[54 HRS!‘ :g the highest number 0‘ any exhibitor. and more MBAY. ON o’clock a.m. t111 at the dELdigâ€"i/‘ï¬m ER SEWING MAG ULAM Fan. in CW :12 Comm†“5' Ont} nuod.) mm .23†ZIOSW’ 4253 30 is? 4S 10 l5 45}? â€A SH SURPL US. .1451?!) BOX U ‘. nzm Reserves Strengthened. n01 «of the Canadian Branch bemdw «m from England. imested in “and!“ Socnnuoq. VJ: NUTS, ETC. APPLY TOâ€" EY GREER, Lindsay ‘18 50 33 msnonnsxn. 4:: won: to the a! mum rgh 218880 ject. foe Insurance. "Bonuses every 3 years. "' .†. . .» a... . - 1700.00.00 __.....,_ . . - meow hm“ “hm- Raw New. “W 3 caii that he had taken a. : to rattan whether that gas was sati~fscsory or not, ue-ï¬ th at in was not: as in} uri- es. He would make amoslon, Mr. My ‘Rumox, that the iveu to the Liudmy Electric in: motion was declared lost Nina: taken. SSBn'tOUGH said that he had am a. qmintance with either .nzlemm interested, nor had 1hr. cadmium, but on listen- repzr: yexrerday he had been m r mm mat: the Par‘:in light ehrill'xant Right. but was more 0 the eyes. Mr. Reesor h~d s and: a list of names of pro- :rus of rbe to am who had been ghr. all of whom highly recon:- f '1' her diacussion Dr. WOOD the committee had apparent- kale liqht on the subj me, he lax-or (t voting for the better .eu'Jdu road it. was mating w r 13:1 ,, as amended was Den 3\ :JUOWS -" IS 9‘9““ 31 )1 11 I! i 11 11 Assurance _(_}_9’y. ssaid that the discussion '0: pave beneï¬cial, but. as nyin the room who kqgw c0 UNTY co U s GIL about: electricity, as Mr. an; he would move that )e heard from. (Mr Par- Lvever, given privilege to wouli suggegn that the refexrad to the standing that further explanation 11 me two parties-Mr 0. Box 143 x, 18'†- 27-11?“ ZDAY, NOV. 30,1894 â€It'd Immediately ,'n conditional Pohcies. mm to Total Abstaine's. .uuu'nm; ON ED‘Ct‘ATKON. f;LConx\\'ALI. seconded ill Valw rug, seconded by Mr. :audlng committee on ‘ to take into consider- n. the advisablli:y of ha, an indigent per . the csunty gao‘, sent. ,ital, Peterbcro.~Car- N1 136 COMMITTEE. tnxanLL, =econded report: of the stand- : any property was rsl: t ma.’1‘he coun- uintee nher on. Mr. ‘ aha i-eparo of m6 :1 prinmng was intro- ‘ut. amendment. Wo y o a ) s cc md b 8d _ . 'clcck. the warden in rs all present. minutes of \Vedces- bic'a were adopted. n: HOSPITAL. i'cuasion then took 15ers received Err-m companQes of the of the cuur: house, . Tne tender of the '. 0:. mpany vua the Tmion. December 31. '93. without. amend lue consideuzion to ldrcss relative to the )l and registry otï¬ce. 1 recehed from b0' 11 business in Lindsay. at the tender of the mcealed wiring and quired in the instalL m all the buildings w.’ lamp and for the he accepted; that a ~vmxm of this com- . ’llmlllt‘n‘, and Mr ml mill authority to l wl lhc county, and lur the fulï¬llment 0t .’ROPET Y COMMIT wat maze )ment of No; ed The :e committee. mch super- wixl ensure factflry and 5 [save to “em 0! the power {or ng of the a? . 115' I“? M with a ’n 01 the 0st. 0! the the 201 09 ~ . v.55 I-o 9:8 [15L mm 9“ the ,0 70 7 5 H A C. Cavana hall charges for report, etc. Head River bridge....... .. . ..... 3 50 Dr J W. Wood, approaches. Talbot River bridge ...... ............ ... S 10 I) G. E Laidlaw Coboconk bridge............ .. Dr. V. C Cornwall, Omemee bridge. .. 