0013:!†c On ‘ 1 9y evening, . H. Glendennin , _ ash mast" m (ï¬rmsge. dflli'T‘X‘: d the 110“ “air as ‘0: ï¬re Magma. Anccia: hum of Industry: Worthy president and brathrcnzâ€"Tvro “. £1... n v--_d K, weeks ago, when you new no to task of delivering an addressm the “Past, present, and future prospectsof the Patron movement," I was Iqu aware of. the dimculLy in endeavodng to do justice to such a subject in the short time which new one, DU twenty year. intmduced i orders am ssparaw ‘ aims and u‘r-jects a: a leview u: the Pa be incomplete with: Gar-5e. My conne (â€1131' 11:13 hated f to such a. subject in is supposed to be t by an address of t! Gum-50. my Uuuuus. order has hated L )eur-l. and durlqg l dictate as trade. but hes n.dde wculd mt their u'ndi own 10031 3 annual z and menh to-day by reasmabla memu Inc I: do mu than m in; l t Econ t1) 3; trsue. but rather to snow cm hes udder) below app:r.~nt wculu mLLer advise the P; their trading with the womb own local vulagea and Iowa: amuuml advantage to bat! and mcnhau‘r. As a rule gu to-day by the country m1 reasmabla advance on cost. a few that. “would not readily selves of giving a liberal d large gash purchases. such L .Iua nun nhnfllufl made thrmxn "1' association. Tue patrons ah sons, as I believe that nemy all ‘1 Assoqjamunwerg association. Tue patrons should proï¬t by these les- sons, as I believe they will. 1 may state that ueerly all Li the Lilicers L! the Grand Association-were at one time membt rs oi the Grange, and one (f then} tilled the master's chui is tully canversnnt with the working of that order. The experience gained in the Grange is worth much to the Patron 0: ganlmtion. of (inference between 'l'he main point the two orders is the political platform d by the Patrons. The Grange did not enter into active or part y politics. but rather trled to advance the termere’ inter- ests by discerning those questions which were non pntinn, but accomplished much to pave the way by breaking down bitter at; ‘address ct this h ,1 bear with me for no n manv nolnts owing 1104101: 0 it, :uJ-D 3:! LL“ L we bret' v other ca .u. irum any Luann or Wroug- be par: of the parties conccrneo. my :xx years et (nice as hacie- .; Humiulun Grange, wmre 1 an: nun with all the Grange, from L c to the chxï¬c, 1 ie: rug-d that :n as the Imegomg had more L0 ;he breaning up of the Grange )lilu‘ c-auu. 1 give the tercgo- if history not, it: any way to lo how (r where Patrons ahail : rather to show the danger that. an below app: rmtz succeas. Lher advise the Patrons to do ring with the merchan'zs of their Villages and towns, as them is advantage to both the farmer Jam. As a rule goodsare sold the country merchants at a 3 advance on cost. and thu‘e are would not readily avail them- giving a liberal diacuunt upon 11 purchases, such as would be .ugh the purchaalng agent i i any nto But. the Gun order is a ‘1 1'0 Canada. 1:8 and d .re 50 C ,su-on u t-iou lm‘. istlnct, \Vhile o! Louk-kccpllï¬ tent, at mum-s rtiea conccruea ack of lime. comparatively Aka \ou back I: ran trust. you more hwy | the set t. B 18! Ct! 1th two heir was form, have and d {hrs old .V 1‘14 ann Chat to the Oatm- the 111$ch stand own leaner 8hr: ‘wdde bers of the order througï¬ouc I and does much to dispsl the doubt mined in the minds 0! many. viz . thl‘J we Patrons would be absorbed by me 01;! pu‘ues, eat}: member going ban; to hH old lowâ€"grit or Lcry, us the use might ence to myself, but I thousands 0! men in t have felt like mygelt h 3 can. About that. time drawn 1000 a new“: wm rain I ventured to m of tha men of the return 0.3th ‘ commerlcal nlio‘ purity my {hole udw’ca glows no. 1ch he A Enact: d and enthuaiahtlu meel mg: council chamber to hear '1‘: route, explain the p: In in txnducing the speaker the chairman spoke very flatteringiy of Mr. Kelso's spatial ï¬tness tor the positicnwalthough he had expected to meet a mtre elderiy looking man, new rthelts- , from the favor- able rthrts that puceded that gentle- man's vzsit, notwithstanding his youthful appearance he (Mr. McIntyre) was sure the government had made a wire and judicicus appointment. Long before th: re was sny society for this purpose Mr. Kelso had interested himself in making the life of the poor children of the city better. and was main'y instrumental in providing the fresh air outings for them. Mr. Kano then explained that his in- t‘mate association with police work