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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 27 Nov 1896, p. 1

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Lanna eds/”'0’”. of Tailor- :r counters. TICKETS 3’29f’sf800. T. 8. MATCHETT. - - AGENT. C. P. R. Office. 52 Kent-st. In ot..er words, the Canada Life hd‘s more than half as much insurance in amda as all the other ten Canadian companies, wh-Je its total incomeis also over half as great as the total income of an :?:e other companies. In the com- bined requisiies of a great company the Camla life has no compeer in the D02: 'zxion'. Its p: sition is unique. 3g..\ _ .w Bus'neas taken up 'n Canada. 1895.. .. Premium Income..... w. WIDDESS, F. c. TAYLM, BULB GENTLE/”Ell! iv; ‘1' :v'mvw and anu to Bums“ Cownm md I’m-m Coma. Points. Apply to my Ticket Melt pr ”To! razar CAR Fonnm." 1nd pamphlet “GOLD ls .ARH‘ -- x»! Ktu-"rusn," or to C. E McPherson. 1 King-st. «afferent-0. CANADA LIFE J.RIGGS’ STORE Boxes of CigarS, Briar or Meerschaum P1pes _ and a. Fine Line of Silver Mounted Crooked Canes. Sleighs, Waggons, Velocoipedfi» violins, Banjos and Guitars. “to lots of other thin:- mimic _ . for Holiday PM“ u Compared with all the other Canadian Companies together. Beautiful Presents Christmas is Coming 3mm: XXXHI. WHOLE NO. 1942 'r-‘RTABLISEED 1854. L555 nu); VIA OTHER LINES TOURIST SLEEPING CARS DOLLS IN MANY PRICES. milder and Contractor. . RIG-GS. and everybody should visit to see the Large Stock of .ow is the time to geta new winter Overcoat or 8. Suit of lathe-s, Jus t received a new wk of ()vercoatings and Suit- ‘ mm, and can make them up in hm st. styles Come and see 2m- and examine my goods Mime buying. . E. ARMITAGE. Special Agent 51.. 2nd door from corner. (i‘estimates furnished on appu 171. Insurance and Gen Valuator. N0- Oxonm. my. F. C. TaYIOE E. Armiggg â€" Consisting ofâ€" Cambridge Street W A. White- J03. BIgga. ZN BRITISH COLUMBIA, CARIBOO AND KOOTENAY. 2 $5 00 T0, Companies 5 19 . z Ioss'zos 2721271 ‘ 006,890 323,101,163 $390,421 01 017 538 16.812 634 1'2" 3281320 65,099,537 10 other Canadian Quads The is’fififism 1854. i‘f‘fiaou- G ES. 55395:. Subscribe Now. BITE Fairwsafher k C" . Agent. Life’s p c 01 other 10 20.74' TORONTO, - Ontario. 197,3 I “he“ “1° be“ advantages in Cmada are to be found‘ 35'73 ' It 0315' costs . posts! to get .11 information. emu. 52773 pondence solicited. _24 “"‘29-1w. Cambridge-st. North. D’Riborl Jewell. Lot 7,006.15. mm .on or shout. 25th October last, s Two Your 0d Spotted Steer. Owner can hug sumo b rovln pro rt and ”Gil“ exponnol. ALBMVIy SEWEEL. V8.00!!- ylllo. . W. 16, 1896.â€"4l 3w. 5000 Rolls of Choice Patterns with Borders and Mouldings to match. Remember the right place. The Decorators' Headquarters. at Next the Simpson House. â€"â€"LINDSAY.â€" 38’ BARGAINS IN WALL PAPER PICTURE FRAMES WINDOW SHADES CURTAIN POLES. Etc We ste opened several cases of New Goods. We have carefully selected them and have been successful in securing some extraordinary values in many lines The balance of our Summer Boots and Shoes ere going at cost. Everyone is delighted. The prices are hard-times prices. No trouble to show you our goods and prices. Custom work and Repairing promptly attended to. TENDERS F08 SUPPLIES, l897. The undersigned will receive tender: for luppllee up to noon on MONDAY. NOVEMBER 80th. 1898. for the supply of butchere’ meet. butter, deity end creemery, giving price tor-eech, flour. oetmeel. pote- toee, cordwood. etc., for the {allowing institutions during the yeer 1897. vie. :â€" At the Anlnm ior the Insene in Toronto. London, Kingston. Hemilton, limico, Brockvllle end crime: the Centre! Prison end lereer Momentary, Toronto; the Befonnetory for Boye. iehene; ihe ln- etitntione for the Dee! end Dumb, leville, end the Blind et Brenttord. Two enillcient enretiee will be required for the due fulfilment of eeoh contact. Speeiflutioneend iomeoi tender on only be hed by inning eppllcetlon to the bur-n o! the reepeotive required to win success and prosperity duxing the next. TWO years of renewed Commercial Activity, is a. good. pmctizal BUSINESS EDUCATION. with a. thorough knowledge of SHORTHAND and TYPE- WRITING. Tnis cm be secured by 3 small outlay of energy, time end cash at the New Boots am: Shoes. N. B.