m-â€"- v, ._V (partly throng the government ï¬xing the people for his beneï¬t), 1: evidently nocdispoeedto unevenyoï¬hieproe- The wage- of the employees of the Sanford clothing WWW? in H‘mn‘ m hm been reduced 10 per cent- Th0 head of the ï¬rm in Semtor Sanford. 1» are now claiming credit for McKinley Iâ€: came the factories hnve been reopened. Nowonderthero are unrehiatsin the United States. A large number of protectionist: of the United States played the old gene of aiming down their factories before the elections to influence the 2'2. _Me_ny_ Toronto Telegnm : Sad it is to reflect that the high price of wheat is due to famine in Indie. It would seem thet the pocket of the Cohadinn farmer in full only when the stomach of his Hindoo fellow- subject. is empty. The powers of Europe have long been holding a consultation over the Sick Man of Turkey. But, doctor-like, they ere quite unable to agree a: to the medicine which should be administered to bring The charge of the omce after my dismisal was offered to my brother by one of our leading conservativaa. acting as agent for the newly appointed P. at â€"I am truly yours: a}: {19 Eéhtiéns, for {he reason that it existed only in the imagination of the member for North Victorh [To the Editor o! In! P051.) DnAR Sin-1r. Hughes. in his letter of 18th July. 1892. to Sir Adolphe Caron. re the linden post Ofï¬ce, has as usual drawn upon his fertile imagiunoz: for his facts. Diligent enquiry among the “lowat Ontario government of!!- cials†fails to ï¬nd anytraceotsuchapetition In connection with the above we have since received the following letter from Dr. Curry : I want the ofï¬ce vacant nesccn â€possible end shall then nnme you my men. leantime. kindly bounce themâ€"I sm sincexely yours, Sax Events. “Meantime, kindly bounce them." tht could be more concise I What more expressive ! How it must pain Mr. Hughes to see the tnitorous grits “kindly bouncing“ men against whom the feeling gmong ‘our fellows’â€"this time, grit ‘fel- lows’â€"is ‘very strong’." 7 Time were on and Mr. Hughes’ patience were out. when he wrote to Sir Adolphe complaining that he had “not heard a word from your department yet anent Minden and Coboconk post ofï¬ces.†Mr. Hughes was elected on Feb. 11th, 1892, but this hastening letter was written July 18th of the same year, which shows how page: he was to serve his constituents promptly. Going on he says that he ï¬nds that “the feeling among our fellows here is still very strong,†accuses “the grits"â€" ï¬nding a change probable at Mindenâ€â€"- of “getting up a petition signed among their own crowd," asking that Dr‘ Cnrry's brother be appointed to the vacancy. He combats this, and closes as follows : CHAS D. CURRY. linden, Ont . Nov. 11th, 1896, HUGHES vs CURRY. Regarding this case. as the charges are near- ly all of a political nature, or have a political tendency. I consider the: it would not be proper for me to express my opinion upon the merits of the case. and beg therefore. respectfully to submit the evidence for your consideration â€" D. Spry. P. 0. inspector. Mr. Hughes had made some charges again: Dr. Curry, the postmaster at Minden P. O. Inspector Spry held an investigation, and, according to the LINDSAY Posr, sent: the following report to the minister: The Luvs.