HUI!“ a: nun- However, after the shock of the affair had worn off a bit, the girl made a rally and showed her spirit. Feeling herself to be perfectly innocent gave her great strength. 1 have always believed that it was Lord Dudley who engaged the hwyer to defend her and hunted out the points in her favor, and it was ecrnething great- ly to his credit. Ben J ohneu n we: furious with the girl because she had spoiled his game, and furious with me because I had brought about his capture. He was not an educated man, but he was gifted with powerful assurance and natural cunning, and he completely deceived his lawyer and the police and general public. He admitted threatening Lady Dudley with the knife. While the menace had caused her death, no doubt, it wouldn’t be a. hanging ofl'ence. He might be transport- ed for life, but his lawyer hoped to get him off with 15 or 20 years. His acces- sories might escape with a shorter period. 7 ' ‘ L- ,7 _J._L‘ A... More. saucy HUI-WV . “Ilhdllun whonI got ready :0,†ran my blunt aply. sir! I has power “ 110 mm but. to I shaman to loan m but), not! to lock them up it thay don’t :36on on any court. chad unit- 1 horn!» cu m diap- “35.6“!†’ to yonrhok handling the: one gt the A Story m 01111133 OF THE WATER-WITCH. insisted on (Continued from last week.) but for the police. Neither did I in: @auadinu gag. I - Hp meagved me very kmdly, exp _ .sboliahed j For C011 115 I hadoomo out ofinend he“ g , . . i . : qufisy Bron‘ : tothomatte: of the rowadfndlrgfmod 3:13;: ; ohms, Sore : , p pennyof it, to m. groans busim . throat etc. . iutminhment, bnshtor on I could not an Inca j ' ’ : {well rain-e the gold watch, telescoize, viotcunp . ltllY.WAflOl‘¢O..mmm-o. . chronomem and otha giftsho lent me There ‘ '°""""“- :_ Whit-chief stewud, together with his Aollhnrlia - re :1 p 10†g y or Thrilling Adventure on Land and Sea. FRIDAY. NOV-E m; but. 113"†on“, In did not 'Il'x Gray’s ‘ahdunWJâ€"mier hid all the evideneethet was wry to eonvies them. Ihsdbeendhgnrged t .AsJohnmnwuhddtotheauimthe .- gul end I must be detained uwixneeeee; 5 I0 the chief of police could not heve driven me away if he had set ebout it. We had to give bonds, end it was Lord Dudley himself who fuininhed them. It so 'heppened- the: the term was near at hand eqd the cue would be disposed of bad scrape, but, nevertheless Captain Clark felt it his duty to growl at me : 1 “ Now, Ralph, you you see the con- sequences of a sailor man idling about on land, and I hope it willbe: warning to you for the rest of your hfe “ But one must see his old mother now but otherwise she must not expect it. The land, Ralph, was d trees and hedges and villains, and no true sailor who fears God and wants to live an honest life has any business outside of a seaport. I hepe I shall get no wickedness through this trip up here, but I feel shasy I wouldn’t have had this happen for a £10 note.†On his trial in the higher courts Ben Johnson was impudent and deï¬ant, and perfectly reckless as to consequences. He and he threatened my life in open court, ‘ d effort to assault his old sweetheart with his ï¬sts. Had he been a different man the jury would have dealt more leniently with hm, no doubt. There were those who said he would only have been punished for attempted robbery. As it was, he made everyone around him realize that he was a desperâ€" ate and eveugeful man who ought to be ' ‘l ~L â€"-- Ida .nn_ life. 1113. “ You’ll never get me‘helf way there I" he shouted when the 1udge pronouced sentence. “ I warn you, judge, jury, lawyers, witnesses and all, that for every week I’m a prisoner I’ll have a life." They had given him the full extent end could do no more, and everybody felt relieved when it was known that he was handcuffed and shackled and chained to the wall. . ‘ , Lâ€" _-A .50 DUI-I. wry-‘6‘"..- ._.