-â€"'rmdm m not. required (or the lupply of nut to the Anyium in Town», London, Kingston Minn uni limioo nor to tho Control Prison 5 Karon Mommy, Toronto. ‘. , . ~‘__A-‘ fix-Emma; Paw! Building}: T an $131 Buszness College. CAPETAL G. H. ROBINSON. Youge sud Gerrard sts. 'lw. w'-â€"â€"_-_,, ,, The lowest or my undo: not moo-r117 WM TRAYEDâ€"Into the premise; of Mr. [allies’ PllI-lillflfl CAPES 27, 30 and 36 inches long, cloth outsides, Fur Linings of New A avertisomeplg Hampster, Grey Squirrel, Muskrat. Kaluga, Siberian Squirrel, Opossum, TRIM MED WITH Thibet Lamb Alaska. Sable Persian Lamb Mink. Angora. Etc. FHIBWEHTHEB flfl. . A. GOODWIN. In the rush and bustle of a big tailoring establishment inferior work often goes unnoticedâ€"it’s not so with us; in style, fit and finish. every ‘garment is perfect. If you leave your order for a Winter Over- coat or SUIT you will save money. any Tailor in town to turn out better OVERGOATS AND SUITS for less money than we ask from you. Leading Hatters and Furriers W. A. Goodwin. 9. H. Robinson. 3113.3 8010!, ' Impacton «fl-b9" 3nd Pnbllc MM. Challenge :2. W G. 3181!. W. 6:. Blair Kc Son, W. H. SHAW, Principal. Toronto. Foot of Kent-st. To be delivered at Railway Sidings during the coming season. Parties having Cedar suitable for Poles, can realize best returns from their timber by writing the under- signed for full particulars, and naming their nearest Railway Station. Broil! prlvflogu o! ro-nuyment on Its-ugh: loun- o and to tumor- sud other- dodroul of ohm helr mom. and having that: Intent: min 0 the very lowest nu. The on» II and! 0(1an co the avian oilseed. 3mm ne'eé'rn bgnght an: new on , UV \ €1.59 I...‘ v- .. PORTS, “Queen Victoriu ; Her Lixe end Reign." introduction by Lord Duflerin, will reach high Inter mark of circulation; one grant reported twenty-nine orders the dey utter he got his prospectus; mmv uke orders from three-fourtns of coils nude; we need cenvassers for Cenlda 3nd Ausunlin ; pro-poems tree on deposit of $1 155 guarantee: it you mt e shore in this gold mine hu-utie. tor territory is going Int. THE BRADLEY-GARRETSON CO. L'l'n., Toronto. TELEGRAPH POLES Genenl lunar-nee Agent. Bunker nd Broker Kent not. Lind-y. H. D. McCAFFREY, Under end by virtue of the power of nie cont-ind n I cemin mortgage. which will be produced It the time o! the sale, there will be oflered tor ale byPubiie Auction to the SIMPSOI H0085 II THE mm of ["08", MONEY TO LOAN J. H. SOOTHERAN, or my term ' not exceeding wolvo month- 'Jun Anne-m on I'm-curt 3.10.1“.- can Pun (or langua- nnd mum. .t two o'clock lathe Moon. the following (lo-table 820mm mum In the Town of Linda}. in tho unty of “cool-h: Lots Numbers 81:: ha. Bovela‘m or Bertie §troot,1n_tho and 7 7, Lâ€" _J_“-n_mnl STRAY ED. â€" From Lot 5, Con. 9, lisriposa, on or about Sept. 131;. 1898. A BED HEIFER, two years old past. Anyone furnishing in- formation thst will lesd to its recovery will be reward- ed by ROBERT SLATER, Emma. 0nt.-40-3w. Addren: MRS J. G. STEWART No. 7 88. Law st.-â€" “NI-82- "A‘uu-stu I... III-.