o‘pital Paid up: 3‘1 mlâ€! ' I‘m..." --------- Wmt day, 31°“ d mmk ‘ New the Manama arm. FIRE -On|?l‘vnwu;§3§‘i{i he of last was: In â€,9 saw-mill here LOCAL NEVfl’S:LETTERS the evening. A grand ti Come one, came all. A smnll admission he will be charged. 'l'ohl BID MW in 1' M N1 of snow in one day, m fell on 1 thy. Gram N1 of all: in one day, 1 Snow [all on on 1 dty. mud-v. Sept» ICorresp-ondence oi Tm; P081 1 Esmramum, -â€" Toe Presbyterian congregation-once the congregation of Victoria Road -int and having a social on the evening of Thursday, the 20:11 inst, in the brick school house near “The Fort," Balsam lake. Several rev. gentlemen are invited and have promised to deliver adv dresses. Amusing songs will be rendered lg local amateurs from Victoria Road, irkfleld. Glenarm and Coboconk. Mr. J as. Wilson, the comic singer of Manvers, is to be on hand. "Nufl sed." The very best of a time and a splendid bill of fare awaits those attending. Come one and all, and bring your family, or best girl. along too. Friend< {mm Glenarm, Kirkfleld, Caboconk, chley and V.c.ozis Rzal are specially invited. Stnyed- S D Web“! For“ Killerâ€"s. Parr! Taxes. ISMâ€"Rub! Sp! Loni - Post Pflntlntl “Man Wanted -8 J Silver Mum!» -mu Agent anbd Aim-u. 1!! snâ€" mum! mm mm mum Wanted 7! Kane 11x" mm M NH MM“ Mk1“? Miami Nmmwey; H: mumm mm 5“ Nwhmï¬hmmu MN: m mm m WWW-7 Hm mm mm M Mm-mW imam x w The W: Man“; 9), F, wmmm Wfl [Correspondence of Tue P051 . Wsnoxso BELLS â€"-0neof those interest- ing occxsions for which Glenarm has be- come i unous, again occurred on Saturday last. Th \ event was the marriage of Miss Maggie McEacheru, daughter of Ronald M« Eschern. of this place. to Mr Archibald Camphn'll. of Toronto. late of Vancouver, RC 0.1 Mr. Campbell’s arrival at Mr. MeEacnern‘s on Friday evening he was met by a large concourse of friends who were assembled to say farewell. The eveningâ€"yes, the nightâ€"was pleasantly spent with songs, instrumental music and games and amusements of all kinds. The following address was presented the bride by her friends. who regretted that the show 'heir apprrciation in much a more substantial manner. To Miss Maggie McEacharn,-â€"We, a few of your friends assembled here this evening, cannot bear to disperse without giving some expres- sion, however slight, to our feelings on this occasion, being the eve of your depar'ure from amongst us. We regret Very much that our being taken complete- 1 by surprise put us in such a pasition t it is impossible to give any more substantial evidence of our tender regard for you, but we trust you will receive these few words in the spirit in which they nre given. We regret very much your depar- ture from amongst us, but feel certain that your life will be one of usefulness wherever you go. We will miss very much and help in the Christian odeavor S :ciety, and also in every s acial way. but we trust that the change will be in your new home, and pray that your lot mav be cast in a