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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 21 Dec 1894, p. 17

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EAN K. I 2’: LIVE CLOTHING FIRM tors find 11 Imp( sscssinn of this Min" the 'mst vnh ile markets at h( ICC given Cough k nks of trade: leadel 1hcm the dislin; when: VCYV year area-storey ry year to meet the heavy drafts by their ever-widening, ever-grow- uency of consumers. In their ales lies the strength of their won- hasing power, which gives them a verage in securing the goods at the ch of cheupness, and which their ; find it impossible to duplicate. ~s‘sinn of this invaluable puwm of \g the best values obtainable in the markets at home and abroad has given Cough Bros. 3. place in the LOf trade leadership in Canada, and mm the distinguishing trade mark, :y absolutely and loyally maintain comers. of The “'onderful Cheap 1' Insurance . _..-, m a milk stun! in the middle nfa. [cn and waited for the cow to hack up‘to â€"!hcy believe in winter's ink. and hands of dollars every ycar in adver- hvh hrinu them good mums. No mcrs, OI 1 nc Lda's Greatest ham ,harc ‘n line arkel JD The business )y the late Mr. S 58; the present 1 vnnected with hi1 oath of his father [e represents first hcir Lmhi RICHARD Go: who]: power to sell cheap merchardise Minder is to the sickle; the light- ) the farm wagon: the sewing ma- tnd stitch. Is it any wonder that are" of the trade goes to (Dough :r they are established? As a ugh Bros. is a household word in District, and is as well known te Country as that of Mowat on l lines of Ontario. Every day in a birthday for money-saving op- wearing apparel that appeals to :. These things are not done in :r. The firm is enterprising tivst, ys, the largest advertisers in the a lirm confidence in the staple )eir goods, and a strong faith in rahle cheapnese, they have no letting the people know what : and what snaps they have to They are not like the farmer who e firm.of Clothiers in all widely or more favorably )f (‘xough 15105., The “‘on- Their business was first ans ago, and is now of such a addition to their splendid n in Lindsay, they carry on nch stores in Pcterboro and reatcst Hustlers.” Their has brought them bargains the most skeptical that no - was ever “in it” alongside n many placus they quote cent. lower than those of 1nd try as they may, other cvcr yct SUCCCedCd in dupli- In fact the cloth alone in clothing or overcoat has n be worth more than they : outfit. In comparison, (2)9. {If m U {AYS GOOD lthousands of do! ntlcmcn’s Furnish andIShues, are put ()mnriu me “The Wonderful Cheap Men.” svndicale )f trade me {Ion hin U} THE ‘. CORN EIL. (lcscriptiOn of Lindsay without mention of (; store. The proprietors (iough, Guss (iough an latter gentleman being I tic, pushing spirit in Each member of the firr knuwn. All are shrew strictest sense the estimation of our citizens, not only com- mercially, but socially and personally. Mr- Bcrnard (Dough is :1 capable and pushing clothicr who thoroughly understands his busi- ness. and by placing before the public popular goods made up into garments of artistic style and beautyhhe has succeeded'in building up in three years a. business which has become a decided acquisition to the trading element of Lindsay. It has come to be understood that goods purchased from (iough Bros. are always of the right stamp. “Always Good at UI u"; lug-u ”nun!" Uough’s" has become a popular and a well- l’nnwn maxim of the firm. This firm deserves great credit for elevating the standard of ready- marle clothing. and pulling down high prices. There is a certain chic and style about their garments not usually found in made up cloth- ing, which attracts the attention of nuhby dressers, aml the low price pressure which Lindsay. n has com gonds purchased from of the: right stamp. Dough” s " has become knocks the lids from myrimts 0| and causes values to stand, ou stronger, entitles them to be real Santa Clans of the igtl mighty movement to swell the this season has l>ccn started in store ; :1 movement that willcr with multitudes oflmycrs from Country. livcrytlting is ready vice no matter how large the Cl how small the purchases. 1“: mcrs’ wives as well as should not let the opportunity l not let the holiday season go l rhnsinf! some article from th mcrs‘ wn' should not I not let the l chasing SI" [lg-113$ up” New \ c 11". ~ child are pr save money want every! are doing! bystagc. or on m ynu in ihc visit. 1‘! they will pay railr ~11”qu nun -‘. ...