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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 14 Dec 1894, p. 6

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Bflhvuwfivdmunpflmvy ‘WWWOEJ an 25 g human! #3.". W3â€" nodonl you: 3505 in nub». EbgPUM Q5 52.? .usuur. j uuiiuw. sv‘iaumV. nu...“ ..v -v mm. TJU!‘ "fly of; nut week. Samuel Wii-l A NARROW Beamsâ€"There was very kins 1n, « Y JFK :iiis farmer, was driving » nearly a bed accident at Essonville last a teen . r 1 )i‘sdr’. numbed t3 a wagon lsden ' week. The Rev. Mr. Shepherd, 3. Church wk“: h y, d: .v 1 Yuma-5L. and when ‘ of England clergyman, tskesgreetpleesure opporite R. ..x’JJruu (h-ave. the bolt sttsch- in kliiing birds and animals, and for the ing o e of :ne whfll )trees to the double- enjoyment of that pleasure he kept a gun. tree ensue out and .ne whim stress erpoed He was handling his gun in a room of the on the heeh ‘f 0-16 of the horses. The I house in which e resides, and in an ad- aném .1 p415! 5.3.3,) for ward, carrying the neck 1 joining mom was a yonngman who comes 0k: c1; r at the pole and showing the - iron: Chicago. By some means the gun :ter :0 {.11 to the pavement. The end of was discharged and the shot passed 3 .. 3 col-odds meiathersihand thronzhthedoorandlodgedintheshqnl- 11: t mantras oflhewagmwas «in stem. , w m - ., somewhat sketched until mom of the Tm;washflai . ' embark I‘ Jim was reached. when the wagon came to messenger was at once despmhed a stem 15“". Just st this moment the on. viiisgeanto fetch Dr. Giles. The doctor got t or which Claytun was motormen, started Ion his amputating instrnmen . downtne decliar. Clayton saw the danger I packed up a big jaraf chlorof. load and sppii d the brake. but the rails were a trunk with ban and Lint, 'Ma- and the ear :3 _ .33.‘ 117‘, f}...-';;".33 ..3 FENELUN FALLS. A BAD Cumâ€"On Wednesday last. while Mr. Alex. Smith was splitting wood in the shed. his axe caught in a loop of rope hanging from a beam overhead, which not only caused it to rebound. but reversed it. and the edge struck him high up on the forehead, inflicting a wound about an inch and a halt long and sc deep that Dr. Wil- son found it necessary to put in a couple of stitches. Mr. Smith says the blow was so violent that, had the axe been sharp instead of old and very blunt, the probability is that it would have _kiiled hi_m pn‘the gpat. _L_ Ftidey but udrewuiurweident wee nip from notion-urn by t e releuiug hen oi en Auhbumhmn oitinn. Steele . e young eou 0! Mr. Erna-it MoOehe. Auh nuruhem. wu plunging by the reuewey in Auhhuru- hem in he rem- at hi: home. He ventured upon the winning but unueie iee which hue formed on the mac. end bud taken bun luv etepu before he broke through into the cold water. The aereem-u ci‘ the little fellow attracted help and he was {ensued in an unennncinun «audition. 11‘ was tekeu into 1) within: Munroe'e mill and utter much rubbing he wee restored to couu-iuusueuu. Thuugh the wetting was a severe one the young lad is progreeaiug nirely.- 1 Review A Fm â€"On Monday last Mr. John Thompson, jr.. while on the root of his new workshop near the railway stetlon, by some means lost his hold, slid to the eeve. and then tell to the mood, :5 distance of about twelve feet. He allghtod full upon his left shoulder, but. though the ground was hard he was so llttle hurt that he was soon eble to go to work egsln.â€"[Gazer.te. [Special to Tue Poet] Cm: Factonv.â€"Tne annual meeting of the patrons of the Maripaea eheeee tee- torywul be held in the “range hall on Wednesday. Dec. 19:.h. 189i. A full atten- dance is requested. David Rogers, secre- tary. . SCHOOL Nonaâ€"Standing of pupils of s. e. No 1, (Branle’s) Marlpaaa. for month of Novemoex-zâ€"Fonrth olaee â€" Maggie Gileon, Beeeie Rablneon, Euphemle Brann- lng Lanle Gueon, Luther Guaon, Eva Ridman. Mary A. Wills, Eliza Stevens. Annie Ferguson. Lawrence Badman, Frederick Scacay, Melville Glleon. Third elmâ€"John Lnnney. Hebe: Cornish. Frederick Western, Ade Willa Annie mu, Reuben Divlaon, Ids Menu, Middleton Fez-mean. Second clans er.