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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 20 Nov 1896, p. 6

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'I Imus 0' WE foâ€"o'" DOW , y... filmy pounds ' an cm In my life. A MARVELLous cone. napabythomrstBuâ€"Oouldnotmn My Poundsâ€"Cured by 5 M~ boxesofDodd’sKmums. man. No“ 9 (W)"Amm ”3 momma-lands mm mm mmm.1.c.mhidgndnfl- lyboenhnbgh health may!!!“ rummawmmmm onlygou‘tew. Iglgmplmm‘lsl __ .. “-1.... numb talk. Lots oi aeopie write to tell he that the beat uedloa in the newspapers is (sad has. long been) the eeriee oi ertiulee a! which title is one. We appreciate the eompli meat, and try to deserve it. It is not that we are wise above all the rest oi mankind. hut house we say our say in train Eug- r t lieh and ioeirlendly, helpful epi to wards everybody. And it ie in this spirit that we now say to all the women in England who are mothers of growing children, that they ought to be more watehtulot those children, especially in all matters that con- eern their health. Too many of the young people of this country are illâ€"quite too many. And deate is too busy among them. There are too many short gravee in the ohurohyards. Come, come now, lot’e have a bit ota tall: about it. And let one good mother sneak first. “I e N ovemoer, 1893," she writes. “one o! my daughters took acid, which threw her into a low, weak state of health. She grew to he very deepoadent. listless, and altogether out of sorts. She refused her food, saying she didn't want it, that she had no appetite. Still she ate something, as of necessity. but did not relish it, and it gave her no strength. Then she would be troubled with giddinese and a rush of blood to the head. At times her head was so bad she Was not able to move about, and took no interest in anything. We were in hopes that the ailment would wear of. seeing that she was young, and that she would soon be herself again. L _ A--__-A a- mat- earner-n U "VI-II.- u‘r â€" vv _-_ may ., _, -. “Ins: end or that, she seemed to get worse, nnd complained at great weskness. In this strain we consulted a doctor. who treated her for s time. yet none or his medicines appeared to reach the source of her disease. For six months she remained in this condition. We knew not what further to do, and waited withnnstursl nnxlety for any turn tor the better or worse. "In was in May, 1894, that I read s little book or pamphlet must but! been lett at our house about M ither Sslgei‘e Curstlve Syrup. and how many cases with the some symptoms as my daughter's had been our- ed by it. What: impressed me was the plsin, etrnighttarwnxd speech of the letters of people printedin the book. They sounded honest and true, and I made up my mind that the medicine then had been a blese'ing A imiflbw woao TO MOTHERS fif‘aimasimm gm. w I. CIDXSUSIP'I'II)!‘ and all "1N0 . DISEASES. BPI'I'I‘ING 0" DIN”. . . comm. was or ”PETITE. . Dllllln'. the benefits or this . Oracle are non manifest. . By the aid 0! Thu “D‘ a I." Bmulalun I have t Had no . . rid on banking con la wmq-h hm! emu over I yo-ar. luv! :n'» gum-«l considerabiy In . "mm. “03m! 1h!!! Emulsion so we!!! was glad . when the mm mm:- armmd to take It. ‘1 . . T. n. WI. BEAM. LE“ loner-ml . ‘ m. and {I ur Mann 0 mm a ammo: 00.. m, mum 0 m on! WORLD'S um “YER s is the only one of 1 them that I could recommend as s - "" blood-purifier.1have given away hundreds of bottles or it. as I consider it the safest a well u the best to be had.”