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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 17 Nov 1893, p. 3

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roughing r men to .310 fun!» the int have not. a spur ‘ a [Mr Boxes m in our 306. ‘ in every de- fmm’e, we are Illu'. Will be usual. Have Britain Mae (1 ml see ~The propeller Al beny, of the Western Transit Co., loaded with stein, end the propeller Philadelphia, loaded with ooel end genenl merchandise, two 0! the surest freight beets on the lekes, collided 06 Port Aux Berquee. Mich., in the dense tog lest Tueadey night. and both senk shortly after in 200 feet of wster. The Phlledelphle struck the Albeny. All hends mt on board the Philadelphia. end she towed the Albany hell en hour, when the letter sent. The Philedelphle went down 30mlnutesleter. 4km: Seibold, e merchens oi Pelomes, Mexico, four miles below the border, 1 arrived st Deming, N. ht, lest week, end brougm news thet 50 Tomlchi Indiene on Wedneedey seeked um town. They ere We: the soeitered bends oi Indiens who Innived the horrible meseeore in the moment with Diss‘s soldiers lest Hey. ind hsve since been seeming in the Mattias. In the seid on Peiomes they EM 9!: the custom house sends, nonhu- 1:3th m‘,m.dm;}m.um jdn-dchithamlnyd‘ has,“ mammummmmu :1:on â€"N5!ive splee who have been among the Metebele report at Fort Victoria that Lanengula'a warriors are utterly die- heerteaed. Tbetr {mph have been broken end they wander in disorganized bmde through the country. The men of the Cnrterad Company are said to be on Lobenguls’e track. A5 a.“ the Metebelee are suffering for Want of food and shelter from the nine. they are expected to ofi‘sr soon to eubmit to the company’s terms. â€"R’.chard Hartman, aged about 55 years. answer a: the Niagara Fella, N. Y.. waterworks station, fell into the water pit Wednesday of he; week while raking on: weeds from the rack. He was swept over the gates, the water being high, and curled down the overflow pipe and hurled on the rocks 120 feet below in the gorge of the river. Hie body was recovered by four men. I: was tent-fully mutilated, and dash must have been Instantaneous. was: many wzre injured. It In believed to be the work of anarchism. several 0! whcm have been arrested. -â€" During the performance at a theatre or. Bucelono,SaaIn. one night last week, a bomb wm thrown from the gol'ery to the that. An explosion and panic followed In which 15 persons lost their lives and e «The Midland Free Press sumâ€"There was a earner in pork in town on Tuesday. A procession of nrmere' wegone ended at Grise's corner and unloaded about one hun- dred .ive hope to be weighed. The pur- chaser was Geo. Mstthewe, of Peterboro Tue price paid was $5 25 per cwt. The tumors receh ed shout. $2,000 in cash. â€"-Edwsrd McKanny and J super Cm, colored waiters. not into a discussion over a game of poker last Saturday night in New York and taught with knives. The men an into the street, and site: flghtina to: nearly a block McKenny stabbed Carr through the heat, killing him instantly. -James Johnson, formerly a York Nuksmlth, cut his threat in the presence of his twelve-year old son. nest Reglnn, he: week. He was separated Iron: his wife, who left him owing to ill-treatment. For beating he: he had been treated to a canal tar and leather: some short time prevlously. ~Richard Savage, of Halifax, aged 27, shot his wife Maggie. aged :26. and his child Richard, aged 4, last week. Snags was a. horse car conductor in New York, but did not live happily with his family. He was jealous of his wife and often threatened to kill her. â€"Tne funeral of Sir Andrew Clerk took nlsoe on Sstnrdny in Westminster Abbey. Mr. Giedstone wee one or the pell-beerers. ~The claims or the British Columbie seniors ensinst the United States, emonnt- lag to $l,000.000, hove been forwarded to the Dominion government. ~â€"An 1mm: laborer nemed Pesqnele Purchio, shone 30 yesrs of ego, wee murdered e: Mount Morriemear Rochesner, Ssznrdev nigh: lee: for about $15 which he ind on his person at the time. The murderers are unknown. - In some parts at England c0511: Idling a: 136 shining: I ton. HOME AND FOREIGN ITEMS 01' INTEREST. NEWS OF THE WEEK .LINDSAY. FRIDAY, NOV. 17, 1893. WILSON 3 WILSON. P20911030”. B. 3. WILSON. F. W. meon. Ten cents per use (solid type) mayoral. first man; three cents uohsnbseqnentlmeruon. notices 1n local columns. 