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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 21 Dec 1894, p. 10

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gum). for Dan M '° ° Merry Christmas For your Christmas Pre- sents goto Higinbotham’s, where you will find a first- class assorted stock suitable for Presents. You will find no trouble in making a choice, as the stock is large and prices very low. mum-tun" hwut....... Want-NI). Golda-t. " mwuk 1'3! wanna. r the weak ondlng Saturday night, Tomlnnalu‘rc. New Advertisements emu-t Ml u Run MI on 3 0mm (all 1 Snow fell on 0 Ton! um (All Foundâ€"D. Guy. Loadâ€"Kerr 8: Co vaod- Joel Day. Localâ€"l" C. Tnylor. Loudâ€"Geo Mullen. Local â€" Miss Tlotter. Loniâ€"Dr. Neelands. Render - Fullord a C0. Cari-C. N. flcDomm. Li“ 1 Hick â€"A. Jewett. l'ilevtion Cardâ€"S. J. Fox. 1t Blunt Goâ€"J no. Dobson. Dov-Ines ville Ballâ€"W Cook. Three Leahâ€"A Blanchnrd. Eops’ Cocos-A. McKim Co Wanted Helpâ€"A. McKin a: Go, Christmas Gilt - Geo A Little. Election Cardâ€"Jan. D Hutton. Eye Specialist â€"Prof. Chamberlain. Kerry Christmasâ€"A. Higinbothmn. The Grant-est Paper-Family Henld. Christmas Prusentsâ€"W. A. Goodwin. Abstract Statementâ€"Township o! Ops. Municipal Elections -Township 010;». Chr'mtmaa Slippersâ€"Johnston a Sisson. A Merry Christmas to You Allâ€"A. Campbell , 4_____ “5311c @aundiau £051. {“an to rescue W a Slnuy Paps, 15 51°F“, .c...---_=, n, bad acmdzsns that. happened him waen up in the Winds this ' Mufl'stt. ermerly of 3.51113. has resumed tram tln woods and to r a business rushing up there. ' Hm.â€"Thieves are roaming about here, helping themselves to grass-aged, butter. waves and porkâ€"even stealing live [Special corresp \ndcn‘ A Cm To 133 Buzc Ladies and gentlemen, tunity to Intimate to th dens _electora of the t '- --u-3- fin h THEFT'EIDISN mo .v...___., "d b epingt ems ves to grass-ace , utter. - . u ‘ greeerves and porkâ€"even stealing live THE' figigii°flfigge on'r :Poa'ltalnner of? . . . . , 085' Montreal, occupied the pulpit of the. ELDI U N Pgbyterian cling! n(otntgundayf Iejvefiing. - BSONAL.-â€" . . c an o in aa C[3Pe°'“1 °°"°"*‘I‘Ed°“c° °' In“: 9“” N _ was home Sunday ...... Mr. dourtney we); A mro “‘3 moron: 0F Ewe ' in Cobourg last week ...... Mr. Scott L‘dies “‘1 gentlemen,â€"-I ”he the ”9°" Rutherford 5 ant Sunda in Norwond.. . . tunity to intimate to the free and indepen- Mrs. S. Thexpon and daringhter, of P “an dent electors of the township of Eden - - inity ______ . that I purpose again to be a_ candidate far Mr. 111. Shields is visitin at Norwood. . councillor for the year 189.). If elected I SCHOOL CONCERT â€"We gape to see a wrll endeavor to serve the bestiaterestfl good turnout next Friday, 2191:. to the ct “’3 tow‘nsnip. I earnestly 351‘ the true concert under th ‘ management of J. D. and loyal elictors ot Eldon to extend me , “col teacher. the same hearty suppert that they have D?§,§é§§u â€"Several of the III-asters extended t° m 5 on 81‘ °° :asions during the of this place attended the organization of t three years. Wishing them one and all a Merry Cnristnias and a Haopy New $926135: cart at Pontyp 001 on Monday, 3 F 9 3 a 55‘ m a E s 0 1“!