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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 27 Nov 1891, p. 6

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. CAMERA Y. [Corresnondoqoo at The Poet.) Scuoox. Bryantâ€"The subject for the mint deoortment was geography. Marks his 75. Ruth clueâ€"Herbert Rantlv. Fourth oleesâ€"Sydio Clendensn. 70; hm Height. 63; Emily Chepmen and We Williamson. 59; Aggie Tompkins, 57; Barkley Taylor. 52; Louis Jackson. 51; Nellie Chapman. 4S; Muzzle Sinclair. 46; Henry Daniele, 39; John Taylor. 37; Menu Cowieeon, 27; Mex-Lbs Clarke. 28 Third doneâ€"Lime Jerkaon. 50; Celeb Moore. 47. Annie Mere. 41; Sophla. Taylor. 40: Fred Bank. 37; Athol Fair. . ; Wm. McFuqu. hr. 29; Annie Metbarei'. 28; Minnie Mam-e, 21; Mary Shire. IS; Lizzle Austin. 17; Wm. Shire. 10, Williem Cnembers. 7; Frank Men-hire. 6; Seymour Wee em, 2. Julia department, second clone writina. aorta vacuole 50â€"Frenk Taylor. 43; Eali law, 40; Frank Hgigh: and Casey 00.3, 3; Herman Oven, 30; Linda. Wells, George loom. George Cnembem. John Austin and Edna )nd Blachford, 34:1.“ Tom nkins, George Loop. John Sinclair. Ernest. Torn 9. th- end Henry Patton. 32; Emu Perinatal), 3!; quio Cochrane. Snob McFeydsn and John Patton, 29; Vane. We'la and Frank may. 28: Lillie Person, 27 and WEHmot m 12. “Mannâ€" â€"an or our enterprising lumen-s. Mr. William Burton, who started to Bsiny River last week, mes with an muons when only half Way on his Journey, find was forced to return to yhia home. Mr. Burton sustained a severe fall which will it] him up for some time. :Gorreavondenoo of The Pasta CALLâ€"A can has been extended from Echelon Falls to the Rev. M. McKinnon of ShAndrew’s congregationptomlstng a sell- .ltalning stipexid of $800 ...... A meeting 1! mo oongregsuon was held In the church Tuesday evening for the purpose of appoint a daegazlon to wait on the presbyzery ha 11 Lindsay at Woodvllle ,on Tuesday men, to give reasons for not translating Rev. M. Minnon. 7 A _ A _ _ â€"PxxsosAL.â€"Mrs. Hawkins 0! Toronto, so: of our esteemed friend, Mr. Bur- “. is visiting at the pen-ems! root and ‘fioylng the 001nm 13359193. muowx’m.â€"Eellowe’en peASed qum, 11, um: :no exception of e few Inks unch tithe Carrying sway of Rates, fences, end even lacuna. ell of which bed to be 30mm: “tend carried beck by the owners. The doe who hum: me lantern in the elm he: very lime to do, for e serious at It m‘xh: have bed, es. cm!!! Down ‘50 avenue his daily way done that rand My before dark, 1e provided With a ”at can, end might have emptied Ito “tents into the gown who wee climbing the tree, mhtekiugn pee-my for :- econ; It. Inpp’.» sue wee enmeshed though not - flflhwo en. ' -‘ Nona-All our young men do not ate he. Greeley- ulna about coins was. LORNEVILLE. [Correspondence o! The Poet] Bonn Noumâ€"A nuther of llour bi“ men have gone to t e nort conn 1'! me winter, and will be much mined II, “the girls they leave behind mom." a the number are Maser- John Gall-In, Hush CeLneq-on epd Den MpNgbh. MINDEN. LUMBERING. â€" The Rethbnn lumber mpuny have now quite a large number 0! men at work in the woods of Stanhope, where they expect to out enough timber to mke a respeczebte drive in the spring. We understand they intend buying all kinds of sound loge they can pick up as their drive passes along the waters between Hawk Jake and Gail lake. {the New Bianca-Mr. Lounsbnry, :nmment road inspector, visited Minden Wednesday last to inspect the new ridge being in course of erection across Gun river at this place. He expressed himself well satisfied with the timber and workmanship as fer as it hes zone. Had It not been for the inclemsncy of the weather during the pest few days the work wouxd have been eitnoet comp'eted Before the inspector's arrival. Should the ”flier prove favorable the bridge will be fly for Me by the end of this week.