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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 20 Nov 1896, p. 3

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,m w ..o.n.u. .ent every’j I not tak: :h cautim wholesal may b eâ€"man: Ld a snug§ thmkwg only. I: no to”! > him on over an! for In! ’0‘." As to 5. steppe ‘1 '36.! \ It “Q Win £051; scum-Jr Brice Believes Kepunuuuu "â€" bv supported by Some Free Sliver ‘lcnim. Sherman llas Nothing to Say {or Publicationclblnc lz-y Is Son-(“ommluaL ’ . Nov. 16. â€"-With a View :' the \12..s of the leading A x 1;: Con grass 3.5 h thc probability 1' e'fixlation m the. next session .-‘ 3.3 t) t. 2 likelihood of :1; xx“; ' 1.2: \V ashington Luz-gnu 01' the Unit-2d Associated Press- '1: L312 wzimzu opinions o! UV (filiver Voil with the fish-fat we taken out. Two slm. so cents and $1.00 ‘1. m ”r ' when they should be it; for all who get go nourish- gent from then food. Poor blood is starved blood. Con- sumption and Sgrofula never come withqut th.1s starvation. And nothmg 15 better for sun-ed blood than cod-liver .n Scott’s Emulsion is ‘V . ..vrxitl‘.’ published interview. in | 7 7 Eu.- expresses the opinion that] 4: 120:. the slightest hope of the | i ‘: ., :‘ the so-called Dingle-y bill by 3 :e at.) a: the next session of Con- 1 3:13. that the House would not‘ - anything further in this direc- : :Eze approaching short session. .. .: ~~ Dingley adds: ‘This covers ;: 1 gm: :0 say at present! " ' , 3:11 Grosvenor of Ohio says: “I ‘: believe it possible that any ma.- Zegislation for the benefit of the :y can be passed in the 54th Con- I do believe that the Republi- su‘ty will be in a position in the :‘ l'ngnfâ€"H‘SSS to save the country bankruptcy and the industries 01 Inc c :mtry from destruction." Edict-sentative Charles H. Russell 01 Connecticut, a. member of the Commit- tee of Ways and Means, says: “The Patriotic and businesslike duty of the coming session of the 51th Congress to provide revenue for the needs of the government. That should be done by a Rover and reasonable increase mstoms duties. It could be effected by the adoption of a revenue measure -. 01.4; ‘ngt u . .. gaff} ‘ no (.43ij gr, neg- an H 21-83 .1 the adoption of a revenue mcuzuzc thr‘h the House passed at the last fission, or some measure on the same as -' DeSpite the fact that there ism prob- “fifty of either this Congress or the “03" passing a. free ship bill the Com- mi‘fizioner 01: Navigation in his annual "Wrt refers prominently to the sub- ject. and urges the necessity for the Dassage or such a. meaeprefu .. “m m. nun: reached Republican Congressional headquarters, the result of .the con- tests in the various cOngYEFSWM‘ d1.“ trim is known with sufficient exact- nees to man-ant the announcement of 8. summary of the political man! “39 House of Representatives in t1: 5°’h Com-tress. This shows 207 Repn “cam 12': Democrats 9.11113 WW‘EQ' m0 gm; .,3 r»... w w, I! is ulwsye bezt to renew two weeks mc due on your wropper expizes in order to uuizxzcrrupted service g x mamâ€"We cannot undertake to supply ,umbm nor to make good omissions unset! by renewals. say. we- mm â€"-It ukes two week: to chain m- ufttr your subscription is renewed. The a me gnper indicates when your paper will ppcd “.1253 promptly renewed :40." ex- ADDRRSS â€"A1weys give both your old )1: new address when you us: us to change “mm: ; the name of the town end the state or we yuu me in shoufd nlways follow your own when writing totbis once We unnot readily our name on our books unless this is done, us cams.) are alike. K5 Mould be addressed: 31,00 PER gbbzzsaezs’ Nouce. .313ERENT VIEWS him AN POST 1. published rpm); The subscription pfloo b sought the written opxmons 0L zer of pmmincnt Senators and ntatives. The replies received uite a. diversity of views and are 350948 0F LEADING MEN. inevitable.” r Hawley of Connecticut says : :sibility of adopting a satisfac- isiun of the tariff such as might “fled to remain undisturbed at 5'. session of the 3-lth Congress to me very doubtful." L-‘z‘ \ValthaJl of Mississippi 985'51 :.