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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 20 Nov 1891, p. 2

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5 1 j E J ’ 2.303,“- _ y y:- ,‘ ~ . ‘ ’wfu.9¢\.m'« .4 .I p mâ€"wu { OW at the window upon th end on presented me etchief, {flare I want awn . ven know how many tears t in it, gbing away so faz- that ev “the of our ,town was last. Now fax mistress Lola; let us consider it a goo dance and our friendship ended.” Mistress Lola married the carter Sunday she laced herself on the be with‘ler hen before her to show a hay golci ringsjhailfer husband ha “‘4‘ o- _Â¥ "‘Of Emu-so I goes,” said Armstrong, with the ’air of a. calmly desperate man. “ng the last man to lay down on any pnbhc _ . 7 » ---ww_ua Lora, in her shift, prayed at the foot of mun-cos Lola; let us consxdez' at a good nd- a” bed and pressed to her lips the rosary _.‘ deuce and “1" friends"? “dd-n that Ira. Bemardino had brou ht her from v f Mistress Lola. mumed the carter; ad the Holy Placu, and recited.g all the ave lgfityl “Stags? y?::ii;nhzvl:? gvmfofi 3 Sunday she (pieced herself on the balcony maria: it would hold. therof' ’cause it. won’t be . to win.” 11‘ with her hen before her to show all the “Compare Alfie,” began Turiddn, often Thoxie W *hat in the air of Cinnabar 5°“? 8"“ “1'83 “‘3" her husband had preâ€" he had gone some wny in the wood beside which in irel'l a. spirit of high resolve in ' W to her. Tunddu contumed to pass hi3 Campanion‘ who was silent, with hi! I her 0P1: There was nothing WhiCh could .' 33 59M tqmugh the narrow street! 71121! cap over his eyes, “as true as the lord, I comgeto one of them in mile form of ublio _ {19° ”3 his “39“}! and he hands In 1113 know that I am in the wron , and I would claim which would dot be fully met; ough ‘ M’Ymh an ax: 9f xnchfference, and- eye- let. myself be killed. But f0“ comin a. life ,woro the certain forfeit 80 Ann- ' the 31th; but thhm, It gnawed hm: t0 hm, Ihave seen my old mothgr who his ‘ eta-on d8! . . but detemi'néd at one. " k m the husband of Lola should lb". gotta“ up in order to m me go “my‘with ‘! mow ,on tm hotel which. m m g, “’th‘.8°ld> and “13‘ She Should fexgn 110‘ pretext of looking after the hen-housoâ€"as i assumed as headquarters" b - the enemy. . I, h 3'” h-m when he passed. “her he‘m‘ 81”“ t° h”; “d 3- tr“ as I Nor Heating not Cunin's‘could‘ have done} - 0-1" 3:1: €13! lie; a mack under her very the Lord 13 rould kill you, gonna not to more . . . . , ‘ e ‘f 9”, ‘P 9' emu S -_ make my ‘ttoold wanna weep. ‘ \ - - ‘ . ~ " , - ”me my 13:: 3mm in “we mm m. mmmmrmeme ‘ e" 7 C‘“.;‘ l 0 " - u ' " ‘,.. . - - - "‘ ‘ ch. said, and had 3, daughters: ’both fins.” 33" a” ' “n .onfort-unete Mr. 8.1m :1: Jan moment. the. Man said and did so much thet Both were hm" htters- Tnnddn ins taken into employment by memo , first, I: yand Was in film to tnke - end “an to freqne13¢ the house and ' um; when‘he returned it, he a” 3'9“ ““33 W “I. 83‘]- , ' one, and attack :t the body. “ 7 don’t 39°80 t° any *0 mull-'5' ' “Ah! compare Turiddn, bk “fine ““383 remand 8‘36 the intention toikill Inef’f ~ '. ‘mmIph 13.5 melody! Macro. “Ya, I “my“ so; ‘0' « " £05. In. ’lnerned a crownedhmg,’ now!” seen “1 old. vongeh h the y ’ ’ «Identmentctvvnedkmgs. ;Ieemtohavehortlwlyibd~ 1 . “Yonm worgh a hundred Loluplnd I l " ‘ " , ‘ . ' Lola. in I!” worth tol’n:~ Bx mmamymnhy!” y mg} ‘fieluvbegheoonldnotrmh tho= u, your xeuow tried to appear bravo bu; hil voice had turned hoarse; and h; refit. behind the girl, with a swin ' 8 ,while the tassel of his cap danced glean there on his shoulders. She, in hot conscience, was Wh’ such a long face; not. yhe heart. to flatter hi grieved to see him owever, she had In with fine words. “Listen, compare Turiddu,” she said to ' u lat, “let me rejoin my companions. W t would they say in town if they saw with you! . . . .” ‘5 t is right,” replied Turiddn. “Now .. you ore topaz-1y compare Alfio, who ‘0 Mime Alfie lived mm, ,0 no.3“--- _41 3 otharpor I? $8 ofwoods {E '3 0111‘: water’s Win in mm: . thing yqt t2 are