___ , . put away for lite. and that was his son- tenceâ€"tnmwortmion to the pond colony in Australia for the term of his natural Lord Dudley’s sister had come to pre- side at the castle, and both were perfectly willing to have Mary Williams take her old place. The girl would notgo back, however. With all the gossip of the country roundabout, and with the col- umns of stuff printed in the newspapers, she felt disgraced for life, and was anxious to get out of the country. Her parents felt the same way, and one day her father came down to Uncle John Hampton's inn to make some inquiries of . me regarding Australia. I h‘d made three trips to the. country and had picked up a smart bit of information. When I had told him all I could, he said : “Mother and me might stay on and live it down, but Mary would grieve her- self to death. She was proved as inno cent as a baby,- but she knOWs she'll be pointed out for years to come, and that certain people will be flinging out, and so we'll pull up stakes and go. †When Lord Dudley heard of this to- solve, he called upon Fa'mer Williams and paid him a fair price for his land and stock, and it's my belief that he also paid the passage of the thxee out to Australia besides. They had only decided on going when I returned to Liverpool. and I thought I had seen the last of them, though the thought upset me more than I dared admit to myself. To be honest with you, Iliad fallep in love with Mary A Ali..- _A-.‘A Din-en would 06 “WIDE W F; _â€" _. ,__, “ But it will give the ship a bad name," I pron-bed. ‘ “Not in this one, I hope, though we must take our ohonoefl. You I00, the govemment ht! been in the habit of chartering my old tub thot could he got hold of chap. There’s 3 puhlh outcry again-t tending out convict uhigl thot m so unleawozihy thtt bound to do for 15h! grant .do nbont orou gpey you black: tron or mun. " What‘s the meening of all this '1 " re. peated Csptein Clark, as I found him overseeing the workmen in the hold. “ Well, Ralph, we've got a. government charter for Botany Bay.†“ What! The Water-Witch to go to Australia with convicts l" ‘ “Exactly. Don't ï¬re up about it, man, until you learn the particulars. Things are very doll in the carrying line, end if we hadn't got this chute: we may have been idle for weeks. We didn’t jump at it, I assure you, but yet we looked upon it as s lucky stroke, there are n score of crafts in port 'hldl would be willing to Rey us apremmm. bound to do for them. There's slno 3 grant .do nbont crowding the men an if they were black: from ‘he African cont. Certsin papers and public men luvs been raining ; gran-t row on this lubjm while you’ve been in dry-dock 3t Dudley, and the upshot of the nutter is flat the government In going to try n exped- mont." A “ At the loss of our ropntgtion. Why, An unpleasant surprise united use on my strive! st Liverpool. The Water- Witch hsd been thoroughly reï¬tted for see, but was in the hsnds of e gsng of mpenters end blocksmiths as she lay in her berth, J -n n.:- '1» “L Po: 1th and Darymumtm w» CHAPTER IV. Omnin To keep these men the ship was convened » as it were. esch csge to : hold 20 men. The entrance to them wss by way of the hatches. The cages were of iron, and made ss strongss in a prison. There were banks for the prisoners, and portholes gave them light sod air. In the rear of the third cage was ï¬tted up what is known as a “ brig,†or dark cell, for the conï¬nment of refractory prisoners. The remained of ' the hold‘ was taken up With storage, staterooms snd cabins. In the days of which I write a convict ship often carried out as many as 3550 men and women. The law lsid its hand hesv- ily upon every wrong-door. Offenders who would not get more than three months in j ail to-dsy were then sent swsy for ï¬ve or ten years. The embezzler and the murderer were treated alike until they arrived st the Bay. Then s little difference was msde in the favor of the former, though the place was a hell upon earth for 311, according to every man’s