â€" Cnae. W lekean‘Sizar Woolbridge Oswald Glleon. Wallace Dwieon, Llewellyn Hall. J nnlor eeomd cl leeâ€"Sarah Stacey. Zalle Gil-mph Laine‘ Dagigonz‘Canetancje 155mâ€" . -.A- 333331;; fi?b5n112i"Pirfiiaond-E~e‘m Wham. Emcee Woolhddge. Margaret F-rzvlson Fir"- oluaâ€"Cauy McDonald, Stanley Gmon, Milton 611300. R. S. BROAD. teacher. TURUN’I'u. Mommas anxousw Hunt-An ace!- denc ‘13 very serious nature. and which may result fatally to Samuel Clayton, 97 Malllm d-st., empzoyed as a. mowrmnn by the s r-e: nilway compsny, occurred In Tune y Hollow, Yonge-st. north, at 10 gm. Taur day of rust week. Samuel Wil- kinwn, ‘ Yuk all]: tumor, was driving a team 4 f wipes acsgshed to a wsgqn 139m 0!" lo u out tn an HIV? ITOII. Noumea locum-made [Bread n .s'p'ctalty. L()(I.v\ I; N ICWS-LIQ’I‘TICRS who @unmdiuu East. CONFECTIONER, Will remove this week from the Workman Bmck to nwre convenient and better- )‘itted Premises TWO DOORS WEST OF OALY HOUSE, I'Icrmumuumm. A F‘A'umw Avmrrnu 1AM“ noqn on; REMOVAL Enquiry and application should be made at once. The best re- turns for the least money are obtained from the oldest, largest and most popular Canadian Co., LINDSAY. FRIDAY. DEC takes place as at 3151: December, 1894. Surplus over $2,000,000. All persons joining now will obtain one full year’s profits. W. MCWATTERS, The CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Is hereby given that the next Division of Profits among the Policy-holders of the 6mm uifissgmci no. PUBLIC NOTQE For Estes. om. snvly to W Mo Watters F. G. TAYLOR, Agent MARIPOSA. F 0- ZQZQE: HOLIDAY CUNFBG TIoNng Blsanlra nomngrunIr Cuxzm Eta Where the Pub- lic will find a Choice Stock of INN. [Curmpumieuue of Tim Pom-J Oill'l‘UARY.â€"Derlth again visited this community on Friday last and carried aw my one of its oldest and most re- noted cltlzans in the gerson of Mrs. Ca houn. The aged lady ad been ailing for some time past, and bore her sufferings with that patience and fortitude which shows forth a Christian spirit and an unreserved resignation to the will of God. Even in her hours of greatest pain she was never known to murmur or c implaln, but was always ready to meet her friends with a smile and a word cf encouragement that will not soon be forgotten by them. Mrs Culinun was in her Seth year. and was one of the first settlers cf this place. She had a lame family of sons and daugh- tersâ€"twelve in numberâ€"elg 1t of whom are still living to mourn her loss. The funeral on Sunday was largely attended. and the remains of our much oved friend were peacefully laid to rest in Kirkfleld cemetery Her loss is greatly mourned by a large circle of friends. both old and young. The people of this place extend their sympathy to the members of her flmlly in the css of so good a mother- A few short yam of sorrow passed, We reach that happy shore, Where death-divided friends at last Shall meet to part no more. PansoxALa-Mcssrs. J ames and George Calhoun, Mr. and Mrs. Jose h Calhoun and son Charlie, of Toronto; rs. Prince and her son Edgar. of Port P ;, and Mr. Dowsell. of Uxbridge. atten ed the funeral of Mrs. Calhoun, of this place, on Supday last; ,--- ML- 'r-jl--9 All I.- -....-.._, -.._,,. CHURCH Nous.-The Lidies' Aid In connection with the Presbyterlnn ohm-oh hex-e hold their monthly meeting on Fri- day evenin last. Arno ements were made for a a and enterta. ment about the 201: Inst. Look out for posters next " UUuVlll'. II’V ‘I-IVIII as .u .vuâ€" ....Mr. and MN. 0160". of (Mkwood; are gun:- or G. 1.. Ad!» ..... Mr. Huah Duo art. . of Onmbuy. p\ d u flying vhlb to Mu rochoMn-lnw. James Cowper":- wnlto. mo {reek week. vuu an. packed up";be ja’r of ohfirobim, loaded a. trunk with bandages and lint, filled his uuv-y uâ€"w- w-.. u . w. Iv‘vv- I-un».mu.