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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 12 Nov 1897, p. 5

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eize or In! era. )9; $1.35, $1.59 cc of value. ‘place you you want i, because i1 kinds of that our Capo” we alvnys some mces, Infmml In to name; on. to a black M. 250. 5 Wu wuhu mdu more. no more Our blsc'u u c. 45c. should be a Vappreahted. rxcd that. you can do in either brsid l'c, IZc, 130. 0c, l2gc, 15¢ '. $5], and up. 3.753I’1 '25, $1 ’ants E ‘e excel in Bum. 34- 7?}, $5, $6,379 37 , for a. Our men. from six yam 23», 30c 35c edged u the FEY 50 for nice till 820 in our unsort- 129:.” £52 2 2“; and nod W95 Mm THE MEDAL WlLL my], Scfnu in the Police C was remanded priution of th bow going on Ll ‘lllTV'li. .‘Il‘. I v - [hr Cruw's Nest { Ju‘t'lrll Quczxguqvillc "1 ARI “ NJ" Anu‘. J---â€" Acting on a report from Protessm Prince. who has made :1 person-.11 in- sI‘t'ction of the ground. Sir Louis Davies has authorized an extension of the time for cmmuercial Whitefish catching in Lake St. Clair and the Detroit Rive: frum thr mouth of the St. Clair River to Palm- Point. up to Nov. 20. The close season hitherto has commenced 0“ Nov. 1. and the extension is made M 113' request of Mr. McGregur, 51.? fur Essex firm to The Balls Spre' d-l-‘our Inucu. Charlottosville. Van, Nov. 4.â€"The Chesapcuke and Ohio vestibule express, known as the I". F. V., from Cincinnati If: Washington. was wrecked near Old blynlwell. five miles east or: this phage, this afternoon. Four pensons were k111- Vefi and 17 injured. The deaq are: Henry 31m. a negro porter. Kesmck. V3.3 gm Italian woman named Metam_ apd m.- tam, believed to be from Cinema-n. and Phelix Max-em. died after removal to Uhariotzesville. \un-‘L v- Q0; definitely ageâ€"Embed. hated to have been due Buffalo. N.Y., Nov. Zâ€"Miss Frances: E. Willard was to-day reelected Presi-,‘ dent of the National W.C.'1‘.U., almost without opposition. war and fitdsaway Veter- ans TNQK 59 Boss. ENJOY RECIPBOCAL TRADE. M auxin: “In Willard I'- Minted. u is 01m wuxL-J uuu ......-... cousidrring for some time Mr. Davis wants is that shouhl be placed in the root and the cutfin inserxed in it. nromisod to look into the .‘v. . Turn!) to: brunt .\ Suns. Hamilh tubing. Edwin 5k lmrps. S. ll. Four Killed. 2â€"Miss F1311“? _ S, 1km" brmlllw. Hmniltmg: AMI" m "ill OI! ’mlldll Ill-z "=“IQHI ll III! '9! a! CI!!!" mglflfl- Mugs gm! e! um!!! film we“ £ 5% B M1535 mwzfig aggisfld “was, and; "um? um waif}! um .zam " 9:3“ on; #:gflfizh g! an “Eight insect mu Mm been “misenw bar-mm “:1; min 4â€"? madman that the 33; main. mince-13 means" at you»: ”allow tromm “dented New Jemym Than the deputment not about nun as ”out when: all the stock that brou ht lulu been taken, and this proved a. any m8. The trees had been scattered over a con- siderable portion or the western part of the Province. The authorities groceeded alox : systematic lines. First, t ey found out how many trees were imported; next, among what centres of distribution these had been divided. and lastly, u on what farms they had been planted. his task was rendered more difficult by the fact that land to make a pers-Iunl inspection In each case, with a view to having all nirected trees destroyed. Mr. Orr has also re- ccived authority to ins ect any nurseries where the proprietors as him to do so. "II. In What lhr "Mu! ofllflul Report of the G. T. II. o: (‘nnndn Show. I! lo 3!. anlun. Nov. 4.