plan. Proper tdln: aim 51.41.31, at Affliginbothah’n my bottle guaranteed. . ‘ Dr. King‘s New Discovery? for Con- mtion had completely cured. her at .a hacking cough that. for many yearn tad mdelife a burden. All other remedies and doctors could site In! no help, but she rays of this Royal Queâ€"“It econ removed the pain in my chest and I can now eleep soundly. renaming I een scarcely remember doing before. I (eel like mending ill praises Wt the Universe.†80 will «ever: one who tries Dr, M New W form W6! t: Could not expreu the rapture of An- nie E. Springer. 0! 1125 Howard-5L, Philadelphia. Pa. when she lonnd that h - Sntuu’af: Accident. an») Murdock. the Victim! of Sut- eu‘ub j’ ,. runaway accident, is doing ï¬re a» serious nature of his he left Hugh-bone was trac- two plums. the left ankle out. no skin was scraped.- 011 the 00. It has been established injuries were caused by the .- team. not by the Fhvollo horses, dtiVon by M: Jan. They Spent Money Freely. Saturday’s trade excursion from Pigeon and Sturgeon lake points wad quite a success. as the 60 password came prepared to buy freely and prob- ably left more money with. our mer- chants than is usually spent. by four times the number of ordinary country visitors. It is to be hoped that next mason our Loan-d of tradq and Iner- chants will be able to arrive’ at’ some definite plan for enlarging the scope of the enterprise. My politic's depends u pon Ihohsexzefch which last I chanced to 10 be fair-minded. in my pride. I am convinced to what they say, And then I hear the other side And get convinced. the other way. And sq new: liqea are evpr drawn, 1 C Curd-.57!!! .. .. ‘.............. 3 Capt. W 0.851.; m. ........... 8 I»: «R u. 3 1mm run u Bout-43.1.1 am. m........ 5 Ctp'. w r W «n ....... C Cam-LA Wlflinm, “Ln...“ 7 1.5. 01“,“ .............-.... 01d friends depart and new dniw Ibo wind was light and. variable and the sun rather bright for good shoot. ins. no Mignon got to work about nine o‘clock and. kept at it until about five o’clock in the evening. Mr. A. B. marry served an appe- tizing dinner on tin grounds at noon, Following We give the names of the Marksman and scores: HANK Ito. l Ramâ€"museum. The annual matches 0! the Victoria. I Rifle Association were held on! the' range west of the town on IbursdayN last, and for the first time for stunsr years our crack marksman had good weather for their meet. As a result competitors were present from Bow- manville, Peterboro, Port Ewe, Kin- mount. Darlington, Manvers, 0:11an and other points, and townspeople turned out well also. , 7 ’ run Weather sad 3 Good Attendance â€"W1nd Not Fumble for Good llllllfll I†THE lilfllSHE. :‘LINDSAY. FRIDAY. m 13. m PAINFUL FINGER ENDS Ox: NIGBT hangarâ€"Sod mama thoroughly, on rocking. in ; nor labor of mm. Dry.udnnotntmely win: Cancun ointment!» great skin cure and mammu. Wenoldgmdnflng the night. For now buds, itchmg, burning aqdydnfnl ï¬nger ends. this magic» mums. 3â€"8334 ;Gu~brlchliy: WHEN arm 838133. muteâ€"M fudg 8 his“ m count Boon. Prim VIOTORIA RIFLE ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MATOHES. The Weekly Post. A Thousand Tongues The Wathetcock IA‘I'OE No. I Rmnâ€"Ifludfl' nail 1310 annual meeting of the 'Caygeon Curlers was held the other eVeningr'Ind was well attended. The following of- ficers were elected: Patron and patronage. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Boyd; president, W. A. Davis; vice-president, Thus. Van Norman; chaplain. Rev: W. J. Creighton: sec.-treas., R. Ventreas; mpmeentatives, W. '1‘, C. Boyd. and 734. K. Connell; committee, W. 'D. Camber. .W; Welah, Dr. Boyd. and. (Ia-Logic. A d'mcuasion was held. on the proposed rule of the Association that all match anus should be 18 "and: instead of 22.