> reason to justify the expec- mt there will be any important , financial legislation at the at" 1:11; session of Congress.” Dingiey of Maine, chairman of uuse Committee on W‘ays and and leader of the House._ retei's Muney CANADIAN POST Printing House. Lindsnv. Ont. Jmuld always be nude in the flat .mmmand o! the "minor Pout. 031cc I- may Orders no “way: ado 1nd my , uwn risk‘ Register your letter: when g! y interesting. the Matter of Tariff Legislation. Izrice's colleague. Senator says: “In the present con- . affairs I do not care to ex- opinion as to the proper ..i financial legislation or this :ext Congress." >z‘ VI. 8. Allison of Iowa. says: 1h;- Dlngley bill will pass with =-lirications as may be neces- Sccure sufficient revenue to 1 the government. If this can 1911-”: during the Slih it seems :1. extra. session of the 55th COB‘ V, FBI-DAY) NQ‘r' lows : Calvin C. Bryce of Ohio says; :16 of the free silver senators, heretofore prevented the L' the Dingley bill with such :15 as may make certain a. '.,;\'enue, will, in View 01' the the election, probably vote ' Republican brethren, :.;11 whether they do or not, opinion a. sufllcient number money Democratic Senators the Republicans to pass the tariff legislation in the 54th » supply the existing deficit (flue. I at legs: shall vote ::-sta.nd that Senator Gorman mber of others occupy the Believes Republicans Emwmfâ€"‘z‘ BCI'GV n”. 08. g few of them unwanted by the man. muster-no , lead or the tum-non mm» ; the am:- or man man;- * new the Copobintiel at tho ! Children .21: Tested. * New York. Nov. 15.â€"(Specin.1.)-Hon. Geo. W. Rona. Minister 0: Education for the Province of Ontario, who in on a. visit to the United States in search of light upon educational methods. visited the Workingmen's School of. the Society for Ethicai Culture Thursdai‘. and inspected the rays-tom _ot :98.an HON. GEO. W. ROSS Pays a. Visit to Dr. Adler’s School In New York. THE METHODS OF INSTRUCTION traininz pursued there. Canada has “8 Problems like the United States. One at them, according to Mr. Ross, is the ever-growing neglect or the tarm and the shops by the young. They rush to the omce, to the desk and to professional lite. They make the cities grow when the farms are deserted. The symptom is not unfamiliar on this side or the lake; It is with the hope or developing a new interest in the slighted. but vital pursuits, that the plan at introducing manual instruction in the Canadian schools is under con- sideration. and it was this that brought the Minister to the States. He had visited Boston. and came straight trom that city to see Dr. Felix Adler's work. He told the doctor that they hoped in Canada to begin with the youngster at 10 years old. Dr. Adler shook his head. “It is 1.00 late." he said ; “better late than never. to be sure, but why not begin earlier '3 Why not let the faculty develop with the rest, grow like a tree ? Don’t saw it off. You have klndergartens, and you start the plan there. All kinder- gartens do. Then let it go right along . ,. g__._-..at.