IS on rtain- ‘ely of 3:13 .2926 3' on up 3:031? one†8 also. ï¬O' A991! to Stoveï¬, t; dew!“ Adams Gun sPepsin °° ufliâ€"Frufli ihe sly have joined the ‘ r the position seriously. "n honest diï¬'crcnce of - cf inspzrtauce I have But what :zx'u the Glfl‘dr- ‘ he Prawns of Industry «El-try a: 3:23 mement? lt .. gmattcrs aï¬â€˜ecting lccal at- ., WY be miferences on one or armsâ€"certainly not on any upportance. But as re- mlmcs their rofessed ob- . I identical. he Patrons glam administration. So do . . f whatjs more. when they Pu, flmm 15‘s to 1878 they prac- -. Wage: Whole years the publlc ï¬gurexem stationary at a very Way as compared. with the 'lihehland this was done al- hhm Pmy was compelled to “tho amass of costly engage- _;mf: by their p:edecessors Magic“,- and against their the-m 33!. more, in these I“ M trallable' expenditure of M‘m about ZOpar cent... «1m millions to about six â€In? millions, a thing no is: mnempiedbefore or aincs; at glint of expenditure was " -- . of“ 'mm millions and thirty-Seven millions, ' . nâ€, being a difference t ‘i'he Shlduw 01': Sin. Chum" M. Bruno. , panties of a Bachelor. Ike Marvel. 3: The Duchess. “Tho Duchess." , smglc Heat! 8 Double Face. Ch. Rude. ; Cricket on the Hearth. Charlachkm EITER FR OM SIR RICHARD CAR TWRIGHT. a Canada Farmer’s Sun prints the ;mle::er received by a Patron in “mm from Sir Richard Cart- ::_‘Iyy deer slr,â€"I can very well and the difficulty felt by you, as yomer liberal farmers, as between 2:13:50! your party and the Patrons Muslim six cents in stamps to ymppinm me to Anus 8; Sons . :18; Toronto, 0n:., and either at the above be sent you by mail. {51.1, FRIDAY, Nov. 2, 31:53, I {eel this tï¬ere x' 11:3. .g; 9. vary gr: Tin; f :53 c wax-amen: are a very ; (is to- â€33'. They are : 'i very highly cram Lion nus many 100:3. try, any: a. ; rm: hold 0: {1.645 nixhis country. gavemment, sad it he ,ion or {he aczlve w: on its side. You ‘ahari here as well a New, this being of Such a. toe to quax: me very ave o: a the common enemy '. 321.3331... blunder." c rut .115 :wc . mt‘x)‘ lwav "101' :12» pcs: . is an honest N ; 3: sex: cf Imps v 15:25 'Ahatr- ' the P, {was a-d very highly orgmiz 2d. Lu- men nus many 100:3. 15 has '5, any: a. ; rm: hold on 9. large ;e=s nixhis country. It bolas merument, sad it has a. very :ion or {he aczlve wealth 0! Ln on its side. You may be 1i: ham here as well as in the New, this being so, for of such a. toe to quarrel with me very eve 0: a picc'ned the common enemy, is, as esman said, even worse ‘wculd be†an irreparable (AIDS DIGESTION.) 7 Double , \ Face M 0! than well-known noun: IE GOLDEN GEM LIBRARY c Yellow link.“ W_il_klo_Cgllln_s, l‘zmadizm gem acre in gm: near future it ,e obtainedâ€"nay, are, per- vtamer (1:31:35! than many £23. I uelieve the ne- . cram: to beurgent, .2 CI ..m moss desir- " 0:11.: is no blunder : political wrong- fara, on every account. pscby with the Pin-ens of as Dtminion politics are maider their objects to be hey have suï¬'gret}. greatly: .oroon Mini“. E.Bnddoa. :dDhmondI. 0.0.31. Fun: Mn Hm Wood. F“ :9; Dar}ing._ Ampa- Dar-Therm ’ Tuttx Frutti. ale: ttere is great my grave mis- fxa ct liberty very powerful :3 are strongly in dgiger (I; Unuuvv W ""1 - _,, ‘ Suppose we have a series of three-cor- nered contests all over this province, and that the Patrons carry a large numbtr of seats. Suppose, for a space, they come to hold the balance of po wer. and are able to make any stable government an impos- sibility, so long as the old political parties continue to preserve theirpresant relations towards each other. Sn pose, further, that they succeed in dri gbeont of par- liament a considerable num r of those liberal hvagueslenizaggves who hgvenin time 5.817, 1: ng report an ev report, groved themsï¬zes the stannchest oppo- nents of the protective system, and the staunchest oham ions of the v ideas the Patrons of In ustry are now p ceding for. Suppose all this, and 80130083 than weakened