â€" ~vvv __V, “U _ of Bertie Street. In the and i‘m of Lindsay. East. commune by aim-mun: mu sum. mom or ion. I- bid out on ; pin: 0! m mbdividon 0! Put Lou Numbers Eighteen m Ninomn. Eu: of St. Putin: Strut In the aid Town of Linda“. Es». Then we erected on m promin- tvo good tam Itoroynndl hall (inning boom now nod '01! tint-bod with 1:in “mind. othor outbuild- ing-« The building on lot 6 ll 18 It. by u n . non. hand-racy. 6 room” Thu. building on lo: 7 ll 18 n. _ _u._ - M.) â€"-" A- Oh- Eye, 29.», x3». and. mum Specialist. Cor. George and Murray sts., Peterboro. EACHER. WANTED â€" For S. S. No. 4. Verulam. for 1897. Ap limtions receiv- ed till Nov. 5th, 1896. Sure co ate. sultry md gxperiggce: Apply to T. J. INGRAM, Bobavgoon. --.-v.. 1 muted (or u. N o. 12, Township 01 Beach, County 01 Ontu'io, a mule teacher .5 principal, 1130 A (omele teacher 38 assistant. Applieuions will be received by the undersigned up to Oct. 16th, 1896 stating nhry expected and experience. duties to commence in Jm. 1897. G. H. BYERS, Greenbank P.0.. On. â€"34 w 1.1. MISS BLANBHE OHAMBERLAIN. TEACHER OF PIANO AND ORGAN. CertmcatedflPqul 9! Eggnto Cong â€"1.6A.‘ Dr. T. Popham McCullough, WINTER IS COMING! Cover them quickly with Footwear suitable to the season: It is foolish economy to delay this at the risk of your health. Come and I will show you nice warm footwear of all kinds at right prices. FELT Boors, FELT SHOES, FELT SLIPPERS, Solid and Warm. School boys and girls, see our Good Strong, Comfortable Boots. 66 aâ€" 354.1. TEACHER WANTE Dâ€"For 1897, S. S. No. 6 Eldpn, myst bgven3rq! 9?, 2nd 7....-- l. S. S. No. 6 Eldon, must. have 3rd or 2nd class ceniflate (mlle preferred). App‘jntions will be received up to Nov. 20th. 1896 Sate nominate, gluy and gxperiennc‘g. Apply to COLIN MCMILLAN, maria; Oakâ€":1”: J. -'1‘he undersigned hes for service on Lot 21. Con. 10. Ops, durinx the xenon “1896 97 a. thorough- bred Tnmwonb Boar. Description and Pedigree shown on spnlleetion. Terms. 81.00 s: time of nor- vice. WM. POGUE Proprietor.â€"42-l. [WEED-“Ulnvlwm Auv v--â€"â€". ._ --_ - ,, _ _ ‘ u [Ill-y v hymndroouu. Thor-ohm A good well on the. prom mun. beam the two Ion, and both lou . M J In" rdool wall culunud. mt, ‘ '1‘ RESâ€"Ton pot coat. on]: 3% nu an. d .10 sad the name. in on. month thus-nor mum: inure-c. F (um: puumnm M In! do cannula ‘ m °' £41.: comm;- o: $fifi?» Jon?! 1:. m B‘I‘A ,or WNW MW“!- loc- mud-v.8". as. 1396.424. yum-5mm, # AMWTfiiTH BDAR FOR SERVICE. â€"The undersigned bu lor_aervico on Lot 21. .A..- A- , .L-_-....|. EACHERS WANTED- wnnted (or u. N 0. _l2, Towngh Rubbers 0/ all Kinds. Trunks and Val/lees. M. H. SISSON, 396-w. TOWN PROPERTY IN LINDSAY. OFFICE HOURS: 9 to 11 a. m; 1 to 5 p. 1.; 'l to 9 p. m “(iâ€"633.1. 38w-6mos. N OTES DISCOUNTED UBSCRIBE FOR THE POST.â€"-On1y ’ One Dollu' per year in dance. at Lowest Ento- on [om Security, 0: on npproud Indorun Noun. UCTION SALE MORTGAGES CHANGED. flew Adverzuements. WANTED . BLAIR, Manager, 011111.». Ont 1 Door East of Daly House. M H. Sifloll'. â€"0! VALU “lâ€" ', Dec‘ 213t, 1896 pwmeqt pg” Punish: loun- -n _L___A__. YOUR FEET tâ€"Two teachers 0F OSWEGO. 39s: mu abian misfit. ', for u“ 0.0... ,m lo v 9' >I 'l VIC “on Ill nun-w VII-v1". From the clerk of the county of Kent, trencmlttlng drat a do! petltlon ho the home working of common mun from firec can w:y locomotives. Report of the ccmmleclonere coo to dlvlde the conndrlnm council dplvlelono. On motion or Lowuannouou. cec- onded by Dr. Connwm. the foregoing document. were re! (erred to the commit- tees to which they respect lvely belonged. LINDSAY WANTS A Gm Moved by Mr. RAY. seconded by Mr. Toucanumc, tho: the ctcodlnz oommltm A,_.__ k- lâ€"-s_...