â€"Wx. Corr. Pastor M. 15. Church, Jackson, Minn. ildbéx‘l; FfiiDKYTKQX When In doubt, ask foriyor's Pills The Only One ~ To Stand the Test. Rev. William Copp. whose W was a physxcian for over fifty years. in New J ersey. and Vino himself spent many years pm for the practice of medlcme: but subse- quently entered the mnistry of the M. E. Church, writes: “I am glad to testify thatIlnve had analyzed all the sarsaparillaprepm tions known in the trade, but AYEB’S D. aLM |Sars avbiahri I I9 EMULSION‘ ST. mu, Broadview car 328 was going west on Queen-street at 3-15 yesterday after- noon. and when near the corner of Sarkviue-street an exprefi wagon longing to W. Conen. 1017 Queen-street west, was coming east and crashed right into the front or the car. The smash was a terrific one, and in it it the wagonygs demolished 'and tn; About 10 o'clock Saturday morning Georgina. the 5-year-old daughter of Mrs. Frank Scott. of 15 Hagerman-ab. was burned to death. Mrs. Scott. when she went to work left her two children In the care or Mrs. Dancey, who twea next door. Mrs. Dancey’ went t9 mob ket, leavl the two ghildren atone- Just how t 9 fire, which caused the death 9! the little girl Bécufi‘ed. is not known; The othér child. a 9! age. Was unmjured. altheggfi her cm the; were hearty burned at: hammers was a. quantity of riféééffifikéfi' 115399! magma M‘éufld winch the a m ma bééfl playing mm corona 11:: (as mug»: a “angst: m an laquaah but aubaaqgamly «109de 1:. was New). at 80 Beatomgg. world- in; on. her bwgglo Saturday éttér m accompanied y her bmther. gr 3'. Node“. who was Balm) whgauns. my: were creasmg Yenge at Richmond: , when was Noéen was struck by scale loge and Yong-e ear. The tender pick. ed her up and a. portion or the bi. Saturday Yonge-st. crowd rushed for- ward to rescue her from her perilous position. Before the car could be aton- ped she fen off the tender and was only saved by Conductor Graham Just as the wheels were about to pass over her. , . . u ‘4_ __,: ibcide'nt. _ V--- I! lALC "a A "up. “In-v-- __-_ av. _ We car will be laid up for repairs until a. new vestibule ls furnished it. I“. iotton, the driver of the wagon, was cut and bruised. and Mowrmzm K. Rmney was somewhat seriously in- jure! and had to be taken to his home. and issued a, warrant for an Inquest at the Poplar House on Monday utter- noon. but utter investigatlnc the cir- cumstances he hardly thinks any [n- q‘ulrv will be necessary, and that the Iad's death was purely accidental. The body was taken into Walton’s drug store and afterward removed to the home at the stricken parents. IICL . The injured lady was picked up and carried into N. C. Love 8: Co.,s drug store and Dr. Hamill, who was near by, attended her. She was cut and bruised. and complained of an injury to her back. The police ambulance re- moved her to her home. Water». ”u but wv â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" i,, ' act with these ln either ocean to protect I reliable route should any European power close the Suez Canal. Plans are now being made, it is said. to provide protection along the line of. the Canadlnn Pacific Baum. whenever (mt damage or delay might be caused by ac- tion at a hostile