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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 20 Nov 1896, p. 8

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7 .60 BOA Y GE UN . (Correspondence of TE) Poe?! Parkmanâ€"Partridge have been very plentiful in thls vlciultv this season, and our eportemen ban succeeded ln bagging lar numbers of them. _ â€"Nnmbers have gone tram this place to hunt. deer, but u to the past week none had been ve succeeetnlln go them. Two ortbree havoretnm- ed wl out any venleon, but we expect to gee several“ £11;th retnm who have made good nee e coupons. - Canal â€"Mr- Thurston delivered 12,661 lbo. of cheese from the Bobcaygeon hctcry an Llndaay on Wedneeday, the nu: m, eoldathiealh. . mu Lu: Reruns â€"Mr. Vance Is In the Ila le Lea! thoroughly over- ). theeeaye. Behaepntlnnew rlbe throughout. and-l- pnttln onenew eotbatwhen she la ahedthe welccmo;nowever 1H: qnlte ’tthat heehohldvlaltthecam .evenfl lam deltha tryaddreeeat lanai-:13. ‘ mugs? boat: w W' _ mm. W '~ "J x‘ r‘ we WV wauu, I won-- .- , , , pop ity in all of the townshfps, will make his election an easy matter, and we have no doubt should Mr. Cameron con- sent to the realms: of those who are urg- through the advent of a ttle girl that came to stay with his family to be clothed and fed. Disenacm-"UL.â€"Tbree young men from Brock took one of Ben Rose's live horses last week to go to Glenarm, an before startin they at well primed within and armed t emse ves with some stuff in their pockets. They drove so furiously that they smashed some rigs on the way. and not satisfied with that, they also broke the horse's leg, and it is said drove him two miles on three legs. Such cases should be severely punished, as no person is safe driving when the like of them are on the road. Omcm. szrr.â€"-Mr. S. Irwin was in town inspecting the scales and measures of our business men last week. [Oempondenoe 01 Tue Pen.) A Reqmsvngsmhich is being extensive- lg) signed asking Wm. Cameron, J. P.. to o ow himself te placed in m minution for county councillor for division No. 6, II being circulnted. Mr. Cameron would undonbtedl make an excellent represen- tative. Be ngnmen of large experience in the municipal allure of t e county, as well as being an extensive property owner in the division, aside £10m his and “mine", in a." of the towns]! pa. will wormmndenoe at Tun Puntl So ‘IAL ~Tho§~ ls polo. to be a but u 1' pool held In own h l 0‘ w . I: III! of o 0 band” «7331:3301: rlday,’ % . 27th. fiLd yragram In expected. monAL.~- r. . . Bowen ls attend- Im the Bahool of Pr: eflcal Selenao, Toronâ€" to, and nut Trlnlty Mullen! School. as many or our eluzens believe. uwlbg to a mm. In A prevlnns Issue». {5333156 ,0! Mini. LOCAL vas-mr'mus Mill Gallic!!! Good going Wednesday. 25th. and Thurs- day. 28th November. 1896. ~Vflid [or Return leaving dentimtlon not later than Hondsy, November 80th, 1898. In“ lnlonmtlon on nppllution to New Advertisements Th1: Weo‘ . ryg’fiitetflifimh 3;? Aggo‘fdagé: gm has is MT 31: 'driv Mm " a" ”mm a.” we '11. Jim Thanksgiving nan, luv. 26 --l 8 9 6.