ltfl c 6w: not well of men be gotta”: and strong 1 «7 sound of v: from the ~‘ av?» en the soul 01 Elisa child’s cI cc and our friendship ended.” Mistress Lola. married the carter ; and Sunday she laced herself on the balcony with!” hangs before her to show all the he“; gold rings than her husband had pre- h Turiddu continued to tapas: tnrough the nan-ow street, with ipe in his mguth and his hands in his Thy poor fellow tried to but hit voice had turned t wag: behind the girl. wit] m with his be mglie tint looked like When not up his back 9'”. The girls look: ywent t6 mass w ggfifmflw, and the m In: flies. He had 1 g? with the kin on he 9, and he iighte mate ”homers, misin" one ] But with a]? that. a: had gilt shown hers oi the cony, f0: si filglfto a. man if“) was” a. garter a: from Sortino in his Turiddn learned it, ould cut. out the has Licodia, he would, , {a thing of the kind. and 0323:!» balcony, for she had betrothed as to a. man from Licodia if» was a. carter and had four mules from Sortino in his barn. At first Turiddn learned it, 12on great devil! ho' ould cut out the heart. of that man . Licodia, he would ! However he did {thing of the kind. and vented his anger ' going to 3333 all the songs of ditdtin . _ ch he knew, under the window of tha . __- __-. , “my; vuu "inflow OI tn. 50':§uty. “Him 15 mistress Nunzin.’ s Turiddu an todo?” said the neiikbo rs, “that e e gentile nights singing a solitary now?” Manny he came upon Lola who was re- 3 from the visits to the Madoum of and at. see! 113 him Elbe turned neither nor red , as if it was no matter of ‘ "_ with his bemgliere uniform and his m , thot looked like a fortuneâ€"teller} when is set up his bench with his cage 0! '5. The girls looked lon ' gly at him on :9! went to mass with 1’. air roses in th‘oiiimtles, and the urchins buzzed about him In: flies. He had brought with him a. 3:}: with the king on horseback on it, like ‘ p, and he lighte matches on the seat of Ilia homers, misin" one leg as if to give a. m But with all that. massarg Angelo’s , In ad not shown herself either at mass A; 'A bk- L_l-__,, L- ‘ . _ A “Blessed is he who sees Turiddu Mucus, the son of mistress Nun- fig, when he came home from being a io'ldijr, every afternoon stmtted about the ' "_ with his hemeliere uniform and m. “nu, oexore 1 went awa , and know how my team have it, gbing away so faz- that even the our ,town was lost. N ow (firewall, 14018.! hit n. nnn-:J-_ :L - A ‘ A can“ mama. the balls 0! heaven my rips, g: birds of heaven may mg, wens on earth my ring, the winds of earth my 3 All sweet sounds t ther. Sweeter for than all ‘ gs heard, 0! bar-per, tone of bird, of woods at sundown stirred, elm: water’s Winsome word, in in warm, wan weather. thing yet there is that none, are its chimes be done, My got well the sweetest one 7.- VV av.â€" Uore flint ringsrforth heaven. rd" gold? crested Ten 1: fl? ' tingaleâ€"w y, t en (Liam: and heard of men E‘ be ' as sweet as when a child of seven. ?rd of men beneath threr 51va oped in heaven hereafter; bf: and strong and loud and light, '01? sound at very light, [curd from the morning’s rosiest height, "ten the soul of all delight fills a child’s clear laughter. clam balls of welcome rolled "er forth such notes, nor told ours so bum in tones so bold, Lib. radiant mopth‘og gold ‘_- ‘I. ,A W- 1.1x urAY, FRIDAY. Nov; 50, m1. RUSTIC CHIVALRY. in! flat: uca. ‘ 0522: :m. hatit is the best remedy for Consumption, Smfula, Bronckizis, Wadi” 92':- eases, Cough: and am. Bcsute you get the genuinein Salmon color wrapper; sold by all Druggists, at soc. and $1.00. SCOTT 6‘; BOVINE. Believine. Giw timbl’mib . That it doamtmnkcyou ‘ whcnyou theft. Git: dads. That itis three times as efl'xczcious as the olszshioned cod liver oil. Give 1m. sztitissuchawondcr- EMULSION m mi m of BOISUIFI'IUI." Thzt it ”N . Thank You.” rm not” “Why the inventor of Scott's Em yawn â€"A. C. Swinburne. you 3” he wihdow of {1; til?” said to mn-wu u__. /v‘ u «up: mm Asfzo'. manure; . *mefgod .Jim,. .1“ $15; . l' 5': “@1316“me “flatly, Ind ta 1 Find-hmuddmmtmum m. .11," mdmumatfigkw‘i am Who “am “Chet 1. . -- . ‘ ’ . .. ‘.