the reform association of East Durham. Mr. Burnhsm’s accession to such an office would be very gratifying to a host of friends. The World’s Montreal correspondent nominates Sir Oliver Mowat for a place on the judicial committee of the Imperial He is doing excellent _â€" privy council. work in his present position and is quite to young at 75 to think of being banished from his native land or shelved upon the bench. Czar Nichols left 100,000 francs to be dbtributed among the poor in Paris. The money was contributed by the poor of St. Petersburg‘. The Lord loveth a cheerful giver. when the gifts are earned by honest hint of the benevolent donor. Bat restlessneesornasto enrich as. ethef is set charity: astotbeiryiewsonhcursoflabor. which the old government staggered. Sorrow overcasts the sky of Mr. Foster’s feelings when he remanbers that the pockets of Ianrier are likewise burdened with the salary which each member of the old government was wont to draw. goaround incognito andsee theParis elephant, but the chief of police refused to take him. lest some aeoidentshould bo- fall the imperial sightseer. The warrna’ ought to pull her hubby's hair for even thinking of such nanghtiness Neither of Wales nor the Emperor of Germany would go around incog., and the Sultan of Turkey doesn't have to. The resignation of Lord Rosebery as leaderof theBritish liberals had to come Isoonerorlstter, andtheexcuseof a diff- erence of opinion on the Armenian ques- tion h as good as any other. The aboli- tion of aristocratic privilege and a fair distribution of the wealth produced by labor are the great coming questions in British politics, and no lord can properly leads party determined upon rsdrcalrs- form. _____â€" The uiual complaints are being made in connection with fall fairs that people ex- hibit things that are not their own ploduction and take prizes on them, to which, under the rules, they are not on- titled. It is diflicult to see how this can be prevented. The ture can do legisla nothing more than pass laws afi'ecting the matter, leaving it to the authorities to en- force them. There is said to be more crooked work done in connection With the fall fairs than outsiders have any idea of. The Winnipeg Tribune expresses some regret that the portfolio of the ntierior has not been filled, and seems to imagine the eficiency of the department may be impaired in consequence. This is not the ease. The Hon. R. W. Scott is acting as the minister and brings his experience as commissioner of crown lands with him in- to the department. There has been no complaints as to the administration of the business, and a little delay more or less is, now that the session is over, of compara- tively small moment. The government did well in knocking oil' the usual supply of trunks and station- ery to senators and members of parlia- ment. The practice had grown to be a scandal, thousands of dollars being spent every year in supplying stationery which no human being could use up during the session, and to which the members were not entitled for their private use. The senators were more extravagant than the commoners. but both alike were parties to a wasteful expenditure of public funds. It wps high time that the leak was stop- ped, and the liberal government deserve credit for stopping it, even if some of their own friends were against it. L'Electeur charged that the Quebec post office had been grossly mismanaged ; that it had been operated as a partisan machine, copies of grit papers being sup- pressed or charged extra rates while tory papers and campaign literature were sent through free. The chief post-cfiice in- spector has just concluded an inquiry and reports that there were general and gross irregularities in respect to such matters, and that the officials have been “repri- manded.” If the post-master-oeneral per- mits the matter to rest there he is not the man we take him to be. Reprimands are not the proper punishment for such violations of duty. The agricultural question is attracting