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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 2 Nov 1894, p. 1

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n-1 A KEG; m. 5,9."- )vcn badly mus. Blankets'zd a// other makes. 1119 South by dad- But we E, (is GO. {Eli‘eL VfiLUE IN GUNS. #5. H. LENNON: F. 6’. MA TCHETT, Agent. itaring them in the Face. Bless Powde'r, fimokeless Shells. At Lowest Prices. lguskoka Lakes and all stations. ”iguana. Nepigoy. Spanish River and intermedlate stations. NOV. 2nd. and 3rd. .733. .H. Lennon. mung Facts If Sensible Pflflfllj $38 HESTER 89?? LE$. ‘ODEL 1892 ” 51_\'GLE F [EST-CLASS FARE made, Mattrasses, Springs, hb}es.uhir8,31deb031d8, es and Cook Stoves, Tin- wart crockery, Glassware, “veflorks and Looking Glasses [WV 7' E I? 8: Excursions [Most advanced methods 9 taught in Book-keeping. .Peflmtznship, Commercial EtMetic, Short/mud, Type- I; Proms/or 25c. Emmet/”trio Soap. 251 00:02 Clothes Pins, 100. rand-hand Coal and 31 itores and Stove Pipes, No. 52 Kent-It. hat 0! Gregory. Drug star». rd for return untu D86. 1st. 1894. For 39“ passing through Toronto, rates to above 3 wil: not be lawman 25c. added to the ordinary :d Trip Ram to Toronto. Dog. Guns. Persona L'c. Camp Equipment, to the amount of 2001bs., will be carried FREE. ,0. Ed wand: 43 Co. NDSAY- WUME XXXIII. WHOLE N0. 1834 7‘? Tm mum W A V‘ EDGES Mart, opp. Benson House {QNAL 2: 25.33;- Co]1_e_ga. 'e facts which it will be to ‘ investigate. Afull line of all Sporting Sizes. [ace in the County to buy fl! 'rip Tickets will be sold for _T0 _ asvm IN ITS roam YEAR. glasses or not. We make no cbme for ex- unimtion whethoryou buy BRIT rm 5/108. GLASSES GHOSEN AND FURNISHED A SNAP. R. J. MATCHETT, - Ticket I EXPRESS OFFICE. Kauai. Pullman anl Wagner Sleeping Cu- berths secured. Tickets for Charlotte, Rochester and all points in New York State via Steamer North King, Steamship Tickets and prepaid passages to and from the old country. Detroit. Chicago, cmolnnnm St. Louis. Denver. 8:. Paul. Winnipeg, Vncouvar, Mantras]. Gnu“. Quebao. Boston. Port- land. 8:. John. Hamnx. New Your. thundelphus, no. The Double Track High- way to General Insurance Agent, Banker and Broker, 91 Kent Street. Lindsay. J. H. SOOTHERAN, Special privileges of re-Daymeut on straight loans offered to farmers and others desirous of changing their mortgages, and having their interest reduced to the very lowest rate. The cost is small compared to the saving efl'ected. REAL ESTATE bought and sold on Commission. or any term not exceeding twelve months. Cash Advanced on Farmer I' sue Rota. Cu]: 2.11: for mortgages Ind Debenture- Book and Stationery Store. Opposite Pout 0fiwxent-lti. unnsur. MONEY T0 LOAN G. A. LITTLE A new supply just arrived. Any one wishing to pur- chase will do well to call and see my stock before doing so. A full line of 33310. Gunn- and Violin Stringl always on hand. GUITARS 2I-ly. Grand Trunk Railway NOTES DISCOUNTED Highly endorsed and extensively patronized. Best schools; best courses; best teachers. Toronto students transact business with Strattord students. Scores 0! students placed in positions annually. Write {or circulars and mention this paper. Canada’s Greatest VGchmercial Schools GEO. A. LITTLE. Castra/ Business C’o/leje. at Lowest Rates on Mortgage Security, or v on approved Indorseu hates. REMEMBER THE PLACE MORTGAGES CHANGED. Central Business College Cor. Yonge and Gerrard. I Cor. Market and Erie. Tonomo, 0M. Smrronn, 01w. TEE CELEBRATE Scranton COAL McLENNAN C0. I Pocket Knives, Apple Pearers, Meat flutters Axes and Handles, Gross Out Saws, Lock Knobs and Hinges, Plain and Fancy Window Glass, Scoop Shovels. Guns and Rifles, Powder and Shot, McLENNAN GD. 31-1 tton Bros. n youâ€"right :- (ailing or mubung you come to us. This in not 111me n nutter 0! “selling” with us. Being old muon- ed enough to believe um pemnent eucees depends on merit, we hnve {or yearsnude Omcs I Srvnr md ue qualified to do u we “vertigoâ€"fit Glance pmperly deem-dim to the "we: approved methods. 