\n oft-ov- 1h? gartem “U. Luv” Av. -- av â€"7.. with the school instruction after the child enters the primary class. It will eake no time from the other instruc- tion, only make it easier to digest. in is merely developing the whole boy in- stead of only one side of him. If you drop the manual training to resume it after four or five years. it. is as it you had sawed off the young shoot. It will grow again, but not as straight and symmetrical as if you had not sawed it ofl." Mr. Ross nodded thoughtfully. The idea was new to him, evidently. but It had taken root. With Dr. Adler, Mr. Ross went over the school from top to bottom. The building at 109 'West Fifty-Fouithâ€" street was crowded with pupils intent upon their various tasks. The sometb educates 400 children in round num- bers, about three-fourths of :hem r-hildren of workingmen. The other 1911th are pay-scholars, who have been .,,__...-,a “dc-kin we last few years. the common scnom shun... --, _ 1 not. The kindergarten begins it, and its methods prevail to the very end. The pupils are not 3 . ledge they have not learned to digest. leaving their minds as barren as the don the begin and the real work of 3 y a ' the child to education, that of teaching think for himself. undone. They Will work out their own problems. . They “learn by doing." The things they do train hand and eye, as well as mind. Their geometry lessons, learned on paper, are worked out sub- ‘ soquently in tin, wood, and eventually , a: the forge in iron. The while the lad acquires a. liking, mayhap, for the trade his brother in the next block rejects. At all events, he will not despise it. Their instructors at the i-hnch are pra , haw to impart a charm to the lesson which the dry page can never have. 1.; the question about physics, about natural history ? the laboratory is there for the boys to try their hands at it. Once a week the class put on heavy lmnts and with their instructor, Mr. i’v-ll' tramp ove-r hill and dale in SI‘Ep with nature that puts back into the lad something of what the city, with its tenements and stone pave- ments. had robbed him to his hurt. The memories of these tramps crowd the portfolies in the drawing rooms, sometimes with a. pathetic interwar; ’ in the effort of the child from across _.__.._ h the sea, where Indian corn does not grow, to evolve a. Jersey cornstalk out of the tangled recollections of his first autumn trip and of the grain sheaves of his childhood. Mora. instruction is imparted on a wholly unsectarian basis. The whole establishment is unsectarian entirely, d on that basis might, with Justice, claim state support, but it has never done so. It is supported entirely by voluntary contributions, chiefly from within the society that has grouped it- self about the strong personality of its leader.. Dr. Adler. ' The noon recess had been reached when the Canadian Minister put on ‘iis coat and rubbers and went out, i :‘nzmking Dr. Adler for an hour and a half of most valuable suggestions. He smiled as he saw the children range themselves by couples in the large hall for a. dancing lesson. stepping with all the dignity of knights and {zldles to the plunk, plunk of a. piano. it is their way of keeping recess in the workingman’s school, and tre- nmndously popular it is. "Little men and women.” said the Minister. and nodded. laughing. when "9 saw how little they heeded his in Outburst of Enthusiasm Which Will «Be or Great Benefit to the Government. London. Nov. 15.â€"Tl1e Dally News will 'U~u:()l'l'UW print a. desputch from Paris lie- u..;n-;. a. puuzotlc colours: in Spain “th11 .3 munitesting itself 11: an eager dean-e to ~u‘o:cribe to the new luternal loan lssued 3;; til},- Government. Ladies are selllng :utrir jewelry in older to raise money to help the Government, while the blshops are promising to devote the gold and SH- vcr plate belonging to the churches to the same object. Br )kozs ln Madrid have undertaken to dlspo» o: scrip to the amount of £000,000 pounds sterling. So am: ls the popmar desire to take part or the loan that the Bank of Spain and me Bank of Barcelona were opened to- day In order to recewe subscriptions. resence. . “‘t is What we hope to make them," aid Dr. Adler. “Men and women or :mracter. If we succeed in that c have done whey-tuwe set out to do max-1g. Nov. 15.