- WUN N- MCDONALD-‘41 1' PosrP mm) â€"-0wln%to the inclemency * of the weather on ec. 12th the base ARG YL F}. ball some art was postponed until some time [Correspondence of Tum Poem-.1 in J anuary. HUNTING-‘31“ George Thompson, 0‘ TEA.-â€"Th8 Methodists or this place in- Lornevilu, “ifs “185 he 911°“ ’10 1335 than fend having a tea and entertainment on sixteenlynxes and twa wild cats in me New Year's nizht. vicinity of Argyle and surroundings in one 0.0.1:, Orncsns. -The f illowing officers weex, and that one ot the cats when were elected by Cour?- Primrase N). 250, strescf' ed out measured 31: feet. Who cm 0 o. F. ; c, R, J, v, sassm ; v. c. R, ‘ W. L. Patty; rec-see, C. R. Courtney; 353“?er store f :rmerly fln -.aec.. H. J. McLean: trees. W. Shields; ,‘ 4,. :"M‘An d brothersnéabeen chap, R Hootau; S. VV., Wm. Findle : ,. m... nartlnflhfim 1 S. B.) R‘ i' 00,13ch; Lu:- W. d ,, wxn endeavor to serve the c! the township. 1 earnest and loyal elacbors of Eldon the eagle; peuycy supp art 1 » A- nl. no!“ ARMY [Correspondence Accmum. â€"_Mr. Th -_I. I3 Uuu ”A . “u _ n the right place. anxe â€" Mr. 3: Maynts, of Islay, were '1‘th m has week. ...... ~- -« =élnc ofâ€"Tflbmhl W35 Vi last wees. GRAIN BUYING. lively 3:” ???sen" 0...- a SNmL'ralk about snaps x ’01:. w... 9-- four ends of gins“ snaps fxr 25c. at. Mu.” no Coones, and other "snaps" in pr root'lon ax Futonâ€"The respec- Tar. MB)! or 'r the homes of Messrs, G. Slater, Dougall McDonald. James McDougall McKay and Irvine Jvhnsson, jr., have NDSAY. FRIDAY, DEC. 21. Precipitation In Inch“ not M1 at mow in one day. 0.83, ‘ Ml on 3 dlyl. an {All of min In one dny, 1.5, fell on on 3 dlyl. um MI and melted mow, L74. W mom 0L"... a. community. the It U l‘va-vâ€" 7 (Corrcspoudence of THE Post] 531‘. -â€"Mr. Thomas ODonneL’, cf v' is slowly recavermg from a alum, den: that. hgppened him waen up furrespouucnce w n... .W. , -1‘ne suvation Army held a m; on Monday, Dnc 3.11, led by ifpnnny. As she is a flsens gthad her work at hears. she .: guarding ravelations to those bad no‘ experience in city life in [Correspondence of THE 9031.] INCL-Mr. George Thompson, of ‘- 535 than he shot; no less than lynges and two wild. cats in the 'respoudcnce of Tux: rum , l‘ne Suvation Army u on Monday, Dgc 3-:d wnnv. As she is_ a Temperature. I Corrqgvon‘hm’e I. -_b V NEWS-LETTERb ROSEI)A,L_E‘ :NTRE 35434 ' ' ng friends in Mr Wm. Everson. ' k ...... . zs whiting triends In Lindsay Inaâ€"Grain 15 coming in tent. Mr. A; Hawkins, the ‘gagood buamess. ELDUN. :spmdcnce of Tum P0312] : Emcrons or momâ€" lemen.â€"I sake $319 guppy MAMAEA: mun” andence ox m... . v..- , about snaps! you can get «angst mp3 £3}: 3.59. am: uu-s-zurdsy. 24,0â€"Tucmhy. an 4 â€"unturdny. ,29,05-Mondly. .83.!3. F1115 Week. 313m: post 1 Wednesday P051- 1 Wadneudl)’ 'r Bum Doc‘ don [Correspondence of m Poe-r ‘ ermx Mme â€"On Thursday even- lng, 13th Inst, in response to a. notice given, a Mr audience assembled in the Ounce hall to hear Messrs. Man and Cnnpbell explnln the worm t P. of I. but tn- aome nnex reason neither of the speakers pm: In an appear- ance, and no meeting was held. Some of onrprunlnant farmers whllod away the neighborhood chxxmâ€"Mr- 1- sick of late but w: .7 -[Specill to Tun Poem chxxmâ€"Mr. D. Munroe has been very sick