ndable 1mm wzxtu 5.x'a ....â€" 3'6!’;'.‘ ““1312 of Plants- ARI) MAXSOE' npn‘égzs and Choice 01 * grades of Flow, [eat and Chop. mar "r “1010: Milli†e for ATS v.0"! 10 v .-.... {accept an mg View: md 3‘ terms ï¬n“ SUCIE'I‘IESa INoW AdVaz-f’gbementso .n.- f tb e IV HOUSE. 3M 3351103 N0. 7! Stolen}; ,1 the n" VIEWS} T' ï¬aTLwa-td to gamma. Manges and Rubbers McLENNAN 8: C0. - \r‘ ' GAL. '. (2. MA TCHETT. Agent SKATES IDOK WAN TED VOLUME XXXIII. WHOLE NO. 1839 IN ITS FOB’I‘IETE YEAR. ‘OTICE. â€" THE weed Mrs John F “- 3â€?- Ward. on or Nook bedding bad "1 2:“ further pl ï¬at In to MISS N} nun to cook and 0v: be well recommended. LLindsay.-34. .3. WETHERUP. AGE SA Ff“? Farm jgï¬â€" Timber Lands Ba“. No 52 Kent. .12.. Info! (â€63.17" Dtug ‘ta ‘0. â€"I.‘ "nu'm‘ ‘DWNSHI' :P of EMILY. Johns mn_ gz_.S_1m on “08 Data 4â€.“ Suva, b, and nonuotl £UJBBHB .bd OVIRSXOIS Max:014 BOOKLET 3:}. of m» Tohfllt run .i u: from . ~1314ï¬10a5. Safection of Plants. LIKE IRON. THE POST and P 1.31103. z-Ei‘vtigTown of Lindsay, Qt We tr: e}: 112; From Now to First of January, 1896. FOR $1 00. CHEAP; them in no need no Lthzt Pusan. HE is HOUSE. D AND SOFT m 0! Lot Number session of the town .dmessurement. One Ninety sores dented Ten gems slash in 1m: well fenced. Sissm “A35 A11035 Store Ours â€v.6: ‘ t ' w’iwuwm' ‘r'Tâ€"V " be 83d $330133; :‘quï¬med iwith gaudmbieot. [ Pu . . _' . ' of mum-stag t 0 3’ quea- , 1““ â€gang-:5 in unique and enlar- nxi on ' .119 it brought htgre by I. number st that own expo“ , ’u are I united. : [A m u FELT rcru H OUSE TO LET.â€"ln J ewett’s terrace. Apply to MR. PERKINS, Howe's Stow Store, or W. J. HOPWOOD. 39 Borden-st... Toronto.â€"3~m. [V I have lately imported one of the finest LIME LIGHT STEREOL’TICONS and VIEWS ever used in Csnada, and am open to accept engagements to give my magniï¬cent dI$ROIVIngVIeW5 and Mono- logue entertainments. Specml terms givun to teachers wishing to give holiday cxbibiaions. Christ- mas pnies furniihed with parlor entertainments in 11mm, Vuntriloquism, “em". Punch and Judy For terms, e:c,, apply to I“. EDMONDS, Lindsay, Ont..â€" 36-4. .lJ from his home. He i... RED 1: \T and nu , has 9. Swim] CJllur, with ‘ E1121. Gardner. Aurora, 111.," engraved. on it, and one ear is slittlebnger than the other. The last. seen or heard of him was a mile and a. half the other side of Nurland ; he answers to the name of “Damiv.†T 1i: dog belongs :0 MRS. MICHAEL DOHERTY. Kinmouut, Box 105 and any person ï¬nding him and sending word or bringing hill] home Will be kindly rewarded. MRS. M. DOHER’I‘Y, Kiumouut, Nov. 2'Jth. 374.1 u‘wv--.w __-.__ IZAmusox, late of Rochester. N. Y.. would re- spectfully inzimuw to the citiz-nm of Lindsay that he purpoges opening a. juvenile clans for instructions in D.ncin:.: in the Smyth block, opposite the mukez. Monday. October 29m, from 4 to 6 p m , is the Open ing of the class, and all who attend on that occasion will be admitted free of ch In; . A public class for adults will also be opened in the some hall on Mon- day. November 5.11. commencing 3t. 8 o‘clock. sh up Terms per quarter: gentlemen, 8'3 00; ladies, $300 A private class will also be conducted every Fridoy evening from 8 to 10.30 o'clock. Music will be pro- vided by Mr. A Ba‘own. For further information :10pr at. Goo. A. Liablcs Bookstore. GEORGE M. HARRISON -33. The “mad will receive Tenders lot supplies up imaé'on on MONDAY. DECEMBER 3rd. 1394. for Mupply of Butchers' Meat. Butter. Flour. Canned, Poutoes. Cordwood etc . for the following institutions during the your 1895, viz :â€"At the Asylum: for the loans in Toronm. London. Kingston, Hunilton Mimico. Brockvtlle sud Orillis: the Cantu! Prison md Mercer Momtory. Taronto; the Ratomtory for Boys, Penounguishone; the Institution for the Des! md Dumb, Benevule, am the Blind at Brunt- The Rink will be open for Skating (weather per- mitting) on and ate: Dec 8th. Rink opens at 2 p m. eaeh afternoon for Skating until 5 30 pm . and from 7 30 until 10 o‘clock The Citizms‘ Bmd will furnish Inn-sic on Tuesday and Friday nights General admission on Bgud nights. 