mm. Got-man. â€"wheee home was with his parents oi: the corner at Duchess end Parliament-streets. The boy had been down in the East End end was returning home, and u boys often do. tried to climb on to the back at e. want: to get 9. ride. He was unsuccessful in his eflort to been! 0 rig. and when running clear at it to turn aide to avoid acouple at bicyclists who were riding elonx dev.l strip. In his efforts to Iteet‘ clear of the bicycle- the untortnnete boy did not notice the wagon of Rich- eut end nrdaon. ueen t ten in? into the hone. e feiimnd the 1's hoot- Itruck him herd on the book or the neck. Willie Ore-hen. e 15-year-old who we: drivinl the wagon. did 1: utmost to pull up the horse. but the child had come upon the scene .0 quickly that his eitorte were truitleu. in: at the tin". that no blame can be attached to (It. boy Grehnm. he he did his um D prevent the accident. Mr. W. J m of 107 Morseastreet. another witneu d the fatality. endorses the doctor’s rte or anhun. statement as to the effo A, . ,Ax ALA “gm-l”. a, Despnteh as to Britain's Intention to Make use Fortress Impreznnble. Chicago. Nov. 16.â€"A special from Vic. torla. B.C.. says: Having made Esqulmait and Victoria,‘ 3.0.. impregnabie by land defences. the British War Office is now moving to make the former one of the strongest strategic points in the Empire. Private advices from Admiral Stephenson say the North Atlantic and North Pacific squadrons are to be rehabilitated at once. At Esqnimait the flagship Imperiense. an armored twin screw cruiser of 8400 tons. is the only modern vessel. the the other: being two third-class cruisers. two screw sloops and one gunboat. It is the intention to replace Satellite. one or the third-class cruisers. at once by Phaeton, a second-class cruiser of 4500 tons. and at intervals- of a few months each of the others will be re- placed by a modern steel armored cruiser. heavily armed and speedier than the pre- sent vessels. Three torpedo boat destroyer: will be attached to the flagship. At Halitax the present fleet will be re- inforced by the Terrible. one of the first- ciass cruisers. of 14.000 tons, and a s vessel will come to Esqnimalt with three attendant torpedo boat destroyers. This will make a force of 5000 men at the sta- tion there under charge of the Admiral. As to the Atlantic there will. be two fleets, one at Halifax. and one at the West Indies. instesdl 0,! one fleet summerlnfi , A _ ._ -Afiel. mhnnA “I ulu â€" v ,, north and wintering south. These wm comprise the heaviest naval force maln- tained by Great Britain away from homo wateta.‘ ugd the South African fleet may I,, ‘2‘L-_ -Mnn On “an?” I Arthur Sewau. Ex-Vlce-l’rcnldentlnl Can- didate. and omen love a BI; Project on "and. Buffalo, Nov. 15.â€"Artlcles of lncorpon- tlon. whlch wlll be filed with Secretary of State Palmer wlthln a few days. will launch a blg com any, whlch proposes to restore to the cnna s or the state the wheat and provision transportation of the West. whlch has been almost monox'iollzcd by rau- roads wlthln recent years. he scheme II to construct n gee: of steam canal boat. -h-_.._- mnâ€"n‘fifil‘flhfl at we lay III Over and Kl ' “not a Death-YO“: Cycl’u‘t Close Cull. Toronto. A tats) accident occurred on Queen- street east. neu- Morse-street. at 5 o'clock Saturday alternoon. and the victim was little seven-year-old Jimmy ruuua "nun-.