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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 30 Oct 1896, p. 3

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confident} wisiomng‘ ion to P3)” 5 more. m1y.It untold! id a snug thinking LII-11A. not take 1 caution ‘nt l on her may “)1 for fiit Svsscazrx l'Jaa 5'63 5 wzffl 5 ~ m, -1: is nlwnye bezt to renew two ween c due on your wrepper expizee in order to -- rruptcd senroe .J...» ~- ansâ€"We cannot underuke to en p11,; My ri-zewala Cu‘x‘l" nâ€"Ittnkes two ueeketochnnom we we alter your subscription is . ~ on the paper indium when your paper will b. stopped unless promptly renewed. cum: cr' Ammxss â€"Aiwnys give both your old ' you? new address when you ask us to chase your address; the name of the town end the m or Province you live in shou’d dwaye follow your own this once We manure-Ally we when writing to Ind your me on our books unless this intone, u any names ms Alike. Lafilas should he 31$: rsed: [up-v.â€" 1 %3p11osphites, is the? best food-means of gettmg‘ ~+rength backâ€"yam: our =~‘ .‘ goctor v.11}. tell you that. A He knows also that when ~+ion 1s weak 11:15 1 010‘82. ESL;- Cgo break up cod-liver oil out of the_body.than. to burden yourt1red dlgestlon «"741 it. Scott’s Emulsion m 13 HEALTHY. Both Exports and Imports Show an Increase. V' 55132 {Manama gm. 33m MINING [N NOVA SUDTIA. The Boom in the We“ Curses Intense In- '39! in :he Eastâ€"An Award Which I: o wCL" a: haters“ so flunlclpd Bodies- nr. unlock ls Busyâ€" ouawa News. ‘ Oct. 25.-The exports for “w ending 30th Septem . ,. ;" >( .._- Ant-u. n“ :12: gratifying increase at ":11; September increase .u'.‘.;tantia.1 one. being .44.“ .35») 1:1..Lims and a. quarter. The ‘ 2.; increase of $3,257,483, .- '. , .11; ;u‘.1_~utcd uf. $65,206. "1 ;’J.i:“.,;e:xu1t of the Geological .r' - - ‘ Snuff. Ottawa. returned “MA-v f-uw his season’s ffinssY. diswic: an “as vxgom Bf'LcTavisb amtrd on in accord. null payn yes. :1}; tha arbitrators lairr‘. for use wx ith the court in C )um‘. Co m: y of in: an ‘ award. A despa the Coloni 'he boo ‘i ‘y um.“ L.“ J {1232‘s disaum'ved the county‘s a)? compensation for common "Ev-lo? Lincoln . an important bearing on St Catharines I e ‘ ,iu‘hspatch has been received from * ohmial Office inviting the Demin- .o‘:'.o:vs: Fine arts hygiene. salvage. industrial and decor- ative arts, lighting. heating and their Ilsa. electricity. locomOtive power. mfl‘ dustrial manufactures. nary science. in material, processes and products, 8901;- mg goods, exercise. popular gum . temporary competitions in 8-8“th and horticulture, practical instruction. industries and handiwork of facmty commerce colonies. and every {3‘50 be afforded for foreign exhibits. “__:.:..L (invbmment has exp ‘ L‘.‘ me man YEAR. Tar. CANADIAN 9051' Printing House Lands-v, Ont. commerce COLquca. u--.â€" ,. is to be afforded for forexgn exhibit:d The British Government has express its :vimnginess to participate in the same. Regulations have been adopted by the United States Government whereby E33 navigating 3e 500 v to a. s n exceeding peed in making me result of the big steamers going ‘t tull speed. A fine is impose‘1 on V l‘ w»: 554213;" M... guilty of breaking era not PAYABLB ll ADVANC’. 2253 may commence with my ism, at. should a me coma-.10 lways be and d o! the uni Orders no “ways safe sndmay Friday work W y“-â€", C is fraiLStrength gone ,5 can your case an- 4116” is a fat-fam- M 11: ...... 1 331.133.1011 applies ‘0 magmas?!» 5.. be enforced 888111“ ‘ yes- of cod-liver 011, Ll W {I 0 rl (D > repew .two weeks expues In order ‘0 down," E; and 31.00 ”339W“ 3e! ownerl. The! are now CREW“ (or an‘ mteljgatigm imminent _-_.I._ .._‘n 0111' cope. ‘ ,' ~ ' 1 The total sealing catch of this year 9 as reported to the Fisheries Depart: ment, was 37,324, or which 17,425'were males and 19,899 temles. 