-'-z'~xé.' amnufiad um. of Woodvlllo. Quilting; gt lrloqdlprglggg'}. . UMEMEE. WORK or A Cum Alumâ€"Wm. H. Lamb. our popular llvery man, gave an evidence on Thursday morning of lest week of flsetness of foot and coolness of head, that would put most athletes to blush it placed in the same ordeal. While driving towards home with his young black en top bum, he sto d tor his mail at the post-emu, and w en returnln on the steps of this emce, the horse. whi had not been tied, started ofl‘at abrisk gait. Billy, handicapped with heavy cost and boots. caught up, and by a dering efl'ort swung into the bu over the top, which was down. got hol of the lines, and had the horse under control before he was opposite Wilson’s hotel. The daring act prevented what would no doubt have been a disas- trousAend cogtly runaway-[Mirna . , ,LIAA A. lmmovmwmâ€"W». Park hn oomph!- od Mu well. and Jnhu lrwln has on In I lanolin-on pump. Thom. wu- col-bunt. In «curing the union c! Mona. P. Mumllnn and fill] on wall dun". .- may have don. {yang-mpg Job. _ __ -. A Comm Mannâ€"Mn. Grundy run than A od Indy living a nun. out 0! 5M- vmm u propulna huh and no“ tcr hu- adopt-u! non'n W.“ In. Hop. your oornunmdonu will ”a my _ . _ _ . A 050:) Mm'uAmc.â€"Mr. Hon-mm. nhca‘ mnkor but u good attack of locum- and In own 30:- Mug. Mmpgu In: mil-3mg: L. O. L. 113â€"At the r meeting of L. O. L 113 held on W eedey evening lest, the following ofloere were elected to: the eyegng _ye_egr :â€"yVorghlptul meager, A _ _LA_. Bro. J. T. Beatty: deputy master Bro. Thomas Bloc; ohAplain Bro. Geo. Lytie; rec. secretary, Bro. Walter Monorief; flusnclslsecre . Bro. K Goodiellow; treasurer. Bro. ohu Glliis- ecturer. Bro. Calvin Mitchell; 9. of c.. Bro. Robert H. Stiueon; first committeeman, Bro. Arthur Williamson; second commute-amen, John Graham, Tnoe. McQuade, Willie Shaw. Thee. Pofiue; inside herald, F. E. Sheprsrd; outside erald, Dan. J ones. This edge meets in the Create hall first Wednesday of every month at 7 p. m. Visiting breth- renare always welcome. The ofllcars were iustalled by Worshipiul Bro. Wm. Adams, district muster, utter which short speeches were made by the newly elected members. After the lodge was closed a degree meet- ing was hel ; two were raised to the purple. and three to the royal blue. {Jami " ($.an Erratum-On mom! “are. kept gm Baird. In do on: a good trade. I: mega In ”and! prone- 3nd qulok NEW Ron) Curr -Mr. Joseph Dawn of “Hill-top” nook farm. hon purclma a new road cart for me In hunklog In hln two blood colts, Dallle D and Dexter. which on modulo ofrporhcnlon 9nd bequty, 'i‘uaxsuma â€" Mr. W. R. Hooper has thrashed 60 bags of clover seed. Our anuler threeher. Junee Cowperthwelte. Id the work [Comauondenco 01TH: POST 1 Accmnms.â€"J F.Ma Inn, of the “Hame- stead" f srm. serum-11y nj and his thumb, but: ls slowlv r-ooverlng under Dr. Park‘s sklltul treatment, A “PASBED AifALé‘Vidow Fueling. an old woman. died on Saturday at her son's residence. Balsover. The funeral was to the Presbyterian cemeterz. (Crowded out lest week.) 'VE;§1’fI.:MEstoihhr Uncles had a son last Mo‘zlxday. The child and mother are doing we . PERSONAL -â€"Mr. J 4m" J acks is back from Mnnltnbs visitilg fdemLs. Cancunâ€"01 Thanksgiving day, in the evening,aconcert wen held at Mr. John Cowie‘s house. Eighteen dollars were obfained for the repairing of the Presby' terian c‘uuch at Bolsnver. A _ _ _ Grimmâ€"Last week Mr. J osenh Foster was married to a young girl In Pcfl'erlaw. Georgina. After the marriage they drave M his father’s, Mr. Henry Faster. Portage Rmd, whrr, a. good supp -r was ready far chem. After ecpger the young bloods got ready with their girls and commenced to dance. and kept it up all night till brand daylight, going home winh the girLs in the moraine. fl 7 _ _ _ __ “1â€"...