-â€"(Special).â€"-\VMtever the Grand Trunk Railway has been in the past. it is now quite clear from thu otflciul report of the directors, to- gv-tht-r 'with Mm stutvment of account! {or the bwlf year ending June 30. 1897 that it in now run m- u. commerciui enterpriw. Mr. Charles M. Hays. Um Gum-ml Mmmgur. mm» m Cnnudu ut the dmmnco or the I’m-Il- tld'ul of the company. sir Charles ‘ICivvrs-\\'ilmm, nppnrvmly on the under- ‘txlxuliug that the road nhuuld bu kept up to tho Amorlcnn standard and n: Ilw numo linu- that emu-nun. nhould be u-nl duwn to the Hunt point. 1\Llll‘. Huy- n Ann-u. JOHN D)! YQEX’H WORK. um Gum-ml .Mmmm-x Cu-nndn at m. dmtmxco «Inn: of the company. "Rpm-“11mm, nppnrvmly utumliug thu} ths: roml I cut down to the tint-st pull“. nu. nu... hns succcmlml in carrying out his trust. th'illlsv. during the six months in ques- tion. the Working expenses luwc been cut down from 71.34 per cent. or tht‘ gross receipts to ($7.49 per cent. of the gross receipts for the corresponding half year. This decrease menus n suvlng to the shun-holders of £55,677. To glvt‘ L‘anndinns nu him of the magnitude of the Work the St. Louis man has tackled it is only necessary to state thnt the gross receipts for the six months were £1,722,491. as'corupnted with £13073“) for the corresponding six months of the. year previous. while for the six months ending June 30. 1897. the working ex~ penses were £1,162,568. as compared with £1,213,245 for the corresponding period of inst yexlr. It is only fair to give Mr. Hays credit for this incl-cased business. as he has hustled for it. Thus it will be seen that in the decreased operating expenses and increased re- :cipts which are directly under the :-ontrol of the General Manager, the shareholders were better off by £70,623 â€"â€"or $345,000 in round Canadian figuresâ€" :it the end of the six months ending June 30, 1897. than they were as com- pared with the corresponding six months of 1896. which proves that the Grand Trunk Railway is making steady pro grcss towards bettering the shareholders‘ condition. It speaks well for the cure- rul management in detail exercised by Mr. Hays. A peculiar feature of the report, however, is that Mr. Hays shines in the freight business. While the com- pany's passenger traflic decreased dur- ing the six months by 0.12 per cent. the freight traffic increased by 1.49 per cent. This, it is altogether probable, is due to the discontinuance of periodical suburban tickets and to the fight that the new General Manager has put up for the through freight trnfic carried by the Grand Trunk from Uncle Sam’s western domain to the seaboard. Blake Thing-I Deemedly lively at Wood- stockâ€"Two ol Them Ceptund. Woodstock, Nov. 8.â€"Three tough cus- tomers struck tom; yesterday, and last “J: LUIHLL v 9-. u-.. night about 8 pm. tévo or them entered Marshall’s pork store and proceeded to help themselves. The proprietor caught one of them, and the other struck Mr. Marshall on the head with a heavy club, knocking him down. The two men then ran east on Dundas- strm-t and up Light-street. A hue and cry was raised, and they were overtaken by :1 large posse of citizens on Welling- ton-street. They made a gesperate resistance, and ,3 n L‘_ "-n-n .L DC) nun..