1 _ Y PLEASJ. her success 1 smâ€" Me You of Lay Ion, B: 1' I .1 8 ,3 ‘ blends here for 2 ‘~ tinned home a 3 - h- mo hem In ! . ‘- beon living a}: I . a In. Sheba. bee We are sorry that: do has been 3 var 1 Plérkom a: Is: Huh 3 mac 5: w: 'huae and a lodge ( if]. Ind wu orgsnf numbers. 3.;me Wan .r weak. It ll ï¬ne {01 : his, setting that: 3 ‘3'! now comes. ,‘ I“ Cullls, 13:30}; i ,1. M. 5. i l . {S anode. being Mr. mm“. 0 U l i 3 e g ul' u-u vu III)! E 5 I. Nisan A msmber oldie Churcho I.;‘ 5mm], and the attachments formed ;. 3 young were cherished by him til ‘3 lug; Itusbont 40 your: since Mr. . can. to (ht: township. an! n: be it required surest den! of emu-2). tad pox-severance to two the wild: thh wilderness And settle down for me. .13’“u1““§°°‘“‘â€â€œp“°'m‘sf;‘°d u so mt on: Cam abuser. who um um no manholes: of: kind husband. a may helm and u no» .3 mm. flown-M of s g ““3de roman...» kg: .1 Ian 9 .. .. can“: remain! Ill - mm 13 But. .m’OItBl. The subject of 535:3“ , and the young were .0188: In. shout Dunn “at. nndpem ‘ ‘thhwudarn out-‘32:, I (Guam tho loss of amototh! attachments formed cherished by him till 40 you: linen Mr. a township. and no it required a great dad of elm-2), vex-wee to face the wild- can And settle down for me. um um aetmng here he led Miss Magnet Parlhmant dlsmct. who um 11m to a kind husband. 3 I magi; would LE- :00: ll olgblng yet but vet make it splendid. I PLEASANT VALLEY. lean-spandence or The Pom] Mam WAmEn.-Welem H mm: hsvo engaged Miss Ellis 0; In F ‘ I ffl' “av? “Ag- -_ A__ , câ€" â€" nan-y JOWeU, Annie“ Bmahaw. Such Black. J smss McIndoo, J no. Spence, John Cory. Fred Black, John Foo, George Dim. rd cussâ€"M32229 Bsgahaw, Inhale Bombay, Florence Kinney, Bertha Bucks, Andrew Grant, Fred Cole, George Copeland. First part secondâ€"Palmer I'm: duoâ€"Edwarfl Currie. Good attend- anceâ€"Sarah Black. Florence Kinney, Thou. 0027, John Cory, Richard Copeland. Gen- “ good conduct - Maggie Bmhaw, Edwu-d Can-1e, Nellie Bsgshsw, Beatrice Doves, George Dscre. Promotionâ€"Third himâ€"Harry J ewcll. Annie Bagshaw. Second to thirdâ€"L122! Bmhaw. Maggie Mow. Average attendance, 20. T. E. Buaezss, teacher. _ v_â€"..--.- vu‘l- [Carmina nce of The Post.) Sea e 001. Enemaâ€"Tho following In the landing of the pupils of s. a. 3, (Black’s), Karim [or December zâ€"Fltth clans-â€" Beatrice wee. Fourth classâ€"Ellie Black, Lion Brooke, Name Bagahaw, Maggie Cw], Thgmas Cgry, 1:261:13 ngghj. Third â€" mains! 1-" W39 99"293 w?!“ 592321;!923, 'hlcb’. despite all that medical aid could dc, continued tccurr ng during the day, and at night death terminated the strug- gle. 326 was an exemplary helpmeet â€he: beloved partner In life; aï¬â€˜d much “named by the people to whom he mlnls- has pastor. The heart-stricken husband, ‘ Ian of nine years and daughter of six, have aha sympathy of the entire commu- nity in thelr acre bereavement. Mrs. Leslie was daughter of Rev. Geo. Pnrkls slate:- ot Mrs. R. Ftoeland of this and was favorably known to manv h â€"Â¥- ~v" ' ' ‘ awning 1.19:2. “-1 v ‘H‘l-LU. 8A1) Emma-new. -â€" The somewhat udden death on Monday evening last at In; Leslie, wife of Rev. A. Leone, M. A., Bushman miniater at Newtonvflle. was 8.1! surprise to many friends for and Ian. Deceased had been 11: rather poor :11 for: few days, and on Monday Mina Inc! n.