10 cents Season Tickets are not wood on Carnival nights or Special Attmctions. Saason Tickew on safe at Tux VICTORIA Etzczmc Lian CO.'S Orncz, Hopkius’ Block, Willinm st. ford FAMILY 'IICKSTS (i Forums), eat I: aadlnzona! member GEE 3‘ui2 '6 Air's 513321 a Twset. LAOY'S SEngio Tim-.0: - - 33.5'1‘833, £13313 - ndmlaalan eg-ch Tenders for Supplies tom: 01 tender an o Bursar: o! the respective institutions. AGREEMY OF MUSIC Lindsay Skating Rink. SEASON 1894-’95. Rates for TICKETS for the Season: RB â€"Tendenmnot required for the supply of BIO-It to the Asylum) in Toronto. London. Kingston. Hamilton sud Mimico. nor to the Calm-d Prison wd Betomtory tor Fumbles. Toronto, The towns: or my tender not nooesarily mounted. R. CHRISTIE. T. F CEAMBELAIN, JAMES NOION. Inspector! of Prisons ind Public Chnridel. Pullman Buildings. Wifl deliver ariecture upon the quention of Single Tu at the MR. LOUIS F. POST, SINGLE TAX 5.3mm To so £1001, socmpmgf Toronto. Novembor 19m. 189Lâ€"37 3. We guarantee satmhction Send us your wurk. Bring us y-ur work. We waut your work AN OLD CUSTOMEQ OSI‘.â€"A LITTLE DQQâ€"_$tgleq 33a; Night ANCING ACADEMY CAN PLEASE YOU 91%"? Inn; dxatance any frum $7 this ueighlmrh-nd. Had é hat you: n aminfactiun c-lw- where and now sends h'u Work two thuuxaml miloa tn uu. WE PLEASE HIM An'. we don’t care who knows it J 08. B. PARKIN, Msnsger. i] W YORK, 31-7 tton Bros He had not dealt with us dunnb v thut length of t me because he had moved a wanted to know if we did as good watch rewiring u we used to do ti ,0 year}, aw. as well n :w as evar. This h but. um ra. uple, of many, of me ranks of good work. We im a, “gellen 1895- a excellent speaker 3nd in Minted with his aubioct. illustrating the dry quea- n in unique and enlar- bwught here by a, number mrl 3: their own expense. â€"3l'_ RED 1: xT and TAN, 12; Gardner. rAprora, . â€" GEO. $400 $2 00 $1 50 We hnve to egnin crave the indulgence of our subscribers on being unable to place THE Post in their hands at. the usual timethia week, but. the delay he: been quite unavoidible as far as we are concerned, and has been occasioned partly by iuab 1in to secure powar for our electric motor, which we feel satisï¬ed Will not occur again. and p irtly by time taken to adjust. and put in running order our new press in order to enable us to print. the present enlarged sheet. We hope that. by ncxc week everything Will be going in ï¬rst-class order. and that Tm: REGULAR MEETING â€" conuumcn‘xous -â€" THE nxemmxun OF c \KTEKS ProES A BONE 0F CONTENTION - Tm: JEWEL- usas’ EARLY CLOSING BY-LA\\' Brusse- JEDâ€"A VERY INTEREST-KG SE53IUN. A regular meetlng ot the city In hers was held in the cauucll ch umber on Mon~ day eveng. 0le a small number of rate- payers were presentâ€"a. never-{Ailing proof that none of the councillors Intended to spzing anything unusual in the brm of a. motion or charge c dculsted to impart 11 war or interest to the session. The members pr meat at 7.40 o'clcck were: Raeve Kylie, Dep. reeves Rubscn and Crmdell, and Coune. Blain, Keith, TJuchbum, Killaby, S aples, Gallogly, Anderson, 011 dloran and R :blnaon. Pos'r will be in the hand.