- V I ' nut let the holiday shasnn go liy without put. chasing some article from this great store. llcaps upon heaps at Christmas anes and New Year’s (lifts fur every man, woman and child are pmvided {or you at a price that will save mnney in every purchase. (iuugh Bros. want everybody to Come in and see what they are doing. Drive if you can. come by water, by stage. or on foot, for there is money for you in ihc visit. That there may be no excuse, they will pay railmad fare of any passenger within a radius nf titty miles who comes to their great Christmas Sale and buys $10 worth of glands or only, including the Alliance, naruoru, London Assurance, Corporation, etc. Mr. Corneil also does conveyancing. loans money at low‘mtes of interest, etc. He has resided in Lindsay for the past twenty years, and in the course of that time has become well known throughout the district. where he is regarded as an upright and honorable business man in all his transactions, while personally he stands very high indeed in the estimation of his r ,n -1 ..... fellbw '-cftizens of all classes CANADIAN POSTâ€"TRADE EDITIONâ€"' LINDSAY STORE Lindsay would be complete on of (“.ough Brns.‘ Kent-st. uprictnrs are Messrs. Richard iuugh and Bernard (laugh, the n being the active and energe- iril in the Lindsay branch. )f the firm is Well and favorably Lie shrcw'l business men in the of the term, and stand high in of our citizens, not only com- sucially and pmsonally. Mr. wards from myrinds ofl of the 19th century. A o swell the holiday trade :11 started in their Kent‘st. : that willcrowd their store buyers from all parts of the ng is ready for prompt scr- ' large the cruwd, no matter rclmscs. Farmers and far- wcll as townspenple. mmrtunitv bc lust-shuuld the Alliance, Ilartfglld, of bargain boxes. out stronger and )c proclaimed the This firm, which is composedzof Mr. John W. Anderson and Mr. Robert Nugent, are manufacturers of, and dealers in, all kinds of F umiture, and also carry on an Undertaking business. The business was originally estab- lished by the late John Anderson in 1858, he being succeeded by Anderson and Nugent in 1885. They occupy all of the large three- storey brick building at No. 130 Kent street, and also have a frame factory, 150 x 25. two storeys in height, on Peel street. employing from eight to eleven hands. They have their own hearse, and carry a large stock of coffins and funeral appliances, and also do all kinds of upholstering and repairing. Their trade is Very large, extending all over this section of the country. Both members of the firm have resided in Lindsay nearly all their lives, and are popular with all classes of the com- -, , L..-._..... m-.. .0... .._V rvr_ h munity. not only as enterprising busing“ men, but as cilizens generally, who have done a great deal to build up the town. Mr. Ander- son is at present a member of the {own coun- cil, and is always found advocating and sup- porting progressive minsures. Mr. John Dobson. wholesale and retail dealer in Staple and Fancy GroceriCS. Provisions, Wines, Liquors, etc.. is the oldest Storekeeper in Lindsay, having established his business thiny-five years ago. He occupies the whole of the fine large three-storey brick building on the corner of Kent and William- sts., and gives employment to six hands. He does a very large trade, his territory extending over the whole of the district. He carries a large and well-assorted stock of the finest Groceries and Provisions, together with Import- ed and Domestic Wines and Liquors, all of the finest brands. As may be supposed, Mr. Dobson has seen the town grow from very small proportions, and he has done much to promote its growth. He is an energetic and progessive business man, liberal in his ideas, and highly popular with all classes of the community. He is a member of the Dominion Senate. ”ON. JOHN Donsoxv, DOMINION The Victoria Carriage \Vorks are manufac- turers of Carriages, Wagons, Sleighs. Cutters. etc., anzl also do llorse-Shoeing, General Blacksm'thing, jobbing and Repairing. They occupy a large two~storey frame building on Kent street east. The firm bought out Mr. T. E. C .mningham las: May. They make a specialty of all kinds of repairing 0! fine work, giving employment to tour hands besides them- selves. The membens of the firm are thorough ly experienced, practical men, Mr. Carley as a horse-shoer and worker in iron, and Mr. Curtin in the work-work, and Mr. Cain is an experienced carriage ironer; all the gentlemen having been many