brought him in contact with the poor, the NEGLEC vicious and criminal classes. It was no uncommon occurrence to see girls from 11 to 14 years old, and boys from 6 to 14 year, brought b1 fore the police msgisirnie and treated as it they were hardened trini- nale, which only tended to make them worse. They were often sent to the re" tormetory when their parents were more to blame then they were. He had seen little girls come to the police (nice for protection from their own mothers, who wished them to sell their virtue for money. He saw seven little he) s standing in a row, all condemned to the niormu- tory prison. He became very mt ch sï¬â€˜eot- ed when he said that we sent our children to prisons, orphans, neylums, boye' homee. and such like places. mostly to the furtherance of their downfall, when throughout the country ccmlortoble homee were p:cvided for well: out! children brought here from the old country. puke v--_nï¬ He iohnd there were very my children growing up in very wicked homes with \l LINDSAY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1894. at 11 Au" WDK‘" mien of a 3‘ c 835 children. ï¬lltd the cha 1'- [.,tr.»duclng the an: rs a. whole adeaud “unream ,clry.†Fur dying to expxoss ndent Views upon thou sub. condemned and handlI-d wk by some of those men I had any allied with, bu; than show I d the Society tuned in many. anday evening a representative Dianna met! in; assembled In the will forgive a verso!!! (0193 DULY w housund ‘or the present Patron pom! hereby they place men 0‘ oice, whom inlet eA tanning c155.» 3M“! :01! R r the put seven 5 time I was incidentally newspaper ounuovuay 1 to disagree with some reform pony uh) advo- int-tor," a d later the immune! "unrestricted AQI'LQ to (X01033 m, ear Mr Kclso. o! pxovleions of the nudes tor the cr- y for the relief L! a J. D. Lclnljre to there an ocuntry who dot! pd without I had beet! L \‘ y veto .xtravn- Th6 drunken md clamor-11nd mute, and bolngmlnedtoheoom mus“: Manon-colon. Whmtheuchumn m luqnenfly sent to 53!] they become mmhndenodmdlounudulutodo rescue NIL). “I c J 01121,: mu; â€damn: a horn Vulnot rtfm prom .‘lllcn vuucn van-av... -- --- __.__,, given. Am:- an inureaunx dhcuseion ct the whole subject by Rev. Mums. Marsh. Touen. Shorty, It specter Knight. J udge McSweyn and 01:12:13. a large oommktee was nppnlnted to carry out the rovlslons o! the act and organize a can 3‘ AU Society, comprising the fallowlng ladies andAgengeman-Rev. Mr. Mmh, Rev. on.-_lfl' untjnnnn l)l‘. the municipaiq wnere u. may your would be liable. Much other valuable it farm given. Afar an bureau»: dl the whole nubjeoj. by Rev. Q99 Fun". Doc. flitâ€"B! on 5mm: 0! nouco and Implomoml. “I. I wagon. 8510 It one o'c very they .- 81 LE RA GL5 TEE. . ï¬lmâ€"173; Bllu 30'“. “None". of m 10 con. 1. Pun-Ion hm muck mu. thaw: 0‘ Inn"!!! Lula sen flied tor stlcn b'.’o‘.h".fl‘ titul loam chug-mm ‘ subjcct l t I the pms upon the 6: pa pit.†N xhe anim- nick but (don‘t oould m uhu l (at: and and than 00 ch; AM“ 9000M Ye undo good to humility- “macawâ€"11mm. ‘ ‘ people Inn canned halt u put octagon-19mm. you, the prees u~rts a meter Influence upon the deetiniee at our country then the pa plt.†Mr. Totten and Mr. Hon I: held ille afllrmetivr. while Mr. Foster an Mr. Calhoun spake vegoeonvinein ly in behalf of the negetlve. th pert lee ught out men strong mmenis, but the judsee dee ed in (ever of the negetive on the ground thet they hed ctronger pointr. To eronee the endicnce to their netnnl mood. Met-ere. Flevelle end l’u‘kine were then celled open to: e henjo end gait: r eelce~ tion. The henjr. mendolln end unit: r club In xt undo their epYeeI-enee end de lighted the endietce w th e tty end nvw eeleetien entltled the “ wniu. Thet the eudienee were delighted with the $0006 in muting Me. Petty in eingi e netlenel enthem. The ethletie en illtenryeoeletiee heatothenktheir men who machined their OODOl rt. en trund- ‘eeegledtoee thetthenetpronteh-om ltheooneert. e e deducting ell expaneee, the press u upon the death pu pit," Mr. T lhe umrmotlvr thoun mayo McD noun noon. ham: of mm moan; mG. W. Ball's Jewelry atom Islln- Noun :- Snider. the SDODGCG .0. {0| Cone» WK 6" ympgn for tbc nclpsl mane! nu r.=, Bone and woe much with next and much a banjo. gum rMiIsea Benson. hem. Flavelle. he player! wrrc ch another eelocn wy nun: In by n m: the “DC .1 arte ‘ to sulfa- In mud- I you In I you and [M and Tar at i! “If