â€"The newspapers una- ulmously express the opinion that the loan will result in nu Imposing demonstration ,r national enthusiasm, and that all classes wlll coâ€"operate to cover the amount or the man, which 13 nominally 250,000,000 pess- tas. The bonds will be 31111th by the customs revenue. The loan will -. altered to-xnorrow. The Bank of Spain receIVed -- a-.. ham Innkors and companiegml‘n \am die Veg 79‘- ‘9 1 we are content.” Mr. Ross returns to Canada. within 11:.2' days to put into practice some 1.19 suggestions he has received. 2:35 school has received attention '12} the British Govz'nmezrt and from mains in many different lands. T3255 appointees pa '7! Ontario w wt or the Original Appointee: to 011mm County I’m” Away Whitby. Ont. Nov. Iiiâ€"Judge Burn- am died here at 6 o’clock toâ€"n gm. ‘ “‘ the last one o: tge 11’. mg no DEATH OF JUDGE BUBNHJM. SPAIN IS AROTJSED. Enthusiasm at Math-Id. 001 Suvuxu "a, ...__ rgarten begins it, an; rail to the very end. at stuffed with. know- not learned to digest. ads as barren as the and the real work of 1’ teaching the child “3 The while the mayhap. for the the next block us. he will not ;tructors at the men. who know -m m the lesson “'1 I] The Terms of the Agreement With Manitoba AS REPORTED FROM THE CAPITAL l‘nlfonnl" flu: be Observed In the Text “In ~Provlucm Government mu Inn Control and Teacher: Ilut be Properly Qualified-ll. “no: to be Sworn In. Ottawa. Nov. 15.-(Spec1a1.)â€"Mr. su- ton will be here to-morrow, but his stay in Ottawa will be brief. He will be immediately sworn in as Minister of the Interior and at once return to Manitoba to seek election. Nomina- tion in Brandon is fixed for Friday. Nov. 27. and polling for Dec. 4. One of the Ministers informed me yesterday that documents showint “1° exact nature of the compromise will not be published until Wednesday or Thursday of this week, but public in- terest in them has been largely dis« counted. To-nlght I am in a position to give a fuller synopsis of them than heretofore made public. All the schools in the province are to be under the control of the Education Department, existing tions to apply to schools in Catholic equally as in Protestant districts. and provincial inspectors to have complete jurisdiction. Uniform text books must be used. and teachers must be properly qualified, being compelled to take the prescribed normal school course and ,,A,,,_x_._a:-_n A" r- v---â€"â€"-_ pass the -usual examinations. school work is to be of a. purely secular character, and to occupy the whole )f the schoool day with the exception of the last half hour, when a. minister of any religious denomination may visit the school to instruct the children or parents belonging to his religious de- nomination, provided the parents are willing. In cases where a. parent ob- jects to such religious instruction. re- gular! school work is to continue until ,,_.,__‘ .1--- Tn flin- gum]: SUHWJ "VJ-n w .v v-..- the close of the school day. In dis- tricts having an average attendance of 25 Roman Catholic children the teacher is to be a Roman Catholic, but fully qualified according to the require- ments of the Education Department. while in districts where children speak French wholly they are to have a teacher speaking both French and English, so that they may learn Eng- lish as rapidly as possible. The read- ers to be used in such schools must be bilingual, that is, the selections are to be printed in both languages, as now is the case with the readers used in the French districts of