“ P051: publishes a letter that Mr. S. Hughes (0017). M. P. for North Victoria, in said to heve written to Sir Adolphe Caron in 1892 regarding lome desired changes in the post ofï¬ce: At Minden and Cobooonk. It. appears thet [Slimline Time.) To the veeremejorlty of Commoner-:9 than of on who our; our breed end bet: ter, end the money to pay ear (exec. by tuning er lumbering, by ï¬shing or eebtlieg. by mpentering or printing, by brewing er Minerâ€"item no: mete e hellpennywerth of diam-ewe whether Tom die my or Die]: the grit distribute; our letters in the pace eï¬iee end peeps into our parcels on they ease through the enema: home. The coat to the publie la the name in either one. But ltgntee upon our delicate Iueeeptihilitiee to hear the toriee tell: an if the grits were all ofliee- hungry, and an if loriee were made of unperlor eley and had no experimentel knowledge of the hunger for oflice. Poa- Iihly n perusal of the following, which we ï¬nd in the Menu-eel Star. may help to endioete that mistaken impreuion : PflBTEB'S Bookstore Uh: Mandi†gm. our only (follow)! 1nd Can-er for Tn: can“: Pan. um I. unbound to grub re «MIMI-mum. om. Illd mum: an murmurs. smwnndwuheonnw. (1'0 mmqtonsndwowmao “rayon. Annapondbmt! h then gypsy. mun. NOV. 20, mo Don’t forget that we take Subscriptions for any Newspaper published under the sun, at lowest rates. NEWSPAPERS FOR . . '897. ~ EDITORIAL NO T38 KONDLY IOUNOI THIM. MR. 1!. B. MOLEAN having made his 9110 hardly worth i‘vorking. Large de 'ts m up, Delhi um mu: m on have more recently been discovergdm in moss “‘1 “1° g: on the animal b61138 Australia. If the Oansdisn tin deposits prove rich, the ration: will conclude thst the British have grst the tin lands as well as the gold lands of the earth. Can- ada's resources seem boundless at present. l Almost daily the discovery of some new . . source of mineral neslth is chronicled. ‘ [ If tinhsssetnally Men discovered in ‘ British Columbia, and the deposit proves to be an extensive one, it will be of more industrial importance to Cumin then the gold mines which are being unearthed in somsuyputsof Canada. Tinmlnessre 'not numerous, and are therefore of great value to the countries which possess them. The best paying mines are those of Com- wallsndMslsoee, end next are those of Peru and Bolivia. There ere smell gieposits in in Spanked Fence which ere The tory Montreal Star refers to the new senators as follows: Hon. David Mills and Mr. Geo. A. Cox are the kind of men which the constitution intended ) should be called to the senate. Mr. Mills is an experienced public man, of a remarkable More of information and a political career without a blemish. It would be a distinct loss to the country if his services should be no longer available because of the sction of a single consdt - ency. Mr. Cox is a prince of ï¬nanciers? and must prove to be an invaluable counsellor in the conduct of the business of the Dominion. He is typical of To- ronto enterprise and will worthily repre- sent the ï¬nancial interests of Ontario. A very important discovery has been made in Winconsin, which will have the efl'ect of greatly enlarging the range of paper making material. A new liquid has been produced by James Lappen, of Ap- pleton, by the use of which not only spruce wood, but pine, especially slabs,. edgings, eta, basswood, popular, hemlock and tamarack, may be utilized. Not only does the discovery thus enlarge the work- able product, but it is so cheap that the cost of pulp will be reduced 50 to 75 per cent., while the paper produced will be tougher and better. If the new process is generally adopted the United States paper men will be able to snap their ï¬ngers at the Canadian tories who want to prevent our people selling wood to them. The Kingston Whig, in discussing the question of female suï¬'rage, says: “The women are disposed to be dissatisï¬ed with the place they have in public life, but they have not made the most of their opportunities. They have not ï¬lled all the oï¬ices that are now open to them.