5 The postoflice savings bank account ,1 for September shows the deposits fox-li the month to have been $595,250, and ; withdrawals $617,243. The balance to E credit of gepogtors is $29,219 745. ‘ 9 ,__-_‘ m-.. Lgnn trad- U-Lmb v... -v' â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" r, _ _ V ' . John Haggart was here yes- tefidg in consultation with Sir Charles Tuppeg -. ‘r n m-.. (n tam veg- L uyy». 0 Mr. Devlin, M. P., was in town yes- terday and went down to Cornwall to attend the obsequles o: the late Dr. Bergm. Hon. William Mulock left for To- ronto last night. A notice appears in The Canada Gazette of an application to Parlia- ment for an act to permit the King- ston and Pembroke Railway to be sold for payment of the indebtedness of the company. The Standard Photo Engraving Com- pany is seeking incorporation. The amount of capital stock is $10,000. The promoters are Toronto and. Montreal fax. Hon. John Costigan cannot attend the Irish race gathering in Toronto on Tuesday, as he is in New Brunswick. Hon. R. W. Scott. Secretary of. State. will not be present either. W-v- ‘gtha only Minister in town. and somebody must be here to run the ship of state. Heatâ€"Col. Gray, formerly in com- mand at the Toronto Field battery and now inspector of military stores for the Dominion. - A be attached to the headquarters staff here. Lieut- Col. Gray will have to take up his residence in the city. Archbishop Duhamel returned ye:- terday from Lowell. Mass, where he unveiled on Tuesday evening the bronze statue 0! Father Andre W. Gal-in, late pastor of St. Jean's Churc Dr. Adamson of McGill University ‘was in the city yesterday, accom- panied by some twenty students, in- cluding four young ladies; of his ge- ology class. They visites. Besserer’s Grove on a. geological and botanizlng excursion. The weather was very un- favorable; - AL!_‘ -Abndnfiw in- luv Uliuuc. Dr. McEachren. chief veterinary spector. was here yesterday, and for Toronto last night. An Accommodation Train Down solu- Ban Into An Excursion ‘l‘nln Will: Awful Results. St. Louis. Oct. 25.â€"A head-end col- lision occurred on the St. Louis and San Francisco Railway near Mesamec Highlands at 10 o'clock this morning, by which 'nine people were killed and .ddcg mt”. gaunt: hf the 9. score injured. The scene of the wreck is 13 miles West of this city. The Valley Park accommodation train, going east very fast on a. down grade. came into a. collision with the second section 0: a. Westbound ex- cursion train. going to St. James, M ~.. and carrying 240 G. A. R. men and their families. The impact demolished both engines and wrecked or derailed all the cars. , s“ _.. U1 Any-int! an we: U419. Nine bodies were racovemrl during the afternoon. and ’t is ”Guava-:1 that at least two more are beneath the wreck. Of the :9 injurrd eight are likely to die. Following is a. list of the dead: ’ ‘ - -_-_‘....mnula_ Charles Kohl. engineer accommoda- tion train, St. Louis; Comrad Kunze, excursionist. St. Louis: Charles M. Nobles. excursionist, St. Louis; W. f3. Strombeng, excursionist, St. Louis; Frank Hasler, locomotive fireman, St. Louis; J. C. blevins, passenger an ac- commodation, Beckville, 3320-; William Cartwright. excursionist. St. Louis; Bernard McKenna, St. Louis, in charge 0 refreshment car: Mary M;Kennzx, ate/.1 14. assisting ner father. The injuries of the following are thought to be fatal. all being residents of St. Louis: Engineer Dryden of the excursion train. Coniuctor Henry Os- good of the excursion train, Conductor George Wolf of the urcnmmodation train. Charles R. Milentz, Mrs. Peter Hall, Frank Garrity. J. E. Triplett, Frederick Lenz- In I") . .. 1...