â€" WEST, STRMEEST, BEST. WmAIum, £_m::o. -__ .__ -.. $112 QEmtahian 331m. Imperial film’s fiisggfiamrah v 18 Nature’s eflcrs to em! foreign sub. mess iron: the bronchial mu. Mendy, this was Mutation god we need of an anodyne. Ho other mount or anodyne is equal to ”or" Cherry PectoraL It assists 13mm in ejecting the mucus, allay: irritation, induces rcpcse, and is the mt pOpular of all cough cums. 1 “O! the many pmpargtiox‘zg before 3‘ UNDsAi'FRIDAY Nov. 27, 1391. always Rep: mus PLUlm.u-ruâ€" -_ _,,_ home. and Incl comparativelz secure." --Mrs. L. L. Brown, Dunmar , Miss. “A few years ago I took a savor-o cold which mooted mv lungs. I had a. ter- nlght am: con 11. and rzmed night wit on: shop. Tho doctors gave no u . I tried Ayt-r’s Cherry Puctoml. reliavm! my lungs, induced sleep, I and aficrdod the roar. neceruxm-y (or the movory of my stwugth. By tho con- hu i‘uctoml, a permanent flaunt use at z 7 _ an; {flu}: accggl.’ ’-1{u::~.ce Emmother, 'W- vised :3 try Aym' 3 Cherry rem hyall ozhér n- m: dies aside a. week was “'01 mild within an! cmxgh. 5.1100 than glnys kept this preparation . LA navnnx‘l‘flti"nlv‘ a v I'REYARED 3? Dr. J. c. Ayer_ Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold bv all Drucrciszs. Price 31; ll: bottles, 85 bu MANSE GROVEâ€"ELDON. gum, Vt. NEWSLETTERS Baking Powder. a: ahy Injuriaqt: as “The Books.” One 0! them, William Daniels, son of a well to do farmer near Cembray, was poorly, and his companion went for a physician. The latter being told that it was a case oi a slight cold and sore throat, and being himself unwell, did not go to see him, but prescribed a simple remedy and promised to see the patient in the morning. Having carried out the doctor’s instructions, the young men retired, and his companion supposed that Daniele was resting wellâ€"which was sadly true, ior at four o’clock he was found to be deed. There being no acting coroner in town. no official examination was made, but there is no doubt that death resulted from some malign nt disease of the throat. Mayor Harvey d oted Mr. McKinley to obtain a coffin and take the body to Cam- brsy. The young man’s tether expressed hearty thanks to Mayor Harvey for this attention. Deceased was a robust young man, and had gone to the shantiee to try what life there was like, but it is under- stood that dieliking it and not feeling well, he decided to return home. He aooesred to be about twenty years of age.â€" Packet. Smame Bum Tumsâ€" n Wed- nesday ninht or last week a man named Hutchinson had a nine, and a number oi boys. some of whom were supposed by their parents to be elsewhere, attended it. Eleven oi these youths also visited the premises of Augustine Connorsâ€"not far away â€"and stole eleven turkeys, most likely part of the game which was being rained. They were detected, and two of the lads were overtaken, their share ot the plunder recovered,and they themselves were severe- ly thrashed. Next daythreeother turkeys were restored. but the remaining five are are said to have furnished astnany families with thanksgiving dinners. Augustine Connors ordered the three boys who re- turned the turkeys they had taken, of! the premises. inetnnhatio hensgaand information with J. G. Booth, Eeq., J. ., against seven lads. These youths being frightened by vidnnsottrial snaconvietlnu atBarrie,madeny 813,whieh.wss liven to the complainant tor his five Laterthecaeewasoalledinoourt.eixottho detendauuappearinaandtheialoem amended tooneot Rupees. to which the defends-Swen advised to plead guilty. tg‘heydid so, and wese_"let o!” 03 paying u a avâ€"uâ€"uu .