of late but we are glad to hear he is TEA Mxin'ING -A number cf our young people intend going to the tea meeting in White’s settlement on Wednesdly even- ing. Weryifqh them; pleasant time. Corners. DLHJ N ‘v nu A. 9... [Correspondence of THE POST.) SCHOOL Nous -â€"A new teacher has been ergged for the 00min year. Miss Delurey, our present tear: or. who has taught here so very successf ally for the past three years, is. we are sorry to note, leaving us at the expiration of the present term. While in our midst here Miss Deiurey mad many warm friends, and she wiil be greatly missed. We under- -r.and it is her intention to attend the Toronto model school. We wish her every success in her studies. . .. .Mre. A. Gunn. Lf Woodvilie. who comes very hi hly recommended as a man of excellent 0 ar- aeter, and we understand has fine ability as a teacher, has been engaged for the coming year, and will doubtless be very successful. We Head to hima hearty welcome to our midst. 14“-â€" loom:- micnce oi Tm: Puma] Mncnamc's msTI’rUTmâ€"A meeting was held last Friday evening at Mr. Champion's for the purp we of organizing a Mrchanice’ Institute in L'ttie ritain. The ofiicere nquired were elected and the declaration has been ilied. Abcu: seventy have already subscribed as members. Messrs. iznlon. Parmesanâ€"Messrs. J. 6123 and W. Burden have returned from mate to spend their Christmas holidays. N EW Pumaâ€"Mr. R. R abinscn. carriage maker. has urchascd a fine new piano from Mr. C. may. of Canningtcn. Faunaâ€"Mr. Arthur Ccone, o! Manilla. ably conducted the sat-vices in the Metho- pdist church, Little Britain, last Sunday i mrming. ' ,___ D'AI'IDH [NR â€"Several of the ’18" In“ a new Wu... .. ..-__“ 5" Dec. 10th. PosrP mm) â€"-0win to the inelemency ‘ of the weather on ec. 12th the base ball some art was postponed until some time in J anuary. TEA.-â€"Tne Methodists of this place in- tend having a. tee. and entertainment on New Year’s nizht. C.O.F. OFFACEBS. -The f flowing officers were elected by Court‘- Pfimrase N). 250, C, O. F. 2 C. R, J. V. Sissrm: V. C. R, W. L. Petty; rec-sec, C. R. Courtney; fin -5ec.. H. J. McLean : trees. W. Shields; chap.,R Hootan; S. VV., Wm. Findle : J. w., Wm. Cottingham; S. B., RE. Vance ; J. 8., B. Touchbarn. UMEMEE. [Correspondence 01 TH: Post! - , «humus. â€"The township and Pmon‘ Bunion l mrrung. Guanineâ€"Several of the tar- mers in this locality were ploughlng last. week. [Correspondence of Tun Post] Avannsanv Senvxcns.â€"The anniver‘ versary services of the Pres erlan church were held here Sunday. w an Rev. Mr. Bethune, of Beaverton. preached mornin and evening, and Rev. Mr Stewart, Sunderland, iu the afternoon. All three addresses were grand sermons, and the house was nicely filled with a very atten- tive and app recative audience Following this, on Tuesday the new minister, Rev. J. W. Cameron. (late of Toronto). was inducted in the charge of this (Wick) and Greenbank congregations, and the day's proceedings were wound up by a tea and concert in the latter. The Sunderland Meth 3dist choir took a prominent part and all closed very satisfactorily to all con- carned. LLâ€"Mr. Jas. McCully had a severe attack of inflammation on Saturday and Sunday, but we are glad to say is progress- ing as well as we could expect now, and , u-u 4... .3... him soon as well as usual. atiack ot inflammamon on Sunday, but we are glad to ing as well as we could ex we how to see him soon as [Spe cial Correspondence of Tun CHURCH RE- OPmeG.