-‘| Rama. From A. McFarlane, deputy-reeve or Eldon. respecting Smith's creek bridge. on the boundary between Eldon and Thorab. From the clerk of the county of Ontario. relatlve to the appolntment ot a caretaker cf the Talbot rlver brldge. on the boundary etween Eldon and Th From the clerk of the county of Enron. ranemlttlng draft or petltlon to the legu- latlve unmbly eeeklng the amendment of the law relatlve to reward- tor the com vlctlon at horee_thlgvee. AL- _-__a_ A. v-nfi- LUUbnnu-A‘. in... câ€"- --__.r-, on finance Ind mes-menu be [attracted to take into comidontion and report on the advisability of giving 3 mat at 8100 to the Hope it! _I:ind:ny.â€"Curiod. â€"-_ __n -31-..-â€" On motion of 3-1:. RI!) oounofl’idjonrn- ed untll 10 o‘clock on Wetland”. IUIII III-I an vvuun‘n m William Thurston. recommending the nomination ct Mr. Murdoch. From the president of the Ontario Agri- cultural 0011086. respecting the nomination of a county student. cod, recve ct Eldon. From Dr. J. W. W respecting the condition at the Talbot river bridge, on the boundary oi Eldon and Thorah. Report of the board of managers oi the Coboconk public library. From the clerk of Somerville. transmit- ting resolution oi the council of that township. thanking the county council for , AL- _-__-_s A. M..- y- 7‘ mâ€"-" -â€"_â€"â€"77_ assistance towards the psymint Thursday's Proooodinzo. Owing to some 0! the committees bung engngod in discussing com important business. is m 11.30 before the warden took the choir. The minus: of the poo vino: day were read and confirmed. SUNDBY am On motion of Mr. Bum. Iooondod by Mr. ernaow. the standing oommlbeoo on roads and brid were innit-cowl to a: into oonaidont on nnd "gt: on the - viability of granting $6 rennin to the bridge on tho ‘boondnrngtweon Ddtoo end 1331' et lot 1. con 18. Ma y Geo. E. Lunuw. eeeonded by Dr. W000, this the etendlna committee on roads and bridgee tube into eonelder etlon wed report on the fine-hm oi grunting the mun of $50 to he to gpsgripg the Portage reed, In y.â€" anon on m: pow norm! oox‘ oomnumcuxons AND nxrcm The Wmm then read and lnid before the council the tollowicg documents: From F. D. Moore. county solicitor, rela- tive to the Fenelon school nutter. From Alex. Morrison. reeve of Somer- ville, and G. E. Inidlew. reeve of Bexley, respecting the Cobooonk bridge. Report from John E Belcher. C. E. re expenditure on the Little Bob and Babes,- geon bridges. From the inspector of schools for Best Victoria, respecting grants to poor schools and other matters. From A. Jacobs, room of Garden. re- specting the Grace river bridge end boun- dary of Baxley and Ger-den. From Alex. Morrison. were of Somer- yiile, respecting repairs on Cobooonk “Put-'3; A. Jacobs, reeve o! Car-den, re- specting the condition of the Narrows bridgeJn lnCarden From Dr. John McKey. M. P. P., .reepeeb- lag the N mews bridge, in Garden [UK Luv L‘m-uwv “.u'." â€" 'â€" From G. E. Murdoch, npplylnâ€"gvtor noml- nation as county amdenu at the Ontario Anthony-g1 Congo. , _A___.-_j|__ VII Invenyâ€" v. â€". â€"- m_. ‘_,, Mr. Touannm. the report of the ebovi committee was teed In committee end duly edopned without emendment ee follow. : Lugs-Emma mm». raw: can": UghgmumOo..mnbom ..... 1'. Rant, work. courthouu................ Human t 00.. mt. court bout..." Jon nmmmmmnpdmmnm" A7; __A._‘.I A...‘ On Tuesday last the members at Victoria county council assembled at the court house for the purpose of winding up the county business for the year. Warden Switzer presided. The members wel- ent were Messrs. Adam. Dr. Cornwall. John A. Eiiis, Johnston Ellis. Fox. Gourd. Hell, Jacobs. Johns. Keith. Lewis. Lith- gow, Lownebrough, McFarinne. McQ redo, Morrison. Ray, Shaver, Touchburn and Dr. Wood; members auent. Messrs. Bailey, Craig, Lsidiew and Thompson. The minutes of lest day of June session were rend and confirmed. The mex addressed the council with reference to the business to be brought before them. On motion or Mr. eraow. seconded by Mr. Gosnn, the various paragraphs of the werden’s address were referred to the committees having power to deal with m...» figs-8.... alflommip‘hg ‘ 8.5 g§.