113.6593! LWA‘Y- Why will you have your night in- jured by Glues imperfectly fitted or mode, when you an hue the benefit of those properly selected by on ex- pert opticlsn. With us there la no gum work. We a: may very dull cult cases. J. .H. Sootheran. by us will omblo you to rend with comfort sad «so. They no fitted capocinlly to your eyes on scientific principles. We are selling Inge numbers of those All“!!! Clock. ‘3 000 Dollar ouch. They no worth double the money. Delivered at Lowe“ Prices. G. A. Little. McLennan " Go. BBHTON BROS SHAW ELLIOTT, P11110198!- BANJ OS. Ticket Agent. PROF. L. G. CHAMBERLAIN, 87 Kilt-It, mt. TOSONTO. Ont. EYE SPECIALIST end bone flde OP’I‘ICIAN. He he: had 20 yeen practical exnerlence end bu fitted more Spectacles then any nun in Cenedn. Be ha 2 500 Cundim reference. end 10.000 America referencee. Write for hie paper on the Eye. 1” tree. M111 your broken spectacles to himâ€"he an put new glee-es in them like the old ones. 1: he only he- 3 piece of the broken glue. commaâ€"a- wm be at A. Higinbothun'e Drug Store. Lindsey. Out... on [axon and Turner, Dxc. mu nd 18th. We“ for him. Babble “En Specinllet' nlnya in his store when he 18 "um home. G H HOPKINS. â€"31.4. Vendor: Solicitor. x... .. ..... u- u..- Ilvu- quvltulw. _'§;I"Tu;l‘l'ox parting; and conditlon of Dale upplv to G. H. Hopkins, exq.. A. P. Devlin. osq . or Moore Jackson. Barristers, cm, Unduy. Dusted this 4th Gotcha-.1594. 1894, at 12 o'clock, noon. to purchuo or nut that valuable farm, formerly occupied by the Into Thom Powers; being composed of tho South Hall Lot 6, con. 8. Towmmp of may. County of we. tom. 100 acres: and south Woo: Part In: 7. 001:. 8. many. 2 acres. There la on tho promises I comfortable frame house, fnmo ham. stables. om, mama thou: a mile 5nd 3 hqlf fron} _Dowyoyvlllo. rm, ‘,,.. Oflcrs witl be received by the undersigned Mater, up to Monday, November 5th, OR SALE OR TO RENT. â€"l.\‘ TH! 1110" COI'RT OPJL'STICK. 1894. for the purchase of one or more Dobonm inuucd under By law No. 470. by the Municipal Corpo- ration o! the Township of Ops. Said debentures no computed st 6 per cent. per nunum, run tour you: from the 15th day of Deccmbex next. md are payeblc in four equll annual instalments, mounting to Six Hundred and Sixty Seven Dallas and Twenty Cents. Address, TENDERS .IJ BARRxsox, late of Rochester. N. Y.. would rc- spectfully intimate to the citizens 01 Lindsay that he ‘ purposes opening a juvenile class {or instructions in Dmcing, in the Smyth block, oppoalte the mullet. Monday. October 29th, from 4 to 6 p m . is the open- inz of the class. and all who attend on thst occasion will be admitted free of charge. A public clues for adults will also be opened in the some hall on Mon- day, November 5th. commencing: at 8 o‘clock, sharp. Terms per quarter: gentlemen, $6.00; ladies, $300. A private class will'also be conducted every Fridny eveninitroms to 10.30 o’clock. Music will be pro- vided y Mr. A. Brown. For further information apply nt Geo. A. Little's Bookstore. GEORGE. M. HARRISON .â€"33. P0 WERE 128. DE WAN. 372} Watsr Street. Patel-borough, on. G. W. BANNEY. M. Can. Soc. C. E. w. 1.. “Nuts, 0. L. 8., C. E. (Toronto Univcmty. â€"-80-6moa. Monday, November 26th, RANNEY fl INNES, .l I has opened up a Drtss and Mantle business. with general Sewing, on Caroline-st" two houses north of Queen-3t. Church. east ward, and respectfully asks the ladies of the town and surrounding country {or 3 share of their "Home. P15 ICES VERY LOWâ€"324. ""“' “'_’ ."".1 U Irom East Oakwood. ONE HEIFER CALF. this year's, red, with some grey on her.‘ White spot on Iorehead. Anv peron giving informtion India: to its recovery will be thanktully received by HENRY JACKE'I'I’. Oakwood. Out. Oct. 24th, moiâ€"33‘]. - LLUQLDU-â€"1‘r0m {851'ch Uolflnl, on 5 Sunday In», : BAY HORSE. both hind loot white and white strip on face. Medium condition, weighs ubout 1,100. Any person giving information that will leada'to his recovery will be suitably reward- ed. W. A. WEESE, Lind:ay.