- r--n.--- -_ .._. _ ,_, OBITUABY.-Mrs. William Mléhael died last week. The large funeral passed here on Monday to the Pretbjmian cemetery. Bolsover. The entire community sympa- thizas with Mr. Michael in his bereave- menr. _ > _ being burned to death ahortlv before noon on'Ihuredayotlaetweek. Shewasln the kitchen at the house Ironing. when her dress caught firetrom agae stovemn which thelrons were being heated.. The flame: gained considerable headway before she dmoovered that she was on fire. and she rushed out screaming Into the yard. Her cries attracted a neighbor, who secured a quilt and threw it about the unfortunate woman, who was by thla time completely enveloped in flames. This set of the n h- bor extinguished the fire and probe y saved Mrs. Spencer‘s life. She was taken in the ambulance to the general hospital, where it was found that she was very severely burned about the body, arms and (Utowuod om. luv. week ) (Crowded out lust. week.) [Cone-mania?” 11091-1 HA LIBURT'LN. SA 1 N TF1 EL D. Ur‘Hlbb BOLSUVBR ' iiifrm'iem. hit an ‘9 good_ "age. [special to Tun Poem Mn. Em-run.â€"l noticed a piece in laet week‘s Poe'r etatlua that the teacher or e. e. No. 2 has decided not to our an attention to the letter in the Warder wlt the emep'lon of a few plain lacte. I am glad she has shown her good sense In so dolng. but she can rent auured ehe ha: many warm friends in this school eeetlon and elsewhere who are only too willmg to defend her. We would be doing our teacher an injustice were we to let this letter pass without commenting on lr. The present teacher has taught in s. a. No. 2 tor the last three years. and is highly re- spected by both pat-enrol and poplin with the exception of a very few people, and she has shown herself to he a lady of no small ability. I can positively say that the pupils have advanced under her teaehlng better than with any other teacher who has taught in that school. Bat that letter In the Warder, “A voice from Garden," has caused a great deal cl ill-reeling amon hitherto quiet people. It is whispe around among the ladies that perhap )G. R took a parting “drop" on leaving lne com- panion on the canal and sent the nts to the grong person. flower“. the adlee c AAL~ A... A..- -_A 9.3. No. :5 are not going to be outdone, and those who are fond ofjuetice are going to furnish the right person a gair, as- any female who tries to run a so cal section without doubt ought to have a pair and wear them for the rest of her life. In last week’s P057 we were informed that it was akin to the long- ed woman who wrote that article in t e Wander. It the party who invented that lie.who has nothing to do at home,(or at least does noth )‘ but try to raise disturbance between n bore, would onl sta at home and takeineorabb- ing. or dr we t e ducks to water, or some thing to take up attention for the winter, it would save our teacher and trustees agreat deal of annoyance, but there are always a few people who must have eomethin to say about the teacher and In fact a at their friends as well. fen . if there ie such an individual in this 1 ti. “frown her down,” and if she dug a ole for someâ€" one to fall into and happened to fall into it herself. the trustees are not to blameâ€" she can get out of it the best way she may. Hopingyou will give this room inyour lob. H‘X'iirn'r'n'nutfâ€"Aiwi-lâ€"A' than "no ago Mr. Ohu. Crow 0! Brooklln. Ion n “lun- bIo ”am you old colt undo: very ”0:11!” OIIOIIIIIIDIIWIII. Io van .1: Hum no In ad dud o'clock In on. ovonlna. but mutton In the max-ulna wIth n door. night-Inch on: I: all the Inna-Illa In an. nbdomon. tram w land “non. '1‘]:qu mu. doubt um tho wound wnu made wlsh n Ihnrp knit. h on. Mad 0! :0qu land In human Born but Mr. Grout onnnoa In my wny nooonnIa for on. dam-nu, not. no he dour not know am he hn- nn enemy In tho would. ‘I‘Iu Ion In ovpaclnll “In a In wu on. otn In!) Mr. Grout hm! Incend- mnIchod pnIr w to break In um flownâ€"[Whuw Chron- Buy-cu; - Castsnus Tamâ€"The Methodist body attain internals-via: mam mu ughgdenm:mm eve in the church. All thoee wishing to present their friends with presents me take thie oppmmnityot doingeo. Ag time is expected; everybodÂ¥ come ...... Miss Ashiey, 0t Sadowe. 