10¢. per uns nut 1350:1103: 50. «ch subsequent 1n- Mon. Emu condensed ndvsrusements such 3! mod cattle. teachers warmed. farms fox-sale (at It: or sight lines) $1.00 cash to: three or (mumsglruons. It aggro than 1:132! lines n .441 on tapeworm chase a: 0. when! gamut to merchants to: business sdverflsements by the you or for n shorter time. Estes made known on nppnentlon. Ehc Ganzuliau East. THE CANADIAN POST. Gathered from m. Tolemph an new“. .1: 3‘7: ." Take Scott’s Emufsion' Almost as Palatable as Milk. Be sure and posseses blood enriching properties in :1 remarkable degree. Areyau all run get the genuine. 0f Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophasphl'tes Prvpared only by Scott 5: Bone, Belleville. muuoum no 310w nun Soon mm aka nr. mum “”6ro on» 2 $833. The Wealth ”of Health : ADV‘BTISIRG BATES. Publmhers’ Notice. Scott’s Emulsion. lam-{inn guy 25 munc- md pistols, soo laser. The emote dong the route to Buluweyo sent present: yet «the and monies to Dr. June-on, sdmlnhtntor of we Britten Sauna Able. Comma]. who, with the View: end Sellebury column- wu marching upon Lobeogulu’e but when the nu mama natured it. Two powerful chief- beyoud the border hue join -d chic! Khan 11:91de the force: of â€"a special deepatch from Johannesburg to the Pall Mall Gazette says that the Fort Tati column, consisting of 300 Bechuana- land police and a number of Chief Khama's men,uuder command of Commander Raafe, captured Bulawayo on November 2, the day after the column had repulsed an attack made upon it by the Matabeies under command of Gombo, Lobenguia’s soa-in-law, during which engagement Gombo is reported to have been killed. The Matabeles fought with desperate fury, but they found it impossible to stand up against the machine guns which laid the dead in swaths upon the field. It was not ‘ until 2000 of the Mataheles were killed that the remaining number of the impis retreated and allowed their king’s capital to fall into the hands of the British. This is the severest blow yet dealt to the Meta bales, and it is believed Lobsngula will now treat for peace. The British loss was five men killed. Many of the horses of the troopers were shot beneath their riders. After Culnwayo was captured the place was set on fire and burned to the ground. The magazine, containing the greater part at Labengula’s ammunition,wae blown up. . It is reported some of the Matabeles in dunas, or commanders. committed suicide alter the fight at Shanganani, being im‘ pelled thereto by the cowardice shown by their men during the attack on the British _ -â€"F;ve years ago a Russian princess who 3 died in Paris left by will $1,000,000 to the person who would consent to remain for the space oi one year in the chapel whichis erected over her tomb in the cemetery oi *Pere LsChaise. The princess lies in a crystal coffin: thus the whole body is dis- tinctly visible, and this is what causes so much iright to all who have as yet attempt- ai to gain the prize. The will forbids all visitors. The candidates must be alone with the dead for a whole year before the million dollars are won. No work is allowed. Books and newspapers. however, are permitted, and a servant brings meals regularly to the watcher. One hour’s walk a day is also allowed, but this must be undertaken before 5 o’clock in the morning in summer and 8 o'clock during the winter months. Several Frenchmen have essayed to win the prize, but all have given up after a short trial. One lasted out three weeks, by which time he had completely lost his; reason, and still remains a jacberlng idiot. ‘ the will makes no mention oi foreigners l being ineligible. There is every chance. therefore, for a strong-minded American who fears neither ghosts, ghouls nor grave- stones to become rich in the short period of 365 days." Applications to be made to the municipality of Paris. -Sensational disclosures are expected touching irregularities in the Prussian military commiss ariat. A large wholesale butcher of Berlin is about to be prosecuted for supplying the army with diseased ‘ meat. His firm, which is a lone established one. provides two army oorps with meat, and is reputed to clear a profit oi 700 000 marks yearly. A bookkeeper who was dis- charged by the iirm some time ago has reported to the war office that certain buy- ers tor the army received regular presents I from the firm, and that the firm was allow- ed to purvey any kind or meat it chose. The progress o! the enquiry suggests the belief that the outbreak or typhoid ieverin certain regiments was due to bad meat thus supplied. â€"A deepeteh from Fort Victorb, Meshe- enelend, deteu Mondey, eey the report the. King Lobengule hed been captured we; erroneous. Lobenguln hes rallied hie force; end hee returned repfdly to the vfofnfty o Bulnwego. where he 1e epperently'nweftfng : on etteck by the whitee. The