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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 27 Nov 1891, p. 8

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i I] gist-ch should have a séhool under its own i CAMBRof'fi i Comdenee a Post. (haunt. Died in Fenelon on Tues- day, the 19th. Nov..-ioseph Wilkinson. aged 74 years. .The subject of this notice was ion at Heden on-the Wall, avillage in Northamberland. England. which is built on and in fact many of the houses are m from the stones of the old wall built theRomans to prevent the incursions thepredatory Scots. He was afipren- tbed to the millin trade to a mi er in '- ”castle, Englan . and his indentures ”\Vhioh are written on parchment are quite > a curiosity After serving his time and icing legally released he entered into hairless tor himself. running amill in Gathersten Yorkshire but soon concluded witty histortunes in Canada andemimt «there in 1842, settling in the vicinity of foil: Hope and engaging in farming. Be- long leaving Eifihnd he married a. widow ha, named int and with her son named in themvzagon making business in _ - - _ A ‘L A ‘_._R... _‘â€" U-a-e‘w- -- v-v "W'" ~ .. Lindsay in 1853 on the remises now oeeupledb the Hamilton hock. In 1855 heremov toFenelon havln purchased the land on which part of t evllage of Cambra‘els now situated. Soon after eomlng erected a saw and shin le mill which Heeontinued ornn until e sup- fly olghie became so short as to make it are when the machinery was sold the pulled down Shortl after mingto Penelon :‘r Wilkinson eat his rifle and he‘ afterwards married Miss Sarah Jarvis '“by whom he had three child- :ul who survive him; heir mother having .d in 1874 w:- Wilklnson alwa s was a number of the Baptist church at was seq liberal in his views and was always a m a tendant at the services of other ”inmonséh there being no Baptist dutch here ortly after coming here he new thegreatneedotaSabbath school I r‘ the you}: people and children and was ”'1th in having a union Sunday stool sarted over which he presided for “$7 nine and a half years. At the aim ottheehyrches it_was felt that the A- 1;. Aâ€" rusrmcsuâ€"The Inglis 8c Scar Spe- ohlty Co. will give one or their popular nurtunmeuts in the village hall on the ot December-Inn. Mons. Joseph riflon, the celebrated j angler, will appear. Ions. Inglis will also give a number at flack wire performers. museum-Mr. S Pukins of Lindsay vellum thieweekon s son: of inspection d his lumbering limits. Mountâ€"Mr. Percy Rowlinson bed a vety narrow escape from a serious accident a Tuesday. He was ruins: s vary spirited aims! which he had lately purchased. The dual took trinho and dashed off a: break leek sueâ€"d up the trout street. Hsd it not heater the nine); sud muscle of Mr. Rowlin- un in-reieuing in the frightened snimsl he s have been seriously ID) and. ensuesâ€"Mr. D. A. McDonnell, hieksmith. is doing 3 very prosperous business. leis s useless mechanic and uses the best mini. Mr. Chss. E. Cole.:nurhsrnessmsker. m business mod in his use and has a very has number of adore this season......Mi-. moon «is coins entirely into the tin sud known-e business and is almost doing the KINMO UN 1'. [Wows of The Post.) has Horn.-Mr. Dunbar has his fine hotelintuli blast. The main building is 3:66 with a kitchen 30x40. There are twenty comfortable bedrooms and a large ’arior upstairs. Downstairs he has fine nadspaeions sample and billiard rooms. He has stabling capable of accommodating seventeen seams, with outside shed room b accommodate a similar numberof teams. this fine building is a handsome addition to the appearance of our village. PERSONALâ€"Mr. W. L. Hunter. the lat traveller tor W. J. Lang. 00., .esais grocers. was in 303m Tuesday. 