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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 25 Dec 1891, p. 7

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gines, 'r sale tomcat-soak mm tardy in ration of thin! BERRY. ICCREA. I the 11th Sept. Eamount- of my DMERY. STOGK~ Tter, I have u i. 00. 80D DS «enact-x. IBEST ‘ :mple! .ties. annual: the Borg. Months .dero tit Shelf ‘ me flimmhiau 19m: 4 CASE Tim? FAIRLY OUT- RIVALS THE WONDERFUL HAMILTON CUBE. We”. Bolpleu, and Given up as “on mum: soon Go."â€"An Interacting m an lave-tinted by 3 Reporter. w: Herald. December 18th. Anew mo: tbs ago all Canada was ne- mnded by a remarkable cure reported the clty of Hamilton, 01"., and vouched to: by the press and many of the Ming momenta of that. city. In the Hemmer: case the man“ Mr. Marshall) Ind been pronounced incuruoie, and other examination by ha): 5 score or phy- dninns, the Roynlj‘empisro of Temperngce ,th s -- n- “#3:”! H egfiache fills, um LbU’ul Avwreâ€"uv -_ _, him the $1,000 memhera of that order are entitled to when pronounced totally Witated from labor. The remarkable narrative of Mr. Marahall’u cure and the remedy to which he owed his recovery were given wide publicity by the preee throughout the Dominion. and naturally it broughta ray oi hope to othrra who were eunuch-l y aufl’erinu. Among the homes to which it thus brought hepe was that of Mr. J osep: Jerritt of North West Arm. 9. 8.. and air. J erritt'e memory may be regarded .-... eVen more marvellous than that of Mr. Marshall, and many othere whose cores have recently been recorded. One th'ng, however, is certain, and that in that never hzi ire in the hiatory of Cape ton hae medicine wrought such an almost miraculous cure. In the year 1879 Mr. Jerrnt received a fall from a truck Wagon, the wheel of which paeaed over the small of his back. Ttoee with him unneeded in restoring him to conscious- ness and took him i0 cla home which was near by. ‘or ex montha he was unable to pertorm any Work and own after the hometown was troubled with severe name and wea‘ku- so of the limbs. He was able, howev 9'. to do light work about the term, and about a year later «hipped on a wee-oi bound for Charleston, S. 0. While on this trip r. J erritt was engaged in Stirling a sail, when he overreached him- uolf, and felt something etart, as thouuh mething had burnt in bi, left side. He became unmet. helpless, and on the arrival of the ve~ael at Charleston, he waa taken no the Leap-.tal for medical treatment. Here he rer ained for over. two monthe under the moat ehilfui physicians. Hie aide became-strong attain, but hie limbo grew weal: and frequently the paine were income. Mr. J erritt then returned home, Be continued to grow worse and the paine never left him. After his return home he made an attempt to work but had to give it up. and gradually became worse and worse until at last he was entirely helnleee and waa looked upon by his friends an one who could no. only not recover. but whose time on earth waa ehort. It wee in this condition, depreeeed in mind, helpless and cantinualxy eufi'aing intense pain. that at hate ray of hcpe came to him. One day he read in the Haliiax Herald of Mr. Marshall’a remarkaoue cure. Sympt :me in thlecaae were those of hie own, and de- unite the fact that he had already expended hundred» of dollars in patent medicines and madlcil treatmenvmithoutany benefit. he determined to try the remedy that had rectored 5dr. Marahall to health. The result in that he in attain reatored to health and e‘reou'h. Hearing from varioue neuron of Mr. Jerrltt’a remarkable r-cov- ery the local reporter determined to invest- igate the nus-tor, and given his etory as told him. "I: my early daya" said Mr. Jerritt, "I was one of the