5 having a mum hr.“ in. mew VIM-av“ I‘vv _â€" v-7- closing aux-class at he! â€"oohool on Eddin- Doo 21“. A “101331215 prom-um mm”. fimdvimd. bylood Dawnâ€"L mamb- 1'"le nu u~AA_‘L madame hotly .m.LGuManflunnyhu manual nouns. [Spock] correspondence at T8! Poul}. Enron! of Sewing public ochoul to: the month of Nana: . Nmu ulnocd in order of merit. Fourth clueâ€"Robert Mo- Nubb, Fred McDonald, Maggie Gilbert, Altrcd Herring, Eva Mon , Sum Taylor. Georg; Carley, Mutts nchollon, J ouu Currie, oo Carley. Frank Nicholson. Third classâ€"Edga- Tuylor, Edvard Mout- Romery. Floslic Xcung, Maud Ygung, Lizzie'MoDonnld, Johnna ,Gecrgel' . Mabel Hen-ins. Send ebb, Jennie MeLeiel', Minnie Magenta, Edn- Gerl , Jennie Young? Second clue-Mm G - chi-lei: 14m mg. Aline Baker Sun MoNn’bb, John You Pertaecon er.â€" Caerlie Gould, Pearl cDoneld, 8 Mc- Donald, MaggieGilohriet,VWnlter Footer, Sopny Mon me , Edith Jr. uoâ€"hmtfiichgfe Rmemuel cNebb, Bert Carley. trioeVenBinck. Annie Foster. Finn ele's, er.-'1‘homee Foster. Eddie Arthur-e. Fir-t clue. jr.â€" Willie MoNabb. Bert Te lor, Junee Young,Gnuey Herring. ,J' M1, teacher. Iv “on”; an nv-u-‘q- - Kxuam on ma Themâ€"A foul oool- dons hnpponad on (ha 0. P. R. about mm mlloa o-mc or Cinnamon: on Mondoy A ovoolnl freight troln woo munlna obood of I no [cool and overtook a trump 3m .0 o cmsln . The man may: hovo boon do“ tor ho a d not pay my ottonblon co tho I‘O- pootod won-ulna: of mo ouulooor. ond woo ouuok In tho back In ounho momm- o- to bhrm hlm npon o hoop ofooonoo o m: foot from tho um. Tho wok: nu through coollow oho pouonaor mlnoo : sumo noxu notion. oud ohon tho o no wont book ond plokod up tho body. horo w» nophjpg on hlm‘oo chow who ho woo. -L-,_A AI_.- nun-n [Correepondenoe at The Poet ] Emumum.â€"The eoeiei entertein- ment, under the anal-gee at the Lediee' Aid Society of the ebyterien church, announced by Tax P031 stew week: ego, came efl' on Thursdey evening of lest week et the residence of Mr. Alex. Mc- Donald, end was e huge enooeee. A lengthy program, cantietin of reedinge, recitations, singing, (end et ever wei- eome art of en enterteinment, nit-enh- menta was listened to end pnteken oi. by a. large end enthusiastic audience. Mr. J. D; Smith very ebiy performed the duties of cheirmen. The eoeiei wee ether which n vote thanks wee Mr. end Mrs. MoDoneld for their kindness in opening their honeetorthe use of the M‘ow' â€" e-e_ , -._LI__JI_A L-)â€" UNTARIU ‘COUNTY. â€"chr: m ODD N manna «Billy Guratt wens woes through town the other day with a satin ot seventeen old h more which he wl deliver to Wm. Harris 8: C., thtle York. Tnlo firm km: them to feed swine, and for the hides. Genet: gets mmy of these nnlmnle (or nothing. and never pay more than ndoller or so for one. We notlc s a deelded Improvement In sausages this your “one the dellverg of old horse. lo the city began. They don u cute 00.21088“- “mull; ‘ .. L“. . ; PORT your. ‘ ASUBPBISEPABTY. Aboutttraeo’olook Sunday mornlng last nlzhtwatohman Jarvis c.lsc'1vered a light in the cellar of Mr. G. R. Rand's bakery. Walton an, and knowing that no baking was being done Sunday morning, imagined that burglars had ante-red the premises, so be aroused Mr. J W . Q linlan. the landlord, and Mt. Quinlan went up to Ling-5t. and got Mr. Bad to some down. In themeantlme cou- stab‘e Jnl'VlS watched the premiies. When Mr. Reed arrived he and the consist-I: quietly entered. When they found M). ‘ Head's baker lay-ix: drunk on the bread. board and Rlahard ars, Gearge Ferguson, Sam. Brice and Gen. (alias Dilc) Creamer. playing cards They had a onloxen on the stove co ailing, and bread and butter laid out for a regular least, but the whole lot were bundled out into the street minus their chi :ken. We would just remark that there is a vaomay Dr a baker in that establist ment.