‘ of its aubucri barn at the usual tiuw. In the abnence of Mayor Walters, Rseve Kylie was voted to the chair, after which the minutes of last regular meeting were read and cmflrmed. COMMUNICATIONS. From Briston Bus" cmlng attention to the early closing by-law Introduced some months 8.3) to govern jaweners and f :ncy goods dealers; they had since 0133de it, but others 1nd. not, and they asked that its regulétlons be preparly eutcrcednâ€"Lud on taole. C‘ï¬ef BJl's rep nrt f nr Navembax gave $71 95 as the amount of ï¬nes Imp mad and c Alanaâ€"R Jerud to the police: commit- BEPJR‘.‘ OF THE FINANCE COKMI'I‘TLC. Cauu. .STAPLES, chairman. read the» ra- ert, whlch recommendui p .ymeub Lf the iollowmg accamnts: thhbun Ca. 8 6 00 Gco Grcer -.... .... 17 '22 n): uuu ll W.) W W â€"- conn. Sum. ~31??me had told avery durum: story to flat 2‘1“.de Mr. Manon- Aha-m0 further gunner-Ion the .m- A, g A- AL- A‘.‘“ hichnnm 5.- Co ........................ -.: 1. '1 be c :iuinittcc 1|.le tcmmmcmicd that the taxes on the h in†a.ul rip of all much who my :1 1 men 0 be, remitted; ni~o tint the :urncultu :ll wuiczy in: requc‘u'd tn my to the town ti‘euaurcr the muny, (- round izcmae. -'1‘ 1e repsrt was adapted. A mscussmrz ox DIVERS TOP.(‘S. Can 1. KILLAB r reigned to a communi- Cstion sent in by M". A. D. Mellon at. 135: meeting with reference to pa~t due tax :5 on a house tormez-lv owned by him, and claimed that the ï¬nance committee's re- p ;rt should have dealt with the matter. Coun. KEITH inquired if the c mneil. as a whole, deemed it wise to push the c 11130- tion of the mer.-y-go-round license fee from the agricultural societyâ€"personally he did not care nj )t, but as the cJunoil voted the society a guarantee fund of $2L0 every year he did not think it worth while to raise a has over such a small point. Conn. AunEusosâ€"“ When is the amount of licenee olhimed i" Coun. Klara-"Only $5 " Conn. KILLAB’Iâ€""Well, I think the society has only right to pay the amount." Conn. STAPLES -“Gentlemen, what is the use or this council passing by-iewe if we allow the agricultural society or any- ane else to brenk them with impunity. Conn. Keith claimed the town could not collect, Vtgt it was only his own ruling. A‘IL'- _-4. __ n.- nu'lna mayor “nun awe--vâ€" " ._- _,,, th: ï¬nance report recommen E that the earters be exempted from taxat on to the amount of their license fee. and said he was sorry to see It placed there. He wish- ed to put himself on record as opposed to granting anything of the kindâ€"it was the most on ngeoue thing he had ever heard at to push a cairn like that at this season of the year ; the nuts had been struck and they were short of money, yet here were some of the council favoring the handing heck of $15 or $80 to thelcarters. 7 __- _-‘ -_.._. Ucvâ€" v- v- 'vv - Conn. KILLABY said he wasnot am th so soon a. recommendation had-@beon made in the ï¬nance rep no: In my cu:- tainly wrong and should not [)0 allowed to WILSDN mm 1 H ‘5' l wdï¬ â€tut, uuu In "w v_., .___ - N, , fl Coum'menâ€"“lt's not my own ruling at all -it is the opinion of the minister of ioulture." ayor Kama said the eounelllcra could do as they pleased, but his opinion wae that it would be a mistake to push the matter further. Conn. Toucanm was inclined to agree with Couu. Staplesâ€"they should see that the town by-lnws were respected. They might collect the $5 an apenaluy and me- turn it again to the aoeletgâ€"that would be the simpler way of of th town’s rights. A vote was then taken and the threaten- ing $51temwae orderedto hecroeaedofl. 271w Gnnzulimt J Mdlon.............. Mrs Rose Fee A. S. Sonucs ........... Mavor’a clnr ty orders . 'rnn cmas‘ nmnoxs. ngor Kan: rum-rod to the 01: ,A- _---__-â€"Alnn I LINDSA Y TO WN COUNCIL. LOCAL MATTERS AnomarnunmAcr. CHIEF cossrAnu-z‘s REPORT AN APOLOGY. Malawian LINDSAY ONT., FRIDAY DECEMBER 7. 