- tm also decided after much: delib- eration that it would-be .beat‘ to drop out of the Tankard Oompetxt?on, and came one season at the Intact Gap. ï¬e outlook is considered promising (on; W81 91 an m ; .ra . In. Isabella HcGee, of con. 2, Em- ~ ily. sister of Ira. Richard Bobinaoa, ' Lindsay-st†died suddenly Saturday ‘ morning aDOut 7 o’ clock. She had been visiting her sister here for some time. and only returned home on Monâ€" day. She lived on the next turn: to Mr. and hire. Ruthertord. the mtim at Last Monday's mlway accident. and bemgnry intimate with than it is ught that the sudden new: of their ehoekmgd death attached her heart, whiehh dbeen weak for some years. A startling incident of which Mr. John Oliver. of Philadelphia. was the subject. is narrated by him as tollown: “I mm in a moat dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunk- en. tongue coated. pain continually in back and sides. no appetiteâ€"gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. For- tunately, a friend advised tryim ‘El- eotric BEttera;' and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their nae for three weeks. and am. now a well mun. I know. they saved my lite, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 60cm 1 bottle, ever bot- tle guaranteed at A. Higinbo m'a. 4W0 are pleaaed to be able to state that Rev. B. MacNamra has declined promotion to‘ a rectorship at Gage- town. N.B;. mention at which! was made in yesterday‘s lane. 11!!» an- nousemeut will' no hailed as good news by his many friends. 063mg cgï¬ï¬ougiqns 1:; £113 Trantioth ur nkgrwmg an a neon- st. imp chqrcy on Sunday Church Notes. â€"His lordship ' bishop O’Connor, of Peterboro. coheecr’ated a new Catho- lic church on Lake Muskoka last week, which has been erected mainly for the convenience of the many Roman Catholics who spend their summer ho!- idaya in that section. amounted to 3150. the larger ’propof- fig: of which will go' to the church Facet, snï¬ered with Sciatic Rheumatism or two years. Four bottles of Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure cured him completely. This preparation is taken internally. so cents a bottle, containing ten dlyI’ trestment. Forsalentandrugm Doyon really want to beridofyolll rheumatism or are you only wing from habit? The straight way to be of rheumatism ts to take Dr. Hall’s Rheu- matic Cure. Mr. Thomas Simmons, 0! Mw's Pass. 9%». who“ En- '20 OUR! A COLD IN ONE DAY William S. Stubbs compositor on the Baltimom Sun, broke the wodd’e record for machine type-setting at Philadelphia. in a. content for 8450 a side. with William Duffy. of the Phil- adelphia Inquirer. Stubbe set 66.817 emmshoueendSSminutegnnev- engeotllï¬wemanhour. :13!» previous record was 10.800 one an hour. Under flag old plan of heed goibwéion 00,000 omi was a fair whoaâ€"v they nah pure blood, strong nerves. 3nd†‘lmild In! health. Buy to warn Only ZScentn. [my book it not ed. yBold. by A. Eiginbothnn. E 252 That Throbbing Headache Would quickly loan you. i! you and Dr. King's New Lite Pills. Mad- ot sufferers have proved their match- lea merit for Sick and NW and: Chatham city solicitor is paid a salary of 0100 par year. not to include suits in court. but to roviss «groo- nonts and lay-laws. give advice. do" also he is paid separately for Local Improvement by-law revision at a set rats of fees. according to the amount of tho'by-law. Ibo schedule is as fol- lowa; Ely-laws. :50 or longâ€; by-lawa $50. 85: byâ€"lswa 8750, $7 : lay-laws 81,000. 810; and 86 additional for such additional 81,000 cost. 