131.. 1894- Highest. ....... Lam ... . . . . Warmest do) - Coldest. " The week yaw Adverti‘ ‘1‘; __ _ [Special Corre-tpondenco of TM: Your 1 , Exam-am MENT.â€"The annual enterte in- meut of the Bailvdufl Methodist church will take place on Friday. December. Huh. Besides the local talent other ï¬rst-class singers. reclters, violinists, etc., have been secured, caief among whom ls Miss Ids McLean. the R91) ulsr young soprano singer of Toronto. he committee has spared no $ins to make this the event of the season etch for posters, which will shortly. Svuom. pupils of their tout men: on 'J Greatest 1:: snow ion 0 St‘llUOL CONCERT â€" mu “Mu.-- pupils of s. 5. Na 4 have decided to hold their fourth annual concert and entertain- ment on Tread“, Dec. 13th. Tue proprlm will consis: cf vocal and instrumental music. “citations. dlalnguds, etc.. and a. most. ch-JYAbld and proï¬table evening will be spear. by all who make it a point; to be present. Keep the date in mind. Lwalâ€"Kerr Noticeâ€"DE W For $310 -Dl'~ Single 1.x -J. 113g Wanted- Christmas Lost .Mim' Teacher \‘ Christmas Beef -C.leen Nursery Stock -James M Two Locals -Al:adcmy ol Christan»: Goods -Gco. A [Bpodsl oomemondenoo of Ta! You.) Emnn'run Munâ€"Tue pupils of Finger- board school intend holding their annual examination and concert on Wednesday, 0011 classes will be Dec 19th. Intheutern - . - __....I...- n! ranchers Who board schoOlmwnu â€mun-a ._-__ . exsmination and concert on Wednesday, ‘ Dec 19th. In the afternoon classes will be will rcgnm We give the parents and friends. end all those who ere Interested In education, nhearty invitetion to be present and share In the pleasures of our closing exercise. Then In the evening will be held the noted concert. Programme to consist of reedinï¬s. :eoitstione, songs. dialogues violin nets. etc..etc. Telent is expected from Lindsey. Port Perry and Corned. Further psrticnlm next week. Come one. come all. and share In our Intellect-uni treat. Doors open at 7, proanmme st 7 30; admission, 10c. F. H. Fosrns. 010055 CH :4 ‘ua, u}: by..- -7 7- dang-mar. Mrs. WH-aon, near Cannmgtou. and her departure is regretted very much. Having began an active and Int-long mem- ber of the Mathodhs church she W111 be rricululy mi-scd In this respect. E "33141531587. â€"Tbe you as: pec p‘e's :mchJon belonging to the Presbytcrinn cam-on nava 3301:» c mzp ened lull amaze- ments for their anuum entertainment in the Bradbum null on Frlduy, Duo. 2731‘ which wdl met-ed an previous efforts. Mr Sim Fax, one of Torontu’s noted comic vacating, has been magma-ad as can- aid: :- .ble expe’. 5e, also the ladies’quaxtette, ct“ L'ndz-ay, and Miss Kng and. Miss Dawson, readersandraomm addition [Cormponnonco 0! '11:: run LLcomcs â€"G.:od whaling. .t. Omemce, on In: Sabbath, to West. inflow. of Knox collect who made suc 1 a favorable that he will hkely be asked to Visit}. Luv-r Towx.â€"Mrs. Mom. olden citiz :ns, hvs gone to him daughter; Mrs: \Gjl'laon, mar C 7 , _‘_.