-â€"â€"' fl} «mum gm Appks «A Primenu. Modâ€"B. Immugho SW30" Jamil. autumnâ€"E. Armin". awed-alum Cannon. Matching pup-0 1'. R. I'M MIanIMyn C Item“. A On» mtafl‘hn Hontml aw. Noun Io omnm- ; Moon :3 thmm. Stowaway me m... Whuenhle. HM IMMIM l‘opor J. 0. Mwurdn ca. TUMOR M Happlhn = 0mm» OuVommoM. Maw.- Kmum‘ M. Your Dmr=0aun am. The mm at w. Mam Dumm- O ”mono HM. law 1“..- m "Mum mum-Powwow nu»- Lanny. mun". uuv. a». willbo unwawmmmmm m by mum. Ayn I 00.. Laval. In. Hair Vigor to keep my hair of good color, to remove 'ivdandrun‘, to heal tchmg minors, and prevent the hair from falling out. I never hesi- tate to rnmmmcnd Aynr's medicine- tomy frivndn."â€"Mrfl. II. M. Immrr. Avocu. Nehr. AYERS Hair Vigor Well Satisfied with Men’s Hair Vigor. “Nearly forty ‘years ago; auger some weeks of sickness. 'my hair turned gray. I began using Ayer'a Hair Vigor, and was so well satis- fied with the results that I havo never tried any other kind of dress- ing. ltreqniresonly an occasional appli- cation of E AYEB’S Return Tickets at Single First- class Fare 10 szrge‘kjlww -81. iuuod between :11 “than in Cumin. AW Waoungg. UA A "’0! )1) NURLA N1) A. x. PATCH. 0. '1'. «Rafa? mean} WE l’spaauh Itrilmefilifla M! «in gm a limiting £1“? E 93 ‘0'; «1% ad Man drug] 139:5; "m" -. 'FEJEIIR'Q. Georgian Bey, linden. Gelert, Irondeie and Brock- vme coed hem pnehed through. Wu'rnnâ€"The rohde one in very ugly ehepe et.preeent: end the weetherie dun on! telly. Fm ere done ploughing and ere now out their winters wood before going to in the ehentiee. Mount Bwa. [Speciei to m Poor.) Lm Swanâ€"Three can of cattle were ehippedtromhereonuondey;M.Cooney shipped two can end MLSteveneoneoer. Mr. Ghee. Wright. 0! linden, is buying a eel-iced to eh p. Emaâ€"Mr. BertieyTeylor. of Lind- sey.kmedeflnedeer,he outwith: tromCemhra. Hegot firstdeer cf e . W done. Bert....'1’hele were70deerend3beereehippedhomthie etetion Saturday morning ..... There are twouthreegnngeot hunteutoeonent IJIICAFAW vv‘. â€"- -v H. BowhEZ'or the Damh’ISEnâ€"efiden with coodluok at the bigdam, east of the Dutch Line, and are thoroughly satisfied with their two weekn’ hunt. Ransomâ€"Business seems brisk all along the Halibut-ton branch at tho G.T.R and the tank is in goodahopo. Theatri- cids visited thla‘ brunch [not woo: with DrimiD. 019er mg! gongnomnmfim. LL‘ ___. -â€" Connor, Ketie, has been very ill with in- flemmetion for the fist tow weeks, but is now reeovering.. .. .S.Hughee he: been 111 tor the past week, but is getting better. Emmaâ€"The hunting seeson for deer ended Saturday. 