the Patrons have so seriously the liberal party as to make its parUamen- imagine tary success impossible, do on , that this will secure the atrons own success ? “Not by any manner of means. What itmay andvery likely willdois to make V8 than other combinations possible. which but for'snch action on the par; of the Patrons would never be dreamed of W will do well to memhtr that after 01134113: is not the whole 03515 Baguio!) an t nder certain can one two “ fl and am out... vvvn. v...._-v -_ r "For what are the government and their protectionist su pcraers praying and in- triguing to-dsy at that the Patrons of Industry and the liberal party may out each cther‘s throats ? For what end are their emiesorles so diligently stirring up opposition to Sir Oliver Mowet on very trifling grounds, except that they hope to make bad blood thereby between you and the liberal pnty. out at which the protec- tisnists expect to make their political proï¬t in the Dominion elections, which cannot be very long cieieyeï¬?" . A Lsu'u "N ow liberal Patrons are asked to desert their party and destroy their friendsâ€"to kiil the very men who risked their politi- cal existence time and main for the sake of the wry objects the Pstrons desire to gain. \Vhy commit this ingrstitudai Moreover, is it not as clear as the sun at noonday that to do so is to destroy all their own} chanced permanent success? AL __) AL-:_ 1 if Mr. Mackenzie had adcp‘ed she profec- tive p licy we would have been free traders. 1 am willing to make this con- fession. If Mr. Mackenzie had been a. preteetionist there would have been noth- ing left for us but to be free traders. But Mr. Mackenzie was eithzr too honest or too rigid in his views to bend to the wake of public opinion, and the result was that he was swept. our. of power, and had only a corpcrsl's guard to support him when the house met. We ado ted the N. P., and we tsld you, at least did, because I was very young and simple as the time, that we were going to make everybody rich.†7 __ _ “ 'Mr. McCarthyâ€"And to get into power my friend says he is 9. politician. No doubt in the world that we were out of pswer, and by going in for the N. P., and taking the wind cut of Mr. Mackenzie‘s sails, we got into power. ‘vVe became identiï¬ed with ghe px_ct¢_c:ive‘ pgliay, and 33§§a."3't5:i‘7££6€v Ehée' Mr. Mecar‘ehy saidd on this subject. Here are his very wor s :â€" I "You see. as I have said, that the ob- ‘eots of both organizations are absolutely J identical. The libel-3.1 party for fifteen e have been ï¬ghting at years and mor heavy odds for the very objects the Pet rons profess to desire. The liberal party last ofï¬ce rather than forsake these rin- ciples. The liberal party might have ong since regained ofï¬ce if they would have betrayed them, and yet we ï¬nd certain Petrons continually declaring that both parties are alike, and advising their assoc- iates to make no distinct-ion between a. liberal and a protectionist candidate. Take the, evidence c»f_ oer _life-lggznopgo- psr:y." "l‘erifl‘ for revenue only and taxes on luxuries and not on necessaries. reciproc- ity and reservation of lands for the actual settler, are things the liberals, collectively and individually, have always advocated, nor is there any single argument which has ever been advanced in favor or all these things, either by the Patrons or an - body else, which has not been prevlon y stated, and most generally stated, many times over by the members of the libera party in parliament and out of it. All thie, I make no doubt. is quite well known to a man 0! your intelligence, and does it not prove the truth of. my conten- tion ? am. M'CARTHY'S coxrnsszox. “What are the other planks or the Patron latform affecting Dominion poli- tics? hey are these: (1) Economy of administration. (2) Purity and ldepen- denoe of parliament. (3) Tarifl’ tor reven- ue only. (4) Reciprocal trade. (5) Protec- tion or labor from monopolies. (6) No railway