’ As a matter of municipal arrangement we believe the work could be done with- out any serious addition to the rates. The townshipe would be relieved of certain expenditures, which would hereafter be borne by the county, and the work of construction and maintenance, based on the Campbell plan, with modiï¬cations, would be much more efl'ective and per- manent. In the nature of things, and without any reflection on the present spteln, there would he more value and better work for the expenditure We undentand the scheme contem- plates the reconstruction of any ï¬fteen ortwentymileeeetiona of a leading road eaehyear. A tewtnonaand‘dollara would be coded each year, and say 40-year s :14va 8211's 1331:3311“; CASES PORTER’S Bookstore be a. great “vantage-4n fact a great blessingâ€"to the farmers of this county to have the leading county roads put in ï¬rst-clue shape. This advantage would be experienced at all times and by all who have to true], but particularly would it be an advantage in marketing crops and produce of different kinds. JEWEL BOXES We understand the matter is now brought before the council In order that it my be considered by the township councils and the .ratepayexs, It would on along the lines explained by Mr. Campbell, the Ontario road instructor. All who heard Mr. Campbell’s practical address will understand the kind of work contemplated. A moderate and judicious expenditure nin careful way, by a shrewd, practice! mu, would ensure the construc- tion of s germanent roadway of a. solid, hating character, so that u very small ex- penditure would be required to maintain it in ï¬rst-slug condition for years. A strong man for the senate is the Honorable Thomas Ballsntyne, and his friends are legion. His claims are such that their recognition would be an accept- able compliment to the great industry of which he may without doubt be said to be the founder. Canada to-day would not be to the forefront in the cheese industry but for Mr. Ballsntyne, to whose personal exertions the thousands of Ontario, in fact Dominion farmers, are now deriving a proï¬table income. He took the risk, and they today are beneï¬tting by the chances he took. It cannot derogate from he claims of other gentlemen to say this of r. Ballantyne, of whom in fact much more might be justly written. my in due time be decided upon as county roads. These would be recon- structed in proper and durable shape, and hereafter msintnined by the county. The work of reconstruction would be carried Aproject of great importance to the farmers of this county was broached at the November session of the county council by Mr. Jes. Graham, one of the representatives of West Ops and Lind- say, and Mr. J32. Lithgow, of Vernlnm. The scheme proposes the adoption by the county council of certain leading roads as @112 Ghanaian gust. g BRW‘ pnés :.___â€"â€"â€"7 LINDSAY FRIDAE NOV 26. HON. LEADING COUNTY ROADS. Lindsay’s Leading Jewellers. Scholars will soon I: stand for somethlnz give their Teacher. in grant vulcty are to be found at while we strive to show the greatest courtesy and atten- tion, and leave no stone unturned in our efl'orts to suit a purchaser. We wish no one to feel that he is under ohlzgation to buy. We think our Style the best, we know our Prices are the Lowest, and depend on these facts and on the judgment of the public/or an ever increasing 11qu me of trade. THOMAS BALLANTYNE. Button Bro s. 5. Porter- OP‘TIOIANS. ’QKETS I as con- and The med Mr. :tor. :ical For]: ioua wd, ruc- did, â€an“, .5..- ._r__r, U, , quality: ........ .. ...... . 2 J Bulls. heavy export, good quality ......... 315 Bulls. feeders. per cwt..... 2 25 Stockers and medium to good . ...... .........175 Feeders. heavy .. . 