mes, sale .derl the R0!“ in at tardy ioncf thm 1e 11th 569.- nonnt 01m lERY. 1'. I have I ‘HEST .TOGK Wink?- 00. c-w Leon‘sâ€"n u. 'v w- norrOw. Thensw mill isto be ten feet has: than the old one and a trifle wider, and will cantata a circular saw and a ï¬rst close shingle machine. Ammanâ€"0n Thursday evening Dr. A. Wilson’s second daughter, ily, about 7 yearsold. was accidenqu pushed off the ddswolk near Mr. Heard’e by another child and had one of the email bones oi her right arm broken. The doctor says it is not a had break, and that she will soon be all right again. 603:: 'ro ENGLAND.-Mr. Alfred Seweli and his wife and two children left the Falls last Monday for “home," and sailed from Iontreal Wedneedey Mr. and Mrs. Sowell were married in England. and prefer it so tplece or residence to Canada, although they have been here about ten years. Mr. Seweli’s two brothers, William and Henry, to still at the Fells, and we have not heard that they have any intention of meaning the Atlantic. DIN Season or Wum.â€"Meeers. Joe. chrthur and George Martin leit on Iondsy morning in s backboard drown by e pair 0: horeee for the mice and nsbea- tos mines mentioned in the Gazette of the 6:11 inst. Exactly where they are situated we have not heard. but they are more than ahundred mi’ee from here, no it takes over two days’ steady driving to reach them. How lone the two explorers intend to remain we do not know. but it will no doubt be long enough to make a more thorough examination than was made when Mr. McArthur secured the property, andtheir return is, of course, anxiouer awaiteglAAby other membervoi the syndi- ate.-[Gazette. A 833183 01“ Bumnmneâ€"The Gszette gives the tollovung details of the buraleriee It the Falls mentioned in Tax Post lee: week: Quite g negation we: ceased in the , L_ A _-_-_s woun- weuv - wuvâ€"uu... " .... w---â€" vlllage last Sunday morning by a report, vhlca proved to be ,true, that during the nations night tour housesâ€"Mr. Henry Austin’s, Mr. Joeeoh M'Arthur’s, Dr. Wilson's and Mr. W. L. Robson’s-had been visited by aburglar. and that from hint named a small eum or money had houszolen. Some telephoning was done by Constable Neviuou during the day. and In: morning word was received from Hndsay that 5 men answering the des- cription ot the supposed burglar was in charge there. On Tuesday vlr. Nevison 1nd Mr. Robson went to Lindsay. and the letter identiï¬ed a ten dollar bill found in Weuioa or the prisoner, who gave th. lune of Wm. Brown and said he was from aboutâ€. He was not srrested for the bur~ flambuumuming him to be the right m. of which there cenbe little doubz) mam. necturual exploits in this villm he wont to Mr. James Cullon’s near salmon Point. and had breakfeet, and sum 3 boy named Pearce a quarter or ndoliartotexe him muse the lake. At “’3‘" P0 '56 given at bed at Mr. Poole’e in “h concession of Pandora, and next if?!“ "Within“! an assault on Miss â€3‘10! Which offence her father and we" mummy took him to Lindsay. Eons bu“? handed him over to Chief lest ‘5 10 Bell. Thursday afternoon of “week Co..Daecou, Constable Bell and “a 9'1â€â€œ? time to the Fells by train, masses-:emgazxw 2° ce lb “â€69“.†139": “13:33:: crowded I l__-A , . FENELON FALLS. A Nsw MILLâ€"Mr. John Thompson and a m of men hove been working for meal days post on tho timber: for s new .111 for Mr. J. A. E1113, on the site of the one destroyed by are nbont a. year ago. ond no "raising†in to cake ploco torn: or to- ... .7 A- _ --_ “_4. ITOCAL NEWSLETTERS unn- "uvwâ€"v' (even stter all the boys had been mm“ at) that two of the benches broke down Me: the weight of the persons who stood n then: to get s good view at the sceneed. hearing of all the difl'erent “mm“ considerable time, but the pith of the co can be Riven in s few words. lr. end Mrs. W. L. Robson depoaed “I“ ISxturdu night when the hull! "and ; heater doors of the house were o 1 locked the Inner doors closed, but next morn- ia some or the latter were ooen. "1' }“Ellen window was “iced an hell or two, '4 the clock hsd been stopped “t 3" “tentatwo. Subsequently Mr. Robson had that e tenâ€"dolls: bill of the Dominion ï¬gmegioflu: bill end sbont sky-fl" Maï¬a SCA L â€"â€"P. “\b RENRVES DANDRUF F . It also prevents the Mir from falling out 3nd motes a healthy growth. So (1 by all Druggiata. 