†That may be true enough, but woman sufi‘ragists argue that sex ought not to be a bar to opportunity, any more than creed or color of eyes or hair. Liberals have not ï¬lled all the ofï¬ces open to them, yet that fact would not justify placing disabilities upon either. The fact of the matter is, the women have the big end of the argument as to rights, whatever may be said as to their exercise. Rev. J. C. Madill made a “statement†in Hope church, Toronto, recently, in which he pictured himself aï¬'a martyrto Protestantismâ€"a persecuted man. The one thing lacking in the statement as published is a satisfactory explanation of why he would not face his accusers before the regularly constituted church court, Mr. Msdill will not ï¬nd it easy to make men of common sense believe that every representative to the Western Congrega- tional Church Association is an unjust man and a bad Protestant. The Philadelphia Ledger wants a con- stitutional amendment to do away with the clumsy and useless electoral college scheme in electing a president, and the proposal has raised a storm of protests by those who worship the infallible fathers more than they respect common sense and the teachings of experience. As it is now the presidential candidates’ names head the ballot, and the electoral college system is a farce. That poor martyr to British lsw, Mrs. Castle, who wss convicted of wholesole stealing and sentenced to the three months in jail, but released in two days on the advice of physicians, in now being soothed by the pity of an admiring sec- tion of the Yankee press. Down with any people, say they, who would apply the criminal law to wealthy Americans who steal. Hon. Guam amen was swomln an minister at the interior on Tuesday. He 306: immediately to Brandon £9:- election to the home of commons. With a that- ough acquaintance wish the 180“th and its needs. and mm than ondluuy ability, Mr. Sifton, a: a minister, will be useful to the country and} mates of strength to the Laurier government. 13011“. If the new, that: the Roontgon ny- huve been adapted no u to same b blind man so no. howem Imperfeesly, be true. science in ladeéd on the «a of a wander: Eu! triumph. Invention and fluent: have in meat time accomplished so much that on an ignorant mhly ae- temp: so 8x 9 limiudtheir achieve-1 In Toronto shout 512.000.000 worth of no] unto In oxompr from municlpol suction whilo enjoying All the Much“ of city governmcnh Of this lcrgc cum 54.803.556 in church property. The Catholic church own: 3729.442, and the Protector“ churches $4,081,114. An cg!- tction in fcvcr of toxin; .1] thin proporty ls probable. mining boom, 5 jump In when: prices, md n gononl oonoontnting of industrial one on the gun mtuul resource. of the minion, which have been fu- too long bolltdod. No sooner m the ï¬bers]: ï¬rmly sated than Cumin experiences 3 rain! of business conï¬dence, 3 301d ma silver Whenever s student is killed or he s leg or arm broken ineoollege “rush†or “scrsp†it is essy to discover thsthe hsd week lungs, orhesrt, orthst his bones wexe brittle. The "rush" sud “soup†sre uenslly'rigomus enough. The chief weekness seems to be in the college su- thorities responsible for good discipline. you. Whnt a wild dance the tori.- must have been leading the country I ThoToroneo SWMW‘MW time MLMIIIockgohdonowmdm “crooked" nail contract: he will 1’0 string to the country over 8500.000 ‘ inihotoryputy. Mytolakthmughtothmhhhm- magma! alumna!