bonuses. (7) Voters' lists by local ofï¬cials. (8) No gerrymandering. (9) Lands for settlers. Now, there is simply no single one of all these objects which the liberal party have not been ï¬ghting for, moving resolutions for and doing , their very best to obtain any time during the last twenty years. Look at the re- cords ot parliament. Look esdpeciallf: at the several motions on the bu get. 90k at their platform and at the very last resolution moved by myself in parliament. and you will see that as regards Dominion politics there is absolutely no ground for diil‘erence between the Patrons and the liberal psrty. When the liberals were in power, as I have shown, and proved, they were, in fact as well as in name, a most economical party. No arty, either, has ever sufl’ered so severe y as they have done, more especially in Ontario, b fran- chise acts. by gerrymander bills, y the incessant briberies practised a ainst them by means of railway bonuses. y the crea- tion of monopolies rivileged to plunder the people on non ition of sharing the spoils__ with the opponents cf the liberal r-‘Vr-v v- -_-..__- â€"*~ ~ , , . can on] be abolished by an act of the imperi parliament which act will as- suredly not be passed without the concur- rence of a. decided minority of the several local legislatures. On this point, there- fore. while there is no difl’erenca of opin- ion, there is no great possibility of immed- iate action.†‘ __ _ _ _ __ anv â€"v .â€"v -â€"__- ours Is a federaleoniefliutlon, and that, whether the house of commons or the people 9f 'Onta‘rm like it or not, the senate ‘-,I_~J L_ -_ --l. A: 5|... "Let us further analyze the Patron platform. Let us take the ï¬rst plank, the abolition of the senate. Here the vast majority of Ontario liberals will certainly agree with the Patrons. The existence or such a body in its present shape is abso- lutely indetensible and s most manifest blot on representative government. It represents nothing excs t the very worst element of a faction. t is irremovable, and entirely irresponsible either to the crown or to the people, and isss nearly absolutely - useless (besides being expen- sive) as any institution or the sort well can be. But wsivinï¬eths question whether-1 t may or may not possible to create a) senate which mightbe at some real ser- vice to the state, ‘we mnst remember-that tho llhorol plotlorm. ond hoo hoon oo ovor ‘ olnoo 1878. on tho rooordo o! llonont toot moot ohnndontly. 'l‘ho tronoooh thnh lntorgto at tho hmoro ho hlrly oonoldorod. on It not oololy ond Illnpl hoooulo tho Moohonnlo govornznont we not to dollvor our tho tumor hound IW hond ond toot to tho tondor moroloo at tho rln or would-ho tootod monnlno- turorl t at Mr. Moo onllo woo dotootod In 1878? Lot no out, too. by whooo voton woo Mr. Mookonrlo dotootod thoni I do not In It on o roproooh, but It lo I mottor of history. that Mr. Mouton-lo woo do- tontod by tho veto: of llhorol armors who woro odolod by tho toloo promine- ol homo markets, hl h prlooo and general proopor- Ity hold out y tho rooklooo ond Ignorant ohorlntano who tolotod this froolous pro- toot_lvo systogn on Condo in $3“ ‘ O ml! which II: n .bIl'll! gm 1:!" of an» -vgluo. Lunaâ€. «Ayn: 1W“?! â€0“ TI. nun. Those fellow: who date on their girls sometimes and matrimony a. powerful mtidote. When About to m Call and inspect THE POST'S large stock or the newest styles in wedding stationery Invitations printed in black, gold or silver bronze, as desired. Prices very reasonable. “It I rest I mat)“: n Gemtn proverb. "I! I trust I bust," is a. tmdesw’s version. “Now, whatever some few may have said or even done up to this time I do not believe that the Patrons as a body, on calm consideration, wilibe so illoadvised as to commit any such suicidal act ; and I would most certainly urge you and all liberals who have seen ï¬t or who may de- sire to join the ranks of the organization to use your best endeavors, alike in the interests of the Patrons themselves