â€"33-I.l. Civil Engineers, Ontario Land Surveyors. COMING- ONEY‘ T0 LOANâ€"Private or cc; puny funds. Straight loans. 5 to 6 W cont. according to amou It required sud security offered. Repaynblc at our atfico on terms to suit. the borrowers. McINl‘YRE STEWART. hudsay.â€"â€"34-1. V_... 7.. -v .11.. uvu .1, UV”. 1U, .E Vcrulaxn; 175 acres. more or less, 65 mm ploughed: 5 miles south 0! Bobmygcou and 16 miles tron: Lindsay and Peterborough.â€"Apply to B. H. a M. H. McLAUGHLIN, Lindsay.â€"34-2. ARM TO LET. â€"Lot 1, Con. 10 \erulam: 175 acres more or, 1m 5‘: nnvn. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" “m-‘\Vlu A. All. V. E A) in Smyth's Block, opposite the what. Has been electro-lighted and fined up for public on tertdnments and societies. Terms very my. Apply to R. SMYTH.â€"34 4. _RED-BERT HALLâ€"(Old Y. M? A) in Smyth's Block- ommsim thn mun... SEALED TENDERS .l. local agent. Must be respectable, of good and- dress and energetic. Apply. giving refinances. to TORONTO MUTUAL EXCHANGE, Room 4, 51 King- at F... Toronto.â€"32. PIA N08 and ORGANS. housework in 1 small {mil}. fl; Forgot: 13 mature ago preferred. Apply to JAMES THORN- DIKE, Oakwood V'illnge.-31-4.pd. "AS. WETHERUP, OUNG MAN W'ANTED.â€"To act local agent. Must. be resuembla. of only! ‘ANCING ACADEMY. â€"Gno. M. U mu to cook :nd oversee the xitéhzfiâ€"wgr'k. Must be well rocommended. Apply to E. DALY, My House. Lindsay.-36. ANTEDâ€"A Servant to do genoTal housework in 1 mun funilv. A nemn n! . -_V_vâ€"_ ‘ - _-â€"- "a.“ uâ€". m U York-sh, Lindsay. Comlomblo conveyance. and good horses on hire at. reasonable ntes. BRIAN GUXIGAL. TRAYED. â€"Qn October 14th, _1894, c-..â€" 3-- ‘-. _ _-___,, will be received by the undersigned till 00 SE TO LE'J.‘.â€"ln Jewett'u terrace. Apply to MR. PERKINS, Rowe's Stove Store. or W. J. HOPWOOD. 39 iordemst" Toronto.â€"34IL 0' Apply to MRS. J. M. KNOWISON. Simcooo at... South Wadâ€"8‘ 1. T3A_YE_D.â€"Fgom Patrick Comâ€"nu RESSMAKING. â€" MRS. MARSHALL lquALjs _L1VERY STABLE 100K WAMEpfA middlg-gged 570- ...-_ A‘ --__ 4..) A UC'TI ON BER. Residence. Wellington-3t" LINDSA Y. A J. SMITH, Licensed AUCTIONEEB ENERAL SERVANT WANTED. New Advertisements. _EORGE McHUGH, LIAS BOWES, A UCTIONEER. Residence, Bond-st“ LINDSA Y. York-3g? Apply to Bans Gmom-ég Close Prices my Motto. t @anabmn Emmi. RENT.â€"Two brick house: on to: the County ox Vim WOODVILLE. 0n. SOLICITED. -â€"DKALEIL ISâ€" A no tioneors. W. W. DEAX, Mute: u Linduy w._r. 0'39 YEE. Toivnshxp Cleék. Box 226, Lindsay. LINDSAY- ONT., FRIDAY NOVEMBER 2 1894. Pmsonaz..â€"-Mr. Wm. Ramsey leaves on Wednesday. 3lst inst... {or his annual visit to his daughter in Minden. He generally spends a month or two there, and no one is so much missed born the community as he. We wish him a pleasant holiday, but hope it will not be too lengthy ...... Mr Chas Varcoe, of Crone. spent a law aavs nnd: :- the parental root this week ...... Mr W. Blair, of Oakwoodgis now presiding at the “bellows and anvil in Evan's shop . . . Mrs. J. Milne visited friends at the innt, last week ...... Mr. and Mrs. J09 h Clark. at Manchester. ue vzsitin at T. urner's. ....Miss E. McKinn'm, 0 Lindsay. spent last Sabbath haze ...... Mr. T. Thai-burn, of Lindsay, was home last week. We learn that he has severed his connection was Tn: Post and intends securing a higher position in the city ...... Mr. T. Reazln is away in the northern district for ahollday. He is trying his hand as a imam and we expect to hear some " stories" and have a plentiful snpnly of venison for the community ...... Mr. and Mrs. Walley, of Tcxonto. are visi at Onsswell ..... . R. Based started lCorrespondencc 0! Tu: Poor I Pawnâ€"Then will be no chlng service at Salem church next Ssb tn. the qusrterly service belng held at Pen‘el church. Sunday school as non! In the afternoon. v -_vâ€" -â€"v “v,- SOCX'ALâ€"Tbé soclni in? entertninment to be held b the W. M. S. and the choir of the; Mag}: ha t. chm-tax: orn aghast: of Nov. m sea 0 a mm a . a prognrn 3:31 consist of music. dialogues. “bk-aux, raoitntlons. one" and m: cm In being taken tomuke this the event or the season. Don't fall to attend. PmONALâ€"Mr. ande-a. Ch”.