â€" ma-..) .4“. ‘4 , . _ LITTLE BRITAIN. dance at Thu Post.) â€WSPEM. 98:11 remix Elle @mahian ï¬rm. Ammo-G â€â€œ53?! smasassï¬Es Lmnsmr. Impenal Eek-n‘ PQWder. Dr. J. C. Ayer Boll-K" " “'12:":33 KESI: MA RIPOSA cure , Bockm '21 7?: BO WMAN VILLE. I18? '15 U! N-Ewsm ’. FRIDAY, DEC. 25, 1891. Ammonia. Lime. Phospham. 0: any In} “mt. Apr-{9 Rankine ‘er 00., Lowell, Mass. '23:? .. Pritf‘ 31; 8!! “@1335 :21: um!) I! minim}: us Toronto. Ont. r . “.1; «-512 cm v- :«rr pa ‘ ations before the or colds, coughs, lred diseases, there we of my ex n~ . cér’s Cherry as. {rigging . 923ml; g3 a. 1:" mm mucus, 311353 Cnmnbellfom preached on the Gunman: Chilli,‘ S‘bpflh or two mm mm 1-0.. _ .â€"-â€"g :r 41.597411, . [Correspondence of The Post I ON rm: SICK menâ€"Mme Minnie Taylor to lying dangerously ill et her eleter’e, Mrs. W.J. Beeeock, Caeseree. Very little hope is entertained of her reeove . . . . . Mrs. A. Splnke is recovering slowly. _ tutuâ€"Mr. W . Nalrn and sister have token a trip to Newark, neu- New York, teklns: in Nlegere Fella on their trip. May the have a oleeeant tlme.... gr. George Ma colm of Kingston is flat:- deye under the parental root. . . .Tne Peel 9 family are ell expected home to give their aged pet-cote e Christmas ch have one or their old eoclel tlmes.. . . Mlea event ..... The Cenedlen J ebllee Slngera were at Salem, and gave an entertainment well worth hearing, end gave zenerel lette- faction. lawmanâ€"No stir in m l -ï¬ --â€" uunwuu, 600; wulle MOE“- lnno, 254; Charles Gulls. 237; Jack Masher, 225; Dan McKenzie, 221; Fred Melons, 216; Antoine Vassar, 193: Wm. Munro, 191: John Cometord, 191; Annie "dam- 1m SALEMâ€"MARIPOSA. [Correspondence of The Post] I. O. . T.â€"An open lodge oi the Croes- well division I. O. G. T. will be held on Saturday, the 2nd or January, 1892, in the Congregational church. Creaswell. The chief feature of the evening’s programme will be a debate. Subject. “Resolved that secret societies do more harm to the coun- try than good.†Music Will be furnished by the lodge choir. As the last open meet ing was a great success. we bespeak for. the coming one a bumper house. Our lodge is coming along nicely. Every even~ ing brings with it a good program. Last Friday evening the subject. "Resolved, that a country man in the city is more awkward than a city man in the country," was debated. The amrmative was I: held by Bree. Arch. Delve, Chas. Butt, E. road and R. Stevens; and the negative by Bros. S. Pnrvis. J. Malnhood, E. Bateaon and Neil McDonald. After a close conteat, which was humorous and witty. the de~ cision was given in favor of the afï¬rmative. Omen Nomeâ€"Last Sunday evening ‘ we had the pleasure of listening to Elder W. Chidley oi the Christian church. He - preached an able and practical sermon. The church was packed. We shall be glad to here Rev. Mr. Chidley on any future Bevan. ,~_- __. v "at.