15th. and s number of hunters boarded the train here for their res the homes. There were three bears an about twelve iine deer. Many hunters are of the opinion that it would be more satisfactory to stop dogs runnin end have deer shot in Water, as there are num- bers shot on runways, or rather wounded and never gotten, es the hunters do not follow them up. and plenty of wounded deer get to the weter end die. and they shoul be deenstohed in the water when they ere then wounded. There were meny “trapping" end looking for “lost dogs." but we hear oi no tines ..... Messrs. B. ghsrpiee and fee. H'oyle. Veruism. and J. Anne. 71-- _-L .leln firm.i;.â€"N.â€"P.wdiniié; 1nd uni-Oust. relmod on Thu-Ids! tron lunch, when ho is: been employed for the put at until. BlB‘l'I.â€"0I Wodnudty, 11th Nov tho was of m. J. Hoyle, o! the 1mm has, of a. higher. Slamâ€"gin 014°“ ‘uughtor gagging inn-‘1"? .“Ju. .m- Qmasl. a mm, utmod hp- 3 1|th thug Sand-.1. 15“; [Oar-undue. d 1'- PM.) PBMOIAL-Hlll H. Downy at Lind- su, la u «on a hour. on 3 visit to In u. 1'. ad flu. H. Buwhoy....Â¥r. . O. Bit-Ito, G. '1‘. R. allowing ”an“: :- “boo-rt la homo for ‘ tow a I‘ hum. ..... in. as. man, .1 L Tull-nulls. u n pron-t VII! uh- flvu hog-o: . . .Ir. 13!. Qulhy, of) ‘ g: "I Illulu. us a rug“... - [mun Mn. Seoul quietly peeled ewe, to her long reek on Sundey evening. eur- rouuded is“ all her loving Meade and relations. he ianerei took piece on Tues- de M: Qo‘eioo tromhhe temii residence. en was one o the lemon w housed in this niece for a long time. Alter eerviee eta the house the ourtene moved to the English church. which was teeteiuiiy draped in black where eh Im teeslve ser- vice ens held. Pi". E. Sewer em'iiehihg. From the «hue h to the «mean; is e re- mains were M awed by a lame mm M at e ie from we sue” hhi .98 hi Siege”; gang ggstygqnfiggg fiemaéj‘hé; $2133; ”"3995“ {than}? ‘3?“me e. mu ’1‘ game! Mm“ magi “fist â€" Ban am III'égef “219193 m Isa-He E?" "'1‘: “I G mugged y ké‘até BMW" 6! Sim“? guide-a aewéeaheeu as a 9 92‘ $41999 in gaming gauche “A: we, wmi m9 9 as u! mi 359m»! 9!! ‘2“ mâ€" ”Gulf: §§§§| mm “but InI»?! ‘0 filifiég" 0:1!“ In M 9 flash! $.3?‘%f:."i.'e} :iian“ai'sfia3za’uy ormnfucd. In showing put-overt!!! mum to aid in tho good won: of em: church. KINMO UN ‘1‘. tommndcncc cl Till PM» TIMâ€"Til. m muting In on. not cancel- house In ccnnccflon with the 3.9qu church wcc c dccidcd Incocu. ccncldcrlc tho me. c! that :0ch. Prccccdc ucm ncmcthlnn_cvcr3l§. .._ um“-.. "mi“ IUIIIUNIIIII vvu- I Rom? PIOUWI.â€"Mr. WIIIIIm HyIlop. at FInIlon FululI. II" In" an! ll" M'I'IDI. mum tor III Oflflrh no! II. I oprouI thh then will In “11"? many who out hon II II!!! wlutor. rl «IIm m m fen". I. III" "nu r- .-v.â€" r“- w“ "U" 3‘" I â€" , 7 V AGuon MAN. v-Mr. Fm! Tuln II local “out have and uh polutl slon tho Hull- burton bunch of flu ullmd or Mr. Geo. Martin. of l: quelgu prlll. 4|-LI_ ..-.-.J -.4- In Ul out! mauve u--.- ..