pleasant place and your lif- throughout be one of usefulness and happiness. Signed on behalf of your many triends at Gienarm ...... A reply was made on behalf of Miss Me- Eichern, who was deeply moved by the incident ...... The young couple were mar- ried on the f )llowing day and left immedi- ately for T.rmto, where they will reside in the fur .re. All join in wishing them a long, happy and prosperous life. SOCIAL axe Lnnaanr ENTERTAINMENT. â€"â€"Tne br Lhaen of LO.L. No. 935 intend holding a ' mammoth entertainment on New Y *ar 3 night. Exsensive prepara- ‘ tions 21-: mi g made. and those wishing to ‘ enj w rt mu-ical 30d literary treat please. w‘vc‘: for further announcements. TkMPi-ZRANCE Norse. â€" One Tuesday eveui '52, N v. 27th, the citizens and young men oi :- in section met in Thornberry’s hall to e~t iblish alocxl temperance society. After due consideration and thoughtful discusion i: was resolved to c anizs. which result d in the following ection cf (iiisers : E. J. Argue, president ; Miss Mary M Ei-hern. lat vice; A. Galiawa . 2nd vice; N. McEachei-n, flit-see; . MiFstiy‘ , res-sec; J. Murchison, trees; E S Mauwood. chaplain; Miss Jessie am...“ .md H. McKayyardens; Miss “"mfl‘ mmunnggua ‘H‘Iâ€"I A incident ..... ried on the f 3:;er for T‘ r in the fur-:rl long. MDDY SoCIAL Ax ._Tne br :11 holdinsr a I New Y’ar'i flops z r: hl'i 3113 w :5 ma pleasq Wï¬â€™c‘ *" "cc“ LI'I A. W "‘ 996 21¢, by the L â€(hr m.“ and rec â€a practice. Th1! v‘“ N "‘ ‘xcelbn “W s 5 th- ihgi most: proï¬table to all who may attend. wlil be held in Thornberry’s hall Meetings awry hem ay evening, commencing at the hour o! 730 ...... ‘hst now famous “ fleck Tr! I.†so he dun here on Fddsy. flan 2hr. by the L V.T.L of Islay, is well receiving careful attention omethlng new and consent drawtng cud. Watch “poet.“- 5. u. Dr-‘At the annual and nf s oflmdcmp, N0. 137. .- A.ll-â€"Infl “mam Stu-195m. eveui '2, ‘.\ men of 5'11 hall to e~t Atcer due Atcer one can discusion l: v which result (1 of (111.311: E- ans 0! fl ( held on Di '8" elect Dmld To chmnaii'. ‘ Bf“. A, '5» LINDSAY AGEKUI. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. sat allowed at. highest. current rates. No It withan required. ROBERT ROSS. Wt. A . -ML so!“ KENN Y's SCH 0013â€"0? 8‘ m \mmndenoe of Tun Posy-l . Advertisements Killer M- MMJ’; R Mum-mu mm M gummy mm» Mum maid» um»; zmh2M w; “mm is N. m “HMMJA Mimi“. MM Mi Ni; mums» a m Mr Hmmm i w. u: lumm‘aâ€"J. H. Hum“ -C. P R -Wah Leo. leo Dinner. 8 D Webflel’ {.11 md melud snow 0-09 lotâ€"B. Partin- tpkobt 8pm. uent- R 31’0"" , m. nmumn at Mntlnt 0'"tel ‘rn Bron D. Card VICTOR] m -Brmon Bron Levtvmu him. m! Buflnm mum mated , 8 H LVN!" «M45: k macaw 'ICTUIU A (am 29 3‘ Um 12th. 1891 ---¢-‘ 1'me GLEN A R} . . .... ARUS. any; ï¬m-ssc.. Alex M1 B‘o John Murchison; main-t MaFadyon ; oha; to: 3: chief. Bro. Sims KGEXCY aâ€, 0.3, Sundty‘ o4 05â€"Houday. ... ..n..