25 Bun-hors‘ cattle, pi 753 " good 3125; “ medium ..... v. 2 75 Butchers' cattle. inferior .. 2 50 Sprlugcrs. each ........... 25 00 .‘lik‘b cows. each .........‘.’.5 00 Calves, each .............. 00 Stu-up, per cw: 00 Bucks, per cw: ...... . :5 Spring lambs. each Hogs, 1-10 to 200 Ib<....... " light fats ........ “ heavy fats. per cwt.. “ sows ..... “ stags ........ “ store 25 wnwï¬kynwww 5 Iowa 88 (no: -u- -l mu 6‘1 8883325: RF \: l . a . . . . anguwucuuw- 88'1- awn-w, .â€" wonld have 10 be- carefully considered end arranged. The generel idea he: been fevorebly received, and we trust Mr. Lithgow and Mr. Gtehem will prone for- ward with it. It would be I grant. bene- ï¬ts to the whole eonnty. The shipping of poultry from Cnnsds to the English market he psssed the experimental stage, and it is sstisfactory to note that the Dominion government is doing all in its power to foster the trode. in view of the fact that inrge shipments ore to be made during the next few weeks to supply the old country holiday demand, Prof. Robertson, commissioner of agricul- ture, and Mr. W. G. Gilbert, msnsger of the poultry department at the Ottnws Experimental farm. have been holding meetings at various points, hsving with them specimens of turkeys, chickens, geese and ducks, dressed in the manner suited for the British msrket. On Wednesdsy Mr. Wm. Flsvelle re- ceived a message from Prof. Robertson stating that 3 similar meeting will be held here on Monday next. 29th inst., in the council chsmber, st 2 pm. We hope our farmer friends will attend in Inge num- bers, es the style of poultry dressing to be illustrswd is much superior to the ordinary methods. and gives the birds s more sttrsgtive sppearsnce for the locsl msrket, ss well ss for export. Like the Canadian P.P.A., the Yenkee parent society, the A.P.A.,hss succumbed to the inevitable. and lsst month the hesdqnarters wss closed under sttschment for s debt of $250. which its oï¬icers de- clsred it was unsble to pay. The poisonous fungoids from the dungeons of the dark sges cannot be propsgsted in the cheerful light of this nineteenth century. “Live snd let live' is s good enough motto for to-dsy. No men should be prosecuted or receive preferrnent because of his creed. Mark well the line of demsrcetion between church sud stste, and protect liberty of cansclence from trespass by either. We wish to remind on: fume: friends of the 19th tunnel meeting of the Once- rlo Agriculture! end Experimenul Union, which will be held It the Ontario Agricul- ture! College, Guelph, on Wednesday. Thnrudey end Friday, Dec. 8511, 9.h end 10th. Single fare tickets have been. a: median rh‘llzlbâ€"LIIL “nuâ€"n. fl _ prices unchanged. Six-night rollers are quou-d at $4 muldlc frelgllls. Manitoba pn- touts at $5.20. and strong bakers nt $4.90. WHEATâ€"The demand Wu“ good tu-(lay, with cables higher. rlh‘d wmter sold out- slm- west ut‘bzc to 52kg. Sprgug sold at We on the delauul. No. 1 Mululoba hard 15 quoted at 930 to Oh: For: Wlll.am, and salt-s \vcrnimggde at 9§c G‘od- l-h "th. sun’s \\ L'u' ALI-u.“ u‘. vv- u-_~.v-_. HARLEYâ€"Tue market is unchanged. with oï¬urmgs modemtc. )0. 3 extra quoted at 26c West. and feed at 240 west. OATSâ€"Tm- market is quiet, with sales or white at 24c to 2§Vgc West, and at 25c on Midland. Mixed cats 33:: west. PEAS-The mgrket is steady, with sales today at 44c middle freights. Bu‘KWuEATâ€"The market Is unchang- ed. with prices steady. It is quoted at 300 to 309%: west, and cars sold at 3155c good . . . . . . . . Feeders. heavy Butchers’ catth Butchers' cattle, inh'rior Sprlugers, each ......... \lilcb cows each . . . . . . . Calves, each . ...... Stu-9p, per cw: .......... Bucks, per cw: . . . . ..... Spring lambs. each . . . . . . Hogs, 1-10 to 200 Ib~‘..... n u u 0. light fats ........ heavy fats per mm sows ... stags ........ store ..... Liv-gutp. CORNâ€"The market_is unchangednvith cars quoted at 261,20 to 24c west. BEANâ€"Busmess quiet, with bran quoted at $7.50 was: and at $8 middle heights. Shorts $11 to $12 middle freights. UATMEAL-The_ market is quiet and prices ï¬rm at $3.10 to $3.20 for cars on (nick. PROVISIONSâ€"Trade in cured meats quiet. with prices steady. Bacon. long clear. 7%0 to 31,443. Breakfast bacon, 11c to 11';c. Rolls. 8%c to iii/go. Mes-s pork, $13.75 to $14; (10.. short cut, $14.75 to $15.25; do" shoulder mess. $12.50. Hams, smoked, 10V}: to 12¢. Lard, ï¬rm, at 6543c to Tim- for_ tiercos, 6%c for tubs and. To to T‘Ac tor pails. Compound, 50 to (Sc. POTATOESâ€"The _l_uarket is ï¬rm, with car liots quoted at we to 60¢ per bag, on Iran". HOPsâ€"dec quiet, with choice qualities quoted at 12c to 130, and old SC to 9c. -t-...ut . -.nv no rimâ€"“.2“ (“anon-A “43!. east “"6iii'1ci')‘ A'IFPiZEEL‘rEId'e xnai-u‘v‘e,’ 'with quantities quoted at â€ac to 50 per lb. Evap- orated. Sc to 9c per lb. Shipping cattle. medium ..$3 50 to $8 85 Bulls,__ light export, good A nâ€" n m\ WEE" Eâ€"The market is steady, with tan de- mand. Sales Were made at 44c high wright? COMMERCIAL NEWS. FLOURâ€"‘ POULTRY FOR ENGLAND. Lindsay Market Prices. 09mm» mum EDITORIAL NOTES. simply TORONTO MARKETS. The mrnrkcg‘ rqlgsA qulet, with 4000 4.â€) 315 ens: 8885 ! â€"'1‘he Canadian Post from now until Jan, 1899, ‘tor $1.00. ~10 following, among others. were pro-ant: Miycr Smytb, Dan. reeve Robson. Gonna Southern and Burrows, County Council lor Jae. Graham. and Messrs. W. Fiavelle, A. Campbell, J. G. Edwards. J. Satellite, A. J. Kerr. M. J. Carter.'.l'hos. Brady.Geo. A. Little. R. B Allan. W. G. Woods, B. J. GauuhA‘hoe. Armstrong. H. W. Kennedy, Alex. Paton, D Ray. The town's side of the case was clearly outlined by Messrs. Seotheran, Fla‘veile, RAy,Graham, Brady and Mayor Smyth. Sundry arguments being advanced by other speakers. It was shown that Lind- say had granted $85,000 to the Victoria R ailway under the distinct guarantee that it was to be extended to the Mattawa as a coloniz stion road, and that when the Grand Trunk obtained control the town had generously abstained from pressing its claims. feeling that to do so might embarrass the company. On these and various other grounds the people felt that they were entiaied to a retm of the prizilege 0! which they had been dent-glut}; ' ' L n J. .--a. -‘nne-a. nf n party would mean many thin†to the citizens as lugs; ll: would mun lower taxation, better made. a Nance in the treasury, and n broad business-nu plum tor the town's sduneoment.â€"Yom, eta, Emu-on. Bunnyâ€"In ï¬nd-'1, on Thursday Nov. nth, thowfloollr. mammaanimr. Vmcn -Illum mud-1.x". 18h. 1m. mm.ndonm.ï¬mm.mm The time 13 short, it is true, but even yet there Is time to so take cotton as to Insure a. not lmprovcmcno In the council of '93, and such on Improvement cc could be wrought by the concerted action of a third _-..... _-..I.I â€".-.n m-n- â€ulna- rn thn WIVIIEVU UL was-w "In: â€"_ --V_ , , Mr. Dickson took advantage of a lull in the discussion to point out that he had not been deputed to consider the question of bonuses. but merely to hear their arEIImeuts on the market fares question. . Bay said Lindsay’s claims did not rest entirely on the bonus questionâ€"he felt that the company should take might and passenger receipts into consideration. There were good reasons for believing that under the new system the returns on this division were not u to the old ï¬gures. The company sh d also consider the f cling ot the people of the district. Mr. Graham could vouch for one phase of it. sthe county council at the present seso sion discussed a broad system at macsdam 0 roads with the object communication between the county and ontiyingï¬is‘txlots. He felt stronuly}hat - .5- ....