and all true friends of honest overnment in Canada to prevent such a isaster. As I have said, there is a hard ï¬ght before us in any event, and you may rely on it that both liberals and Patrons have their work cut out for them in advance it they expect to vanquish a tyranny which in the last ï¬fteen years has cost Canada a thousand millions of treasure and overa million and a half of people. besides dcbasing and de- grading the Whole moral tone of public, morality and of public life to an extent ‘ which no other system ever did or per- haps could, and which. if not sternly checked while there is yet time, will ulti- mately and inevitably end in reducing the great mass of the opulatlon to a position very little better t an that of serfs bound to pay tribute to a few score or a few hun- dred millionaires. Knowing you to be a thoughtful and reflective man. and having also every reason to believe that on are sincerely desirous of promoting t e well being, not merely of the farmers of On- tario, but of the whole community to which you belong, I have then ht it well to place these considerations fore on, with full liberty to make use of them ere or elsewhere as you see flt."â€"With very sincere regards, RICHARD J. Charwmonr. Doss YOUR WIFE Do HER own WASHING? Kingston, Oct. 1. 1894. “One or the greatest difï¬culties with which my esteemed iriend, Mr. Macken- zie. had to contend lay in the fact that he was compelled to form his cabinet entire- ly out of men who had no ofï¬cial training or experience, and it was partly in conse- quence that he himself committed the serious error of attempting at one and ‘the same time to administer a large and most laborious department and to act as leader to a great political organization. It was no wonder at all that his physical powers broke down under the strain, and it was very largely indeed to this mistake in judgment that the defeat of the liberal party in 1878 was dueâ€"cs I have in self heard his rival, the late Sir John ac- donald. admit in conversation in my pres- ence. For these reasons I would or the last time repeat my warning. The one thing that can defeat the Patronsâ€"the one thingbwhlch cin prevent their attaining the o jects they wish to obtainâ€"and the one thing which the advocates of protec~ tlon desire more than aught else, is for the ‘ Patrons of Industry to quarrel with the‘ liberal party. ‘ _ , , l ,,- “I have no Intention and indeed no de- sire to see your organization put at the disposal even of the liberal party. Let it remain distinct, but friendly. This is pre- emineutly a case for mutual concessions. Both Patrons and liberals profess to have the same ends in view. Let them meet and adjust their difllcuities. Difl‘erences of principles there are none. The demand for an adequate representation of the great agricultural interests is a fair and proper one. and so also, on the other hand, is the claim that tried and faithful representa- tives should not be lightly discarded be- cause they do not happen to be Patrons. Such men are none too plenty anywhere. and you cannot afford to lose them. The position of Canada in many wa sis a difï¬cult one. and you will not he p your country or yourselves by dispensing with cxperiencca public servants except tori goodcausg. __ , ..,.. n- ' “The time is ri for very extensive and ' pe We have suflered tar-reachinvtorms. much, and ve, it is to be hwed, learned ‘ something. I for my would be sorry » to see the issue dwin ed down to a mere *question of revenue tarifl. This is a good thin in its way, but very much more than this needed now, and very much more than this can be got it only our chances are not recklessly thrown away. We need, among other things. a radical re-ad- justment, not only of our tarifl’, but of our whole system of taxation. Great evil has been done, but out of evil may come and the collossal villainy the protective system may be made to pave the way for so thorough a reform that it