â€" Cluk. of Toronto, spent 3 week with friends and relatives In town ...... Mr. Duncan Mc- Queen was home from the ol mu tow days ...... Messre. E. Edwa 5 And R. Delnry are at present hon}: tron: the city. n-,_._ Brennaâ€"The feelings of some of our more Sabbath-observing citizens were shocked by the appearance of 'cyciiete wheeling on the track on Sunday morn ing last. A ‘comet'not mentioned in the almanac has been seen by several people in jhis vicinity_9n severgal occasions. Spoareâ€"A few of uni-young men eel- lieu‘ forth a few days ago armed with shooting irons, and intending, it possible. to bring home all the rabbits in the neigh- borhood. They did not meet with their expected success, however.end one of their number returned about the middle of the day without an me. He etnrted 08 on a fishing ex it on shortly at and we presume he met with better sue- ce_s_s than at hunting, _ [Correspondence oi Tun Post] 131.0me MATC3.â€"A large proper-Hon ot the people living within a mine of about fliteen miles from here attended the plowing match held last week, and were undoubtedly well satisfied with their day’eexperience. Although the weather looked rmh‘r doub:iul previous to the appointcd time, yet it turned out to be All that could bedesired during the day. There were numerous oontestante {or each pri2-, and some excellent plowing was done. HUNTING. â€"The hunting psrty composed of Messrs. D. L. Anderson, Anthony Mc- Kinnon and Peter Brown. returned on Saturday last from the north looking quite refreshed. The report the deer plentiful, but about as y as ever. Nevertheless. we believe our experts have not come away without a. goodly supply of venison. memo in this local! ls need all completed. The root- crop about In, and never before was there knewa to have been better weather for the root her- vest. u" PERSONALâ€"Mr. Damian Andexson. of Toronto. 13 visiting at his hrothm’, Peter and D A. Anderson. [Correspondence oi Tun P031.) IMPROVING Hrs Paganismâ€"Mr. Peter McCorvey, one of our industrious and enterprizing farmers, has recently been adding marked improvements to his premises,having built a very fine addition to his barn with stone foundation under- neath. The stabling is being pared ‘ and when the whole is comple it will present a very the appearance besides every convenience and comfort 'will be sfl’orded inside. Mr. McCorvey has also built a good wire fence on either side 0! his lane fromthe barn tothe road. All these improvements add very great] to ‘ the appearance of the whole pre We like to see eVfimiarmer improve his place. Everybody ires a well-improv- ed farm, s farm possessing all modern improvementsâ€"good fences, nicely kept shade trees,and neat; tidy buildings. _ [Correspondence of Tux Post] humor. Ononmunox.â€"At the 81°“ “33%.“??? mm ‘9‘” sy t, 4 . n p emper- ance d was ed with the following oflleers :â€" ident. Mr. B. Hancock; vice-president, Miss R. Fowler; recording ”notary. Miss E. Treleeven; corresponding seoretag, Miss I. Richud. son; treasnxer Miss .McNabb. Wears pleased to and that these are thirtysix ‘ names on the roll and bright ts for more. The first Open meeting w he held Wednesday evening, Nov. 7m. commen- cing at 7.30 p.m..to which we invite all who centocome. Thepromamwili consist oil music. singing. recitations. readings, etc, etc, after which a collection will be taken up. Talent is ted from the flourish- ing band at posa Station. Open meetings will be held about every six weeks' and the programmes will be made as instructive in that line as possible. IDA C. Rxcnmnsox. Cor. Sec. fellows. thepu-eomge. A time isexpeoted. Tamâ€"The boys who hove been thieving around town have an: their departure, two of them to Whitby ad the others have left tor parts unknown. We hope the town my long bgheeof ,‘Pd’ [Oomndueo 0! m Pan] Saunaâ€"9.: and”; lit“- W Presbyterian 0 gave eons service In mu- church. W. Lonchfln. Invited to Our. Soc. “HEW fl com AB. Mara". ”V5. M CG