- -_, -‘n, Mr. Walton, a druggist, and a. boy were badly hurt in the struggle. One of them flourished a revolver, but did not fire, and the other used a razor, with which he slashed the clothing of his pursuers, but did not wound any- one. 3 They gave their names as Harry Button 01 Dundas and James McDonald of St. Thomas and lately of St. Cathar- ines, a tailor by trade. Dutton is the man who used the razor, which was Afterwards found on the ground. A COMMERGAL ENTERPRISE. A Fruitful Gunning Accident. Simcoe, Nov.“ 3.â€"-Anthony Chanda, aged 19 yea_rs, living with his father in the Townshlp or Charlotteville, six miles from here, was instantly kiued by the accidental dlscharge of his gun. He ’ was in the woods shooting. One barrel of his muzzle-loading shotgun had been discharged and he was reloading it, when Iin some way the second barrel went on , and the top of Chanda’s head was blown golf. The only witness to the accident lwas Chanda’s 12-year-old brother. Innllnx {or n Dxamond Bing. Barrie, 0nt., Nov. 3.-â€"C'hie'£ Post- otnce Insecyor Sweetnaxq . and clerk disappearance of a diamond ring. It ap- pears that some months ago Miss Greep posted and regigtgred _a.t : Chicago, Nov. 3.â€"â€"A.n ployed at the winter 1 Court and “’abash-avel over the lake today, an have been drowned. A was sent out to sea to a late hour this 91“ of the balloon had been n for Prince" Klanh-I 83‘” D. Balloons: lion II znmm 1009113 ter circus. . .-avenue. drxtted “'1' r, and is 5111190984 to A lite-saving ere-w uch for him. but up ; men-noon. no trace been found. 5 for loulnln. .Princess Kinn- for Honolulu on Ilne “lif- Accident. ‘BRUCHESlâ€"W ROME. The Archbishop Man» an In- urosumi Announcement: SEPARATE 80HO0L8 ll MANITOBA. Vic-Mellon“ «mun I. m ‘ mun-upmâ€"nomum * ”I. hum! Ion-h W- e» W» Bolton. In you» While" lu m Home, Nov. 8.â€"'1‘he new Arohhlehoo at Montreal, Mgr. Brucheei. hu ur- rived here and will reelde at the Cuna- dian College 'during his en: in thin city. He declares that the right 0! Roman Catholics to Separate Ichooll in : Manitoba will be supported. and l: ll| geld the Pope will Ihortly give I. dedi- Lon on the subject. as the moment in regarded as 0 male, in view ot'the calm or Canadian press mace the salon or Mgr. Merry del Val to Canada. A Correspondent Who uucvu It In) Moran" Burl-x the luau-n. London, Nov. 3.â€"The Paris con pendent of The Daily News, says : t On all sides I hear that {he next eleétiom are likely to give us, it got a: parliggxept 9! .rallies, one in winch ,, A __ _... alumna rhi- u “Klimt v1. .L-Iu-vw, vâ€"â€" __ they will be uppermost. Should this happen, the electoral might think it well to wathdraw their allegiance from the republic. The Pope would not object. He is in 1'a.vor_ or the practicable course, what- ever It. may be. There would be really v.ery_ little difficulty to turn this repub- hc into a kin dom or an mire. If there were a naervative majority an empire would he or easier achievement. A-king or emperor would not have to race the odium of making Dracomnn laws to defend his power. He would find them read to hand. They are the legacy of the ot and Casinlr-I’erier Preaidencieo, and were augea or strong wnvemment rival: to MEL A_ll the A~king or emperor would net nave_ w race the odium of making Dracomnn laws to defend his power. He would find them read to hand. They are the legacy ot.the 0t and Casinflr-I’erier Presidencleo, and were inns.