1894. PRUPBIHORS M'. M “.608 «32 um 4) ecu-m Den nan-(men. um lb was new In Lave I...» .. kw! balm hay-My treated. h but! been up xr'od -h 2!. h: owned a lmle ptapenv. 'u. :h u had bran numbed cu: In oomml - tee, nod members at the count" knew he Du‘Sohmbd Mule 0r nomlng. Rum. the mm- was one of the mo“ deserving that had ever che Micro them, and he would nmvc. e c .nded by Cmn. Robinson. that Mr. McGlyon'e one: be ulenrd w the ï¬nance mum-luau , _ _ Den mane CMNDILL thought the nut- u :- jenerflnfl u: the cann‘ll'l “tenuouâ€" no matur- wh st Mr. McGlynn wu uld to b~-. he was n hum-n bola: 3nd depend wwntlon. It WM 3 he: that? he had -cnrcoly manic am. cloth: I.“ to cover bid “when- um I: mu also I he: that he 1a.â€. any uw .._, -v -v---.- __7 ,7 we treasurerrs annual statement aid that the rogulu Monday meezlng be not haltiâ€" Carried. hls clxlm mum the can In 1mm ion for properly fle- nnd 10- us- tained owing w the so numb: the local bound at health on the occulon of an ambush of dlp‘xthefla lnhls funny last summer. Mr. MoGlynn. on no .lvlnp the n- estuary pgrmluslon. up Alned the me- cf m: cm, men-dim: to his flow; In hm! been deter-rd by sickneu (mm unend- lng hh growlng crops. And 1):. Me name an or land the. harsh); o! a gamut] of man‘ M) Cnun. Axomsau moved. seconded hv Conn. KhJABY. that the ï¬ance npnt be reconsidered. Conn. STAPLES -“ Will the mover ex- plain why he wmts no go backwnl and tux-ward in that fmhlor ? Conn. AxansO3+;‘an rayon l5 um I cluthlmg M u or K nut-“Rater It to uni he " Tn-~ mattrr n . [o :hu tuwu on“ 1"f. than us . as h - bJ-‘.' ln-.-- (.0 he lam-a by the 9"!“ m .m “'lve'. “app“ -' ‘ u have him A Vat. «w- an: Is an rm til. by-il' m migdbyswu g. 4, 1; vans“ cohanl ocomo luv u. Dar. 11.11. AM some d! cut-Ila! lh pg. .1" 11ml! ‘0' w-Lomp tuna- mu need 1,... “and no u- 01 “3-1.5, Con J Tmuhbu'l m RILIM an: «I: otjfl want†a.“ 002.010!“ . a†â€1"." u- some mrllr- «an .n doubt w my!» uncut}!!- neon» mm nd have the Mn upon oh: c srlerq. Conn. BL ux mu tbs ms to tax r'x mum um. um. (rumour; there lmd been a pro: at the m etlng the b; (cu id, or it Wuul! hr f.-o'n cnR ui'l'.’ Rune Kvul hue hcen pron batnly th. u-m uoncd we 1 t r:c 1rd on the Way it WM 1 ex :n.p .lgm to ta nly th u .uocil .ws 5 whflc nevu- anec- nonul we: :5 pr ;p :7.“ â€"xhere was no r.tc rd on the "11qu book or elaewhore. Way it we; out of a†re\ rm tun-mt ex '11.}; .iona to the amount. of $230 or $70 to persuL-sj 1 t m Wt“ #133 to p.y tax-m In any of the mem‘vns t the ~ou;.cil. It the c mars were to be exemp ed bccsuse they any a lic.u~e fee. “hv not the butcher: wrd liv‘ rv ntehl- men .’ Cmn. TOUCHBJRN was or oplnlon thzt some promi .o 01 the kind might have bcen made (11.: enters 1! they Would take out licenses ankremaln at the stands picked out by the council. but they had not done uâ€"peOpL: had mu to hunt mood t are [or them. Besijes. it was sun that the a: n: gement would only any 1 to e for of the on enters, but ebauu 4011caneee hed been taken out on the atrength at getting the money back lg t_exei._ L ,-_x AL- __5 BE’JFbEEFv’rx-Becï¬a lii‘uiin'e'. when he realized the true mm of eti'slre. A anon or Br-uws. The council then wens into committee of the whole, (Conn. Kinnby in the chur), to caneidcr n couple of lay-lute. The ï¬rst. to cmnrtn the app )lntment of e pier-mum. was given 5 “holes" till nex: meeting. and By-lsw N x. 722, providing for the clcelng of jeweil ry and two: gyode atom eh 6 p.11. daily uc’pt Sundays, and between nu’ 0510 y- um»... Mayo: KYLIEâ€""Is it msonnblo to think “138 a committee would c )mldormd mul- )y approve such on important qn ntlon. 