- Ayvx-n -_-... to construct a fleet of steam canal boat: and consorls with storage warehouses at convenient points between New York and Buffalo. Electricity. it is said. will be largely employed as the motive power. Ne- got atlons with the Cataract General Elec- tric Company are now pending, and. own; to the fact thta some or the men interest- ed in the latter company ii re as incorpo- rators or the tormer, it is ought that the power enerated by Niagara Falls will be need. he promoters of the company are: Arthur Sewall of Bath, Me., the candidate on the Democratic ticket for VlcerPreaident at the last election; Alexander R. Smith. secretar or the Merchants' Marine Associ- ation ' ‘rastus Wiman. Edward M. Clark- son of New York, Geor 11. Raymond and Frank Beadle or Buira o, and the Gram» at uni buildin tame. An order for a fleet o 40 vesse a will he placed shortly. it 1-:â€" 3m. ‘ MRONTO. ACCIDENTS. BUBNED EEK- STEAZ‘I CANAL BOATS. A [Mile Girl Burnt to Death. Wagon and Trolley Collide. huli Blown»! Injured IORI‘IFY ESQ L'IMA LT. .4 I" 14111-1410 It any man who is weak, nervous anu debilitated, or who is entering from any of the various troubles resulting from youth- to! £01110: excesses of overwork. will take heart and write to me. I will send him eon ndentiall and free of cho e the plan eh I was com eteiy restor- pursned ywhi ed to perfect health and manhood, after years of sofa-inn from N ervons Dehility, want no mone . but as I know through my own exper enoe how to sym thlse with such snflerers. I am glad to able to assist my fellow-bale to a cure. I am well aware oi the prev once of qnaekery. for I myself was deceived and imposed upon until I nearly lost ieithl n mankind but I re nice to say that I am now perfectly well an happy ones more and am desirous therefore to make this certain means of cure known to ell. It you will to to me you can rely upon bein on and the proud sail-faction (E has u been oi eel-vise to one in need will he saith: est reward for trouble. Abs'lnts senses: assured. Bend .1 mm... m .1 m- to cover nostars‘and 83.99. Sure Painless Juss whaiyau and It you an ”cabled by asking was. Putnam's Palms: Om Exit-am: am [a this way. to main :9 aura spew. Mia spudlié. to "In: “at. words com in Swami: at am. P - am’o Cora Extractor. t e on y sun can aura. find themselves mum mum. W cm at Indlauflrhépowrtyoflhohlooi and the efl'ec of the depo. But there is one thing It cures which we hue not nofloedln yourpn Ind which Ionl (3.qu a! “new Than» It law a be” and Find. Bllllll Ill- Ileluun. Wlarton, Nov. 11.â€"While deer hunt~ mg this morning near Pine Tree Har- bar on the Swgeen Peninsula, young Royal Gawley or Spry shot his brother Richard tatglly._ _I_Ie_ mlsfoek him for -L LI- S. S. Byokmm Esq, Hunt!“ :1, Out. Dm Sm,â€"Yon must have found It strangely 1: total on our out new: to have thanke you for the Known-goers mm aoklndna sound as but winter notuwehndltnlonatlmebdmwe know to whom we were lndebted, until Rev. Father KcGuokln, Banter of the 0:- tan Unlversl . toldumthohndnent The Sisters of Good. Shepherd Evldcnco of Mr. Gnillct, II. P., Taken at to That 31000 Loanâ€"Adjourn- ment Till Monday. Cobourg. Nov. 12.