__ ....7V ,, at «m, gave some n oxoollonh «loo- clona. ho Lndloa' Al cup Had an 0:. «none supply of “trunnion I Ind did .11 In out; pawn; go mgyeyl («1 1:39” 33d It'vr'as decided to as: as may or we friends of the church as can meet to do so at 9 a.ni. on Saturday to aid in remit-ting the shede and fences etc. It is hoped at the surroundings will thus be cone derabulz in: ved. Services are continued ea Sd bath at 3 p.m. All cordially welcomed. SOCIALâ€"A very interest social was ohn Moore held at the residence of Mrs. on Thursday. Nov. 12th. The home was very beautifully decorated and kindla e Ladies’ Al placed at the disposal of th and their friends. A very considerable number of friends gathered, not only from Salem but from other parts also. Rev. J. W. Totten was appointed to the chair and called upon Dr. White. who gavea capital address which contained mnch cod, sound advice for the young people. is remarks had to do ohieflg with Ep- worth Lee as work. byblll S lelds and Annie M0 at each gave a recitation, which were well rendered. Mlss Carrie Moore gave a well rendered instrumental selec- tion. The sinners oi the church. consist in: oi the Misses Moore and brothers. and A_._‘II-_A n-I-n, [Correspondence d N- Pond Luau: Emma â€"An inure-tin mou- lng of the League wu hold on leads] even! luv. conducted by Mr. V. Lafa- tord. a “moot wu “A m'oduont on 3nd how to get u." The ohopolo ban attending It. nut- hsvo largo! run Inga; In future It will begin :3 7.50 pm. n m dmdod to uh M ”919131! 0 VIII '1 Ilium" _â€"_v 0‘ “I'- you nun who bod cow. I: nor, on. M y MI Indium hm sod mm. utobllolud I “M w mud him to homo"! b .11 who him. To. tom hon tho ”not” we tho on vlololty In um: . It bolas olpoololly no that mother went homo about two you. ond now moth» monitor at tho hull! plow trcu tho homo. Ho lo uâ€"Maudl, coon "trotting !â€" To t mum- tunuu loud to m... um 2094152229.. .1... E 3.; fig =§ Conn-Hr. L. Bouncer made A trip to Goodahnm to “and the dlvlnlon court lat not. Bum.-Tho hunting non-on hung over. hundreds or. vending then- my on wlbh choir trcphlu of the chose ...... The nannl modlonm or door stories wlll now be dulled up n In Knnohnnun. Warm-Tho wanna-r 1. am mlld; the now tun neltod «my, on than when plans! In. In. nae rt com to no ond will «In. the opportnn :1 lo ulna lo nenror to n noun. Com-pond 0! m Poor. cum-1w» “an“ m $30.1“: hum dlu onus. will]. the not“: We have opted to at but“: qua- "on by tho an no! on. of our men unh- bl. u rm. Vacuum.“ r. ohn_ “Wuhan.“ Lon. won I 3 3 33* 11111 ~02- 3 «I834 1.35 88: 5888 5 853, 83m Lose Loom Foxâ€"Work In: been re- aumod in the Iron mines hero. and the merry sound. of the arms as followed by thg explode; of_th_g busty. ,4), _ L..._ A; I001 IRONDA'LE. mar-um) GLANDINI. 6114.131. free-hm: THE CANADIAN; 1) UNSIORD. [10on compondonco of who Pom] On Call“ humourâ€"Tho oonuol mootlng c: tho potrono of Stu choooo loc- my woo hold on Mondo omlng loot. Thoro woo o l otton onco nod o rod ' no. tooll rovou . Mr. lot-son Jo otoro'tsoryptrooouror. nod tho report o tho you-'o cporotlouo ulna holow which show that tho factory hoo ho o n7 ootlotoctory "MOD. Vory lotorontlu o v duo-loo woro dollvorod by Mr. J. Ltth w. column for tho tootor .ond by Mr. [to t- non. pro-Mont ot tho lctcrlo choooo bond for tho put ooooon. which woro In“ ct cod odvlco out! oucouronomont. Follow. ug ato tho aunt-on I No. Ibo. mllk InonuhutumL. ............. m “I Nu. Ihl. uhcooe tummlouturod m... ....... . mt mm Avenue Nu Hm. mm: tolh.u|1ouo.. . . .. .. . .10 (Ii/[00 Average prlra per lou lho "NIL. .... .. .. .7 ..w “[100 PIN (or unuhummm ‘a'ldtn . ..... mm," a mega. Pnldn nr drawing P‘s; «mm mm he! has “arm wel. loos. 99999993)? 