>o- We can not and Will not put that-but we certam of the hig ' ‘ly claim, and 2‘ best order for th nun-ml [Special for the week Jflmâ€"BEMHAwLV/r Z w: I‘l‘lll- Precipitation in Inches m of snow in one day, '3 0, T m on 4 days mean FIN GEEBOA R}; BA LL 1'1) HF}; Temperat ure I'D lastlypw W l--. N on: â€" k urge con tion in the Presbyterian uroh, m 13.»: Sabbath, to bear Mr. loan of Knox college. Toronto sue: a farm-able impression ll lmely be asked to repeat his )wx.-Mts. Morn. one of our 7...“ h“ cone to ï¬ve with her IVKST 01'; isements This Week. UMBMRf ending Saturday night, ed snow udeu ‘1 Muuc. A Little. re 5'. Stewart. ,Jus. Parkin. {row fumes :5 of Tune Pom. be “335“?“ â€2‘3 '6! Tu: Post] 7726}! are made of ng/oz‘ E 702071 Frieze, lined Z/zz/oug/zom‘ zoz'z‘lz good [zkzz'ngs are double- oz/oasz‘oo’ and made oxfm long. 7726 U/Sfei/S were made z‘o sell for $8. 00, you am on}! one for $5.00. - - - - 7’.._____ Bur $5M§§§E§ 37.3â€"Tuesday- 1,0-TnursdaY- 3'.’ 5â€"Saturday. .6 Tâ€"Thursd-W- 2 0_ Tuesday T BEALL Lcl ,onr ‘ry'a N : sick- Drug Overcoats number cf villagers were very busy trying to save the strucmre, but all was useless. Mr. CLifl'urd has the sympathy of the euure clmmulisy in his loss. The will under his management has been a. great -conveniance to the surrounding country. lLoss p.r‘.ly covend by insurance. [ CmuS'rM ls.-â€"The Sunday school ofï¬cers 3am nukmg preparations in them annual ; enter:.ainrnenn on Christmas eve, Dec. 24. lMiss McLean, a. professional singer, of 5 Toronto, will be present. The committee may this will be the best entertainment 1 they hlve ever held. t! a season at Lebanon, under the auspices of L 0. L. N). 616, Emily PERSONAL. â€"â€" Miss Mabal Rowan. of TutOutfl cmsermmry, is now back and prep-..r-d to receive a number cf pupils. [Curresmmdeucc of '1 DISASTROUS Elmaâ€"Toe mm was totzzlly dearroy: the Lt inst. Mr. Cliï¬'ord, buyy 01} sony: r‘epairs in m... mm I bill â€my-nu. .. IMPROVING ms MILLâ€"Mr. A. Dabson 1 is giving his millaoomplete overhiuling ; an is putting in some new machinery. ‘ Which Will improve the qu iilty of the ,. ilsur, and increase the output. His Cila' ' tomcrs will appn c ate hi‘ enterprise. | LODGE OPENING â€"The I 0. O. F. opened 3 thezr new lodge room by n on )iio dedlce tion on Wednesday evening inst, Grand ‘ Master W. H. Boyle (ilijllttlng. The ‘. ceremony was very interesting, and the 1 large number cf invited guns 3 who were present were Very much impressed with] the pr-‘ctedln 3. An address was p-seseut- ed to the gran master, who made a suit- able reply. after which there was a short, sp cy programme 0! musie, etc. The Odd- tril-st are to be congretulnied on the elegant home they have flztcd up 1)! them- ‘ scl resâ€"it is one of the ï¬nest We have seen. 1930mm OVERâ€"The lake Was coated Over with asheet o! ic: tor a couple cf days, but the strong wind soon broke it “9 PERSONAL â€"â€"J.)hn Grmt. of Toronto, is vi‘iting friends. CHURCH Noraâ€"Rev. MN. Bethune will nrench the annivursnry serVices in the Past) terim ohureh. Sundexlmd, on Sub- bath, av. Mr. McKay exchanging with him. REFLECTIONSâ€"“r. Bell. the photom- her, is doing a. rushing business in his GRAIN COMING Innâ€"Large quantities of gr iin are being marketed In canseq‘ienoe of the high p ices paid by the buyers. : Conanâ€"Division court will be held on the 19 .h inst Eucuons â€"Municipal matters are quiet -+ no...