atroogeat young men to (v r Villbg“. Until I received the ‘ fall in 1829 I did not know: anything about aickneaa. and alter that time I did not know a prrIeC‘Jy well day. I tried to fight the trouble at! and to work, and Charleston. Since then my limbo have continued to grow worse until I was com- pelled to gh‘a up work altogether. and lend i r a doctor. I may add that all kinda or medicine was tried but none did me any Drrulanint good. The nhyuiclane of our 9188: said my diseam wae locomotor my ad although several of them treated me. noun an» much hope of recovery; in not the lmcreauou became general that “poor Jae must soon 20.” After the fail- mol doctor's treatment]: again re «orted to patent medicine), of which I believe I have Iain-n $500 worzu. Still my dream grow «one an; finally I waa unable to even mova (cam my bed. I wee advised again to go to the hospital in Halifax, and after spending iw-P months there I return- edhcme only to Una myorlf eVen worse than before. My lsga became eo weak that I could i o: atand alone», navinfl to use two chain to -teady one it with; I could nothear my «night on them. For five an, ,_n A--ala M. -ma-n-tavnnq RAPE BREIA‘ONMIRACLE. .3 ulhavetoundthatforsick headache. ”a! by a disordered condition of the w Ayer’s Pills are the moat re- ;uwdy.”â€"Saumel C. Bradbnm. wwrggton, Mass. “Anettho use ofAyer’s Pinata: ”years, 113 my Rm and tamily, 1m ed m saymg that they are an cathartic anu liver median ' all the claims made for them.” .-W. A. eatfall, M. D., V. P. Austin N. W. Railway (30., Btu-net, Texas. “Aim-’3 Pills are the but medldno known to me for regulating the bowels, tor all diseases caused by a dis» «tiered stomach and liver. I snflered M“ and was weak and nervous mostofthe time. B usingthroeques at 43979, Pills, an at the same tune most of ”the time. B of Ayer’o Pills, an at the same time diefinszm If, loom was letely cured." -â€"Philip fipefifim “I was troubled 00‘!’for years with indi- gestion, constipation, and dheadmhag. 16w boxes of Ayer’s ,restored me to health. They uuyr ovficP and emotive."â€" .H. 16,? Ayer’sWPills,’ 1.1310512. FRIDAY. one. 25, um ly'uunug a" ‘ ....- 7 V‘, schema oniy to mm mp." eVan wane than tutor. My has became so weak nut I could I 0: stand along, nuflna tonne tvo chain m «may In): 1! with; I cdnld notboar my «night nn them. For five teak: I Inc between Ilia and dull). M! £10; swelied [0 an enormous 3'23 and decor» pronounced I! dromy. beam: has DAVE! been cold tor on: the run nnul tnalut 3.th months. It in: imsible _ (or me to slow 'Ilh the pun ,- , n- _- I- an. Inn. nnd lmsuna n): ma w r'lv , ‘ which won]: commonly Dem my 1835 and 7.193 Rename» ere toflnd thst 1 cm improving dsily. My sopetite hes returned; my strength is renewed and when my limbsbeeome s. little strongerI shell be e heelthier men then ever. No doubt exists in my mind of complete cure,“ the worst symptoms hove entirely diesppeered end Iseem invigor- 31011. by the medicine. You see,”he said to the reporter. "I em his work mending nets so I feel too well toremdnidie. Every person who sew me lest Jniy. lend sees me now csn beer teetimonytothe trnihoithestor! I smtellinagmn. My weight since I been the s hes increased from 125va 120146 pounds and I em heavier now then I hove been tor five years. I hope whet I hove told you will induce other snfl’erere to try this wonderful medicine. and I em‘ sure they will have as good reason to feel greteisl for it so I do.” Alter the interview with Mr. J erritt. 