4 00 Your committee have considered the resolution of council relative to the repairs and rebuilding of Kin- mount bridge. Your committee cannot recommend any further action than that the clerk be instructed to communicate with the clerk of the county of Peter- borough calling attention to the facts as to the condi- tion of the bridge and the apparent relations 0! the two counties wizh regard to it. \Vhilat assuming no responsibility as to the repairs and maintenance of the bridge. your committee re- commend that, without prejudice, the sum of $5.66, expended by the township of Somerviile for temporarv repairs recently made on the Kinmount bridge, be paid to the municipality. Your commutes recmnneuu paymu... u. and allowances (or services in connecuon Wm as followx :- Wm. Kennedy_ overseer, Omemee Penelon Falh and Coboconk, demls included in reported expendiuure.................. Wm Kennedy, Kinmnunt bridge..... ..... Wm Kennedy. repairs Little Bob hndge.... John Bmley. Buck River nnd Culd Creek REPORT OF THE FINANCE AND ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE. 0 1 motizn of Mr LOWNSBOROUGH. sec- o:-am by mr. MCCBIMMON, the report of the flame? and assessment committee was Feéd and adopted wluhcub amendment; as Wuuluulw-V- ' Your committee recommend that the move of Oxuemee be authorized to sell the unused plank. about 540 feet. purchased {or the Omemee bridge, and account. so the Omemee treasurer. d payment. of accounts Your committee recummeu ‘ ....... L p..:.l.._.. Lu Kcl'uxu . - l. The Umemee bridge has been replanked through out at a Cost of $1M) 65. '2. Owing to the shutting out of the water at the dam in the village of Fenelon Falls during the present fall, the foundation of the piers of the iron bridge were exposed, making an inspection by the overseer of county bridges possible. 1!. Wu found that much 01 the eement had come out of the jmnts of the stone, leaving them open to receive further damage Ad- vunuge was taken of the exceptional opportunity to make repairs, and the work has been done at an out lay of $38.65. 3 The planking and hand rail 0! the Cobeconk bridge have been repaired at an expenditure 0! $42.97. Your committee beg to express entire approval 01 the warden‘a course in authorizmg the foregoing ex- penditures. . -- dd“... _-‘-_.._.....a uni, nu wave a! .LI.‘A“'.III|,A'IIUI\III\ dill . Amr gn! a; Juiémnsidcration to the resolution of w-uncil relu'in: tn :1 grant towards the support of the immc for lhu aged, in the WWII 0f Lindsay. your cumminee rvcnmnmnd am, of! account of the ex-wp'iwnail} I:.rgu ‘xpendimre Incurred by the municipal“) nf Lmdsay‘in the†01 the P00? "“1 sivk during the prcgent year. the sum 01 350 be grantr’d. Your committee recommend pgyment of the follow- ing ucounta, namely :_. Moore QJnckson, Solicitors' â€77106â€... ...-.. S 3 06 Township of Ops amount. Md {or medical ex- ~ uninitionn, brim†lnm°--°°"‘° no. c - 9 m W.A. Jewetmivery. ,9 human"... 1 01 Mrs. Debonh Baldwin. “m we person 6-. ml gm minniona', Dd! W, A. Jewett. livery Mrs. Debonh Baldw in 2:01 ......... Referring to the paragraph or 1. relative to repairs to certain briw authority since the June session, to revon. ' - LU Iul’ulcr lulu-[unuwnm Tne reeVe or Eldon reports that in conjunction mith the commussxoner for the coumy of Ontario, the ap- proaches to the Talbot River bridge on the boundary between the township of Eldon, m Victoria. and the townships of 'l‘horah and Mam, in Ontario. have been placed in good condition. the coat of the work having been equally divided between me two counties. The net expenditure on behalf of the. county is $59 50. Referring to the paragraph of the Warden's message relative to repairs to certain bridges made under ms Mum-in- aim-.0 the June session. your committee beg 0110 WE (rum-.1 relalive to Bry mw cunï¬ncd ir the mnmend that. he be r1 ’etcrbort'uzh to be] ,mnunt lomwrly paid After giving due can our cil rela‘iw m a In home {or the aged, ommittee recommel :xeepti- mall) large a numcipaliv.) of Lmdsa ink during the pro! company‘s barges. Your committee recommend that the communion.