‘ 592° my}; 139. memenpm I - MWM :2». mm. m rm” fififig‘; 2,33%: {flung-'94s w _ '7' udth ma iH , vi" “.121...“ 111 «ml. ieufiemuit. Iome abrupt, he’s: 0138 fight ' Both were brave hit ; 'ddu , meg 1339-“ .Iguns to , y rouse. one thousan 0 or your in- ! first NOW, and m in 3:. me “33:33 i dunk“; “7.11“” “d eating Wk“ "“1 “m“ {a 1’9“?“ mm?" 3' 11m; when-he returned it, he gave a good ' “13”“?th “919 “‘1 duvet regdfmeut “Ya, I ”ml," “id “'0 My If“? i ‘ one, ‘and struck zt the body. ' ”he «took path "'“h ‘ ‘5: What“ .‘i’ thoughtful pause. ‘fI’ll take !' thousand ‘ “Ah! compare Tm-iddu, ybmmhy in" that!» nght ‘ “30'“! Ten: '1'!!!)me and quit.. I; never wanted the ‘ mien-’11.]. ‘the intention to_kfl1me!”. ' V moi " max-cums] “Pd mptth-l? sort, wretchnphog.” ' . - x . .. “qutoldjon so; "now that. I‘ 56.“ “13°89“??? , ‘ _» “1,, ‘ . gl‘he ransom m.gmkly. and bhthdy. seenmy old woman in the when. 1 831° "38“ mo trackedflowg yet, tuned. . r , . . , seem to have he: filmy: baton myw” 0,50%“th asked ME Mam o a The next dny dandy-In the gallop-n. fowl your eye: um” mans. a, “wwwmmfiom . . ; Id'on that-age. - » ' , - ‘ medtohn‘fifoc-imsbquin you:t“‘ia-‘P.~ia°f’m ‘° . ' .. . , . r' * Themtmadeswide ’émf. inflamed; .1111“ xs_w:e11, , “PM ”99“? Alfiq. sun-e titious fashion unfit Ina}. found tho takmg ofi'h’mJacket. “W0 W311 hit M .runforgun'dt’e Mr. Sjms in bu retirement: arm; wgefi-hegetnnfd “Just": A Niggeywhigh fimplemddimbregalggnmt one,‘a.n struc xttebody. _' ' ‘ ~ " ‘." ‘ theiletenfionrsoykfllmq, ' ‘ I In "I" flotsam. _ y . V. “ a, to use; new that. ‘vr - . - n- .: M ~ seenmyold 173,12“ in tho hen-hon» I .8!" mt, 3°? '99 tmk‘d‘ d°n "L L..â€".‘»t.v_-Ll‘ .m seem to haw» B..- ;I.__;. 14. M.“ a nu " replied compare Alfie; takingoflhisjaciset. «w. will hit bud, both of 121.” Both were-brave hitters; aniddn got the first, blowyand was in time to take it» the ”7‘-.. g... uuuna mount! 9 neck of Turiddu. “If tomorrow you Valli come among the Indian fig-trees of the Canziria, we canepeak about that adult, nei hbor.” ‘ ait for me on the highway at sunrise, and we will go together.” With these words they exchan ed the kiss of challenge. Turiddu pressed tween his teeth the ear of the carter, and so made him a solemn romise not to fail. The friends ad silently quitted the lane- a e, and they accompanied Tuniddi home, 1. rs. Nunzia, poor woman, waited until late every every evening for him. j “Mamma,” said Turiddu to her, “do 1 you remember when I went for a soldier, that you believed I should never come back? Give me a. fine hiss as then, use to-mor- row morning I shall go {gr sway.” RAF/w. A.”L_--I_ 1. - I ,u . Turiddu ut first had ofi‘ered him a. g! but compare Alfio put it aside with 313; hand. Then aniddu arose and said to him: “I am here, compare A150.” The _c£rte_r_ _threw his arms around thn know. ” did Compare Alfio was one of those cutters who Wear their mp over their ears and to hear speech like that about his wife, he changed colorasif he had been stabbed. “Holy great devil!” he “claimed, “if you have not, seen right, I JED not leave you :13: to,woop1 'ou an all your kins- o l’ v. -- ..v...‘. .v. w mw.‘ Coipare Alfie retnmefivwith his mules, loaded with pence, and brought as a present to his wifea. beautiful new gown for the festival. “You are right to bring your presents,” neighbor Santa. told him, ‘because while you are away your Wife dishonors your house.” - ' Turiddu returned so often to salute her that Santa. noticed it, and slammed the Window in his face. The neighbors pointed him out to each other with a smile or a. motion of the head, when the bersagliero passed. The husband of Lola. was awsy at the fair: Wi h his mules. g “Sunday will go to confession, for has. I flight I dreamed of black grapes,” sai “Let it be! Let it be!” begged Turiddu. “No, now that Easter is up 'roaching, my husband will want to know w y I did not go to confession.” “Ah,” murmured masssro Cola’s Santa, waiting upon her knee: for her turn before the confessional where Lola was doin the wash of her sins. “On my soul, I w' not said you to Rome for a. pennnpeSi’ “And so', compare Turiddu, old friends never salute each other any more?” “But,” signed the young man; “blessed in he who can salute you!” “If you have the intention to salute me, you kggw where I live!” geplied Lola. “Ah! On my honor!” “Ah! mamma mia?” Lola, who listened every evening, hidden behind a. of; of basil, and turned pale and red, one any called Turiddu. “AM: on Nun“.