1â€"!" '4. Luv-ow v..."â€" ---__..- _,, ions to their going to For: Huron. Mich.. .. W. K. Burton is vieidng triencsm Toronto st present. . Harmâ€"We con atuiate our fnend Ir. John Wrey. 3rd eon. Eldon. in taking to Miss Martha. We partner in the person of m of this place. Rev. Mr. Mervin. Metho- dist minister or Woodvme. officiated in a. most gum manner. The bride wne supported by “Tina. Smizh and the 2:00:11 by Mr. W. S. m The young couple Look the evening ”in for usher: honeymoon. On thuir return he on the [allowing Monday a reception was “i 3: their residence. Susannaâ€"Mr. Thomas McCombe of “pinehasbeen confine-1 to his bed for the ”(swingers wizhaeeverecoi . I‘ A, A ,AA A‘â€" _ TLAA“.-‘nu:fiâ€" mind" 7 $3 m in town. " nu w " vuâ€"u , CALLâ€"A call from the Pmbvterian W of Fonelon Falls has been extend- d ”Rev. M. McKinnoun. pastor of this congre- “In. Thepreabytery will meqt 1n Wooavme a Tucsdsy ‘next. when it wm be decided Man will be mated or not. L1 FFORD. [Omndenoo or The Poet-1 m .1an Swat-ms will give a concert in the Tommi-once hall, Liam-d, on the «Tuesday, Dec. 13b. Tney have ovum ‘ appeared adore the lence o: Waxes and mo! hmfly. Admission, 25 some. Ir. Home: does: large trade here. Bumâ€"Mr. H. Graham will start business next. week in general dry goods and groceries. and la now receiving large canolanmente dally. All are pleased at the returner Mr. Graham, as he has always balance: useful and enterprising cm- ” ...... Mr. R. J. Mills will open shortly a grocery store in F. Traln's block. Mr. Bawllnson wlll mgnage tlge bqelngas. (Wdence of The Poet] PERSONAL â€"Mrs. F. Hawkins and my 04‘.»quon visited friends here but week fl. ,_..- is... an“- illnh law Lara-£15922“: rout Loous-Mccmxo . Wilson. W Gina-A. malnbotham. tranche! Wantedâ€"Thus. J. Mun-tho. 'rwo mealsâ€"mama’s Opera. House. ho Great Secret-E. E. W. McGnfley. emu mama-Momma: Unwin. Goods for the Holidays-A. Highbothm. min: in Mmroâ€"Andmon. Nmnt italâ€"R. Kylie- nanâ€"R. Smyth. V St; 0201x508 M MAJ NSE GEO VEe-EIQDON. NEWS-LETTERS m1}? NOV. 27, 1891. This Week. has been engaged several weeks ahead and the flow across the Atlantic is going to be big as well as steady. People On either side will be all the more anxious now as they have to regard the United States and Canada as the only source of supply up to the time they can receiv: wheat from the crop now growingin India. But how much they will pay is another matter. Naturally they will not want t) rush up prices on themselves, and the willingness of sellers here must be a godsend to them. Yesterday’s cables said higher figures were asked, but no advance was established. There can be little doubt but that a decided rise here would meet with a ready response in foreign markets, though it is intimated that they have already bought from us most of what they expect to receive in the next three months, and the admission is said to have been made by a prominent German. I: may be more significant than appears on the surface. He is quoted as saying his government has purchased supplies to provide against the contingency. of a partial (allure in the home crops next year. ' It literally true, that statement may be construed as a premonition of war. because such a thing is unprecedented in the times of peace; at least it tells Germany has been a larger buyer of food yet to be delivered in addition to that counted on as wanted by England and France. Corn shows little increase in stocks, with more oflered from the country, either to be shipped right away or sent in as soon as the weather puts it in condition to move. With a hard winter such as nearly every- body seems to be looking