“ uuuuuw Severil Enniamore peéï¬le seen by thé Review 3130 hold the View that the young man was not drowned. but has gone back to the woodmâ€"[Reviem west ...... MifWE'éEafiEâ€"Kuwu'ï¬zï¬r from Bnfldo on 3 short visit. ...... Mr. W. J. Mulligan, who'dnflng the summer _ _-_. wâ€"u vu- soul-J bet. The work woe done with o Monet gem-tor owned by nth-Jae. H. Wilson. Who con beat this. Mannaâ€"Mr. George Staples hoe returned home other threeyeere eojourn in Manitoba. He epeoke _high§y of the for â€"--L t... ' m .- 16.63115 Kat's rising young men. and the hull, hsvo the sympathy of All. Fun. Game LEIâ€"niâ€"The e1 ammonia accident wee the ' ii! ' woe unintentionally duohuged, Mr. Robinson receiving the oonnnb full in the leg. Amputation followed and his speedy recovery wee looked for; in fact. be we. doingnmely until lock £7 resulted in Me sudden death. I§I_Mr. bloom Mex-them I VKIRKFIELD. gyNISMOBE. MABKEAH. LIFFORD. RIGHT. he Post I Minnie Taylor er sister’s, Mn. '3‘! little hope is 7. ... . Mrs. A. hm 3nd sister 23k, neu- New a close contest, 3.1"»); the dc» ,_ -“m-wr V†m we mum: of Commotion. bl Go Pdnllnlho t. Brom- dz. 33%“ hm. Chan AL 10 A rusPoonruLoir on. ongmxa 01'. 8 n nun-no. Pan- ouu. nacaarm †of LYMAN. SONS Q00. MONTREAL. y ’ f 7 main ram. The best of tgricultuml fairsâ€"farmer’s deughters. “Who: 5 He’d .â€" plty it in that his face is all nimplee; be very ï¬ne looking it 'twun't (or that." Bald pretty Mine Vere, with e. emlle at the dimolee Reflected from under the hobby spring hetâ€" ï¬: she looked at herselt in the glass. lately That she had for the younzmen a tender ream-d. There wasn't the least need of denyingâ€" ' tor ev one knew it. "an beauty is muted by themtrkhttol red hlotehee all over hle ace. I wonder l: he couldn't teke something to eleenae his bloc end drive them a " I: He heard whit ehe held about his coke. It e truth. He remem e friend whose two use to be as u hle. It had become smooth had clear. He went tohlm end uked w the 33“?! 3‘31"“ 33%;: 133 â€" "’ r. eroee 0 en er ." we: the 1’. "Take thet. and I'll y t 10)}: todï¬â€˜et rld ot you-pimple: " e mama Fnbï¬'fp'go Tnï¬fï¬u. no «u can . nu‘lll â€J! "53:11" when! gm 93.2.59 ‘51.!!!" We believe all laws licensing the liquor $11130 to be inherently unconstitutional, ‘ end we, recommend to our legal friends the con-yin: of test uses to tho supreme court of the United States to secure a declslon on the question. 3‘ x AL-mvm e..... u“. neuuvl cyan!!!)- Resolved, that we therefore continue to lend our influence to the party which embodies in ice platform the enfrenchlee- men: or women, the prohibizion o! the liquor trafï¬c and the preservation at the S 5055“!- UN CON STITUTIONAI» And we deeire it to be underezood that there ie nothing in our organic law to debut any local unlon item rendering the eeeiet~ anoe that it may deem beat to any political orgnizeqion. Recognizing the need otthe purifying influence at women in the politics at the netlon. and believing that the bellot ie neceeeary for the protection of women in all her interests. and especially neceeeery in securing prohibition. Resolved. that we do earnestly urge our women to nee every meme practicable to secure equal governmental rlghte In state I end church. EVANGELISTIC EFFORTS. Resolved, that we urge a more diligent and systematic study or the word of God, and especially recommend the evangelistic courae adopted