letter ere keeping behind the temporary defences they hove thrown up. A hettle in fur minent. ‘ â€"-Senetor S. Perker was found dead et hle home In Toledo, 0.. Sundey evening with his heert bmxenâ€"llterelly on well ee figur- atively brokenâ€"for the omen wee rent in tweln. Hie euddeu deeth wee the culmin- etlon of continued brooding over the mie- deede of his son, S. E. Parker. Two weeke ego the letter wee erreeted on e chemo of forging the neme of his uncle, Dr. Sewell S. Parker. â€"Herry Browning, the 16-yeer-son at Dr- Browning, oi Enter. Ont. while welking in his sleep some weeks ego, fell thirty feet out of e third-story window. His ekull wee terribly treetured, end his deeth seemed ineviteble. He lingered on, however, end now etter lying 49 deys unconscious he hes recovered the lull use or his intelligence end is in a felt wey to recovery. --The pope will shortly receive in solemn sudience the Grand Duchess Catherine of Russis. The event is noteworthy, token in connection with the recent visit or the Bussisn novel officers to Frsnce. â€"Prinoe Henry of Bsitenhnrn, husbsnd of Prince Beetrice, youngest dsuahter or the queen, while inspecting Armstrong gun works st Elswiek Wednesdsy sustain ed an injury to his left eye. It is not re' ported his condition is ssrlons end he will psrhsps lose the eight of his eye. ‘ â€"The eteemer Cebo Mecheiceco, laden with dynemiie. caught fire in a. dock e° Sentender, Spein. end the eugo explodtd‘ Terrible hevoe wee wrought, e number of buildings and vessel: being wrecked end one thoueend people killed. â€"The first women to suffu- the death penalty in Berlin since 1846 wee beheaded last week tor the murder of her husband. She showed greet fee: end bed to be forced to the block. A. e word we need to beheed her. â€"The new U. S. ember 03mph, on Sen Frenoieco. mode 21 knots en hour In her ‘ unofficial trlel trip. â€"'1‘he Sunk}: government he sent 3 note to the Sulten of Morocco taking him to give e neonates or the pennant or the entire ooetot the Melllnexpodmon. ~Wedneedey. N ov. 7th. the longeet iron tellroed bddze In Germeny was opened. It some the Vietule between Fox-den. in Prueefen Polend end Colmeee. It 1e 1.450 ‘ yerde long, end eoet 18,000,000 make. I rounds of ammunition and $306 In mohey. Victoria county Patrons. j On Oct. 1411: last. Victoria County Associa- tion. in convention in the council chamber. Lindsay, tor the purpose of nomination candidatee tor East and West Victoria for the eglslntlve assembly. East Victoria delegntes Were first requested to nominate acandidate but owing to the limited numberoresent.en account of the severity of the day, no choice was made. West Victoria delegates took up the matter of nomination. and nominated several. all at whom declined the nomination except M r. Johnston Ellis and Mr. John Campbell, of the “Fall-view" iarm. Marlposa. in a business-like order balloting was engaged in. Mr. Campbell being the choice of the convention. Mr. Camp- bell being absent. no certainty was known as to what might be the result. A deputation was appointed to wait upon him on his arrival from ghe World’s Fair. After a wise and oarelul consideration Mr. Campbell decided to accept the Patron ncmlnatioo. and will content we“ Victoria on the linen! pure and simple inde- pendence, governed bythePatron's platform. A canventlon oi the Patrons oi East Victoria will be held in a few weeks to like wise nominate a candidate. Rom. CAMPBELL. secretary. [Noonâ€"The above was received last week. buthelns'thenin theetalenewaclan. bdtohe held over. We arealweya the-kin! ice new-i Mahatmeymnubetreehto be otanyvalne to a weaklynem.-En. Poor. 1 . â€"Indien Agent McPhee visited Georgina ielend on the 31st at October, to pay annuity money and distribute hienkete to the bend here end ‘at Snake island. He found the Indians in confusion over the death of two fine young men. It eppeer- ed that Zacheriah Big Cenoe. John Aehqueb and Adam Kenioe had gone over to Sutton West tor provisions on Seturdey. They mode their purchases and were returning, when the wind overturned their sklif. The wind, which was high when they left home, bed increased to egale, end there wee a hsevy see running. The two elder men pieced Ashquab. a youth oi sixteen, on the upturned boat. The violence of the waves threw him ofl‘ several times, and hie companions leit their hold to bring him back. The poor fellow told them that there was no use in risking their lives for him, he was going to die. At last 3 huge weve took him out of their eight. and he was not egain seen. Kenice then suggested that Zscherioh Big Ceuoe, who was not very strong, should