for there would be liberal supplies of corn. But we do not see any reason to apprehend a glut material is wanted abroad in far greater quantity than ever before. Advices from the seaboard say ocean freight room has been chartered icr immense lots of it. and the only four expressed is that car service of the railroads will not bring it forward asfast as wanted by arriving vessels. Ii is already known that Germany will take and is taking corn to make bread for her armies. The civilian element in that country has caught the infection and 1s demandinst far more than is on sale. Enclanrl is quoted as wanting some 75 600.000 bushels of it to make amends for barley and other feeding stairs normally supplied from Russia. and this over and above what is usually taken from this country to the British isles. Also it will he no wonder if the admitted scarcity of wheaten food there will lead to an impor tant use of corn as a breadstufl' for t e people. they icilcwing the German example in that particular. or course a very cold winter would mean more than an averag. of consumption in this country, both on ihs farm and on the Atlantic slope. There Its a good export demand for cats; they, too. being wanted to fill the void than under ordinarv conditions is supplied from the north at Europe. There is little new in provisions. Bears have been liked by ‘ some people in the old world who do no' want much from outsiders. but a fair export demand otherwise is locked for by i the trade, and packers have shown their confidence in old pork by purchasing mos-r of it within the past few days. The die- position is that prism are low enough {or facts of supply and demand, and cll'srine- of hogs do not promise to be overwhelm- ing till the iatterpart cf_winter, if diet. _._A_ _ ‘IAAI- go- uâ€"o. â€"- --.â€"- 7â€"- 'â€" We not. motor: um um pack a. mud â€"â€"v_:, . day says: “All last week our wheat market vibrated up and down on expecta- tion of news that the Russian ukaee against further exportation of wheat had been issued. The news is here and the market has made but ieeble response to it. The fact is the great majority 0! people in the trade seem to regard it as of no special significance. They say Russia has already parted with nearly as much as it was expected to furnish previous to the opening of her ports in the spring. The difference between promise and realization thus far is about 16,000.000 bushels, and it is estimated that India has very little more to spare from her crop of last winter. The magnitude of the move- ment here is what favors bearlshnees. In spite of the deep snow in many parts of the N orthweet that section is still pouring out its treasures at a rate only limited by the supply of cars with which to move it, and but for the demand ior iacilities to move coal, apples, potatoes, etc., the supplies of wheat would be even more plentiful. It is probable they will be voluminous for two or three weeks yet, though threshing operations in many places must have been cut short by the Weather. Accumulations at country points, where wheat was poured in much faster than it could he got rid of have vet to be cleared out of the way. After that the foreign demand may be expected to assert itself in such a manner as to cause a decided lessening of visible stocks. It is well known that freight room on the ocean Owner or Trix: CANADIAN Peer. } ‘ LINDSAY. Nov. 26. 