- ..29 55. d‘y. 0,03, Saturdsy. I 9031.] $1,600,000 51.500900 (71115 Week. u--- - Gilchrist ; 0012.800 9 450.. Alex McKen- ,1 mneï¬iflfl of the NO. 137» Glonm {mowing ofï¬cexs Past chief, B“ :m. Jae. Gilchrist ; '1‘ Bum last week night, Dec. W. D- LVIW , EA. â€"-â€"- McAnhnr - jr. guard, ï¬n. Hui hMcKln bearir. Bro. Wm. Keane 5‘ nyn; grand dud piper, Bro. Donald Fmer,'w1physlom,D A. Gallowpy. , Court, are preparing to hold an emu-talu- - meat, in the latter part of Jun, 1895. The i celebrated comic ringer, J as. Fax, of ! Toronto, will providepart of she program. Bm.s.m0918°ni9,’- [Correspondence of TH: Post] Emrmmm.â€"The Christian church of this place intend 31va an enter-tum ment in the Riverside he. on Chi-lemme ni ht."1‘he public can depend on this being a teases strait, as all who are to take part in the programme of good reputation; the talent is entirely foreign, and never fails to draw large cr‘wda. See posters later on. Doors open at? 30; entertainment at 8 p m. _ ,. ,_-__ m-..“- nrflfnh class ex- “'06:; Scaooxs â€"R3 animating 1p I"0m A- .A et a p m. OUR Scaoors â€"Rasnlt or ï¬fth class ex- amination in homny and geometry :â€" Mlldred Mark. 90, 100: Clarmce Mark, 77, 102; Mabel Smitu, 68, 85: Florence Stephens. 55, 65; Ber: Greenwny, 51. 68; Ella Driver, 43, 64: Ernest Allen. 41 79; Ida Bonny, 38. 79; Gertrude Garbntt, 64 32; Ida Wallis, 43‘ 28;Edgu‘ Mark, 18. 30. Fourth class, nrit h metic :â€"Hnward M-therell, 84: Fr enk Ruelnnd. 84; Fulton Vroomnn. 84; Fred Wallis. 84; Emma Driver. 72; Orville Yen-ox. 60: Mnhlon Culbert, 48: Charlie Mom“, 48. A Comm; ATTRACTION. - Mlee J uncle Alexander. of Toronto, has been engaged to take p at in a concert to be held in the Methodist churnh Little Britain. on the evening (f the 25th inet. DUNiFORD. Â¥ don ls mixing two ï¬n gets that he lost through a mm exploslon, but otherwise looks hole and hearty ...... Mrs. Robert Mltchall wldowof lath late Robert Mlhlz- all. of Winnipeg. turmerly of whom-mo returned with 1-. Gordon and poses Unï¬dlnn the Motor vlsltlng fr ends In 1mm (mum: Mam â€" â€Bevel-ill WZhrlmtma ngat e ï¬lltgfhl‘lfl “glint 8 KW 8:“ *fl . B: E‘snlgglia gm ?§h6 {all m: lé‘ “ilk man» My waiâ€"u- £16“ in Skill“ “Em “Wk“ 09m l‘mwâ€" ll “mom a 63991: an: a 69 mil; “mm mall!“ all unwind: _ .4_~~ V [Cortusuuudence oi ’l‘ufl Post.) PIRSONAL.â€"-Jahn Matt is hoardin at Mr. Town's st present... .Mr. Bio ard Brauning attended Sons of Tempersnoe division at Greenhsnk last Saturday evening ...... Mr. John DeGeer, of Oak- wood. visited at G. E. Aatine’s last week. John Blythe is boarding at the Centi-e hotel at resent. CUPID â€"A w ding on the town line is talked of in the near future. S. S. Annxvmnv.â€"At e meeting of the Sunday-school officers and teachers it was Sunda -aonom omum nun w. decld 7 po‘holt} Aaflglrnannua Ana-n d: very mnmy Buuwcu -9 ...--_D_ , and as we prep ared to take our departure in the gloaxmug we were inspired to say that the farmer is the most fsee and most independent of mankind. anaosx-z. [Normâ€"Although "Primrose" does n 1'. sign his full name we shall be pleased to have him write again. P0 IVL ES W217 :cm LITTLE BRIJ’A{§: SA 11‘ THE!