21!: reporter called on e number of neighbors, ell oi whom endorsed his statements, end ssid they considered his cure one of the most wonderful things “L L. L‘- -l- Ah-nwmfln‘n- statements, qu wee M, ----e_, cure one otthe most wondertul thing‘e‘ that had come within their observation. They one end all gave credit to the treatment of Dr. Wlllleme’ Pink Pills, end are naturally enthusieetic in s 0! them. The proprietors of Dr. Williame' Pink Pills state that they are not a patent medi- cine, but a scientific preparation the result of years of careful studyon the pert of an eminent graduate of McGlll and Edin- burgh universities. end they had for many years been used in his private practice before being offered for sale throughout the country. They are offered to the public as a never-tailing blood builder end nerve restorer. curing all diseases such as paralysis. rheu matiem.eeiatice, palpitation oi the heart, headache, pale end sallow complexion. muscular weakness, etc. These Pills are also a specific for the troubles peculiar to females, such as snppreesione, bearing down pains. chronic constipation and all tonne oi weakness, building up the blood and restoring the ‘glow at health to the pale and sallow ‘ ' v, *‘A “-A A. man thew efl'éot ‘ 10' UI. nausea.- my â€". r,“ cheeks. In the ease of men they efl'éot a. radical cure in ell cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of any nature. The proprietors deem it their duty to caution the public against imiteiions. These Pills are never sold in any form except in boxes, the wrenper sround which bears the trade msrk “Dr. Williems’ Pink Pills ior Pele People.” They are sold by sli druggists or will he sent poet peid upon receipt of price. 50 cents s boxâ€"by address. ing the Dr. W illiems MedicineYCm, Brock- ; I r-_l-6n-n flue. [Conamndence o! The Post. Lyn: PLouanma.â€"Mr. Martin Earring- ton, living on the 12th con. of Emily. had a team ploughing on the 11th and 12m of this month. Mr. summon can the ground worked first-ch33. PETERBORO. . BRUTAL Manning-John w heeier. hotel- keeper et Ridge Centre, was murdered lest Wednesdoy ninht by John Burneil, o Frenchmen. Wheeler refused to give Burnell liquor, whereupon the letter seized a whimecree and dealt Wheeler 3 sevege blow over the head, killing him instantly. The murderer escaped. A fleree iire raged on Peterhoro at. early Friday morning. end or. one time threaten- ed all the business pieces on the: street. LOCAL WTTEBS A! quickly sure-u su auuu “av .. ....___ _,,,, smith shop. and then westwsrd to C. J. Sesrfaht's furniture shop end wuss-eons. J. Thompson hos $400 Insurance and his loss will be small; J. McMillan had no insurance and loses 81.000; Mr. Smight 21333500 insurance ond mu lose about that. much more. Tho flrois believed to be the work of on ineondmy. Baum tax} whom we can In luau-I w n... mthy 1. proved by me not thus he 1- A GOOD Balsam-4 18 Ur. vv llll‘lunv â€"-_-- , Ont, or Morristown, N. Y. FENELON [A9165 ‘v-v m.â€"viifiafi the fouowo “local brevluos" ii tile m CANADIAJS' P0915 Well Iuwuuw .uu .â€" .â€"...-_-_- every day. The finance mount. mi; minnextwoekmdmmd pnuhlnatho . Micro vigommly “an «an the (by of mung dun neutering. S. S OAkwood Sunday momma; Mums, Sun- day owning. Eh vim will no dqnbt put mowed enthusiasm into ’the homes nun ...... The first or this miss 0! meet. Ing- wu held In. the Pedal church on Mend” the 14th. Notwithaundmg the bad rods sud unhvonble wanker there was a. good announce p! the eIecton, Mr. b 48' ...... Mom“ “Wm. 'v-u â€"..- __ Blondsy evening at pose Stntion schoolhouse. Rev B. Bsmiorth wee the epeeker oi the ooossion,snd he delivered on sole sddress on the importsnt question before the electorsâ€"license or no license. Dwelling at some knew the effects of the liquor trofiicon oonl end indi- viJusl mommy and progressâ€"he pressed upon his hooters their responsibility in relstion to the present movement. The bv-lew itself wee tully_ explsined. showing that it rests with the people oi Merlposs to soy whether or not the liquor tame shell be licensed sud motioned in our midst ...... Grent’s schoolhouse wss filled with repreeentetive formers oi thst section on Pride evening to host the temperance ‘gy-lsw ieoussed. Mr. D._ Jeokson of -- , 7;_n-.1 eh- A‘II'I, m'_ J_M‘A. the by-llw. He urged' Its mepunco on -, _- IL- k..