get on the host, while the other held by the bow ‘ to steady her. After nbout two hours they 1 were rescued. Big Canoe dying 3 Stew 1 minutes otter. The body of Ashqnab wes washed ashore. â€"Eddio Brown. ulsd oi 15 yesro, wss the victim of s very sod and distreooing accident st the Lskepor: conning factory In: Fridoy week, by which he lost his left um. While working oi the sppls poring mschine he jumped upon n tsbio nnd tried to odjnst s belt. and while doing this his left um coughs in 5 loop our! in e nice he was whirled round the shaft. Though the msehinery wss almost instantly stunned. it was found that the uniorzunnte lod's arm wss iesriully crushed, the flesh being locerstod and the bones shuttered. nmssi- tsiing amputation. A dint-suing ieoture oi the sceident wss ihst it woe witnessed by the boy’s mother, who wss working in the some room. Only Thursday Capt. Monte" warned young Brown sgsinst doing when on Fridsy resulted in this ‘ painful accident. â€"Mr. Crewiord Gofl'ett leet week brought from the United Shetee e neturnl curiosity in the "Mexieen jnmpinn been.’ which in ecercely u been, but probably grows in 3 round capsule like the need of morning glory, the seeds being roughly ’trienguler like the three portions of e divided epple. They are half on lune emin ee coflee eeede. Their oeeulierity ie that they frequently etert euddenly, or roll in verioue directions no that it not eetely enclosed they ere soon lost. The motions on quite inexpliceble end no on elike in light or dork, no eeneible contruetion or expaneion occure, end there ere no heire or projections which we might euppoee neceeeery to locomotionâ€"[Pocket I. , , , _ at Pox-Elva m -â€"0n Setnrdey torenoon of lest week I son of Mr. George Plokens, of Longtord Mills, took e revolver from his tether’e house, end went wlth some compenione to shoot st e terget 1n the schoolhouse ‘ shed. The second shot hung fire, end the ‘ leds aethered round to escorteln whet wee ‘wrons. When the pistol wes dischemed. the bullet enterlng the stomach ot Duncen, son of Mr. Dnneen Connie. The wound wee such thet when the boy dunk the‘ weter would peso out through the opening. Duncen welked home end e surgeon wee sent for. but the led grednelly sent, until he died et 7 o'clock on Snndey evening. He wes fourteen yeers of ego. I -â€"While John MoMurrsy wss “991118 shingle bolts in the Baker Lumber Co.'s mill at Grsvsnhnrsi on Wed nesdsy oi lest week his essistsnt struck I been: over- hssd, causing his sxe to glsnoe snd cut MoMurrsy’ s right sun s: the wrist. sever- ing the rsdisl sriery. He bled so profusely 1 thst he died before the doctor hsd succeed- ed in tying the srteries. â€"Abont 10 o 'olook Sstnrdsy morning inst s young men nemed Joseph Bonn. son or Mr. George Bonn, postmsster oi Ulis- wster. committed suicide. The nniorinnsie young men's body was discovered lying tees downwsrds in shout six inches of wsber. He had been hopelessly ill to: shout: eight yesrs. end hsd ssversl iimss threstened to do swsy with himself it he did not get betier soon. I â€"On Friday evening week. as ”to Rev. J. H. Strike, of Tyrone, wee returning home {rem Bowmenville about 11 o'clock. he came up to e hone end bum “ending in the middle of the reed. There wee en overeoet end e yield in the buggy, but no one around; nor bee there been In! en- quiry for the turnout ee yet. It bee evidently been etoien tram eomewhere. THE CANADIAN POST, LINDSAY, ONTARIO. FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 17 1893. -Soturdoy morning Int on E mihhmon nomad Daniel Pros-or took I gun from the woliot Cole’s hotel ht Coleridge. a: Tndinx llko, wukod to the woodohod, louiod it. placed the muzzle to his thront 3nd and. put at the chum coming out at the book 0! his hood. Disappointment: in love oupposod to be the canoe. â€"Work bod Jul: fluted st Mlokle 8c Dyment’o shingle mm a Severn Bridge on Monday morning week. when M!.Wm. Howe not his foot caught by n drag saw. uvoroly haunting It. It won found account: to remove the grant too And other portion: at the foot. mum) DISTRICT '01”. I his h 99 be loud. All was wum m I'll-In with fish of :11 um. from Deck]- 1.! mtugtotivootthrh M want In a. creoh an monstrous ulna: sometimes a law ml mmnqugq of flu noun. Ir. ‘I A Big Limit. Fenelon Fells anettexâ€"Mr. Nelson Vsnnier, tor many years n resident oi this village, in which he still owns property, returned on Tucs- dsy less with in intention of remaining until Saturday. Thirtyoseven yous ego on the let ult. Mr. Vsnnier entered the employment or the Boyd firm of BobosneOn. end hes never since done a day's work for anyone else. Lest tell