mag3 prove possible for the ï¬rst time in the h tory of Canada so to distribute the ressure of taxation that every man shall compell- ed to distribute to the ublic needs ac- cording to his means an not according to‘his pleasure? â€WISHâ€""u will bear in vory tar would be :uot e or dooirablo. My point lo. and it cannot be brought too cloorly boicro the minds 0! all Pat- rouo whodeointopromoto the real wol- taro ot their country. and who. I make no doubt. constitute tho vast ority o! the order. that such a more won d be alwayo on thocardein the event ctouch peo- oeedinco on tho part oi tho Patrono as I have indicated; and I may add that th . of all men. would have the least t condemn such a coalition. seeing t it would be tho natural outcome and result or their own deliberate action. The choice in such a case as I have deeoribcd would have lain with tho Patrcna themselves all * through. They would have deliberately quarrelod with their own ï¬ends. They would have shown that the utterly lg- nored long and taithtul eerv ce under cir- oumetancee oi aggravated tom taticn.and they could not complain if average 1 member of parliament. liberal or conser- vative, took them as he found them and acted according. In each an event also you might be erzecti sure that the Pat- ron in on we d econ crumble, and what more important. that the objects they have in view would be further tron: attainment than ever. This. I for one would greatly regret. I believe that it is not in the power of the Patrons of Indus- try to secure great things for themselves and for the country at large by adopting a rational course of policy. A RADICAL nz-ADJus'rMEN'r or TAXATION. m mm m _ “WNW.†u. m m. w m “mm â€WM A mmflmmmmwhfl w.“ my“ mmmmm mmm m .u CANADIAN rosar. LINDSAY. ONTARIO; mun.- NOVEMBER 2 Sunught Soap; A good girl. like; vouch. 1! known by her work- 112:†otthom my be lull] goodhninglpnuy "Bow to can u: tannins...“ Simply apply “Swu'mc's Omnnr. No internal medicine acquired. Cures tettox'. eczems. itch. all eruptions on the face, hands, nose, eta. lowing the skin clear, white and healthy. lee greet hed- ing and curative powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask your druggist {or Swnnu's 01mm. F she does, see that the wash is made Easy and Clean by getting her SUNLIGHT SOAP, which does away with the terrors _of wash-day. Experience will convince her that it PAYS to use this soap. , A nun “than video: by flmchl 10-. lake 3 mot, ho 1- maps! (or being mum]. Th. But Mvmunontl. Many thousands of unsolicited letters have reached the monufwturers o! Scott's Emulsion tram those cured than In Its nee. of Consumption and Soxornlono iseeooo 1 None can speak no conï¬dently of its merit: as those who have tested it. Girls 1001:: upon the promising mm. Ho Disappointment. Disnppointmente of one kind and another crop up all along iiie'e pathway. for uniortnnately it is the unexpected that always happens. There is at least one article of acknowledged merit that never disappoints. Putnam's Painless Cu: Extractor is sure to remove the worst coma in a few days, and as no claimie made that it will cure anything else, it cannot disappoint. I! you have hard or soit corns Just 11' it. Bzware of the article “just Remedy, N. 0. Poison 8.100.. proprietors, Kingston. A snnll boy in nluburbnn town had “11an n penny. "Kitty," called his flax-med mother In H: sister in the next. room. “send for we doctor. mm. has swallowed a. penny !' "No man. ' in the terriï¬ed and frightened victim. “and to: tho minister." ‘wm-J' altered his mother. "Beau-e pugs guys out minister an get mom: onto! my. The “Diamond Dyes" are well known. popular and shrugs reliable: they sell everywhere and un er all clrcumstnnce', and give wonderful results in reetorlaï¬to beauty and usefulness old and ed articles of wearing appuel. “Diamond Dyes" save many down each year In every farmer's home. There is a. most. Important morn! to be deducsd from the malts of the notion sale just: referred to. The moml taught In, that poor and worthless dyes. whenever sold are de-u- at any price-even when us__ fogggmmoq (531cc painting. 