- tion from Messrs. McSweyn a Anaersou,respectiug the claim against Mr. W‘ A. McRae, transferred to the township of Eldon. be ï¬led Your c immittee hwe considered the resolution of council relative to the thorou;h repair of the Talbot River bridge on the \‘ictorir. Road between the town- ships of Bexley and Garden, and be: to recommend that the reeve oi Bexley be authorized to make such repair» as he may ï¬nd to be necessary With reference Io the resolution of council resprct- ing the rebuilding o! the bridge on the boundary be- tween the towmhip of Eldon and Thorah across )lcCorqucdale's creek, you committee recommend that the deputy-"eve of Eldon be authorized to act in conju Cllml with a. commissioner for the county of Ontario in making such repairs as may be immedi- ately needed, and to report at the January session as to further requirements. â€A uâ€. :_ “WU-"anon“. nith Wxth reference Io the 1 ing we rebuudmg o! the tween the wwmhip of )lcCorquedale‘s creek, y that the deputy-“eve 01 in conju. cnon withn. co: tun: "1"†u.“ m V.“ .v The new of Du ton has submitted vouchers. which are ~satimfaett'iry, for the expenditure of $69 to, being the balance of grant for roads in Dalton made in 1893. You" committee have consiziered a report from Mr. A !C Cavann, O L.S. relative to the Head River b iilue on the boundary between the township of D ilron in the county of Victoria. and the township of Rama, in the county of Ontario and the resolution of the council respecting the same bridge. Your committee recommend that action upon the report and resolution he dderred until the January session Your committee recommend that no action be taken on the communicmtion o! Messrs Giimour Co asking co-opemtion in raising the bridge at the vil- loge of Noriand. so as to admit oi the passage of the company's barges. . , , ___‘-_,a a.-. or... mxmmnnim- A report has been submitted by the reeve of Lax- toii. who was appointed commissxoner to renew Black River bridge on the boundary between the townships of D iltcn and Digby. giving: full information as to the work and the expenditure Your committ recom- mend that the report be introduced to the council. The recve of Laxton has submitted a report 0! the expenditure 0! Sill!) granted at the J an uary scmiou to absiaf. the municipality 0! Damon. Dizby and Loni:- f-ird iii rebuiliim.r Rush Creek bridge in the town ship of Loxton. accompanied by vouchers for the amount of grant. The total expenditure on the bridge is $250. Your committee be: to express ap- proval of the manner in which the expenditure has batmda.‘ ’a Pr- caealnzu. pouncil resumed at. 1Q o'clock, afier the Mr. 1:11 Jayne Rob-J61 nu. )xpoflonoo ngutes‘ct the last meeting hm. been read “uh Tm“ Troublesâ€"could n“ 3:. an cmbl ““1 Inn Food and wu Though: to be Be- RFPOR’I‘ OF THE ROADS AND BRIDGES yond Hope of Gn,°_3m Reno: gun, â€MIMITTM“ ï¬nd no 13 Now I. Wan ma. On motion of Mr. BRYANS, sccmded by From the 003mm». We» â€Mm."- Mr. WALKER, the report. or the standing commiswe on roams and bridges was read The readers of the Observer have be- ?Cï¬iiowgéipwd without amendment as ' come familiar with the remarkable cures ' -m‘-.4.1 lu- ï¬kn “an A; Dr \Vxllinmn’ Pink uccu nuauu. The reevc of Laxton, as commusioner for the repairs of Cold Creek bridge. on the boundary be tween the the townships of Dalton and Digby, has reported that the repairs moat. urgently needed have been made, and that the Long-ford Lumber Company h we agreed to repair the remainder of the bridge at their own expense so far as the balance of timber pur- chased by xhe commissioner will go The expendi- ture reported 31850.41) ,, ,lr.L_.:an "Rank-" mkinh proGal of the been made. class cc‘ tiï¬~ at primary cemt‘ O : motion of Dr. CORN“’ALL. seconded by Mr. McFmLANE, appllcation to the honnmb‘e the minister of education was read and adopted without amendment as follows :7 That your petitioners are informed 3rd believe that persons who Write for and obtain what is known as e district teacher’s certiï¬cate