â€"[bulde. I 'uakeennndhungvyairandtha: ' BIT ' Esconville mutton cadets were celeb-nod 'LITTLE Bar-{2;} in loca‘. history The young man from A Pom ”a. an. Chicago, when convinced thathe wee not entertainment in the Math 3; m woundud unto death. quickly recovered. [Jule Britain u hear Ml. J"... Alum declare: that the Americans ”were t'e andvrl' an; when [alli' "0.51: M greenest nation on earth, and gained in in thencnin ‘ .. . 1* unreal-6y who won the mutton outlets. The doctor put a there on cl 1" holid\ i' “Yaf aw.“ ; piece at sticking plaster on the door panel. then I'm 2" ”a,” no .u a. not. smiled araoionsiy as he ptoketed the bag I Say ’we mg; “mad, beam the church of gold whvch was his he. and ascended was. W foil below and they no the wagon, bowad to the E sonviiie public nnxioge to hear-«Americas; greatest clean- and returned home at an early hour â€"[In- tioniet min. and than who are [.mentlng .depend"“t' thntrghey did not be? her we? £1; , cage 'awaiti the t me, now. . PORT ”01'1“ hadn't’ym betas:- mekethe charge 81 and “Oh, no. in only ASUBPBISE PARTY. About one o'clock m; such . 'am 9' Sanday. morning lost nizhtwatchman 35': min. and Jun “fly one: will have Jarvis ciscWerI-d a light in the cellar of the seats. I! you miae this on mine the Mr. G. R. Read's bakery. Walton or... and mama; enteminmen‘. List. e Briuln has knowing; that, no bakiug was being done ever had.” Home talent. is making great :- part of the enter- Sunday morning, imagined that burglars films for thy! had enmred the premises, so he aroused finmkgwucn we {9:1 as! s in saying,” Mr. J W, Q 1inl:».n. the landlord,_ and gr. . b5 something about the averageâ€"4 SB BRIGHT. CA “UNIV On' Wno Knows. w, -â€" --..' ..-- _ Thu publiouion u! tho doowr'u nutc- quc. 0! which the above is n condom.- tion. ousted oouoidonblo mun-t. upo- oially when is V» rumored thus Dr. Enm wu likolr to b. disciplined by tho Modiod Oounoi {or bi. notion in certify- ing to the «dim, ohn ndvomud nmody. A npmoutnivo o! The Cumin Fuiun' Sun wu commissioned to «totally in- vutignw the mum and ”cumin how fu- zhe doctor's luminous wow corrobor- de by the pasticni'n. filillily. . uvmwwâ€"v- --_ Brent. Mine Koeeter ie e well developed. healthy looking girl of eighteen veer-e of ego. She lubed thee ehe wee now in the «njoymenc of perfeoa heellh end able to do her per: in the lebore of the ferm, end bed not since her cute bed eny recurrence of her former trouble. A _ _ _ .. v. u-v- -, . -_ ---, Tndo Rooster, {ether of Christian, aid 2 the: the statement .- published in Dr.‘ anne' open letter M to hie dnughu-r‘e! recovery wee correct. She mu lint token lick nbout the-13th of Mervh, 1593. of inflnmmetion of the left lung. and. lifter treetuient by Dr. Bum eeeuzed to! recover nfter about two weeks, but ngun relepeed with the apparently hopeleee‘ conditionl deecribed in the letter. She' wee terribly wuted. Every night ehe coughed up n Inge bawlful of fetid nutter. The fnmilyhedoompletelygiven ‘ up ell hopee of her recovery, and for two nighte net up with her, expecting thet the would die. After beginning the Pink Pine e chnnge for the better wee epeedily notice-hie. The cough hegnn to die- oontinne and in one month bed entirely eeneed, when. It noted in the doetor'e letter. ehe wu enfiictently