-_-- ___ I“ r â€"â€" v~r~_ 7 7 , , CHURCH Namâ€"The services lent Sab- bath were taken by MnDougleee of Victoria Corners. He will continue to take the work while the Rev. Mr. Leggott. who has not been well for some time, takes a few weeke’reat for the purpose at recovering his health. We hope he will soon be able to be with us again. We also welcome the young man who has come among us and hope that his coming may prove a blessing. PLouoan.â€"Farmere are making the best use of every day for the purpose of getting all the ploughing done before it SEA GRA VE. F131: arr THE Pansoxaenâ€"Shortly be- fore one o'clock on Thursday of last week the parsonage was found to be on fire. It no doubt caught from the chimney. Efforts were immediately made to extinguish the fire, but all in vain, as the greater portion of the upstairs was all in flames. The most of the furniture was saved but almost the whole of Mr. Lemon’s valuable library was burnt. The loss is partly covered by insurance. Mr. Thompson received a had cut on the head from a falling brick. We are thankful, however, that it is no worse and that he is able to attend to business as usual. rmsoxaaâ€"We have been glad to see the smiling face of Mr. Albert Mitchell of Mlchiaan, who has been spending a few days at home. Many old acquaintances gave him a hearty welcome and~ wish for him a pleasant vlsit_and a safe return. , ,-_A:-An u_-a Q-L freezai up. ORILLIA. SAD Dm'm OFA CAMBRAY Bom-On Saturday night two young men horn thtle Current got off the late train and took lodging an Walker’s boarding house, known W lame vu nun-v -â€"-.. _-_ _~_‘ , , 7 _ A Brandoâ€"The destruction of the Forest house leaves quite a. blank on the island. Mr. Giipin’s loss beyond his insurmoe is stated to be about $800. It is a question, though the site is a good one. whether the place will be rebuilt. as the business with the exception of a. few weeks in the enm- mer, is not more than sufficient for two. Poucn Commâ€"A court was held Tues- day morning in the town hell, before W. S. Crsbtree. J .P., when J oeeph Record oi! Selwyn was charged by Constable Biewett with being drunk and disorderly. Record was in the village on a visit, and ststed in court that feeling out of sorts on Monday, he had not roll. This is no piece for stren - ore to come for the purpose of getting to and cutting up high jinks, end the con- stable is to be be commended for enforcing decent order. A fine of $1 and costs was imposed, a tots! of $5. It is but fair to Record to state that it was his first oflence. end it was I: pity that he could not prove an alibi. mt- .pm tbno to bovo boon $21.38;}bo BOBOA Y GEON . FLOATING BRIDGEâ€"Mr. T. H. McQ-nde, the popular reeve of Emily, was 111 village on Thursday. He had been inspect- ing the Pigeon creek floatlng bridge, and looking utter some expenditures in repute. Snow-A flutter of snow on Tuesday drew marked atwntlon to the fact that summer flannella are much to tame at this period 0! the year, and that it is high time to trade ofi‘ attgy nets tor plaster images. ,,L____ml-_ A! Lion ”Am. years 1:: an v-â€"â€" .â€"-__ -7 , stock,u:nd have. In harmony. joined in working them. The entries to save trouble were put under one bead, and it seems somewhat wanting to name only oneln the prize lint. [Correenondenoo oi The Poet-l Dun Hummo.-'l‘he deer hunting un- con, which expires to-doy. hoe been the beet for good wenther for neural years. and from the elmoet uniform success oi nnrliee heel-d oi hunting in the neighbor- hood. they hove not to complain of lock of some. Tm: (moreâ€"The cropsmhich ere slmost ell throehed out. are on the whole only an oven“ yield. They ialt the eflccts ot the the early spring. Potatoes, drought in however. are generally good. several clum- insr 250 bushels to the ncre. One instance in known where 3 pound was planted and the yield was at hundred pounds exactly. Among the monaolde end turnips ten pound once ere common, and they make no mean sample. CORRECTION IN szn Lienâ€"In record'ng the prlza llet o! the agricultnrsi show one error has been pointed out to me. Those described as Henry Roby should be Frank and Henry Roby-brothers, who for many years have hed each their own term and ' ‘ ‘ L‘â€"- lâ€" ‘a-mnn' ininnfl in “Xi W.