1891. Barium end Produce. With frosty weather end herd reeds en Increased delivery of grain my be expect- ed. The market is depressed, however, and it is difficult to see where the big prices some expect ere to come from. The Chicago grain dealers do not expect s materiel edvenoe in wheat 33 a. result of the czsr’e uksae prohibiting the export of wheat from Bursts and the famine in that nnheppy country. A special deepetch froufigvin, Great; 8; 00., one of the largest Chicago houses, to the Empire of Wednes- De I stop We wumu u... n... ___ 7 ate... . .We also beg to tender our heartfelt thanks to the Rev. Mr. Gal-butt of Coho- eonk for the kindly call he made to the sick. Such gentlemen as he lighten the pillow of sickness, and do a great deal towards dispelling the gloom incident to a 11"va 3‘33, Elanâ€"658% thus ,L-L- "A. house anu. Wuuuucu u.“ __.__ ___,, come as abovestated. Hewas amonof sterling integrity and on ken against all kinds of wrong. and was ghly t- ed amongst his neighbors. He in 1y gaYe 0:399:99! 9! his income to religious or charitable purposes. ___'â€"â€"-â€" VICTORIA ROAD. [Memo of TB: POST.) NEW SAW-MILL-Am the notable events that how occurred this village the moot Important to the raising of the -‘ -- - nu-â€" film-anal nnh. UN "1'” mun ulna. iv ' -vw-s , , that Mr. Damoreet has been very sick for the last few days. but under the skiltul treatment at Dr. Broad Messing favorably. We are very glad glad to hear this as the old gentleman was at one time in a very critical condition. . . . . The genial doctor was kept quite busy during his sojourn here. no less than eight patients having availed themselves oi the opportunity towneult him with regard to their various ailments, with remarkably beneficial results to themselves. It is s 371121 that min the progressive nature of e- toria Rug that some inducements could not be ofl‘ered the doctor to take up his residence in our midst. I am sure it would be a atexL we yould all var! much appreci- . _ A-.. -_ A..- hA-e-Oflflr iiéfchnm’ ' 951: [Wm VI- A.â€" n w-.. wa SAW-MILL-Aln the nohble events that hue occurred this vlllsge the most Important 1- the mining of the saw-mm by Mr. J eflrey. his a good aub- atantlnl bulldlna, and vs hope and trust it will answer the put-pone! orlglnnlly intand- ed for it. ON 11318101: Lamâ€"Fe regret 3° Into COMMERCIAL NEWS. OHAPOTEAUT’S MORRHUOL TEE CUBATIVE Am PRINCIPLES _ ‘(TRACTED FRHM COD 'WER 01L. ORPORATION of the county of Victoria. Notice to hereby given that the Municipal Council or the Corporation at the Centre! Victoria. will meet in the fntedoraudrough,. ...... ... W Av pfy ”wins. 3? J. MOLAUGHLIN, Bondst. pLindsay. qu.%.1891.â€"81-1. E HARNESS.“ in good condition. suitable for lnmbenng or teammg. wm be sold in quantities to suit purchasers. For price and parfloulsrs apply to TORONTO RAILWAY COMPANY. Toronto. Ont Nay. l7. 189Lâ€"80-l. may.» um 00.! Calveamerheadâ€" Duuu ll. . ”Huang. uvv- w. .wuw’hc MENTION T HE P 08 T. -â€"Pntiea adverflnements in this upernnd answering them. mmflnqryurohases rohaseswin. can or s favor by mentioning In POST. Expo"'£:'. head. . ”fiend Camber - a . n o . “ a n u o u o u u . . o . . . . o o u . n a hpa'du a... to... .. lamps. per Hesvy............ ................... Medlnm............................ mng...-...... , Bniéhéré' interior. 225 mantel-3......" .. ... ....... luncheon and ”ringers. per ha. 30 00 _Sheep- fiuccharé' Biétbg.......... Butcheraf moglqm to good - AN TED.â€"A good servant girl. Apply to MRS. R. J. MOLAUGHLIN, taken at a to $8 each. 3023â€" to: union]: weighing from 1 2201!» each. found e good merket. et 84. $4.25 perowt. but stores and light to: hogs not wanted. and those that were taken bunched In with heavier salmon. E33? .OR SALE-One hundred SETS 0F HARNESS.all in good oou_dithn. sulfigbge mmmmnnmw wifinnuhddmmm A wnmmnn:-m 6-111 mummmum- inn-nanowthntho brunt-humu- m adobutstmdtotbmfl mmdmmmmdu- lngthenoxttwo months are Wu unprecedented]! has”. Isl-annual! mmmmmmm . new or gettlna higher 931°“ ”WW firing. “impact: muot 013mm mewould Induce than ”do“ Tho handgun: mbonnzutotthomln momwhomnuetombmymtot oxmmno. “Item-bout a showings at our: on the 0mm; P96111032. 