3nd lave no record of It. anywhere ! I; was nonsense go oupgoue not“: tuna." n-3â€" son'o motion to reconsider woo demoted. only tournvocoo being worded lo Ito hm. AA -4 _._4I_-‘__‘l_- 0|.- VIII, Ava. 'Vvvv “maâ€"--7__-_ _v ,,, ,, Conn. $1.0m. misunderstanding the pun-nor: of the vote, and tearing nut his b move had been defamd. Jumped to his _oet, hu_ tgcspxpmglknsi t ooncaxn. __ll-- _L-- Dec. 11th nnd2o hot wh 100:.qu up hr dlscuvl- a}. YUM “U":- u. .w wmâ€"vn de- Conn. KILL um. in emphatic tones. clan-ed thst nothing of the kind bed been understood by the committeeâ€"he would leave It to the membere or the press or an one cent. .y. ’5 11'. IL n-_._-Ll- £4 65".» Conn. Kama uid he had heard the Insc- ter of ex :mleon discussed b tare he left the meetlng, but when the by-lew tailed to provid: tor It. he concluded in had been voted dogn in his gheenos: .n, L-_‘A “ D.p. trove Ransom I. q lived I! the mu!- 1' ~11 mid am. he n-t-n- -d to the poormu- 1â€"»! sent to the ï¬ance 60111111ch I: ould bu lorgatten um loot night. of. like 0‘] Asnnasox said he nudmtood 33 was mind In: by tho mgr: the! use ON THE BACK TRACK maintain“ that :e. On the night 11w could not. be a ban manned in wonder tint he “mum nn'. atsnd sake 0! $3 exam». â€"â€"me mutter wu could not re a made us} 3. {btlon mint fly. but oer- the ï¬nance in. our.“ “condone: not :1: ml h wu m. . The latter 11pm ulna cdlcd “motion to 4 th ) osmium and flaky mmr in which ‘tho canton of the lunch ward and 5 chlmsf. school: mlormod their duties. : Imp~ovor linear and "in Mr. Mn- grou Md ne'er-u times can hit-ed to him . I the hi. duriu were ran rnd diflaclt 1 owing to 1mm:- “when r .mduing in 1!: sir : rooms 1." g o'ter this unuol cloning hour '. ‘ Be ( ii: Kuhn“) would like It the commit - lice ot meant. would lash low the | mutter. Mr. mason. c nil-mun of the com- miwor. “id be wu usmnaible for the reference to th: amnion. In ho had In- summed the WI» sand In mm The compluint mule In Mr. Mangrove did not uppq. as he Ind Vislled roam- swept. . on? that 'y M'I-r 4 o'clock. Mid in A name ‘ =o!6( etsqnmdxo c ndhavebrenguug I erg: bin. 3 .uw-l tall. I _ -1 __.4I on. ok. Badman pup'lI on ( dining N I‘ hook. 2'5; 1 Tho “xx-.3: COLLNIA'I'I A!!!) man moons. Knew-1W5 :- pen a". 222 u the number a pupils on the roll during November ; average, 132 They were undo up u known-Emu town. 18; county 65; onmde p..-l:m, 10â€"Fyled. by (he rlr-k :â€" Bmm R. G Car â€king to «t (av rod lmurv“ NW“! 0 rate â€" R {.n'cd to c mm“. a From M!“ C r a The ’ Inner :- p mummy; a mum In: It Health Inâ€. A man: of the hour! at (dilution was held In thoooanouchmher on Tu:- a†tuning. T a members want. m: Cask-mu: J. B M;N.-llllr. Met-rs. ‘1‘. Shown. J, D Favour. R Kennedy. John Kennedy, 1’ G. Plkle, CA. Duo m. B. Andaman. R J. MchRhll J. 1'. Wm {or ‘ D â€Plan (I! a nluy of 82m - FDIC: _y w. w». Chuhmnu Mcxnuax nld he 3: d a unnum- npn‘lmlhn (mm a Mlm Ellw- tharaaâ€"BOJI werr tax-dent! m be bled. up than my) “glue-ea 3:. present n .‘An‘ "Fromâ€"Edam bourtuey. Patel-Doro. offering to unwell hinders-den ables at $1 10 m-Fyl A nocuu: 'rnnlxson’txa. Chisinau: 1!anin Mid thnt icy-ner- lg it had bee customary to nliow the ridny utter thanksgiving duy to be token us 3 holidny the pupils at the institute but this yenr nettuetiovu hed been ineued to theetnfl to hold mix 01 on thnt day. He would like Mr. Emwne to cute ii the teeehcn were on head on thnt morning M:. Human: aid the tenchexe were nil in their places. but some of th: classes we r a but thinly attended. und us snenl o! the pupils signiï¬ed their intention of not returning in the