-- m.._:.:.1._ -13:_,2,, a bread?” C 6Talk I” “I would like to be the sonrof the king to 1’? “ J33 ' “F or you I am gold mad,” said Turiddu: “and I lose sleep md appetite.” ”-1 n u The father began; to nuke a. wry hoe, but the daughter feigned not to observe it, for the tassel of the cap of the bemgliero had made a. tickling within her heart, and danced always before her eyes. When the iatixer put. Tux-iddu out of the door, the daughter opened the window and stayed talking with him the whole evening. to that all the neighborhood talked anotli'ifig "‘Ishnllnot - hmnedkinglike mistress Lola, but hue my§dowry, too. when the Lord shall send me some one.” “We know that you are rich, we know it!” “If_you know it, then make haste, for papa. u coming and I would not like to be [aged in ‘t_he gourtyard.” _ “Lat us nuke hate. for an: does not bind twist.” “If I were rich, I would not a. wife like you; aging“: Sun.” “By the Madonna, I could eat you 112' “ J I” mocha-m from 0003.“ M3 have gum-‘0 :1“! We“ you with my oy- !” Mg “ a: me with your cyan. make no em tuba; but noun! 'e druw up that faggot for me.” “For mm! day up the whole house, won 6. "’ 6 in ordo'r not to blush, threw “him 3 I t. the h undgr ho: hand, Ind it di not “Ethan g: ‘5Talk. ” «w; .. c 5 er, “do ; u soldier which wiehall 1 ’ “WY 0 im. ‘fof’gtitf "It'amism; {trong .in 811 pâ€"knife, hfiffggss 811011 N when . ,, 8° : Tor the qmet, said J ‘ pow-wow and; u Oing Maybe wean: ' “An’ l’poae 1‘ ten- said Rosewood we the 0. K. hotel an’ prevailin’ on ti 3mm: argument, to ; It agam’ poor Pet» f t f “Of com-sol 1:231; the air of a. c r from 1 93?.“ man ‘ m CANADIAN 'rosw,‘ mur,'om.7m4r, Novmunn so. Lune and :6 k3? saddie a: misdeed - or so to th [1.22:3 65511) es £0: unzia’s shod nan ni- kw, 1:108:11 . W- -.._ â€"vuVM, .w, mun, J. 60an “fl- -- -u w mom, :1: mac term of ublio he will. Then agin, he’s done been drink- claim, which would not be fully met; ough in’ to that limit, he’s now can: jest this alife were the certain forfeit. .80 Am- tide of the delez'ium' tremens ' c. He’- stron , den ' ' but determined, at one. got, a. mi hty vivid mind that ‘my’m mov on the 0. hotel! which had ban md alreadgy is beginnin? to peapie the s assumed as headquarter; by the 0!ng ; Ipsrtment he inhabits with mikes m’ m- Nor Horatins nor Curtius‘could lave done 'm’ coyote. an’ monkey: an’ tmnt’lan. m’ more. ' ‘ ‘ ‘ " _._, -vvv “- nun UM room of .the New Yorfi store,” said Jack ,â€" Moore. “He’s all ri ht for a. while. Pendin’ ’ which we all must p a whole lot toward savin’ of him.” “It's mighty baNin’, though,” said Atm~ strong in gloomy perplexity. “It looks like she’s shorely got Pete cinched.” “Let’s go ' julin’ over all on the dead quiet,” said Texas Thomson, “an’ hold e pow-wow and a heap big think with Pete. ‘ Maybe we all see some trail out.” “An’ n’pone while we do, Armstron ,” said Rosewood Jim, “you lope over to tghe 0. K. hotel an’ see how close you can come prevailin’ on this yer-e non b lies an’ argument, to abandon gee: fien ' 1: plots agalg: poor Pete.” room of .the New Yor store,” said Jack Mopre. “He’s all 115:3:I for a. while. Pendin’ a whole lot toward “flesh!” said Amstron in a fierce whis~ 1- “Don’t o for to yefiin like a. Ute. is yere trig tful woman is over in the O. K. hotel now, an’ that's no tellin’ how far them y’ears of hers can reach.” “Well, wherever is Pete?” aid Tutt in a lower tone. .......... at“ uvv may AUI‘BVBI'. “A card ma. tum winner twenty tunes, but. it shorely one at last,” said Rosewood Jim, and we experienced sentiment of Oin- nabar justified the aphorism. “Whexpver is this yere Big Ifete hid up v __vâ€"-‘. w- ‘uauc