“ or strong cals. ’ In view or future events the mon- mhists home not rallied and the Bonn- partists have tuned. Were Prince Vic- tor to step guide. ted Piliuce Loni: tor to may "new -.... ---_-_ Napoleon to be pieced It the head of this amalgamated party, there might be striking results. The latter Prince has been seeing the Kin of Italy at Mom. 80 in now in S uerinnd, and in expected at Montcalieri, where his mother liven. before returning to Paris. en route to 11mm" yhere he will visit en route .w nun-w. W the Czar at Peterhof- FRINGE "IURLlC IN DANGER. Purl: Nov. 8.â€"Five poven 0:: the Lutln Union. on the initiative of SW!”- orluud. have signed a. convention to .n- creuuo the number or. small ollver coin- iw a tram: per head of thelr population. uulng the (mining five-franc pieces in supply the necmry sliver. Madrid. Nov. 3.-â€"A tie-patch from Barcelona say: that 112 venom, who huva been confined in the tortren of Muuju'lch tor a year. on suspicion of compuvi-ty m Anarchist plot: and out- rages, were released to-day. To In: for Alam- Berlin, Nov. 4.â€"-’1‘he Lon! Anzei er announces that a newer, fitted out y the Governor of ’I‘romaoe, under in- structions from King Oscar, lat: Thun- soe Island in search 0: Prof. Andree. the neronuut. She mil yroceed to Spitzbergen, from which point Andree‘s balloon ucended last July. She h pro- visioned for eight month. cecal lulu-d. Victoria, Nov. 4.â€"(Specia.l).â€"H. M. S. Imperiouse returned yesterday morning {roxn South American after an unsuc- cessful search for $30,000,000 in gold, silver, and precious stones, which Chas. Harford, who arrived from the island on the sealing schoo‘ner Aurora in Aug- A- â€"â€"A Inna.an nn u on Ine unsung awvvâ€"-_ _, list last, claims to have located on an island. The Imperieuse left Victoria on Sept. 22, and, acting under orders from the Home Office, proceeded to San Jose de Guatemala to protect lives and look after the interests of British subjects resident in that city, as n verolution was then in progress. When the Imper- ieuse arrived at Guatemala the revolu- tion was practically over and the rainy season prevented the success of the search for the treasure, for as soon as they dug a. hole the water filled it up Montreal, Nov. 3.-â€"(Specia.l).â€"The de- cision or the Government to give the Beaver Line the mail subsidy, has created more or less interest in I. u. s. luflflu'e" smppmg CerKS, nuu uu -- v - increased when it became known that ‘ the Beaver Line would {be strengthened by two boats leased from the Cunard Company. nil-“James anthem. on; or the Montreal dxreotors, b ' interwov- ed this evening, said that contract 15 knots. The Royal Victoria Hospital will have 1: new wing, to cost $100. . The Atlantic 5: Lake Superior Bail- way people expect to have the railway complete-d along the south shore from Montreal to Levin by next tall. Kingston, Nov. 3.â€"'rne aw um- sgcured John Jackson, a exjgan In- Dole-o Io luply In.“ Ion”. mu m __.. 7 11911113 in pennant.» A new: hunter 0- noumn. I». II 1 anktort, Km, Nov. 2..-El¢cflon day was ushered in by n blood: encounter on the street between. Republican and De- mocrats, utter 1 m, renlfiuxin the death or three men and the wounding 51:31; or more were Fritz! Frank Egbexjt, Republican. :1] Em oLZ‘BE'Eibert's we!» killed; and Walter Guns. 8 I on.” lint}. It is N903“ fl linci SEARCH FOR 380,000,000. __-, ELECTION BLOODSHED- Profit-cm I‘ll suck Show. Manila: lot In». Hall Contact Awudod. A 3‘ Indian cage-M {rain mun. Frame“ Voym '0 country. Berlin. Nov. 3.