“ p101- The Act of a Green Hunter. Mr. Tom. Stanton, eecond deputy reeve of 0mm. township. and game warden for Orfllla and Matchedaah, spent Monday In town looking for e couple of He levery anxious toflndthem. he rte had not transgreesed the game we. They had not ehot any mate deer than the law allows them tags for. But still Mr. Stanton wanted them. Mr. Shanton has two cowsâ€"or rather had then: till a law days ago. Last Thnredayhefonnd one at his cows deadlntheneld. Thetewaenot amarkonit. ï¬e opined it had died e of Thdath’tgllne madetlglm entries“; ‘ . eneome g It was a hole. Further In re- veded a corresponding hole In skull. on the wo “God is love." and from thou: beaut words: andaddreuwu delivered. which appeaford to the heart. otallwhqhoud It. ’ â€"Last Sunday morning, owing to the dull appearance of the weather, a comparative- small congregation assembled at St. laul's church. The rec or, Rev. C. H. Marsh. conducted the service, preachin from Gal. 1: 24 “And they gloriï¬ed Go in me." The sermon was a powerful plea for more faith and more courage in living up to that taith, and was attentively lie toned to by those present ...... As it turn- ed out ï¬ne. a large number attended the evening service, at which Rev. E. R. O'Maliey, the curate, preached. He took for his textlJohn4: 16, ‘ And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him." The sermon was ch_icfly_ based â€"M!nden Echo; Rev. S. J. Shoreymf Lindsay, preached a very elcquenb and Impressive sermon In the Methodist church here on Sunday Nov. 8nhZon the ace: sion of the re-openlng of the church, which w_ss also its anniversary missionary ser- Church Notes. â€"Bev. Dr. Henderson, assistant score tary of the Missionary Society or the Methodist church, will occupy the guipiht of the Cambridge st. Methodist c next Sunday. and preach the annual liais- sicnary sermons. 'wri‘t’lng most con tulatory letters on the subject. Edwar Everett Hale, the cele- brated Boston divine. writes to say that he is dell. hted with “The Orphan's Prayer." enry Sandham. the tomous artist, writes a long letter of praise, and closing he says: ‘In publishing 'The Orphan'e Prayer' you are soon! ing some- thing that is in universal deman a simple homely subject that aï¬peals to the hearts and sympathies of t e general public." John Potts. the revered cle man. of Toronto. writes that he is dellg ted with “ The Orphan'e Prayer.†‘ We hear that congratulations are pouring in from all sides. The publishers are averaging near- ly a thousand letters a day. A Great Hit. The publishert at the Family Hex-aid and Weekly Star, Montreal, are certainly to be oougrutuluted on the great hit made by their premium picture “ The Orpheu’e Prayer.†Artiste. teachers. connoisseurs. Judges and people 01 tpe higpeeï¬ mete ere Personal. â€"Mr. Fred. King. at Msnilla. was among bha many friends who called on T3: POST on Saturday last. â€"Mr. Gso. Bond. of Gelert, visited Lind- say on Satutdny last. and called on his iormeriellow-employeea oi Tm: Pos'r ma. who are always pleased to see him. Mr. Btolm: has been having rare sport hunting 0 a e. Serious Accident On Tuesday morning lost. as the seven: year-old son of Mr. John MoGnhey, of the 13zh eon. of Emily, was playing about the horses in the form yard, one at the animals 315mg, stxfiklnc the boy in theheed and kicked, atriklnc the boy In the head and gnjnrlng hip; pq seriously that his recovery is 'very Houbttul. house a: yard, remaining about an hour and 3 half. when they too their departure for Haliburton, and on their return ren up the line to Coboconk, where they spent the night. N axt morning utter replenishing their supplies here the party left for Whit- by, and this afternoon they inspect the Sutton branch under the guidance of Headmaster Cheer. of Orillis. Generel Superintendent MoGuigen and Other omelela on a .Tour or Inapec tlon. Lindsay was visited last week by Genet-oi Superintendent MgGuigan. oi the G.’l‘.R . and a" :‘rrs. Joseph Hobeon, chief engi- neer. J n: s Webster. dlvieion unperlnten' dent, P â€.69. Mitchell. bridge int-p:ctor. The p -' arrived here on Wednesday about I.