u If eVer-Bne sentiment predominated all others in the Cinnabar breast, it was the determination to rotect her extuens misdeed of the patient, hang a. valued son or s, to the windmill or 3 me other structure Misc for the purpose. uh there new Was so puissant, no outside oficer o the law, no alien posse comitatus, who could ride in and make captive Cinnabar’s mean- est citizen. Business would suspend first, man would cease their dad] walk and a. hundred gallant hearts woul belt on their sill-shooters and fifht ’round the liberty of Cinnabar to the oath. But here come danger in unusual form. An ar- ro ant, confident women, with the nose of a. awk, a hard face and bitter eye; a. wrinkled, gnarled, and threateningdooklng iemale of portentous, awful sort, had in- vaded Cinnabar and laid claim to a leading citizen. To be lure she had not been there longâ€"a. few hours indeedâ€"and her victim, Big Pete Sims, by a. craven concealment of his wretched personâ€"a concealment, how- ever, eernestly advised by some of the most dauntless minds of Cinnabar, and in no , ,‘ v“ D‘ v-Jnu vv unuu the law none. I‘ve got. my dead to Peteâ€"‘- my man-hie deedâ€"ah’ yere it is all reg’iar.’ An’ then a e pulls the deed outen her hosqm,” continued 01d Monte, ruefully, “an’ slaps it; under my nose, an’, of course, I slings my hand in the discurq an’quits_her. T: A‘IA- A..- -‘_L:_., V_J _- ‘Now look ere, you miéer’ble, fed-faced old drunkar , dgn’t you go gryip’ to blufi' ‘L- T..- "A, “ ‘N uthin’ but my word, eh?’ she says. ‘Now look 97626, “you miser’ble, ted-faced -1 J J.“___L4 __ -_ â€"-â€"‘v â€" .0-0 “ ‘VVomez-n,’ I says mighty stern, ‘how~ ever do we all know this are is straight? We jest gets your wor Ma. be Pete’s bein’ abducted, in which even Cinnabar don’t give him up; none what- ever.’ “ ‘N’n’khs’ kn" a... -.._.__7 ,1 n! u eFe,” contiiued 01d Monge, “she shore ooks like she regards Pete as her prey. “Well,” said 01d Monte, “I don’t say no more; but sets thar feelin’ mighty pensive for Pete on account of this yore female Crazy Horse a-hoppin’ in an’ chimin’ of him, when a. idee kotchei me. I’m some guileful, that away, an’ I make: up my mind to set a stack in for Pete if I lose. So I tackles the 01d Silver [flip agin. “ (\‘IT___»_ ’ T “She don’t tip nuthin’,” said Old Monte desperately as he took such aswnllow of whiskey that, had it been water, would have consoled is perched cow. “I reckon we all is twenty miles out from Tucson when all at once this yore old Razor Back, she turns to me and sa. : ‘Do I know Big Pete Sims. Me fien’ ete takes our nlose ' t in oonfson uent, an’ you can 66 mom {niment Pegs mighty good wood, too.’ Then we don’t say nuthin for maybe 1 a mile like. “After a while she makes another swoop,” continued Old MOnte. ‘If Big Pete Sims is ood wood, he’s shore tu ed good wood since sees him,’ she says. ‘ at good wood or not, he’s my lawful, wedded husband and I’ve come trackin’ in all the way from Ten- nessee for the worthless felon, an’ it’ll be mighty funny if I don’t get hina.’ _An’ In. _- __n_ D) “WEen 35¢ takes €110 stage at Tucson,” asked Rosewood Jim, “don’t she tip her ham?! noneâ€"don’t she outline her little etc you nor nuthin’? I hears females gum is great talkers, that away; not allers, of come, but usual.” ' rimnoss. “Only you noainyt be lookin’ or no ovation on account of it, neither. Your bringin’of her has shoroly busted Pete widovopenhyou _ca.n gamble on that; “I shore hogan you all htin’t. oajult anon h to go 3- lumn’ of me about. it,” said Old ' onto pathetically as he «tight oom- fort in his deep grief at. the Gold ine bar. “I wasn’t aixnm nuthin’ when I bring: her into mm .” “0h! hu- ain’t nobody goin’ to bluimin’ yqu pertic’lr,” said Arman-o with somo cnmmxu “nun, van nnAnf k. hula-) madeMRh his eaves-uni 03"- , ’ “All! ‘ howledjuiddu, bllnded. “1". He tried to unlined! new; d L pea-etc lee beckwu-d. but biota” Al; remixed in: with another blow in the! Iterateadethlrdlnthe threat. 1 ' And there! That in for the home that; you ve dishonored. Not» your lathe!" will I the hem alone." 