testimony. Where a. big batch was taken the government sent along from eight to twelve msrines and an ofï¬cer to take entire charge of the pris- oners. In our case the contract only bound the government to furnish a doctor. We must ship hands enough to *4 T-E-I_ 60 male convicts. secure the hold of uUUI-Vl. n v â€"â€"_- guard the convicts and land them safely at Botany Bay, and the ship must pro- vide its own ï¬rearms. We went about these matters in good faith and with an eye as to what might happen on the voyage unless we Were fully prepared for trouble. There were hundreds of men looking for an oppor- tunity to work their passage out. We bargained wizh seven of these men to pay their way by acting as guards. The odd man had been a sergeant of infantry and was to command the guard. We bought a dozen muskets and plenty of ammunition, and one day, when almost ready to receive the prisoners abaard, the captain said to me : " R lph, there's no knowing what may happen with 60 desperate Villains aboard. I understand that nearly all our Prisoners A uu‘vlâ€"‘w--â€" --_.._ i are long termers and over half of them are going for life. I am going to arrange the main cabin so that we can tum it into a fort if necessary.†Our quarters comprised a main cabin, a dining-room and three state-rooms. The roof of the cabin was elevated about two feet above the deck and was lighted in part by a. skydght in the cm re. Each stateroom had a. window looking out on deck, and the dining room had three or four. The entrance to the dining mom was in front. Well, what we did was to secvte iron shutters for all the windows looking forward, each shutter having a porthole for musketry and likewise iion plates which could be clamped on benea9h the skylight if the emergency arose. Then the bulkhead between cige No. 3 ï¬,‘ onh whhhhuavunï¬oï¬oflp to Bonny Bu goo- totlobmsudor into the and trade on but "mm. All Ilï¬ppuu sun to look upon be! via: distrust und (ii-gnu ma ska." ,,|_ .._-.. thn vuv vu-u_'â€"â€" . and the passengers’ quarter: was provid- ed with portholee and made bullet proof on well. For the cabin deieme we got. four donble-barreled shot gone and two rifles. This would give “I, ip caee_of e toanympouengeaoowell. You will undentond tho: l on now writing of o motto: molly belonging to theloo‘gm- erotion. It in o good many you: sine. the penol oolony n Botony Boy woo obolished ond since Englond eeoocd to send her convicts out of the country. It is o matter of history tho: threefonrtho of the sheep growers and o good shore of the business men of the biz islond to-doy con troco their oncestry book to the con- vict comp ot. Botany Boy. 0 These were no Incomes! rnnnmg to Aostrolia in_those_ doyo. hide from the LL-“ â€"m mnftl ‘8†VII Dwu- “â€"9. ..__VV. _ charged, and yet higher than by en but only n for vote emignnt craft, taken, and the accommodations were very good. The Wear-Witch had - nly a min hold,which bed a dep of uh .ut nine feet. Our contract called or the carrying of 60 male convicts. To keep these men - - n .1 _ -L:_ â€"-- Ann-Alina row, six good arms, to say nothing of the oï¬oera’ pistols and whnt ï¬rearms the pluengen might have. You will observe that I have left the seven guards entirely ouitflin my ï¬guring. Q'vn. I _,, _,-j__ A. When the, “inter-Witch was ready to receive the convicts, u government in- spector came aboerd, end he found every- thing in ï¬rst-clue ehepo. Our pueengen chine ï¬retâ€"encly 20 of them. Whom do you suppose the tint three were? When 1 ï¬rst clopped eyee on- them I an no taken check the: I stood open-mouthed and could not utter 3 word. They were Mr. end Mire. Willi-me and their dough- ter, M . It wee six week- Iince I hud left Dnd ey, and I had received. no news of them wheteyereince _my dewtore. ‘ Iknow, of come, am he had been sentenced to tunnporhtion fol life. but it Ind never occurred to no thut he might be mow; the m of 60. The (and: aimed him 3nd were handing him dong when ho ought light of Mary an! be: puenb. Ho united in u: insane an: they won gag-gangs, u}! thou III 5 ,l!