by the National Women’s Christian Temperance Union as calculated to ï¬t our women to become eï¬clent and taithiul evangelists. ‘ ‘ Beeclved.that wehave from the ï¬rst been hospitable in thought and actiOn toward all accredited medical remedies lorlnebrlty, but we emphasize the power or God to recreate in his own image all these who through repentance and ieitb turn unto him tex- salvetiou from sicmsa and sin. (c) We note with ihenhfuiness the reoog~ nision of total abstinence given by the Catholic university of Washington in the founding of a Father Matthew professor~ ship, and we approve most heartily of the suggestion of our national president that. John B. Gough professorship be founded in the American university at the capital, and recommend the endowment of similar chairs in other institutions of higher edu- cation. , , ___.._... ,-...wy.su v1. uur watt, (3) We would recommend emphasising u: phases of this area: question In the prg‘a‘egguon of gepuï¬ment work. __._-- sacriï¬ce, and that, looking towarda the ï¬nal vlctory which must eventually come ‘ we again pledge ourselves to mew emu-ts in the came of total abstinence and prohibition. using such forces and adonelng ouch measures a: shall carry lax-ward on a broad and liberal basis the work {or God and humanity. l ennuel convention assembled. gratefully W the good hend or God In the peogrees mode In the W. C. T. U. min. flan around the world during the out year; ‘ we else rejoice In the marvellous incteeee whiehuomtoreeordinmemherehlpend deputmenl: work. We believe, es on or- ganization, we have been celled of God to can, on e great moral reform which de- mands tram us much peg-gone! work and ems-“In. --a Linâ€"A I- â€"â€" ‘ ‘ “ I W m'†'w.c. 2.5.†m The“ due! convention ct Boston or the World's end the mm Women e Gin-mun Temperance Unloamcemcpcnten in u- cllenezer. religion In its netnre. high In I N aspiration and tel-renown: in lamenting, cemetoeclceeanednee- day. "We have hed'lneny convention,†commented mu ana, “but, “he fl; ell In dLneverheve we ind eucheglcflcue ‘ convention.†The following ere the resolu- _ done es amended and Monumâ€" 2mm. We. the members or the National Wo- men’s Christian Temperance Union, in 18:11 WOMAN’S BALLOT. v-vâ€"uuvvw vmâ€. ,, _-_.., .‘v. uvaW’ i Debflity, may Lamps 90 cents 5 from early errors or later excesses, P ' the result of over-work, sickness, and $1.00. worry, etc., forever cured. Full strength development, and tone giv- Tm†W 256' ‘ an to every organ andportion of the body. Simple, natural methods. 1111- ALL 42' mediate improvement seen. Failure impossible. 2,000 ref «Mm «a â€$3.1? u-mlusomm's (sealed) free. Adam ERIE MEDICAL 00., mural-am D BUFFALO: Ne“ w. Dec. 2. lab-ll. j are our own exclusively and wheré : anything is left to builil upon, the WWII OF HER is easily, quick- 1:, germanenfly 1 ’un‘n-AJ I‘r , . â€" â€"'-'-. V‘- M‘ I], permmienfly restored. Weakness, Nervousness, Bebflity, and all the train of evils from early errors or later excesses, the result of over-work, sickness, won'y, etc., forever cured. Full strength development, and tone giv- an to every organ endportion of the Jody. Simple,,natnnl methods. In- nediate improvement seen. Failure mpoesible. 