'ddu‘ropodwiuhhhhendeinthe elr {er e while, hem and there among the In- dim fig trees. end then fell like e stone. The blood rgled . foaming in hie-thmt. and he 59111 not_oven utter: Ah mm rum-Giovanna Vergn. MFNEY’S "MEDIA‘I‘ION. , ._V_ “v- nâ€"uu AVLUVUI- tum winner twenty times, «5.3.2; 1323:,” sgid Rosewood lux’ coyotes an’ monkey: an’ tmnt’leu, m’ .Itingin’ lizards, an’ tech other member: of lhb manila kingdom in happens so hit hi: located taste. pales Pefe alters his pity ___ _Lr - ‘ “I’m plumb shore he would,” asserted Rosewood. “I would myse’f surrounded ell sunilar. It’s the advice of his be“ friends, 311’ the idea coder jibes in 0. en] way with his own notion; so, mag-m, think Lauri]! ml”â€" 7 m JV- w..- uvv uuuunsu noun:- for your chmce in Pete, mm 2” ‘ ‘N o, I won't,” mponded the ladv. “Do you really rockon now he would Bl] hil- .AIOI” D} 0' ‘_v_ â€"-. v-uv-uvuo “Never you mind, Pete,” said Tens Thomson in a. burst of encoun. ement on be pressed his friend’s bond. “V 'e takes you gum this you trap or tens the town 1 own.” “Whatever for: scheme would it be to _buy Pete 03‘!” said Bill Tuft. “Couldn't we fix this yere women: npw with money!” The idea. woe good. Rosewood Jim, on one persuasive of lpeech and fertile of brain, was selected to' try. The rest emit- edriizs return. “ , then,” continued Armstron , “I throws myxe’f upon her mercy an’ her 1 how happy Pete is before she comes. How he lives yore all 32.; an’ outmmmeled as a buck prairie dog, an no one for to molest him or make him afraid. But it ain’t no use. She says she’ll shore have him, en’ final she gets plumb frenzied; an’ when I leaves her she’s gnawin’ away on the aige f a white uh table like a beaver. a-takin’ 3f the giro aige ofen her emotions.” " :01: can't come no game on me, setmn or,’ she as. ‘Thar unt’ no two: man mun are can shoot hole: into the fore’erd of my ote.’ ‘ "an a... n --_‘_ __ . . ,_ “‘Well, marm,’ I says sorter pacif in’ like, ‘Pete wam’t. chewed. This is be it was. He gets impulsive an’ grabs the pot in a. game of dror the other evenin’-â€"he :- holdin’ of aces up or some sech trifling hand ‘ â€"a.n’ a man who owns a club flush, queen at the head, gets that proud about it he shootsahole in Pete’s iore‘erd, an’ that- upon Pete ups and dies mighty prompt in full hopes, as, he imparts to me in confidence at the time, of a. glorious resur- rection. That‘s the straight sn’ oncnn‘upt- ed trooth, marm.’ “‘You can‘t come no me an m- ‘“Don’£ you go £0;- to foolin’ with me,’ \ she says. ‘Thar ain’t no vai‘rmint ’round yere could chew up: Peto.’ (”1" ‘- h‘ ' ‘7‘Womem: I uys, ‘do you all know who you’re addressin’? Do you know you’re talkin’ to the bossâ€"to the head of this yore L. _:1..A3 magi: SE; 3;". :é-eiu' a mvuil.” I.- on- ere, on m go at some li‘ht, wood." y ged not, ‘ann-n 'I' -..... (a , A-.- -11 L_ “W 1 “But, pads, you on hm- lfit one of her rigid!“ once. She's fugin’, fiory furnnoo ml ..” “H’ilt in another drink, Pete,” aid Texas Thomson, anxious! . “Well, to cut. her 3110;.” continueer. Sims after dolefully accepting the refreshâ€" ment tendered by the mpgthizing Tens, “1:11th 50 on ngybo a. monpn, u_’ on. I “80 ' '" oontini‘ilgii‘i’s‘m; 5b. ‘ paMii-é, “I ain't been clean atgg‘m mough see this My nine. she comes this time, and knows nothin’ of he: perms! put-moo, but whoa I weds her the loch {B smooth on’ sweet enou h. ‘Thi; inuy,’ I my: to myu’f, fiippnnt xke st the timo, “this is above! my. There‘s a. wow u will be: com ort :n' ; ha'pmeot on’ who I can bou.’ You’d o-uid go, too, if you was that; she looks that ca'm n’ good. L’Mflgx ECuticnlfg _Bgsolvent anus so mam ozrmcl’crahgstgno mg boy. was mobbed in gheitneete for eppeenng‘ on a. bicycle. Now the German Union of ‘ Bicycliats, Which has ‘ust held it: eighth Mnnuel conference It :3, he; 14,000 members. - An En lishm huinvcntedene pent“ through ahich, he declares, he unpeee the soul leave the body. He arranges lease. that so mugmf' y made: of must in the eu- that their diatur ce by anything pea-mg ‘ upward can be depected. ' l -“V gm- , ,~ 7,_~_â€".