'iï¬i'ï¬c'v‘viï¬m‘" _" indtion was de- clared carried. . _ Ald. Word movod in unendmont that Mr. Edwards be nailed to meet the council to arrange a scale of fees. Aid. Langford thought that Mr. Ed- wards, who had been in the town's em- ploy for twenty years, should be pres- ent when this thing was discussed. Mr. “93103199351 n0. sewed“- A‘great» variety of systems are. ap- parently in use. ‘ Ald. HoWilliams contended that themahouldbeatleastetrlnl at payment by tees. Ald. Donne ‘ rly suggested that it would be tort 0 pay a couple of hundred dollars more than at pres- ant and keep a lawyer at the town buildings all the tlm. †_ . Add. Best meted that it would be well to allow the citizens to settle the question by ballot. . Aid. MJqulliams thought thus 1 good idea and unscented that 1118'th of waitirg till January lot it’ be sett- ledtat the election tobe hold; A). 23rd ma . . , Ald. McWilliun‘s moved. seconded by Ald. Savers. that; the clerk have a toy-law prepared to abolish the mage- ment of town solicitor on you]! sal- ary after Nam: lst. and that Mr. Edwards be asked to met this' com- mittee to arrange a. scale of fees tube paid _to_hi1n‘inatead ot‘eelnry. __ _ jâ€" __L Iainmuiomsm Mom-omen m the he. â€stall .m following extract a from the proceedings of the Peterhoro council will preve interestingv‘to our readers: The motion introduced by Ald. flown- liams and Sewer: to abolish the ottige of town solicitor and employ legal ed- vice when necessary, was diacmd. Corninunicationa were received from Brantford, Broekville and. other plao'ee etetinghow ghey p§id tlieir solicitors. Bobaygeon Curlers Organize. Robbed the Grave. Do You Mean It? He's 0. Swift One. â€"Havelock Standard: “Mr. Samuel Higley, wiper in the roundhouse here, had a miraculous escape trom death the other morni . It seems that “Sam." while on a ocomotive. which was running into the ship, .slid down the pilot, thinking there was aatep in front, which is the ease with the majority of the engines here, but un- fortunately there was no step attach- ed and the pilot caught him by' the heels throwing him face downwardnn the ties. the “Tune passing over him. The driver in 0 ran over to the station and procured help and a. stretcher, thi ‘ that the unfort- unate» fellow V be cull ti! pieces. but strange to say, his .injnnee only consisted of severe bruises and. cute ancl- both heels severely crushed. 'llhe young men was Very slender and small, and it is owing! to that not that." he was not instantly hned.†son and will establish a line of their own to ply in connection with the Parry Sound terminal. By the middle of 1900 their line will be completed to Quebec. and that city will ‘be nude 0. point of shipment and terminus of a. line of fast ocean steamers. Lergs freight houses and elevators will be constructed {or -the shipment of western 3min and produce. no Montreal connections will “be main- tained, but the lion's share of the for- eign business will be handled. at Qne-. bec. Large orders have been placed for new rolling stock. and the rotdbed is being improved and strengthened. â€"'Ihe Canadian Atlantic Railm is branching out. and in a. short time will be a powerful competitor with present grain routes from tho west to the Atlantic. The company mean to make themselm independent or American lake steamer lines next page ‘ â€"The general subject of discussion among railroad loyees. on the Grand Trunk and snadisn Pacific raiIWays is the introduction of the new standard rules. When the subject was first spoken of on the 6.13;. the men did not appreciate them. and thought that it was another effort on the part of the management to increase their'labors. Now the men are instructed in them and. hue be- come familiar with the system. they are inclined to accept them" without any comment. The men on this di- vision were well grounded in the new rules and there has been smooth rup- ninz. greatly to Supt. Tiffin’s natu- faction. On the main line there has been considerable traubls end a. freight blockade has resulted. zâ€"‘An important piece of. work ie' at present being done in the Canadian Pacific Railway yard at Smith's