-" "In" slant!" Ban lures: euu uwâ€"._,_ the by-lew. He urged' its ecceptence on the grounds of its being more elective then the license system end es ireelng the community from the responsibility of the legelised liquor trsfilc. Rev. Mr. McAu- ley’s eddreee wes s stirring one in support of the by-lew full of isete from his own experience showing the benefit or such measures. Mr. John Cemphell geve e short eddrese defining his position on the temperence question end experiencing the hope end confidence thet es Meripoee had long been the benner township of the county in so meny respects. it would now be the benner township in thilsareetm e low. Bev. W. Burns followed pith on explenntion ot the by-lew ehowing its ennerioriey to the present low, pointing out its reetrietive clones, pen-nine for violation end provieione for enforcement. At :the eloee oi the meeting 3 oom- mittee wee unpainted to look otter the intereete oi the by-lew on voting dey ...... F. S. Spence of Toronto in to epeek et Mani“. on Sunday evening next in the Humane church. None should all to Methodist sums. . Justin“ Perhnbutltjmuuoodu‘fim'lhm 'noc u. very high ncunmondnno- tor a. i origin! sad but one: are? Pam'- ‘Exmotor. Bern-o to accept my 0! the Inasmuc- cloud 1,, greedy donors CH . .A an! ,,_A ..- .- ..0 ans-men. Mo. AI Ayers Strap-.m- qu-uwâ€" _. -._._ blood-vurlflenlapoonlfl' but. no An!- Al- mummw'muu («num- amon- daiotmghthmwotld. I: I: 1: ad In mung-mutt." 3:an mmwsvmmafidtorw mmmmmmwm mmmmmnnwm A M actorâ€"eye.“me 51"- punk“. «null-.2551. noun-twtomno world hwgo upln WI lcgvln uu wv Nauruâ€"f" 1â€" * ' g the_ guyjoc at locd -n__.A _lph COPY OF tomb!!! .4 Bylaw to prohibit up retail sale of . tann’cafifla liquors m the township The mumps] council of motion-hip at Maxim mom-stone's: " - mâ€"m tho ads by mu tit-9W“- «mad (I other muh°mmm 2' Polling nb-dlvlllon No. 2. 0mm m vacuum J.G. Ford. deputy rennin: amour. Polling sub-division No. 3. ton mu. Little Brit-1n, E. z. Yet-9;. «pm tannins amour. m Poll. subdivision No. 5. old Bibio Christina ohmfinflll. Samuel GIN-k. deputy ram. 19qu ho 99¢?de cm. amt: return MW Pulflna subdivision. No. 8. Fowler's school house. no up. D. S. Buohun. dam roturulnc afloat. ~ mâ€"Thut on the twenty-second any of December. A. D. 1891. 3: his once In the wine «mu. Britain. an hour or mo'olock In A. - _-__- -y..n nun-mint in writing mammals one pom Md 3t polling ’ on behalf of the persons 1mm and desirous ot_ profnom the of this desirous or pmmuunu mu W- _- V , by-hw. and u like number on bohnlt o! Ibo persona lamented laud Worm then-admonish bylaw. {tnâ€"Thu the clerk of the uldmunlolpd Mum: of ma township at 3.51m mu 7 -n A_I. council ct tnc towns-up u. ....-,.._ WV nttond ntthe town hnll in thevulnceotOek- wood. nt the hour of twelve o'clock ot noon. the sixth day of Jenna-y. A. D. 1892. to nun up the number of votes given tor and cannot this 5th.â€"'rhot this by-lnw ohm come in tcrce nndtokecfleotonthenntdnyctm.A.D.m Th1“: tocertltythntthefo Ientrne and. correct copy 0! B Jew No. 411 c the town- ehlp of not! w ch he! been taken Into consideration by e council of on!!! municipa- lty. and which um be mm: (In the event of the assent of the electors chained thereto) otter one month from the first public:- tion In Tan Cmmux Poe'r new-DOW. the pnhucndonbflotihsumo ban: the eleventh any on up ulna. _ _ JOHN F. CUNNINGS. Township ( Townon Clerk's 0600. 1, Oakmvd. 4th day at December. 