attention in France at present. In a re- cent issue of “La Croix et Courone" it calls attention to the alarming increase in the candidates for the so-called liberal professions, and the apparent abandon- ment of the soil. It shows that only 800 students have presented themselves for the study of agriculture and kindred sub- jects during a year, while on the other hand there have been 8,776 law students 7,728 medical students, 2,668 in pharmacy, and 5,032 in sciences and letters. Thirty- six millions of people and 800 agricultural students ! This is a bad sign for France, but at the same time Canada must not for, get that very similar conditions prevail here. The problem should be faced be- fore it assumes the alarming proportions witnessed in France, and which threatens he future existence of the country. It would seem that Lord Rosebery was a better foreign secretary than leader of the liberal party. His resignation of the leadership of the party would indicate that it lacks cohesion and unity of opinion. Taken all in, all there are very few in the old country who would be inclined to agree with Mr. Gladstone that Great Britain should take upon herself the haz- ardous and certainly thankless task of dealing sings handed with the Eastern question. nglsnd may be great on land and see. but in view of her responsibilities it would be the extreme of folly for her to rush into agiflundeorgshéng which. in the present con _ on uroposn afl'aifl, aphid be eggmlent to co arises disaster. . teed some caedaicspumgyetthemayor last Sun. daytcokaballotvotecfthocaroperators TmmezJoy irradiates the soulof Hon, Geo. E. Foster when he remembersthattheshonlders ofInnrior are nowburdened with the troubles under $8tos IRIS “ii i 9. line. and that next year shewill take up with the shows In the ladies’ department. as many ladies of her arqualntanoe make large sums by taking prizes on the same goods annually. We shall probabl go into partner- ship and save e tickets, as every little helps. If you want more tips on shows from parties high up in the business, you cannot do better than enquire from m Exnrnrron. COMMERCIAL NEWS- ronoxro sum”. -, L.â€" x Flour-The market ls very firm. 8 3 rogers iii-3e quoted at t$3.58 todaeo wes ranâ€" us ness e an ces nnch ed, at 37 west and 89 on trngk here. Bh‘o'i's 50 west. Wheatâ€"Tho market is fairly active. with good demand. Sales of red and whlte were made outside at 71c to 72c. No. 1 Manl- toba hard is selllng freely at 81c. Toronto tre ht. and at We afloat. Fort William. No. hard 78c Toronto freight. Buckwheatâ€"Trade quiet. with sales on the Northern at 81c. Bari Trade ls clot and prices un- No.1scl atmccnthemd- land. No. 2 is quoted outside at 20° to 800. and No 8 extra at 250. Oatsâ€"The demand ls with sales of o?“ f ‘{hits at and of mixed Peasâ€"The market is fairly active :3 nrmsr. Sales at «to north west and at «e middle freight. market Is unchanged. with c... .. as.“ are - O r i) 0 an “r.” it “has shut. it'd" oâ€" e s ea outside east at 84c. ' . TORONTO mva STOCK W. The receipts at the Western cattle yards today were so earloads. including 1000 head of sheep and lambs and zoo hogs. The cattle trade is dull. with shl meats restricted. Ocean freights from ontreal 40s to 50s. The best exporters brought 8%c to 83%: per lb. and a many sold at 35c. tockers bring to also. and bulls 2c to 2%c per lb. utchers' cattle unchanged. with choice sellln at So to sue per 1b.. medium at 2%c to and in- ferior at 2c to 2%c. Mllch cows unchan:h ed at $20 to $35 each. and calves firm at $4 to $7 per head. with a good demand. Sheep and lambs in moderate supply and steady. Export sheep sold at 2%c to Sc per 1b., and ,bucks at 254C. Lambs are steafily. there being sales at $2.25 to $3 enc . Hogs in moderate demand and onsicr, with receipts of 700. The best sell at 3‘7}; to 8‘59: per 1b., weighed off curs. thick fats at 8% lightweights 3%c. sows at 2%c to 3c an stage at 2c per lb. BRITISH MARKETS. Liverpool. Oct. laâ€"Wheat. spring. Ga 2:! to 63 3d; red winter, no stock; No. 1 CaL. 6s4dto685‘bdicom. 