2 (Emma: 33051: ‘3 in silver had been taken from n W In his trousers, und Mtg. Robson :3“ two one-dollar bills from t packet- hher atone). At this stage at the W Constable Bell of Linda]. i. “Maven, produced the tendons! H No. 17,709, taken from the Dflsonar. '4 '. Robson, dual-examining it closely. 5.“ {ext quite conï¬dent that it was his. £53m waft?!“ (Mrs. Rnbaon’q moth- wunmu, aâ€... .. ..--___ , duties. The gnedicine has given me a new lease of hie.†Ayer’s Sarsanaï¬lla, Weï¬yturzhemoailm' rt tendon" “90» D0 N! co. â€and gym; during the niaht 193;?!» some pm coming or if}?! "3??an I much near her head; i‘i‘did “Monika: Snatch near her head; ‘51:! notlinht. She naked tho was _aee1_ng_ thp mm stretching ou' wznu :9 Ira-Luv ._- ..~_,_ v. ï¬nd all the food taken, In strength un- proved each day. an after a. few months a: faithful aneuhon to your directions, I found myself a. well woman, a_'z;le to aitepd :0 all household - 4...... can a Dr. J. O. Ayer 8c. 00., Levon. Mass Pricetl; six bottles.“ Worthflubotfle. may... . ‘uyvet complaint and indigwdnon mylireaburdenand'eamanear $g my existence. For more than gears ears! suffered untold 33% almosttoaskeleton,and was “a smug“: todragmysejllfme about.- A a distressed :ha'most delicate could be éiï¬ested .1]; Witlin the time mentione several us treated me withoiat givingre- ml Kathi ng that 1’ took seemed todo my permanent good untillcommqï¬} the use of Ayer’s Sarsapaxilla, winch mproduced wonderful results. Soon commencing to take the Smapa- rilla I could see an improvement in my condition. My appetite began to return and with_ it came the ability to digest \ A4161- m0! «39":th um. Q;- u u feeling for some more ~ told him amt than wen '1 the andntthuhnd. He then‘ mnsév, FRIDAY, NOV. 27. 1891. named. is ;m A e w. ‘ 5 ye s Sampsrflla W we Iorjndiggs‘tion, even Mamplicat dvnth “Complaint, . - e ‘ Li! , ., um cramming Mm _ onv M95 â€fun zonowing Won! _r""°d m Joseph Lake, 01 Brockway gm: 9a.â€? A yew MM†l'oropangh's Biz men noose 1n the Crowd. ‘ The circus Rave Tecumseh. Ala†excite- ' men: enough on Sunday to last it for a year. Forepaugh’s show travelled on (our trains. As it is against the Georgia laws to run through that state on Sunday, it was decided to stop at Tecumseh and feed the animals and rest. At all the stations there were large crowds, and at Tecumseh there were several hundred when the last train approached. As it was slowing down one 1 oi the ferocious lions managed to tear ofl' the door of its cage. Hector, which was the brute’s name, thrust his head out right in the iaoes of a group of negroes who were standing on the platiorm. They could not have been worse soared it the evilone who was thrown over the hattlements of heaVeu, and was falling all day till dewey eve, had dropped down among them. Hector made a leap with open mouth into the crowd. Such a scattering and such yelling_were never seen nor heard in .1 AL- _-.....“- 0.“ than ’Wp w---â€"â€"â€"“ v.. * Alabama. Some of the among fell down in gbjacc night. but the most of them struck ofrror home on a hard run. A drain tried to climb tolqgmgh poles. Om man , ,, ‘IA -_ I..- l. “1 III“ M: VIII-III, out anran down a weITWH'Ecï¬'ï¬i oxi his fee', but 1’0 ed over and 0781'. Wham he got up nidonn never asked me one cent in the eettlement of an claim mine: the govern- ment, and the: I have no persona know- ledge wh never the: the sold MnBobidonx ever received one cent out 0! the mount. the: I have gold or were pad to settle my VI. '1 HUM-u. w v u ---vâ€"â€" the conservative pspere' :1]? He, eble t6 meke but e poor detence. MR. wnm’s urns'r. Mr. J. P. Whelen publishes another em- devit mode Tueedey in preeenee o! Messrs. G. A. Drolet and D. McLyoa, in which he deoleree “that the Hon. Mr. Re Viv.