- ul 5-131. l‘ ‘v -., ._v be : “The white-robot! multitude.” Ho: Int on“. it 1- muted. var. bright with contentions of the religion of J uni. Sh. m m smut, huppy Chrllthn, sad pun- od any in the tuumnhl o! the gospel. Her hnabond and pants, brother and friends. have the moon sympathy of I )mo ogrplo o! acqustntances 1n thlo. their cunnn u, luv" u. u. -v-.._. _7. ,,, van 3 solemn mud lmpmivo oooulon owing to the he: cut than I” in treat 0! the pulpit. In I bountiful coma, the song mothgr yin} hqt tggdu; babe. 22: got gm e mwmymmouuuduuu m'mmml on 133"“! W {rs-.39; _A- WWI-tun Annu- -_~~_ ,V , m wu cond Med Methodist church by_ Rev. J. W. Tatum. Tho union Noni" wuu m-v- u.“ m, both aloe-3.2m the deep of flintâ€"h: The text wgl__1n 393. 7, ‘10â€"17; the Ibeoct A _.__|.n...4I- GLAMORG‘AN.‘ OANNIyqroy. Ava uuvu "â€" . .- v..- -_,_, A CHANCE r03 ran Momma Grass.â€" After considerable persuasion the Picker- ing News consented to publish the follow- ing for the undersigned: “I am living here in Pickering village this winter, and I want to get married. Now young ladies here’s your chance to get a good natured. Christian young man. Age 22, height 5 feet, fair complexion, grey eyes, fine hair and moustache, middlsing stout and well dressed, and has a cap that will turn many colors, signs of a channelin the weather. Youngladles, please take notice and do not miss your chance.â€"Yours truly, GEO. T. CROW." REDUCED FARM Vannaâ€"The Pickard farm was sold on Saturday to Rev. W. R. Roach of Aurora for the sum at $6,900, or a little over $55 an acre. This seems to be a low figure for land such as is contained in the term. but as the place was duly adver- tised, and placed on the market in the usual manner, the highest bidder secured the bargain. The sale was conducted by W. Henderson, inspector of the North of Scotland Loan Company, and L. Fair- banks acted as auctioneer. ltis altogether likely, Mr. Braund, the present tenant, will remain on the farm, as the purchaser intends to continue the renting of it.â€" [Plckerlng News. IRON DALE. Correspondence of The Pm] NEW BRIDGEâ€"Quick work on the new bridge is what everybody ie saying. Mr. Bain oi Klnmount has completed the new bridge on the Monok road, crossing the Burnt river. and hoe made a good job. This bridge is of great import- ance to the aettlere o! the back country. ae it ie on the leading road to Gooderham and Chadder. We heartily thank the Ontario government ior coming to our reecue in the time of need. The money granted by the Ontario government to repair the Monck road between here and Gooderham hae been . wieely expended, and it was badly needed. Mr. A. Crego oi Kinmount wae foreman and did hie work well. We also thank our M. P., Mr. J. A. Barron, tor the aeeietance he gave in obtaining the grant for the bridge. Mr. Barron ie a worker and looks after the intereete of North Victoria; and it he comee before the electors again he will get increased major- ities in thie place. Gomo Aunt-The I. B. 8: O. R. R. ie going ahead and Mr. C. Pneey deeervee great credit tor the pueh he in making to open up the country. He givee employ- ment toa large number of men. Mr. R. Thomnron of Lindsay hae the contract tram Mr. Pueey of building three bounce and la pushing the work. Irondale ia the livelieet village in the back oountry..