the firm bought from the Quebec government nine hundred (900) squnre miles at spruce timber limits on the shore of the Gulf of St. bewmov . this side of stredor end near the Island of Anticosti ; and on the first at April Mr Vannicr left to explore the limits and see what kind of I bonsnzs his employers land struck. A white men who went with him from here remsiued e few weeks sud wee then succeeded by 3 hell- hreed. who wss with Mr. Vsnnier untli he w tnrnedto eivilizstion utter u: shsenoe of six months. during which period he mulled through and across 600 toners miles of tie limits. lenving the htser aoo tqnnre miles for n future visit. nn", to in. has found the unlit I‘Juudent 1nd 0! BOOK} quelity. This tree: 0‘ end-which. if rquue. Would mounts thirty miles ssehwâ€"ls waned by three a tour rinse. which empty into the unite-d snub: no“ ”I. while here end time I little 1.31819 he bend. All these voters on 8M FRANCISCO,CAI.. 0013mm. Xx NEW YORK. 3.! A. RIGINBOTBAM Arnnt. at Linda-y. p0 ular remedy known. ‘yrup of Figs is for sale in 750 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable dru ' t who may not have it on ban will rocure it gompfly for any one w o wishes try it. Manufactured only by the fifx'cgfiéfiqfiahfiesgommen'dit to and he,ve_made 1t the most gently yet rompiglyon theKidneys, iver and owe , cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of F igs is the only remedy or its kind ever dpro- duced, pleasmg to the taste an ac- ceptable to the stomachégrompt in its action and truly ben cial in its effects, prefixed 0111? from the most healthyan agreeal‘). .substances,‘it§ .. . Bowieâ€"1’ hand papl any the other day that labor is sweet nnd noble. Mannieâ€"So it is. Reg‘e. Regioâ€" Then munms. why does pip; hire 3 mm w cut the truss while he sits on the plan and only looks on '3- [Young People. style or antagonism um m be duh-ed. Give thonsorn mu. Both the method and malts whexi Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and yefmhmg to_ jshe tagte, and acts or. u -It in no my thing to dro- hnrnb. coarse hair no on no nuke it look annual or booomlnz. By the use of Ayor' a Bull- \ Igor. this difficulty is unloved. no the be}: mndq to_ nymph-p, California Fig Syrup Co. Mrs. Gushly â€"Dur me. the new minister is such :1: interestimz young man. Mn. Winks~What did he wk nbout. when he culled " Mn Gushlyâ€"I told him :11 about. the bsby'a new metaâ€"[luter-Ocetn. Rhomnnuun Cured In I buy. South American Rheumatic Lure. for Rheumatism and Neurslgia. radicaliy cures in l to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkab'e and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by E. Gregory. druggist. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Cum Bugleyâ€"Do you hue Your new clothe. nude to order? Bruce â€"When I strike 3 new toilet: with the old ones they no nude by “roquestfâ€"[Kno Field. eon-{del- It the tendon medicine in me world." A Mel bottle convince you. -Wen'emed by E. GREGORY. â€"Rebeeoe Wilkineon. oi Bromveuey. Ind. In)»: “I had been in e diam commune tar three veers tram Newomeel. Wane-e of the Stomeeh. Dyspepsia end Indigestion. mm my brain: wee me. 1 had been economic coa- emtiy with no relief. I bought one home at South Annex-ice Net-vine. which done me more good then en, $50 worth of (lactating lever did a my life. 1 would edviee every weeklypenon to nee this veineble end lovely remedy: e tew botuee o! it have outed me com ietely. l eonnjde; it ghe agendas; medicine 1}; e world.” “Let me collect myself." :3 the Inn Add when he waqblown up by : powder mill. “new to Care All em Dim..." Simply 1991! "S“ AYNE'S Utmmm'r." No Interns! medicine muted. Cures toner. cc- zems, Itch. en eruptions on the bee. head nose. etc" lee vine the skin clear. white an healthy. Re are“ healing and aunt! Arm by no other remedy. your arm!" to: 8“ AY.\E'S Oxx-rxm. ieâ€"“Docs he “at to nutty mo ! He must be I too .'" Doll (eneoungingly)â€"“Ho must be.” 3110mm: yen. end NIL‘RALGIA too. no green: relieved And often entirely cured by the gee 9t Pus Kim-Try 1:. 250. to: new 2 oz. Prisoner-I beg you. judgo. not to condemn meâ€" not on my Account. but no u not to injum the prospects of my counsel. mnny’Ktâ€""t'héâ€"olorn. who Rigaâ€"1° F176 due-cod mm. ulna this rem Government mark. On Thu. OTTA\VA. Nov. Ernaâ€"Ono atrium (m at the Dominion civil mum ll their esprit du corps. Themdonlot one member no cure to and hvor In the eyes 02 all the others. Th!- b mutual! mum-stud by An lucldea: tut occu- rcd recently. A clerk in one of the dent-uncut §“me$°?”