2,000 references. Bank STATE} annex-03".â€" ALLAN LINE I. I "E. srmsmps. NEW YORK and GLASGOW Cabin 0 and u ward]. Second Gab! Stumg‘t low nag. No Gama CAI-no?!“ sown. mu. srumamps. REDUCTION IN BATES. Steamers can mum-l: from ronrmn ro 147839091. 15ch DURING m WINTER Hams. ALLAN 1.1m: “I have used HARVARD 830mm; Snap. It in the most satisfactory h Remedy I have ever Maud I know an: 113th use I have recovered tram a very bod cold.â€â€" rm m néchina m m. world e unnatu- gmod! rot-â€8mm Throu. Cough; 2nd emu 8. PORTER, Lindsay w†Also Nervous Downy Dimneau of J. E. HAZELTON, Draught, 308 Yugo-ataToz-oato. Ont. â€"35.1u You Pull the Cork “Harvard†Does the Rest. I HAZELTON’S Drunk: Wuhan. ruling Men: M 0‘ Enemmhmou Dooumuredog ERRORS of YOUNG and OLD Ennis». miles" San. All men can’t be Apollos of strength and form, but all may have robust health and strong nerves and clear minds. Our treat- ment makes such men. Themethods i V Back'ache. " \ IT IS ABSOLUTELY THE BEST. 1’": CHARLES A. VOGELER COMPANY, Ialtll'll cannula: Depot: Tonou'to. our. '. over; Fortnight. VITALIZER ok’s Cotton Root coupom. Collar Christmas Presents _ VW-v Annual. Bibles in all shapes and forma. And the ï¬nest lines of Prize Books in Lindsay. Sohoolkaohauwonlddo wantoosumuo Manhunt. ham, 1 $éi'ï¬um Wymï¬whud; my mun! HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Also out (or the Uxbrld Om. sad Pinon. “Ed! and loo my mug: an. Op- : o 0 K0 Ht. 1.11.533 . Inc; mix-“Bun" “Gina-moi: 1:1:th hone. y I Plush Photo 'Awum, Leather Photo Album. Autograhh Album. Bow and Girls’ Own Solid Leather. “‘23,". Perfume Bottles. . J Chest Protectors. I JAS- ‘ 00!“. Ladies’ Jewel Cases. Ladies’Plush Handkerchief Gentleman’s Bhdvina Cases. Gegflewpenfs Leguhgr Cases. 1 A..-“ II you have new More enjoyed. mum on: m ‘ t a ï¬nrï¬nm‘s aroma 35"†A. PRIMEAU. m '8‘. 5 doon Mn! th- In-..-. I 9' Dre-98’5“! Cases. Hair Brushes. GENERAL GROCERIES PROVISIONS, ETC. 4- mggbotzzam. Given Away, a. A; uranium. '- Dec. 2. Ianâ€"a. Ladies’ and Cast Boxes, lid Leather. "Mame Bottles. Banmnolsfb DAMOWIDNBI'T‘I Bast Equipped in the Midland Counties. 7716 Canadian Pa; J06 Department Ihorouglzbred and Farm Stock Insured at very Low Rates. Hy dwe! and contents wane hunt on the 28th Sept. cheque tor the mount 0: claim. This is romp: and 0m. Oct. 0th. 1891 my - p ' N For Ill-um†apply to HOW THE ROYAL GANADIAN INS. GO. IWO portable Waterous Engines l2 h. p.;. in working order, for sal cheap. Apply to JOHN I’M/(MS e '- 1mm 1“...†Little Bflhlg. Nov. CLOVER SEED ' Seed wanted, for which the HIGHEST PRICE will be Paid- Ends}. Oct. 1. mâ€"fl. Two portable Waterous mumhmnflud W’M‘Mhmmdhm m nook mumwmnom mud “mugrï¬ggï¬mhumamJnm.mgflauh§'h Entire Stool: at cost for the Next Three Months. .Ocmbersmm. 3055121! 310me Stove and Hardware Merchant, Opposite Benson House 1...... '. Apr!) 7. rag-gs. KEITH'S, WILLIAM STREET. CHAS. Do BARR, PronriotorO cuï¬ï¬‚hWngï¬ IN ME I! :5 MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY MCCOLL BROS, Toronto, ONTARIO MUTUAL LIYE STOOK‘ hmuumwthbMMWI-Idmï¬ WW med Misfactoril , and at m by mail aspectcdm. â€samplu Inn-11--“ --- i Z. Yerexâ€"i‘dttle Brita: X Jane: £91121, Wehveflsonflnem; J ohn Making. you the 28th Sept. Today. ' ht day-a after. I have: TM; is prompt and â€ï¬shnet-8:18 MATHEW WILSON. 