‘.... Mr. S. E. Haudocck is our hotelkeeper and ke_e_ne a good hotel with livery attachedL you goes by tone :11thanan bust. u even day bunglgood reports from the prospecton. Comucr.â€"Mr.A. Lake tooktho eon- tnctof mung inWhlu Rhoda: with none, and has theiob oomplowd 3nd nu done 1|: well. Mr. aw n pusher. Wmm.â€"Whnt we was in this count- ry in something udâ€"Iomothbu we can count on. and use in not .11 new talk. We thinkrtho alumni!!! any. to Aun-v-a-J u, uâ€"v __7 are suspected of hsving committed so many burglaries in Port Perry sud sur~ rounding villsges, sud slso of setting fire to two stores in Port Perry. They were missed from Port Perry the some morning the horse wee gone. They most likely drove as for as Mr. Pherrill’s sad left the horse there. sitar which they set out upon toot. Mr. Pherrill iound the horse there sbout 530 in the morning. As the Port Perry burglars had secured e lo:- ot canned goods in one of the stores robbed s good msny are oi opinion that they sre still in hidden in the swamp near Pherrill’s or further down in the devil’s den, snd sre waiting (or the mstter to blow over before venturing out. There is a. reward or $200 for their conviction. -[§hrouicie. W, 7774‘ n____ A STOLEN Hons: Fawnâ€"In an item in last week’s issue it was ststed that a. horse stolen from Port Perry was found st Mr. John Pherrili’s, tom- miles north of this town. It is now smatter of certainty that the horse in question was stolen iron: Port Perry by_tho_ tyo young cusps wh 77 ~_â€"_.ILA-‘ u- vtvuu unn- up..-â€" .wae spent. Miss Campbell of Kinmount was organist and rendered some tine music. Mr. Geo. Woods sang some comic songs and was loudly encored. Mr. Chas. Way. J. P., of Gooderham. brought down the house with his comic and sentimental songs and was also eneored. Mr. J. J. Hunter was elected chairman and fulfilled his duties well. The recitaticns. dialogues and speeches were enjoyed by all. Speech- es were glven ban Rev. Mr. D33, Mr. Jae. Willson of mount, and J. . Pearson of Lindsay. A very interesting part of the program was the contest for the election cake. Miss Campbell of Rio- mouut was the winner by three votes. A handsome sum of money was realized which goes to pay ofl’ the debt on the hall Mantels ell the go It present. Mr. '1‘. D. Ledyerd of Toronto has 3 gang 0! men onean up hie iron mine, which is end to be e good one. ‘We expgog betote mtg"; B I Ion-Iv“ SOCIALâ€"The necktie social that came off on Nov. 55h waea grand eucceee and the brothel-u of L. O. L. No. 11 are to be congratulated on the way the program was carried out. The hall was filled to its utmost capacity, and with songs, recita- tione and speeches a. vex-1 pleasant evening 1 A. 1’1-_-n-. Mr. McArthnr means business; quite s iew men hsve came into this part pretending to mine end to represent e large cepitsi. They buy out the settler’s elsims to: s smell smonnt end make large promises. end thus try to sell without developing the properties. We believe there are lerge mineral deposits in this beck country but it will take some cspitel to push the work. We would sdviee the settlers not to sell for s smell sum unless work will be started BS once. ICorreepondenee or The Poet.) Alumnaeâ€"Mr. G. L. White hu die- eovered some valuable treeee of copper end other minerele while blestlna rock in his well. We trust Mr. White's mine will turn out profitable ..... Mr. Joe. Mom-timi- oi Fonelon Fells he purchased e-tew let: in uhefiowqehip or qumouth. We hope I; _‘-- -._.n._ - n-â€" nanny ewe eu- auu " _..- --_._,_ V- -V on the eceemer Bum. iron Herwecd. where he hee been woe-hint: in the Dichon Compeny'e mine. While in the vicinity oi Heli’e Bridge. Mr. D men leened beck- werd eaeinet the am- , which aeve we, end he tell beckwerdinio the weier. The eierm wee et once ivcn end the eteemer wee etopped. A “ y” wee iormneteiyin tow ei the eiern oi the eteemer, end time the minimum at time we: weaned. AI it wee Mr.Deymen wee rescued in“ ee he hed given up the fight to: lite end wee einklng.