Falls. t1. ibthe piping 0‘ the whole yu‘d With inch gas pipe. The pipes will run from the couprossor in the roundhouao. end will be used (orienting the air brakes on all the freight trains. more will be about 3,000 feet of piping with 45 openin s. In place of using the en- gine a ter it has been coupled: to the train to test the airbralnes, they will all be tested by man: of these pipes. and when the engine in hitched on the train will be ready tol go. Lt will be a saving of valuable time. that thé C. P. It Here. {thud it has competition, is very different tromtha C. P. R. west otNorth Bay. inguinal: at the hands of the! OPE. rammen. .my engaged berths on their train. but alter gottingon board they were_ unable to get them. they bo- ing occupwd by others. A 3 man who left town last week or Seattle eptemhsiqilas minimum! phat†-The opening up of the country out at Kinmount. as far M Bancroft?†the LB.O.Bnilwuy.isloadin totho doveloolnant of a tn!- tic. The townships announcing†croft are well oottled mdswck aye}: are driving a risk and: among tho 1mm. 811191900“ 0‘ toast 910d.†at points along the linom immune. and during the 001538 winter un- m qmtiti“ '1“ h takon 0‘!“ I. several mills are to be 13¢;th â€"Potcr‘boro Ham: 'Dwo Sun Fran- cisco ladies who were m through tm to Wm our-elm 0! M 4m» Rainy River Railway is boils pushed with greet vigor by McKen- zie Mann's contractors. htweou 5.000 end 6,000 men an at- work on' 3 section or 150 miles stretchi tram Stanley, on ï¬lm Port Arthur. uth Western Railwu. sOuthwelten-ly to- wards Rainy River. and next spring 10,000 men will be engaged in order to try and complete the has to secure a share of next year’s northwest har- vest. ‘ - i I: l .' I 1 â€"Tho Russian governmt will need 700 locomotives tor the Tuna-Siberian railway, and is puzzled to know where it ingoing togattheln. Fun Amer- ican. English and continental work: have orders ahead for almost twp years to come. combine. auction with the Post in to] in a s . advertisement inthisw ’3 issue. Twovun- able, bOoks are included in the Railway Nata. â€"1‘he C.P..R. last Imperiel Limited train will be taken off. son Oct. 15th.. The Pacific and Atlantic exprees will make stops at all stationeyend none of. the local taine will be taken oft. Eriteful patients have mama to in value. George 3. Richer. 3.1.. o! Dawn. Pm E,“ 1m gaï¬mwwwï¬u I bad 1: 111.1108 WW 0: man; he slightest clung: a! weather would them to knob-d humid hvetodt an: n inked 11 In. Afï¬rma- than .31.; Dr..l’i;g'scoldenledhl%ery gestation doesn't come in n Take Dr. ï¬ance's Golden M Di.- cdvuy at the ï¬rst sign of . m md you will seldom be very 6* ’11†“Gokien Medical Discovery"iithebflt blood-makerâ€"flahâ€"builderâ€"nerve-vihl- flew nan." Ul- KICI\.9 a an... one-cent stamp. to cover custom nil mailing only. Cloth bindin so may. Adda-s Dr. R. V. Piece. 8 0.8.3. new to_ goons-o Imagine Pierce's Medial Adviser gent ï¬ll’ g THE WEEKLY 9081'. 1.1111339; : oeption. flue lat Regiment. under ‘ whose auspices the concert was iven. entertained the tamous Engli in a very hospitdile manner. 'nhe Auditorium Chicagtfs co. 'msal theatre. was packed to the doors by an enthusi- astic audience. m Chic Tribune says: “Every seat in the t atre was sold; cheers and cries of "bravo" came down from the galleries and went up tron the parent. Ihere was more pplanse than music. ï¬le British .Guards Band proved itselt entitled to e place high among the best. its work characterize by tine spirit and brilliancy in pertormanoe. and by splendid technical completeness in tte way at tnll. rich tone. rare precision in attack, and admirable dynamic gre- dntions. ’nhe instruments used are evidently ot superior quality y. the tone being in every instance mellow and sonorous, and the performers quick- ly demonstrated their entire mastery of them. With such material Lient. Godtrey‘ is in a peeition machieVe tine results; and these he does with ease and economy ot gesture that are in ‘ striking contrast to the labored ex-1 travagant movements of certain other prominent Banduasters.