- I $357111. solemn declaration con- scientiously believing it to be true, and in virtue of the act relating to extra judicial oaths. Dated at Montreal the 18th J ulv, 1890. (Signed J. P. Wmax. Taken and acknowledged before me on the day and month above written. (Signed) N. Pmonnau. N.P. In the face of this solemn declaration by Mr. Whelan himself of the complete groundiessness oi the charges against the Mercler government, which are not new, but which have only been dished up in a more sensational dress by the Empire and other tory organs to serve their present purpose. public feeling has turned stroneg in favor of Mr. Msrcier and his friends. The declaration utterly discreditsiWhelan, because it is clear that he either swore to a false statement in J uiy. 1890, or is me:- ing false statements now, and Whelau is the Empire’s only an thority for its yarn. acnoxs 1'08 CONSPIRACY. it is reported that in addition to the acâ€" tions for libel brought against several tor-y l papers by Mayor McShane and the cabinet ministers. Col. Aymot, N.P., has been instructed to take proceedings against Whelan and others for conspiracy. The liberals are thorou hly aroused. and say they will expose be ore they are through one of the most villainous conspiracies ever formed for the purpose of ruin the reputations of respectable citizens. av- inu to depend simply upon the statements of Whelan. who is utterly discredited now. in“ L- -LI- 4.. '_."~â€" â€"_.._ -c paid A. sum of ten thonssud dollars, nor any other sum, to influence or to procure the influencing of certain members or the legislature in regsrd to the special credit voted at the lost session for the settlement of my claims against the government rela- tive to the construction of the Quebec court houser _ I, the undersigned. John P. Whelan, hereby solemnly declare that I have never given or promised money to anv miniatu- or member of the leglelatnre of Quebecmor to anyone else, to influence or procure the influencing oi any minister or member of the said legislature of Quebec, for the pur- pose of favoring the settlement of my claim against the government. and that I have never had any knowledge of any sum of money having been, directly or indirectly, promised or paid to any minister or mem- ber of the said leglelatnre of Quebec for such purpose, and eenecielly‘tl’iat I never ‘II-_- -A- could ace we! thathewore museum. and aomokfnd clamp on hie heed.- She â€a†â€$5 %§% dung: to hearing 3 noise on the floor of the veran- daho: he: homebont a quarter to two on Sunday morning: ' She awakened he: hnsbend, who lit a lamp, end both of them saw a man on themototthe verandah through the window. of their bedroom. which is np-atairs. He went away when Mr. McArthnz tapped on the glaee. After looking at the puzoner, who was ordered toetnnd up. pntonhie cap end turn the side 0! his face to her, the witness ealdahe believed he was the man. Col. Deacon then adj onrned the hearing until 11 a. m.. at Lindsay, when“ would be continued it .AALLA__.-â€" heard the doctor’s voice. Anthowlndow 1.10811 the amulet-’3 uhouldau‘ ï¬lled it and dukenod thq_ rqqm, sud 511 she - _."-_An_ ~_ wmm’s swans DECLARATION made in July, 1890, years utter the am: st which he now says he paid money to mem- bers of the provinclnl government and legislature: 7 A __ _ \ Sworn Declaration We aim ‘ Ionthe Ago-1n which he l'intly Ocu- Mote me Present automate. Momma, Nov. 16.â€"0u Seturdey even- ‘lng the Ster end Le Petrio pubiiehed e ‘ copy or e eolemn deoleretiou mede in J uly. 1890, by J. P. Wholen. the ccntrector upon whose euthority the Empire recently pub- liehed e eeneetionel etory to the eï¬ect thet Whelen hed given et verioue timee lerge eume of money to membere oi the Quebec government end legieleture tor influence exerted in connection with the peyment oi hie eleime tor extree upon ooutreote. Premier Meroier eeye Whelen’a grieyeuce egeinet the government ie thet it elweye hee refused to let him here coutrecte. end thet on eeverel occeeione he hee reiueed to ccneider Whelen'e cleime (or coneidere- etion. end warned him thet he could not gumheee the favor of eny minister by .aruatiug onbscriptione upon irresponei- bio parties. The following in my further evidence were forthcoming Nothing was or could be done about the burglary at Mr. Austin's, “the visitor merely crewled in throth the pantry window, ï¬lled himself with pie, nadileit egein without being eeen or heerd h uny- body. The witneeeee heving been nd overtoeppeer at the trial, the prisoner wee removed to the lock-up for the nizht end lest Friday morning Conetnhle Bell took him to Lindsay. He in 3 young mu, apparently about 25. rather tell end slim, 1 very derk. end not bed looking. 