â€"The Tagebhtt de- plores the victory of Tammany, saying: “It places the undesirable element of the Irish on t . The victory in Greater New York wll hare a ninmer eflect throughout the United Staten. for it mean» that the awakening desire for municipal reform hu received a terrible let hack." London. Nov. 8.-â€"Mr. John John-tone. the rincipnl director of Bovri Limit- ed. to the purchaser of Prince of Walt-3' famous racing cum-r Bflunnla. He declines to state the price paid for her or tu divulge bl: pl ans. â€"â€" The I...“ I. uplonble. Pull. Nov. 3.â€"-The Tough“! onmmontl on the GM!" IA'JYL; Pull, NOV- commontl on clown“- ."“"_“.. filwuu . nâ€".â€"- -7 election; In dglrkxygkile \'I\.‘. . ...... __ the cnuuo of'Democrucy: rnlI'Ull I.“ '- London. Non-iâ€"lfini‘nv Iearllt‘d that flu- ummmnth nonman dm-k which is be- my: aunt m spams order at Btephon- Ion‘s yard. on the 'fi‘ne, is destined for the Philippine Islands. and not for Havana. as was at first reported. This dock is similar in size and construction to the one recently built and despltched In tow tor Havana. In’uuln lawyer at Paul Adult. M! II. Illlod Cont-Inlet" and. Poonah, Bombay Presidency. Nov. 3. â€"The trial or Damodar Chum-hr, the Brnhmin in er. wbofwu “rested on Oct. 5 last. 4: rged With being connect- ed with the murder or Lieut. Ayers! and Commissioner Rand on June 2'2 last. was commenced in the court house to-dny. The building wan slroi 'ly guarded in order to prevent. any . - ‘ ‘57-» “nan oh- nu" nf the Dl'i‘ gum-nu... _... v_, _ monstmtlgn upon the part soner‘s friends.“ , . w soner u incuu». Chnpeknr adhered to his confession that he murdered Rand. but declined to make any further gtntement: The trial was adjourned ”"éi‘nBe'fixiEâ€"Ehered that he murglergd Rd} I'nnloou Dork Southampton, Nov. 3.â€"'ll1e new North German Lloyd steamer Kniser Wilhelm der Grouse. which sailed trot}! how .York on Oct. 26. arrived here this morning. She was delayed by the true- ture of the upper exhaust age or her high pressure under. e steam~ er has been dryd ed for pepsin and will proceed for Bremen tomrroW. Alnzhfr International Oneal... London. Nov. 3.â€"-The British Ambus- sador to the United States, Sir Julian Pauucetote, has been instructed to as- certain the View: 05! the Government qt the United States In regard to the rec:- ' ”“ ”--~ “You Tnflipfl. fiéciiy mag Bdward and George Parker 0! Parkm- vlllo lo“ WI! leu bym a Wounded Deer. Bracebridze, Nov. 3.â€"A double drown- ing accident occm-red at the foot of Balsam Chute, on the north branch at Mnskoka River. on Monday afternoon, when Edward and George Parker, sons of “'illiarn Parker 0: Parkersviile. were drowned. The story or the accident is as follows: A party, including the tether and two sons. were deer huntin . George Parker shot and bully woan ed a deer near the river. The animal made for the water and was followed by the young man, who ‘umped into the river after the deer. . arker wore a. belt filled with cartridges and probably the weight was too much for him, as he immediately sank. Hm father, who was on the shore near by and saw his son sink, gave the alum, aad_Edws:'d, the elder brother, cane to his assist- ance, jumping in after him, but he too ‘ disappeared almost immediatel . An at- but, owing to a swift chi-rent andvgrbad eddy at the foot of the chute, they were unuccesstnl until an hour attends. w‘hennéhe My 0: Edward was recover- --..__r__ eddy at the foot.“ the chute, the! we“ . Police Kain located the miss-inc 10-year- unuccesstnl unnl an hour attends. 