-n|.ouooo.n...nsouo .- t- .oooo-onuooc w. v 'flhfll WOW 0““ Ray! .... "u .. Linda-y Wan-wow- .W. WWW MLWM mi. when.“ Whom ....... ...... .. 33:3“ up!!! all Wank; noun bout... .. ......... .... .... .... ...... Concounvumlnyhoaau :mmyov: hon-W. ‘6’." nail-mum- “J.“‘Lm. W _. ‘Il- Inn. 3mm.ok..ooun 60”“ii-‘50’667””""J4 vol}. mud-um I I Emul- DI- R. B OIL-notion «)9;- P- B“- ___.__A the an“: relative to the Klnmonnt THE NOVEMBER SESSION. IS YOUR REIGHBOR A READER 0! THE POST? IS YOUR Do you know ‘? We want mm as IEIGHBOR a subscriber if he is not. We can A READER show him it will be to his interest to be a reader of THE POST and at THE POST? become conversant with the poli- ' tical affairs of this country. The coming session of Parliament at Ottawa will, no doubt, be the most interesting and impormm, the country has witnessed since confederation, and every elector should keep himself posted. Reliable Market reports, good and plentiful Local News and Correspondence. live adverâ€" tisers announcing their bargains, etc, and an interesting continued story. is what we can promise from week to week for $1.00 per year. New subscribers will receive THE POST till ist January, 1898, for that sum. in {alloy :‘ FRIDAY N UVEMBER 27. 1896 witnessed since confederation, r should keep himself posted. . reports, good and plentiful Correspondence. live adver- ig their bargains, etc, and an nued story. is what we can veek to week for $1.00 per bscribers will receive THE nuary, 1898, for that sum. Cannot] met 3: 10 o'clock. with the war- den In the mu. Member: m present ex- cept Monro. Bulls}. WW and Thomp- --., ._A-_ .- -A-.--4I-- -m PAM Ind actorb.................v............ . W. Bail, MOM' in some ............ oi enminen. upon-e- «eomcce 0 A BY-LAW 10 APPOINI‘ “BMATOEB. On motion of R Anni. eeconded by 1'. Sauna, e by-hw we: introduced to co- point ebitretore under the provitione ot the Public School Act. 16, to revue. de- tennine or cite: tho bounduic s or is school section in Feneioo. Menu. W. W. Dem. judge of the county cont-é. la?” Benin. Ian After peeein e titiou to be iotwuded to the 011ch mun eeeembly. council adjourned till 4 pan. COUNTY BRIDGE. Moved Mr. Fox, secondsd by Mr. 3011th an: the stadium oom- mltm on road: 3nd Midge. be launched to take lam confidential! tad report on MI. Mommas. Illa mm Ill-U u: in with nniolgned end protonn eorrow that the memhere oi thio oonuoil piece on record o momoriol of their loto oolleozne. John Chemhore. oeqniI-o. roevo oi the towoehlp o! Fenclon. When the momhero loot upmtot' trom their dotioe it wee nn- thonght thot one in the moridion of men- hood in yoero nod nuiol lite. would oo eoon by out down. but oo it hoe been. end wooenhot reverentl how to the will of Him who in Bio om hoe permitted eo greet e loeo to hotel! tho community which our oolleocuo eemd eo usionely end well. Com into the council elx Loon ego, he eeriy etevorito of h ioiiowo by reeoon o! hie geniolity end the modesty o! hie demonnor. Whilst doeirono of doing hie duty tnll . he me over goody to ioorn tron: end day to ther_viow_e ‘oi thoeo ‘ A - â€"- - -A‘LAâ€" Moved by Dr. Couwnx. uoondod 7 Mr. romance! M9 MED“; “m ° III-Inn. ..â€" 1â€"" EXPORT 01‘ 1'88 ”00‘7“?! 