which enables them to engage in teaching in the Muskoka and other districts of the province, are not. in the ex-tmiuation pres- Cl'lbcd, rupured to exhibit knowledge 0! all the subjects prtbcl'ihtd for persons who write fora primary or third chi» nnn professional certiï¬cate some of the onntted subjects bung: essential to efï¬cient teaching. That notwithstanding the abwnce of certnm subjects [mm the examination tum district certiï¬cate DEFAUES Mm huld themr are permited- to attend a nmlnetlons etc.Boboey|reon.. ...... .. S 50 20 Been! of examiners. cumming bookkeeping book: ..... 13 00 G. W Benll stationery for entnnee mm! neuonn, Went \‘lctorln.. .. .. .. . ...... 30 15 Your committee recommend that the sum of 32 70 be deducted from the mount included in the ecceunt for expenses of entunee exemimtlou ll. Fenelon Falls {or nilonge of E. Muigrove, end the whole account. for expenses of entrnnce exemimtlone nt Fenelon Fella, Klrkfleld end Oekwood, be penned nt 8229 95. Your committee recommend that in the future the fee of $6, provided for by the school regulntions be charged to all pupils who naply tor lave to write et the high school entrance nod public school leaving examinations conditioml, hammer. on the same fee being collected by the bonrds of educetion of Lindsay and Omemee. PETITION TO THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION. Your commune h“. ooh-Idem 0:. Minuet: o! oounul harm “on to Imam: on um condition holdu- uuhon‘ mm :5 adam- ed to hlgh nohoolnopu "mull" lacuna-clu- «mums Ir. J 0 Swornâ€! was] 03th. 0011 Mo lnnlum nd Ir.J .KB. â€human: 0: no oolu for an “curb. «and commune um pm much luau-u nd i nmflnlnlom- nuou mun. Ibo quo- on. It â€pm-no your commune 0m. pol-noun who "It. torud obula the mulch amm- unllo‘to. Ind who dam to wow cm. mm nndlu 0an 3n «hum our Itudcn‘ who uko tho whole the main count. up ‘0 n wad clu- «mum. Your committal»: loan to hmoduoo I mammal to tho mini-tor o! oduottlon embodying certain objection-to am noon: pmuu And uklnc that. u chug. be in 1“ sad regplulonn » _ _ _ “Y iii-‘Einmitm recommend mum of amount: I: {allow : -- Bmd o! examiners, gxponm. ontnnco ox lash-uh mum Ina-Mucus†m 0 c gun oil then adj ourne services in conn3cclon wnh bridges have considered the resolution of lirynn Martha. an indigent. person the (:uunLy gun], and beg to re- )0 returned to St. J nseph's hospital, he maintained at. $3 per melt, the {save of “mm â€Juana x: THE CANADIAN POST, LINDSAY, ONTARIO, m1)". NOVEMBER 301894 Dr. Williams’ Pink Pill: are manufac- tured by the Dr. Williama’ Medina Com- pany, Brockville, Out... and Schenectady, N. Y.. sold in boxes (nener in loose form by tne dozen or hundred, and the public are cautioned against numerous imitations sold in this shape). at 50c. a box, or six boxes for $2 50, and may be had of all druggiats. or direct by mail from Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company, at either address. "Ulla, nuu uv sou-u...J Pink Pills all the credit for his rlajuvenated condition. and says he believes their timely use SJVGd his life. The Observer has veriï¬ed his story through several of : his neighbors that he was at the point of ‘death when he began the use of Pink Pills; in fact when we mentioned his case to one of the doctors who had attended him he said he supposed he was dead long ago. When such strong tributes as these can be had to the wonderful merit of Pink Pills it is little wonder that their sales reach such enormous proportions, and that they are the favorite remedy with all classes. Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills contain the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing speciï¬c for locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance. sciatica, neu- ralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, nervous prostration. all dis- eases depending upon vitiated humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysi- pelas, etc. They are also a speciï¬c for troubles peculiar to females, such as sup- pressions, irregularities and all forms of weakness. In men they effect a radical cure in all troubles arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of any nature. , _ _> w.---vâ€"n.- Va - autumn, ï¬l‘l'Vhlls v-v-vv, V.,, by good physicians and trying numerous remedies recommended. A year ago last August he was taken seriously ill while at his sister’s, Mrs. Dollofl', of Dixville. He could not retain anything on his stomach and the physicians who attended him were powerless in improving his condition. One of them stated that he had cancer of the stomach and could not live long. It was while in this precarious condition that be determined to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and before long was able to retain food on his stomach. His pain gradually became less, and in six weeks time he was back to his home in Averil, feeling that he had obtained a new lease of life. He continued taking the Pink. Pills for some time longer and gained so much in health and strength that he is now able to do the hardest kind of a day’s work, and he frankly gives Dr, Williams' Belt»; and D. lby, was receivea and had : without amen menb. NICE Tamas ABOUT ran WAanN. Mr. WALKER said it there was nothin I betore the cannon he would move, seeon - ed by Mr Bmmus, that the thanks or this ‘ conrcu are due. and are hereby tendered Mr. E Rottu tn. warden of this county f )r . the yes 1-: 1894. in the able and eiï¬ sient 5 manner in which he has discharged the duties of his oï¬lce, end for the courteous manner in which he on all occasions tul- flUed the same with credic to himselt and f respect to. ghe membcr: o_t th's council. tum Sulmubhc. mount. to “m...- IIIuODOOOIIIOIQOIOOIOI 00-... .0 Andrew Juno». ab hirc prison: to ution . 80 Spool-i cumlttcc. to high cohooil. m .‘0. IM Juwo.unuuu.. gnu-unnâ€" I710 Tho manta. to when wcrc cntmctcd the duty at urging upon thomvinchl "taunt tho content to tho count o! mount cl con-in chi-u for up». ï¬nial-union o! Junttco. but upon“ thnt nctwithnnndinc thcir alum. tho mate but“! tucd. Thmhuhoonncdto your committee n 9 ct a communication m- tho stunt mum to ncuornuo.tbc provincial mount, tho tutu ct which your committco bot to cndom. Your com. mlttco mum thnt tho connlttco compo-ca ot the mu. tho cit-imam cl thi- conuittoc nnd tho mitt-at tnuuror. bo continued with pour to not on behalf cl tnocountand i! noon-nu to In!!! um i pen-mm, the right 0! the county to "cognition nnd mutant o! the claim You committee "comm-mi that tho tum oi m ho pdd to tho choirmu o! tho minding commttcoon county property. in mknowlodgencnt of hi: unico- bctwcon an anion- oi the councu.‘ . __ __ The readers of the Observer have be- come familiar with the remarkable cures effected by the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People through their re- cital in these columns, as taken from other reputable newspapers. It is now our purpose to tell them of a cure, hardly short of miraculous, which was effected on a person with whom many of our readers are vau :inted. We refer to Mr. Eli Joyce, formerly of Dixville, but now liv- ing at Averil. Vt. A few days ago we saw Mr. Joyce and asked him about his recovery. He stated that for four or five years he had been been afflicted with rheumatism and dyspepsia. He was laid up and unable to do anything on an aver- ,‘Ig _____ "r "’7" " v ' age four months in a year, and was con- atantlyAgrpwing worse, although treated c unci'. The N wember session was then brought ‘vvv -v -v __-__-V_ “i‘Txe motion was carrieif inï¬nlmonsly by a :z‘angipg vote .... ‘--A,,j _____ Tim WARM»: replied In brief and appro- priate t: nus. thanking the c )unc'l fer the kindness shown him on this and on many other cccasions. H 5 hoped that the mem- bars would be 1mg spared to attend the \‘uur commlm recommend met one m: the mount. 