3!“??? excellent facilities provided. mm mm“- mmdphdcrflnmtho “was. wmwere 1.1:. Price: m M M- Wannaâ€"Steady. 300 human canine 0* ”5° acumen rum-Mm ”Mm "Ewart-Steady: 5.000 mm: sold a 50o tome. Ohmâ€"firm; loobushels sold at 83030331). Pna-nmmlcadsudatm figflim Therooelptlwseo mall. twontylcsds ct haysellln nous to mom timothy.“ ltcuxtor . Btraweasler dnrmJl soldat to .58. an ve $10.50“ an Bm.-,-Fore-quartsrs. $50 to 6m; hind- Tmnte Live Stock W Last week's roeelpts at the western cattle market were 1.833 cattle. 780sheepaudlsmhs. and 1,039 hoes. Tuesdar the oflerlnm were so loads. including about 450 cattle, 450 sheep and lambs. and 700 hope. The market showed no change from that ctlastll‘rldar. Thedemand was entirely local and supplies were just about equal tor allrequlrelneute. There was a scarcity of really good. choice butchers'htock. and they were obliged to fill up on stul! that would grade aslnforlortogood. Pricesrsnzed trom3to3§o per m for cholce and down toziol‘orlnterlor. A few steers were purchased tor 100% for w htromStoaio rib waspald. but purchases were 11ml Sprlnsers and much cows motwithapoor requoetattrom “tow Sheep and lambsâ€"Good sheep sold well at 35 tosa50each.butlnlorloranlmalswereslow. at $5 each. Lambs found a fair market at 84 to 25 to $1.25 head. ”Mustang few were on sale. and all were JORRHUOL is much more m-os in In goth. than CodLiver Oil the humans at Communion. Bronchldb. Gaucho. Punt k: the Chat Soro'l'hroota and Auburn. SOLD IN PHIABOF £00 HORRHUOL PEAR EACH OF WHICH [SMALTOATEASPOOIMO o_u. 02%.!” a no mucosa. Pain. ___0! ALL QRUGGISTS In M PRIOR fl. TEL-9mm ros‘r," LINDSAY; mm; mm: New Advertmggents. NO TASTE 03 em ...-...- ...--...----m.. 0' LYMAN. SONSIOE mil-1 noalnmw goon........ Ben plaid {um um Straight Trimmers, Ladies, Button Hole, Pocket, Barber’s, Banker’s and Scissors in Gases. Trusses, Shoulder Braces, Enemas of all kinds. Think of Lamp Complete for 18 cents. A. HIGINBOTHAM, Druggist. Parlor Lamps. Library Lamps. Stand Lamps, Hair Brushes, Chamois Skins, CARVERS J. G. E DWIIRDS. FINE SCISSORS. ROYAL MAIL STEAMBHIPB; REDUCTION IN BATES. Mailman: marmn 'ro maroon D13! DMG Tu W Mom Cabin :40 um npwu'dl- Second Ctblnus. Steencoulownm. New???“ mandala .everyl' t. 0mm. 3.“qu gamut. Smulownm. AmeLALLAN.Xonn-ed.u STATE LINE. CUTLERY WENTSTREET-H] STRAYED from “The Fort.” Vim!“ ma. m mun or our“. hand I. onhornlorhon on 1'18!“ to thelr moo will be fiber-‘1! ”m“- ymLAw 6%”... Fort. new. Rosa. N07. 23. 189Lâ€"81-3. ALLAN LINE R. S. PORTER. Lindsay. NOTICE TO PAY UP. Importer of unaware. etc. mydgyjlog. 26. 1391.41. Lindsay. 1501. 25. 1891.41. KNIVES IMPORTED- mm) t_<'> thumbs- 9f 99-3 The “K101112999" firtheg Keel” than. Number 18. nonâ€"an. New Advertisements. WARRANTED- A. Higinbotham. Isthephoetorbmnlh J. G. Edwards. YORK and GLASGOW Miss O’Brigg THE RIGGS REEL Cg. mmmomchuom tureandsonintho following Count.- mopâ€"York,0ntuio.nurham.N0tth- mud, Petubmncmm Hastings, Prince Edvard. Edmu- mnumn. Niamemnd Parry Sommmpmby SERVICE OF AMERICA N, B UTCHER, TABLE, POCKB T. ENGLISH LINDSAQ, ONT. Pram. ”an arm. “90 e and strengthen WEAK UN- ]! PEI) (PRC-ANS and PARTS 0F BODY. Absolutely unfailing H0113 TREATIENTâ€"Benefits in n day. Hen testify from fifty States and Foreign Countries. Write them. Book, explanation and proofs nailed (sealed) mes. Address ERIE MEDICAL 00., o BUFFALO. N.Y. For LOSE or FAILING DIANHOOD, General and NERVOUS DEBILITY, Weakness of BODY AND IIND, mm of Errors or Excuses in old or Young. Robust, Noble