65on étcék of 'worthless dyes dislgn'omd by a high sounding norm. was sold to one tsgner. who was hem-oily laughed at: _ The Idea was a hovel dimâ€"l: W t revolutionâ€"and seemed to meet with the favqr of grey. and trapmallyrgee. $119 There was no respn-seâ€"not s bid to encourage the snetionecn's hurt. Seeing that time was being lost, and anxious to get rid of these dyes at my price, the auctioneer, in n Jaking way. said: "You surely want. our on fences sud barns painted: [it 336 yes are not enough to color your dresses. shew jackets, coats, silks and ribbons. they will surely dolor common wood winging." The othsr dyes were then brought to:- ward. and Introduced by some oriental name. Said the we lcne’cr: “I give the name or these dyaa,bnt I knowllttlo about their manutacturo or qualities; come. give me a bld, any price.†_ _ _ A Ame i: the vast variety of articles put up for aware two lobe of package dye. for household dyeing. The auctioneer announced that he would ï¬rst dispose of the “Diamond Dyes,†mood: that a farmer and farmer's wiie know well an ("ox-ably. The women. be moat interested in these goods, did the idding. and in ten minutes time. some aix gross ot the “Diamond Dyes" were sold to anxious buyers. The sale, which hm been well udvettlsed by circular-e distributed throughout the country, drew a lugs crowd of sturdy farmer-send thekgoodwivee; thehlddlng was fast and spirited. and good price- were realized for all useful and staple gcgds. _ _‘ _ Quite recently a country store stock was sold of by motion In lots to cult purchasers. AN IMPORTANT INCIDENT AT A COUNTRY AUC- TION SALE. 17'“; mzéhiionauy illegible that the knowledge o: the law might be kept from the common people. “Yes. sir," replied the experienced clerk. “In prieeor size?â€â€"Det.roit Free Prea All legal treatises and documents during the twelfth and two following centuries was written in a Very stlfl. «floated and nndecipherablo hand called ‘_‘_cgnr£hmd. " "ex-y Knowing. “I wish you would mark down that lot of ladies' shoes, " said the merchant. Visitorâ€"I suppose when you got I badeggyonmake the hen change 1:! â€"Pall Mall Budget. HERE AND THERE. A much: INVOI- engagement. flag as s «I, “T103 TH] POST.â€"Putiel India; “mu m- “ all Muhammwmflt hmwmmm '3' g ff? Never freezes J L} Linn Primed. Having purchased the right for the counties of Durham and Wo- toria, we am now prepared to supply said counties. Address. F 0305 PUMPS ANDERSGN ’ S 801d Ill Lind“! by D ‘nd Win ï¬ning-Nope. cowe- 0:11.! W Adam. The Cook Company, _ Area-mm hymen physician. 8W1“ new, by (Lamb 1 mm. nthoonlypcrfocuy we and reliable medicine“!- oovered. Beware o! nnpflnclplod drug‘s“: who oflerldcdormcdldnalnplaeootwh utter Cookb Cotton Boo: Commuttabcnonm mar Woundocentsln postage lam mdmwmmmwmmmmm UENRE. AI’TBIL No tanner in this county can smart! to do without this well-known Powder. You can feed it in any kind of weather. .0†an? DOUBLE ACTING 'Mbmwmmmd usaxmmm Ihopouxodwhm mammmwwaaom mdmdrchndmandmmun- “aaddmmqmckm-Nchm mmmmwwxm morphine. mug-imp “4 m â€m m don cu: mm mm “comm" Cook's carton R mt. 'MhuWWuo for all- dxu. mum Wymmdh “MWMW†Morin is Dr. Samuel Pitchers prescription for than“ - and Children. It contains no! thcr Opium. Morphine not other Narcotic substance. it is o harmless substitute for Peregoric, Drops. Soothing Syrups. and Castor Oil. ltisPiensaut. Itsgunrantee is thirty yenrs’uso by Millions ofMothors. Castorin destroys Worms and all." feverishness. Castorin prevents vomiting Sour Curd. cures Dian-hm and Wind Colic. Castorio relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and ilntulcncy. Castoria. assimilates the food. regulates the staunch m Contact Company. '2'! nun-n1 Sta-cot. Nov You-k any. Rem Bras. A. HIGINBOTHAM. Druggist. H REID BROS., ook’sCottonfloot' CISTERNS, Spraying Hand Power or Windmill. COMPOUND. fl Dmxflcttâ€"lm WELLS lithium â€"f°‘_ 98.04: Trees, A. Hggznbotham. m Horses. Cattle, Sheep and Pi What is On 3011.