'old daughter of m John new a when the body of Edward was recover- Berlin. Ont. “d ' ed. 1319 body or George ha» got. Set bring the child buck. not to been found. Edward was named and prosecute him. Mn. mun began leaves a young widow “‘1 0“? Child' unit for divonce level-II week! ago and lwmnn goirited 9_ girl 5‘9; He lme Deed at luv-rd I. Ila-Ilul. . Wane-“r. Inn» IIIBCI'. Worcester. “33.. Nov. aâ€"lfilh’anl R Enmllton. one of the moot prominent men In baking drclea at this etc, that “a killed his write and two chlldron ad (1me '5: the lamest but In a! of on anâ€" --' _' C.- the W'orceoter County I mum)»: for 80:- New England our; 1nd he rose to head Ic- Boot mutant. Bis amounts in the bank :5 Knthcrine . I cared for him a!“ e only exphnidovn or the tragedy. Will lave a Shiner fleet. I... ("11' 3 90 BOB Hg nu Ed 15-:â€" CAI. 3620:2541: Gnu-as no use 093. 3.3. b «.33.: can!!!“ in”. a. 3-» F :83. in E in. 8. 9: E in? .- no. gennnqanfibawgnvaw 54.08% ,95‘ 8- . . A a!..u?.LLL ("A P155113 0N 1'8" 1.. Bought Ibo II’IIIIIII. Just . Slight Accident. BA LSA 31 cu UTE. I 1‘ flat". for rhlllpplue Illa-In. u um: 41 M) cu [mum arr..- .~â€"- l‘k- to? fiâ€"Yofi 51:] I l‘ u..- -v 7 11,: We“ Indies. 6: die pri- new A Column 9! much from» wm mo Newman Grove IN MAIDAN VALLEY. WHERE REBELUOI WAS HATOHEO tun an that w mm... eohunu nu mood in me Ml; anky. I hitherto unknown ”they!“ the Atfldh had bout-II no hinder could penetrate. A column has villted the notorious Inonque and grove at Bath. when the Atrial rising origin-ted. nud which has been the centw ot the political und tuna- ticnl intrigue which he nuimnted the outbreaks of the tribes-en. The mosque was lett untouched und was not enten-d, but the trees and the grove were been down, as 1 mark of punishment and 11 sign of victory. The enemy one-red the feehlost nuisance and were easily din- pemd, but on act the trihemen have mnde no proposull 0! pence. The tribeunen in the Mnidnn Volley were very nctive yuoerdny. They nude several fierce attacks upon the Britinh pickets. xeconmiterin'f'pnnies and true- u. 0 British once“ P0 were wounded. Six 84:90sz in'd'ls Sewn "I! CI). “3': I. the“ Illu- AW ‘7 the Intel “on. Madrid. Nov. 2â€"11li Blunco. the new Cnptnin-Genenl of Cuba, hu sent n able neonate to the Spun-h Gonn- ment, saying he ha: formed u tumble opinion regarding the prospects for the pnclncntlou of Cuba. A uml-oflcial note was circulated to-dny, giving tulle indications o: the content.- or the Span- ish note in reply to the communication at the United States on the subject at Cuhn than hu hitherto been published. I4. Woodtord. and It conduden with the nuunnce that Spain In wanted by the nine friendly feeling It expreued In behnlt o: the United Bates. ‘I‘Io ”sacrum null! .- nun Manama-nun. London. Nov. 2.-An ouch! o! the Amalxnmnted Society 0: Engineer: nut- ed to-dny tho: he had received u cable- xnm from New York. quoting s Lon- don dem'ntch which uncu- m: the wee bet-ween the mike“ no the en- ploy on on- now remote, but the wdtude L°ri“”“l{w «mm by the Amkumted sun-J ,‘u said to be negotintin‘ with éhfli to: lthe purchase at the mated cruise: 3%- metalda. .. . kw Gerald“. In." “I! In!!