38WlD08-h4l 9d; pork. 47s 6d; lard. 24s 6d; bacon. l.e.. heavy. 293 6d; (10.. light. 29s 0d; do.. s.c.. heavy, 235 6d; tallow. 213 3d; cheese. whim. 42's.- do.. colored. 483. Londonâ€"Openlngâ€"Wheat of! coast and on 3d higher. English country mar- gcts firm. Maize off coast and on passage 8d higher. Liverpoolâ€"Spot what firm; futures firm at 6s 056d for Non. 6s one for Dec.. 6s 1d for Jan.. 6s 034d for Feb. Maize firm at 8s 254d for Nov. and Jan. 3s lid for Dec. and 8a 2%d for March. Flour 20s 6d. Parisâ€"Wheat 19f 60c for Oct. and Non; dour 41f 60c for Nov. Liverpoolâ€"Closeâ€"Wheat futures strong at 6s 1d for Oct. and Nov.. 6s 159d for Dec. and 6s “ad for Jan and Feb. Maine firm at 83 3d for Now, its said for Dec. and 8s 2%! for Jan. Flour 21s. Ilondonâ€"Closchâ€"Wheat on passage nrmer. Maize on passage firmer. . Parisâ€"Wheat firm at 19f 75c for Oct. ’ Lindsay Market Prices. [coarse-rm snarl I‘all Wheat, Sprlquheat............. . Bariev.No. 1.............. . . Barley. No. 2 ........... . ....... Barley.No.8 .................... Barley, two rowed...._. .... .... .. Barley,No.3extra........ ...... .. m ........ s ssssss s aaaaaa u non-en'soanutn hurrah. .. Butter, perl .,forroll.. .â€" ...... Butter.psrlb.. ortub.. .... ...... .nOOHGOOOOUOOOOOO n ............... scone-sen Mn..- n...“ III- ... mQCIOIU DrenchcguperlOOlbs- .... .. Eve nous ...... .................. “0.0.0.... 0 Q... I“ 00000000 Q. umml ass-sea" not ”use . Mauls. us... asss . "inhuman“ ans . 08 BM! ' ~ ’ , unusual B as 56h . . .. b it . , - Mia‘- atlas as; ‘ 533853 ii“ ,. h . , u h _L b 55 33“ till ||MI| . .l. asruruurtutu rams: ' . instants uussuun _v,, CONDOQI;;GMOOOOOHOOOOO a asesssssssssss:cascssusssse ‘WMflltttl‘Sstttss888888888888888888 O”, M f ‘ p ., “noon... w w unassssassssssrassssaesseaase p um strum atrium: , 4, - sassnmuiuuutsmss . v~ unnu-nursfiusussu_ , Minimums“: usutuuuunr , 3 : ' “till.” assess .. ‘ Sliliflhhuuflwdh- - 13538538I1$t3i88|85 m in autumn“ mt rs mun nastier-Sn ' i ., ”Shannan“: . _- , "assassins". ~. as,“ v massasssasrtw . . 3 5 - ms: parstsssrssurssunnr . . .9“, arts-starts mes sass 2...; cc ‘ .-.:. “assumes-snares; 2% , . « t, "MSW“: '=‘ ~.- at ”sunrise »' ' .. . l . , Dflm-fllshmmdexeozud afllw'flhlnaesm, Sky. mmmmflnal, Nue 0 manual: with white stripes wulhfisfa..........~... 53rd. 5% rd. 50c yd. BLANKETS. borders. for ...................... 2.25 p“, era. White Wool Blankets. very fine ' wool. flk. yellow and blue 0 Lb. Grey Wool Blankets Wapeelalat ................ $2501.“, ......83,75p.ir with red DRESS GOODS. 10 Pisces mm M, new 6 Don. m’mmm "OOICIOOOOOI0.0IOIOIIOOOO'IOOOIOOI 15’”. GW m III “Mall! ”wanna..." ..... .. ..... . Infill. l was - showed a l .ll notions of -y from Lin [a horses th , i in some cl are: tbejud . m of the Is draught! M. odtbree firsts. w ”Gillies. V. a P. S. flask one In agricultural pod. and it is on (f Mariposa srp . bases on the far In the general . her-sea also showe ever previous y “exhibited. In road or -. .nyentrlesof c m .'e'" e {‘1‘ are. if not two he 11 for driving. ls thoroughbred cattle. Hr John Ca steak rals hears. P. Heborvie‘ also sho- h the above also -e in Holsteins, T. James were the pri The inure numee m breeds c ,. mutton silk-smear..." ............. attesdluehNavvand BlackSerces at.. ............ ”c.40s.500.65cand75:yd, “c ya. CARPETS. so Inch Union Carpets. very strong m. “DCOU'OIOIO. sssssssssssssss 27 Inch Tapestry OarpetsJooksllke aBs-ussele.for .................... 35 Inch Wool Carpets in the Latest LmericanDeslgnstor ............ Dominion. Its pcsition is unique. w. a. moist r. a mum WAN-t- New Advertisements. IMOBIAL CARDSâ€"A m at m Penn-luring andmetb-n. 0 RENTâ€"An 8-rocm house, also in eonnecdcn half acre of near the Grand Trunk nation CONNOLLYPM 4w. ACHER WANTEDâ€"For S. S. ~ No. a. Vsrulam. for 1897. ed till Nov. 5th, experience. Apply to T. J. [NOEL], Bobcavgeon. Ont. â€"86-ll. O RENT.