_ n_-- -_ L- V. Ive-v.- u-â€"-'â€" -â€" ___- “ Well, Ralph, lt'e thie wey," eeid the fether, ee I expreeeed my estoniehlnent. “ Everybody known the girl in innocent ee e behe, but ehe cen't ebide notoriety. We'll go out Auetrelie end have e look eround, end if thinge don't eult on we een return in e couple of yeere. I'd forgotten the neme of your oreft, end “'0 pleued I em to ï¬ndthetweeretoeeil with you.†> 1 can't eey thet Merv seemed over- pleeeed to ï¬nd me there Indeed, ehe eeemed considerably put out ebout it. While I my not heve been dieteetefel to her pereonelly, yet the eight of me kept ell the pee: in mind, end rho hed teken her trouble: very much to heert. She ehook bends and mede en efl’ort tohe friendly, end thet wee ell I could expact. Of the other 17 pee-enur- there were {:3 o: devil'iTh token ' out: yonlmheouho mm V'uww e v w.-. himeelf eeeme boued to pley into my hende on this trip. Three cheers for Ben Johneon'e luck I " The girl end her petple were no bedly knocked out er I wee, end hed wenot been ell reedy to weigh enehur they would heve quit the brie end forfeited their peeeege money. Mery hed to be led below, end her tether declered to me thet nothing an earth could heve induced him to teke peeeege on the Wear-Winch hed he known thet Johnwn weetobe one of the geng. He wee, perhepe, the moat deeperete men in the lot. but the gen: ee e whole wee one of the worn- ever emherked. When they hed been diydided end eeged the oï¬oer of the gnero eel : “ I heve hendled et but 50 genge of convicte in my time, end I tell you that no ehip ever hed e wotee one under hetchee. There ere plenty of men efloet end on shore who ere willing to bet two to one thet you never get no fer e- the cepe of Good Hope. You mnet wetch these fellowe night end dey. If you get cereleee for e dey they'll cepture the chip and cut the throete of oï¬oere, peeungere end crew e1. the ï¬rst rush." We hed e nailing crew of 14 men. Each hed signed for the round trip end knew whet the cergo would be, end yet when they new whet e villeinone geng hed come eboerd, at leeethelf of them would have deeerted hed there been eu opportunity. We were 06', however, end it wee neeleln to growl or lement. Jnet es the towboet hed got our ceble e wherry dropped elongeide, end e letter wee bedded up for the centein. It we: bedly written end epelled, end ite contentl were enother done for up, It reed :_ -â€"Vvâ€" _-__ _, “ I think it my duty as u: hone-t mu to tell you tlnt at lent one of your mind: In a ftiend of Ben Johnson, 3nd will stop {- noxhing to hfllp him take the ship. 80 on your guard.†“-“v v- v--. 3, md each Ind its cuptain 'or boat. Every man Ind his own tin plate and cap. The ï¬rst. mg to come up was No. l. A ludder, which wu_kopt.o? dock when not I AL- IA_- “ What. 1 And mum! Why, nun the gamma»: of 60a dupe-Mo villu'nu u‘mmchnimâ€"uochmahull duh- aduuu tad plans. chum a, vamp: u mutiny, ï¬nd text fat than our, d3, fur {not or ï¬ve months. pnnhb the n- hut-Irv. look out for licking“, sud had 0 expected of me "' exdeined tho you: . m in tone- of unwise and fright. “ I didn't know the: 1 would over come in content with e oonvio‘ except he no: medial service " “ I believe you me in Baton l " coldly queried the ceptein. “Y ', mâ€"Gdcheem Hanan." “Well, Mr. Hex-on, you ere not only the blues: tool it he: been my miafortnno i0 encounter, but whoever helped you to this eppoinunent ought to be down with the convict. I ehell come to anchor and reï¬ne to sail until you ere npleoed by 3 men of experience.