4 sure TLING BFIDA vm ‘ .. m 053mm m,- m, him; MAr; mmm 27. 1891: Ulï¬luu Ave-eweâ€" g... ._'._V end ere tobe retumedtree otcheraoto them. It will thus be eeen thet every poealble eld in extended to the ledlee to enable them to teke lerce oeeh prizes with- out lncurrlng any expense. The retell drugglete of the Dominion, from ocean to ocean. highly commend the ~cheme, end predict en Intel-um end pzofluole tune for the ledlee. Hundreds at lettere received by theee drum!!!“ ere full of eeenrenoee of kind enpport; end such dmaglet bee determined to do whet "no. een to encourage the wives. mothers end daughters of m- town to teke ee meny prizes ee possible. All who ere not e1 yhupplfed with “Competition Books.†explaining the scheme, ehould apply for them at once to me wâ€"ua Bleherdeon 00., Montreal; meywulbeeent pootmwmlddtfllr ‘ he greet coat or its ineuzureflon, and employment of extra help for the proper conducting ot the scheme. no league exaooed tram the ledlel for the privilege of competing, end all goods cent In tor - union manage the propel-33131398309. .3 III-Iv, van was â€"w-â€"r___. Within the past three weeks Mics in the United Sauce hsve written to us, asking it they will be wowed to compete. We wish it distinctly underetood tint this “Diamond Dye Competition†is open only to the ladies at Csnsde. However. we deyontly trust thst our hit American cousins will in due time hue n competit- ion or the acme kind presented to them. Almedv aeoree ct wivee end mothere heVe eent in the neeeeeery epplicetion form lntimeting their intention of competing in the gm: "Diemond Dye Competition†scheme. They know exactly the particula- nne at work they on: excel in, end feel “at the proposed competition scheme embreoee in its ample ecooe just such work 882101931159“ -9°RFP!“}_-L_ ._.... ._ ‘ In this liberal and highly commendable contest, inagnratsd by the proprietors of Diamond Dyes, the ladies have an agent to work mith which develops immense possibilities and produces results which are pleasing to the eye. The great variety of work in the various classes open for competition does not by any means take in all that can be accomplished by the eels- brsted Diamond Dyes. It is, however. in the well regulated economical and happy home that Diamond Dyes are justly appreciated end considered to be indispen- eible helps and aide. As season succeeds season the wise wits and mother thinks o! the wearing apparel belonging to herself. husband and children, and realizes the important fact that it can be iltted in: wear once more through the use oi! Diamond Dyes. The materials still good. but perhaps too light in color, and, it may be faded with wear and exposure to the sun. can he re dyed in some fashionable dark color, or made a lovely shade of 1 st or blue black. It just amounts to this, as a lady remarked. “tor a trifling outlay you can have the summer wardrooeot man. woman or child transformed into new and stylish articles for autumn and winter wear.'f_ Our Canadian ladies are already prepar- ing for the great Diamond Dye Competi- tion; they sre going into this work with o vim and earnestness that is truly surpris- ing; and it is a well-known fact that whenever the ladies enter upon work in this way it is always well-done. 0! course the great novelty of the work and the wide ï¬eld of operation opened up by this unique competition will be the means of drawing in hundreds of ardent workers, who, under ordinaryclronmstaneee. would hesitate before committing themselves to trouble and nurenumerstiye work. _ _ _ A SPIGIAL FEATURE 01’ m COMPI- TITION ! 1-16 SW Tue Patel-bozo m o! Wedueedq nil: Yeeiirdey'a am announced mum.