â€" The church was re-cpsned Sunday .......:....;J "an R9 [Special Corresponucuw v. -.... - ,, , CHURCH BIS-OPENING. â€"- The Methodist church was re-zpened Sunday last. The church has been repaired inside and a new foundation laid 0a the following Mon- day a grand tea was served by the ladies in McInnis‘ hall, and from there the crowd prcc zeded to the church, where a pleasing programme was listened to. Excellent mmio was r.-.ndered by the choir under the leadership of Mr. L ivory. Miss Wood also deserves credit for the able manner in which she presided at the organ. ANOTHER 'L'EA.-The Presbyterians in- tend holding their annual tea-meeting ‘ Now Year‘s d;1-y. A gee-m1 time is ex- p ,sated. ACCIDENT - Mr. his hand badly cat spgedily recovrglnfi ,‘_.-.n 91‘! 'CBmsTuAs mace: wingiows are beaut Chnatmas presents. cellar. Emsoxmâ€" Mr. friends bags 8 short I nnau u an- manna-y, L' «0 that has ever been held here. BROWN’S§ ICorresoondeuce 0!. THE PULPLT.- -â€"Rsv. . Montreal, occupied th‘ Presbyteria-n church on 'D “In [Correspondence 0! Tm: Poem FINAL Msx'rmoa.-â€"Tha township and village connoifs met last. S xturday, accept- ed the cfllec ar.‘ rolls. and wound up we financial business for 1394. 1’01.er Horny-Rm John A. Tanner. R. A. . has occ'apled the PmWan pulpit R LL‘ "“' n midlife B. A., has Occ'xpiea we 1; Lung, w...._ r_,'_‘ f :r the past two S3bbaths. It is p issiofe [h )t he will get a call to this congregation. ...... Rev. Wm McKay will preach here the two last Sabbaths of this month. BAND Conantâ€"The Citizens' band has an excellent progmmme for Christmas WILSON; 90191335. LITTLE 333491 MOUNT PL EASA NT. .n,__A,..‘n..aAnps-. of THE Pos‘!‘ 1 '1‘ â€"Mr. Hector C‘cmpbell had udly can a few days ago. He is acovrrlng. .AS DECORATIONS â€"The store are beautzf Ally decorated wim presents. Santa. Claus is down mâ€" Mr. and Mrs. Perry paid re ashort. visit. CHRISTMAS Tum: â€"The pupils of l are having a Christmas tree, nu. a; h. In will be the bean KIRKFIELP; SCHOOL HHUfSE- s antiquity 1" W1 CK ”nuâ€"v .â€"777 Wilson we}??? l‘ur. Post] :3 â€"The anniver 35w erlan church en Rev. Mr preached morn 130% Mr. Stamp _, â€"â€"___;’â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" not been for Willie Mcl’nerson's daring slung: Into the water (1th 13:; would oubtedly have been J AN 81' V I LL 8.- [Cor-Rwandan” of Tu: P051“ 1 Emumunnr. â€"The on at Ballyduff on Friday night last wuln Wu 3 ,_ drove out to thet suburban Vilma sun at.- tended the concert- Mise McLean. the Toronto vocalist, was the attraction which drewecrowded house. All report it the best concert they ever attended. Miss McLeanwm sin at the anetvllle enter- tisument on C etmu eve. Gaussianâ€"The following officers were elected at the annual meeting of L O. L No. 61 at the or yearly meeting:â€" Master. John Dev tt; De anester, James ‘ Hobbs; chaplain. James rgulluecJfio" - en T. C. Biro-Tania; finance 300., serum aw Leno; treasurer, stid Chortle; director of ceremonies, Christie