“ 3' CORN E Râ€"Fij N EL ON. FENELUN 13411138; a", Bro A!" 1 $3.00 oleimlnu the late (Father) J brother 0! Esther '1‘. B. Fenelon Falls. and Mr. W1 of Fenelon township. Uftllhb. [Correspondence of Tun P081] TELâ€"The annual tea and entertain- ment in connection with the Presbyterian church here will he held on Thursday evening, Dec. 20“). An excellent pro- gramme :is being prepared Two choirs are expected, an evenin an enjo able one is being done. P ior the nildlng fund. Come all. andbring your girls. PERSONALâ€"Mrs- McKenzie. of Toronto. has returned home after wai on her mother (Mrs. Calhoun), during er pro- longed illness. Mrs. McKenzie’s many friends here extend their sympathy to her in the loss of her respected mother ...... Mrs. Suter is absent spending a tow days with her daughter, Mrs Wm. Benson, Bexley. ls til vUvâ€"'â€"_ "Conn 10’ Sumâ€"We trustees have 88 *1“ “N for another 9561121 $ 313°†Carmen Nam.- umaok Knight." the town hall on 2751:. He comog 1 T.- -vâ€"â€"-.. Ens found that her little oâ€"nes are Improved more by the pleasant laxative, Syrup 0! Figs. when In need of the lnntive efl'ecb and heavier m wag/1t, and goods are retailing in. {/26 may a! $450 to $5.00. open. _Meesrs. McGee Br)!" of Fenelon run. are bucomln known gs oardnl We! thorough Stock. In promises pure-bred and and also Mirna wâ€"Inmy.°0‘ Ann Tooter: beloved M1“. 0‘ a). you: an 6 months. _- ‘--'A lemma 451-“- .t m m o! In J w. wm: _ 9% ship A PAIR OAK W091). A â€Of/t6? case Part of stoox IONI- torâ€. B O'Connell B. 00mm“ of .Wullun thtloton vayone should 3‘ of Fepplon Ffllg, ALL WOOL HEAVY Inn-on! at can moo. or nearly 30, willbotbo Mancini» O'Bmx‘s Stock Reduction Sale during the Next Thirty Days. Lsdlu of town and. county should aka only “1mm 0‘} A- .- “m... «up. nholm. Al to J. C. Hex-stones, J. Qmw end J. W. Mchuen'a; Mr Pepper {to T dle'e ; B. 6003!: to J. MoAdnms' ; G. A. Milne to J. McLonnen'e ; Robe. Ron- to J. McMillen’e ; S Brown to G. A. Little's. It was than decided that ehonld 3 member of n rink be â€my on the night 0! e rink match, the skip of in rink might put one person or the same rank, or of not higher rank. to lend. pmvided the oppoeinz akin consented. l â€"Tne eurlers_ere only we'ting for n cold A- â€"l-â€" I- mt. ravuunu w .- -. _- , U . . W. Mchnen'a; Mr Pepper to '1‘ Br:- die'e ; B. Gough to J. MoAdnms' ; G. A. Milne to J. McLennnn'e ; Baht. Ron- to J. McMillnn’e ; S Brown In G. A. Little's. [t was than decided that ehould e member of n rink be â€my on the night oi e rink match, the skip of 'he rink might put one person or the some rank, or of not higher rank. to lend. p:ovided the op posing consented. â€"The nurlel's are only we'ting for n cold snap to get down to ley in eel-neat. Should the ice be unite ie the following matches will he p‘eyed next : Monday, Dec. 11â€"8. Armour we. J. G. Edwu'de; '1‘. Brodie n. W. H Simpson; W. Dundee vs. '1‘. Putt; M. W. Kennedy vs. J. McMillan. Tuesdny, Dec. 18,â€"3. Ferguson n. W. Mcbequep 3.. J. D. Fmvelle 1'. J. McDon- , ____ _. r “ï¬'n'mhf G. MM ‘ Tub-dwun'bfl ‘ mp‘dlloat-Ikh 3W: MM‘W wow-rum. TOWN JO runes. Cnflnll lot..