â€"[Enminer.r About two non ego e astute! gee oeloo which eon-ed greet alignment nu hoe end hoods. He wee ho whenhelohot summer hhot‘ lax-glee! u would remove «Improve the mbuchhhopeemlnvelo. nudging object of com on end he need hll medial knowledge to on on. In the quickest end eulelt mathemat- lng u [one done attitude said. end dying ooporently betel-e e glue left his lip.â€" [Enmlnen Awasr Dnowxnn.â€"Yeeterd:{ Wlmem Demon. o block-mum 0! Ben on Belle. neofly lop: hie 1113 while antenna town -- --- AI-Ml‘ ONTARIO COUNliY. GOODERHéfiL ne Explosion e! 3 Bomb sterile: ollwithinheuinz. Sothepoimwhioh orile from «memento of the liver. damn]: end bowels, quickly elmn those who experience them. Dr. Pieroe'o Pleasant Pellets on!!! o speedy and inexpenllve cure. Sick heedeohe. biliona headache, constipation. Indigestion. bu- ieus mam. yield like magic to this wonder“; pecillo. Only one tiny. auger-outed Pellet tor Absolutely the boot Liver Pill mde. Your money given back it eh do not give entire Indentation. The only 1) ' ooeeeeeed otpuch meritutowmttheirheinzeold mortal!â€" “Aren't you ever going to grow old. like the not am" uked e man oten eocqutnunoe he m1eeentor sometime. "Wen. not no long ee teen pun-mm Hood with Aux-’- Bel-nu- rule.” was the up: reply. This men know whet hewu mm About-81.1. - To remove weenâ€"nun e widow. nyouwutegeodnelr Mental-ha no in anon- arm at you: W to! mmmamâ€"ua. Manamaâ€"enum- q:uflon.= munodemdta was!» coda pub, or fleaâ€"m mdnwhuuhod the tudo. Turtle“ na .11 that II clued fol-talents pole-whet long-M 71min- “ the up and. Alums-tau: depended common-show on the ale 0! an; pong- it wm_ be quite s draw __- ‘-_-_-‘-“‘- moan: McCBAcm. Dairymple. Nov. 2m. 1891. mmmmwamnm mmmummwtwm mmmmmmmw mummflmfinm A sound success-tho telephone. mm cure um com. “mm has no equal. "puma” loosen!- the plum “Pmm' put up In 250. mu- “PICI‘OBIA' the new!“ round: -77- VARIETHEB. A cue to the pointâ€"{:bbud. A poor bunniesâ€"mus. Has snatched a flower tonight. That flower grew up for seventeen years. Thejoy ot a mother's heart. But when in bloom. thelhand of death Compelled it to depart. That flowerwasa darlingdaughter. Whom thehandoideathiaidlow. Andinheryouthandmotllte Shewasoalledtromthisearthtogo: Andiintoyon hrightgarden. That surrounds thetreeoi'lito. Thatiloworhasheen transplanted From the worldotein audstriie. No more that sympathetic voice 0n earth we’ll hear its tone. That voice now swells the anthem With the blast before the throne. Oh! happy is the glorious change That soul has undergone; Away from sin, with Christshut in. Through one eternal dawn. No more thus busy hands will ply. In making heme look bright; Those hands new wave the victors palm. In the ultimate! eudlem light. No more these busy feet will move With manages of love. Those feet now tread the golden street 0! Jerusalem above. No more that mind, ouoe ranked with pain. Endorse the chasteuing rod: That mind henceforth can contemplate The boundless love oi God. And yonder. on that golden strand. That loved one stands to-day. Bobed in white and crowned with light. Where Joye ne'er fade away. Then, parents. weep not for your child. Since God hath willed it so. That she in youth must cross the flood. Whereallali onrrsoe mustge. Perhaps your time to follow her Is very nigh at hand: And when you nose the river of death She'll greet you on the strand. Her gentle sun or life went down. As it behind a hill, But like a hidden morning star. Her light is shining still. Sate, oh Father. in thy told. We trust that she may be A token of thy purest love Between ourselves