address on alcoho All friends at be present. of -_- -._... _-__- _- [Comdeneeol ‘hu Poet. I We: Bunâ€"On Snndey. Nev. 4,2); the” ”Station Temperance Bald will we their monthly meeting In the school home at 2.3) _p. In. epnsleclng LOCAL N EWS-LETTERS fiALKMâ€"MARIPOSA. “@511: Manama gust. BRO WNS’ SCHOOL HOUSE. IILSII am. PM HAMPOSA STATION. MANILLA. PORT PERI! Y. EDEN. Smuron. staxoxuv Snvxcmâ€"Snbbs Nov. 11th, will be alumna-y day on the ood- vfllo about. Rev. Samuel mud”. at Oskwood, will (D.V.) proud: I. tenor. :â€" Qunnrnim Manned. -â€"0n “ms-booth. Nov. 4th, the qua-tori; meeting mic. viii behold nicotine chum. (Woodviilcm circuit). commencing at 10.36 3.0. Sou-om“ conic. n: close. Ali on inviucd. No cervicantH-rzicyintho “ten-noon. Nut Sundny yawning than will be no cox-vice in the flatbed!“ climb. Woodviiic. on mount ct Roman- Ill-Mo oAhnioy'c unwell“: tho Pram bet-rt" ., wee dressed in e neet suit of seel wn with setin trimmin and look- edweil;ehe weeeided by uJennie ‘ Cempbell. oi Cennington, who d her duties with greet decorum. he groom wee supported b Mr. W. H. 'mphre,cibdore Jo gkomthe eble manner in which these eesistente pleyed their pen-is they heve been there Deluxe. The presente were not numerous becense the w wen not but they were uetty costly. show the h neeteem inwhich sheisheidbyher de. The wedding tenet wee comp- onentâ€"no teble could have been nunnaed with better teete end none more inviting. The guests did em Justice. eepeeieuye tell gentlemen. ht complexion with monetsehe end whiehen. but es weddingsdonotoecnreveryde we heve even hopes of him. Miss Crons . who hes been crannist in the Methodist nrch. Woodvilie. since the commencement oi the preeent you-Jew beiore the wedding took cewespeesentedbythe Rev. Mr. hie with e purse of $15. which hen been collected by Miss Moynes end Mrs A. J. Smith trom e few at the friends belonging to the church. with the best [wishes of her numerous Meade. After we; of the dinner the ‘ 5’ couple. m by triads. leis orthe evening which wee tehen et Genninston stetion. end emid showers or rice. eta; latche- Taontoutterepfiid- o e ew s rethey rpcse set: inRWocdviile. chdviliepfe to be a: gretoleted on hevinc Hrs. Um es e r“°:'~....m...;"r..':f.:e..n.“$ en . 8 W t2; Lindsey $0811 , A Wmnma.â€"Leet Wednesday we had the honor of “tending one of the nicest wedding: thethubeen in this neighbor- hood (or some time. The contacting {st-ties were hit. Thou. J. Humphrey. at oodviiieilnnd Mine Smh E. Cronehexry. :1! the 12; omnRBroehm’rhe‘gflIoieung ergymnn wee 5v. . iikineon. Methodist minister. at Woodviiit, who seemed quite on ex st the butiness. g‘he bride, the do}: tel-pt EUjsh Crane- BOBCA YGEON. Fatwa“ that drendiol waning. The fine mg oonvulsively. end loudly. on Friday morning lost at 1.11) e.m.. the range 1mm their slumber: et Its: eoun one won I genenl rush knowing exactly where it wee. Some thought it a steam host in the cennl, end other: J. '1‘. Robinson's “one house. but they wen mistaken. It was D. Gwe'e i’nrnitureehopintnll blue, endno e 23° “3.4m?“ “sigma m m sp on on was ewltthohenmeeted. H. P ‘3. mill then gelpedotto ktlfndle M tote on:I ell opee get gnu out. wen ven up. This mode it hot to: Mr. Bohlneon'e wood pile and prop , but wee checked in tigeinor Mala?! 1“,}: Seoultedmirn some very e curse . Gage he: hnndled eo Bean‘s end so cleverly ‘ weenmongtherulnl. Mr. Gage he the sympathy of all Bob's. inhnhltente. and rope: much that even on ineunnoe does notoovertheleeetothieioeeee. It in end ;to report also that Mr. Page hesloeteo much reel cosh, nlneedy paid for the pur- chneeot themiano innnnnoe covers his domweueeonymthietmnhie. The originoitheflre is unknown. Mr. Gege loeeshietnrnituxe, 4.000 it. o! leked dry woode,hietooleendhlehooh. nderthe circumstances it will he the duty oi thoee indebted to my up et onoe like men whet- ever they know they owe. nnd not take my edvnntoge oi the recotde being deemâ€"[independent Noraâ€"Theeoldweetherhudlu - ,edendevemhln hemmed ea y upect. Theden onenrud etrewberrtee 3% 21233:?" 