-..l.-s. ‘nm “all! A Third Party and the Salary Grab. no the Editor oi 'l‘ul Post.) Sm.â€"Eleetion time is drawing nigh apaoe,andwhilst one hears on all sides complaints against the methods of the present council. as yet no action worthy of the name has been taken bythe citizens to remedy the crying evil. But the blame for these things should he laid at the right door. Le., not wholly on the councillors. but on the electors who, year by year, allow such men to an a position that should be full of honor and eagerly sought for by the very best men our town can boast, instead oi being, as now, one that is held up to universal derision. Wh it we now need is a third party composed of our best business men, men of acknowledged ability and integrityâ€" men who, to their everlasting shame be it and, have hitherto taken no interest in municipal matters. The only way for this better element to make its strength felt is for it to unite; well organised. strong enough in itself to insure concerted action, its ends must surely be gained, viz , the selection ct men ct honor to an the seats of honcr. Once the other two elements realized. as they shortly would. that any shady transactions would lose them the supp wt of the third pnty, then we might look for cleaner dealings in our council chamber and cemmittee ,roomr. Think ycu for one minute that, had such a third part-y existed during this year, any coun- cillor would have dared to propose such a daiocrate malfeasance as was onenight mooted in committee?_ . We have at pxesent ln town nflalra two distlnot partiesâ€"the one composed of men of some little smarhness who use thnt smartness to lend, regardless at right or wrong. the other element by the nose. and that other element whichâ€"knowlng pnc‘ 1!: lorlv nothingâ€"anflerers ltaelt blindly to e au- . ._l_-...., -__ 7", From the above Dr. Barrows argued that a mass ct statistics would boot no avail unless It cauld be proud that the male i5 nqw less tggn I} was. L a; L- AAAL Wuymg ussu IULU‘ u... . the abolition of the musket urns would multin ocusing on unto Listio town to tho G.T.R. 8° “ Roy's statement reguding the county council’s notion, sold he understood thst Polorbor.) was now agitating o scheme of electric rsilwuv mmmnoicotion with Bob- osygoon, the object halos to tap the north gounisz tndoA now enjoys} by Lindsay. - -nn- ’1! Q h. ' -wvâ€"wv' I u.___L-_- oouuu, um Ilvvv .â€" v -â€" The eeheme threatened denger to the Grand Trunk. The mensgement ehonld nieo remember thet e few em ego I live eaitetion exieted fol-O. . B. connec- tion tram Pontypool the line to be extend- ed to Bobeemeon. Lindsey people did not then enpnort the eoheme very strong] , eel ng conï¬dent thnt the G.T.R. would 0 the town jnetice. but it they were to loee oi the ndventegee of their lune Donne expenditure he telt there wee Infleient emorprtee leit to mete enother eflort. Dr. Burrowe eeid he hed been the ï¬rst to proteet egeinet the reilwey'e notion in abolishing the merket teree, end ieteron bed requested Col. Deeoon to write Mr. Bell, eouoitor {or the oompeny relative to matter. '1‘th gentlemen h- communi- cated with Generel Menage: Hen, who eent the following reply under dete of Nov. 5th: _ n u. .L- e--A-.. ...... l-â€" L‘U'e Uuu . DIAI Slug-Returning herewith the letter you lot- wnrded from Col. Dee on. at Lind-v. I may a: thet u yet we hove eeen no rel-on to et the nholieh- ment 0! the whet we! It my quite true. In C. l Deeoon netee, that the tales on Semi-den. the day the mrket inc were heretofore in (fleet, on non luil, where“ they used to be crowded. but on the ther bend, the amines. during