7. Cornefl. s. CORNEIL, JaéaflLloAxJar. la 0011 Bios. .1321 of Big m TYPE 7181' PRESSM LOW PRICES’ ‘ “9 m. m I. 3010““. 1'8! 11-. I.“ Foundero Britain. t, Ont. than tutor . My ï¬at [Mid r 0. an tnchdl'a u) ~£vhd‘ “not my wllrtf? I I“ hot-we gushed Go I doc'cru pronOl ““6 In“ ha'n D mutual tnn lut‘ siblo tut mu m would con rm “poor J .e mun: scan .20 d docwr' a. noun to ’0an conï¬des- have alto-n $310 you ‘1" wow: .u: an. oral. nova (mm m: “logo m Uta ht “sounding xw ~ n Q has: oniy L; on. Judâ€, "I was ace of “(a n- r vulag . d M 1018331044 not k Mn. .ud alter know a. prrtchy w w the trouule a push“: nucc-edvd u .d the straw «m but Mam... Swen L manned :0 HOW “u m to gum us ~54 L r a doctor. kind-o! modicum *5 .0 CD] perm an n! K “at Diner. 1|st my my ud suavuxu In, none «up» much I“ flip imcmnou “magnum“. when he ¢ It“. sud felt something Quantum; had hunt. in I heme uncut. nerpleu, «the ve-sel s: Charlen‘ “ tho Lawns! for m use he nâ€"r- ï¬ned for was won: eklltn‘ “at west and troquen men-o. Mr. J emu. ch Bo continua to grow It": kn him. Alter m .8 stamp; to w it up. sud undumy m not“ cc lust. he and van looked upon who could no. onty not an: on cum can no condition, (10de In “nanny uni-ring I hot. n! «.f hx'pe cune ‘0 test! In the Han Wn'o remukuye au- cue wens those 0! am he: that. be hundreds e: aumru 1 .1! women trutmen' h dekrmlnrd so try hams-tied an cw-n mon “UK Mr. Martha“. a. whose cures baflo recentll lh‘ng, hu-uvu‘. is O! newer h: f :76 “I the W has medncme ! c mincuicua cure. In. Jen-u: remind a : mu. the. a me! or wl in ï¬rm.†or bus bmk. Wed In mama-mg no. and took him no (:1: “by. Fvl'e x mom to pattern; my work hueotsynr «u no .608. and “clku an or I howex' ". be do Ugh sad about 3 )‘t‘!’ 1 not bound for Cbsrl g this triphMrt Jelfrm ma Mr. Mush. “R in In“ In: 1-; Ia. -‘ s'ronu‘h. Had We of MT Jrfl‘ill’l «pm; local reporter c the nu' hr. LI Odd him "I1 my 7 m ountzony suffer: but: mm- .0 it mu. w _Ai_r. Jugtp- J_er1 but me city of Hunt Mod for by the may 4 landing mluenca or an Eamon cue the mu: hd been nrononuced lnc1 examination by but “.35. the Royal Tempm â€ninth: $1 Wmemh wounded co “Inn H" Minted fr )1!) labor. man at Mr. Much I“: to when he an m given wide pub" Whom the Down» “brought: ray at ho m: Herald. December I lbw mos: chm ago all bungled by a. renal-tab: m noble-I, and “0 Km soon 60.". ‘ CASE THAT R RIVALS THE W( HAMILTON mgï¬mlf, I was c. ~Philip Lockwood. 1“ A CAPE BRETUN LINDSAY. FRIDAY. Ayer’s a. J. 0. Apr 8: 00.. “ham-nan d t â€ï¬fef‘i». “Kg“ “Am Pills are the ': flown to me {or regulatin‘ d {or an dim-aw: can: Md stunned) and live “on: three years 1mm Mon, an_d constipm‘jo “I was troubled to: ye ï¬ction. constipation, and w boxes of Ayer'a Pills. ‘ in“! doses. Mud -m‘ ’diermamrelyi ‘; .n-Iawdsslng toundthatior ,. wadigordemd o: Ayex's 1‘5: .58; “My.†-â€"Sa.muel mum. “AM the use of A; w, in my practk . ., redineayingth ., I ,. catharw :Imilh Wall thcdaimsm .-W.A. estfail 11.1). ‘H.W.Baih « '00., Bd- W 'and was weak motthe time. B uaiz 4! We P§l_ls_. an at t! M. i was my man I! m sud eflea ea