123$?”"33é’fit’5? ere so u Wm. Perdue’e cove had to come home beehwude to keep the duet from filling their eyes....Iseeo Burnett did when evexyoneeleelstrylngwdmheeolde span othoreee at e good figure. The were got by Mr. Weeee.ot Lindulaen went to Thunder Bay” ..Mlee use Ego Is my on e prolonged View to other peruleee Mex-y Smith homeonevlslt. [Correspondence oi Tu: Pout] Goon Wonkâ€"Our bridge. the swing ; pert of which to the Onterio government, in e t to tnnt body. end the chief nttreotion of our vinege; the reminder which belong- !» the city, in in 3 bed etnte oi npeir. end no the re-pienk- ing that wee done inst yen:- doee not hide the rottetnees‘ oi the en structure. no it isinthetownehipoi eneion wehope the voioe oithe enetgetie neveoithet township will he heard in eninfluentini mnnneret the next eoeeion oi the county ”3.“me 139‘“!- _, I AGoon Saxonâ€"Mr. John Rn. Jr. conducted the caries In the Bonn!" churchhmonSnndny. no Wars My to I 800'! m "manna-yo: Booth"! hisnoontvlsltmhlndny. Planning-Mean. John Bu. W- 3- ResmdD.H.Cotnollleh um mt" thenorhhoonnuywhm thorium m tur on the when nachos. m be (emailed out Int week.) A szn.â€"A lugs number of people mmmmmmim mice- In the Pro-Wan chunk. OmanSundgyanlondnxd Cami We. â€" 0e Wedneedey evening, Namwa int" 3 eintneetinc winbeheldetheetineecfi‘oolheuete: the pupae of mafia; prfi action mm wi Madame animal-both section. Alan affiliate:- eeted lnthis‘mtter in requtswd. Meet- lngtommeet “than I [annealing m Pong] WOOD V 1 LLB. [Wd’pm' BOSEDALB’. 113430.80. HARTLEY. fishâ€"733w “fi"’b."““‘o~un"".3'¢i ”In. at W. Who. m” It. GM :1»: mom-Tho "hon! convention on Tund- wu qua cabana-ac. dthough not. an and. the budge-n bah: m clan emu" mn. Wm. Ic- '13”:me 5. Dian-310.11. Fun). BT11. an: Ind “10" “Thu: ”Mania-pector- 9: “0.93.1.“ “wan-nuanced» moo! worker. .dwasui - lathe-o“, nor plus " ‘2; 33me mutations will be ad the mum hue the manuals: their and W.l".l.S Duncanâ€"We hue to noon! this duct of Mill Belle Gunu. ulster .3. Gordon. She m u] but “and «In: from Inflammation. She was on. ofou aux-brightest and mo» human you women. alum m not Imp-rain lnxchsthtdfor It. ob Ject tho ulflnflon of s better-1m, belng macaw number]; “3.0. E. ngolotynnd "‘3 -‘ L‘ _IAA , nu... cun- “nu-um VI wuun “(I Mr. Kenny. of Owen Sound. was torn “and!" the fungal o! the lube Mm Gnu ...... Mr. W. Jam Dr. Bruce And other: m In Bum this week. belng wit- uuea In the Luck n. lieu, sun. 01 W15 [0! “£0 W Pneoxw â€"M.n. one oi our oldest citizen. in" lived here for a great may you; on load” is» (or Bacheom. . Y.. when one will reside withoomothorfemu who miiving in “city. ...... Mr. I). in. of Bowman. spout a few don intown looking aim-r bullion in oonneotion with his mother's new ...... Mr. Gm. ct New York. Mr. sud Min GamaL oi S_undddge. um ‘I_ l,'-___ -n A__, every week not novel-u months. They a buyer- ud that: h t I Pnsoxu. â€"M:£uh a: :1. of: $8. Goon Burnsâ€"Mum. Smith. Paddy md‘l‘slboc Mn pad the tumor- : aloe mod sum of money this an. having claw n unload of outdo and sheep any!“ 02.va mugs. frhgy are __-__ -_ ___ AL , l . [Communenoe 0! Tu: ['0er Hanna â€"Meuu. C. A. Pntmon. B. Wewoott. Joe. B. Women. K. stldscn. J. Mouse. A. D. Mort-hon. ond Duncan Mon-e. lets tu- the hunthg grounds last week. Woexpeot to see: oholoelotol venison on their return. Another party let; thi- week. anuugc Size. mam. o Glovetlh bum . chum. wwbuw. ..... . .. brunout 1mm” "nan t». .. .. 0b Lmlc Walsh amt: um». .. 19D notout Boymonbuouo" ...... 4 bacon Dr. Gllpln b UN... .. .. 6 not out. VI-rcmbhnlos lav” n-umuo.... Dr. ood..nol. out-.." Bt. Johnb m" .0 (8,}me 51 Inn-W. ...... 2 Short.... b Wlhh. l c Boynton I; WM.1 Brooke Bauhaus I: wash 4 c Boynton b Sc. J. lthnhh........ o c IlcQuug b Wald [vacuum out ...... 31!: w b Win-h... Sir-on :Wdlhbloazrovo 0 b 8!. John.... Rich-rum h Ingrown 5 h St. John.. . um.» Walsh" .. ....... lthu-h.... .. .. Mhlm.... .... : uncut...” Wthth........ 6 b Wrist. .. .. Vulch..-..lotout..... ShSL. John ...... .. McV’wleOthmhu-d I) Wqu Extra........ ...... 