- There were ten passengers in the two cars of the accommodation train. The front car of the excursion train was the commissary car. lillei \wth re- freshments. A number of passengers. mostly young men, were grouped around the temporary counter, eating and drinking. This and the next car were completely shattered. In the coach following the commissax'y car were 70 people. These fared badly, especial- ly from the steam that poured forth from both boilers. Windows were broken in order to secure egress. The car had been turned completely around and lodged alongside the commissary car. The seriously injured were fire-at- ed and cared for at Kirlawocd, and those able to travel and the unin- jured were returned Lo_the city at 3 W _ ._ \\___ mm. It is known that Engineer Dry- den had orders to watt at Windsor Siding, near where the cnilision oc- curred, to allow the .ncommumation train to pass. but he hemasei the train’s speed and triei tn Wet-haul the first section of the traip. -. I. Ax, A.-."- wv- ..... The excursionisEé {risengoing to St. James, Mo.. to ass'ast in the dedication of a home for the age! widows of veterans. NINE PEOPLE KILLED. Married Well Sarah Leslie. a. dissolute woman once much respected, and the wife of a proml- nent East End cltlzen, died suddenly at about 6 o'clock last night in the ram- shackle place old John Richardson calls a home at 173 Slmcoeâ€"street. Deceased had been drlnklng very heavily of late and yesterday, With Rlchardson. she consumed a large quantity of whis- ky. At noon she lay down on the dirty lite. and it is now nearly two years ago that she became identified with John Richardson. who is a “scissors-toâ€"grind ” man and umbrella mender. well known on the streets. Just revious to the time deceased threw in her at with John a. woman named Mc- Kee, e niece of Richardson’s. died very suddenly under somewhat similar elm stances at the same house. Her husband was with her at the time of her death. on the same mattress on which the Leslie wo- man died last night. Coroner Johnson ONCE SHE ”’48 1" RETTI'. Well But Became Addicted to Drink and at last Bled In a lion-l. apartmentk Retina .. . kins tor tkommutar Quits penalty, fixed prDec. :: ‘F .121 urged Ire'thtt‘Prenr “=5 2:“ ; ”1.1% Ema: ' .n w m killing, ‘was a. strong a a boy could never IMONT‘ they was here yes- , Toronto. Oct. 26. With Sir Charles i Yesterday waa‘the most exciting day in: all for the speculative traternity. 'as in town yes- i . 1 to Cornwall to IA great deal or attention has been or the late Dr. bestowed on the wheat market 0: late - ly the past week- The k 1 - and particular ° ett for To advance in the Chicago market within “:1 Th: fife» two months has been 23c. The climax a. on 0 at a- the ermit the Kin g- was reached on Monday last, when December option sold at 49 84c. Then Railway to be the indebtedness ,the stories 01 large amounts of money and even fortunes began to he circulat- ed about the fortunate ones who had bought and were holding wheat at the time. But there is an end to all things. Hundreds of people were induced by the higher prices to try their luck in wheat, and the buying by outside loperators, in Toronto, $29,219,745. I I Engraving Com- trporation. The ck is $10,000. The to and Montreal lnance has gone iefyisit. Thence - v7-11 33,â€"(specuu- w nun. Winnipeg. Oct. t Manitoba have de- prices through“ cllned slightly. DY. wheat it he d by holding. and might gain a. his rise in prices should occur. Toronto, Oct. 24. Ht that case. t was unng- the two South Bans-~sSIaunht079¢ "' 4‘: cmcagowuaatl’lt- Mom SPEGULATURS' L Melina of Two and Liverpool Caused I 1 Fact I'm ”one! bought and wen: uVlunua ..__w, time. But there is an end to all things. Hundreds of people were induced by the higher prices to try their luck in wheat, and the buying by outside operators, including those in Toronto, ODGmtOIB, meluumg my-.. .