Arman-one: lecturer, George J amen Howe; committeemenâ€"l at, Moorehend: 2nd, Join Ingram; 3rd. Henry Beaslip; 4th, J was Baxter; 5.1:. Thomas J ohnsfion. [CoEJDEBEenBe’ 01 Tux P031 1 SPORTSâ€"During the pas; week a number have been enj 0y ing themselves skating. The ice was in a very good condition, but by the looks of the weather at present It will soon be poor in. MODEL Sktaoon-Efiodel school closed on Frida last at er the usual examinatlons. The card of 2:: “Macro seemed well pleased with the scandlng o! the teuc'xers in training. Gasmanâ€"The concert in the hall on Ssturdey evening was not very largely attended. “ __,_... 1... weak a number of in training. Gasmanâ€"The concert in the hall on Ssturday evening was not very largely attendee. SPOm‘S.â€"â€"During last week a number or the more venturesome boys were continu- ally on the ice. We think that is would be safer fcr them to stay OK when the ice is in such condition. However, the weathe r seems favorable to good skating at present. Tunaâ€"B niness is beginning to liven up as Christmas app 'onohes. A little snow for sloighing Would helg ugh-at deal. pxc'u'ron. prccrm w ..... . Isronuuxou WANTED -Mr, E liter. I I would like to ask, through your widely- read pap :- two questions : - l Cm a school teacher of a c immon school expel a scholar tor any or ovary little thing that happens in school? 2 is there no way to h we a teacher removed when more than two-thirds of the ratepayers are anxious to have him removed '? For slang time our school has been a scene cf commotion. During the past two years up of twenty children have been expelled for alâ€" ‘ most nothing. Lsst Thursday we had an- other of these losses in our school; this > time be ex ed one at our best, (it not the before the trustees, and because the teach- er s Lid he would not teach next year if the he did not beg his pardon, the trustees o ered him to do so or leave the school. The boy, being at chr parents and anxicn 4 to get an education, had to to school d h targets pardon ,__ --_.. c ..- what he had this morning mu we, , m-” _ and say he was sorry f): what he hndl done, when he still claimed he did nothing worthy of such an acknowledgement. The trustees would not allow the scholars to give evidence. Now, I believe the reason this man is kept teaching is this: he heppens to be a. musickan and plays an .11 Jun, fiddle, or something 0! the kind,in the Methodist church c'mir, end the three trustees hold official positions in the same i church. Has Methodism cnne to this? ‘Hoping I have not :raspsssed on your 1 valuable Space, I flamingos”, etc“ $3.00 Tkey are rzoz‘ lower m 1’ you have lead some offered 2 fkey are lzzg/zer 2'74 qzm/z'z‘y, [or med heavier z'rz wag/22‘, and goods are refer/Mg z'rz f/ze way of $4.50 to $5.00. [Correspondence oi Tux P081.) Busmxss â€"0 wing to too mudd state of the road, business in our filings is seriously interfered with. smut: nnf OF THE HOTEL 803135-â€" wnvâ€"wd Gomc 601' or THE Mr. John Campbell: °t his datum?! for D PERSONAL. â€"-Mlas D. MuKlnnon, of Toronto, is at present fijoying turnou- days under the gin-an ...... Mm MuhhaSpenoe. w 0 has been attending Anoz‘ker case of our beauty”; $7. 00---BL.4IIKE T SHEETS-- «3‘7. 