99 ui‘fniPFw 0mm .- 9 néeie this xgtagé 9,9 9m 1599 “93??” $999. 999! §9M {$159199 99: Pg $9319 Mm 999969 9mm 9 (399913 E§B€Z9$ “99015199: 9:29;: 991921}:ng I 9 {9 9m 9 99 33999qu 99 _. £59:qu l l ”mil i?” PM “HM! w m .:we Menu of“ t; gee we a 39393 gala”? 3393‘: s: uneveraeeme in £3 Egg no one Wu H 3qu “3353 loom over $3 nausea“; E3! on lead .molh are» fifiifi 39ml: Egan“ you t heenllr 3:.le th b8 mmea 'OFk ‘V Inn: 6‘ a?“ an “205?, or, try a to pol lolfiheba young filo th G F '8"- ienour. elso in her- ‘01 : hm" In slh 0 always have teetlmoor I 8“- iour. which lane ’00! Manna: nag” thou she hoeo one to in: now from thle war 1"! of on" ond l'a'oua hlee. 0h mu we ell hove our lamps tel muted «loud urninigit we be headed the eummtue at death n tho night or in the momma.“ that we may be tound reed! ond wol on our deor ulster wu. She in ne. but will be remembered by who: 5 e has don. Her remains were interred ln ch St. Mary's church cemetery on Nov, 13» fol- lowed by u very lorge ooneourre of neigh- bore 3nd sorrowlnn friends. Two very hondnome flan! wmghl adorned the oofln. one presented by her uncle, Dr. R. F. Morrow, dentist. Peter-bore end her other by her two eunte. Hrs lerke end Mrs Robert Preston. chlndsey. A mound eye- In in: eight. Are like en eve [one Short on the wetch t t end; the night. Betore the ruin: I'lll. do we mourn depertiuz friends, Or eheke et deeth'n elem” "flu but. the voice um. J eon: lends To eel! them to me am ~ Brother. thou at you bolero II, And cm “In“: soul I: flown. When turn ur- wlpod from only on And not-row 1- unknown. Signed on behalf of the lodge. Cam mm W. Husm. mam; Sn: WEI’I‘I. mum. [We-es e! 1’- Pet.) Franâ€"Tho horns on lot 13. eon. 3, Eldon, with oontezm. hole a to Thou. my. were totelly destro by are lost Mondsy night. man lost. opposed to how so on tire by temps. Rmoumox or Connomcnâ€" At the of North Verulem lest re or meetio’ L.O.L. o. 1410, he! October 20:11. 1898, the following resolution of condolence was gassed: To Hrs. Robt. Tel/0rd and Fam- y: Whereas, it has pleased the Almighty in His wisdom to remove from our midst our dear and well beloved brother. Robert Telford, who sutured 3 ion end ntul illness, be it resolved, thot t s lodge, now in session, do tender to the late brother's widow and children its heartfelt sympsthy in thin. their hour of sorrow. expressing the hope that the aood Lord mey drew near by, and that His sgierit may comfort them. and we, the mem rs of sold lodge, assure them that the lute brother's memory will long be revered by use A "5:1: “34%: “Wool-um “on ». bola; a . nude to: tho mun! oonom am: by tho Enduvor society on Ola-Mm“ n In. On: Scuoou.