â€" was on a larger scale a week ago than a month ago, when prices were much lower. Many thought that wheat should be bought at the beginning or last week on declines of 10 to 2c per bushel, but it has turned out differently. e trading element had become so bullish that many talked a dollar wheat in the near future. They backed their opinions and lost. The market yesterday declined 4c per had made money up to Monday last are now behind in their speculations. The British markets yesterday were very flat at a decline 0: 21-2d per cental. Available supplies are large. and the future ‘ market will depend -1 v 1...;li \\' can Aim -vv Saturday, and 116 a. year ago. ump- ments from both coasts for the week were 3,823,000 bushels, 300,000 less than for last week. Atlantic seaboard clear- ances for twenty-four hours amount. ed to 289,666 bushels. Closing continent- al quotations were higher to correspond Hm. u“ Annoy-mm advance of yester- ivith the day. Al. New York. New York, Oct. 24.â€"Wheat opened much lower at theProduce Exchange this morn- lng. December closed last night at 8055. opened to-day at 77. and May, whlch clos- ed yesterday at 31% opened to-day at 80%. Lower cables and tree selling were the cause or the lower prlccs. lily ‘Ivu' --_ V New York, Oct. 24.41:: the last half nour prices of wheat again tell and at the close the decline amounted to taining money accommodations were the chief factors of the weakness. A - vices from the West were to the effect that a steady unloading was in pro- gress. The sales in this market dur- -- A--- an...“ nrf business to-day 79 5-8. that 21. SLUuuy u... The sales in this market dur- v..._.__v ing the two hours of business to-day ' 000 bushels. December "6 5-Sc and May at Advices From Enalud. London. Oct. 24.â€"Beerbohm's corn trade list in a review of the week says: “Al- though the market is apt to go to ex- tremes. and a decided reaction has occur- red, the general conditions surrounding the market are unchanged. and the trade need not lose confidence that the world‘s visible supply is less than in any year since 1891. The price ought to keep up to a level of at least 353. Any return to low prices will probably be prevented by a rise in the freight rate.” At Liverpool wheat opened fid higher this morning, in sympathy with the movement or the market in Ameriw. but weakened immediately arterwaras. selling «mere at the best period of the market were more plentiful than was anticipated. Hea- vier shipments overburdened holders and dealers anxious to liquidate then rushed 4,4"- ml: “culcno Hun-Iv“ -v ..,..7,7 to sell. Values ten rapidl}. closing 2w: down. ner Husband and Two Boys Injured In the Accident. Amesbury. Mass, Oct. 25.â€"An accl- dent occurred here this afternoon by which one person was instantly killed and three others badly injured. Alfred H. Coombs, his wife. a. 10-year- old boy named Percy. who lived with them. and another boy, a-son of Alfred Morrill. started from Mr. Coombs' house to drive to church, when the horse took fright and plunged over an embankment, throwing them out. Mrs. Coombs’ head struck a. tree and she was killed. Mr. Coombs was rendered unconscious. and will probably die. The boy Percy is injured internally and has small chances of. living. The Morrill boy was the least injured. St. Lonls. Oct. 25.â€"A special from the City of Mexlco says: An unknown ruin- ed clty, coverln a space larger than New York City, wl two temples and two great pyramlds. has just been discovered in the mountains in the State of Guerrexo by Wlmam Niven. the well-known miner”. cg'ist of New York. He has Just term-nod from, a ten weeks' trip into that county and brought back more than 300 M graphs of the null. buyers. the w‘ ed with a. nominal shortly ““3”“ the ] shipments induced short “dong. agdfivaluesaree n- -5...“ a Liverpool. Oct. 26.â€"0wing to a scar- the wheat market city of buyers. n h a. nominal business. but rwards the market show- 2d advance. Confidence in the continuation of the rise and increased shipments induced short selling reali- zations. and valuesnregradualry an- ing at. Paris advices encouraged the ‘ d the decline touched ad un- bee. der. The best American cablea en. a reaction of 1-2d. and the market closed about unchanged. Helsingtors, Finland. Oct. 9 wrecked at! m steamer that was 62.11, mention of which was made“: ed11- MRS. COO‘HBS ”’AS KILLED. The (lose at New York. A Ruined Clty Mucoverefl. Adunee In leefPOOl- llAAAvuwn-v-nv he weakness. 