00m On motion of It. Ann. seconded Mr. Johnston Bum. tho apart on: in committee of tho whole and was duly odoptodoofollowo: 1m mltuo hon tunhoroooddofd mono-l “Inna-norm and am about. noo- ot at radon. W tho 0! to emblo tho ounotvaflldw Io upto- utotho more! 89th ooodon (lornoflytbo 32 action) of tho Public pan SchoollAct. and-loom $5011 .1. halo ol tho 52nd ooouon (tor-nod, who 90th Mon) of tho Public School- Ac: Tho loudtor'o oplnhn. under duo «In July loot, ha boon to odd-o that tho Mon Io rly Mon- Ibo council. oodtbo more?! my ”5”” thov flunk m, oppolnl. the column "quoted b Your oommluoo rooonnond t tho pnyor o! “VIII .n-I- unwâ€" -w' mouuewhomhewee nleeeetitooonteee hed experience end knowledge 0! pa eflelre. end when. dnrlou leeo yeer. he oeonpled the honorehle naelclon otwerden melenuone one In the ole- ghle dnflee end e eeneltlve deelne elweye to do when wee beet were dletlno tlve men-be o! hle ohereccer. °We nepeeo~ telly tender to thewld udeoeeeed Mend end oolleecne WWW“ eympeehy lnhelncbeuft. wehonor.hnteleoother'honly ehnd. 0n noglon at Mr. ernegw. eeoonded by Dr. Woon. tho report of the n commute. on pun wu mind road In comm!“ of whole. WM! ‘1’- thhgo‘! h_th_o Mr. The "port wu ind-ma bounmnoudoom Manon-ton thou!- tyot munalmaotflflww Wm“!!! Minimumâ€"Ou- rid. not! ormmucx m m column 011 action at It. lawnmwl. 00°- (W on you: fight.) A IMO! Ol‘ OOIDOLIKCI. We want. him as court hm ”o-..“â€" 22.1 LOOAIT NEWS-LETTERS one oil'cirma lid but DOWN ,_._L__ lsed Institute“ In the may. BAKI You! Slumâ€"It don‘t p: to buy your bread who you can buy the at and. at flam- ut Inch 3 rassouble price {ram .399: hog; mutant-natural: a Mr. ‘-__ ._.n|‘._ ‘In‘. Mm. E! 6i Eh. council: I~‘ .â€"-â€" wâ€" -77 WW me. 0mm of d! misfit-3mm" New Bucxsxnmâ€" . W. '1‘. Nichole. of Toronto. a pruned meet-3.20 :2 experience. he: ieeeed the II“ C m hell poverty for e term oi yen-e. Egon? e ions peeeonel neintencewecen high! recommend Mr. ichole ee e men at e ty end intecri end on compli- ment the reetdente oi oodviiie on heving ench e good citizen edded to their number. Penmanâ€"Mr. Fred. G. Miller who is well end tevorehlyotknown in ‘Victorie North Vic in the intereete o! The Son Savings end Doen oompeny of Onterio. he being aenerei egent. with heed omoe in Toronto. A hoei of old time triendeere elweye p to meet Mr. Miller on hie leeeed brief hneineee vieite in thin ioceli . Res A Goon Sumerianâ€"Mr. . A. Mc- Lgen. 1:ont of Ur. Alex. Home. Back. w o re repreeen ve e ieeding Toronfloleeele honee. celled on hie arm'e oeetomere in thie piece recently. endnggrtedoingegoodtrede; ' “A - A__ L_.. _. Mu.” 1uuulâ€"II"- “3:11;” 7 Illa-5 V a . mouazihwlnx 1:50. gm- ”$1.883: warning! 11133936 and lncreulng busi- _- -II Llâ€"A- pus-“M" GLAMORGAN ARI) HUNMOI'TH WOOD FILL]. on a Tn m. IOornsvondonco 0! Tu: Post.- Dnvmox Countâ€"The sitting: of the thud division noun, held on Nov. 10m and llsb. u! Gpoqerhm gm Wilberforce rec‘- vxcxâ€"Avvrr; ta;â€" “flditfihnd nem- ban “Ether“ in 3%: church. Man on Monday hut. culling of the roubzlfl: the W van very law The nonresident number- md that-amino. The sent canon-u: my; the 397. F. 8. Kennedy, 8A., were mm and stimu- hung. A worded church linseed to ht- lecture “A Mm'l 3 Ms. tor 3' Tint.” which funded with Incident and wit; u: mtuuptoommonmomdwu helpful ‘ 0'“â€" ... _III L. can lingual" Wlu "no u- â€"vâ€"â€" uons In two mantis-707m mutual ......-.__ " “d. “a". Theme wfllho no Mon“! 1.. the guard: on his next visit. N- _._. m‘ nI-In- ilk. neotively. bed severe! cuee of Interest and were well “bended In both plneee. In the first nemed pleee the only an!“ lento: the Judae'e deelelon wene nine mine: the I. B. 0. Railway Co. for weaee. or C. J. 3234 gufomfimm' ”AW 02"; "a." Jn en t- ed for 25 cent. In and the mendnder to be in unmet lneeelmente on each an Impact p3:113 month. The none wee pom y . The exee we: Khulna“ ve. Pneey. Mr. neey mined thet the new yeer umber out endegkeneepogntoggnthewoodeend LL- _AA-_ _A- peld tor es dellvend to the veterans never dellvexed. Adjourned to next court. Mr. Pneey So eene hle connhenleun eh lent one month hetmeomay ...... Ac Wilberforce. A. Boyce u. John Andereon. 