- ‘Butlc, Jr... plan agent, hed ehot tunnel! in e My; deepeudeuey end died" .1: Middletomcoml. This Ii undoubtedly Chet-lee Butler, 11.. wlioee operetlouein theee puree myet fresh in the memorleeotmeny people. Butler wee themwhowuwettheboudot dirocï¬onagdnrisclpfl M91901: in. t1†Only The Ladies of Canada Can Compete! Hector wu recaptured and â€and with- out traumaâ€"[Aunts Continuum. Awalmnlgod m 'm Gon- PREPARING FOR COB TE ST! SCORES OF APPLICATIONS COMING IN! Iuvwv vâ€"â€"---, many who will not shed' tom when they ready 0! his suicide. man. Hie ambition was to move among respectable men, or as he called them, “gentlemen," but his busineea would not allow it, and excitement being eaeentlal to {ante utedhe could ‘not give upuhla dealings eee gran,panoe,prom eory no . etc. Probably he had one of these "blue" attacks, as he called them. and what he feared followed. Butler was well known throughout Qntarlo.:and there will be , ’lAâ€"~_â€" _I_A_ LL-- ’M'â€"§"mmu" "B'siiaioa'iii "ne’uvoa has for name time ubout‘two you: one st tho time who! “mood ugh; 9mg: ya -v-â€"\1 .â€" v..- â€" _._-_ men in his way. He "had is Elihround. elean-eheven tece and well-rounded head. upon these news per exposures as neces- sary to his b and at times he would almost give (lemming information ï¬elnst himseli to save e reporter work. my times he wesarrested and he prided himseliu on his ability as an advccete. Be deien ed himself an!!!“ oh oi trend in the west. end was always in: to talk at his talents in the legal line. Butler’s death b his own hand while laboring under a t of despoudency would not perhaps be a surprise to a who was intimately ecqueinted wi him. He told a Review reporter about e year ago when oi his money-making echemes that e had otten contemplated suicide. He said at this time that many times he grew weary or “talking the farmers." but said he had tcdoit. Certein conditions prevented him from settling down to a quiet lite like other people, but he trenkly admitted that he was tired oi his mode oi living. He seid when he allowed himself to ponder over his condi- tion. nniitted ee he was by an affliction tor the full enjc ment oi life, he grew deenondent. an that it was neeesseg tor him to keep in active and rather ex ting business in order to detract his thouahte from himself. He was en adept at talking and seldom left a loophole in any transec- tion that might cause him inrther trouble. As e man to meet he was e generone tellow end was of necessity la reason of his var- ious business soccule ons_a well-informed F the Dominion. mndl I Iy commend tbs eqnnllll dial. Hundrods Argent“ u arugula: we brought nd “ppm; sud America bed to do whst anal-nail W W III nun-u; â€".â€"-â€"v... w--_ -, , non. Tom .1). annuallymwlnuot Europouthhymnhort of mod applies. and mint buy much man than ml. With such nn outlook, to It mutate: mm um men's thoughts m to m oi generei iinsnoiei troubles. people, like the Iteliens, Spenierds end Portuguese. elreedyere reeling its eh'eot. Before long the mudest heeds will be bowed under it. Ever since the etendinu ermies oi Europe grew up into the millions it hes been obvious thet sooner or ieter must come the dey oi reckoning. With whet on but seem to onlookers incredible istuity, the most of the stetes of Western Europe here been edding to their own ruinous ermements, evowedly beoeuee Russie is doing so too, end st the seine time here been edvencinu money to Rush. Unebie to dreg them eiong in this destruc- tive rece of expenditure whet might heve been foreseen hes he peued;eli etonoe Russie'e crane teil. en such poor internel oommeroeessheheeeoliepeed et thedrst touch of reel trouble. She hes been shrewd enouzh to get in en her eveiiebis gold deposits; so thet now it is eeid thet she hes $300,000,0on gold in the minister- iel ooii‘ers. She turns the key on this, hide her erms end seys shs is benkrnnt. One- third of her people ere without food. her pepsi- money hes sunk to the essiznet velne. her merchents ere dole: nothing end peying nothing, end 600,â€) of her soidiersereeetinz niftheir heeds on the Polish frontier. She )eugaests no remedy unless it me: be to lend her more money. indeed she isnot specie!!! concerned to iind erenedy. Sheesmnohesseye thet it is theedeiroi Enrooe. Thisisthesituetion et which Europe is looking cestwerd end etends eeheet. Ales. there ere elxnost cgneiiygrievous things in soother direc- e-_e. -â€"eâ€"â€"-’- ago-h C. III. 5‘5'â€â€œ"" -'-râ€"vâ€"vv ,_-_ to branch: a {rash tau of woo some American investors. A011 Chili's Wm ondnnaht on ulna: wu