- m. 'dmmmtolauuan an. Midn- CI... Mow-m 1‘.me ‘3'"!- m H To w Rn Salaam-wen for 1.5. in advance w n mu. alumni-n an". I". W. In on. minimum, “I III W do. do. 1. C u IMCOII. d0. 60. 15 u Wk “which“! dlulnordopannmuofï¬uru In“ ouch u thol’oum-y Yard homicidal“- Muhammad .Voudm “when M abundant“. “domain: Do. “It Jada-um!“ mNmoluu West. In lam Mnmunumuy complete. â€autumnal“ Iodul’molmo nun-tutu um oncotflu nonlin- pauntdnu â€donâ€"Wmeofluyaadu'm new In. mmmmmmou unfl- mthu our Mom The “Won Whauwm.butuolcnsmunn- DUCflOlt-our CLUB RATES FOR 1805. 2 1894. M m nu m m 8 hint-aroma. LIN-Stool and m. COUNTRY GEN HEM/1N. |83| The Cultivator [895 ARM FOR SALEâ€"The went hdfof Lot 80.1.11: “to 8th Concudon o! the Tm- datp o! Echelon. outlining mo ma. 8% mile- tron Lind-y. Prim mum Pom-don cum a» plow that lanai; full posse-don l-t Inch. 1595. F0! tum: Winn in y to D. 0. DOXUGIIIIE GM UM. y Nth. IM- 89. (cm- ud other pullout: IcDONALD. Cmmaon (hm Jim 1111!. 1893,) New hom- for “Lung Pure Milk Butter from the Pun Solidioflbc nut. ‘h‘o Che-lull or Ii:- u-n lacuna-y Begun-5g AGRICULTURAL WEEKL IES mansâ€: “MW. ' ï¬lm-‘- I'm-e mu: mo... “magma-uremia.†Mb.0mhcflh. mittâ€"1n“. Ind evcry‘hlug In the building line. am II. I an In mm on work. Sash. Doors. Blinds, Mould- ings, Newells. Batasters. When u an band- a homo then“ two thing! he muéocood dry mat-rid Ilndtgemm mark. 33v!“ our nu“ W a Mary nu em- mht only mm uni-km and we ooiy proper {or dust lumbar. I In mums!“ my cum man the hen «mm; In the shape 0! LiflflSflY P18111119, E1â€. lflflflflfll's PURE MILK BUTTER El. MM I." luau 30" “IO. ’0“ ‘0.“ DI‘ on 3“ bid N01. MM“ Iron 9: an "0!. maul. 0'60:- Ewe! m. “spam-IL. mm or :1. Wm: ‘l I“. My OLD ENGLISH counmou 'powosn â€(1mm“ sinceâ€"83 col-313383 aiggsgsgggfltfl 339:3553.’ 519.338 .50 noon- oia boo 93 ga- 3d ggkiguogaoao +£7.32: 3.33.. 8.1% 8233. gargoaalsoiaho: 1:01:01: BRYAN. WHTRAGTGR MSG BUILDER, 10R SALE OR TO RENEâ€"Thou ~munwimmmu Immunmmm known!» In.“ New Advertisemen ts. For “in: o! the Wet lull of to women.“ Mp0...“ thew“: Ind other particular: Apply to ALEXANDER (La. KmahtthLhComdlsdpou. WWW Cm non-nu. m m. GEO. INGLE. "I aka? 0" Tu George Bryan. .Georga Inga ELL-anti), l!!So.0xford sn.8~ddn.l.!. Caston'a. W‘M‘ID 1'0â€" â€"FOB.â€" mm VII No limo: n Hill duiovllfll. 1896. 33660}? Y’S Drug Store. TULIPS. HYACINTHS. NARCISSUS, LILIES, Equ 31...}: 5 2kg); lmï¬orted'afn TaKc my Advuce an 1‘» tr ‘ :35? algifrgmgggeï¬gg 5'36; .. : wxremm The balam'e of my stock of Bicycws to be cleared out at Cost at once. Now is your time for Bargains. cmmgg SALE BMYGLES OHIO! and flanâ€"Eat and of Wol- Ramon-It. andâ€. LINDSAY. LUMBER. SHIRE Kennedy, Davis Son. All Kéa mum and rum. 342,000,000. can mph loom-icy. uni tho-e douiring Me and economi- al lunnnce should plum: their risks with the above couplny. Apply to tho Agent, and all Fiowzriug Bulbs â€"AT_ m with bi! The “A LLIANCE.†We!“ The Greatest Financier J. '. mum. Who-aha Mount-dons of Iron: at the but. man: Why! $31.00.. Bo moon M l‘lekeu between Lind-y end Dom 78 «cu, return sicko“. N. M mm between and-event! seamen to“ “00am. More ticket... 60 cents. uncle 'nckeu between Babes) end 8mm Pomt. co can“. return mum. can that†flokeh OM Exeuudon Tick†It I.- dueed Ilium boprocured t1. MICRO“ Debuts-on. union “1° ML .,___k.- . SIG-4m Lindsay and Bobcaygm Kennedy, Danger: San; Empire Tgbacqgwco. LORD ROTHCHILD, Mills at Bobcat: goon. EEK, Sï¬hiï¬m “ , ammo men um: 41' unamoxv POI“ WEnYS Arr!" LATE. BILL STUFI', LIME and WOOD. PL‘CE YOUR ORDER. wx'raâ€" â€"WI!IN m NEED 0! â€"IN m WORLD .IBâ€" (mesmrdotmmctonocwoldnd mummy. Ends 0] 1?. G. Cornell. R. G. COBNBIL. “mun-m. mm. J. .RIGGS, W um.†Rm)? a ~midi; on very humble w 100 to £00 poncho. on neck: f LUMBER. LIE D8Y. mum M “WW2. ‘I0 I†ESTURION "IDA l the 1m "um I u. JV!!! 1