the heience o! the wo« k in better on nil o! the m‘ne end or. neuter nun. which is much more ntinhctory from the oompeny'e stuudnoint then to have the bmineu o! the week roucmtrnted on the "nine 0! one tiny end It (Le-hell reuu'nr tutu. it is only return! that this um. oi elf-ire should not. recur to the public wuo elven judge thet the wed in meking n greet den 0! money when they see lu'l one They do not eppreelote the fact trot in must 0! such one. we would out: quite on much in carrying one but the number and with con- sequently one he" the risk, 0(an In new svcw v-.- Mr. Dickson said that when he took charge a! his department in 1890 he found the cheap market fares in eilect. but soon after slrang prozesis were made by the mezchs me or small towns, such as Aurora, Maria!) 11:. Georgetown, Acton. and many othexs, on the ground that the isreer towns and cities were being built up at the ( xpenee or smaller plucee. Eventually the tickets were abolished on all parts of the :yatem, and the people of Lindsay could hardly expect that an exception was p )ssjbie in than; one. ,_Lu_-__ 21-...--1..- lâ€" OI.- tau-luau nu unnu- “-- Atter some further discussion, in the course of which Mr. Flnvelle and Mr. Brady gave strong reason why the G.T.R. should make an exception in the cue of Lindsay. it was decided that the facts should be presented to Mr. Hon in the ic rm cf a memorial from the council and the board of trade. SATURDAY COMMUNICATIONS. . BIRTHS. PARIS- .73 88139 33:! 1: we 29:3.â€" .an n! as. 35â€"593 2 029 02589 availingâ€"Suin- 3139-25‘ E wags-3g sprang-plane: 338. 3358856.. NPIHES Id 3. Ranâ€"ulâ€" aoa or. i 1E8E> .6335; E89 I! . g 5 or. E Eggâ€"'83.?! ii Raglanâ€"Noni on. Eflfl‘EIngnprâ€"Snf LEWLE.W~.£ COLLECT,- [WU I‘U . Ull“ “v "â€"vaâ€" ,7, , n3 In double toner whines. lawn: n ~JN¢V of shout 60 hunk per dny o! 2:! houn. Aha l good Buckwheat um. only now chopping stone 3nd two chopping when The Hill is run by annulu- tgoodbonumdonxm. and" [bout is hon. power. The vholo um h In good running order. no bu u good loo-l Indc. n b nonunion", md centrally almond. And b- : switch to i'. iron the onus! Tm. 3“"‘1: A. -__, J ha... 186']. {or Iho Iupplj b! bukchu.’ w. butter. 33'1ndfc'.’ 'M " mag‘g‘t'm?" “o P 09'. 1 {mutations during the $.51†“I At. we Alylnm to! 1b. [one in Tom“ Radon. Kingston. Harmon limbo. hearin- Ind milk: the Canal Prisonwd lawn-tomb" Toronto; to. 301m, 10: Boys. Maui-on: Institutions!“ Ibo Du! uxd Duh, m, and the Blind .2 Brandon. “WM!“ WWI. kuo .â€" eomio nomiéei’ï¬ich will So need .1. the mm d .10. 7nd 09:11th datum. 11 Mt. hm boon Au. g_ n-Ln on nu, .uu up... .._.v_ _-__, nude, mm will be mm by Pibnc'Anction. u. the Benton House. In the Town or Lindiay, on Saturday, 11m December 27 01 um out, n uv- uâ€" m .___,_,___ ,_V, ' the town. II b centrally and conveniently mama. Thanh “no on the panic. n lure mum (Mung mod. 0%. Tim no our can! a madam on my town. For turther Meal-u sod condition. 9! 391° nmly_to G _!_1. EOPKINS. Yendon Solicitor. 1807 a: o‘clock. p. m, um Volume um Pug-1) koovnu'rul Vim-u Um. bola: compound to: Number 13 nor.h 0! Pool Stu-ct. in at Town of Lindny, In :36 County 0! Vlctorla‘ momma; m on ION. more or 10'. Thou no on the mnhu o nimble 8m Grist I‘ll, obontm n. by 80 n. mam-um with sides and root covered with plunked iron The Linda, 01".. 0:10 TBOIAS REID, V‘ndon'sdld tor, Fnchold Lou: Building. TOTOIIM.â€"9J-3'â€"â€-d: 1891. u: 2 o'clock. p IL. um nimble properly bola: cunpoud o! tho north lulu- 01 lot- Not. 11 nd 12. noun 0! Wellington-ct, in the Town 0! Lindsay in nu Ooumy o! karh. wont. hing Ml! an we more or loan. This property noun on MW‘OOt. ad that. h on the property I hm Indore, "ti-brick dwelling homo 0! modern cemuduppolntmnt exception- tlly well-ï¬nd up. In: :11 ncdm impronmtr. tum. huh-room. chem: 111M. etc" sad 3 one o! the but}! got tho__bon mutant-l propofly In . A___._-._.I_ .lnn-OAJ Lindny,0n 0n.