- our bvaultfï¬tl see Mam. r. known. “30°“ The raspy-tuba of Son ot'Mr. Th0!- Fhvollo to 901ch mink. Mr.Rul.h- $3.00 9 A PAIR W toutin- In... â€"1‘ho Idiom DIP“! chained honor- “. mun-as In an weakly cumin-m“ held st m Consul-m mucus damn the - leading vaflocws. beautiful aoods in Fancy Glassw suitable for Chriutmas Gtflu, upon which The Best V (outta Raucous ever Brought‘to town. Apples u are. Silverware, law floures are 1 .n- Bros Last week it was M erz ’s Overcoats. This week the story is bright with inter. est for every woman, as it is settled we are going to 1720716 our entire stoc/c of Mont/es. So out into t/ze cold world Outside Garments must go. In order to bring t/zz‘s about l/zo M mules â€ms! ()0 sacriï¬ced, and to. marrow they go on sale at torribtv low mm, and we infant to keep lmmmri/(g away of Mom until #10)! are all gout“ We are in nib Vltttlo money you can have BOOKS. PAPERH, Eta. Bound in Neat, " .. b- loner of him-Iago â€ounces. 03100.6. W. Bull‘u )O'elfl soul-a. Kentw a} w. E'Ii6riroon.u wan Dâ€"émdii .Mâ€â€˜ on. .06me u. to In mom VIEW. (BI-Ml!†P cumiu'swool mu «a No. 4 Town wadm.M«w hold . vaimhl 0mm HENRY Km. or ELIAS SNYDER. mun, 8.401“ P. 0. Counw «1 “god: Oakâ€"88. ANTED tn: Tnml: Q TRAYED um â€OWN." uncut-owe mummmumzm I, an I 3-qu Runner-1‘1 I!“ l «mummy-mun" mosh-dim position to olfe New A d vortuemen ta. n3}; Ian uncanny 6083 T0 mm- In Jew . 411912393 L““"‘- “‘2" To the Ratepayers of Lindsay Arch. Ca. bou. â€"From in. premiu- of the M21001. (.5 Dark Bad Bauer. L. It on. Bot-on um: “(om-M0" ..-..._ um I- Mod. 8. D. T0 PUBC H ASE. â€"Stand- ,, .. n--An. 4a mm: of work :. run 14. nose/u. â€feels; Spices. Potted rigs. Dates, 15*"- A-. 11" 1h“ k swam) 0313330 [- 6 r exceptional values ln Jewott'o tort-De- I‘m be Beech w.“ ghoul communi- Linux. 261 “owns-n... PM in on excellent apes“ talk a: yuoquuneod with his cubic“. , know for Wot! of inmm'mg lhnfdryqnu I! you can ‘ “ï¬ttinn in Imagine o u bunch: to I)"; 88’ . nap-yen at their Neat. ‘ b- the lecture Mr. P ‘ WI email or B! " .‘ cionu wading 811?; 1‘ u 84:6 ' 3M". w Potorbo hmwcoc '0'. Slow 8w". ww,â€"“u. 7 *nmmmsm or mus â€Sim: â€udml “3"" 3.4 "“"‘- Monday, Dec. 7 “ï¬zf’ï¬s†K.‘ : [-nmh LINE Fruits- super-ware. LampS. flaw-es are placed- TENDERS WA Will deliver 3 howl-519011 thé 31' of Shula Ts: at the Appks tn all the New Am!†Ml ISSION Qt C dunk. D. I‘ minimum-Ir uv TED M SEW Illa our: “3.1%“: now am RISSORS of “M RS GARVERg in s “31‘.“ run? I TOWNSH «cLRQBER *" Spoons. «cos. ROGj Titans for 09 c< J. G. Miaâ€"r The New 10mm ; mun-:0! T¢ E. Fol: Films In wows RATES â€one.“ Nev BENINâ€. ï¬lT’S It! Table at Inn: and Wu and TORON'I yLamb mlmmb ill Monk Grouse-t Gal â€DWL I'll Ll Manna ml. to II CC