â€"’l‘he postomce in- Vestigation was resumed here today be- fore Barrister C. Seager, Royal Omn- missioner of. the Dominion Govern- ment. George Guillet. M. P.. and a brother of. the postmaster. was pre- sent, and his evidence was taken- Mr. Guiiiet denied having had any dealing with Mrs. Schwabe or Mr. Sykes. the tormen- postmaster and his daughter regarding Mr. Sykes' reamtion .or the payment at any money to then. He admitted. however. that Mn. Schwabe had applied to:- a loan 01 81000 after the mignation had been sent in. The loan was made without interest. security or even a receipt be- ing given. Mrs. Schwabe's bank ac- count at the time the loan was made ahowed a balance or $3800. Ill]! 1311!] [If fillflmll. unawa BYGKMAN’S KOUTENAY CUBE A Lost Voice Restoredâ€"Unex- pected Deliveranceâ€"Praise Given Where Praise hours. nlcnzu‘u lad-Ml]. AM: a. .......... _ , a. deer. The bullet entered at his shoulder, going through the lungs. Th unfortunate man lived but a. At the conclusion or Mr. Gumet'l evtdence the case was postponed. at the request at both sides. until Nov. 17. In order to have the evidence writ- ten out In England. COBOURG P. O. INQUIRY. SH6T'111TJWOT'HER. Eighty” Momméided.‘ ; that True Honesty 3!“ Panama-ow 8w! M'- Monastggy _othr_L1dy 93 Clarity furs-.7. Andmwiiah, OHAWA, May 19-h. 1893 "Kae‘gagiika nervous and m... Then my dun lancehon, tho fwun Ink. bmlu up. and omen lhe duvlna of log: sud lawn umber dawn the autumn um runnlng scream. when actually often all: she driver 50 “do body than la tln "its flowing. lay nun. Nam but ell. strong on anal-go la wall hem labor. only the moat robust an able to and the tea hour: a! daily soil. wish but a mid- dny hour’s naplte. Such. lo brlot. ls tllo life a! many thousands at lsbom'l in the 05mm valley. sud uncut: the may in Thai. Dobie, of 130 HMJL. Ohsudioro, who for twelve long yest- ha wrought From the 0mm: rm Prom. Only those who have in tho udnolu occnpntion of lnmboring know how dearly col-nod in their livelihood. (or among the mony voontiono of non chub of lumbormnn nuk- nmong the most doom. on: and diflioolt. Thom h the hon, nhnnty lnhor from enlist down to even- ing our. when the Dollar {of bolt the you in remote from homo nod Honda, nnd whose duly round In to out. work Ind sloop. only gottlnn nn oooulonnl glimpse of the ontoldo world lhrnngll a long look- member kin}. J. 8. Boom, ehentyiug in the unowy northern foreeto, and lifting three inch deal during the summer heats. It in not to be wondered st that in his long experience and greet exposure he ehould contmt 3 severe cold . - jd:____ __. ed for any. thst in time took permsnent lodging in' the region of his ioins end kidneys. Like msny others, he thought to work it ofi', but in vein. -Soon the psins in the region of his kidneys became so intense thst lsbor wss s torture to him, end it was only the indomitsble ooursge, born of s knowledge that others were dependent upon him, thst urged him to pursue his weery round of dsily toil. Ivory sudden movement of the body was s thorny good thst mode him wince benesth it: sting. Added to this wss so unusual end excessive meeting which neoe-iteted frequent ohsnges of clothing, sud which weekened him to such so extent thst his sppetite wss simost entirely gone, and eventusz but little sud much your was his dsiiy and one medicine otter another In need, but without effect. Life become 3 burden end existence e thing elmoet undesinble. After my fznitleee efforts, homin- dnoed to try Dr. Wdlium' Pink Pine. When three boxes were token the ell-nae in his condition no mellow, end his own words we “when 11nd hkensix boxealmsnewmmmdoouidu' the cure worth hundreds of doling" it. Dohio, dthough completely cued, takes Pink Pills occasionally, uni «In nty enthusiufioinhispra’uoofvhntthg pilh 1.01;: "(Eli mm; loud 6m fu- Flourâ€"The mnrkgtds nm. but the volume or busineoo is mutricted. Stu-night roiieu as. quoted It $4.10 to $4.25. Bunâ€"Trude uiet and prices needy; «legion asking .50 West. Shorts. 