854. Pulnufl’ wot-bed nt Seeqonje no! tho loan to mode In his mu: m: in pacing ht. had}? '1‘ 0W“ . udgmon or . 8mm 12' .. D. R. Anderson nu- deft. Pam n. men $48.62 tor hm nook wk. by Wu. nuke. «to. giving gm not. to: till! bane. lett. The _A_A IA; A- __I_l-l- . [Spoon w Tu Pall.) Cannon Nuts-0:1 Sands}. Nov. 15th. the pulp": of Harsh church was filled Kr. Allen. of Lindsay ...... but Mr. Anderson. at (humanoid. Nousâ€"What shout our in“ 650011 ...... Mr. Elliott bu m mm Isle. ...... Mr. Egg-r] Eda-'0! Petunia. in halo; 7- â€"AA-lâ€"A‘ kl. I! ‘ A toold "wee n he wont let onwhlch goth bed not yet token out the potent. eltho the eettlement dntluwete er- : J ndgmenttorpm brunt. wig” oonnoel'e fee snowed; execution not to tune tn! further order. This would be oonflngent on phlntlfl man: the "potent to: the lot. and coughing the lot to debndent hoe ot chemo. mm deft" '1'. Stem tor pm. Wt: 05 Month u. Jeremlnh _ AI_AI_ __ El l”.uw‘ju o mind out to unbl- “EARL _ “E £00001 blawman“ of shut you. “on month- hter m the cordu- Mb! luau Ildoolhlswlndo th. Mm Auk. dz m and the than. ohm by the trail mm. was not pn- ;hu books were settled up In um hotudlm wlchout hll renam- sad W A but In t of um I'. An‘ honor non pc- the -_‘ no UNT going. 1" PRES known TERMS: $1.00 PER YEAR PAIL)“ I! IADVLIOI mw.wwâ€" wâ€"uâ€"â€"â€"__- _-_ on the term now occupied by his Kiowa; Mr. Thou. Bail. The deceased was we end towns-ably known. or e kind-hearted. genie! disposition. a good mend. oLllging neighbor. hind husband and indulgent ,,-A- -n I..- _-.1 -_A gâ€"‘, “lune-we --v -_v --_-7- verified by an hls bod the following dey et e depth twenty ve teet below the snrleoe. His brothers. Messrs. Arthur end Thee. Bell. end Mr. R. Thurston. hls hotber-ln-lsw. who hed been telegre ed tor. lmmedletely left for the scene 0 the dlssster. end on Mondey returned wlch the body. Mr. Bell wee e son of the late Mr. John Bell: he wee bornnndrbronghg up wwlo â€"-â€"â€" â€"â€"â€"vâ€"â€"â€" â€"â€"â€"â€" ,7 7 _ mm. end the reporu of his and end end- depertnne out n gloom over the whole neighborhood. Hie tnnenl book lace from the residence at his brother, 1-. Thoe. Bell. end wee numeronsly attended by eymnethlelng Menus. mnny of whom were an old echoolfiellowe: also by a number at MI new awn-Cum a.-.. o ..... my“... he must have been greatly respected. as thcee attending his funeral had to drive tom mllee to pay then- lest tribune of reepect to n departed companion. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Mr. O'Mdley. of Lindsay5 the Rev. Mr. Creighton. Incumbent. o! one-ford, belng from home. “He Is gone but not for- meine of Mr. Jne. lieu (lute of Ozone . wane interred in St. J ohn'e church hr. Bell wee with apart, of triendedeer hun in Peterboro county. nee:- Whet- atone .eke. end on Thursday. the 12m inet.. when the party reassembled utter the dey'e hunt. Mr. Bell was missing. After weiting pest the time when e ehould heve returned, his friends went in eeerehot him. endnndingbieeoetonthe wey he had been watching. went to theieke endeeeinahie hearddie end upt eenoe netting on te enrteoe, enepeoted that their comrade had been drowned. Iheir euppiciqneuwefe' 831! gun. Hulouwmbeheevy. as he had ”Insurance. Athreehlngmeehlneowned by Ben Ferret, theh hed been etwork thedey.wuehohnrned. Theme wee workout: lneendlery,eelt eterted lntheeteekehoutlz o'clock end the In newt manage et6o'cloek. Hon Acumâ€" a. Supine end B. Ben- eon heve retained home from Menitobn loom hue and hearty. Th glve e goodeeeonntettheeropwheret ”were. â€"*â€"â€"â€" 30804 YGEON. Tu W! of the Babceygeon Methodist church m e decided euooeu. The Rev. J. J. Bee ca the Sebbeth mech- you out (one hour end one hell) with one ettentlcn end quietness. whenthe mnu- wee disturbed by bum: ct laughter at the leetereg meager/ed e of car a theleowrer mwnm a. na“!!! en mm but: ludicrous the" Ir All high! puma wt . were y theevenln m.endoheboudcttrueteeehavo 8100 u the result or the anniversary. Dnnetard. 