â€"Mr. Ls» In- a u- as head tuohu- to: not»: your. euz Miss haul”, ct Llnduy. In to b: all-mt. IN "I” VII-q Purgooxmâ€"Souoot in V0!!!” 0 Iron hon book In the phloem u? Duo. ”2233.2: fifi".:.§::a::..‘:."' F" m on 8nd Dam In. W mu: plan-adv VII: the ammo. (11-15- 1...an “Mlmmn A---..â€"â€" .o‘z’m' 3‘“... “With 1’33»!me mum II on tho clot 1m ...... In. “amino. 0! HM- hu bun villain: Mood: In m. u vlzl'nlw ...... Dr. nuance. goal 3“ In town on Btbhslh. tho no» of Rm 7' you; SUNDERLAND. Icon-pom at m Pom] Me has! Warmâ€"A how even- :flfn :30 m. Christie and m. wk!” up tron the nation. "V?" w from eh- m owing to the W of the night ...... A sanctum. Wm {Ml mama» some villain. milled 01”“ mm. by wpa 3100315411)!"- L- 11.; "n- lmwu‘. UIU WOO law W â€"__.- “W mthollthxovn unqeélulynunod fiw,m (Inland. The came was tabla to E In for bath] ...... On the 15th Nov" mun Patter-on. used 93; hurled on Wodnoothyfnlsm, no 8 9.111., In the Presby- toxin: bury mound. Sada-bud: NAmw flownâ€"Nearly a bl. are It Mr. W. H. 011ml. caused by hoc ulna being 1m too nou- tho bulldlna. M. P but u and! a botwun Mr. 011m. building and t a tangy. Canon â€"- 22953:.“ W... ”WMM' we?“ mocha: crop. Beet bulimia Tum ouh rocelvod FL 881‘ WQQD;_ 576 16- 33:3: 10 ._l ‘3 31 8H 3° 5.543.315 In: :- a'fm W. Cnmuo- Sumn. Islam .5 VI? 40 05.713 97 0x WIDKISMY, Nov. 25th, 1896- 000 Much. monomer. credit niacin! mmm lamb. me grow” at It. Juno- u . calotfi, coma, and“). 89k a onco’ I m- 0: Wink-Inn. W. 8nd. 1898-!” Ir. m Brown, Auctioneer, uni unpaved «gait 510 o! nimble 3......“ o: s:wn;i't;o; 33363 65; em as dosth with his ride but. The ban m “undue-unmwhan sold. ruined!” stimulant to tho expand at the hunt. MMNggtdeu-nrym In their dhtflot. ’WW 'muunthufi “€1.53: 5} hi}. .1. Appolho for shipment hm -Porhnpl tho most “will hunt!“ by at the man was the Nudist. udRonp .whouuuTod odhomo on sum (can!) ihltomh They - -â€"J 5â€"- AM. EB?! fréagfiéma “*2? $5 ”51%;? $1!“qu 9'36““? EOE-9126' GB 8‘15“ VOCI‘QEPI thufi war»? one ’i'. no a tam: 0" mduholr um Roz-lune counted In Mahmou- -mouhor brain 3nd three out». The honor of uhootlns tholcmbou‘outom.m1lm. Kr. Room shot "39 0101303350. and running 'amrmsra... 2:15;; “a?“ «A'S'n‘ifofingh so Tofifx‘I’é’1wfi-o “W135? 393.33: 3.3%.“: 35%: 00!! -Uu 10m Mm Mf.firl891.of r a gem mm “33%;... m“: 60“” Ht Wt! 93%!“ a3.” ’géflga' “flaw“ 0h. a" 08! 4a. Malawi-Wilt. purer. who h“. 33??? '.°.:.'a:.°1..r°:."..z':.3 . 3'33...” owl“ tootha- hunter- uud union luv!“ nm 600! stand 0! am: a I. nounholm any :11an to «can n. thus bun. In“ Dunn. -Mr. A". Lille nnd WW "mod Blood. from Bm m. with 0 «door. And In «had In 3 crlumphnl prom-Ion ID Ken 4!. no bl buck wn thou In the woo I gwo mun Ar‘om «my. 9993!}: put, I“- ll.