not bu! monk, but. In Brazil embarked on win: mm to b9 u_1_ equllyï¬bumcns cutout tur- don. gin; lat sntnmn’o onih In the mtg†zggnbl‘l‘o. ouch month hb! a- -1 â€"-A can. â€"The London correspondence! the New York Times oables:â€"What with Russia on one hand and the rioting South American states on the other, the gentlemen of Western Europe who are addicted to ï¬nance may well believe themselves deserted by the gods. Nothing very 1 definite has happened this week. but, all the same, its close seee things worse than its beginning. So it seems likely to go on for an illimitable number of weeks to come. Even in the smoothest times the bourses are not often mistaken for palaces of trn but now they are perfect shambles falsehood. Hardl the greatest persons can get accurate no one of what is going on with reference to the Russian loan. That it is a failure, of course has been known from the outset. That the Roths- chiids. whose disfavor was its original damnation, have interfered now to rescue it, is aboutas improbable as anything could well be. Yet a :story to that elect has been spread everywhere and gets a deal of credence. There is another story in Paris that the Bank of France has consented to turn over 150.003.000 roubles to Russia to be used to restore silver coinage and retire that amount of paper roublegwhich sounds quite as unlikely. It is more probable that the Rothschilds will remain turtivaly but reeoiu:ely hostile to every Russian interest. and that Russia will get no more money in a silver or other iorm until she frankly oifers this quid go go of a definite alli- ance. Beyond e b political problems. upon whose solution in the bourses hangs the peaceof Europe, there is co to- ward us by leaps and bounds a storg cud an... n.- I‘v- time. Wiee takes the whole aflair ncnv chalantly,eud laughe andjokee as though he hed no heinoue crime upon his conscience. He diecueee the question of being hanged with avidity. and an overjoyed at the prospect of meetinn ie death by the rope on the gallowe. Before he murdered hie friend he had often expreued a deeire to be hanged. Some time ago Wiee made e con- teeeion that he had murdered a boy. but no belief wae placed in what he eaid. ae there was no evidence to eupport hie etetement. The prisoner hes hitherto home a good character. The only poeeibie reeeon that can be given for the murder in that Wise ie aflected with a morbid deeire to obtain notoriety. or that he ie ineane. â€"Weymouthi hes s sensstion in the srrest of s youth nsmed Wise. seventeen yesrsoisae, on schsrgeoimurder. Wise is one of the spurentioes belonginnto EM. trsininu ship Boseswen. st oneent ench- ored oi! We outh. Lsst Sundsy Wise fly obtsined liberty to visit the shore. The strolled don the oliir, snd iinslly ed s point w ere the were seventy test shove the nsrrow stre oi shore benesth. Here the boys stood tslkina in the most hiendly msnner. when suddenly end without provocstion or worn- ing Wise plseed his hsuds sasinst his oompsnion. sud exertinssll his strennth shoved him over the edge of the elm. With s shriek of terror the doomed lsd clutched st the sir in en sttempt to ssve himself, and then tell with [rightful velocity on the rocks below. Unconoerned st the terrible crime he hsd committed Wise wendcd his wey beck to the vessel. The omoers mode enquiries se to the wheresbouts oi his compsnion. when Wise told them he hsd pushed him over the ollif. Sesrch was mode end the body of the boy wss round st the piece indiceted by Wise. His skull hsd been trsctured by striking on the rocks end he hsd received other terrible injuries_.___He woe olive. but died in s short A LA- AI.- _L-I_ -..I_ â€"-â€"_ miles. Flood- "nnd wreck-Re! howevei, ere genera in Greet Brlteln. e emote o! theetorm werenoetmorelytelhonthe eonthern eoeete, end the futile om he to lunch llleheete from n eendy beach the teeth 0! the hurricane. while shipwrecked emote were weehed eehore one by one from the elgalna in eight of thounnde o! eneotetore wee e heemendlng eneeteole. The wrecke on the British ooeet elone in one any numbered thirty-duh: veeeell. end the auntie: :‘t 111?,“ Ice: â€Fm u ksnown emounee -eeven. renee. pnln Gummy. on end Bollend hnve ell Inflated eeverely from the vleltetlon. 