1891. - A Choice Assortment of Trimming E feats just received. Ladies who call now will have the advantage of first selection. ’ ‘ ‘ -"'l'_\F-|l=l\ I mummy; [Karim of Jami-1,}. I). 1892, __- nan! 01mm AND PIANOS >PY 0F BY-LAW No. 411 of the bmmpotmm Y-LAW No. 411. HOLEAI 1. u- ..v-v- -vrvr mww_xi ‘4. ton M11. 0‘3' j -__n._ non-min- I HAVE a Speciaty at the ofi'ice of The Post. rmDAr, mncnmmn 25. 117‘s O’Brien. J. Wetherug; From the best Makers in Canada and the United States, which I will sell at wholesale prices for the next 30 days, (to reduce stock.) Ladies desirous of having um and BONNITS trimmed for the ap- proaching Holiday Season should leave their orders at once, and so , _..2-_ “Christmas- J. WETHERUP. nod-mim- lfi-m-SL _____ VALUABLE FREEHOLIJ PROPERTY By GEORGE MOHUGH. Auctioneer. at mmnommmronam-y hthocountyo! View-In. on Tuesday, 5111 flay of January, 1892 Uuen nuuawwu. ...... __ 7 one _ .. v ll’zocnwhet'm: thence south sixteen degrees out a: enmh to mere one acre thence north seventy-four degrees to J nines-It. thence sixteen degrees wast to the place of W. _ " ’ ‘--â€"'-- n M :1:on uuuuww "v..- -- .._- _ Thmmerootedonthe premise-7:300! (rune dwelling about m with frame “whoa 12 x 24 feet and woodahod ambedwlso gognnmomblolsxmmtudslog mm ‘The banana m In Mrropdrudluuod for $300. This ”warty u situated. shout s qmrterotsmnolomhotmo 8.13.3.m Term. of Payment- Ton per cent down It the timed .310 3nd sufficient wimn Ihlr my dun thereafter to mac mother with the «Mona-Ml! of they» - , 7 n.- M my rant en m on the pm “I“ "'"' wimmuewnllxwmt-lw...‘ ' The emu-mud condition-etude will bomdeknownuthedmeotnh. .0»...- mm m be mmm mot 139*! I102 'ORTGAGE SALE KNO WILSON BROS. 93“?" in fix; «I»: toqu‘ot Lu! I at once. and 30 two weeks .1140! of having EATS Inthocoutxof RICK FOR SALE AT THE woop_n_BI_CKYARD.â€"I hue * 4-5. __ L-_‘ Dick’s Blood Purifier‘fgr Horsesgcattle 90553138 “TKO “mus“ colltnonl'uoé'vmgm‘nw new: 53m" HAG-1101131: will Sold i7 All Grocer. pom-1d W tc, Sum of Rheum DICK 8 74 -82. OOFFIIIS. .GASKETS AID SHROIID ALWAYS msmcx. a CHARGES MODEL“, w. Bout mus-n m : Etiefititii gmnim IJ. TURNER sou. Peterborough. Ont. Manufacturers of Tomi. Awnings __.J 'NawW Sails, Waterproof Horse and! Wagon Covers. Lap Rugs, Cheese Covers. Coats, Hats, Leggings. Mats, Gloves, Water Pails, Feed Baas. WeWMMMaC kinds of Camping Goods. Wflur’j l/I’l’lfl/IJ 122:: era/1:1”: soon /: ”maintain/MM flit/VAR!” 7001?. me we): arr: um: amt/7:. mama" arm ant/cam: //y 5/: 507:. 725.8 f/HTGMI’JIIIW PURE“. STRONGEng M “1. by .11 In any drug armâ€"1 Nchork City.Sept.19.1m I haven-ed the Flu-Seed Emulsaonh lumen! enact Ohmic Bmchifihlnd‘hemm Pmmhvebeenwel Aus’éw K. c300? 1w. ”git? NERVOUS PROSTRATlflN TENT BRONCHITAIMS GENERAL DEBILI‘I’Y, wus'rmc. DISEASES And BHEUMAT!SM_. hammlnuwfla‘h Mummdmfl Mum mound-r. FLAX-BEED EIUIJIOI 0°- 8 m 03.. low '06!- Flax-Seed Em ulszon Ca 1,.“ â€"mun I! .. Illa“ 0:011] All. Lindsay; DICKS LINDEN? is most. excellent for mal- limn, bruinseddlflflfl. mud-dam voudortulcmlor EMULSION compouun Box 432. toms“. $30,000 To”: most. R J. LeROY, CowmmLâ€"quer of o Man-bee [Acumen to: tho Count! d W Ant-25. {BILâ€"104n- GEORGE DOUGLASS, mg...” m .7..me Inn-cal In m....- m magma-Is” '1”:.:'_‘“’. m... “2.". MINERAL WATER, ISSUEB 0P WAGE LICENSES- 'â€"â€"- emulsion-16 9011 Since: Sunni-s- chine- endoolloctlnthoCountien “VIM on asugumo- . 499%: 12.495.37.309 w IOHARD BRANDON. mum.“ m2. at: lag-27M Eudo @eral Water. FOR SALE. 300 000 BED BRICK. HRH!!! CREDIT WROTECTI“ 11mm Licenses. ,UNIGAL’S IJVERY fiTABLE. GENTS WANTEDâ€"0n fatty; or fur. cit'x‘s BEST FRIEND ”EUDO” Miscellaneous. JOHN BACK'VILLX. mm 0.00-0.90... use...”- “M“CW“ magnumm gangs-rant

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