â€"In Dunoon's Terrace, Wei- lington-st.. the m m noose. contain lngtenrooms; uoodhardandsoftwaterand conveniences. Possession van at once. ply to DAVID swoon.â€" N TEDâ€"SEVERAL FAITHFUL [EN 08 WOMEN to travel for responsible Salary Position sxpenssa. Euclese self addressed envelope. The National. Star Building, Cbimgo. EAP STRAW FOR SALEâ€"I have about25tonsol straw more than i re- quire. and will sell the rams at half- rl bu to firm dvo 'hills”; which. of B D. CLANCY, Lind” Ami-r. ‘bc Yd- dsclos "%.. . (hi M landandgoodnabls m2 receiv- 1898. Stat m-hrysnd Tilt of money >houl<l give... 0111' very 1. prices are no indicati. 0f the quality of GUI.‘ we are selling 111i son. Values are reorganized almost daily, in accordance with the way Goods are selling # 40 inch all-wool Black Cashmere (a snap) Ladies Mantles, this season import, all colure, Big line of Infants' Coats. just received Ladies' and Children's winter Gloves, all sizes, See our Ladies' Wonder Hose, seamless Ladies winter Undervests, long sleeves, iui Childrens Meus' and boys' white unlaundered Shirts. iiut1.irout and cufi's, . Men's winter Undershirts and Draw Men's Flannelette Shirts, collars attached Men’s pure all-wool Socks, white toes and tops Men's Elastic Web Suspenders, very strong. 10m Men's and boys' Caps, bought at a sacrifice Boys' and Girls‘ School Caps to clear at 1.3- l‘.’§c anill' ‘ Men's very heavy wool Shirts, collars attached ' Men’s a‘l'wooi Knit Cardigan Jackets, Very warn: Boys‘ short Pants, lined ai‘. through, ‘2 pockets. Men's good strong Pants, a big bargain Men’s very strong and very heavy Pants, mus g“. L: Men's Suits in all sizes. perfect timing. Men’s black \Vaierproof Coats Men's Overcoats, this season’s style (cum: n1. Boys' Overcoatsâ€"we have stacks of them as it'W b! ;. Clearing line of Children's 2 piece suite, 1ng \ .iuc 1.: The averagr '. . We can afford it 3' - ‘ crs wtuld w .'u a call. DOW net‘s:- to rage the I! MID of h welds. F. Small wo . Isners about them. Janacshaw and ‘ established nurse in Province of Ontario. mo. payable 815 weekly and permanent. 0V6 I in Leicester Reference. :S peas. in S, wssndlvlded . pbsll, A. M chl Tnseeveral breeds mated by some M. Wm. Rich. we. w. l’. Kt Hawkins still main shires. an as usual . less. In poultry than . “a? 1” mm“ ‘ ‘ ' Valves) 1' The main and pr. stocked with an entries. which, a. . 1" dOllll'limenr, p ~ of the "bannrr . none In the Donn . the ladies' and n , was I bewilderl artistic work. a. s‘ mt deal ' ' ~ ted tm - = M II are , areconsldered. Cu“ little l ltd bavegraoed a 1 than the Merip the most extol. Ices llnaswere Mrs. M Hrs. Arch. 1 Im’n W. Alarm Chas. Conn. Mrr. Dundee and Mrs. do their own drawi Lindmy Apply to P P.0.. or Blacswsll 0° . (Insertâ€"864w. MSH'OERSNWfi‘NrTmeâ€"T wo teachers was r as. o. p cheach, County of Ontarl male teacher prises smals tsachsrag'alslstant. A as ”L also . t the undsrs if", an an 1. G. 8.8 ACHER WANTED-Owing to the t teacher. Ir. J. 1!. ion: um €333?“ °' ms lust have second-ela- earns“ tolst than: fill-'1, MISS BLAIGHE GHAIBEILIII Teacher of PIANO. Certificated Pupil 5000 yards Factory Cotton, worth 7c for Beautiful patterns in Flannelettes See our regular 19c Flannelette, 32 inch wide. for 25 inch Grey Flannel (good weight) 26 inch Grey flannel (pure wool) Pure All-wool Factory Flannel 27 in (nobby patterns) 23c Very heavy Canton Flannel Fast color Cotton Shirtings (good patter Fancy plaid Dress Guighams (bright colors) Heavy feather Ticking American Cotton Batts, free from di Big drive in Oottouades, choice patterns, Joblot ofTweedstobs cleared out at 52 inch table Damask, cream laid, Fancy border Towels, honeycomb Id d‘ ‘5 .T . .3150 will be received by 5th. 1890 stating-ha nee, duties to commune ln Jan. , Greenbank RC. Ont. -u m“. .-â€"â€"â€" 10c 15c W" utc i f;.ih'd rssi ties of the Iodatt gals teacher new. Applies: ,u) ov . state also some . . .. salary. Apply tea. CUN- ers,db1e chested 95c P.0.- ”8w. rt, 8 on, 4 for IQ ”IO sfesrerr of Toronto College of Music. Address. Hrs. . . 