-I933 -d2. The under-ï¬ned w.".i receive tendon for unis! up to noon on MONDAY, nov. 29th» LEVER 3303., - Limited, - mom. VALUABLE MILL CANADA LIFE before Slat December. N will at the next Division Proï¬ts, receive Three EE%%?+S Undtr and by vmue o! the power of ale con- tained In 1 ceruln lo 0. which will be pro- duced a the “no 0! We will he DOM by Public Auction. M: the Benton Home. in the Town or many, on Saturday, the Nth day of December, an: F0: 4. III‘ III In. 03...- .2 on par. 83.â€" it, > 3’. ".28.: Ga ‘63â€". g. .33.: a 09. ‘fl BIL. " Bony Mm m n We: um... Scuplron for Ibl ul-dulerlnw.oond-hndcwth . ma dulllndc,Cappor. Boon. Eu. JOB ' WILBO , No. 46 Vilma-IL. Una-y. oppodu Mum churchâ€"(LVN. a 5 i '5 3 g z % GENTSâ€"Book blame-I :- better dun {or you-put: tho bun haw tad hm! loll- lnz boob. Anna denim: tron 810.0 In moo weekly. A few Realm-n ; Quasi: “sods." 1.â€- M Ir, Gum no." 'Iy “Mm 323 Model." I.“ “Id. N “Prone-in her, ‘ Klondike ' Women." "0! Inpu- the UM " 'Bunku-t. Dinner Ind Supper." 'cwndl: An Wrath" Bob 0.: time. 0mm. in: to nun-on. TEE BRADLEY-GA BRETSON 00.. Halted. 'l'oromo. MORTGAGE SALE â€"â€"0I’â€"â€" RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. WANTED AT ONCEâ€"A colonel of no"! Mug-and _ saflquotwi’oushâ€"t Undo; gal! by virtue of \h. power: of do In that ; I,L _-n L- __..n.-..4 -o ok- “â€"- w. n. wmnes; r. 0. 1mm ‘ENDERS FOR SUPPLIES, 133$. vfluefl SI 6“? I IN THE TOWN OF LINDSAY. ORTGAGE SALE nu) com-m rbn m Sigearn’s Bmycles m EVERY MONTH is hereby given thlt all persons who “he out 0111th partici- pating Policies in the tending mumm- Sung!“ Sang; ASSURANGE miscellaneous. F. 0'. T8110!- )7:th had a the “no 1897. Ray Go’s. Old Stand. 50c boys no extra. heavy Top Shirt worth 50 p:r cent more. We hevenlugc line of Top Shlrzr. 3‘] prices from 50c to $1.00, either plnln or fancy, with or without collars. 500 have the bra: Unleundered Whine Shirt in Lindsay. It is an extra bugsin. lit-enforced becknnd front. linen bnom ecd code. w.“ worth 75c. Bleak Sateen Shlrte, ell prices ranginz from 500 to $100 We hue: epeclnl b‘eck Shir; just now which we will sell at 90c, worth $1.25. Just to hand n purchase of new end stylish Neck- wur. 15 dozen Knot Ties. sold at most stones at 22: each, we sell them at 15c or2!orl§ceoch. Also 12 dozen Four-inland Ties end Pol? Sarto st ï¬e each. We eell Linen Gallon. tour ply. 5c. 10¢, 15:. wooed: Pepe: Collar! 5: per box. , Neck lumen. weds! lined-likeniwool mixtures and «ohm on So each. The Great Bargain Headquarters of Lindsa are away in front again with every line of G s for Fall and Winter Wear. We buy for cash a‘. the fountain head and tell at the Lowest Prieee prevail- ing anywhere: Men's and Boys' Underwear and Fumlehin We have some hlg driven in this department. e cell the best line of Underwear at 25¢ each in Lindsay. 35c for extra heavy Elam Union Shlris and Drawers 40: for extra heavy nion Shins and Drawers. sold elsewhere at 50c. 50c for exira heavy all wool Ribhea Shirt: and Drawers. worth 85c. ï¬le (or spec'al ilne Scotch ali wool with Satin Trimmings. also acomnlete range at all priocq of the very best quality Underwear. either ribbeu or plain or fancy. 50c hnye an ex_t_|;a heavy :l‘op Shirt ’2.th fl‘psr ,,_- at..