Eastern Ontario, 50 that children will grow up from the first accustomed to the English lan- guage. The principles involved in the settlement will be incorporated into the Provincial Education Act, but no Dominion legislation will be necessary. ETIONALRHOOLS ITALY LOSES A Treaty of Peace Signed by Which the Dusky King of Mus-inn :- Clearly on Top. new convention nbrogates the Uc treaty. by the terms 0: which Italy claim- ed a protectorate over Abyssinia. and re- cognizes the complete independence of Ethi- opia. Menelk declares free all ltalinns taken prisoners by the Abyssinians during the recent campaign, but Italy will have to indemnify him for their support while in Cupuvuy . mag. .. --..___ sent to Menelek by Gen. Baldissera. Gov. emu: of Erythren and commander-ln-chIet or the Italian forces In that colony. signed the treaty on behalf of Italy. That Is What Tynan Imus Jones, the Spyâ€" “‘hat Lyman Knows. New York, Nov. 14.â€"Tynan today unhesitatingly denounced Spy Jones as an impostor and perjurer. "He isan agent of the British Government," he continued. “and the object of his testiâ€" mony is to incriminate Ivory. Secre- _ ..9,, -n nu. Allinnnm who av..-â€" â€"â€" 1118‘ now as she have got 905m tinned. "that months Engl?‘ A Burning Brand Also Set the to a House Ilalf a Blue Away. Midland. Ont., Nov. 16.â€"Durlng a gale on Saturday at midnight, the stables 1n convection with thelgmerican {Iotel hefie ,,.‘-,‘ 4... L 1‘ "Ann . Midnight Blue In Montreal. Montreal. ch 16.â€"About midnight three almms of fire cs‘led the entire brigade 1.. a. fire which har started in me H. R. Ives Foundry on Queen- sireet. The fire was in a. dangerous locality and th:â€" whole rngade was ac- cordingly called to the scene. The fire, which was in the main shop. was pre- vented in :n spreading. and was quick- ly got under control. The loss will be about $2000. connecuou \HLu. Luc Bustâ€"5n.“- _---- 7, took fire and were burned to the ground. In the ruins lie the roasted cart-uses of a valuable driving horse, a cow and some pigs. Loss over $1000. insurance $400. in the rear of the stable was a storehouse, containing 48 barrels of coal oil, which was under the charge of C. M. Peters. hardware merchant. This buildin and con- tents were burned. Three G.’1‘. . freight cars. on the track close to the stables. were burned. The surrounding property escaped, because the high wind whirled the cir ders into the air and carried them until they expired. One cinder was an excep- * - u A--..Ah..‘l half a mnn and fired they expu‘cu. vuc ., ..... ...... w, _ tiou. for it traveled halt a mile and fired and burned the home of Archie Cam bell. a fisherman. Loss $2000, insurance 1300. be main fire was in Nothing was saved. '1' red with millions of feet the dlstnlct cove of lumber. but the Midland fire depart. ment is one of the best-equlpped among the volunteer corps of Ontarlo. Cl-lcago, Nov. 16.â€"John Burke, who 1. serving a term of 30 years in the peniten- tiary at Joliet tor murder, came to Chi- cago Saturday to attend the funeral of his mother. Her dying request was that this privilege be granted. and friends applied 1:) Gov. Altgeld tor rmiseion. The Gov- ernor found a one ent for releasing the mxm for the day. under guard. and a. dep- uty brought him to the city in the morning, attended the funeral and the burial end in the evening took Burke back to prison. This is the second time in the histo or nermItted. A starving Crew Relieved. New York. Nov. 14.â€"'1‘he steamer Deutschland arriV‘ed from Hamburg to- night. and Capt. Schiethorst raports that on' Thursday, Nov; 5, at 11 3.111., t the French mi he fell 111-31.}. Mm‘ an. diz- IMPOSTOR AND PERJUREB. 