Stayedâ€"John Dix a: Sons. Wmtel-Pringle McCra. S" syed ~Fn dodak Nancskevin. To Exchanzeâ€"Johu Dix Sons. Curiosity all Bight -Brltton Bros. Tenders for Wosd -Jnseph Staples. We Invite Comparisonâ€"303g Bros. Notic: to Creditors ~Huzh Workman. Money w Loan-McIntyre .2 Stewart, Special Christmas Holiday thesâ€" G. '1'. R. The Wsy We Doâ€"Dundss Fiavelle Bros. Christmas! md New Years Holidaysâ€"C RR. A Few Startlin; Fats -I. Whitesmith. Emilia. Chrismn Slippers at 8:10 Prices-Johnston Sisson. The Sabbath school children of the Q men-st. Methodist church will give their annual entertainment on Christmas night. The scholars are now being carefully train- ed end will present a very interesting pra- mm. ccmbining seveni novel features. Bzief reports will be presented showing the work done during the year. See pcsters for particuisre. u--..u-.q ..-.. .V-, led the Cmadim harness heroes lam: 9:91:03. Starting without. 9. mazk, he wound up with a. record of 2.17} ands: the alas-er msurgemsnt of his new owner, Mr. J. J. Burma, of Tom-«ta. Ho staried in 17 .zces, wi ï¬ning 13 ï¬rsts, 2 seconds, 1 third and 1 £:urfhâ€" never failing to ge': a piece at tho maney hung up, and mm owner mc‘srercd the nice sum 0! $2.69! for his 3535 3 winter 9. succeqfl'ul _038 1281', Cigar. w Izau x..-_=: 4.â€- .. _- victory. â€"H arty E, once tbs property 0 Saw“ cf :his tiwrl. and :3: g .'.n. ncon Spanning Items. â€"The Collegiate Institute hockey club commencedtheseas-Jn’apractlceonTueaday afternoon. determigzz ta make thecomisg -~.2_L.:rn an»nn;11.17:!1 OflQ for them. 0533. ï¬t Manama 3% LINDSAY, FRIDAY. DEC. 13, Port Hope Guide : A are in the flit over W 111 Braund's hardware store about three oclock Tuesday morning was discovered by Nightwntchmsn J ervis before it gained much headway. The alarm was sounded, the ï¬remen turned out, and the blaze was extinguished. with only slight damage done. It was caused by a young fellow, William Milne. going upstairs;1 gettitï¬g d whisky he gamed to fix himself for the night. He asked over the lamp and set the lounge, on which he was lying. aflre. The nightwstc‘nman, luckily, happened to be just on the other side of the street and instantly gave the alarm. Milne was nearly suffocated by the smoke and fumes, and. it was some time before he was brought round. His entrance into the room was nothing out of the ordinary, he said, 9.3 he had been sleeping there The more you better you like it. 12 summer. DABBBS HERE AND mar. In town on Saturday last. â€"' â€r. John Walsh, clerk of the township of Garden, was in town last Saturday. â€"â€"Mr. L. McDonnelLCaulter, of Tcronto, was in town on Ssturday last. â€"Mr. J. J. Tuner,_jr., of Peter'ocrc, "gua .- vw».._ -7 , â€"Miss Sullivan. teachér in the Fenelon Falls school, Visited Lindsay friends last Saturday. -â€")I»:. R. E. Santhby, one o! the leading citizens or Haliburton, was In town on Sat- nrday. -_ - .L - __-n 1â€"-..“- -m. J. I’- Luann, Jug was in town on Saturday. Wm COUNTY. Hanan. â€"-, - â€"Mrs. Jer. Twomey, cf the Mansion hcnae, Fenelon Falls, spent a portion of the day in town. â€"Mr. Jabez Pymsm, of the east ward, returned this weekh-om England, after a six weeks’ absence. â€"LuLDo Um nun- "..- __---,, brook, spent last Seturdainend Sunday visiting their many friends L -Mr. B. M. Gonnlock, the well-known grocery Muller, called on hie customer: on Tuesday. -Mr. C. Hutchinson. superintendent or the I. B. O.R.R..wuintownon1‘uasdey onhiewnyheekiromevieii to hie home in Bowmnvme. â€"M;-.=. D. Kelletb, wife: of the well-known Halibnrton hotel keeper, was in town last Saturday. - .