89 to $9.50 west. Wheatâ€"The market I: quiet. with Ontario Onoâ€"The mrket is quiet and rice. unchanged. White sold outside at fie no eu-‘rnde quiet and price: are easier. there being nie- outside at we to «c. Byeâ€"Tad. quiet. with one. outside at no out. Cornâ€"Met doll, with prices am et 23c to no outside. Oatmealâ€"The market is unchanged. with on: lots quoted at $8.40 to 83.50. BRITISH Mum Liverpool. Nov. ltâ€"Spri to 7- 8d; No. 1 (XL. 70 73‘tov'lm;2ori.a Ewe. marâ€"mixed u 19c to soc. Peaâ€"Tune qulet Ind Wk“ an un- theu bell: ulc- maids It “95¢- quiet. with sue. could. a ‘ lunv .v v â€"-__. Branâ€"Trade “mg?“ tnd pricel steady; (idler-um: .50 west. Shem, :9 u $.50 wen. What-The nuke! ls “gal; but prlcoi are well held. Onnrlow lte quoted of: 5C4: to 87¢ out-Ia. mam he. no go. I oiuide. VIII" ("‘1‘ “rims b god-356%:- lu mm m. u w. a. M a flaw he!" on» at 8° to ,. on In em: 11°12: fi 7div “10m; flu-'wu-u- 0d: copzfi'h. heavy. $- M: am. 11% 290 0d 3 do.. 143.. heavy. 940 “: allow. 0d; chemo. whit. uld oolond. 613. Maconâ€"Ognmrâ€"Wheat 0!! cont ad 0. M 8d 61! her. English country Men M dew. ulu on M 0m. Live 490: what am ' town: gum at 1- for Nov" Dec.. tn. Feb. 3nd March. aludullntaoadtor mindl- 2m to: hm. Feb. and Much. Flour. 1:“ 8d. Pullâ€"Wheat. 22: ”c for Dec.: flour. 47! 50c to: Doc. Uremolwlm-Whent 3/5! hlgher at 7' 21! for Non. Dec" Jan. and Feb. 1nd 7| 2%! for March. Maize 54d firmer at 3: 31,46 for Dec. and an 2%(1 for Jam, Feb. and Match. Flour. 25.: 3d. Londonâ€"ClowWhem on passage good , ~._.- _- A nun,- _ KWWhmt quiet at m: for Nov. and Dec; floor quiet at 40! the for Dec. Whoaâ€"Wheat on pasture am ”the on m dull. The market In mm. with orme Smith: rollers are an $1.10 to - , - -44-- Buckwheat sale- a We “verso?” imfl The market u «lot and can mfiuunyouuyentfigh Liane dull wlth No. 1 quoted a 7c.No.:nt§OcMNo.Bexmao v-vv-v~â€" ool. Nov. Illâ€"81m "when. 1- M :No. Cal. 1| p16: to 1| Dd : corn. -"°"‘d mil-r4132? IORONTO HA BKETS. len n _. mnoxm 17.4mm“. BBITIIH ”Alix“!- raw ,â€"T||e nuke! ll “0.4!. With m: fair ol- qnoted at conference. Beioae the meeting eioee the ioilowing mciution wee unanimously adopted : Moved R". W. J. Crochet-a, D.D., end eecnnd by Rev. Celeb Pea-her: “the: in View oi the poeeibie readjust- ment 0! our work in chic coriemence. and in View oi the Mecca he to the caper- ennceted mini-ten. t queruerly omcm mom co exemlee green cm I: recommending your 3 men n eendldetee to: our . end we um district DAY OF QUINTI OONFERINOE. no Huston” Ocnumcm W in Onnnlngnon. The mluloury committee 0! the Bay of Quince c an! :re Joe at one Memodlet chm-eh. coach“ at the Men at dim-lot. and one eynen tron «an dun-ion. met In Csnnlngton on Tuesday lent. RN. '1‘. M. Gun bell. mnldent at the antennae. 