0! ï¬ne impoled recently by the county police muslin-ate lur unlawful drlvlnz over tneRoeedele brldge be to the complement In con-Identical o! In: rem or the intona- ot the county. BLACK RIVIB BRIDGE On motion rf n- Buun, seconded by Mr. Reason, the report 0! the commission. or opp gated so rcpelr Bhok River bridge, , _- ALA ‘-___Ll_- A. er a p lntod to repair also: must unugv, 9n t e boupgary between th'oiggwgaylpe or _--J COMBINATION OF TROUBLES WHICH MADE LIFE MIdER- ABLE. I d 0108‘}. iilEUJm'N: AMI DYSI’EI’SH. SunIIght 8082. â€"Bamember we have the choicest styles of WEDDING Sunomr constantly In stock at this ofï¬ceâ€"u. Fer away gnome-a in most secure. «new to Cure Hummus-u." Simply apply “SWAm's Omxu-r.†No Internal medicine required. Cum fetter. eczema. Itch. ell eruptions on the face. heads, noee eta, leaving the ekln clear, whlee end healthy. Ice greet heel- ing and omtlve powers are poueeeed by no other remedy. Ask your dxuzgiet for Swnrxz's 011nm. regnlstes the d the organ, lnvlgontee the kidneys an liver. tonee end builds up the entire system. curee Serotnle. Dyspe - eta. Catmh and Rheumatism. Get :1 a and only Hood's. Beyond 001::on Are the good qualities poeeeeed by Hood's Sueeparme. Above all It purulee the blood, thus etrengthenlnz the nu- ea; It A presldent of one of our callegee says: “We spent many sleepless nights In con- sequence of our children 31: ed from ends. but this never occurs now: e as: Scott's E nnlslm and lb qnlckly relieves pulmonary troubles." It is well known that the ladies of Cmada ( { ,en experience trials and tribula- tions in the household management. These small but irritating troubles can he avoid- ed if a little one and common sense is exercised. Women who go on sutfering these little miseries have themselves to blame, as they sufl'sr through their own carelessness and inexperience. To day. one great source of annoyance in the household is the use of peer imitation dyes for domestic dieing. In some sec- tions of our land, e ladies have lined up their voica against them in a we which cannot be m's mderstood. These in - tation dyes have caused not only great loss of material and money, but anger and heartachs as well. All these domestic trials and tribulations are avoided when Diamond D es are need. By their use work is we and quickly done ; results are always ï¬nd, and the colors are brilliant and last 3. Ladies who have used Dia- mond Dyes fer iha last ten years know their tworth and lhilizies. Avoid all i tetion dyes an always insist upon getting D.amond Dyes from your druggist 3r dealér. SUNUGH' Has proved by its enormous sale that it is â€"B-)b Fitzglmmona, the puzmst. struck Con. Riordan. his sparring 001'. a blow on the chin st Six-sense. .Y.. the other night. and he died from the meets. Tao blow was unlnmntlonn). â€"J ohn S J ahnnov, the mck b'cyelllt. has again smashed foul-.0! hla ow 1 mania Tau-a runny seems to be no limit to this earl: of thing. â€"Tha tastes? pzc'mr rccands this «own are :â€"RJberc J.. 201$: John R. Gown 2 one; Joe Px‘c-‘Iou, 204: the two-you-ald colt Directly. 