°â€" am ”I Berlin, 11mm himself because of an attack of coho. A mannuned Gilbert, arrested in Mar- seilles as a trump, turns out to be the con- munist who ve the order to the squad which shot onsignor D'Arbey, Archbishop of Paris, in 1871. In Germany no end of couples kill them- selves because there is some impediment to ghei‘g lote‘er W. _But Kat! Atala- of BABY’S FACE WAS RAW. The moral for ladies in, any; author Andrew Lang: “Don’t man-y literary men.” The man-in a of authors have been wretch- ed out. of proportion to the common lot. e 7V‘r___..e, .- var-“VIII author, has been sentenced to". month’s imfiiisonment for publicly readings. poem in rlin. Dentists have discovered that tutu, s. calcareous deposit on the teeth, is more abundant in mans of highly nervous tempemmentt inmy others. The moral for ladies is. an nuthnr‘ The inventor of a perpetual motion watch wants to sell out to the New York police; but. the New York police are not much on the watch. Hens von Gumppenberg,_ a well-known -«LL-_ L__ L Dwarf trees-in Japan ohifivl» feet high are exact reproductions in mininture oi sycamore, ogk, ce_du~ and apple trees. Fanny Brawne, the lady-love of John Keats, the poet, sold at auction a. few years age her porteepondence with him. nest educated DOES in the country, and at 15 years old is 'ttedly a marvel in me- thematic; According to a Japanese belief the mik- ado in descended from the gods, being one hundred and twenty-first in direct line of descent. The daughter: of the Empress Frederick are attractive young women though not beautiful. ’ 'en birth to four pies, each of which, file the mother, 1m:u e fourth limb. They king of Servia is one of the best educitegbo’y 33383:} the country, and at I: a-..“ -I.I :_ _ Outtcm Remedies. Thrift is imbued in almost every living ‘ soul in Paris, and save,» save, save is the universal cry. . In Scotland it is said that; to rock the empty cradle will insure the coming of oc- cupants for it. A 7 Avelocity as ’ h as 2,887 feet per second has been attain by a projectile from a. rapid~fire gun. V Paris requira eveg vehicle traversing its streets at night, if 0 y a wheelbarrow. to carry a. lighted lamp. A three-legged dog at Muncie, Ind., has 'ven birth to four 11 pies, each of which, film the mother, lac t e fourth limb. In all their wars, the British have the splendidavemge of 82-116: cent. 0: battles. Includin the native troops the Eu lish establishmegnt in India is‘ ébout 225000 3 my.“ loo. Berlin is the on] citvin Germany thst has an excess of"l,1%0,000 popnlntion. There are more ducks in the Chinese Eln- pire than in all the mid outside of it. The British Wet Ofiee has 'ven 80,000 wornâ€"out helmets to the Selvat an Army. There is a. deeply-rooted superstition in 800th that May marriages are unlucky. At Scranton a squirrel died of fright after having been taken from a. snake’s embrace. Ganeral Wichcote has died, aged 97, the last English officer who fought at Water- 1 1.... 11: 103225 «1'30! existence Han lese has gravitated 17,000 students. The Snlunowaednh-a a nut. worth $350,000. A landmidesincoiuurehomlctinfl burglary; ‘ TheremmSweden 143,069morewomen men. Austin Corbin owns the whole of Grey- don Mountain. African now completely encircled by mbmarine cables. Sp eon‘s parents were humble people of Dntchurgxtmction. His Bible shown that Jones Carpenter of Denver, is 150 years old. ’ In its‘225 yang-3 of existence ~Harvard Col- In..- L__ .m ' -â€" -‘* GENERALANDPfifim The Eu-l of Wu'wick ill-abject mm Queen Marguerite in. re brunet“. The Lick telescope ahgmnyiOOflOOfiOO In. sfigom'. statue of Gnmbetu ha been a stpdent in Berlin 1“,“. ”Wag-3f"? Powder EDMUND GREGORY Guam. and Magma. and weft“. Sungemonmwm‘“ WMEkA. ALLAN. loaned. G M3,, WW. STATE SERVICEOF LINE, } ALLAN LINE swamps. NEW YORK and GLASGOW ROYAL MAIL STEAM8HIP8. my “I. Montreal and Quebec, To Derry and Liverpool. PEG. BRYAN a son, GONTBMTUBS All] BUILDERS. ALLAN LINE Mudmnlowm noun-1.30m. 7“ .nnsous } m mamâ€"a. MEMORIAL CARDS.