- , "___,-_ aâ€" 'V'â€" â€"-_-v,- â€"Mr. J. McCoy; inspector of the Hamil- ton Provident Loan 00., spam; a raw dsys with Dr. Nedande. â€"Mr. Thea. Crawford, of Garden, was in town lune Tuesday on Engines}. â€"Mm:â€"€mï¬ntimd Stafford Keenan left for Toronto last evening. -Mrs. Shoelpnql anagram; ‘L‘ 1911- Ehotrlc he Works, 'upon'c iniï¬ï¬ In town within parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jean Path. of Bidoue-nt. â€"Mrn. Richards 1010 town Int had†for Chicago to take up widow thou. Bu- hubuad tad aubu- number! at the -â€"Mr. P. O‘Donnoll, of Louisville. was In town on Tum. “mm mmmonodu n jut-yuan to uttond the county court Ind canard nations. ‘ â€"Mr. 33".“ Palm. 0! tgoBMll‘ly-ogk . â€", LA -‘-_ __ -â€" - L: h†*1 a ,I‘ Is free from injurious coloring. - 'L LI... TH! Mr. John Howie, of Some: ,. zrry 8., once :33 prcperty of Mr. R. "“3 tW-‘n. and afterwards cf .... ’ v .1); Mr. H. Lt~an, cf Petr-room, ~42 r‘mm‘iivm hftrfles3 horns 1335 Bight Euro been, A hagwy F10 50.5.14: cm 0 tuzoak .u duo ‘ 1.. nvvv¢u \- â€"._v. nent of hls new owner, Mr. Tormta. Ho staried in 17 13 ï¬rsts, '2. seconds, 1 third never mum; to gas“. a piece ‘ h'mg up, and Ma owner um sum at $2.69! for his Slbbtth 8013091. Fons for "gem. Capt a gram 3km 1:553 win --I-- use of it the sons 60-. L19 This Week. of the on to for the pocket. quantities. â€"Mr. P. B. Manna-serum pads. load ’ tale and a and pot hogs on Wedn I. â€"Thera wean In? attendance of skaters at the _rlnk last uesday evening. owing ’ ‘- -lâ€"- nu-flflt‘ 33 In. ,, to the band being present. -Mr. Sam. Britten expects to have his handsome residence on Buseell-st.reedy for a tenant by the ï¬rst: 0! the new year. â€"-Kinmount enflared a cold snap last Thursday week, thermometers registering 15° below zero at 5 o’clock next morning. â€"A gang oi 75 shsn en passed through town last Wednes av from the :lmorecsmps at Colebridge. Peek town- through town In! Gllmox'ecrumps 3'5 ship. â€":'1'he directors or the Llnusby uu......, Club have declared a dividend of 5 per cent. on the capital stock for the pest faced watch on Cambridge-st. on Sunday morni_ng 139?. 11 th ‘u.,A_ -A. 553: nan morning 1:33.. -_- - , same by calling at this ofï¬ce. â€"-“What means this W.CIT. U. Which makes such constant fuss z" The maiden frowned. “I thought you knew That, ‘Whiskey Can’t Touch Us 1' †â€"Mr. C. Chittlck. our enterprising real eastste dealer, succeeded in selling Mr. Charles Veitch‘s ï¬ne residence on Peel-st. to Mr. E. A. Hardy, of the Collegiate staff. written work and commenced teaching in connection with their ï¬nal examination yesterday. The teaching will probably last until this afternoon. I LL_-_~L Ina... â€"Sp>3aklng with the carpenters in to cm, it seems to be the genera! opiaim: that their numbtrs are fzr shave what is required to do the woodwork around town. Ogt=ide workmen win, pzrhaps, take a. hint frsm thic. _ . 7A_, â€"‘:Ir. J. J. Nelson, 0: Ic-ronsu, argum- zsr for the Select. Knights of Canada. went northla-st Thursday at :ernocn to crgan!ze a legion :f the order. He will aï¬tend a meeting of Lindsay ngim No. 188 on the 20 {h inst. my Ill-Ibu- uuw u-vâ€"_-- , -â€"The Italians who passed through last Tuesday were employed on the LB. 8: 0.3. R. beyond Wilberforce. Their services were dispensed with owing to the near approach of the line to Bancroft, the terminus. â€"The other day Mr. L. Archambnnlt received from Fulton, Oregon, a box ï¬lled with choice cut: flowers and chrysen- themum roots of a. rare kind, the gift; if R“: friand.Mr. J 3.3. LCarswell, formerly e! , â€"The other day Mr. L. 1 received from Fulton, Oregon with choice cut flowers a thsmum roots of a rare kind h’s friend,Mr. J as. L. CarsweI this town. («Mu u- uo... --v-... vv‘ -Tha Choral Ssclety are so hr advanced with their practices that they have the date cf their concert under caneiéemtlonâ€" prabably abaat Jan. 23rd. They are aiming to remdc: the part musis as It shauld be, and to Iznpmc the has: tsVlent ior solos. I_.L -â€"I\Iv, Fred Frsmptcn, the newly app slut- etl carcmkrr of the Union school, mocwith a very p :i; fol accident on Tucsdoy after- coon. ‘VVhllc closing a school window he accidentally got his hand cauzht, and was u:a‘::la to two it until assistance arrived. â€"â€"Mr