‘fi““%ma“m o ’l ’ ex 3 an A short time vs: completely cured. He had and some or Ms dcpmmcnm contract. sad the! ruched his case oloccly. After be m cured, the story run mnnd the Goya-among human“ ‘ likcutrquq on._ 99d :c-dpy glam m s use“ i Motherâ€""Cm I (111': tell you how shocked] was to see you kiss tbs: scum Jsck Manley." Dacha: -_â€"_.“V{hy, mutual, you to d no to no: my face mint 52153 ENJOYS mus-hymdck.nmwmh~ When-homscmlddhouiedtormm mummfiemwm mmmmmnnmm Loverâ€"“You m in my 90'“. You must may a.” Eatenâ€"“With currency u but per can. Nova!- 2" mmmm mut- The missionaries are doing much to dispel their mysticism and reverent. awe which the Chinsmsn holds for the con- coctions of snakes, toads. lizards etc. prepared by the native doctors. Theg recommended standard remedies whic have long been favorably known in America and Europe. such as Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, a. remedy for all cases of blood Mints or humors. which has had years of uninterrupted success in the United States and numbers its cures by the tens of thousands. This is a point. mined for the future welfsre of the Dragomeu Empire. In China they will wonder at its nteam engine; and the six thousand eiectriclights. which are now being introduced into the holiest. of Chinese sanctuaries cannot but. turn their eyes to our civi intion it, will not be long ere a material advancement will be made in the science of medicine which has for so many centuries remained a. 1310: upnn gheirpiviliza inn. no Whoa). no" Mowly In the Dragon'- lap)". His Majesty the Emperor of China and the “Son of Heaven" is enjoying a. train of miniature railroad cars, presented to him by the French syndicate of capitalists who wi_sh :3 get cqntmggfor bu‘ilding rnileays. Vennier end his compenicn lived in e tent end unveiled chiefly in e cenoe. Being ehout once e month to e Hudeon Bey Ce.'e ceding wt for nrovlelone. They eew neither deer nor been, but cerihone. heevere. ottere. minke end ilehere were very numerone. Te e menâ€"«peck!» e young menâ€" confined to eny ordinery hneineeev routine the life of e wood renter ennoere Onviebie in the extreme. end in tine weether end under invorehle circnmelencee mutt he very pieeeeot: hutit mekee e his diflerenceâ€" jnrt the diflerence between work end nieyâ€" whether enythinlr is done (rem choice or neoco- elty. end e few monthe' or even week.‘ ecjorn in the wi'derneee metre the eojourner quite willing to return. for e time. et eny rote, to "the bony hench- or men." But. it wood renginc ie e nieeeent thing. wood owning mnet he more to 1 still. perticulerly when the ownerehip extend! ‘ to hnndrede of mono milee. If we ere not mie- teken. the Boyd tlrm cieered over he]! e million doilere on some timber limite e tow yeere e31, end. it they got the timber down by the unit ct enythinz like e moderete price. it in eirnoet oer. tein thet they here “struck lie" e eecoud time ......Mr. Vennicrie well known in Lindeey. end we reprint the item knowing thet it will interest his meny friends. Three or {our yeerl ego Mr. Vennlerjcnrneyed to the Peclilc elcpe one hoildey trip (or the benefit of hie heelth, end event 3 month or no crnin'nz eienz the ehoree oi Aluke in e eeii-bcet. He in well' econetomed to long end eoiitery trips. and Skoda’s other remedies, as I know them to be articles of true merit. and the physicians who compound them. to be men of integrity end ability. Skoda‘s Discovery is unlike any other proprietary medicineâ€"it cures dis- ease by removing the poison, and at. the same time SUPPLIES GOOD BLOOD to wasted parts. No other remedy has performed so my won- derfulcnres or relieved so much eut- cring. stodn's Little Tablets euro co ”Muddy-papal:- 83cc. mamas: Skoda’s Discovery I" MAKING A PRESENT one deciree I good end suitable article etc! ow riceâ€"come- thing the: will look well. lent will, be useful 5nd lure] pleue. We meet those conditions. We sell vehl’leted Kenmore, such on Tea Sets Ice or Weter Pitchen. Caters. cute Bu- ekin Binge, etc.Bilver-1’leted :1: 52d T:b o Knivee; Tee. Dessert. end 'leble Spoons. Dessert end Table Fork. 8 Shell. end Butter Kaine. in both Triple late and Unphted White let-.1. Walthem. Elan end other America: and Swine Watches. seclude- nimble line of Mantel. Cabinet. and other Clocks. in W slant. Oak. and Nickel. We ship with privilege of exominetion before paying for them. Send your uddnumd receive run: our wholesale Cetdogne, with cuts. descrip. dons and prices. HOOD'S PILLS no purely v;§:ul»le, um do not purge. 11313 or pipe. Sold by .11 druubu. I am pleased to recommend to all who have camrrh." HfikglAN “nuts. 30 Carter Street. Rochester. N. Y. ‘ “Three years ago. as a result of camrrh, I entlrely lost In hmrlug and was deal for more than ayear. tneu varlous things to cure It. and had several physlclzms attempt it, but no lmprovemwt was amiamnt. 