†It is somethi for one to be able to say that he as heard this famous band. and you will ï¬nd all thomusic-lovi people at this part at the countrywi take advantage at the op rtunity when they appear here on tnrdsy. Oct. 14th. My sail tron New York tor London. England. on Nov. 1st. ammoonnom ï¬nish? ami- afcwdayowm when old nanotéofeelao yarn“ user. Sent ontbeteceiptdn can :2 PM ha! r on: don-r Vaughn: medium nae from the efl'e‘cbof may taxi; wax, to robust health. mnhood tad . Lost Manhood. mm Deeny. Weak .Bdemx‘ utmvm 33mm 1‘ 1 BOX OF ME, [CINE FREE. 4n» Heple be! M her Lest trip between many and (bbooonk a: floodey lat. She will ‘oe pleoedon the way: at the foot of {Mont-It. â€"Mr. Cerew’e steamer. the Beaver. has a month's work still eheedot her. end will run ulna-t night end thy for the balance of the canon. 'nhe Alice- _Ethel and Marie Louise are aleo‘ very t -3119 Grundnun left .1: Xï¬dnï¬dty or Ban.nmn. “I. ‘0 In 0 dry dock and main cause repair:- ah. ha: hnd : wry snow-tn! m and not with very («taxi-Inns.†‘ 1" cult of «mm Ming by Copt- Frank Onadoll. â€"Nnvkation in drawing to a clone. sud mailers m for in number. has. no the blink dual (or W boat owners. who every trip out. into the proï¬t: nab when trawl m haw, hence they volcano the coming at sharp fronts ‘ponnd: «hm 01’ 0m"- “â€3†for 81; tomatoes. 150 1W3 “"9 chicken. on each: mm 0““ tion. pork or m1. 006 to 818 pound. no lunch counter prices an: and- wich and cones. 250; hm “id .333- or steak and w and ooofleo. - Sunday's Met Tho stand- in the market were all occupied by my (aunt’s viva: and daughters who had for sale u: shun- ' realised. Quotations: 3881. 130 :3. 140. per dozen; chickens. 85c. {50. per gait; butter. we. to 22¢: per pound: “50°. towmpor'pdir; use. So. per bunch; utory. 5a., per bunch: pontoon, 80!. per bush.“ and hub. $0. to Us. pom pound. MEN OF ALL AGES '- numxznmzm. P.O.Borl.m.llmtml.P.Q. Am usually tho malt of an ex- hausted nervous system which can {to fully restated by the use or Dr. A. W Chm‘n Nam Food. Woman and. nervous and irritabb by the mating disease. __whioh dnin ,their rm» Klondike xwt o: Scpteninr 11th gives the following prion: Flour. “to†such-w.18qsponnd; 250; potatoes. 5° to Tao {:1 pound: mim‘Ootoï¬oo:ou'canmd.vw ableslootomototn' nounm- town Woodmde: "Our Governor-Ge l and Minion minors.†)(r. R J. W ' Learned rates- . r elm.†nor. Er. Weir; "Our loty,†.W. .1. Patterson. ILA": “m'oudw Auxiliary.†Rm. Scott and C‘mhdm; “Our Guests.†F. A. prinqn. Th. toaata being over. the triendnrepairod to the parlor. when It. and Mrs. Robinaon received from the members an addma of welcome. accompanied by a handsome hall rack inqnartered oak. flue Y.M.C.A.. which )1†{or the gut year gone on by [cape and bounds. certain to received a new. impetus from the amine acquisition of a partner to the energetic secretary. Godfrey's Band Coming. Lakennd Rival!“ Wounds Troubles mach his first able sum: in thin way. erEnu, mk- ing improvements in roads. evading hills. ete.’. that is a public Denice. m and it will bee W improve- ment. The cut next winter will be a very one anti hence the trade in the ne rhmd neeeuitated‘by such. open will be of subten- tialbeu‘eï¬t tothet'emereot the die- ‘ X = | The Scott Limit. to be Worked. Bob. Independent: The Hazlitt 00., i o! Peterboro. is opening its lumber camps in the old Scott limits. north of at Bell Lake. and purpou having five in operation during the winter. em- ploying well on to five hundred men. This firm always prepares well ahead. and has now stored in the wood. hay Ind oats sufficient to lut till sleigh- inu, though the road from here to‘ Ketchecm lake in reported to be in excellent condition. The depot term has been nuanced all etummr end has grown a quantity of tables. By (Inning. itching eczema. ï¬nd comfort and permanent cm in Dr. Chm-o’- Ointmt, n. pmpsntion which has a word of cum unmnlbled. in tho history of medicine Beam, salt them tottor. could hand. old people' I rash. and all itching skin discuss. an absolutely cured byDr â€Chane I Oint- moat. ago.