years in the business. Mr. Wm. Carley has resided in Lindsay for five years, and Mr. P. Curtin nearly all his life; Mr. A. Cain has resided in Lindsay all his life. They are constantly on the alert for new ideas in their business, and are in all things fully up H ' “ ' ' aha ,,_ __ A_.nu schialty of giving cmv selves. Ti 1y expcm m horse-shoer to the times confidence 0 respect and e Mr. I. II. Oliver is known all through the town and surrounding country as one o! the leading photographers of the Dominion, and his work is highly spoken of wherever it is seen. He occupies all of the second and third stories of the large three-story brick building at No. 3! William street, where he has the assistanCe of three skilled operators. Mr. Oliver does all kinds of photographic work in the most artistic manner, making a specialty ANDERSON. NUGENT GO- ol balnies’ portraits, always succeeding in catching them in the most cunning'looking and cute attitudes. In addition he is a highly skilllul artist with the pencil, and his life- size crayons are declared to be the most 1- AI. - _._L:.\-s.- K'- 511C cla’vua an» “--._-_- simnking likenesses of the subjects. Mr. Oliver has been in busincss twenty-seven years, fourteen of whicli he has resided in Lindsay, and in that time he has built up’for himself a. reputation as a lading man in his profession. while personally and socially he has a. host of friends. VICTORIA CARRIAGE WORKS. nnu .‘ll. 1 - VIII-II- ..-V ’4 .. Cain has resided in Lindsay all his life. are constantly on the alert for new ideas ir business, and are in all things fully up : times. All the gentlemen enjoy the ence of the commercial warld and the ‘t and esteem of their fellow-citizens. JOHN DOBSON. I. H. Ouvnx . OLIVER. and “'illiam SENATOR ’TOWN OF ELINDSAY. THE VICTORIA ELECTRIC LIGHT 00.. (L'TD ) Sam G.[Parb’u, - W, Fred I. Park's, . Set-"lay. Smudbnsinessahout :5: Oct... 1890. The first installation consisted of twodirect cur- rentmchinesvitht capacity of4oo lamps. 16 c.p. In September I89! the company’s premises fete ges‘troyednby fire. After the fire they installed the Roytl tlluminating of incandescent lighting, e: well as the Thompson-Houstonsystem of etc-lighting. This being 3 vs: improvement over 4-:unpre Ball mechines then in use in the town by the opposition company, the light soon grew in favor, and the private residences are very gen- erally lighted throughout the town, in fact the Victoria E. L. Coy.’s light is so much appreciated that the opposition company has scarcely any private residences light . At the present time the company has 2,000 incandescent lamps running, and cannot keep up to the regular orders. Besides the arc and incandescent lights they have lately added a pow“ circuit for the purpose of supplying motive pOWer and lights for cellars. etc., throughout the day; and they have just lately purchased the Consumers" Gas Coy.'s prem- ises, including the entire plant, and have transformed the new premises into an Electric Mr. R. I. Malchcll is [he rcprc more lines of travel than any mhtr Ontario. [leis down town liclu the Grand Trunk. manager of North-wan": Tclcgraph 00.. a; Canadian Express Co.. and also rc following stamship lines :-â€".\mcu Star, Red Slat, Anchor, Internal gation Co., Allan State Line. all York ; and the Beaver Linc. Mont: Richelieu and Ontarin Navigatiun ' Merchant Steamship Line ; the Lulu Steamboat Co. ; the Niagara River Toronto : the North Shore Navigati the Ottawa River Navigation C Northern Transportation Co.. and in Mr. R. S. Porter is: very cxtcl in Wall Paper. Books, Sluioncr) Shades, Fancy Goods, Maguin 1. J. MATCHEI '- . S. PORTER. town ticket manage! of ph C0” :1: and also re; ICS :â€".'\mcri r, Inlcmati‘ IXTEIHOR VIEW 1 I soon grew m :5 are very gen- : town, in fact ght is so much m company has :5 lighted. A! nnv has 3.000 It l \‘C fl TI 1C whine it .55 m T} s. As I. nun. Mr. Poncrtis highly re' tech“ 3 madam, he is reguded with m and as Icitixcu he enioys the cancel! confidenccof nil cluset of the comma- W1" 5 led to give the citizens of rvioe am an possibly be In- ancient “DION d ‘k then: a: six; eledric Ker 5r McCulloch Co.'y built for this plfinlo he, the line ukdsocketbeuin‘s M : three-storey brick Meet. He carries a wall paper. in all lines Mr. Porter it allows his liticll his yum-foam. J l-irc Insurance minion Build“ chC If is known as a ; gentleman w all sorts of T lave], and giving. He or: and esteem ham: and the lid“ census:

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