'L‘Ld- were to the effect dim: was in DTO‘ a *The less. So the . py. for he is wheat 11: he by holding. a a. his rise in DON’T KNOW WHERE 3.: the rude Believe ms nu!!! m Will be Dena. £01 zs.-â€"(Speclal)‘m°“ wmnxpez. Oct. Manitoba 118‘” 4" I -M ohmnz‘hout milieu.” At Chicago. Chicago. Oct. 26.â€"’1‘he wheat market kept speculators guessing to-day. and at the close they were apparently as far from a solution as at the start. although prices rested at a gain from Saturday. The cables from Liverpool at the opening were 1-2d hlgher. that information tending to encourage buy- ers a little. but the closing advices were lower. Quick changes 111 price were constantly taking place and the tone veered trom strong to weak and ,,,,,,,,, Iv on 1‘- tlve. The routine news incident to the session was. generally speaking. at a. character to disappoint advocates of higher values. but the burning of an elevator in the northern part 91 the city, by which 1,200,000 bushels of wheat was destroyed. gave the mar- ket an upward inclination at the close. Closing continental cables were all lower. December wheat opened from ($9 7-Sc to 70 1-4c. sold between 71 1-8:: and 69 1-4c_ closing at 70 34c to 70 7-8c. Re to 1 1-‘3c higher than Saturday. Lush when: was firm and 1c higher. London, Oct. 26.â€"The reports of to- day's grain markets on the various Contincntal bout-sea, received at the London office of the United Associated Presses, are as follows: Antwanâ€"The wheat market was in- active. Holders compelled to accept lower bids. Time business has been paralyzed by the vlolent fluctuations L~f the American markets. Corn was easy. with very few buyers. Parisâ€"Flour opened weaker, but a better reeling followed. â€"_ -_ -3 mlOk . mm ”gamer". com-4 mg to Their Senses” V full number of sellers at lower prices. ()1: the strencth of new: from Amerlca the market later became firm. Buda Pest-Oflers increased at lower prices. Amsterdamâ€"Market lower. Marseillesâ€"Market steady and with- out notable chgnges. ,L-__ -..A Dn-Inn out. IlULnUnc LAD-bun". Odessaâ€"The Danubian and Russian markets were inactive and nominally Very u: m. ac"-.- ---_~- cessions. but the best opfxiion is that if there is a symptom or decline in any market ours will give way. At. The Weekly Review. London. Oct. 26.â€"’l‘he Mark Lane Ex- press, in its review or the grain mar- ket, says: “The rise in the price of wheat is justified by the situation. It is not a speculative advance; on thé contrary. a speculative effort to bear the market is on foot. The Eng- lish wheat crop did not exceed 7,250.- 000 quarters. though it is stated that it reached 9.000.000. Let the tanner: wait. The inrush of wheat into the market from California and Argen- tina is now arriving. but it will not arrive freely until February" or March. and it cannot depress prices it English wheat: do not encumber the earlier markets- Let all the farmers take courage. The epoch of over-produa- tion is on the wane.” Blames The Bellefllle Intelligence? Announcing nu Dismissalâ€"01M sew: l-‘ronn Iona-cal. if; question 'é'tate of suspense. A K161: FROM MR. POPE. Oct. 86.â€"In an mun-view presentatlve or the United Presets to-dIIY. W mber at one o: the mint mg busines as broken In {'ont nentn‘. llarkru. : nut Mun. Four Per Cent. Now Charged by the Bank of England- A Sore mmmmmmti ADE .