“ It is not known who the I »~__, . , [Correspondence of Tax Pose-.1 SUanNLv CALLED Honâ€"0n Saturday morning, Nov. 24th, the repzrt rang out that the angel of death had visited the home of Mr. J. Sanderson and taken away the beloved wife and mother. 0!: the previous evening she attended the 30.)!“ held in the ehurcn, but not feeling well she returned home early. She retired and slept fairly well. In the morning, though she did not leave her bed. she insisted that medical was not needed. The family went on with their usual work end felt no alarm A few mlnutes before her death one of the members of the funny made its point to vlsit the room and noticed no cnsnï¬e, but on rat found that she h peacefully pass ‘-~â€"-- -- gold-HM mg 3h! auvv â€"._ V of Messrs. Greener and 1 little school hmse than at Sam later sue bwune cm ordan. of the same plno was blessgd wl’th1 three A..‘“ ‘ [Corn-5p mdcnce U 1v r T 17111qu vi,‘.. wumleucc of Tm: Post I mumâ€"Tue village flouring ally dearroyed on SaturJay, Mr. Cliï¬'ord, the miller, was u repairs in the basement of a lam which he was using ttiug re to the building. we blown and soon a. large [lagers were very busy trying $rucmre, but all was useless. has the sympathy of the why in his loss. The mill magement has been a. great n. m. mummies: country. BEA! VALENTLA. 1937037. mu 01 T113 [’0 BUD“: an-.." _ V, have ï¬tted up hr them- thu ï¬nes: m: have seen. The lake Was coated o! ic: tor a couple cf 12 wind soon broke in .11 DOB IJUU JUL ULL ;;v.-v__ aim, and are ready to prove, that the lowest prices goods of equal ‘. and mother. 0!: she attended the ca, but not feeling ant-1y. Shel-cured >51. A. Dahson [Corruemndonce n! Tux Post.) _ ILLâ€" Musxr Bmtt COWpeuhwalte is 111. ANNIVERSARY. -â€" Our Sunday school blends Sntend to have their annual sermons on Sunday. .11 Dec., and tea. and entertainment on uurada . 27m Dec. BACK AG Antâ€"Mr. J ames alsh he: returned tram the nortnern lumber camps. being unable to obtain work ...... aâ€. Geo. Brown has returned heme from the States. George says there is nothing like home. on... “mu-â€Ind out], J. C. Bell conducted the services, readlm‘z very appropriate p xrtlons of God's wcri, and dwelling particularly on: -“Tneretore be ye also ready ; " Matthew, xxn', M. [Correeivundence M Tu: P051 1)] PROV‘hM mumâ€"Mu}: ï¬ne 8 have c ;mplcted their bmcksn they have rPnted is for a ten Peter Sinclair. of Glenum, wh‘ man of experigncq and skill, will “In an they have rented it for a term to me. Peter Sinclair, 0t Glenarm, who, being a man of experience and skull, will no doubt do a rushing business We congratulate them on having secured so competent: man. Pumas ssma ALONG THE RIGHT me â€" Our Sunday animal is prosper-inn; uieei undcr the Huperintmdeuca or Mr. J. Mitchell. Conuldembie interest is being when in the Y.P S 0.15. and the number of men-hvrs is increasing. 