- A next '30 davs UFFER Ila. I. UFFER Ila. 2. BARGAIN STORE 0F LINDSAX GarefulBuying 3-3336} Easy Selling MEN’S AND BOYS’ SUITS FASHIONABLE FALL JACKETS and 03983 0w DRESS 60008 Trade is Great Never had such success in this department, nice St at $2.50. See our iob tables of slightly out-ofâ€"date Lot two, $1.00, Lot 3, $1.25. Ladies’ and Misses’ Gloves, Hosiery and Vests Men's Heavy Frellze Tweed LinedOVERCOA T5 at $475, $5 50, $6.50, $8.00. Men’s and Youtlzs' b’eaver OVERCOATS at $6, $7, $8, $10, $12. OFFERING YOU SOMETHING SPECIAL IN CLOTHING Fall and Winter Trade. We won't have mean. skimped, ill-made stuff in on what is good material, well-made, full mcasurc, just You can count on this always at our store. We an the prices. We gain every advantage of cash buying ; Yes, GREAT is the word, other causes. have helpa received of Fancy Eï¬'ects, V 36 to 46, for $3 95. Extra Heavy All-wool Frcize Ulsters, $465. 85 00, $6.00, $7.00. Boy’s Good Overcoats commencing at $2.00. All the up-to-datc novelties in Men's Furnishings. Never as good and never as cheap, prices range from 10c. to 50c. Flanneis, Flannelcttes, Towellings, Sheetings, Grey and White Cottons, are always sold at bottom prices in our store. We claim this the cheapest store in Lindsay to buy Ready-to-wear Clothing: Men’s Fteizc Ulster. Storm Collar. double strap on back. tab, Tweed Lined, Come at Once as these Bargains will not Last Long. WE PURPOSE FOR THIS“ W. MCGAFFEY. l’oulks’ Beaver §\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\§\\\\\\\§ R. B. Allan «9 0'0. II. J. Carter. I. Va He Glï¬oz _our superb stock, our reas this fall's big business. 3 are offering at 25c, and 5 0/7/75]? No. 3. OFFER Ila. 4. bacon! for $2. lent, nice Stylish Jackets commencing out-of-datc Mantlcs, Lot No. one: 50C., adc stuff in our store. We only buy measure, just what it pretends to be- storc. We are just as careful about I cash buying ; you get the beneï¬t. 20 Men’s and Yout/zs’ OVER. C 0A TS, ranging in prices from $5 to $10, for $2. [mt think of it, a good Senrz'cmlr/f Working to: $9.00. Youthl' (â€emu {run $2.75 up. Fla. 8 lltt from $1.75 up. Chmnn'u Pam from 25:. and 502. up. Men'o Frail: Ulster Uvercoutt. 84. $1.50. 57'- 37 00. 89.00. . Fine Stock waking Overcoat: with velvet coda Men's: Working Cocteau†Saw, Jacket and Par 82.00 per um. rt} Men'u Pants. regular $1.50 quality. Men's Pam. regal†82 50 guilty. AND OVERCOATS n»,- We tell good rel: nu- » any, w- ._ '_ We all good Felt Elms at $1003“ 813-â€, , Cm Boy 0 Ccp. either. Cloth or Fur. put. “on": Btack Eggs, extrq qnsu'y luu'i Fu- Rainbow-Mum $3.00. new $200 'per our. 83 50 for Men's Salty. mu!†price $31K) 84 50 for Men's Suite. worth $6.00. 85 00 (or Men'l Salts. worth $7.00. 8600 wiï¬ï¬‚fl (or Men's Suits. sold I We sell good not; Felt Hug a 50‘ 17o oeugood Fol: git}.- n 7523!; -¢- -o Hats, Caps and Fur Goods. CLOTHING Men’s, Boys and Youths‘ SUITS, odd sizes andï¬attems, at just halfprz'ce. our reasonable prices and am my [sincss Two special lines just 5c. and 50c., worth 39:. and 65c. rum-rm ’ I'I Brown Paula-Won Fur Com m six-00, m .00. "' m 0-†Cant-118.50. worth $25.00. now 81 p9? 9"- now $175 P" regain I everywhere t collars El: ctric VOL mmcd “a†8. man at once Ade? W on I chum amt: PM Stet-1m widow, were hm £1.10. 51 were nm a. week a toned n Clown 1 01) J ‘ after on violent] those 0| the ï¬rst was at“ ï¬lm“: the syn: must a as none permit a: neuritis CAWGA A: the .~ M09! as had be Chipnum and du: dons of y" pve her mo! Mall the insw in the Caz-pom“! that, there WM unused the susg E" who (‘nl'nul‘ don. An ofpoisonir directed (L The ins Mo GM and aflv (or trial The pria 00-day am She was s soon n12" distingui: Win Cayuga. * «ï¬nance in t in an likelil he. and if x b not lengtl Hrs. Stu-mu “has sun the use ma don. In m: Mad on Si “don has “I Irrivet III! met and u cum-ted by Hi in; of the cum Maw: hours which was a u journal mun: Inc. when the One of thom‘ Oil-Ayn, and M Canon. The! chiming mi he remains 065a- chemical Mater! undea “9‘3Ҡ, m b: '11:- Prim .a “we? sum-Inn S10! ll Ell .Tlll Af