2 07}. M-d Fqlug Jib. with a running mate, In 1 5‘3}. Use Only the Reliable Diamond Dyes. Avoid Trouble at Home. ' Of thi .' «aid he. "I am sure: You on far more likely to get men into the houne of God from the open fields from the gardens. from the parks. from galleries of beautiful picmm. from museums of natural curiosities from public libnries otgood booksâ€"from all these into the house of God than from the public house or solitary rooms of dismal home." (Loud applause ) â€"I m: is now champ'on billiard player of Am- rte}, having (Id-sated Schuler In the six gsmes last week bv 3.!!!) to 3.071. Every mom): mod: guarding both my: The Very Rev. S. Reynolds Hole. the talented dean of Rochester cathedral. England who is makinga tour of Canada and the United States. lectured in the Massey hall. Toronto. on Monday evening last 0n the question of Sunday omen- vnnce the eminent. Anglican divine admin- istered some hard rape to those who favor a puritanical Sabbath. He said "he did not see why the Lord‘s day should not be aday of rest and innocent recreation, as well as womhip (Applause) He condemn- ed rich self-indulgent persons who are id c for six days a week and on the seventh cannot spare one single hour from their servants work. The poor mm should not be restricted from innocent enioyment. ' 0f thi .' said he. "I am sure: You are The dirtiest principle often mu 1 dhmond tud The report of the communion eppoinoed toinveetlgete the strike of. the Pnllmnn works. Chic-go, hoe been issued. Mr. Pullmon ewore the: the oompony were loeing money end m bed to be reduced in consequence. In looking over the hooke the commission found that. the proï¬ts of the compenv bod been 8155).“ (or the year ending Jul lot. [893. end they had increased to $2. .000 (or the year ending July let, 14. 'ihot was losing money with a. vengeance. Idle words have led to noxious m. â€"'1'he Nancy-nude nan com. time can threatened to remove it. m-ienltnrel in. plcment inctory to United Santa noâ€. end int-with the Omn government inane-ed the are-beck on the duty pad by the Gun iromiio rcent. towns: cent. The: menne thnt ï¬rm gnu heck nil the duty pnid into the mum-y. The hint! having succeeded in nonunion “better terms." the company hnve signiï¬ed their intention oi remnining in Cnnndn. He um rides cannot. dwayu aka bl: choice 0! mad: of any soap in the arket. Millions of women throughout world can vouch for this, as is they who have proved its value. It brings them less labor, grater comm mucuonunozmmmm godly In the Panel: mow. 81m tho mofhmâ€â€œâ€œ'“""°m mamimmmw' ""m' Mae. The best value for the consumer Pusan '11-: 35v. Bolt. HERB AND I'HIRB Genet†sporting Noto- 301108111: 1mm Otherwise we would tell you how many hundred Wedding and Engagement Rings we have sold during the past year. It would be interesting to know some of the things we know, but “mum's the word.†We never tell. Another lot of Beauties just in, ranging in price from $2 to $20. If you want given “at 3 Court an and um Act. by Hi Town Hall, in the Village of Oakwood can that. Four-um ol pronto 31m to. pane} the best see them. Mal...... ...... .. “unnumm Actual-Id funds........... m.†lust-din Mu..." ~31mndpnmlumnlowuuy aunt “been . muumntotlo-apmptmd "hen! mules: “amino! thi- comm “lord $131an In ltpodcct «cum mum ‘un. mm m or DECEIBEB,_ 189;. VOTERS LIST COURT. Township of HA I â€mayonnoodnocul ' '61]? Eff-«u Ioulr r nu...â€" TAFT "08. IEMGIIE 00-. ROCHESIER. “Y. orgpw_Btg_ng§. - 13 Adclmdo 51.. \ . “1.- A l\:__. Gu-mun On!- Munch-on Founder to mated to do on und- 0! Ms. W at human nu mm, «0.. 50mm» mac. N.B.â€"TwomN-WWW â€nonfatal. chap. A: ASTHMA. The ï¬nest Prepsntion in the World Delica‘e Stomach-9. hrgg_30ttl nu. 14m my“!!! LINDSAY FOUNDRY JOHN MAKINS: Ne w A d vents amen ts. Ne w Ad vor â€:0an ts. ’ RENT.â€"T'0 bl York-n. APP')"°3"'“ AND oLoEiTzwéï¬nâ€"wcs couuxx‘ a He Pinr 13300 901' ___ -â€"â€"‘v ï¬ FIRE AND LIFE. Jewelers and Fancy Goods. 52 Kent-st, Lindsay Guthrie is Dr. Samuel Pitcher‘s prescription for name. at! Children. It contains neither Opium. Romaine not other Narcotic substance. 