- London, Nov. 2â€"60“!de Ulnar. the acne“. met with n net-sou accident to-dav. She wu tithing with 5 My triad! gt Twickenhun. when their ctr ‘ In. Both Berlin. Nov. Zâ€"Utfle 8 known hen“- regurdinx the diflcultv as“ recently arose between the Miniatu- u- Hayti and President Shot: Gun over the arrest or 1 Gem sub 9:: named Lueders. Thor; h a Doc to n;- ILA NW. 1183! IIIWIOXI. "D-‘u 1347. and obtnfned hi3 commission Royal Engineers in Egrlm'huuchfiilamb ck, awed“ “n' g' rang t e u not to -p e him. Mn. «manna began 'suit for divonce seven] week! ago and ‘Heymnn spirited the girl sway. He In}: he walked 60 mile- with her. I Ian nllmmo- lam loll-I- it Duluth Intel-flu. Seuonh. Ont. Nov. z-nomu Nei- lands. an old resident of the Township of Hullett. died very suddenly a Loud:- boro at noon to-dny from heat (ware. ped st the hotel tor dmner end death cune while he wu sitting st the able. He was also pocunuter u Hex-lock udJuneI Borer!» the Band: Columbu Incl-1- m Mn or line! 199‘“- ml, who was mild deud in the Mud- son fiver on lanky. 1nd whose body in in : vault in_ Peekskill. was a ------ on the but York pong-ll J r Gan Ind ”9299‘! much whflcd net! "“7 m. um wa- _ m- DIED 11' I'll DINNER TABLE. luv. ch I“. “'0'“ Nov. 2â€"A “IN“ (to. W . am an: wuuw W" m; the “IQ. Girl M. JUIX‘ Al ””88. I“?! ’80. pm use-m- §oun3e¢ THE 71m in the Psalm ___Ememn '5 '°""‘°“" I mm:- .. 8 WM WW 5 B '0’. am - Tun-isle The season for Storm aun :- mac, and we're bone to supply the demand. First-elm vork gnu-Intact! md prions adore than renumble. Gin me your er. Winchester Rifles. Cartridges. Primers, Loading Tools. Luded Shells. Bifle Covers. . . Guns and fllllllllllllllflfl. J. EEIIWIIBIIS 81 fill ff \OMNRTABLE HOUSE T0 RENT-â€" WdedSu-u-m. wywl. Bun-.Mmrlu. G. A. 310". Box ,ounu ABM In: cmn'thfi 4" P.0. ‘flysgvm. bud-v Best Quality. LsmoStaock. I831 2 PRESENTS . . AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES mu wan-u (- w;uwn)wm bid: win In and mun-rank by Hardware Merchants. New Advordsenon a: Lou than The Superior Accuracy of these Rifles make them the Most Perfect Rifle for Hunting [INS BEDUBED FOR ntnxsrmcsnul'ro n1 Country Resident! WHO WISH TO KEEP UP WITH THE TIMES u 'n‘ h. w_‘_‘g£‘__n mo A “‘21 3] munch You- or 1898 m Country Gentleman ll I‘Vt- w-uâ€" v... _, van-.100 mbfl'“ a: so «W M". w BBITTON Bros. SKID FOR SPICE!!! COPIES. J. P. RYLEY. Stones, but not so with We nuke a Spedsl Future of our business to bare snit- n.ble Goods in the most . . :pproved Style! ..... THE BEST OF THE Juan-n Ind 09w urrm room; a: flow Low Prices. select in some 3Q? ii) Jou THE [“08" MIN HILL «no. mot.- mp MW m: via: MI ham. own“ Pong, . - 1W1!) Bonu- Profltnddod - ~ .737“ TORI WINDOW Tom cum and - ‘ 13"" Pmlum mound U! 00. “ mam w - ‘1,“1“ or the wean don. M .11 MW mm by 034.54. and m comp-n: 0-11“ munchies-MN!“ RELIABLE I all“. loo-l u dhoovory und fliefP M mum. Indy yum. m or gum. «pa-I If!“ 035.00 per non m upon-u. sod Minuyhnk'bnm Form WORLD [IDICAL W0 00.. u A mo M Real Estate Bought and Sold on Commission. M no wind!!!” hicc- nnn hon on to buck and vol! II («'1'deth “I. "WV ,, mum-dumb»; It OI MIDI" Ill“ WUIMM’ uni, and! no. I“ W M lumber. 0‘1! 30 w. a. wlnosss. F. 0. mm meldmamsnmmdm'” Ion. ”pl! ‘9 0. cannot. Had-y. mu. m. 1897-41 '- Wanted Help. lava-“d In Candiâ€"......“ M “Mancunian!“ die- “awaym mmImntot “haul. and-annual hm Mummmunwmww". m war-n2. d Him I number a! In: alt-boom tor-’0»! to New A avormomqntl- mdccuddfiauwlwmm man-u. tour-mapoauclmw M ranrdcuhnolmtwlvw l'. 0. um Amt for Lind-y sud V” 00 PILES FIRE AN D LIFE. 000. Ill“- J. H; Soo'rmmm HOSTEL“ MD. ”CHINE FILES SWAIN?! ‘ .. film EVERY LO- i5? .I

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