9 Buzz 41' MIDLAZVD. Burke Got a my 01!. e to the con- my at which me the ‘ 'as organized. Dunn of the 11'le 50““! ed that Eng- 3:1“: and was act' mfiw Gt 3.85 done. I prop! me,” he con- way. ;he last three ient $9136 to ' L country. and l H‘ the SP!- BUT PBML SEBVITUDE FOR LIFE He wan be the W -â€"'"" mindful" W‘m' m In one In!!!” ”W 0mm. mm 1-1:) W’ ed in the St. uwum years or use. that there was no aro- meditation to murder. and am the act was that o! a headstrong and ob- dux‘ate youth. The prisoner and un- gaxd had a qu py Prentiss on A- , u.-.“ an, give up the rabbit! yes." 0: use. bu.- -â€"._- , meditation to murder. and that the act was that o: a headstrong and ob- durate youth. The prisoner and Lin- zard had a quarrel over rabbits nhot by Prentiss on Lineard'u ground- Prentiss would not give up the rabbits to Lingud. who was a. very much Muss ESCAPES. The Salmon Cane Suddenly at at. LI- 1 drew'a Ham on Saturday. \ Toronto, Nov. 18. ‘ Rev. Dr. Smellie, one or the oldest Presbyterian ministers in Canada. died in this city on Saturday. Deceased came to Canada from the Orkney Is- lands. Scotland. in 1842. He went to Hamilton. where he preached tor about four years, From Hamilton he went to Fergus, where he has labored during the last fifty years with singular suc- cess. He has seen no less than five flourishing congregations formed from his own. He was greatly beloved by his people for his forcible preaching and firm, gentlemanly character. His wife was a. Miss Margaret Logie, by Whom he had ten children, two of whom died in infancy, and two later. He leaves a widow, tour soul and two daughters. His sons are Robert Scarth Smeliie o! Smeliie . Shaw. barristers. of this city: Dr. Thomas F. Smellie of Port Arthur. George S. Smellie, Vancouver. 8.0. : A- E. Smellie. Binscarth. Manitoba. was Smellie. the youngest daughter. lived with her father. The deceased's widow holds the honor of being the first to form a Woman's Missionary Society in Canada. The late Rev. D. J. Macdon- neil was a son-in-law of Dr. Smellie. IleII-y Ilium]. of loplnuvlll. I." That Was Ills Ageâ€"He‘s he“ Now. Hopkinsviiie. Ky., Nov. Illâ€"He Bunk- inship. who asserted that he was yum old. died at his home near Fairflew. 10 miles east of this city. last night. of ; complication of diseases. He was born In Virginia, and moved to Kentucky and nub tied :_1 year before the war of 1812. ho a- }:lectrleal Energy of 1003 lone run. Transmitted 20 lilies to Danie. Buflalo. N.Y.. Nov. 15.â€"The first or the mercantile product or electrical energy from Niagara. Falls to be put to practical use here reached this city as the clock- tinished striking the hour of midnight and the Sabbath had passed away. The quen- tlty contracted to: is 1000 horsepower ht the “step down " point. which is at the Buffalo city line. twenty-six miles from the source 0: the power, where the potentiei in reduced and the current is again put on the wire and carried into 8111110 to the railway contra, which employs it for the propulsion or e cars on the street nil- Weyler and Ham Sald lo be Blazing Aw at [Zach other- Slam In Not ma. sorted. ' He was the father of 15 children. 11 of whom are still living, the oldest put 80 years or age. ‘ New York. Nov. 16.