eiternoon the etnfl‘ eon- :lulfgl thntitbeee well todeclnre as half . y. Mr. MCNIILUB cxflnined thnt he had no intention oi hpenking in n i ult- flnding way. but he did think It would be wise to adopt u flrmrr policy in future so that pupils who mam willing end anxiouu to wart should not he made to sum-r on azc not 0! the indiflaxenee of. law. He would like to impress upon them that the band had come [-1 b:- n mod dad of enti- cism oi late, and it would be Well to em!» li~h a rule a: tlmt Ln] 5 such nu twe cue nilu led to might not militate against the sauce: of th; school. Mr. Wang-ts {bid if_ there walnut n â€"â€"A i__‘) w. Pup'h was seen-unwed to taunt: build-Ly, 3nd tnï¬so "Jan in the country bus-inh- went ham: and did not c we no return till Smdmy at Mmduy nvmlng. 'Ih: pup is won 1! ha thomughly In! ered that. tun would be no hunky. M that than, would Lilli and :nund that If they did not return t ey would loan the sawm- mgg of g day's baseman.“ *--- - - m-‘On'l n. UJFF v. - u.-. n .-ï¬-_r, __, Mr. l-‘Lwauat um Mt. Walter's re- marks might apply to the valley at the mat; In the present lnetunce all the pupil- d been (all, fulcrum! o! the wishes cf the board. Mr. eroxn cars-obonted Mr. Fm- vclle'a twinks. The uttendsnne of town pupils was very good. bu. most of the noun xplle were shunt. Mr. cucouux thought no rule of “'° â€mm 7°23: ï¬rst“? country pu weue a span - log To via et home. and would continue to one. ell mubmtv. Tney hugluperfeetflghstodoeo. A- 4|._ -mgeh.s 6h 4-.- D“. "B" -v â€"- lulu - yvc _ A suggestion to the cï¬â€˜sot (h w the gov emu-gonad should he psthimod by :11 school boards to c wage the dsus o! kasglvmg to Fr! by pmvokod 3 “mad" «we, sad the mutu- ass snowed to drop hr the pussnt. most or m [mules consul-ml. IDI'I' wvâ€"wâ€" "'â€"" ’ ' ' he of “In: h M u- m‘ ‘ no. 0! nmlquuu-gxuo torn W» o mun 0:11;.“qu an M mp1!“ 1?. M mu“ I may!“ comm: cala- 4oc1Jok on momma. but. only two nonhu- pull! all â€youâ€. Baum-luau the M c-.. not to my alumna “ b hum" ........-...... no " MI ..... ....... ......... m “ AubW-N........ ..... 8U " M mun" mewsmwamnmm mono! thaw at “the! madman-u. moruuwhlic mum-h In an .otoouutymu denpupllgmd JuMIhnuI-xw “Winona-uh HDWPCM‘ cl .1 Maud: mammals- oar-«thaw»: mantel new man. Thu. 0-. W awn etch and: should “30an um on roll donut pupil; annular-or pad. m number." my. tn «am; the number 01 f the my pop‘l-oamllJununh-tuud and an num- lnr on Inddnhubonuuhcdwwnpupihon roll unsatlbouunhcpu.“ monument! lay loom“: a. number on roll of town ouwb “.75: ad: tho null-r an. and the number. u u: humlnbmv. M m «chat undue-addu- admin-noun. "won-n “.mmnunwmmmmou-w than.“ Yunnan-mu M w at an to! loci-1w :-W 3M mm. {of on the rhl M‘s; C r an; Slut; am an we pu’nltc a )wl xv'mb! conucmcrr on V! m commuMcnlon '- G Cornell. lnaonncu "rant. (av red ulth a :0 Wm oftha head on the C lleglve Innu- rcd to him sud bunch-,8" [Ute Brant-k tenor .lls o! the publlï¬ â€â€"4 h hook. I 7101' nuns: ed If there wan not : cmksqmss referred sustained to sdouhle lured to “10 Ir. s an moi nu EDUCA rm GMI! MM Iowan†.- cwnw ..... cum oou boning (alum Tmmon Educawdfl“ Ariana hou- Mer-omotcr r: “\Nmt “unit“- pbd :he ch.“ b! “wk“, â€.4 m touowluiz 0004“" Oluu 01‘! Mr. Axnmsox mmurked thst the (ï¬nd- p'.) 