55nd! 4h. Lynda: Wu 8; Page!!!“ MOFM'WKEK. Holiday Presents in great variety. PARS? 15 Cent EDITION TEACHERS. “USHER THAT I GIVE 15nd!) summon 10. alarm Almmttarm hum Uxbrldxv Planes and Organ. and Singer Sewn-g linen-es: Bibles. Prayer Books and Tests» ments at reduced prices. One- of the ï¬nest lines of Bands! School Books over offered 11 Ltndny. ranchers would do well to call and examine them. A Beautiful lihe of Pansy Books, BOOK, STA. TI ONEBY and FANCY GOODS STORE Methodist Hymnals sold at 30c. each, 11mm omens. Unnamesmnoh Bitten iiyounm tic. no r.Culon't Btunneh Bitten rt have you Use g. 83“. Stomach Bitten Immune- «to cents-17d. â€traumaâ€"gâ€" Aboutlt. eons; ennbecund. We Your M know it been†on 'e Bela-1 within the pnettewnulhnscu no men!" Ind cousin this community. It: roan-n Isle he: been won entirely by immune merit. Ask nometriend whohuuneaitwhnthe think. of Kemp's BM There in no medicine no cure. nqngnoeg’ective. Int-countle- we end 8i at It“ waâ€"I “vâ€"- â€"v- â€"_ __7. -7 7,, , , cacao. in Dr. Picrce'e Favorite Practicum; a mcdeclne suited to her nature. mode for the me cure of those diocoeee which moot her. It especial! emotive in on weenie-cc inci- dentuoc mo erhocd. while it in also e not restored“ tonic for the techie and do need sacrumâ€"814. The bad boy totes the ukeâ€"ony from his sister. Pole. ‘ emaciated meen mi girls would diocppou‘ tron the ma it oil would use Dr. coo Winiune Pick Pins. e speciï¬c to:- their troubles. Try them and be ccnvinced.â€"81-L The better day: suppï¬'a long 1.1: uni." A sweet scented businessâ€"the florist; the IE; o: It. How poor. how rich. how abject. how august, how comglelonud. how wonderful. I- Inn: and it might added. how “we 80" Is man. With her‘gecuuu'ly deuwe and Intense omn- lzsuon. o Is the superlative degree of mm. Even In diseases she excels him. having may the: he has not. She has. howom. found out n ma gemgflelumnt tor the cure of her dis- __--e. n-â€"-â€"le- DMnHm-n - or oi New York; Bieherd Wetson Gil er, Erestus Wimen end others. A circulerletteriesuedby the promotersot themcvement describes it es en ettempt to unite the moreliorcesoiNew York city and vicinity iorccncerted eflortin csiryingthroughreiorm meesuresiorthe beneï¬t oithe poor. The ï¬rst peectieel reiormtobeuedertskenwillbethe onen- otperksendpleygreunds ior children. theneedior :ndsunshineicrtheyoung. otherevils will beettecked. Thespiritin which the work win be done is shown by the subject to be discussed st the iirst meeting. “Howcen this world bemsdee better piece to live inâ€"beginning with New York?" The list oi the signstures to thecirculsr shows how thoro h end sin- cere is the intention to bury reliuious diiierences oi opinion in order to schieve one greet end end sim oi ell on. "The only subjects to be discussed ' seye the World,sre thoseoissocielnsturein which ell clesses end creeds ere slike interested." The Rev. Heber Newton regerdethisuuiouoithepresssud pulpit ior eociel riorm es the greetest eecomplish- ment oi the nineteenth century. end predicts thst in e veer the orgenisstion will be the ruling power in New York city. end thet within ï¬ve eers “it will heve chsnged New York so t it would not be recognized by e returninn visitor ecqneint- edouly with the wicked. unhappy New York at to-dey.†These ere hopetni words; yet. eiter ell, whet ere the but s declsre- tion thst the forces oi . when united, ere more then s m tor the torces oi evil in the eociel world so they ere in the world oi neturei At present the iorces thet should meke for good ere divided end wested. The greet questions oi the time demend s closer union oi the morsl iorcee oi society. “There is now†ssys the Rev. W. S. Reineicrd. “en immense emount oi wested energv. Agreet deel oi enthusi- ssm is misdirected end positively hurtinl. Much good smmuuition is thrown swey. All oi our previous snempts to improve the condition oi the slums end dsrk por- tions oi our city hsve been like sorsping the soil with e herrow when e eteem plough wee needed.