1. 0. l“.â€"Mr. Sendenon, of Toronto, is r r 4nuiz.n g a Forester‘s Court in this aeLtle- menu. [Correspondence oi 'i‘ur. You I WEDDING BKLLS.-I am pleased to have to rec )rd this week the marriage 0: several of our citizsns. On Monday, the 26d! nlt.. Mr. John McDougall was manned to Miss Minnie Foster, daughter 0! Mr. David Foster They were married in Port Perry. and they left Sonya by the evening train on their bridal tour. . , . .0: Monday following Mr Wm. Foster was married to Miss A. Oliver. The Rev. Mr. McLeod perfumed the ceremony. In the evening Carmen Mannaâ€"The W.F.M.S. had a meeting in the interests of their aocieg recently, which was very successful, ho in point of attention and receipts....'l‘he members of the Sabbath echool are making preparations for a Christmas tree 0 1r congregation have pm cbaeed the Cree-well . ,J u_ “-I’ M nn' urn-choc It EHEhC'Ch-mlsht. unto the Putnam. Whiz 3:211! ï¬very'kfnmcggd Macaw a ma a page; Accm nua- On Frldnï¬ even it last. (the 30;!) 1110..) Mr. Alex. ' his daughm. Miss Mary Mo “gm. were . . ,.A_ L-...-..,--d an thn 5'41! 003.. When [Cormpondence of TH: Post) Smartsâ€"Tun Post 11 us may get tuned e footing here ...... Mn Nxoholaon. our pop .1- loyal shoemaker. I: kept but].th BUYING Pontons.â€"W.N Nhumu leading merchant at this romantic“ ulna}; he: been pxrchulng p .tntocs ex.enel There [4 eategprlso in J ah: Tcaxms â€"Mr. Rant. purohmed th s (4- wow Cannon Nam oRnlv actlvq Opsl‘guulf .14 t2: ‘60de 7 Snuwxxa -P.-«‘on'a recuru an rave of Mam-m br 1881 15 no; to be despised. A RELAPss.â€"‘~'»r.Wm. Belch, referred to nbova, had a relapse. Bu W. I. critical at. time of wrl lag. BACK AGAIN â€"Mr. Rmert Bums, ct Marxism, who some week: “no. In“ to woo tot-Lunch: (more on St Joaeph‘s Inland. bu returncd. real ling in his I). it! expel-tones that then is no page In: PEdSUNALâ€"Mlss All!" Vina. wasny my wlnh P labegy Mr. J .hnatlmu of Clarke, have been vlam ...... Mr. - Gecrgo Montgc duff, jg 1».cher from 7â€"! n-..1|l an. yEdS‘VL‘ALnâ€"ulux) “u _, -7 Villa, Waaj'hhlnsf wlw P ncyunul mad, late.y ...... Mr. J .nnatha... P L-r and write, of Clarke, have been vlslu 3 friends bï¬ro. ------ ...... Mr. Lev! mm, ecu-young sud oner- E190 blacksmith. repom mamas: good Fred East: on and wit- no vhtlng Mr. John Hugues, Bu- at he: fatherh- nmnvlllo ...... Facad- ncrh at Had-u [13016 M} uuvcuu‘uv-_. v . V 7, has returned home from the States says there is nothh‘g like home. [Balance crowded out]. ll'ILSUN’b Cezggxggns 'lCorrenpoggleuce u! T forth ridiculous and SA IA TFILU BEX LEY. thEE-‘ligsaiismlth map; is for a term _to_ Mr. SUN YA. LOTUS. .1) J!" of 'Mlllbrnk. has want. 5 009 turkeys. Rnlvu unless hrs In ‘ the Cmdmua C . b. the fluid In whine â€"P."l‘on'd record M In- 1391 13 my to be .0}, Tu: Pom- l Cull!._ £73910 with A oung son the other dnv ...... r. Joseph on! was vmungtheotberday a: his Lr other}. Mr JJmea Pull. Mblabrlokn for a few days ...... Mrs. Wm. Hanns. o! wkh SJlflh Cartwrigh'. has been vlultlnz Mauve†f lends ...... '51:. John Belch ls reocverlna f on: his late mm as. ~ “L“. _:n 5.. n fnnt of wi‘h tne Cadmmc W. C. CATTLE anxu â€"Mr. J ahn Smdexson, Carmright, has been buylng up blunts. ICnmupondcm-o oi Tun Post! | Dn’xsxux Com â€"His bonu- J mine Dun held a sitting of the chi“ m c mrt hi 1': on the 3rd inst.. and dealt with some cases of local interesc in his usual painstaking and able manner. Noble vs. the G. '1‘. R. (‘ J . Was a suit for damnge for ini ny to cattle that strayed on detendan'ï¬ truck a little west of the station. ban-m Mr. McIntyre for plaintiff: Mr. J. A. Ramon {or defendants. ...... .Coppeflhwnlte vs. Docherty. Suit for price at shone. X m- su'ted. ‘Mcsxr HATE CI:.\R.\1n"-Mr. A. 0. flags has ocean-d for bid name and hurt!) one o! the oak braï¬ed Helniz min upright rhinos. hating through the looAl agent, [Cumupomlcuce u! Tm: l‘c ORAxomsu.â€"Ac flu annual tha Orr-ulna loyal Orange 10d held on T xenday oven! 1“. thc the bllowlnq am an were 1 duiy manual Into the var‘ namely: Wnphiphfl master. I ~ ~1 L___-l..m- held on '1‘ nanny "cu...“ u... .._ V, the Lllowlnz omens were elvotcd and duiy luutdlud Into the various rah". name“ : Wzrr‘hipful master. Bro. Rank! McF yen. elected hv occivsmn Ion : iepul muster. 8:0. Thus. B. Moynn re-jllecte hv acolnmatlon; chaplain. Bro. Szmuol Nicholson. by acchmwlon: no mil .3 sec- retary. “:0. J )hn Spence. elected by arclammton: flannel s1 sect-«can. Bl'J.Wmo anr vhnry. «lvctbd tiy aochmstlon: mos- _- .. ..,,_- ,._-- u--..nlun‘flon: hV OCOIImnuuu . u. Wu-..“ , Nicholson. by Madam Mon: no mil a: sec- retnry. Bro. J :hn Spenca. elected by arclammton: flusncl ul snot-«calm BrJ.Wm. Tnu'r vhury. «lqlctod hy accumulon; mas- urJr. B30. Null Murclnlson.hy valuation: director of cemmonlep. Bro. Um Fem- non, by wdammtlon: lecturer. Bro. Aroma Famson. re-electeJ: eommlweo. Bras. R )derlck Nichol-on. L. D. Mclnnls. Alex. McLean, Archie McE van And J u. Wlloon. maker. Ml‘. A. Dunn. Luv .uuwnâ€"B .. , report of the Rama's work: To“! Inllk rec‘lved, 631320 lbs.; and clue-o mule. 63243113.; total value 0! choose. $6151 - 45; um price for 10.) lbs. of milk. 69in»: neg-age lbs. of nut wzlb. 0! choose. 10 45 Was Gnhun'n otd and. sad I: also quot tu- tho Wow-h (I m:- mm- A Susana: Pmpoemou -â€"m Pour In em date In wopoolnu “4.4mm any menu-aunt willmndwndnmoho Klimt-S or the town or [Andalusia Ion Hchllm : flu]. b.0_. H ï¬lm; W. B ‘13? Bro." wi'smh. P. u. nu count“: and .- mamas afloat. ’ and Men’s Brown Sz‘ors, made of good 27y choc/cod lining and zsz‘oa’. You would say were C/zoap. at $10.00, mg is only S$7.00 fo 0;! K WON!) ULBNARM in; 4 m _ 1mm ‘55: 'w E? 322% 4% ah inectln? “1 odgo. NC. 93.), 8108- iii?! g E g i :8 devou Mr name than: We lean sun Mr. F. W. A Yuma Bud. bu ooon w Young men sud v: era-alt (hair but tutu-mt ? E555 E :E ii . E a Ladle: o! town In . ya. country should ate only ndunmo . this 06a. to u to man an: choice. few doors out o! Bunyan home. K tut-It. casmlc" by men-n. 