recovered to drive to Elmwood. She Continued taking the pill- nntil When Christine hne heenqnite well einee end thie fell had been pitching eheevee and helping in the harvest field., "Kn-inguwi with Chi-tint Rooster, her fsthor and mother. mu held It the home-um! in the wwnahig _o{ _Nort_h l-‘mm Tho Foruun‘ sun. In on open’ lettor publiohod in tho Couodo Formoro' Sun of Sopt. 19 ovor tho oiguoturo of Dr. Evono. of Elmwood, ottontion woo oollod to tho romorkohlo cooo of Mioo Chriotino Koootor. of North Bront. who woo ottondod by tho doctor to Moroh, 1898, whon oufl'orin from in- flommotion of tho lolt lung, which on!)- ooquontlv dovolopod oll tho ohm of con- oumptlou. In Juno of tho ooxoo yoor oho wootod to oloholotou. oud woo oull'oriu. from on intonoo cough with profooo oxpoo- torotlou of putrid mottor. oooouwoulod by hootlo lovor. llor rooovory woo doopoirod 0! until Dr. Emu. ot o ologo whoo othor romodloo hod proud voluolooo. odmlulotor- od Dr. Walllom'o Pink Plllo. Wlthiu o wool: tho oymptomo bod obotod, ond o mouth oltor tho ohonso o! modloloo Mioo Koootor woo ohlo to drivo to Elmwood, o dlotonoo 0! oh: tulloo. ond woo in good hoolth. oxoopt for tho wookuooo oocooloord ”39 long .on lllnooo2 AI... 1,.-o o-.- -o-I- - Mn. Koeaeer concurred with her hu- hond’n atonement- throughout. and In emphntic in Wying to Christine's re- duood ond weakly condition oh the crisis of the disease and the completeness other regovory. jutifiod. -'v' . -_' . In view of; the oorrobontion by Mia Koo-tor sud hor pun-ant: of the ntstomonu nude in Dr.- Enu' letter, All doubts in mommrmtboutatmwdtho doctor'l notion in mung the fun of this umhbb cue to the public in fully: Bring! oomfod; and improvémant 3nd tend. to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The mnny. who live boo- m;- than other! and enjoy life more, with less expenditure. by more promptly adapting the world's beat ptoducu to the needs of physical hing, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principle- embraced in the remedy. Syrup of Figl. Iuexoellenooinduoeolhpruon ' in Wind-out ' - ’ 7 ant to tho m thirdly-hing“ h-u‘.’ W We! of 3 perfect lu- ative ; Mall] olundnglho system. ' ' ooldn. lie-dachs- and fever: pemnandy cunng oonstipltlon. It hagiyen Mon to million- sud 24‘?» “‘3- 1: . (inform m Syrup 00. m» noun:- sud Inf I’m-u m an “Quanta cum“ :- mo .9.- lnltOPâ€"Tho Doom! Ac“.- II I“ no In“ Public Inn, Juulhd. [Normâ€"Our cmndenu would Inn sent some Items of general lawns: dong wish above: It Is cum-may to chime for long notices whoa there Is an admhdon fee, unless an ( :- let for buls o: pangs-nae: 13 sent with It â€"Eo Postâ€"l CAREFULLY INVB'S TIGA 1‘11 BY THE CANADA FARHER 5’ SUN. DR. EVKN’SISEN LETTER! um. Britain. to but Min Jen-O0 Alas I ‘ "0.25): Dos. L?IUI'U ‘5‘". d maximâ€"Ir. Event: Land}. Woodstcpk, In .9913th “10 Vi!” month: undo:- tho puma! not “hf... Miss 3mm Nicholson. of BM are model sober], has returned m pic: on A-_-‘ KNOWLEDGE Manama. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14. 1394, GA TED Sn our Nm 1 for "Xmas (rude. must. Swain..." 31 VILLAGE OF WaflyAMldgn-d 1 Pun-(IA 1:me £19m 2*»:- d [M'd.l.§..” I“ IV! UN 13 “ {£3 :3 {37’ :f: . mm BM " - m a on 107 3 lo M 0° Flo-mm... u " " m 2 a x 07 a «s nun-u Wash-I1.......... _. " " loo 1- I ll 1 07 2 In W " “ 167 i l 2! I 07 8 89 mad 2. «m..u_"_.n 5 I. TROIIAB IA‘I‘CKEI’I'. W 0! ch County 0! Victoria. a M b run! Of tho '11! FM to all «gem, V min duo: Lbs Fourteen]: any agonnm. A Paw. t '1 d m M' 00 II M m . an above on [- ammunnogrmmro'uotfinw.mmomw'Hh" “5‘ (W.°h°”“ "”3 m at February. £95. Com Mum's 01mm} LI nu! umflonmhat. ml. 5" 09.1.3932 : o conflicts! Q. 3 an... ..... o 2.11il..n o. le........: n Fifi-urn. m ..-8 'I‘HE LINDSAY GREEN HOUSE. ; no rm “I“ “A?! m Get Your Painting Panerhanging Etc. 