8 ....._. CnICKn-Our cricketers have again demon-mad the hot that they ere gamu- u cricketer- to the Lindseg t club. At the return cricket mntc pleyed nt Sunderlnnd on Wedneedev. 21th met. our team detected Lindeay by five ‘wiohete. The gene wee e walkover for the northeneu. theit fielding, betting and howling being in- euperlor to Lindsay. The Liudnnyitee u usunl stumbled and mwled. first st the the ground, then at umpires. end eeized on everythingthat would mom them an excuse for their detectâ€"even going co m an to any th».t the eooree were unfair. scar-in: 2! was in the 2nd inni inetend of 19. Such un- mnly end twnddle will disgust true mm. and the sooner Lindsay lenrue to pin the game like men the better it wi be for cricket in Lindsay. Lindsey’l reputntion for kicking in pro-i vincinl. but surely there should be no occasion for it in cricket. The followinsz wee the econ :â€" 'r.v.c."si:§vi23is.’â€"‘fie"'ri'\‘T‘C'."37::- veyon left home on Monday last for (hm!- bddce. Chane will now bmthe a. Rule szxmx-Mr. Ewen McKenzie. of Tc- mto. wont lent-cl dun here in the beginning of the week on business. lie will: gloat of Mr. ancm McKenzie. Kxcxuoo mannaâ€"The Kickapoo: left home on Monday hot for Brcchln,whens they will rennin tor a ooopleot weeks. Tm. afforded considcuble amusement ' Mo [Corn-pendent or Tm: Pmr.) H‘Emms'x’sg Afimhzgui: pular m . coop up es. no new show mom: well stocked with 3 Ian‘- nunberot very fine cutters. buggies avd towing mugging; Mr. Stabs has 301:1; I. hmnum o bufiu-sa menu 5 Wu“ "£20 3"”: "‘ “33” as n on . s’ nn_e display lg that lineup."3 LBW" Lindsay dd Innings. lat Imam. ham or m Grimmâ€"Some ventsm lent homo non mum Co. slain by Mr. Thoma Bumba- hm! . motthe mootdouolouklnd. The hex-cm vouch onhloown authority ...... Twin boys are owning his nun! (Mr. Bronku‘e); they cymto town dozing his absence In tha PmoxALâ€"Mn Lennie Silverend two children. of Buifd have been e pending mph": of week. here, staying It her Thoma Noun-y ...... Mn. E A. Baum inn-u City. he: returned home ether n plenum time mung blends here more couple of month. _ 7 am fi'lythofdbi‘Eér climb. Nov. (an C. Ebinnut â€"Mln Mid. Foster dale trombone co the C. E. convention st and .mmflypleuedghwl‘ih the Mn and throu at the flue hunt m3“! will . no not: mk'smooflng ha! of thg C. uciety. ,,,v_,_._..- â€"-v'vâ€"‘v Emu. Snvrou.â€"The Raw. Mr. WU- kluon watched as Bonn-hon lat Ssbh‘cr. whm “c m m to be stut- od. Mr. . hands undoing the most of thin mt week to mm Rev. Mr. Tucker. the minister In change. ; :11 report having mm time. The human meetug “Earthy church mxt Smu- amass». Ichtobrhopodflntulwho wm um: the mm. In being ugly to lube I full 1133- gnu-'1; report; _ BEA VERTON. 01K W00 0. 1W3: 7m KI REF! ELD. ”Doha. batsma- c Boynton I) w c 3031mm tat c Nullk ' l b w b Wad-h but Innings. end Innings. hn l maniac-Moi“ TERMSJ. -313TPER YEAR; ' HOP AND’Scppnâ€"Thm ll glpechl Wfih’é’s‘ififi? but on even even 130% yintooglfldnoo and -___ __ _A AL - hu- 5% 3a Fm: â€"Johnsmn Murphy. bum to station. lost his home by are on list Monthly evenlnfi. It caught (mm u: out- beamed p‘po WI: 10 be m up at the 6 L In. tutu. Too efl‘ecto wen nvod. but the con-go wu burned. The loss I: pufly coymd by Insurance. ,7, __ _ . . ‘Ufi'. all. N. Bethune, B :nvertor', preached pom- fol sermons mnrnlng end evening. end In the afternoon Rev. Robt Johnston. B. D.. Lindsey. who to ngrect {notice heme de- livered u wont: elcquent lecourne. The church was crcwded to m fullest connoi- cy oneech occasion The unnnd hen on hot Monday evenlnz was a grand enooeee. the psu'onnge being longer then st my time": the hlsury of the church. Rev. John Ewing occuyned the choir. and ohort plth “Gnome Were mode by Ben. mu. M nun. Johnston. Bethune. McKny and Mr. Thge. Shelving-t. 1w?!“ bwean° 01:0?- eoersed exce em engng y c r. The even g‘e entertnlxxmenc was brought to A close In the nuunl mount r. The entire receipts were $145. (Cruuuud out In»: Week.) Suwwwn Smficsé.