00 as avoid the Klrkfl lumen The f [lowing smokers have been Invited Rav D onnld; Rav. Mr W, Woodvule . Rsv. Mr. An . Cmbroy, Rav. Mr. McKlnnon, Fenelon Falls; av. John or Cockatoo , 30: Hugh Lindsay; ondnloo . and Mrs. James loan, of Llflord, will be In In manic! matters and no doubt a to will ho before the Mu. nun-Am... .. W, Eucrxon. â€"Cunsiderable Interest 1: taken In madam matters and no doubt a number of to: will be before the electors. Dec 18th. 183* PORT PEEBY'; SUNDEII‘LANP Lgpgcficg Tm: P031“ . -unavn _ l at the Jmetzvllle ante!- GLENA Ry. LI ' ANTED â€"Mr, E ittor» through your giddy; mations: - 1 )mmon _ohe 011201 ¢_\'P°1_f _-, mg to liven :9. A little agrgatdeal. ,PECTA'roB. ALL WOOL HEAVY Ems? grunt OUC" Will-mow -"â€"vâ€"*' a woll-tnlnod ache. . Ever! “I” u belng put forth 03... .nd to m “j oynble one. Dan'o um um slut W‘- nhuo one. The furnished by the ehll n. A veryp‘euent tlme le expected. Everybogfi welcome. , Locusâ€"The people ere lpen-muons for Christmas ...... A nnm o! the young men lrom the lambs: cun on expected to be home among their tr ouch:i The hoye are “ya me home on are tly mlseed when gone. espec y b the young ladies ..... e e are I again {sozan up and everyone 13 wi=hing (or snow, 0315pr SUPPER. day to 3001 para: supper on ch. as 1 be the boat. event c profit-amt) is prey - I__ 9.1.. P-v - .....--- â€"7 - . amf foreign talent; sing-m1 nave neon secured trams dlatanoo. Than will also be in the list recitation. dialogues, read- Ings and many other «mu feats mo brim: your gm. PaasaNAL-Mr. David Hart. of this place. in '.9 left f 11 avisit to the west among his Idends in Toronto. Bramturd and other places ..... Mr. Aiired Bark, who id; for the sham ias o! the north. has returned considerably earlier than he was expected. He was away no more than two w but got home none the worse for his 1:- g. Coxeuwn tTlON-J.â€"â€"It is surmised t at Mr. Owen R Stacey, of this vicinity. has takena erto shareinhispye and 'No'rns.â€"Wood.cntting is booming here now and of“ ac u-oaly mw where to stand ‘ for fear getting hit With chine. ..â€"â€"-¢~â€"â€"- i UA‘K W001). _ [Com-window 01 Tu: Post | l â€" PCLPIT.â€"R:V. W. ngnlln. junior pastor. held another song service last ' G Sunday evening. the snbjsct of dhcmxee being “Contention." 'Ihs strvlee wen u enjoyed by ell ” ‘ Tn: “BLACK Kmam'. â€"R:v. Keaton. the “Black Knight," mll give an eddrese ‘ J In the town hell‘on the 27m Inst. Admis- sion, 10c. Come early and some cute. I ‘ Susanna 10 Campus. â€" Rev. 8 Mo- .1 children tree on 24th inst ..... Btu-39m Station S. S. on 219: Inst. A“ are invited. MAXI: A N01: or I'm-D3 not forget our round cf entertainment: for the festive seesaw S.S Christine: tree in the hell; the “nine: Knight" in the m pbee on ' Dec. 2711. Currantâ€"The enclosed clipping ls taken from the Ypsilanti”. and refers to the ngtlee ofmdeetn In lest week's Poet t. Cnnrraus Tans. tree on 24m lust. S- S. on 219% Inst- trom ere. e deoemr was sister of the late Mrs. . 8. Mc Lunghlun of this place " Jennie Dmpsr. wi 15 o .. Draper. of this city, wss an ddenly called away by desth. thWodneoda evening. Nov. 28 11,3“: her home on Ms 018.5119 had beenin and health. 