IAN- noon fully Restored. How to en- Pnnnerafiip uooounm adjusted. All kinds of momma audited. Instruction given in double entry bookkeeping when desired. Alaoagom for the MUTU 3L RESERVE Fund Lire Associations“ lsrgeet unturnl premium lite company in the world. Parties who intend to insure will save money I) insuring in this company. on their m m we ova: mu thus gym-god by ol<_i_ lino comp-onions. Adds-cu. Box .n .m- Bela now pox-mummy settled in Liam.” 301 m n conunmooot put tum. m who onion him myroatusurod um howl!) “human!" than adulation. D EAGLESON, . W mun: of cum. Bock- ot all kinda written up. basement: of account made out. Balance sheets p Conn-acts made for writing no books by the week or month; Books opened for bnslncoa men on the ayatem beat suite}; go _lhclr bullies: ... Lg, ‘_ A VIEOB and STRENGTH ! [h onmeonmg;wâ€"'omuet:.dlglz Con. LMu-l- Owner re an 900!- dq 9.10333??? mug-open! data fit nun! Little Britain. Nov. 14. mL-ws. GRAIN AND POTATOES. Tickets cashed at A. 0AMPBELL’8. , Lindpgy, mt. 10. 191.410“. BEM'A' MAN ! November 18. m1.â€"zms. New A dvertisemen ts. AGAIN IN THE MARKET s'r RA Y c A LIIâ€"4A Sprjng GALE memmu SLOOUM’S 3. L. BAKE/i, Erie MedicaLGo. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUG-GISTS. 7371:3727, 1891., 4,; Oxygenized Emulsion of Pure DR. T. A. BOTTLE GENTS --_ --_'i . Ladies’ Dressmg Cases, Leather and Plush. Sachet Powder, Seven difereut Odors. Perfume White Lilac. Perfume White Hyacinth. Perfume Crabapple Blossoms, eta, cheap at HIGINBQTHAM’S Drug Store. Winter I! 119339 Lung and wg§u__ mgqeprepuulcn tori A ___ _ in. ‘_ A. A. Having purchased the Hardware Business of HE. R. D. THEX TON, and added largely to the stock, which will now be found one of the most complete outside the cities, I respectfully ask that the public accord me a share of their patronage. (WKâ€"smog Gents’ Dressing Gases, Lgathe'r 9M_P1ush. WELL ASSORTED. “(HINGE 0F W§IWESSW Amt. Kent-Ito. Linda-av- unm. am a. tauâ€"a Little Britain. NOV. 3|. [ULâ€"81. Muba- tno Old Bald. one door cut. of Benson noun. nanny. Am gm. 189Lâ€"68 Sunni-Bow 3293335v3=88=a98n 333333335533313233 gouging-awn“; who r I \ \Ku xxrlrri lxlbl DI IIFIIPID III-r. 'll‘) ill; ‘3’I’n ‘ EhisReeI is the,‘largosf. most convenieni' and dare ever offered 15)!” Public. â€" . Every ‘fomilrsboold have one. '1 6538 Reel bus 165 ff. of Galvaniged Wire kine. on wbi'eg clofbes wi" no‘l’ freese or rust . : R0 wooden Pos'l’ fo ro’r ; fbe Sfandard is Gas-Pipe; can 1,."- closed when nof Iguse. and occupies no more room ‘Hyan q Pod-j Bo shoveling of snow *0 93* fo The line ; clofbes don't phi; or fear, as ‘Hye Reel revolves. Can be so? on s‘onfing or {101' roof, anon-y. Nov: :5. InLâ€"BL DRESS AND MANTLE GOODS, '. WETEEBU‘P, 31-. 1'. A szocum. made monumental-it. and would ask you to see non. whichmwmnndtuuymmdmdgoodvdu. bud and we luvs out: soon E- Z- YEREX; E. Z. Yerexâ€"Little Britain. ...1'¢RRITORY FOR w... d. P. RYLEY. Difficulty of Breathing Tightness of the Chest Wasting Away of Flesh Throat Troubles Consumption Bronchitis, Weak Lungs ‘ Asthma, Coughs Catarrh, Colds A. mgznbothgug Wehnvodsoaflnemceot DVANTéG-ES- J. We therap- J. P. Rzley. I Bopmsont 14 Dam-ant lakes. thew rm can give Customers the 30 Per Cent. Less Than Regular Prices ORGANS AND PIANOS USE IT Inuonrmmmxu. A‘l‘mfl supplied to order. Little Britain. Ulldm, Gil Come direct to Havingalsg bow are building up mot-mans discm Wombat and B! Haifa, Boas, So gel-aim Lamb, We have eqqall‘ Bottom Prioeé. holds good 9n 1 Great .3. Now, as it is : small advem We are Less BUUG As stated, in Toronto 75 Men’s 75 Men’s Velvet linesto l4 its. p1 90:

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