030863 Nor: -Bev. Hr. Cnaflaa con- dneoad anniversary service In St. John's church lent Sunday. Both morn and evanlngearvbal were well a and the oflartquea_ were nbergl_ 1,.L LL- _. Ethan. 'I Pmouus.â€" . J. 11. um n.- ramovod tram Dunstan! to n tum be bought in Opt. former-1y owned by Mr. W. . . .Mr. (zips. B_rown_hg._§ ranted [wnlwpvw w v- â€"__ - ---n flown! remâ€"Tn;- 15:h s around the noun! number of drunks nn move or less rowdylom. nnd the evening of the 16:11 was no exception to the rule. Constable Me. Bu. however, Is the right man In the 11th piece. one! Klrkneld has every mo n;_ n.-- -L I--‘ .- Am...- I'mâ€"L'IKWIIIIIWW, new nun contents.“ autumnal: owned by J. H. Wilson. were oonsnned by are on nun-ed” night. The place has been rent- ed luggagewnmtortheuet two ,,,,, - L_L___ -- L- L-‘ gmfiifiae huâ€"s't‘liit'i'xx omoer who ll ten-1m In his duty Mid who Is dun “fog had” when required. A ' ' ,, â€"___- -_R-LIâ€" ooiiiav of the mist: ha in the 7 lap:- next mo hetone . John Ray. J.P., who fined em $5 and costs to:- their evening's emneement. Two others were eleo summoned hem hlmtor entle the their own bnelneee next time. Rum! Egon._â€"Whet promises to be on J“ L- -. .A .â€" III e Lum- "- nâ€"A very intereeting and in- atructive lecture wee delivered to a large appreciative audience in the Preeny- uriau church here last Honda 5 evening gfithe Rev. Mr. Gilray. oi allege at. church ch.Toronto. The aub- Ject thelecturewat wat“ATriptoSwltâ€" ear-laud.” The Ladiee' Aid. under whoae auepicce the rev. entleman lectured. are toheoonnatula ontheenoceeecithe evening. Omar Monarchsâ€"Mr. John Mc- Kay iNe heat huey making carpets with hie new Newoomhe ’earret-weaving ingmachine. Mr. McKay'e tame carpet weavi ng ie extendinxiarand wide. ide,and orders from of the country are daily pouring all part- in. Thcee who have to to weave had better eee cKay micro goingelee where. Lacunaâ€"Mrs. Meafhe r. oi Lindeay. epentm eeveral daye bosom aet week. visiting m. a eeeeee “33': a audden “chill“ laet riday night. at it wee no goâ€" he had to get out. He even. however gingivitis: Andrew ...... Mr. Fred. lot. of Toronto. weiland favorably known“ hereh and at Victoria Road, spent a fcwda here laet week ...... Mr. Albert nehih veneerinchle andH ouee. e will have one at then cert recidencee inthe village when completed. d(301m?! Cautionâ€"Toe present eyetem melanin; the county council oilterninatee theoloee o! the year. Henoetorth twelvem wwill traneactthe Muelle- oithe preeent tum-ck. Our ocan it now divided was» '23 our. “. MOI-U van-unwâ€"I _., .â€" -7- o! Wootlfit [strict No. 6. It {do the electors of this duel-lot N that: new nod onerous duties to the credit at them The mbm o! the now ”cumming" tumors datu- ,,,A L-l‘_ A...“ l- cull-II..- be: flown baton tho council on I and m tho page“? of hurdllbl‘lfl II A _ _._- .. kghnA-Q- mummy.“ mm mmmwum nmm an .m I. «I« 411% Q .. 93a: . Punâ€"Hoofioflfl .3 no .3309 .30 S Nomad on a... “.9325 5:33 .885 \ \tIIlDI billy» ii)" Il-I‘H m .m mm ..mmmmme mm.n. £0ng unnu- mu M dam. Glut. Theq the money .mxzfig wed toroons Y the to u, or not! At an pun ameClu-k d5%:3 d and had been caution for than V 1 uh :- deft. an. Mention u to ought l 0!! WMWmM. 3th “I m m mmmmmwmh nmmomwum march. 60w body. mm am be 9-4. Niftwmmlv ‘4) L--â€" 0m 01 Tux POI Fugâ€"’11:. M! “$1 “9““ KIRK FIELD. [W93 9‘ 3’“! 39°51 Town flew: county Hews World’s Hews DUNSFOBD. LIIFORD. Mara-10m cl mire-u filth the

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