‘ 3) in two private coaches, and after hi 1 {oined by Raadmaeter Ferguson they ea. : 1y inspected the depot, roped- I was EnaaéISIIi' y. or 'yn uh" viii under thelnfluonco ct aII. u. an» Mod gamma an knows 5m eh“ G same Hug “rough nolmuln IvIduan nor a; my «I the me In 30qu was! aw wI I. The «In In mm“ on In no! Ibo ydeoumuuhul m: oIIIIIke Item II: lama soul-u am no Ind know-- I at: a: mum mm bus the were Ilka am: author. beau not 09.* mm respectfully. Joan . Bums“. Mindeu. Nov. 10m. 1808. RAILWAY MAGNATES IN TOWN. Abolition-stew _ chmwudm You.) Smâ€"Myettenflenheeheeaedled to e meat in lee! week'e Welder which meet hevebeen {netted by media»: wlflhdellbente Intenttomuleed the can. etltueney reeehed byhle paper end min!- Em mp3?“ d â€be n °t " c’ - e an ere :- men ’. 'ï¬emï¬mmm me am 33mm“ m . vloue weekmhnuee had weaned In ’ kn butane euclee ee compel-ed [withaslnthemeweeke eel-ego. Hr. {H bee must have het these agate- ‘ in eWerdex-lncububetor whlohhee turn- ; ed out some queer duckling. nun tune. ‘ Esazlumzbughesgmy 1.! '2'!!! "~32? ‘"'oop1o""ia" ‘57“? “-7.35; Eli-15' in. severest unsure, :- his not In meal-M to destroy public oonflduoo and under trodo. â€"Yourl. m In. Luca-y, Nov, 17th. I“ B. G. Dun Col. Daily Bulletin. which n I remind nuthu'lty. sad the Inn. of Handâ€. Nov. 16:11. mm that than were on]? 46 nuan- the week preview. 02mm 49 n the same week oils-om. nod- ltor yho runny gttompgn to (logy. 513 COMMUNICATIONS. AbontcuungOu-dn. mmuummumpm. Ahmdsom m taint {at mound Inbiflu...........r... N. H. COWDRY. Grain. Flour and Feed for Sale. 'm In". lets Ehleï¬ H ' Live colâ€"Spot wheat quiet; futures weak 9;}! _ %d_ _ror _Dec._._J_an. md Fqb.._ln29! Nu lvl 51“., 0‘ .‘nm 115M for March. Ham on It 83 2%“ for Nov. and Dec. d3s1d for JUL. Feb. and Much. how; 25: 8d. A_A M- a... “I-__ A“ cattle sold at 535d 1' 1b.. Canadian cat- tle at 455d. and ram: ere at 4d." Sheep and lamb: In moderate 3!:le! on local market. and prices ï¬rm. Export OM; sold at 3c per 1b.. and bucks at 2361: to x. Lambs are steady. there belns aalea at 3c to 3 per lb. Ho In fair 0 er with recdpta of 1500. The at acid at c x- 1h. weighed oi! cars. We: .11!" 3? 35’s? tg,‘ 859.. 11"} 'w'éï¬'rhtTi? 939?. iawi"it Exc'iFsc ind man at 2c per lb. BRITISH MARKETS. Liverpool Nov. 17.â€"Sprln¢ wheat. 7| 1‘)“ :2 3:43“ I“ 1.33:. 7- Ma;- mag; : Ml. : 1‘ . : . ad: bacon. 1.12.. hwy.’§o. 0d; dc». um. 28. 8d: (10., s.c.. heavy, 241 0d: allow. 6d: cheese, white and colored. 61-. Londonâ€"Openlnrâ€"Whent on' cont und on mamas}! lower. English country Inu- choice butchers’ cattle. And thei would bring 3c to 3956 per 1b.: medium utchen’ at 2 to 29k. and interior It 2c to 214$ Ofle In ure chiefly conï¬ned to infer-la gas. Miich cows unchuu at a h duch, and am: am at to $5- ’0 ea . Old Country cattle markets are not in- proving. The demund is poor ud all the nukeu are well lupplled. A able from piyemooi say-3 _"There_wuq u_duii 193130! Balm. 0n Bu‘u v. Nov.l«h. 1896, m win 0! '1'. 0. Burn“. (LT. . alt-on. u.-. â€"â€"_ â€"â€"--_ - .vu- ParlEâ€"Wheat 222 90c for mDeC. Flour 48: whit 6000 SEED GRAIN WANTED. 0| CUMMERUIAL NEWS- N. E. Cowm- Lindsay Market Prices. com um" THE POLICY OF THIS S 701% ï¬za’; fliaEthlrtn, Mil shâ€. (No.50. 00.0 no... BO’S’KN‘CRCI‘TW“ P‘flnuu 10000. no... on. Lidlel'BI‘Ck C.Ihm9" GlOWI..uoo on... â€.00. Ext“ ““0 .u L‘fl.“ TOWliuoouso 0000 03.0000. L‘d‘...any R‘bbedvut.o!00|ooooo .05009-00000 MOW. Silk Four-Un-hand This uuuuoonu 000000 6 Yard! Of New 35¢ Dr.“ 600d. bfuoo‘o noâ€... 1 Dozen Dinner bite Bleached Napkins for m... '10.“ x3W99r¢~3mLa¢a9urteEnï¬ P .1... m I I“ "II": or yru‘ul II Hui-U VIII 5"“... .