â€"â€"â€"-who had been working for no. moved to the vicinity of OakiBiv. er. Manitoba. When he reached that country he had only enough money to buy a yoke of omen and carry him by the first year. He now he. two sections at land. consisting o! 840 acres each. He has 460 acres in rain crop this year. and ut lesat of that in wheat. You will find few bet- ter stone houses in Ontariothan there is on his farm. He has. besides. 18 ad work horses. He should have at t 10.!!!) bushels of wheat this year. which he will sell from between 50 cents to ‘0 cents per bushel. and the totalcoat 1 raising the-mwwillbe only so cedtn per bushel Alltold. he does nt'. own over 8600." ~ Where They “the Money. A western Ontario farm: who hi just returned from n trip from Muni- toba. ha been giving his experience to tho Weekly Sun: “It. is simply unrul- lous." he says. “how people were ‘got- ting on inAthaj: qoqntry. Sovgp yoga hamnllm â€Eruptions. Bud Pliocnmonearnh. magnum Cue gun-unto“. Gold 01 A. ï¬xin- '51! dun can-o nhorriblo Burn. hid. Ontol- Bruin. Baklava Ar- niecB-lmthhdinthcworliwill H“ “4M 3951"- 949-91!l anus, limsugis. gun. noun. gal. Acn- W Mud. md tho Rm. md Hrs. P. W. Andaman. On thoir return tram their wedding journey. Mr. and Mrs. Sinclnir will reside in 'lhehonnolllrul’. Anderson. 80 Bellevne evenue. was the scene of u very pretty m on Thursday. .the hill inst. when her young mat daughter. [no Clara L. Andereon. wu untied to Rev. Archibeld Gordon Suicidal- A., Preebyterien ninieter. of Port Hope. The ceremony wu per-tomed by Rev. 11. G. ï¬nchir. ot Uppe nCen- ard. Non Booth. the tether-o! the bridaeroom. ueietedby Rev. Kr. Gil- ray. of the anagram yterien church. HeGillivrny.“ Boner My terien church. Rev. Kr. MacWillinms. Libnriell Knox Col end Rev. 1’. W. Andereon. at Pleeeunt. brother of the bride. 111.7 n was Rev. D. Bruce)!â€- gromm- ‘donald.M. L. â€notch“! Klee- ‘ donnld. manager of thoContedoretion Lite matinee Company. end the bridesmaid was Mi- Hette Crooken- den. of Toronto. Miss Me Mowrey. ct Gravenhuret. played the wedding march in the aride entered the room. escorted by her brother. hit. I). Bl Andem herrieter-et-lew. at Lind- sey. Sewore thundeomeaownd‘ cream eetin. with e loo; bridal veil nude boquet of white roaee. Tb brimnm Mie- Croohenden. wore u W01 are: yellow satin of effective design. and curried n boqnet at pink roses. In house we beauti- fully decanted with toiiq. plunteund cut flower; Alter the ceremony e deJenner was served. at which over fifty M. were preeent." and oi. the coaches» at “:11“ move (elicit- one an cow" ulster-y war. nude and replied to in 1nd. eppropri- ete termsmp by the bridmoon. end w 1-31! was with“ 13:: yr; Wt... mu Kat. Cnldor. o! Bonnrton. who son. â€run your. ago who cant to llhow. Indln, u n ninoionnry by tho Lind-u Pmobyterial Bunion. cud who runrnodn-horttlncqo.wunnit- ed in Inning. the other day st Bour- orton to Kr. J. Richard Jun“. of Col- cntu. Indin. ‘Iho cannon! was 9e: {and in Knox church)! nor ILA. G. Cnldor. ol Abnndrin. Innitobn. 8. P. “3y. oooutnry o! Foreign motions. and nor. K. IcDonnld. of Beuvcrton. anointing n3. Alter tho coro- lnony tho bridal party nnd n lnruo nndnr 0t inritod M rcpnirod to the Incidence at tho bride's mother. “Riverside.†north. where the wed- diru dinner was saved. 