3nd in the only part of then. dny m helium aroma usually wen. Pudnshom the steam“ room to the shown! neon sudden! to an! knobto an K from onndm: 1n- extinct baton " â€"A-AI- k- 0N1}. -Hoon's Commndm gun a nuâ€" .â€"_- .1 punts-3 holding an oyster Dec. 28 11, end they promise I: to tenet of the season. A mud .e is prawn-d, consisting“ acme talent: sing-n have been nm A dimmee. Than Will 3199 FL BET W091; -Ihe whim brick San $3.00 Bands. 0 navalligms. A PAIR can that will tut-nub not to: an shou- undnotpooohtm‘uexpootwhsvo an on us. _ Fault!” 3 My. Cuvnr Fan delightfully ”(RIMS be! ad 3 quick cure for Ilok hound den-summon“ of the Smash 3nd "Dunn's Fruits mu" 1- mmnuu. upwidly teem the Tax-at ole: herlchy. Dxccn monument! It. | It h 3 run vacuum at Salt: sud l Sada and Pomh. l Tax-cub s11 chomlm nnd stores. waulfi Gusx mmouva the I The many m ‘ am of Mr. Chan. FA mg last shout 3.3) a: premlses. about are not. ‘nd the H Ime" -__In__ nnOII Batman. rive Nou- lounge». The may (fiends ln Llndeay 3nd dls- am of Mr. Chan. Fslrbnlrn. M. P.. will regret to lesrn that on Wedneidny mcra- lug last ubout 3.1!! fire broke out on hle premlea. ebour two mue- mm Bobouy» pear. and the 1! use made 1 clean sweep of the dwelllng. outbolldlngs and burns. lncludlmz cantentg. We understmd axle dayntSo‘ och. -Koep the 28:11 '0:- Y. M. C. A. concert In the Lemmy. Sac postme- , -â€"Meeda¢ for monon Sand” st 115 Good angingvuad s brie! â€"uan'l mom Stun-d3 ht at In; o'clock. All man ou- .1 buy caged. dz 7 â€"Dehntlv;f Icclety me:- w-msnu urn- ‘ town. wornâ€"OmahajiLOndon. Eamon! dam mlnlns Mugs. '1' a Imam M- mthuhosn recently malted (ran Dr. . luv Yongfiovdflhm. mill”: Dul- SIIL-ly pro-In mu lam "turbo-alt". "lithium EMM- mun-dun- aux-tron 2" Indian“ numb: have 0 wanted on no ham: collector 0‘ 431. ‘ Last week it was M ea ’5 Ova/coats. This week z‘ke story is bag/a wiz‘li im‘er. , as if is seii/ea’ we \‘ are going z‘o move 0 M ant/es. So on! info i/ze eo/a’ woe/d \ Outside Garments must go. “ In order io bring i/zis aboaz‘ f/ze Mam/es must be sacrificed, and fo- “ 741077022! tkey go on sale at terribly low prices, and we im‘eiea' lo keep Izammeriizg away at t/eem imii/j/eey are al/goize' m" !‘ ugngALLID. It Itho Tar)“ clan "14 a I‘PL‘ )fllfllflld "v “0‘”. [mm at Salt: sud Fruit. me:- tonight (8:: m I'll-- to}?- new. a, Q MN! with " wtâ€"ui‘l‘lnbot and W004. "“ on We W """""°'°" ‘ m with STAFF CAPT. IcIlLLAN row-w. “erg-2L.â€" Mountain!" H mm 0‘ and: nut. “M‘V- M“ ANTED Chat 133 Ladies an Eva. smrsows “we wmu‘eu “y «at l w MM It decal. 1 IvflluyI w. ~81noerlv you!" unlike d! was All order- prom: agar-volu- In liver) 50‘“: man myoucsu a it you-fly depend bow!!! h“ phone No. 72 ALI ll" “III I u-u- â€"- vâ€" ...... it ell-chad. I will try to nerve Lhc but inure.“ of the ' iu-nou In ”I . T.‘ u. “I pwu. ~Smccrh‘ )‘uur- . ’ -w u. w. n;u.u.. u. 0. Saturday. janul _â€"_â€"â€"â€" bl, lhc hour 01 1'2 U'Clérk, n-vx and inherent v1 l':‘ll,t"k‘xl\ H II ____________â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€" LBERT J RWETT'S anu', H .urK lemlunL “2,1,0 Mud um. n1 'm AXD BOARDING STABLES, . _ , . ,‘ mud pro-mum, â€"l erc! l l .- . w“ W I‘mo York-:3. In the 3410:“. nf the “7?. "" The went null I)! Lot !