1 could dinin- g-iuh no non-d. was inn-mum: putting mysell under the care 0! a sun-clan.“ when some one suggested that posslbly Hood's Sn. ”Karma would do me some good. I be to lug 1!: without the expectatlon 0! any m5" help. To my nurprine and fl’fll joy I {oum when I had taken thn-c lmtt es that m 'henr- in; wan ntnr-ing. I kept on ti 1 I had taken three more. It is now over a year and I can bear pcrlectly well. I am troubled but very llttle with the can-urn. I consider this a. remarkable cm. and cordially recommend prd’s Sarsaparilla Camrrh is a CONSTITUTIONAL disease. gnd requires a Coxsrlrvrmxu. REM Em' hke Hood's Sarsaparilla to cure it. Read : Skods Dzaco vary Co, Deaf for a Year New Advartlsemen ta. rROGRB’SS IN CHINA. Catarrh in the Head THE SUPPLY COMPANY, NIAGARA FALLS. Ounmo Hood’s quparma. Mr. Herman Hicks 01 Rochester. N. Y. Caused by Physicians Physicians endorse them, MONEY 1‘0 LOAN lune aux: I have recently had a considrrable. thong h limited. sum of money placed with8 me for loaning on (arms at 55 percent. Puuoa Wishing to ban-ex"- on these terms should not delay to 2 make application Large amounts of funds at slightly higher robes. word 310 390th In most cases solicitor work is done in my 0 cc. insuring apeed and moder to penises. 3 ex ALLAN S. IACDONELL. Banister, em” Lindsay. Linduy. Soy. 10th. 1898.â€"83. 511 the India: Nunavut-I. :01" Min 5 all J. O GILCHBIBT. RH. Woodvflle 1.0 am In tho ISO!“ to:- men] WWO: 00:;qu sad (9} REAP MONEY T0 LOAN IN BUMS m ntcw‘lporoeutlnter- mamas Paymenuunoonum Whitney-um mmwtmtym Amount uredwre Mom 0! 3:. In 10 you-I. u 8143.1); real-3:89am. ‘s'o oom- mmm new ONEY T0 LEN D 0N MORT- GAGESâ€"at from 5 to 7 per cent. ucoord- lnu tonne“: at low; interest pay-bio you-17 n Ill! onion filmy danced on «cam: of BMGIT 1.0m A! m! LOWEST cm um ramble on terms to can borrower. Also. lure-mam! trust (again low on Ad?“- JOHN L. BARRON. OFFICE â€" New DominionBunk Building William-h. Luau). June 2. 1892.â€"108-1y. ONEY LEFT on M loan at lowest can Winn! to cult borrower. ed. M04 man. In: :0 1892. ONE? TO LOAN. “was! I. MONEY LENT on M artgagea. Straight low at lowest cum! rues. Term: 0 mm.“ to m: borrower. M mucous: ,, , MOORE ACKSON. D EAGLESON, . cw Accountant 0! mm. Book: otnii kind- wrmen up. statement: of account nude out. Behnoe sheet- prepared. 00am nude for writing a: book: by the weekoruoncn. Boon opened or business men on the be“ mined to their busineee. MWu rated All kinds of nononnu waited. Inna-fluent ‘iven hdonbie entry bookkeeping when d Alec-cent to: melUTUAL RESERVE Fund “lemme ins-gee: nntnrnl premium lite eomvnny in the world. Parties who intend to insure will ave money by insuring in thin comm u their rem nre little over unit those cant-zed old line eon: lee. Adana. Box an. may: Nov. 18. 139mm. “menu. 5 B 3 per cent. m a: lawn-r. Feb. I. Ill-9. Bu'dm mwr. Salo- mon 1 “Wed w. Chm moder- ate. Haulage». 23:9, 1893.â€"77~ln. “â€"wa Andaman. Bellini music; OM. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. LINDSAYA April 3. 13 -â€"52-l!. A {use 91110th of Px-Into‘Funds tad Trust ,_,_AA _. 1 A- I-â€".‘ ‘A .â€"t. 61o"â€" Vacuum [:1me Oman 530m Bond street. between 8mm“ Woollen Minna“! theuetnodiet Church. _All coll-J: “no” or oelecnephyroxnpt- i'anT'Eni. '_' 7373' i’o’rm" ’i. Burl-tor. ow. Manny. C Had-1.1607. 19.waâ€"94. V g C. P.. 01".de Oll- V uric Venetian-y Going. Toronto. ' tot-ed mom 0! we Our. eta-mm Mod- tosl Motion. 08100 Ind mbomnw at. out of Methodist church MARY QQBGIQN. I‘l‘udugpe at On; . ,A-<--_- SGRANTON GOAL Gregory’s Drug Store. Patent Medicines atCut Rates J OS MAUN DER Lind-y. Bothfitb 1893-â€" 474-. 2“. AND 4”. HARDWOOD If “WRIT PRICES. These Bulbs will make a beautil Bloom in the house all winter or Flower out doors very early in the spring, and the cost and care a keeping is very slight; Single Hyacinth, blue white, ml. Roman Hyscinths. aromas. all colors. ”8.0.7. Snot. ”'11. 1m__â€"g_. $6.50 PER TON,; LEXANDER DIXON, MANILLA. Bermuda Easter Lilies. Tulips, Single and Double. for House and Outdoor Planting. We have just received our stock of Fall Bulbs for House and Out door blooming consist- ing of ’03 m tom 0" NOVIIB“ Money to Loan 70 tom: ry Surgeons. B. J. I I. K. WUGHLIN. m Hahn M. m. n. 1‘41.“ 12M. GOAL Money to Loan. Bunnies: Cards BUI. A UCTI ONE ER. or 86.25 at sheds w. 1‘. BROAD. Chinese Sacred Lilies. Jog. Maunder, E. 95301.7. KENNY, G. M. V. o ,C. P.. smug On- G. CAVANA, P.L.:.~., um Don!“ 0 ma Surveyor. 