15' happy couple left. on the evening trnin to commence their journey banknto Cul- cultayhare thgy will nuke tholr home. Many Lindsay friends will unite in wishing the bride every happincu in her new when. 1h. follow-in. tnbn from ï¬tm- dny'. Gloho. will interact friends in Mad wripou: ‘Illl‘h VIII- V-J‘l vâ€"- * â€" tho ï¬mtruit by their on. You at than candy. my an very pd ntahlo; hunk. no pun milk. M -mmz â€Jiflï¬kwaz‘t in ion 1n use will can all [touch trouble! and establish mad halth. Box 91 Mb“. 36 «nu. Sold by A. Brain- bothull and P, “Kama. boot 3nd will“? at 108 decree- W“ 3'5"†m due time. the Illâ€t Wm“ unruly d1- casted. '0 It" 5Ҡi’ u†â€in" oipal ingredient in Dr. V00 “‘1 Pimpplo Tablets. and anyone. d an! tin», can 035°! thghgthnfl virtue- of v-.. A“ 11mm saucer WEDDING BELLS. 13.:w ' 1593 -Ope and Emly roadnnkera are mthy because of the bane wrought by the thmh’ng mmchinea durong their pemgrinatiom among the far- there. When they strike a soft bit of road. the wheels in]: to the: hubs and have a deep trench. The remedy is plainâ€"we cennot' get along without the thmshng machine, hence our rural roedxmheru must bu'ld to with- :tnnd them weight. . . â€"Manitoulin E 'tor: Mr. Em- est Hand. of hue Falls. ‘who has been up at . hawk-Inland for the summer. down 5 the WinQnor â€"H you ham not yet done go, take a walk out into the country more fine “tattoos: and can cache: pano- rama spread out before you in this glorious autumn weather. The vari- tintod foliage lends a paculiar charm to a scheme always baautltul. It is u none to awaken the enthusiasm of my one who can nppmhte nature in her most gorgeous apparel. no outing at the mdmn in illustrated by a aspatch received in Potorboro on My enquiring for uhtim 0! Jam Crowe. an Inan whowont westononed‘thehm excursions. and who died the other day. Poor James was the hat full- bloodod Indian belonging to the Hia- wnun We. A cheep could shake his tail. Drink. and tho world drinks with you: Thirst. and you thirst alone; For tho man ywho buys in indood a priao When the prico of a_ drinkhan flawn. local Junk dealer has pumhsaod the Bad Hill: at Nassau. and intends to pull the buildings down anddisposo of the lumber me. not the valve do in Lindoayâ€"wo build new mills and hotories. md nabs odditious to the old ones. â€"An exchange says: It a man should wear hie pantaloone so long that whenever he appeared on the street he would be obliged to reach around behind and grab hold of the elect or haunt and hold them up. wouldn‘t the ladies laugh! An‘ hour will page any before â€"Sono of our butcher- night im- prove their male of sausage by chop- at: the gristle tnd ht 3k a trit'e r. and by making a slight study otthoartoteea-omnz. ~A fleeting glimpse oi Lindsay-or Hamil-am. when newer work is m m is ubout all tht my 030- mn of a methodical and orderly turn of mind can endnro without weeping. ~Xr. R. B. Ryan. of Pbterboro. superintendoat up Tum. Valley I. Canal. is «than for tenders for, the â€c PU emotion o! piers tor a «in; bridge f gem the canal gt W | â€"moom BILLS m nonoin-itatixg, mild. cassava. ring. was reduced to lplintcn. In the meantime ï¬nally had succeed- ed in stoppiw HrJGnlnn'e beam. utter they bed W him ea {er en Linden-It. Be Ind been consider- ably bruised in the struggle end his plucky conduct averted eerione 10- end perhpe creVer consequences. ingonaby Murdock in a wring. end the new the runaway it was too late toeeekeetety. Awheel of the grain wagon etrnck the cerriege and upeet the child; then the other m me backed down upon him. :piehed up it wee eeen that. he had :beeaeerionely iwendhe was duet eloee by.“ Dre. wmée end Shier were oe_lled_in_.13;e_baby oer- keep than from mine, when the htbrbmhausing untold! oft. and u the team danhed 011 with the heaVily-laden Wagon the wire]; gazed Kr. Graham's back. Then Mr. D.