†01-de boobblndlnc should b: m «till-mac. unmumm ale. 0 vnlnmo on h- and. «mm on: though they no sound†tolled (tom much handlhv. . di than n good ‘[ \hezlthy.hemynnn who liven right wouldevetknowof in n whole yen. When I won’t stomach is out of outlet, end his digestion don‘t work; when his liver gets to be sluggish end won’t clenr the bile onto! his blood, it is time {at himtolook out for himself. He ts no nourishment out of his food. His b ood gets thicker end thicker with impurities. His nerves get irri- uted. He looennenerxy end §ghti'nx force. __II IAAI m u: w ‘u-u.’ ..__ 1w,†_ ; He may say, “I can stand it. I "I“ feel better to-morrow;" but the chances are he will feel worse to-inorrow and worse still next day. He ought to put himself right at once. He needs Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. It is made {orjnst this condition. It rouses 3p the digestive and nutritive organs. an in power to extract from the fooshacl‘l the nutritious elements and transform then: into rich. nonrishin blood. It enables the liver to cleanse out al hilious impurities and or into the circula- tion an abundance of h lily vitalized blood. {all of the lifegivinz red corpuscles which build up heal y flesh. muscular strength. and nerve-enemy. It does not matey-bl); flesh; It is the only suitable tonic an strength-builder for corpulent people. - Family Medicine of tile Age. PAIN-KILLER Takén mutually. It Gum Dim an»? and Pain In the 800m 8013 trod. Mon Golda, w my a a r a: .a Vmumm Goo (Minced â€wt tuck) Eternal Vigilance. THE GMAT grungy: Orders nutly'and promptly: , sarrp'xï¬sent by mail Thinks he is “in the inside ring †with the wholes}! houses, but there are always others who can go him om better. It’s but the rule of life exempliï¬ed over and over again. We have no particular " cinch " on 1314 wholesale houses. but we do buy our goods at prices tha! enable us to devote particular attention to family trade and we are conï¬dent that our customers in the main get! - -- -- -, 1.-...lnm Think it 'over at your leisure. We feel conï¬ded that the housekeepet who gives us her year’s provisionifll to lookztfter will save enough by the tgansaction to P†for a. handsome ncwidres, at any mtgâ€"perhaps more? .1 Gets into grievous trouble because he will notta'n time to tihink a matter overâ€"a little good Scotch caution‘ is an excellent thing to be infected with, and personal obsetvation will prove the truthpf our statement 6qu Having the care and worry of a. household 01211 mindâ€"with its thousand-and-one troub\es, and may b¢ {inching to make the outgo tally with the incomeâ€"man} a woman, we say, might- have peace of mind and a snu,‘ “nest-egg" at the year's end by doing a Eittle Uinkir- «ncst-egg†at the 3" over hcrfgroccry bills. time. Hurley a Brawl: Jana: lath. (‘30 toâ€; ALSIKE, RED GLOVE and TIMOTHY SEED The Very Best LAWN SEE â€"ahoaya on ha nd â€"’ ’â€" m Ptly: executed. Estima ylmaul .when so required. tcs 89‘ 1'». Pl .. t. Highest Make! him FAMILY GROCERS- ’aid for scwht W or 1mm: x“ g ’0', new In ire»: flu n1! W†you [we mu m wï¬tiug v u â€â€™0" me on UN _... gun I] L'l EXPRESSIONS, Washmgion. o! ascertaining men in Congrï¬ at term legisll of congress, I. at an extra 81 bureau ot the ‘ es has sought ; number of 1 representaun. - 5 4 wow quite IL L exoeedingiy in 801181"? Cu “While Sony, .1110 haw passage of ‘ amendment: sufï¬cient r0 result or u with their Is tmnuteri: a in my own or sound mu: will mist Um necessary tar-1 Congress to :31 III the revenw and I undex‘su and a numm me positinm amtor 1m Shaman. am dltlon of mm w my “[1 tariff and mm or (he n‘xl ‘ Ouch 'm 0d 95 '3 be do: me an ( is in - Senatur H “The possum Wrevisinn be expected the last scs Dem: to me -uuon that t arm or (inn preaching 3}} the House Inn: and ‘ .10 his ween which he 0 there was n onstage or 1 the Senate : tress, and ‘ propose any Gan at the Governor D III I have t4 the country a Represent Connecticut. tee of W3) Motto an Ming Gone do not country DIFFEI‘ Mite t lylmty of slut push Monet « Dc Dim?“ Senator \ Senau m CAKAU to the or Du: â€"â€"-l amu- yourl I IMIGF 0 cut own rh ‘House' Brice Icy ls It Ind PAY“ rate fol-l