- "UV“ I$IVUII II-II' nu â€"“_ Ind - hurt- -bnnhl:fah caution noulni (If. bl: follow to the! o __h| on. ... ilmo. â€"Mr.W 'Ihorndlko‘ o titty‘cmokwood orrlvod {roux N: o nor flvo door. Tool: com Viol noos- 'rory Monmouth. Ono mnem- woo :- boo by flootor Jomoo Thorndlkom olod one yooro. ood ho m IJootlIobly olotod. 4n. Binds-Bum pm, .u'flvod homo Tooth: from E2310 hko. not»: at Hdlbnrton. with unnldou'. und report 1 nut-clu- clue. but mlunbh mum mailed the hunting. â€"'rn. Blmpaon-Onndoll hunting My broke cg amp 5: Longlnko. I»: hid” Indra» ed town non morning!» Eunrlon win]: in do“. hum pnvlounly Ihlp out (our. '1‘th mun 3 mo» ”Jayme Whilâ€" u .1! N. on Mm 3%!0'!» tron. loll! clsaug‘fiom '1 for In man Events to” or Spy-«418w. ADM. 19910.. Apples. A. Puma. {may noon. la the had- qwfluwtior choice by!!! plot“! View A- IM LLI- t- mu uqnuu tho up!“ 1!: II on. a um I- w!!! 300%. u Ion“.- the hood and. um: In M n ouch 1y 2y. hail. 3E3"- How to 8005“” ‘9’!“ 02mm " hour oomphlnu M mnmupphmuwmhmmw cub-winter. Than-one! III-M the __nu IWUVIIWI. .u ulm '- -â€"â€" - hm mock “d {mph-nun. the pro at In. E. Rich. on lot 16,0011. 1:. Inflpou. u on. o'clock aha-p. Bu pater. Smut“, 39v. 3mg” -_bv Eth- Ban-.1110- --L.,) _n.__j- PALE Gull-3 am an DAIUDUAI. g‘v'. a.u. Om , -- .â€" _- annulucrodltmso! shoutwhudolamds yen-old noon mwthhopropmyolWab autumn. onlot 8,oon1.lmpou. an. umb‘olock. webmwmmgood Wank. mum-lu- Ingtrom MIG SALE .33 618 T13. Hunting Nam. Er1uâ€"innvn‘llo him new the floor and W m. Bub?! ”P". an (mm well 13mm“! KODAY. NOVIIBIB m. I”. 30'. 10th, I“. 4- M TENDERS FOB SUPPLIES, I897. mwvmmmum uptomu’ mmm a E m m banana” nacho.“ 0:058“. M. No YO! WW. tun. mu- hnuu prowl-i A ”"1 008%"? Yum-mm.“ . STBAYEDâ€"Into the ”punk- 0! the IA! Norm]: T0 Ex-PAYERS. Town-hip of ”post. TAKE HONOUâ€" m. 2323-“ wag? FARM FOR SALEâ€"North m: of Lot sub-r um» I." M “92-03 _‘-‘.'L 60-". mum-Into the web-.- 0173?: Noggmzuninggtg W cowsâ€"é vholank Ina-bu, we keep every departmenv W" Mil 'l on. aflym'flhgm Sluoxauaoons SWINGB, UNDERWEAR for Ladies. M‘â€" .h. val-n If. ’53 ad! in W’ and Children's sizeS. , _ mam Goons jut waived, Wool Lined an Bust, D9h$m wwHM’I WoulLined Rubber; AllsimmMens, ° Quality Always the First Consideratigg 10 Deputmonts in 1 Store.“ The Ingest importation: we have shown ere now on our counter!- See .the newest mixtures end latest efl’ects of the season. PERFECT FIT. - NOBBY TRIMMING and PRICES THE LOW‘ST. GENTLEMEN IBM DRY GOODS. Gnocnnms. CLOTHING: “mourns. m'rs AND aCAPs. HARDWARE Boom AND snow. 0300me AND GLASS. s'nnoxnnr, FLOUR AND FEED. Aflmiuvlbdtoiwmmudmuookofl'amr- Cu and. in the County at 61 Rout-8t. 1 WHEN BUYING GOODS” This Store Offers Special Advantages. ”060 8308., Oakwooa’. ATHRO 0Q Hog: Bros. dopsrtmen‘ 6' u muhium n! M life mu Mon. It: I‘ TICKETS um 'I‘MArx \IA “haiku“ I. 0th.:- word;l w not. thm ha VI. II. WIDDESS. + EAR wider and was run VIA m sun M is the timer Overc 'IITL W Aw"! autiful w. 1291 on»: com} Trilounted taxes :1 SI Mcc E. Arm LGGS ‘ “mu s hell" '0 “door Waggo Jon. I”... II the LII Iit IN

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