John Campbell, “Fairview Farm," arrived home from New York a few days ago. whgre he was attendioga live sttc'c exhibit 2:7. He. ma with hlm several of Na shoe , and was succasaful in carrying 011‘ flv-a rstprlzas and [our third prizes. â€"Woodstocl: barbcrs have ontored Into an agreement. not. to do any work in future for any person who is indebted to the bratlwrhoodâ€"he muss “cosh up" or go on- nhaven and unshom. The edict will no daubt promote tho t‘sshlon ct wearing beards. . -.. AI“- _‘_ awn-nu." â€"E!ectlon of cmoers acupud the time at the last meeting cf the Brothexhcod of Rxllway Thin. en. 0- 0 member, anticl- , - _.,_ A......... 1.“! 9h. fnm. nmway Ll‘auauuru v.... .-... e gating a. lengthy meeting, hadâ€" the fore- thought to bring a lunch. which he enjoy- ed. much to the discomurt 0: tie rest of the brethren. -â€"D:. Oronhyatekha, Supreme Chief Ranger, [3 busily engaged in preparing the 1.0.F. biii, to be introduced into the next Dominion pnliament. which gives the order the power to issue insurance 123120933 as high as $5,000, 3130 provides that the ord:r may make a government hum “a the backs come under govern- luv} â€"'1‘he appearance of the Webiing sisters Tuesday evenie get the Academy, under the auspices of the Canadian Order of Fores- ters, did not attract many of our citizens. and the promoters are some $50 out. Lack of advertising accounts tor the poor attendance. as the Weblings created a good impression when here last. â€"Peter‘ooro citizens paid in so much money to their fair tax collectorâ€"Miss Cummings â€"during the past few days. n... 9.3 was overcome by the ï¬atjgue of â€"Peterboro citizans paid in so money to their fair tax collector- Cummings â€"during the past few that she was ovegcom‘e by the "fat; LII'a a“ 5385 run “a: UVUIan-v _, .7 s .- counting the wads of bills and cheques; and had to be conveyed to her residence in scab. It will be long before Lindsey’s collector is subjected to such a strain. -â€"Mr. D. B. McNebb returneddast week from sbusiness trip to Tonawands, Bulf- alo and Rochester, where he arranged for the sale of the output of his mill at Ingolds- by. He reports the business outlook on the other side of the line to be much brighter than was the case some months ago. He will start his mill early in J snu- ary cutting hardwood timber. which ï¬nds a. ready sale at present in the American the lumbering camps on French River. A quentitv cf anti-toxins has been sent to Powsssen. and instructions have been issued to event the men leaving the camp. The loos board of health should keep a sharp lookout, as many men are passing through tram the shanties every few days. , 7 __u. .._2-_ LU" w .- I â€"When the Baptist young people under- take the preparation of an evening's entertainment you must don our soc a cap and expect a good time. uch to be the case in reference to t e “at home" held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Morton Tuesday evening, under the direction of the young ople (it the social committee and their a logos dent, Miss M. Morton. Games of all do were indulged in heartily, after which an excel lent repeat was served in Mr. Morton’s luncheon parlors. Recitation: were given by Messrs. A. Horn and A. A. Kennedy, which were ehermingié rendered. else a . Upward: we brief address by Mr. erew. of sixt young re present. The nether pg, es ould do, broke up et en eeriy hour. â€"Mr. W. K. Smith. “deputy“ banne- warden, or Bellevme. peeeed the north ucountry. this mornin :52†where he I: been mpnehlng a number ct Inn-enthu- at the game 1933‘} reek g: lnn'luuouu UL Wu been“: our" __ .V--, , eo hetero the swaon opened a north country correspondent or Inn Poor de- tailed the wonder-tel encceee of e eettler. who eocceeded In knocking over three out debnnch 0! four deer met without 3 through the woode. Mr. Smith t te. Aux-unite: hie tr! tour citizen: Cohooonk. who puroh portions oi the deer. were lined 820 each and the crook met-hm w muioced in the sum of 824, «8104mm. 0n the way down thin morning Mr. Smith noticed e suspicion 'lroohlng who? 811!!ng “to is}: oxen :- a. notice on found therein a 83's. hide and other evidenoee thou led him to nepeot on emionottheiew,henee he argued the {SEEM " "Kindaâ€""im- J. J. Nclggn, 9: Tcrontoh organ!