and Thee. Andwheu thieearthahalleeasetomove. Andtheeunshall oeasetoshine. Andthestarsi’romheavenshalltall. And the moonshalltohlooddeoline. And when the heavens. at God's command. Roll together like a scroll. Andthejudgeoialltheqnlok anddeed Prepare tojudge the soul: When people. kindred. nations. tongues. Assemble at the bar. And God to glory welcomes Ailwho lit tertiary are. Then may we. with our sister. Hear the invitation given. "Come ye blessed of my Father. Enter ye the joys of heaven.” Joni. loom Thom-muchtotum Hannah's-unity. And the nowoladhulllnthodmuoa Nolonserldeocry. Immudnaonthumbtkhthomo. The scene I do deplore: For tho sun And an: at am home to-nizht Eunttorlaenomore. Amman: homootmqnnjoy Wharotho Bahtotmvommhflcht: The Anal 0! bath. with his quorum: i ST. JACOBS OIL V Backache. v IT I8 ABSOLUTELY THE BEST. THE OHARLESA. VOMLER OOIPAIY, Inltlmcn, Id. cannula! Depot: TO‘ROITO, 081'. .-Bit98, roux. mutant-o. We! men-tn: mid; (by minim! mum.) m m moms JOHNSTON, Petition-t. JOHN AUGUSTUS BARRON, m (by order of Substitution.) Election petunia oftho obovo mm M “at mm Mammoth ohm mm '11 be filled It the COURTHOUSE. ”the Town or humour. In tho Con-v ct Vlo‘ mama-mo DAY OI'DICEI‘IIR. ~A. 11ml.“ m o'clock in the (m. moo-nonuni- W MI l W MEMuamw.A.n.mL Election ofa Member for the House of Commons of Canada for the Electoral District of the North Riding of the County of Victoria. holders on the 26th and 5th days of February and Hat-ck 1891. Damon OF CANADA, nova}: quamo, Election of a member for the Home of Commons of Canada for the Electoral district of the South Riding of the County of Victoria holden on the 86th and 51h days of February and March, 1891. Doxmox OF CANADA.) Election pefltionottheehove med petitioner medintheConrtot Mammal-red to this division (or trial. Takenotieethettheebovenemedpetitionend also the CmPeudmmedhetelnwflIbe tried at the COURT HOUSE." the TOWN OF LINDSAY. in the COUNTY or VIC- TORIA on the TENTH DAY OF DECEM- BERLD. 1891. ettenotthecloekinthe torenoon end on each otherenbeequent due a myheneedinl. M theith (by of October. AD. 13]. To JOHN HMMAN. In, We! the County of Vim "I hen need mum) meant. 81mm Itbmemmumwrheve enrMdeknowthn tunnel lave recovered tron a. very bed cold.”â€" C. ER. emcee. Montreal. There I: ”New world eqmltothll remedy m Sore . Cough! end Colds. Plenum: no the Tasteâ€"Give- !nmnt reliefâ€"Ab- Iolu hamlets. Lem bottle! fie. ell dong-g ‘A. .1; I‘m”. Montreal. 801??» 599m. m.â€"4w. 8. Pan. Honour Emmi. "wheat-761’. 131 Woodwu'd 8’de In A. 4113”.“ my. am “1 WY ”’3- Gmns' mmumnmmwmamm mammal: umamm . A. HIWK Pnn. Monom nuns-on) I won-cum mom; ouuutomkommmm and yWevmhm-‘IGU. y Domain. unlobyluc’mgm. You Pull the Cork CYLINDER OIL. WW$°££%§§?“W Lind”. October 7. 189Lâ€"7t. JOHN AUGUSTUS BARRON. Mint. N THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, ’N THE HIGH COURT OF J‘Us'rxcm, mouse: or pan-um, To Wu: w my vâ€"- â€"- â€"-__., 7,7,, lndn etc" ow. Even homo gur- “Mm sold you-1y. Add”. In eluding stump for truth». Also Nervous Downy Dimnau o! Bight. Ian at Ambition. Unatnul to m, swmd Downtime“ 5°" °‘ pom, Nightnmiuionl. Dnin in 3mm Semi»! Loses. Wm- AV so Seem unfit!!! 3m" ”M" n_-__ L-..I- m-‘ ERRORS [II YOUNG and 0L1] Organic Wuhan. hum: Home” not at Elm.th Deancured by HAZELTON’S VITALIZER Few Advertisements. “Harvard” Does the Rest. J. E. HAZEL'I‘ON, W 808 Imu'roconm. Ont. CHARLES FAIRBAIRN, Respondent. Dominion Controverted Elections Act. Dominionâ€" Controverted Elections Act. QUEEN”. BUCK DIVISION. QVIIS'S BENCH DIVISION. CHARLES O’LEABY. Petitioner. Pm non-um. mm, 34m 8. came“. 1186167. Ont. 27. 