â€"A despatch from Jacksonville. Fla.. says: Cipher despatehes just received report a fierce battle in pro gress in l‘inar del Rio. It is believed that Maceo and Weyler have met. Tolas Estrada Palms. the Cuban delegate. has received a letter from General Macao. dated 12 days ago. which brings reassnr ing news to the friends or “ Cuba libre." General Maceo says he has not the least a; tremendous efforts the Spanish are mah- “ While Weyler was preparing his tro- cha." says Maceo. “ l was making mine also." He describes what he means by hll ta to reach the strong sition where the Cu- bans have their supp ies of ammunition. and two factories for making powder and - ridges. The Spanish troops. aiaceo confidently. cannot get to the Cuban strong- hold. The passage admits only one man at a time in front. and besides that in tha space or halt a Spanish league the Cu have built 400 trenches. and sown them with dynamite bombs. It Weyler could force the pass, Macao says. he would only meet destruction half way. “ I repeat." said Maceo. " that you ought not to have any uneasiness about me. Even in the case that Weyler could direct against us such an enormous army that I could not meet it in the field in open battle. as I have with success until now. I will resort "- ,,,.A_‘ An.‘ n‘lvlflIhQ my “room Warren, Pm. Nov. 10.â€"A bonelcm child In the latest curloslty discovered by Conn- clImag Connrro. who ls authority for the statement that the chlld, whose nune ll Path. ls com sed or notnlng but skin and muscle. e (anally ls r and the child will be taken in chute y the Con» t: Coumlulonerl. DEATH 01" Bar. DR. SHELLIB. HOT FIGHTING IN CUBA. Will Not Have to Die the Gallows. lie-ll Illa vcvu w-_ __ _. the - In seven] pieces. end that the let: uni the and forearm Ind been deefily [accreted by mmteethotthe Run. - .. -A AL‘ A" man "‘I All ,h‘ “‘0” 1’0 WEB FROM THE FALLS. ATTACHED IN A PIC 51". IVU-vâ€" 7,, 7 than patriots here. WI numb!“ LIVED 120 YEA”. as compared with about 20 semen. Two or three years ago the numbers wen reversed. The change is due to the heav" expense entailed In M- thg out a, seiner. as compared with s hook end Igner. .. Last you'd. chute 7 :--â€" -.._4Il II- W5 NOT’YETvSWORN 1N. Mr. Slfton imam-Inn ”may bye. 1. Hoodamn mood runner. w druuMl- CI- Logveu. III- Ottawa. Nov. “1‘ Henry Strong. reputy C verror was indisposed ho- 6 1y. ma for that reason Mr. Strum - AL- BUT SIR HENRY STRONG WAS ILL Cured Masts. Scott. and Dance. ‘ ”VIE vâ€" sioner for New zeuana. u- route to England. whither he has been authorized by his Government to pro- ceed tor the purpose or reporting fully on the outlook (here a mud: New ever. is very “guarantor-y. and u u wth a. View to remedying this that Mr. McEwan purposes spending some months In the Mother Country. He will also study the gequirements of ,AA-1_ A... fid’i Susanauua Captain Spain. at the fisheries pgotgquon feet. returned ”“3““: , ,,._ -__ A- J-.- the cruisers have been lead up for the season. Captain Spain states that the catch of can this year will be con- slderablv below the average. owing to bad weather. The fishermen am fairly gogd luck 1'! the sin-Lug. and also -A- .9“. - during the past two or three ween. but during the summer they had c pretty hard time of it. more is quite a. change taking place In the American fishermen. the deetructlve seiner: are being withdrawn and giving place to hook and liners. There were about 100 of the Letter on the coast this year. as compared with about so aetnen. Two or three year: ego the numbers wene reversed. The change is due to the heav" expense entailed In at- tlng out a. seiner. as companed with s hookanduner. Leetyeu'ccuule was Inserted in the modus vivendl u- ceneee. fitting that any licensed Am- erican veuel found coma: stone! to s vane! not having“. license would be A_._ __A‘---l-- Sarsaparilla 3â€"63ka t9}! 