â€"A vary choice ”m I! THE Pm Printing Mn. mmsm map Quanta itwonthurt um: 3mm m cent: msmsnmmnuyxrug’rmirm LIND.AY. mm am having the Hawaii: M2 New Advertiquezz ts. mam. Sent: g. 189Lâ€"69. fllfifilâ€"NGE OF BUSINESS Remember the on land. mutiny. Alums: 28.31:.189b-68 . HIGINBOTHAM, Druggistl .lndnv M. a nun _cn E. Grazer]. sow Iv Au. DEALERS. Factory, Toronto, Ont. ‘. Bryan dz son. Md- “WW J»... ' hl-ndunmm. mmwsawgz for Infants and Children. . P. RYLEY. mm MM“;W “gm tad: . 4mm hem hmuwummwm Nahumâ€"mm mama-mama “M Pygmmmagm J. P. leey. Lindsay. 5’ng Feast and Bobcat/gym 1891. TIMETABLE. 1891a Wfifi‘ifiéhi TERMS:- Ten per cent. of the purchase. my tobe paid inane mpnth themttet. utimeof sale. the balance There wiubeaw at the hour of two o'clock. p m.. the tollowiu d e town qwerty: Coma outnumber; ll. 12mm south «Georgemcinmrkifnlso theunnumbered. rum 0! wank Y lymg west at the vet. There a comfortable frame dwe . on the land. The property is beautifully swu- stedonche westbankottheficugogriver,and X1???“ lumen minutes walk from the Poet SATURDAY. NWEIBER 7th, 189], BENSON HOUSE, IN THE TOW! 0F LINDSAY, on OM? C mar. Vendor's swam Lindny. Oct. 5. [ELâ€"716. $500,000.00 Under and by virtue of a power of sale can tunedtn inn certain mortgage which will be produ oedutthe timeot sue. emwinbe oxen- ed to: sale by PUBLIC AUCTION 3!; the TOWN PROPERTY. 'ro LOAN Atflwoontdm mum yum, Straight nous. Apply-t one. to DAVID J. 435318. pm And Broker. Put onodoormtolsmm §60NDITION POWDER WKPANY. 'ORTGAGE SALE New Advegfiééments. R. SMYTE accomm.rrc.. l3 YEARS l3 Wa vzgatzon. air 10 ati'onagéQ N AVIGATIOI c] in-the h "I. 8am: when d: "Md Ssturday hr the llbenl 'fi' "“ LDC HD‘CKV as %m In their gram Mghf. fire; 0 g 03‘ the nu ! .. “ Mule any ~â€"A deapnch lrom According to the “Dust I: On provinces o! cochss and Lacs: .1! a In north as the 3: (Penn, 3. Lenin .1131! lenchu has mad: .1! the inhsbllmts are demarcation. The a on him: in the t p muons of IV. an: and fields. g? ”on I o «rt P. M _ The natives -Dt. Richard 131259. of I eon-eating panes! Johnston. 5286 2:). Mm. he been eating, soap em years 016. At the Injured her stomach to abntsin, for e t! Munoz she was coma handling and emeiiin: econ resumed the a ”stomach 15 now in tint she can hardry recs â€"Edwerd MrNab. re hum the New York are mo:- and councfi, mm you-a an: be we ”cheater to :23 yeera' i ape. Before his arrest Inflemlehed reputation convicted. Governor Tu may learned throu and,“ in and. by a con reel culprit, that M nt, and pardoned “ed the prison 51ch d maxed “hood. He â€"John Morrison. a w d the town line of Bus; . hid a be?! which 1 sunbeam on 1:5 neck, I m, ubout two weeks utter dmcharczcd not : his hand. Asthma}: Ll swoilen and psi: “I was anxlctpstcd and waited unm too late t: 51%;:- Salem, Mam, I'd-unex- Ssmlzei Wilkim man counttng Mes w! . caught the hammel Weapan was diucbsx son's 14-year 0k: 1 m his mum 0'10: to the lownes fie Sc. strence aL Mon: Guinea were brount: 111* Thursday to pump mm Radon cotton mum and p: finds being chm wn out -A short time ago at 310. a boy named I: EWSUOKed 5 h] Ila: m performed to tr: was unsuccesafuz. . boy died after much cum .- nevccea to mw rat ”mauve public works -Pumier Rudlnt of I at the taxation 05 spm‘ - to produce 022 mm“ to glevotea to new 1-: â€"Mr. Gladatcae. In 3 Ha liberal candidate (1 "‘u3 “pain the feces: Menu: on or Mme, ”figment. as well 35 1m dunes Charles m: t: M of tsha new 51 0 on asurdny. J Indy was broken, and th‘ I ducking sight. 01th; 63; â€"A Berlin deapstch s excited new-spa b no fin-new crisis the: I!!!“ 3119 Raven-amen; t -â€"A Cincinnati travaim house left .550 my mama: Day 1|.wa _ehewent:.olu -Tho mmnfncture of It. Unwed States In: have! than in to, prev“ flash 0! oil being expo “4â€"2-- 40h, Elliedn, lg: m in Crosby lake, “he! 68! While menial 1"“ “"1 5nd mommy I A. “L-_ 7_._. _ â€"â€"v‘ w". Milli Into thve water w. 43:. Russian w" 01 b construct a 111m of an... frontier and 121:: ideas In Central Ash d-Jeosehzreffshan of; m. V e owing a my!!!“ toiled saw] ”W8 01' T. m my run: up 1“! CA1: sprint: .9- .o-na!!! 9...: ct th’efioecn" unfit: '. FREDA

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