1 James had been in th: more dmi 1.1; sabj acts -lor batman, poem: Hummus w» (x remely difï¬cult. and Lw scholars Ind an (mum to tor l:. All puplls were not blessed with up aetic Ioul. He r .mem- bond very Nell Indeed u: st all mat oilli‘ rum wk“ school was one muhalou of tiunu. '1 h me (3: ans. were not. an,“ all, the only test of the wark done in the Col- legleto. end the reunite did not wet-rent the gloomy views some were entertaining. Besides. notwithstanding the enawer of the department to the eppeel recently sent In by the booed. there were good reenons to: suspecting that ell had not been sq more end ehove-hoel'd. He had been Informed of on Imam: recently where e pu cf the Collezllteâ€"e clear, level-h defâ€"had wrltten e pope:- et the recent clvenlspereent. Moonldhenomle- tekeletheeeeeotthshoylnqueetlonâ€"he wee eepehle of doing the warhkenqvlo ,_‘ ALLA... 33""... 11:2} citâ€"u; ’uâ€"‘BH ; Mr. flan-Ing- wn'. 3.0 on- wcrk m wry good. Mr. Sums lurked the Indulgence of hand while In â€(and to tho Mars- the la bu WM (salmon). 11 one 1:- aunt knew ch“ mnhflnus mwonu t.“ 1-;an ( twainâ€. 1..qu mum noun coda ' hone. .Suma on E. 1-.- i‘onIEâ€"c n3. at. .51...» .a m a. or... 1.2,: †Kauflï¬nua. m4 somewhat Mr. nouns ms. In 0 Welsh. M0“. £1! ._ _.._4 d-h luau-lac! Gum rhetoric Ir (hwy C Input-Mon If Warm... sud Sewn-why. Ir lie-4.. .. Poemnl Liver-mm Ilr Buds Me. Il' Emma and Mr 51‘ sud mm. Ir. Emu all“ "w I'“v uccwx. in wounding the [the mom. «pushed nun-cl! h M wâ€: “M Demon'- mm mm *2 ï¬â€œ “W tho ' com for he “0'09“â€. I“ the Imo min" 0° °°° malted. 0"- Don-000 om- lr b! Icahn A" â€0000‘. and urluiz condensed NW :‘ mud hr wu animumly (“Ml-I‘M wï¬'l‘ i whlc l marl much “Mao tad If. m the char. doubt u the mum. v the 3!..th he th :0 I mun»: m bun (HI-8 in I" .aa 532.,â€" _ FEWâ€"L. 685 a... 355:... Comm Label o_n pupa: And 1! ’0. not ma “JID '05. m In our debt. IN tram (one uncut», wâ€" u†,- ...--_, V , the [use nuflnucn Mtdame Sclm'u number. was ‘ 0 ml l’ruldlglo " sad “R short. Idol 0! my don't." bush or whtca wan ontnushsuosuv appxudod. For m encore aha una “Summing sweet. to out you.†Sumo: Noland: the humane voice was hurt: no «image In “Lam meLwe Tune] sad “The Soap moo." and for eucom be sung “Way do was lot Tm." (prabnoly ha: buss anon), on "N Jn e Von." The ï¬nal [ram was a du :00 from [1 Trauma. [a which the combined axioms 01 111 um “Jabs mum were mowed marked hpp‘mu ‘3. Tu Mandala: gnd Guam Cl'w, constsuug at me Ali-ma CONSULT .hc ' being M: ipud. S we of thz.~ mud sup- 3' plied i-m, your to me e M" Ward echo :1 w“ u dimnce the stick! were so nrJoked end knotty that the car luster could hardly get them through the upeningleeding into the cellar. Mr. ANDERSONâ€"“We h “I to get e kind of mood taut people would not cure to ates " Col Durex-"There wee e fortune in thitpiie of wood for enyane who had e, taste t nr the m mutecture of rustic warh.’ ' I A FEW uuu'rmo swans. Mr. STEWART csiied attention to the lighting at the Collouiute institute. It they put in the CltC ric light they would still require some kind at heating upper-em in the science department. or continue to use the spirit lumps e1 at present. lie I hed incidentally mun’hned the mutter to Mr. J Britten. who told him thut when in Chicago last summer he had visited Elgin, III. in mmpuny wi..h Mr. Du..cm. n for- mer Linden boy, out new manager of the Eigin WA C.) The ccmpuny mambo tux-ed n“ the no required in their exten- sive premises fr pm gesoiiwe. end the um- I or“ W» described on cheep end satisfac- tory in en ry 'Iy. Line‘nted cstnlcg tee ' one once “are had been tot-waded by the comp .ny at Mr. D moon's rt quest, and the . Waging or some other committee n-houid now take the mutter no end invesiirnte it thoroughly Toe price 0! e75 light Ine- chine wee not excessive. and it required no attendance beyond winding up u once u week or so when pieci n fresh supply of gmolendI in the Muir. he Eigin Cq, made guest 50: per_l,000 f aet. #_ l__L_..L The mung!