000an the ehelt. The mlnluerlsl mem- hen were .u regent end the following hymen: John nll. L‘kefleld; Wm. John- “on. Bellerllle: E. D. O'Flynn. Madcc; Bummer . Calhoun-no; Geo. WIIm.P..-ra Hope ; D. m. Temworth; J. L Snicn, Whlwy. The sum of $5,900 wee nppronrleted to the mic-Ion work at the contmnce. end this sum we: by bbh committee (lieu-[but- ed to the Mon: amnion: of this contor- enoe. Tam ere twenty-eight domestic mleelone. exclusive of some! Indlen now, within the bound. or the By of Qzlnoe LI” “-3-... .v. vâ€" ' _.._- not widely “puntâ€"0:1 film a 'South Austin. Spay, Aging“. sad Indlg‘hu mm. wpâ€"vâ€"u ___.____. -, 1 up pm with me home com «1va. which goal to chow tho that. knownpodthlngwhonmytult- A m Question. One of tho disputed point. in tho liquor now” not. and the oooovorwhloh there “momodulotduooouon. to m or no: u hotol fit any on I, liquor no III! lcdgcn In t room. d as pmhlhlwd noun. A h h ooor; Judge In: noon“! W tho: (0 I ogdooo tho luv oo do no. JodgoSlnolur. In hu“Annm- float." on olso token chl- mud. éPPS’S 6060A DELICACY 0F FLAVOR. SUPERIORJTY in QUALITY. Gum and WINNING to flu IERVOUS or DYSPEP‘I'IG. NUTRITIVE QUAUTIES UN RIVALLED. In Whoa-04mm» 1’1! 4 Al I k 00.. ~ ”m1 zen-1:: mm ENGLISH BR EA KFAST COCOA Hanna! Pastor, m tho fouowsh P Distinctive Mutts: g For 3810 by W. G. WOODS. Lindsay. 111: a you After wearinguwmiv, ' and m n dnv ortwoap 1 Corn: and Bunionsan ‘ Corn or Bunion all over with o, plus-u- will be ofiectod. Persons who w t t boots and shoesm make their feet. look mull shouid than us? Mitchell's Cure- OOBN AND BUNION PLAS'I‘EBS, Thug are a thin as a. sheet. of paper. an i do and are not I: as thg'old (on corn and pumon 1.1;;- ma- v-v -.._. n.-- n...” _ _ for 'oy. Ask for lltchell'uCuI-e-Al: Corn Bunion Hunter. Manl‘d l-}‘ we unvmmv 1mm; WomhowL-n. 11555.. romm. Sole Agents for the W o! fi;T;â€"i;xlsrnn “'onxs,LowL-II GE. Mitchell. Founder and Sole Pym ad by Dams and dedel‘t‘ 1r oevotyw are. r 7 ‘ :3“: in each box. “magi?- m (A '1" (30 per box. ell. 31053.. furl» of two kinds . ! Nine ('HM " hero Mun- 4 I CORN AND BUNION PLA applied. the pain leaves at uuvv. ter is just as good for Cancun . 1‘ I.“ some on the (get usually can»: , Novelty P188 ts! Works; 1mm 41m LI!" E. WNW” Send s5c. t Huber “'0 on. Muss“ Y“ of two kind Wand of 010mm ( ‘v m. “)0. hm to we sch-m .11 in a n« n sump huldv 1111'"me mums“. cu m: . ALL (ou\ my Br \!0\ pL m nus. FM". @9661 :‘l'dl‘e-A'n‘ S'I‘I‘IR I the“; am non tori .5“... - a... â€"â€"â€" fined to his house. Ittuk of h [1 cm")! Putnamâ€"Mu ”than: In" I! Emma ..... Ou- ‘ ‘ m been vll Bunderlsnd. 030303 NOTE. In!!! “9339.“: U la. -0.” Mr; W ; he Io vary I. In the nine“. mum- twodn 51-... . Mr. Anl‘ w of piles. . ”I100" Blood ‘ W o! the blow .Inm'l l’emall ”fl women. mayon'a Asthm ,_‘ -g-n II. Tablets , D” the putt!- mm'. Norw‘ moo-ISL _ .'_" ".‘f‘: m “6009 far whoormc Cmu .flm hokd In thls m.ai «bed “ ii h i‘ Tm: la qultt u knots. sud {Wyom LOCAL m, vtolct DAVi . V“ HeDonnld. Edi My GHEQI supâ€"v. ‘ W“ 0...... " at. IND-Hy .1 W loun- : I: Am.“ 9* 7"!" ' Itoumatie: ., by Psine’a 3h man 32â€"- “ID! A. I'M} dot-pause Cod-r H! II well no! {special corn-11 Scaoox. Rama's not; of a 9- N September and U and In order a thu- thaon. E my.1daDaner.4 Fred Western. M ACedar H Case Th: QM is no 01:1 BRA UL E to rhOImM I and nth and the m hue Much s Lifoti â€"Slli|m‘ SUNM 3nd

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