1891, Best Equipped in the Midland Counties. All work mended promptly and satisfactorily, and reasonable prices. Orders by mail a specialty. Bampl and Estimates sent on application. CHAS. 1). BABE, Pronrietoro Two portable Waterous Engines, l2 h. p.; in war ing order, for sale cheap. Apply to JUHII MAX/#8, I It I Clover Seed wanted, for which the HIGHEST m a, m, that. PRICE will be Paid. 9; .302...” HOW THE ROYAL GANADIAN INS. 00. Orders lefi for the trimming of flats and Bonnets promptly attended to. I respectfully ask the ladle: of Lindsay and surround-l ng country to give me a. call before purchasing. For Insurance apply ‘ JOSEPH DIOXLEY, {Stove and Hardware Merchant, Opposite Benson House “How Very Lovely “A Beautiful Stock “What Good Taste ENGINES FOR SA LE. fie Canadian Post 1 Job Department J namowmamrou Entire Stock affOost for the Next Three Months, Elk ? Largo 1m 0 WOOD and GOAL 51v rm: comm, the but TINWABE of all We, Manta-a: lo and Household Cutlery. and Heavy and Hardware, Paints, Gus, Vanuahes, Glass, “0.37001! nwumbuaammmm unsung-co. n my. ammunmwwm-amm nmwmmfioorm JOSEPH MOXLEY. may. Oct- 9. manâ€"u. u-dmLOct- 1. mâ€"n. Ihoroughbred and Farm too/I Insured at very Low Rates. finds”. October 7. mâ€"t now. Oct. 8. mumâ€"74. Ling-3y. Aw“ 7. 131.43. JAS. KEITH’S, WILLIAM STREET. XQARDENEQ LINE OF HANGING LAMPSâ€"Very Cheap. McCOLL BROS, Toronto, Ont. r. In.“ Ianâ€"'3 PAYS MISS O’BRIEN, The ,Gahadzah Pest. MOI-um. 011m IS MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY BUSINESS. IN LINDSAY. Jogegh Honey; 3311193 Keith. J olmiiuakins. Miss O’Brien. Mo 0011,» Bros. S. 001-11911. Imramo Company- S. CORNEIL, mammal: ,u ‘5! mationslddrop byladia and inspecti "armrefum-chmm stock no? and Trimming efl'eds for Fall and Winter ” \ These areflfegv of the W- of flats and Bonnetq promptly mes OI mum, luau au’ruuuui u-chasing. PBFRIEN, Arevnoonlutofmlw â€"LINDSAY. FRIDAY , LOCAL NEWS â€"â€".._ FEXELUN 4 A NEW MILLâ€"Mr. J1 in lull of caching against the R011: ~ __4 _._I.-. “do Agent. Lind-85". NEW m3. FAST Pm LOW PRICE Founder! we! m the Adamo. DI: SIABCB or Wan: Mn: and George “(by morning in a. ‘ ”and: ot horses {oral fl nines mentioned In! fill Inst. Exsctiy when . ”In" not hard. out. t.‘ Chunk-ed mi'eo from ha 3:. dgyo' “Q96! dnvuu - m He was not a ._ht( “mum hi1 u. d which there ¢ HI Imam expl‘ “on at the cannon that. On Tue: ‘ . Baboon wen: u “t Identified 3 ten 0: n of mo urn-on “at Wm. Brown M: no. Iona the two ex: .111! we do not xnou “be be long enough “ouch exgminttlon then Mr. Manchu: sec: “their roLurn is, oh ma by other metal: Citâ€"[Gszma A Scum or Boscuuu in. the touowlnx doc.“ I the Folio mentioned 11 wok: Quito I nonunion ‘ Close not Sunday not men proved to be no: mo night tour ha '0, Mr. Jot-ooh M's sud Mr. W. l h fluted by n burgh! “not med 3 smsll u 4* salon. Same mlepl . Constable Nevluon do morning word '- thot s mun u tr. J. c. Ayer idowdk near Mr. H: did and 1136 one at the; ”t um broken. The ‘ u a bad break. and m; alright azlln. lulu-es! Wednnadny M m Inn-tied in Englam 0M 0! ruldence to ‘97 have boat: here she MXL’I two brothers, W as mu 3: “to 2.11:. m flu: _ ":91 huvo .9 ”@0301 by nrq uh ”withinâ€"On Thur Wilson's second (1631' 391-1039. fins sadder}; 60x: 10 ENGLAND. â€"l .6 his wife had twoch! h!» We: ‘9' “We :irrow. The new mu then the old one ‘d will main 3 clrcu fig shingle "0.300.190- It 91.0 Prevents. “'9 Maw Li “\‘D REVRV ES bones a healthy 1 yall Dragging m" use of Aycr'a 81 need wondu commencing to am: I could see an it on. My appeg and mm it came flu an the food $80.! and each y I abs 0! {Idthi Mons. found comma, :1:ch :0 atom duties. The medical new lease of bio. " Met’ 3 Sat: math Iixbc .12". $5 .. l Consume h!- trouser: ho cunt Ind h .3 hi undow m a I clock Ind u mot-n. Saba: u s ten-dolla- nun-dam: mu. magma-{ti {CM dubs ls'wnke dun: mad: but (I:

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