7 St. Lawrence Btuâ€"MM! “:93: Stewart. ARM FOR SALEâ€"In the Township of Ops, being composed of lot No. 3 in the 9nd acres; sixty acresclenlodaud lngood state of cult‘vatlon ; ten aerosol hardwood ; frame house: good orchard bear fruit ; well watered :onl eight miles rem Lindsay and two miles from Janetv to PATRICK ICCANN on premists. - 86 4w. Bright Ken and Women Gama-er. for Canada and Australia ' Victoria. her Life and Reign " tiou by Lord Dufferln. A thrilling new book. Sales ueen as rlrl, wife. mother and grandly illustrated. prospectus free to Lots of money N 00 , Lrb, 59 21c 7~§c pattern, “:28 in. 20:48 in. Pure linen Towels, fancy check red and blue (per dcs) 50c 54 inch Mantle Cloths, all shades, 54 inch heavy beaver Mantle cloths, all shades Children’s Eidtrdown coatings, new p't'ns and colors 50c 40 inch Tweed Dress Goods. good mixture of colors, 20: Beautiful plaid Dress Goods rep. nearly all the clans, 10c .3001 Serge: Dress “GM s, Cou. seventy 759 barn : log all winter e. For psrtlculars apply iii i i if WANTED. Queen Introduc- 25c 30c 33 shades. 36 inch pure all 24 shades, marvellous. The Q monarch. Reads like routine.~ ; Big commission. canvassers. Our interest in the Ready Made Clothing Business comes of a sincere devotion to your interest. style, sklmps quality and charges exorbitant pri Tailobmade clothing of every sort is here ready-to-wear, you. Materials the best. styles the newest, every detail perfect. CARTE ”1 anthc ties and all mothers. and are 50 per cent. cheaper than any other lines in the market. Books on time; Exc'usive territc . THE BRADLEY C Richmond-st. W- Toronto. Ont -â€" 58d“. GEO. H. WRIGHT. The Photographer. Photos in Every Design. d All work Guaranteed. 4 Ram Over HeCartr/s Jewelry Store WW DESIRABLE RESIDEl'l'lL PROPERTY FOR SALE; Theundemg‘ nedodersfor residenceand ropertvsltuatad the Town of north _slde of Ielbourne- fins Warmest Thereisadrst-clsssstory andouthouseganeliculti pumhaserhastheuseclanexcsllsnt This isnnexoeptlouloooomity reasonable price goodlocalltyoftbetown cos. Money-making is his sole ambition. stylish Suits for Men and Boys such as Merchant Tail Men’s Hats and Furnishings, the largest side} in Lindulv P.S.â€"Full line of Gaussian Health ador- mr for Men: gar- ment stamped. see our stock of Dr. Den fan's Sleeping Garments, which have the seduce- ent of.the best health M‘ 519 s and . In n 00qu Inseam the envy st 0“ ~ ., -d.’s “M assign ”who stores or ran Lhada tuiotIliI Cl! Ci '7‘! local \ E. W. HcGnfle - TQMER . ,__.â€"â€" We ask careful consideration of the following price list. It will pay you to read cvcr)‘ In the first place, we direct special attention to Uur Flannel be t. . Shakenandflunelstteggoodgoodnficslc. 32in. 7c We know onr85|ncb atOcanlecareunsurpaseed. 10c,l2ic. 15c.and18c me and25o ”caudzbc 25.68.50. and 08 15c TO OUR CUS nd-y, beinglotnumberlourcnths word 0{ “ andihe a "flame Apply to span com, um, ortolclntyre serum, sm‘ Lind-r. Oct. 8th.- ecuâ€"sore. sum Intros-sultan. '0' We will do what we are capable of for 00" l” DRESS 60008. We Shine in this department. # Cashmercs and Serges. black. at 22c, 23c. 31 Singlsmoldallwool DmGoodsst . - Double Fold neavv Tweeds at Bessy Seuss ln Colored at Waist Iii-Inga lineal-pruning- at “Domini.” OHM Grey Flannel Fancy Flannels Flue Heavy Factory Flannel .Whlte Blankets Horse Blankets Ladies’ Cashmere'GloveI. all lndles' Cashmere Bess. Table moon. 56 inch. Oaths m at . Isn‘s Bleak Bataan mun. Ole. Us and Ken‘s Shirts. hp. Ian‘s omm‘ as Oar extra been all west at indiu‘ Vests at bidh‘ Drains. m I hassle Plea for I m Piss m h “tenses 01. 01.86. 68. wool. ice: large i dash nuvssssd ea tar-art leis loan can laid tar Wes and Me IOWA“ 03m. straw-ant “our ”'5. an tells-m alas Wand sets an . H. . Soorrrnaan, and“. .mâ€" nun. Narcissism . ms museum Imam “Museum lOlhchIthmunndlqnllflfl highmmmofl 223...... hslr othsviy on was. “ma-ms ennui and sntnnal if ls amuse» I f l; Iii t Onsnl “ ‘ swimmer-salts -. 1 .HH, ‘ ‘ s s ’7': GEO.

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