‘i’W‘M 1 Suit of Ladics‘ Ribbed Wool Underwear (or. . Heavy Chenille Cunning3 yards long, new fringe Extra Fine and He; Wk?†Mats-0.... .o-ooo hdles FutRua’Wi mimflm .(o........... Gents, Electric 5“] wdge apt... 0.0... 0.0... Fancy Cretonsin assorted colon-d d... . ...... 181?“ BI‘Ck Venice! With Chan G Spot... . .00... Extra Fine Dafk Gm Funnel! 0.... ...... ...... Best English Shacr lunel... ...... . o... ...... New Op a ue Window Shades with Ftingeu ........ LadicsT rmmCd FeltSlllOl’Hltl. .00.... .......O 4Pieces Fancy Brocade Silks, worth 75c, for†. . .. 1 Men 3 Fine lelalmdered With: Shirt. 0 o. . . I . . . o . . . ‘ Ladies’ Real Kid Glove. m block Ind um. mm‘um Ex‘r‘ Goad Window Shade. W“? 'r‘n890. 0 o .. . . .. I whom an mun. ‘vn-wv VJ UV â€" â€"â€" wvâ€"v Then-ever: Jam distinctions here. The oung and Old. til? rich and P0013 can alike feel assured of .1 cordial reception and a careful consideration of their uying needs. . It 16 to the loxaltv 01' Our buymg public 111a} we owe our growth. Here’s a [rash list qt" bright new Wanda: for you to peek ham .- patron who enters within its doors. Want you w being used to further your buying interests, ï¬rmly ‘ "n AL- __:-L -...I -A-.. m... ..‘l:l_- p 1 BIRTHS. London “today State! Grey, 10c, 12k, 15c, 18c, 20c, we but u hint oftheir sister: on our shelves tnd comm Suitings and Pantings. Tweedy. 25c, 30c, 400, 50c, 60c no nun-inn. bus and Muslim, 8c, 10c, 12k, 15c, 18c Ind 20c. These goods we Extn Value. Spotted Malina, some 12 pieces in white and mum, at 15c, 18c, worth 25c and 30c. ‘ Indies’,-20c, 25c, 35c tad 45c.â€"-Extn Specinl, Children’s Vesta, 10c, 12%, 15c and 25c. Ltdies’ Vests, 12%, 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, 90c. Indies’ Drawers, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, 81.00, 81.50. A Grand Assortment. Mantle ClotHa in Tweeda', Bearers and Fancies, 50c. 75c, $1.00, $1.25. Trimmings in Colored and Black, 5 and 100. origin- ally double. Dress Shields, large awe, 10c and 124c. Linings, 5c, 7c, Be, 100, 12c. Dimes md Dollars anved_.on InningamjnstugppdqifnvedonSilh. Dress Goo'ds, oofored doable fold, 15c, 18c, 20., 25c, 35c, _ El‘hege tie Special}: Serge 3nd Tweed Eï¬'ects. No Need of Sunshine to Make the Store Look Light and Bright. A cracker, our Men’s All Wool Double - Breasted FRIEZ E ULSTERS at $4 98. T 3]. PE n I] F â€Y "BY mm" Portion 0‘ our buiness must not be overlooked: as the bargnins in this department are number-1935. Combining Clothing with Dry Goods we claim to be able to make prices lower than if we handled one line exclusively' 42 Inch Gallcwny Suiting ..... . ............. 20c Ladies’ All Wool Hm .................... 15c 42 Inch Hnbit Twill ........ . . .............. 20c Ladies’ Cashmere Gloves ..................... 15c 40 Inch anerin Snitings ........... . ....... 25c Ladies’ Winter Vests, Long Sleeves. . . . ...2 for 250 29 Inch Heevy antens .......... -. ......... 10c Boys’ and Girls’ Caps _______________________ 10k. 32 Inch Slacker, Plain end Striped ............ 7c 500 Men’s and Boys’ Heavy “'inter Caps ...... 95C 54 Inch Coatings, All Shedee ............. . . . .75c Men’s Underclothing ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 50c, Sui: Creem Dnmesk Table Linen ........... . ....... 