'Iv ohn and. t...» {2â€"75. 1..qu prioo as 00 had tin... .- up luv. the good- sud odou- o Telephone 102 We curry one o Thin Dopu'nout in uonhy of your imp“ Exam, but for VA!” and anlity '0 m the and god to such nu extant cm to imam! cw FROM )5 Cl) A BIG SUCCESS. A Choice Seleqtion of Plants. EDWARD unison. (first paw h an "Camus }oodu hm «at to M ’ e Heavy Overcoat for 3225, regular price... .. ‘ e Heavy Overcoat for $3.00, regular price... . Heavy Overcoat for $4.00, regular price... . 9 Heavy Suit for $1.60. regular price .......... ine Heavy Suit for $2 25. regular price .......... ine Heavy Suit for $3.00. ular price ........ Suit tor $3. 0. regular price. Fine Heavy Man's Fine Heavy Man’s Suit for 85.00, regular price. Fine Heavy Man's Suit for $6.50. regular price. . . Fine Heavy' Man's Pants for $1.00, regular price I>I>l>l>l>l>l>l>l>l> ”mega: A Fine A Fme A Fine A Fine mmmm AAAA Good Grey Funnels. starting at ...................... 1. Good heavy Shaker. starting at ......................... Good heavy Na Flannele. starting at ........ : ......... See Our Fancy F for 15 cents, regular pnoes. . ... See our Underwear for 25 cents. regular paces. . . .: ..... See our Wool Underwear for 45 cents, regular pnces.. See our Wool Underwear for 50 cents, regular paces: . . . See our Ladies' Vests for 20 and 25 cents, regular paces See our Ladies’ Hose. all wool. plumpers ................ ....... anfinnmllD\Y’T‘ “D C] E. Mazagng OUR FLANNEL DEPARTMENT Ncw Assortment of Haudhrcbirf: trade. A gwd fin: Silk, for 25:. TREASURER’S SALE OF LANDS A. Home WEDNESDAY. 20th FEBRUARY, 1895, at 11 o'clock a.m H 2 £88 VILLAGE 0" WI PALM. mu.“ 808M 1x TOWNSHIP ”VIII"? 0' “SM! ‘I‘lll’h’filfl? 0? DA! Goon n TOWNSHIP OF '0‘ A‘IIQ‘I 0" TAX SI. NWNGUII B. 100 an I summon-JIM“ ' 2:33 affiiam 8,,‘1331 6-1“ D Em all wwu SEE OUR Ass'b'fi'f'MENT' OF SHAWLS. 2 COATQ AND aflx'gm 1R9. a w. bun no room for them 0F DIOBY 10 71 l0 6! GARDEN ELDOL' 18 67 1‘1 â€"- v-- vâ€"â€" "â€"â€"~â€"- _ , int-ad cleaning out d1 bur Bony Dual Poet " 16th November. mu 288 your inspection, u out Prion m out no a m the wad-u. F. r the remaindegol NS ulv ! MON BY TO LOAN wwwww 11111 www 111 WWW ,II‘III Quail-Inn P0! (or my um not. Howling mlvo munuu. MAM.- l‘ml'finuo hem lo H OTES DISOOUITEU awn-amuse”... mm‘lml“ Home“ onulfllm 9 90 mums. Gaunt iot_Vzc torn. NS! P. McArthgg Thin department. ‘0 Imp: bony selling MANI‘LES, .- ml‘ .--ourpn'un. A Gut-clan Month for $1.75, regular price $3 our Smok for Bug-ins. .- "caching in our stock ha got, to an r. HO I. Ilfu PA. a... GOOD“. IOQII. Pic-'5 92 mum notpou holy“: OVER Will T. Soc that!!!- Our Big Reduytion Sale in Mantles; Clothing, .dvertlsed a few .wceks ago, . proven a huge success. and sxmply because advertise what we mean to carry Out, IN Tfll . McARTHUR CO. Juno tad look ct than and if they do not unit you BOATS who not I you nee our St. Pill- We... PS to be noon in the trade 800 this We, prion reduced to unit timen. a.” thing has got. to go; got none of our buggim. IS FULL OF PLUMPERS We have no aploe to q mu, ‘ O“ next '0 11039 an-lwd the 1 New You. bEE ()L‘R SE1 VILLAGE OF PENELON FALLS. «(Uontll HM M ‘évaL all; m 0-11 STOV Cfiug Stoves (£1 15-100 16‘ 100 Sty-100 18-1011 If You H (U cents 40 cents 20 cents 165 Emma. wumunu "names 3 non“ Mufi: mac. vaucme ON I M0 wadenot "H-Tho movemq Yul-sluts dlvlsh .hmmIAJ 4, ’m Th1: (L. WMW to x... mmPékv . l'x gamma”); .- QM 5H1. u~ ”LII-lung Cum“ [XIII Ylh, when {1. I Fl to but" ‘1 3- MgU-Ym m oodco Lt ‘m mn" 5. lid Vibruhiy‘l i7 mm m position. 1'“ THIRD AR! It Wlon 15 ten NW of the thlrd .1 h and horn Hiroahm maimomclalu limo! tumor that a. E“ KM [ka Cf. IDSM ESLEY 6,"? If“. 3 I advice of MW:- at m «use: .mfla! ans i Assn! ” Inno- ”no. - summon w Dew?! coma by‘tl MU 1'1" I.“

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