\ 1:, Ilnck nuke: «an» my put 0! the wwn: mew“ T-mu-hlp m 0m. l’nn -i :. All trains All onleru pron-"Hy ulcudod Lo. Ever)- Cun 0! use 'rU“'nbh|p ‘ \rrn dung first-elm ln livery If you mu. to board your 100 It'rcm murc 0. 1c». w; :. ' hone wmh me you an. I! ll 1- only {or an hour and ' Comm 0! Victor“. you may depend he will tun-v: the but 0! cure. Tclc- - ,1 . 91:01:. No. 7: , . “all? Jl-Wl-‘I'T- sheriff» Office I "d , 41-52 Propr‘lo'on _____â€"â€"-â€"â€"/". ‘ If 0111‘wa b. ‘13:; _ \ - ana lhvlu , OR SALEâ€" _A GOOD HOUSE AND A“, .1 n_-a_n9 “Mn-IL ‘ z‘mmorr" PESSARY 4 My“ 308 THE MAYOR ALTY. - To the Ratepayers of Lindsay Lam AH BOOK-BIN DING If you have any Books to be bound 1 send them to the Examiner Book' Blndery, Peter-borough. All work executed in the neatest and be“ possible manner. We do 9V0?! style 0! Binding and mums. and nuke every description 0‘ M Books. J. a. STRATTONa-M- [luck mg on“: PROF ‘3 S lDDRE Eii'éififimonssa. g URGES? SALE Ad var tisemen ts. '. L. G. CHAMBER I, “EYE SPECIALIST," __ (V TO PUBCI} ASE. â€"Stnd: .,An... dunenoe lim- 1 All Iona! or ELI AS SKY \‘xcwdn. 0‘“- in» both kntlc w mjfl.-‘ u]. a and “Map“! mam ( w “I mind U OAKWOOD P. 0. mdoponaent doctor! 0' In" m i «an law-1w!“ N we the hm mm o! I nun? J mm"- -A, __-IAI his CANADA. m OF 0! and nu.“ ‘l‘l 'rnpr’. I'll]! ’s if Lind STRAYED. .â€"-Inm the premiaaa under-haw oxamamsc mm fin. (mm chop mus-cu o! the undemm RE YEAKLING HEIFEB nplitm nuhu uuon JOEL DAY bdrymple. 41 ‘pd. UNDâ€" out. 9°" JAM‘S Valuable farm Money»: mu New Ad vortzggmen u. Bongo. ‘0 Saturday, '3 ‘Mgwgdo'm In an ww II." I m :â€" PABCI-‘J. 1..“- x wk, ’ Foam. in mNrmntu Am.- mm mm 4! My. containing by Mun Hundred w more or leu_ Sm 3nd lag-nod m o! culuvnuun. Tel rum had. 80“. good cl-y luau her. In on Ild lunch: I good ct uwrey ud‘lnl! Nah 18:2; to». u Burn man. I mod W W50 Lac Ill nouns and Prune Wood Wullu and“ 0M 0! shout tun. 1mm 2. of.» small-I! ‘ flâ€"f ‘ ARI) TO THE ELECTURB OF licusun “OISE, in l ' " III tho Gunny . Saturday, 5¢ Thirwii h the Foam: am» 0! law. MIND“ Baud"! W“ “Pf \{i‘n- MJVOrchud of we.» shiny-five me: . Tmrwa. tame l-‘ourmnihComton o! the To uhip of Emily, oouuiniug by “measurement, Hun-1rd Acn- more or loss. This pace] in IARCEL 3,â€"Lot Number defl. h the Fou‘ “I: Won 0! Lhe‘l‘owmm d buy connin- H by Mme-lumen Two 8 m morn or an. of which shout 160m in val labored win: W undCodu’. 'l‘hlnb cdainbhud “Nelda! number. The "uh-[40 urchin m oovorod with null tm‘h mum Emily crook. The M 0|! convonm to .Ilhno! h and emu-chub?“ mm 12 mil-tun ,9 Inflation and 11 nuluhom Thelma-who luone locum TOWNSHIP 0F 0! D. -On Stturdcy evening our [Andi . A DOG SKIN MIT‘I‘ ham am y applying ul um um: b '3’? Chunk“ unty c J“; by Vil‘tl u n curtain I: ducal It “I mm Public LS -Tenporom imam Limo! nub-n. - ace in one Doha: w without tn * the! condition- VI). nude known. . For hm ohm sppb to 10124 I. STEWART, :‘ , '9')!" “M ,Inday $1157“! 0' ianuafy 5, “’9 1 05' with If the THE mm CO" hm A List fu “I ll“ oi "Ch c1 pa trad turn 1 x1 and ( ditiun XOUS vnn tinn tn the u 10\Vl1 cullur has a )l I65. “'1 aside, ITIOX'C ICS all lock from thirty north navngm the In throng] Falls, Balsam dred I Trent gabh mon be ad( HOW I" (inc saluhri )mp 5V nu )Ull Per Sing Mam‘

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