“ oommi- we I ed to pr )cure 3n the Inf mam u no the syabem,sud Ins p u flu the lust. no“. steer wm‘ J aux-nod. Er. Sn mm oommondod 1 atom: tu- uu honest. “min I am with the slash“ pap-u not come (mud to unto! him mm wombat! mighc M Mr. Ruth“ [A ht. 0p hon-m enough to «nah: «a: to his own dl-udvnnmgu about; to «in good work. Mr Managua â€"“No 0: {no-cloned Mr Moe's ‘Luplem" The dl c mdoo then cloned. Ancn'nox. woo» AND a Mr. A-zmcusm movad. 8-0. Dumas. mu me m «a 4:3. g« lunar. Mr Mchunuu suggested cm: none kind of 1 upon out-1m upon the mac chock! he on sad I unwed to ï¬ll. dope-uncut, but. no (hem was arrived .to 7 n n n ,L--l_-l ll-- “my 80 â€member. â€nanny. Last Week we received she t xllo wing note from Mr. John Mchh. of ll: :Creeca, 13., Union S ml 133' Bonk, formerly G.T R. freight agent here. end known to many of our waders: “leuelosedrat tor subscrip- tlon. TEE l’..sr has come regularly no my lawn address (or noon". (our yewrâ€"prlor thereto I received It In Llndsny. no that. I mey be classed with Its old trlends. Though the («lends of my boyhood on growing rapidly lens. and my rec :lleccions as to phoe more ladisu Ace. yet. the Weekly nrrivnl of your ptpar brings to mlad the Sauna. W! n Its psculiu 'erocnn,‘ whlun l wnl elwnys rem am but." mm ooumod upon 75 per cent..." pm no. He talc om ant more had but my mull»: can nod to show ant II m pounlble tar uuoh error: to happen In gun several III-moan in his ova expel-’- The “a! 3 Vet but wt. We had e plusent crsll lust Sana-day tram A. vaon, em , I’. L S.. of Hedibnr- ton. who has recently returned from the Rx! 1y river dlswct. where he has been employed more or has for the last [our ears dolng gwerument surveying Mr. 'lven speaks highly of that comm-y (at Its advantages In many way -, bu expcchuy (or La nch mineral dupoaia 1115 w u h“ been principally to laciniï¬ate 1 rr [no- tors la locating mining clmn . 11 (mod large tracks 01 Lr'Le ngclculiur.~.x had-.â€" ln some places lolldS as mod a~ the Marl- posa terms, andc;mprl»l:xg whole town- ship. 11 : suys the late ï¬les in that (“And wen vu‘y deqtmczivu of vuluabls pl :15 and ozher merchnntahle umber; It wll; he 3 long tlme beiure the returns for minerals will recoup the c vu ital" I r the timber 1083. end these ï¬ns were mostly the result of the cud-5850039 of c .mpers md prospectâ€. He edviueae Very rigid watch to wkept owr them by the («essay depmxu-uL, eud‘nmke egsqwhry pulls)â€" e m non“. norm Butcnndmhcutfloonumw bond In] 0! Memo. On Mudny evening nexz. Dec. 101.11. the lurIdly sensutional realistic drama, ".l‘he l’Jliee Petrol" will be the sternum at the Academy of Muela. The materiel universe eeeme to have been reneecked tor meme: to mete this play lntemeclng. end It my be observed the: the work of the euthore end wmhee not been in vale. The on had muted the services or W Seuhknown u the ‘ Brown Puti’) and elm progrum'ln I mun: blur, ja from we moored. wu most nus! scary to the large “atone:- MM‘hme sauna xy tint distal-Mt. Where he has own played more or less tor the last but rs doing gwerument. surveying Mr. an speaks highly of that country (or dvantnges In many way -, ‘nt espechlly Ls nch mlneml dupoahs His WII'K been principally to tachimw nu- p»- I la loaning mining cl um . 11 (mod :9 tracks 01 hrte agricultural hndzâ€" Lame places lands as gJod a~ the Mari- ; harms, andc;mpri~.lag whole town- n. 11: suys the lane mes [a that net wen vu'y deqtmcbiw of valuabls a and o:her merchnnmble umber; to x 1.. ‘ Lma nlme before we mun-m tor 64‘ by Ca in 3‘80 one In: em Hammond: (macaw. It. mondod Pdnctptl E." r .d'ï¬l' lln ‘4 80M “I'm mpmâ€" I he_ had at 1,000 I set. nlwoe were Instruct- lnf :rmsflon posqlhle Hi In p:ss!ble elect her wm‘ch the board h 5!. ex alum-