†Nothing short of the srsdicetion oi the slums will setieiy these thorough-going reformers. They ere unnsturel end unuecessery. “They use he done ewey with,†es s Dr. Albert Shsw. “with ell their stten t evlle, just no eflectuelly es s ditch or s missmetic mereh out be ï¬lled end msde wholesome end dry.†One oi the leeders in the move- ment, the Rev. Joelsh Strong, ieimpressed with the view thst et present the verions interests thst thrive upon the hnmsn suffering ere merehellcd end orgsnized end set so e unit, while those governed by higher motives qusrrel with one soother, end thet in mstters perteining to public heelth and the physicel development oi children, such so clesning the streets, estsblishing perks end pleygrounde, open- ing the sohooihonees st night to boys end girls, end simller reforms, ell well-moun- ing people should be ellies, irrespective at their opinions on theology. A good begin. in: lieu certeinly been mede when Jewish rsbbis end a. bishop end clergymen oi the Episcopal church ere iound worklng hend in heud. The greet city oi New York is e wide ï¬eld for the ï¬ght with poverty, end vice. end the conflict will be wetched with known lntm-net. roman. Bev.W. s. numb“ of Toronto; the Rev. Lynn Abbott- “W“ to Henry Weed Beecher in the W15 03 Plymouth. end seven! Jewish 1|be!» The madeuwud um World newspaper. by Ahnhm Hewitt. formerly A «W maul-bung N“ “I NowYorkcltytodedMlcdly'MW'†amaluntundmtavm. W and hymmbmdodtéflmm “3° "1"†meat. Amongthetorm‘nm Fm"? G. A. METHERELL’S '. A . MEIHERELL’S. ummmwwm G. A. Mather-911. loldltlsoanhuch. VARIETIE». Manufacturers of Tents, Awnings Sails, Waterproof Horse and Wagon Cover . Lap Rugs, Cheese Covers. Coats, Hats, Leggings. Mats, Gloves, Water Pails, Feed ‘mmBmsandBeug-mddl kinds of Camping Goods. 283 and 283; George-st. south, Peterborough. @- Telephone Day or Night. Pow-hero. 0°91. mI.-73-1y. J. J. TURNER 30H. DICK'S am is most. excellent {or twel- linu. bruise-guide, mm arc in mu ['0 ,wnt, 1nd I. most wonderlul cure for eumstisln. DICK 00. P. O. Box 482. IONTB‘AL" Dick's Blood Puriï¬effor Horsesg Cattle he! lwthereliefmdposibl cheatedâ€"inning. pin MNmomQï¬mMuxocdtu‘ at! music in phyn'alde JOHN I’1’. TALMAGE. ID. NERVOUS PROSTRATIUN GENERAL DEBILI‘I'Y, WASTING DISEASES RICK FOR SALE AT THE OAK- WOOD BRICKYARDPI ham 3 quantity at ant-clue Mo: on bud. which man 3: mm afloat. Give no I can be'ou noonmoloowhm. C THOKAS. 006. June 1st. 189L466.» V" MAMEbLC OOKN. coNsumpnon BRONCHITIS sauna-mus. hie-cum. “AX-SEED EMULSION 0°. 38 um Oh. I†Voti- â€"I'OI ML! 3! A. HIGINBO'IHQII. Lindsay. ‘unru run: ‘ - , F‘nnal,n1lalh quince oy the an“: 4mm“ M 1777*???) II/II/M: It: â€mt/WI. JIIA /: ne'IIJIIMz/UIIIII III/VAR!†7040.47. #0 I11): 74:72 4M: Imam. â€0:040“ arm anaemia/maze 307.: 745.3 FMIWIIIIIM: For «do by 1.11 Lind-n druz atomâ€"764:. Fun-Seed Em 11151011 00. TENT. To RENT. Q8. {5. unsung} ï¬nds". Satin. BBLâ€"71 l! COFFIHS, GASKETS AND SHBOUD ALWAYS IN STOCK. G’ omens nonmn. Furniture Dealer and New Advertisements. 74 $2. Peterborongh‘. EMULSION compouno will remove Ill sign: of lever. and math prevent any at... m my: be m dam than sores: mm @9913“, "akin: u ï¬rm hold on their uoneï¬tution. will be loud xnnnitelv superior to my Condition Powder now used. In it loosen: the hide. enshnng the mind to out. in Mr, ad in abo en autumn: endimr of Bow and Worms. For sale everywhere 60c. DICK‘S BLIS'IER. {or spewinxringboneabc .503 DICK'S OMEN!!!“ AGENTS WANIEDâ€"On 6813!] or Macaw-:6 collectâ€":3 the Coun'uusgtv a. m ammo... Anal! so Joan Bonv M mm W lax-.7 UNION CREDIT 8: PROTECTIUI (I'm uni Tum-1a.. 03:13:20. Guiâ€"u 1’ GEORGE DOUG-LABS, ‘HE OLD RELIABLE BRIO! nan-W lamâ€"Inn“- MINERAL WATER. DUNN’S BAKING POWDER 830.000 M“ ‘ "' "‘ -mum come: at and.) ‘ Newsstand-37.] THE 00! K’S BEST FRIENB Mammalsâ€... Immwdrh a... m Wham-mud“ mmmmdt “museum Wilton-0mm Jouucxvmm WM“. Ianâ€"n. Invoked in Canaanâ€"m... m â€_mdwanlnmggalowu m qthcru- ‘ mm 0" max um a S. PORTER, ISSUER 0P [ARBILGE LIBHISB. 901?. SALE. 800 000 BED BRICK. m.mumâ€"ss¢. m2. on ,hijon-A,18I~A-l__ ,UN'IGAL’S LI'VEBY Eudo Mineral Water. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. é, “19.1.3111†9N; lavage Licenses. m LIVERPOOL AND LONDOI mamas mama: comm â€EUDO†FIRE AND LIFE. BARTHOLOMEW Miscellaneous. Aleutian-WNW“ GEMS.†Prom-later. â€my! a m C O 3' .cr “gonna...“ a"