1: is a harmless substitute for Puregorie, Drops. Soothing Syrups. end Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years’ use by Millions of Mothers. Costoria destroys Worm nud nun†fmrishness. Castorin prevents vomiting Sour Curd. cures Dinrrhmo and Wind Colic. Castoriu relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatuleney. Custom assimilates the food. regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Ces- torin is the Children's Panncexr-tho Mother’s Friend. Lt": nuarm '1'. . HIGINBOTH AM’S Drug Store. NDSAY FOUNDRY Agent (or bind“! H'UTGHAN 8: CO., coats!“ Conpsny. '17 Hurray Shoot. Mdthnll R am- Ynghl'i 5'03! M not an. up all M8“ {or tear of mflgï¬ui'. 9.“ Eastern. r. c. 2.21.03. ‘WJ RIPOSA GUR§§ FREE Atï¬ggmbotbam. in the Wadi for Children or Women w.th Luge Bottle. Plenum to take. and only 25 w ts gt Egghan a: Go. John Manna (V What is war-nu We Never Bragg Cu tons: White Pine Balsam ANTS}: GREATâ€"- JOHN MARIN S . M! M thin 12m dly d Nowâ€. A D 1994 W. I O'BOY Al Width. III-:~;;§;|Ein}vgԤ-aï¬;xnÂ¥:t mgr-tangle- then!» The ‘ Luw, """"â€"""" " Nonhcrlym anurl “man-yo! the and molof ' m s. pmdghim “avg-dud may wrltlna, 510' m. , pun-l ‘- m nan ' *MWMW‘W. ’0’ 0000103 M‘ mmufl'mpu mun-5.6% onllorddnu .n‘, ,__ Mimiâ€"Fat coda; tho loflovdll origin! momma. {or and. Md Idling ad convoy-lag use mwmmmmm bunny: All the ori- gin] memos {on-cod big buns-402% In the nhié. except um. pol-don w emu. Remark ndI-uncodurodflvonm Sondra-u “all. 0! add PUBLIC NOTICE. tor-slacks». Awlvuo Williaminï¬. IN‘ 0"?†of Max and reason '0'. “mu“: m Its-mu no m. M... New York City. ‘lnn Imam. mum. lu-ull. mute bun new. with choice of territory. I-Zw-ry- body mood- on: Roads all the time. Buy Hull-vi. Mg proï¬ts. Men sud Women mud. No es mrlenoe noedcd. war» or pu- “leI- 0. ram d Remedy. ptodmchfldmu nnd cvcnthing in the building 1 «~00un all and mm our wot. ‘flllu ; Lumen, snmoua, nun. BILL awn, i 1.qu and woon. Best and most advanced methods thorough/y taught in Book-keeping. Banking, Penmanship, Commercial Law, Arithmetic, Shorthand Type- wrltina. Etc. I-or Gimlm and other Inï¬mna 2 Brooms [or .256. 10 Bwrs Electric Soap. 250. 6 Dozen Clothes Plus. 106. Second-hand Coal and Box Stoves and Stove Pipes. Business College ware. Crockery, Glassware, Kniveu‘ozks and Loolnng Gluten Na clonal B 11:13.9: legega Badateuda. Mam-uses. Springs, Tgblea. Chairs. Sideboards. Lounge: and Cook Stoves, Tin- The Auction Mart. opp. Benson House Startling Facts Fur Sensible People OIHCI sad vanâ€"Ian end of We! "um-ct Inaâ€. LNDBAY. The “ALLIANCE,†Kennedy, Davis Son. ma All Kinds of LUMBER. The above are fact: which it will be to your interest to invun'gaee. The Greatest Financier Soak. Doors. Bands, Mould- ings, Newella, Batastmrs. When 1 non bulldu u home than I: m mu. cooddn mun-Jud flinch-work ova 20y."- uporbuoe la the Mary line plm 1m: only an! clu- workmen and we on modetor an ninf lumber lumnbletozi W! 1 men the but ewryuning in tho dupe of Lindsav Planing, Mill. map! 51 ll mumâ€"ammonia... Allworkdooomh mm and 6M Wu: 3 amt-Icy. EFL] nuouon m to country work such on C urobos School onus. nod .11 kind-o! Public and Prime Buildings. I on tho pup-ad to do Blgh Bulldill'l Mum o! luv â€cured vb» I. known as 1 Swing! Wold. Buildup troln 25 M to no hot. done a: an. m 88 “Ill-Id. Get Your Painting Paoerhanging Etc. JAs. H. LENNON. lunch locum mm tat. Mind-Manualwm'n Staring them in the Face. 81 0-6:: «um um Roam. “newâ€. oflf Nodâ€. 001, SN! 1894 â€"M-l LORD ROTHCHILD, banana-In... I.†m Kennedy, Dans Aâ€? Son NATIONAL GOING"! All) BUILDâ€, glow]: 3mm. In y The chapel: pine in the County to buy A. MOORE. Mills at Rotten. neon. L J . O’BULLWAH. 0. I. Jae. H. Lennon INDSAY- GEO. INGLE. 0913:1931; Gag-go Inggg; IN THE WORLD IS R. G. CORNEIL, A. loan wannaâ€"uh. Ludo-v DO" IT .\' NEH! L. .00â€. m. JRDER “1THâ€" une 0 than in m thing-7| ring ante sud economi- rflsks wflh the show: It Bivinx Ind on- 3’ WP" lead ing