'v -...., .___, [Addy ; guitar and mandolin duet: by Mia! Wdeoa end Mr A Paths: In: turnout-l 0010. Miss B. Kaenen. MM ’1'. Bea-an showed her .km a a young ph,'er.°fM:. ry Parkin- pley very pm lly tmther. M u Keener: p‘eyed e beau uul sclecnan, wri A: pleased 1h: eudwnoe very mnc \. . ,. .Tne meeting nloeed “In! the unions! “them. lend by Miss Hiklock It the pine. ur. 6W 5 N“ can tannin 1‘“ Dun Sunâ€"1 N compln!" ch“! “ Whining you wd sum In tho tum tul'v. -. . .. __ Inform 2m DECEMBER 31 fawn JO run as K Martin sum ssansrm. '17: callous 63mm}. 11 mow. Id 772656 Overcoat: are our own mar/cc, and are made mza’fzm's/z- ed 2'72 (2 ï¬rsl-c/ass way; f/zcy are in Blade and Brown l/l/orsz‘ed and Black Beaver. l/I/c oï¬â€˜er 15.8“ your oompny ovoc? c .rocuwl m. our! I.'P¢ct 3 ,4“ 3.1 Damovm. .1313:â€" ! _---‘n-V Chit for. Ihere are no such (or your â€l Bi cutout “up oi uuw: one. 8.1th ya ; um o W 931': W min-M HUSKY KETFS‘ o! l' u Coumyol WASH-‘23 â€"â€"_._.â€".â€" â€"â€"â€" If you. want :0 know [or how lflt‘a money you can have BOOK!» PAI'EKH, Eta. Round in Neat, Hub- stauual btylt. or B an]: Books 0/ Bpectfl Biz! and Rulings made to order. write Tun liEl'II‘JM mmh. [or 17"" work, (000:? U prices. All 1"“ to. M caddy In. much plan-are in In! Wink Ibo pubuc ht (anon! um they have oomMetod - 06!!! of em. IXDSAY ‘ Hamlcuuum scum. WE No. 96 Kent Street. mg? A d war txsemr. a 1.». (V anon am mm- w it Eunssx'mglxy FRI! A‘K H a In order. write I": W. I’rterborâ€" «km. 7106 but (lulu format; komiu of work 30 ND Manufacturmg km; or 0R “AV 0088/4! BALISG 100 {Us i0 Seal. Black an . n, â€ink, Alaa ' V.H(Ia_:ge qize Alf '~ THU W I! D; V . " anemmg commendab \ e :1, in a“ 3:233 ht Workmamhip. u¢p (he WU] rrmm First DOMINION BANK. CHRISTMAS ICHfl/S TM BOXES. Below are a i-w suitable for C! .‘ia‘ Banjol. Gnitan,‘ 1m. Accordeons Doll Outing“ Boxes. month ( Velocipodeu, Bic Toys. and Dom- nice Moot-ohm!!! Oitu' OM» No. 6' JEN-‘52 Ll NDSAX Domzmon Bank. FM?“ 'urlnmm an e u! [ï¬red 1 183 Iwm - mums». Fine Furï¬ï¬apei. F333 up McWATTBR Latest Fashions West acuity gt BIG“: Cm: to In: NEW 5 McWattegg V th th o. 96. h EST 0F DALY Loweat . Priï¬s ‘ “CK 1‘ and bé ‘rc m (Mm istmas JESS s "'0: DNEB in" 500.0W n'escn ) 7mm MY ’FWOOD AND Hake terns w S‘NHL â€maniac: MI flood 2-» â€It. 2:11.. 25ml m, 800d Lu l ï¬n Jununry 2n h gunned sw- md nub. FARE and 0N ’COAL central L €HRISTMAS H HOLIDAY RAT; SINGLE FARE â€it I891 â€a to n: OFF! CI 2 100! Ron ed. . . 2 tom Svlr ed, M ‘ foot Misc"! deliverwt Q foot Maplv. delh‘c red. 4 foot Diaplv. ( AW†0.- Idum aloha Ll R. J. MATCHETT, T Raving doc‘dod Calla“ [gantry 88°. «aw»: a II. yutcbh 3...!) T 05" TBA L .847 ROGERS/j . G. Edvlflrt brand Iran} cLEN NAN Delwon 104‘! TORONTO ‘1ch NOVEL T173! I .\~ Sun Nasa- ï¬loh rm 'l‘luu “tent Col: TH! )RS MA'I Thexd DUI!