¢‘ London. Oct. uâ€"The Bank of En:- land has advanced m ntes of db’é'éunt (tenant-cent. to‘per cent. The Globe. In its financial article. ThertselntheBankotEnt- land's discount rate in not likely to meet trade. though it will hurt in- prudent speculators. tor a. rise in the bank rate can stop the American drain of gold the moment it approach- es the danger point. The money mar- ket has still a. supenbundanoe of loan- sble capital. which is obtainable ht The Bank of Bombay has 121ch its rate or discount from 6 to 6 per :ent. All of the newspapers this morn- Ing deny the rumor which was in cir- culation yesterday that the Bank 0! France had agreed to make a loan to the Bank of England with a view to prevent a. raise in the bank rate. At the Baltic to-day the cargo when market was dull at the opening with sellers generally otter-ins at a shining less than yesterdax and no bids at that. ,,.___..A hr talent!!!) he” no Mlle Sinister Explains the Condition of Affairs in Beard to the Warn. London. Oct. ZLâ€"The Dally Stu!- dard’s despat exports o! mmumtumd and agricul- tural products to the West Indies end: the Philippine Islands. musing distress and discontent. 1n the town! feeling of impetienoe and anxiety. all classes or the people hnving been led to hope for quicker and more decisive M nun-co '06qu W .. luauâ€"Prince Iota: or nontâ€" m u lone-General lo‘n b! (hue. He‘i‘ny the expenses or me an ... Cuba. and the Philippine Islands, and to strengthen the finances of the Sarsaparl Ila Simmei of 3500 men to SPA IN AND ,0” FIGHTING HEN. ""19”“: d Ef'éféxfec-ii 3mm. addition d ӣ8 601403753. 1, thoWed M nnd the OOl' three month: near tumm- 11!. communism COMIISSMEB H.0J. AGENTS Heal Estate annual am! Sun! mm, Jun!!! 901. fie Victoria Loan Savings Company. V'. â€"’ vnm Saw. mm o! OIMO Vm, WW Metastatic-tic Vourlnll'! Audition. 0M and m Rel ‘Jvodoonaud auuuo- whatnot!“ two doesn't-t of (30er Bulk- mgr-pt: pros-pd! would to. gum: CHANCE FOB . Warm m ‘BUELD. ”â€"f w ONEY LENT on Mom“- L louu u mm 223 can. on rccurlty. M 0! 5mm. to mu. W Home! new“ [0033 a JACI 1'03 '1‘ ”Stiff-SIX YEARS. W {owt bom'od Won. unnum- W“ “muddled.“ malmm ,_ ‘._. MONEY LENT Arrangements have been made to lend on -___:L_ -6- "tan yearly or quarterly. on days fixed to suit borrower Principal can be reduced by instalment Apply to BARRON STEERS. Dominion Bank Building, Wanna-at... Lind” I'HEc'Eofs’BE’ST FRIEND A-___e-n- I. PAHA” Va terms I! W mat-fr“E LES" 3| WuumST. IdNDSAY. 'Pâ€"fifihvl nun!" 00' Bmgo‘ you. fawn). Money to My}; PHLW CHITTICK. mm o! Qnudp‘vm: -, _ A-hâ€"‘n GEN T. and Stnlglfl }EORGI DOUGLASS. mm or mm: was. “I. OFWCFâ€"Om GW- Druz Stan a com! at Kent naiwnmmâ€"nd yr.“ n3. NEELANDS EXTRACTS both 1., m pain In GAS. und mm All, yam win: mm, the gauntlet Dr. Oolmn. «New York. the originator o! On tor was room. DY. momma Dr. Nuhndlthnhe hnglmthe pa to ma: perm withou: m uocidom. Dr. real- and! mu the but local Pain Obtundcn. ES an r'. A. mums. n DENTIST. _ W W All branch“ of Dentistry, lccmdinglthe 0:1: I Pox-cabin Crowning gym, mace-dilly par-1a 1 u- 11.... h mmmdveyou 1h. M Rf. P0112018“) Urkulug sum... _. -fiv _ It. Gmnpreotmdw givey numbed by" zinc”. BemembcfchosthO rd!- ;blo Dentigt. over Kounodv'a store. Kenna. Egg-$1.511 Artificial Iggth. isbL-Lls 1y. w .‘i'sT‘EzT"omce'""md'-idm~. an. many. owe-in B-PW chm“ L’ 9. maxâ€"063M Tdnlty UniveuitLI Col {Jung W F. O'BOYLE, CLERK OF THE . [UNICIPALI‘I'Y 0! OPS. ”'03- “u “I”? run. In“. I“ W“ w W mom N no... Fund! 1» Lowest Baton. Prints ma other Account-m. Bed W Mom, etc. on». actual OPERA HOUSE BDOCK. LINDSAY (or North and mum Vic-- w... -.._ _-,, Brock bud maven. I0!“ T0 L01! AT LOWEST um um. Aw. c. 1898.â€"63-1!. PETER BEOWN. Honor and” at my MB. 03053. DENTIST, LINDSAY Member of Boydflgffigc Dania; " 41701161712153. W» Wdlington-Ot" LINJ Bax-uteri. Ito. FORGE FOSTER. LICENSE AEI'IOHIIL 30mm maven, Lâ€"IIs BOWES._ A UCTIONEEP Honk E. HERB-[MAE M; 7-1 Genda- m’ .0 Rm Ill. J EFFEBS, Blames: Dena: $1.7 c ; WELLINGTON-ST. autumn no. 4:. Plyucmns. ' v“, www' 7v” na- «Masada. LAUBIE. ’ “action. '0! km? mum mm“! 3'. 0; I any“. --â€"v - nell n , nomad douv!‘ 0‘ to manna 13m: p.ll|.. », 49m 8, 189L-uly- I r-v-â€"' '_,, Follow Vof_'1_‘l'in_i$}' 7““?! ‘1. mm Vast-ll. ‘. LINDSA r. 'L'iniiy. JII'IIO

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