1 “I _IA‘_ Was Ready for the Ceremony an easily. WW3: d :11 once. where lev- mama-s, hcludlnS 1r, mamas. Mum“ 1.qu xi bested! u“ b the undersun .y. Most of | y R! up for the Real Estate 960 ’é‘affie‘i‘ifi- of interest from E vex-y Large sums xe. owins to aha-men had the marten-€68 t3] “3! - “sum“ not exceeding 159' they had a interest payafbk W 7 mews mum: Dodo" G room. W M. McPHADElj-L BONVEYAIGEB, GOMMISSIOIER H.G,J. artist. mam- A a “ulnarâ€"""y‘ Wm Bought and sum Hm. Jam 00!. M" The Victoria Loan and Savings Company, 2615-1 novW 8H1- OTIOE. Dunn’s Bakmg Po wder. FINA“ Arrangements have been made by the undersigned to lend on Real Estate security at rates of interest from 5 to '7 per cent. very lame sums st 4; per cent.. the mortgages taken for any term not exceeding ten years. and the interest payable yearly. half yearly or quarterly. on days fixed to suit borrower. Princlpsl can BARRON STEEBS. Rim: CHANCE FOB. PARTIES mono m BUILD. fHEchjs'BEST FRIEND a... e l- PJfl‘n' MAI mrmmum Nth“ on w to cult W. Aho. Mo MMmedmwm AONIY 1‘0 LOAN. 'v’ PH 0T,o_s ARE THE ____BEST 3| “NILLiAMST. LINDSAY. on connnsszon. =â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"i ONEY LENTon Mam-gnu. Straight Ima- a FIVE PER ClN‘l‘tqnlgymry E 33041). lane! to Loan. rwurv-srx YEARS- Pynyw . CHITTICK. I A 'm' "a Tupiâ€"I mind. In“ and W mgoumnmt. Odor-hymn". C WV“! mdvopm DMM automating-m. mum». _ r. ! «ma 7003: a: udxbox. PER GEN 1'. wanâ€"â€" ‘ ”J nu m amâ€".vm,vâ€". 'Iâ€"vv‘ ”M‘- ’mmomm.nmy. i “Mi names. mmwm. trauma and Samara! 3%: mm. magma, son- 0‘ find- I u. County Giovanni-my and-1.0m. Quench-u Sou. Int-6g v w' “but”. D‘m“".§£ m" Mint, Bum :3 Evanâ€"38"; oierhnttol security Iâ€"UWI Wodo mm 1! “bum” and Boys! 00ch at Dual Sun-zoom. OFFICEâ€"No. â€" Ken‘, too-u formerly occupied by Tdopbono Co.â€"fl-lyr. Honor Guam o! Toronto Honor-1%” um. Mondlnmvodbnnchol Charo-modal“. ardullfpod palm OI" cur-.0“: Gregory's One Star. o: con. 01 Kent ond wan-nu â€"78-1 yr. DR. NEELANDS EXTRACTS tooth , without. min by GL8. and “TAU!” All. Mahmoud by Mule! 26 you: with grout m. Bowman "under Dr Cohan. a!!!" York, “I. W 0! 0a [or Extracting mu: I». Colman-Imam Nashua-chum backdating-l to M“? penan- vithou u: noddont. Dr. I‘- udauuuubou loodenObcuudnn. Mon 90!“!- nod-i. mud-5 Pom: muamss, m: or mm“: mm ' 0.MY.188UEB 0F MARRIAGI . woman's. «nut. .57. , W [m um. unn- n.- -"v -v, M m. Know and mum gun-med. Forum Puzzles-Extruded“ 0‘ Teeth hon-fl using“ and Vlmuad Air with his onus! no”, 08. F. A. WALItRS. DENTIST. ӣ55651 Artificial Iggy: B. 0. N. LAURIE, Gin-dune (1 Trinity Culver-Ry. Fellow of Trinity [and Gallop; Q0930; «lg-College of Pbyaichm .. "Allin! nu] Co douqej'lémber ot Calla 0! 8w, Onnflo. Ofloo ray- HAIL u â€"â€" 0mm 0! Toronto University. Iodiml m mwmdl‘flni" numb-tot Collage 0‘ Univerdty. Tomato. .4 Physician and 8m ,, ,_ A. on...“ --‘ Fluid- m of Unlvoul JW 0! Trinity Conan, TONI. and Bum- Ont-do; bu Ph Bocuvood culls, York-t. Oflahoum9w1030|m LanwspJn. “7:08pm. Lind-y, April81891. 841y 5. WI)". Viv-.- v. vâ€"v â€"â€"v__ . dpdicy o! Hun. Atherley pomflco. Honey on to low hm and tan property names-t. . H. HOPKINS, Burl-tor. m, 80- . MmmgbOOnfl-flo_ _:... 10¢:qu- (LOAVAIA, £98,.“ om ,J'_ owners- -. _â€"- _ 77,, V OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. LINDSAY DB. SIMPSON. PHYSICIAN. m o! Untvulity 0! Trinity Conan, (or North and South Viewfi- ma 1mm;- Brockuad maven. IOHEY T0 ml 51‘ MWEST BITE 003: 45 3493303: 13mm. . -_‘__ Int-rm: a smut, amus- rns scum szsw'M °'°“ PETER BuuwN. cLAUGELIN A: KODIARMID, annual-31.. 1 Lbdny. Aug. 4, nanâ€"any. DENTIST, - Lindsay. n. G. s RYERSON. OOULIBT and 108181. Mo Anni M. 1m â€"-u~l.n. W“ ”W 3138' Emma 23 VFW-5‘- '1‘“ o. 3:. midn‘wmmmjzgz m on P to Izayn.‘ . 2:9 1pm: on» Hourglm ,B. JEFFEBS. FORGE FOSTER. moms!) AUCTION EOBGE McHUGLl, nus BOWES. L. annmnm, 31,101. E. A. TgTTEN. DENTIST. _ IAGLISOE 9 F. O’BUYLEJ CHER’E‘ 01' TB! 8 names: Cards. A U 0 TI ON HER. moo. Wdungtondu LINDSA r. WHEE, Clerk 0! rule Dunl- A 170173173125 Den tv "I MR. GROW. DENTIST. LINDSAY Payucmmh um“ 1'. a Ontario Telephone 43 WI. 811-. 'Einaiy. J50

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