- J. $1111], bu or for lit. '1'. Bradypuuht thee' bythebeedeudhu on with grin humiliation. c '21; their speed tastefully. A: the teem pueed the old Cowdry whom the recon collided with e “an and vegan “ending then W1: behind 9.119 5090:1353 e ljttio girl we! wheel- tum-sultan, Iconwm'u ammmmu The mr-‘nd-s-hsu old son at Mr. .6. Sntnrdny in tramway accident. Jouph flux-dock. of the Bathbnn‘ Co nil! ma. Ind his left thigh fractur- hil War! is considcred to be mum. Don-fly baton man It. John 8. Graham. 01 Want Ops. drove up to Flu- ullo Bros! elentor with a load 01 min. and just than a thin bacbd 2 WATCHES. CHILD BADLY INJURED. LOCAL BREVITIES BRITTON BROS, thaw-Hunt. l'l'l'UN DHUE, Optician. TH! LWNG JEWELLERS. LINDSAY. Button Bron. m followilu is the Us in tho recent handicap t â€MC It the Collegiate: '1'!" Williams â€"1-:?. 30. be. “as. -1-2 30; 5. Shannon - Walker. In 15; A. Hoop heat 3.. nrstone. (scrntc m. Plus 80 boat J. Workm C. Sootheran. â€"30. heat H. ($9M): F. Williamson â€" hows. pics 15. (by default by (scratch) beat G. H u-uz ’ B. Stevens (scratch) beat --l-!‘ 3. Second round"-St wnllllbl; Silver 'ooat BOO} on. but Williamson: Su Why. Semi-Finalsâ€"Q m‘flmli Sootheran bent b Illsâ€"Soother“: beat SiIVer. RAID was played on Tim “M my close, tlge 99:11 ‘ ran's so mil 8 “ma: at the gum; L- I.- UWW“ 'â€" V at“? ï¬rst Form repr‘ewnt . . xv hurt! Mhuso 1!! his [Wk-“fl ' tum As this in Silver." ‘lâ€˜ï¬ 1:- .on with the noun“ †- H m -mllou» “4 '° 9% W M 5‘ 'm pm that an meat to: the but d I to M0,â€. the system upon "u the ny conducts its businea 1" prod a lugs 3nd increasing "l' lune oï¬tmdo. an! more capital 0“ ? [3:06me employed; in WOO! °f til '0 my state that since the cow W business it has paid ‘ (haw at seven per cent. per al- gal... If. F. C. Taylor, of this tail- 5 on the board. Bis Imowledo“e d ï¬r uuehl anthem will be Very "19* and‘ W its directors are.†$130100:th experienced in the 3‘" mg. and other departmmts of t". human. « ’ ‘- ' The Publishers’ Syndicate. At a mating of the shareholdomfl the Publishers’ Syndicate, held .1! mm. authority was given to 0' cm the capital stock from 850' 4. mm tn. "gum unon wild Words no but loam." It is not w†we say. but what Hood's Sarsaparilh does that tell. the story. Tim M wonderful cures eftectod by this medi- cine are the fruits by which it should bojndgod. M prove it xobetll great. unequalled remedy for dyspflr sia. rheumatism. scrotuia. Sikh. rheul. «ton-h and all other ailments d. to imam or impoverished wood. 1L Latt. secretary of the Tomato Al- oooiation, and yesterday waived arr ply statiq: “I mat say that that seen no Wu; from a town 41 lib sin as Linda-Ly which rs no strik- Lug. we“ gotten up andeompmhensivl In your own. It reflects agzut :51 of credit upon you. and will I trust. bring you great success Ihaw loohod through It carefully and an nothing to critiae." Mr. J. B Waiher, our energetic and popular Y.M.C.A. secretary}! “01‘ use good these den ua. reempoche praise beetowed uponm aseocaatlonl ennnel prospectus. entitied “An 0?. Door.†which wa- ie-Ied mtew day! ego from he met fp‘o too-s. Mr. Walker forwarded 4 copy to hit. I. -A use 0! usualt was heard a WM before Magistrate Sean. John Juan: on charge d a mum-II Flynn with hnving committed an a- unit upon his 1n wthoDaly house yard. gym was found guilty andm fined 6.8. Ho pkinupposnd bx,__cnd Kr. Hugh O’lam 0 Cntori'lynn. Our 1899-1900 01¢,an MING. theonlyweefly an: paper in Gamma,“ what it means is téldin: Monument inï¬i (0quth Ln“ Tennis 'I‘oumalmwt “Deeds Are Fruits, Police Court Cdendar. Praised Everywhere Ivor boat 3009â€â€œ ‘ Williawnl Semi-ï¬naISâ€"Siker otheran bent smvel ran beat SilVef- Tl flayed on Thaw!!! close. the 600†W un'n mlondid m Sh innon )oper I awn: -silver A11 3 MM FD WK .HM IBIS pl. :1 gwo (in €95 ï¬nd. txtnoq IV H