24c [ Carter Leader, Heavy Ribbed ____________ 75c. Suit Heevy_All_ Wool grex Flannel.... . . . . ....... lbc l Celebrated O. K, All “'ool ........... $1.00 Suit §Clothing is Down, and Away Down . Boady-to-wear Clothing for the past 20 years, and in that time have secured experience :13? warrants this business a success. Being always alert to the interest of our customers, we have taken advantage of a great clearing line of First-Class Ready-to Wear Clothing, which con- sists of over 700 Men's and Youths’ SUITS and 375 Men’s and You‘ths’ ULSTERS and OVEROOATS,j 250 Boys’ SUITS and 175 OVEROOATS. This immense purchase, coupled with our always large stock, is now on our counters and stacked so high as to make it impos sible to handle. We advise you to come early and secure ï¬rst choice, for at the prices we are quoting it will soon diminish. The goods are ï¬rst quality and the ï¬t equal to" the best tailor made garments. We cannot begin to enumerate prices, but call and we will convince you that we are the low priced Clothing people of Lindsay. . . 10x4 - Lamb Skin Bluiketa. . . .. Home Blunkeha, Complete ...... Heavy Grey Wool Bhukets. . . . WHEAT IS GOING UP. DUNDAS 8: FLAVELLE BROS. Hosiery and Underwear. 13939, 211 yqol, in children’s, 10c, 12p, 15c, Dress Goods and Mantle Cloths. 'lJo LEADER {AXIIIIE 500 FLANNELS. M USLINS. We commence Men's SUITS at 82.75 and Men's OVEBCOATS at $3.75 Boys’ SUITS ot $1.00 and a Spoclauy good one at 81.25. Men’s Twood PANTS as low as 75c pair. €750 SE '56 @‘f‘$l.50 E? |2§c I. E. W. chaflby. aw.†cm um... 0000 0000.01.- â€a “ï¬gmexoo oooooo..o""ocn . m a cam. coco-000000.... {guilds Unbluchodvyunen Cruh......... Monk Turn Down or Sinnd Up Colman...“ Men's Extu Heavy Wool Sox....... ........ kw.dcm°n Md ‘OrCOOOOOOOO... Cl. C Ruuhn Cruh for Towelllng.......... 3 Pain 0‘ Ladieo' Black Woollen None for. . 3 Gen“. Four‘h‘ h.nd 11C. for-0.000 cocoo- ..- 3 P‘h‘ 0‘ Gentl. Be.‘ LinCn Cu“! ‘0’ con. one 3 Pdn 0! Boys' Ribbed Wool Hose for ........ 36 Inch Wool Car ts, newest patterns 681nchlilenchcd able l.inen....... .......... 461nch French Drcn Tweeds...... ...... .... 52 lnchrDrcu Bmdcloths m. w M“: Gimp‘oooooa .000... o .......... "9'“le in“ eclor 000...... -. Fancy Embroiee Swiss andkerchicfs .. .. Ladlec' White Ringwood Gloves†u. .. leiu' Flue Black Wool Mitts" ............. NewFiguredArtMuslins.......... me Bleached Cotton....... ................ M M! X“, 3 ‘kdfloooooo.......-o .. PRICES DRY GOODS HOUSE. L1. Carter. In: Cash in meat, Coon, Black Dog and Wallaby, 015500. 818.00, $25.00, $30.00 and $35.00. FURS. “0%â€00, $8.00, $13.,50 $16. 50, $20 00 and up 24 Inch,†Inch md3OInch Full Sweep Fur BO wnhnndwflhontmnw, $350, 850011163600 Flt ‘1â€75 32.25, $2.,50 $275, $3. 50, 5’ ' undup to 15..00 Gauntlet-minim, :2. 5,0350 and $5.00. Robe-.85. “M8750. get ‘ (Frugal-005:0“ are very low 111 pnce. 10“ arter, White and Grey Sheeting Flanneis. Shadcs and Curtains. Wind!†353d“, 40¢, 50c, 60c. Have to be seen to mm 25c, 40c, 50c, 75c, $1 are purse openers- WWI» 50c. 60c, 75c, 90c. TM Cums. 25c, 35c, 40c, 50c, 75c. All Loam Funnels, our 7c and 10c we wonderful values Blankets. grey, $1.40, $1.50, $2.00. White, $2.00, 62 50, $2.75 and upwards. Hemv. Ne. 12w. 15c, 20c, double fold 25c. Elm.“ ‘99 Wools. 25c. 35c and we. Boya’ and Girls’ c‘pémf’ ........ ’ 500 Men’s and Boys’ Heavy Winter Caps Men’s Undetclothing ................. Celebrated O. X. All Wool ........... All Wool Sox ......................... Heavy Cardigan J ticket ......... , ..... Heavy Winter Top Shirts .............. FUR COATS. COTTON S. CARPETS. 4:0 KEN T-S'I‘. bed ............ 4 ".5c Suit 501 ........... $1. 00 S1111: .................... 10c .0... ::: lflc 3:250 feel that believing mmmmofl “ma form m um Elu- our nu con-N suhjl‘cu‘. l‘ hmwumewenl W by next, 4 “a We†Are % bud-nu h nary dog E'ï¬itv'en a we ‘ he m at our I" Mud-g (all pa: ll Pipe Vat-m 1! Combs, ll. Brushes, chn of m 337. Peterborough ,ar Knives, Wide ( Job LOt of Job LOt of 17 Ends BI 13 Ends B1 14 Pieces \ 16 Dozen A few doze v", W'idt ’5 Dorm: Job Lot “0 EN N Goods, 6am: :Ilflfll bmu ’10 l l {on "0 W u! 'b'lh