1m no. own... Ont. Oman b: may: or IGOH will mock" pm 110 YT? :OAN «a we: can RANKL. SOMERVILLE, ”mud-no.3. Milan-land m. mmnpgmg wag-Id Architec ts and Surveron. - mm W he mUnftod Maw-M Howe'c 1:0”.wa 'mq 0111mm U. WIVVL, WWL‘L. We House: at Wotan; AER-25. mâ€"uâ€"m. EI \r. Bard-ms. 6:6“ Baker's Block, Kan-n. Undlu', Ontsrlo. A Wamoum of money In loan at lowest am at 41:38:15,: nnd man: In cult ban-owem. Mutiny. Sam. H m: ' â€"1(. OPKINS CHISHOLM, (unoccu- oora no MARTIN a: HOPKINS Bum.- m. Sanctum a. on. 06100, No. 6. W 1%. Undm.0nt.â€"82-ly. G. H. Horxms. D. H. Caisson. Lu. T388. Solicitors. Noun-13. em. on. Moscow Ontario Bank. Kent-an. Mada-y. D. J. WINTYRE, Q. C. '1‘. STEWABI. 0 rom- Dominion mi oinoe in' the No- Doxmnuo Bun: banding. wanna-n. Luau-r: Juno 2. l892.â€"108-ly. GORE JACKSON (Successor: to RUDSPETH J ACKSUN l. 43am 801mm. em. 0300. wmum-QL. Llnduy F. 1). Moon. Aux. “cunt. U nwrrrm Proprietor. I burn leaned this Commodiou Hotel as Lindsay-at. and mfnmiahed and refined“ premium throughout. The Bu will be mung.- with Best Brood ot Liquors nnd clue sub“ tad stunuve bonnet-o. Una-.1. Doc. mu. !8 2. -86-tt. LUMAN HOUSE, MINDEN.â€" n Jfl‘fiim - mam- an J0me. Comma-cm men conveyed to all on m: notice. Good stables and em" hoeflen. June 12th. megâ€"wu. R. SIMPSON . PHYSICIAN, Gndu- lte of Untvenlti of Trinity Collin Toronto; Member or Col ego of Phymohu and Sulfoona. Ontulo: hwGPhyzlqlrmw Rgokm Ali um. Kinsman. no rank m Ham Dun-set. 00. 5nd “dance. Rn“ nth-900ml now west of York-n. one. bout. 9 tom.” sm.wto39.m:ud7toam Had-v. April 8. ISLâ€"£84.". oommnnlosflén. RWM. KEMPT, 0.11.. MEDICAL Retuuzothosmdudlnlnmoom 7 Surgeon to the Oman-ant Built". andmddanoeBtdout-JL. are: door m otUndu 4:. 0009mm tron: 8 to Mama mum mum. and 7009mm. ‘1'an Hosp! ' New} York. ' camâ€"Woodvmo. Ono Brio. oodviuj. Mn 18. 1881â€"60-11:. ' "Hdua’e’iken'z'dke’t. Josx McSwm. Donna 8. MW. Linn”. Sept. 20th. 1893. ‘W' v.81», luau. I. d o 8. 0.; Grunt. at Victor“ Tm Universities. Member of College of Plum suds eons. Oahu-lo: Into of.8° Post Gram-II 303913 New York. Oflloeâ€"Woodvma. (ho ‘Dngvâ€"m. m. wmmmrm } EORGE DOUGLASS. mm or man um R. E IEhmVVILsgdl‘I, late of th- . Roy , ‘ “m, , W Over ton 7311' W orh M practicehhlsprotmlon. Ofloond nude-o; comer of Raul! And Lindsay-nu. m \~-_ 10 um nau__ Kaiâ€"13." ‘ _ "Am DIOKBON r. L‘8m. DR. JEFFERS, me of Oakwood, 71:; removed to Linda”. 01100 “d ”dam. No. as Walkman. one door we“ “Duncan cox-rm Televbona communication. m. us: 16:31. matâ€"584". HECANADIANPOBTVHIM“ gun-7'15}.â€" u CoueneJBGG. omaohom 8» min. noon: lto 6 v. 111. To! hone we“. ands“. July 18th. 1392.45» 1-. DB. DIGRASSI PHYSICIAN, SUB onox.m.n’1~o.-w.unm_..‘. 1.-. Beeurilul artificial teeth inserted 5: prices so suit every genera. All the finer classes of Dan- tistry. sue in gold porcelain crowns and bridge work. successfully dune. Persons from a. dismnoe please send a. and before coming. onion-Jun: door to Cut.- a col Dr! G on em. Lindsay. Oct. 26th. 1893â€"17. Mr. Neehnds continues to mean I: 04 A”) with his usual success. He has It autumn-upped]; for over twentyveix yous. extracting neegh or thousands of persons with- out pan or inuury. , 7, ,r-v_., --_-â€". â€"- .. â€"’y-u.u wuw gun! in the form of a. gentle spray. when num 13 prqduoed ad the teeth extracted. No hypo- dermic needle is required to piewe the gum: in its use. I I is the invention of Dr. Benzene. 34 Rue Le Bruyre. Paris. France. I: is popnhr man; the dentist; in Chicago. Ofica immediatelx oppqn'tq the Duly DR. G. S. RYERSOV, OCULIST and A UBIBT, so counter. wagon-o. mad-u. Alum“ Lh- 1893â€"69-17:. 031v}. _B_AR_30N, Q: (3., (Solicitor .5 now using "REL Gloom! (3m) for extracting teeth Ir is applied to the Vms in the form of a gentle snmv. when nnm n... omnnoo mom m “abusingâ€"m opposite m I”nonunion But than-a. lâ€"‘--- QAL In“ .A- 'oswnyn a ANDERSON. IOMMERCIAL HOUSE, All Macho- o: dentistry. Including til bonanza] and dunble CI'O'IIIDd -:dge Wat. sad the 9mm mung 87m. “BMW amused by Mr. 610.. An unicorn-aura. offload tooth («810.00 Pnnnuuxd vans-u “I M WW 029.1299. 4.1313991 9"). a _ u-_n_. A oINTYRE STEWtiRT, BARBIS- Manage Licenses. J. LeROY, Oonoooxxâ€"I-uu d mm H. 68088, LBJ. D RN’PTQm P. DEVLIN, PARRISTEB, SOLI- 0 EN TI 8 1" OMMFWcCo'aMM canon ”DBL" GRANT, M. D. QM... M. O. P. R. A§URROWSLgrgduste 6: Mean! J. M- 13-. MCEAUGELIR, L. HERMAN, M. D. nor. Lyzixs-I‘g‘m “Bounds-m. .9 m“ ' -. u-ULWDA J: n LDJULAL‘, BUH' 9.15m m.n‘ro..wuunm-n. nu. Banquets. ltc. HART, L. D. 8., finlcuns. Hotels. Den t1“: try Dental Surgeon, LINDSAY J. NEELANDS, M

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