â€"TF€ um! services of the Presbyterian church has gaby‘qggrrm‘very Impressive. Rev. M. uonomonocme 0! Tim Pour.) Tnn Wanna Mumâ€"Toe viii-gets ere considerably excited ovar 'he street of e uemp on one icicn or. being the murderer o! the lete eesle Keith, ct Linhowel. It came about in this way. Den Celieghen. who lives ten miiea north of here. oeme into town on Tuesday, end in converse- tion with E. C. Williamson, eeid he bed I tramp for dinner. The former reed e description or the enppOsed murderer, end Ceiiegnsn seid his boarder wee ldeuticel with the facts stated. This wes coon noieed about, end ee e result ten men ec- compenied by Oihcer Glass left (or Cellos- han'a eiter dark. They escerteined thet the tramp had gone over to Mr Dcrgen'e, where he was found in bed. He wee er- rcsted. brought back litre end pieced in the lockup. and Wednesday morning bed a hearing beiore Reeve Dr. Crrnwell. who remanded him back to the lock-up (or 24 hours. He is e herd locking subject. end his hat, coet, vents. boots, et., enewere the descriptions es published in the Tor- onto pnpers. He seye he slept in the woods near Lindsey on lest Fridey n‘ight end then went out to the country th Derzzin on lest Saturday evening. The ‘ reeve hes wired the authorities at Llstow- el. end is eiso heving the iremp'e eta? ebont his being in Lindsey inmtlge . The tremp does not not as if he were the guilty perty. but inom his eppcerence it is (onunete ior him that he was ceptnnd ten miles from here insteed of Licwwei, othergrcise he “inlaid allude dd?” of he'- inz en ync e ’e nos y evening Ollicer Glees hed n meseege (mm the chief of police. Stretfcrd. saying thet he bed the right men in 3.1“ there, end no e result the tremp here wee released. The crowd geve him e collection of eilverend sent him on big wey “Joining. Dmu‘irmmâ€"Mwy of our young people have departed to various cities tor the winter. Amon othem we miss the plea- aenttaoe of M as Lizzie Mchnefi...We e'so underatsnd that Mr. Charles cAllls- uer has. utter a due deliberation, set his all for Cushion Doll. Inland. passed away theymey have become level once mom. kuaunmâ€" On Monday. Oct. let. at: Vicurm Reed, was 0.16me the great even: in the life at J uhn Mainly. .111. when he recnived, ea the chancel nu. the hand, (the hem was gmtedhefore), of Miles Del]: Pracy, of North Sm. and listened with etricb attention no her vows of love, honor and obedience. No doubt his hen-i was most acute f;r she last. Miss Dore uleny acted as bride's-maid, while John Comet-ford, of Digsy, support- ed hi he groom. Bonusâ€"They have been (I suppose we must say) repairing the reeds and on nnlshed. They (the roads. not the people). look very much dllferent lndeed; but one'e conscience would eceroely permla them to any that the change to (or the better. Fez-chance betore the next genentlon he: passed away they my have become level once more. ,7fi..- - .u-vul.‘ ‘ Gunmanâ€"it is with much met that we record the death of William McDonald. jr., eon ct Patrick mwonaid, ct thin town- ship. The deceased wee a fine you man of about twenty-two years and been absent about two year: from home. He died in Sudbury h( spite! about two week- since. being iii only a short time. His bodym sent home tor interment. The tamily have the sympathy cf the com- munity in their can bereavement. WEATHER.â€"WO are having very fine weather at present; wish Indian summer wguid last gnu] _Cin ietmae. lComsvondrnoo o! In: Post.) Game Romaâ€"Some or our mt shots lntend solar north to hunt u a tow duet, gear-im- anything they can 151 on Lassaâ€"Mr. John Howie. who-o lea-o bu ex fired with Mr. Wm. '- hm; tnmfle north of hmhu tensed 100m Iron: 8 McEacha-n tor the term of one year. which I. attuned nut-Gleam I the wentherhu been sour avenue forgathedngthemtn. MLWH. Gum- humnmeaottumlpamdastrongm ontnklngthemup. - OI P0 WLES' CORNERâ€"FENELON. _ Icomwoodrnoo o! In: Post! PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. .‘mnéenow M lion.) UMEMIIE. GARDEN. he was captund bend of 1.13wa a chance at luv- inesdax evenly; T1

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