- . ..A__ _. ...-- 5.13:; 'fzr ssh-ave. what 13 r the woodwon: around workmen win, parhaps, thie. Tablet tom $1 3 box. mâ€"Wihhmpcnufloul wish“ say to ‘mm North Wards†that! thinkhismmauioationhauoo macho! the Mona-ytormtohkenotiooot: however. there are a few points that! wish to touch on. My Saturday’s communication dealt withwatorunder pressureâ€"misc. N. W. mittec, and when as about his actions, tells some of them “it you will only klok long enough, and hard enough: you will I am very sorry the residents of the south ward (some 0! us, at has') have not: the same generous spirit: your correspond- ent in the north ward has. Inever was an adept: at guessin how many beans there are in a bob s. but: in less than algae guesses I think I can tell who 0. N. u x: ._Vnnr§. etc“ J .55. 810333. three guesses 1 um W. Isaâ€"Yours. em. The anthem-st. tire. [To the Editor oi Tun P081] Sm,-I have been reading the corros- pondenoe between some of our townsmen and our reeve, about the tire on Durham- sb.. also the proceedings in the council room hebween Mr. B-‘g‘oie and the reeve. As a. signer of a petition that: was present- ed to our oonnoil about the beginning or this year, I wish, with your permission, to make a few remarks. The rasveIIrundex-sband. is the chairman of theflre and water committee. By the statements that he has genie over his owu DUI- UU-livâ€"-w -_ _ signature, andwhat he is reported as soy- ing at the last council meeting. I would think he is eitherjesting or is not laminar with the branch of work he superintends for the town. If Mr. Kylie will call out his ï¬re brigade and lay 1,000 it. of hose, takin the stand- pipe pressure only. he will nd at the nozzle that his mum has vanished, and ii there was a in progress he would ether have to get the prumps started or form a bucket br e. be tire pressure in the mains wen d ive him nearly 401bs. at the end of 1.000 t. of hoseâ€"this, you know, would be of very little use at a are or any magnitude. Mr. Kylie, after distinctly promising to aid the signers oi! the petition mentioned above. advised against us as chairman of committee, giving as one of his reasons for not wishing a hydrant in the south ward that other unprotected criions oi the town would at once demau hydrants. In the course of a conversationheld about that time, Mr. Beg‘aie said that, judging from the number and location of those citizens who were talking hydrants, he believed that six more would ï¬ll the bill. Admitting this for the sake of u- ment, it would raquire only a yearly out ay 0! $2i0 on the par-2 of the town to give us this muslirneeded protectionâ€"an outlay that would be far more proï¬table than some that have been made this summer. Thanking you f.=r space in your valuable paper, I am, ycurs, JAS. S'romin. Reeve Ksiie'a stand in Council. We the Editor oi Tm: Post] MR. EDITOR-I wish to make a few remarks in reply to lair. Storcr’s communi- cation of tthSh rc hydrants in the south ward. At the time Mr. Storer‘s petition was presented in the council we, in the centre at the north ward, felt that wc were about on an equal footing with friend Storer, and we set to work at once to get up n petition for a. hydrant, nndIluvc no doubt that other parts cf the town were just in th»; some flx. Reeve Kylie. the chuiromn oi the ï¬re dopartmentJ suppose. felt that it be complied with the r:quest oi Mr. Snorar he could not consistently refuse the others, and knowing the finan- cial condition of the town he did the proper thing and refused them all. and I feel. Mr. Eiltor, that every right-minded mtep-syor will say that he adopted the :roper course. and should be commended and not condemned for the manly stand he took. 1 don't cluim to bee articular friend 0! Mr. Kylie. still. I mire the c nurse he has taken in the council, iightin ha rd to curtail expenses, and it he refuse Mr. S. a hydrant he also rtiused the Rathbun Co , which was avery unpopular thing tor him to do. The ratepayers may thunk Reeve Kylie tcr defeating the erection cf an isolation hospital at it cost cf about $3,000, which cannot be sold to be a necessity in a town like this; Mr. K. also taught hard against submitting the by-law asking the ratepayers to mort- gage their homes to pay cfl’ a floating ebt incurred by the votes of a useless lot of councillors who vote everything to please everyone, and then when it comes to the striking of the rate theyareatraid to ofl’end the people by striking ithigh enough to pay their way. It appears to be i the rule in Lindsay-and in Lindsay only ‘ that men like Reeve Kylie, having the courage of their convict one, men who do their share 0! the work in an honest, manly way, doin what isright for the corporation roger ass cf whom they may please or offendâ€"these men, I repeat it, in Lindsey, and in Lindsay onlyâ€"are hounded out of the council, and worthless creatures are allowed to sit there year After veer. Cnrzrnn Nonrn W LED. after year. your issue of the 15th inst. When we look at the party in power, and listen to their speeches on protection, we feel like asking “whom does protection protect?‘ The government that forgets the claims of the laboring classes and protects the few manufacturers at the expense of the many, _- - ,, ,_.:__nI â€OUULaVvâ€"-V-~ ..- -7 , is pursuing a most suicidal policy and will ultimately end in disaster. For instance, there is at present in force in the United States an “alien labor law ;" no one from this side of the lake can get work. A young lady 0! Ottawa. some time since, went to Buffalo and secured a. situation as stenographer and typewriter in a. low cï¬lae; the authorities found it out, and inside of three days she was sent home again. That's protection, it you please. , '- f flaw" , ‘ """"" AL. A...“ n m am. luau: Wilma-Va, .. ., ,,,,,, 812 But 10! when the ï¬rm of Ham 8: Co. want lumbermen tor the woods and sawyers for their mills. they go to Bnn‘rlo, Detroit and Saginaw, and bring Americana into our count to ï¬ll gangs: um the n men (I?! Ontarho m t pl: "1:33: Can an'oan 3rd]! 30 a co ‘ 0:11 am own country. Do you, air. "protection." Are men who are «we!» ‘* -'â€" -‘-â€"’- â€"--- M nnflor m magmasâ€"Jan sum, ’00 promptly And anomaly. on the lint and bowels. 25 «nu. "pr uvuo n..- ._-.. .V_- -, _ uposz‘helr day’s wages to suffer Dachau the Yankees are allowed to come in an the places um should be their" It would seem. air. that the policy of the mat vernment In to roceot them- pm 3° o: pgltlon'attghs ales: the pn- ki . M06101!!!“ 0! the do: toot those who need It. will» bhooow odo not and it will and at the robot them-elm. p mom “amt th will be non unauthovoioutmpoopo to atop donation. It womto hove nomlobuhove it, sud om vi hsuopolmtorum ha IO M indthod «than!!! power. E "a uoâ€"vâ€" w, museums remedy better tram the very ï¬rm case. a nun only cured them or some throat. but gave 8'! appetite. We can not speak too highly of If. and believe It to be everything It is represented.â€"w 90. Roam Wm. DOW. Nov. 23nd, {896. wwnnvm, “v" ___, _-V ,, While diphtherie. wee prevalent in our neighborhood we used anxx’e Drpnm am! as e preventive in our lemul. several (1! when: got sore threat, but 3 at doses wee ancient. to cause an immediete cm in every ease. We think it everything that in is represented to be; we would not be without ieâ€"wso. Jcsxpn Laces. â€"m â€'â€" Ipoolfl MI for 01 Glad. run-clu- I'm Going Dec. 24th and 25th. Returning Doc. â€1h. 1895. Going Dec. 31:! nnd Inn. m. Returning Jun. 2nd. 1896. amt. â€mall- nu ad 030- fltfll. Gains Dec 21st total: nod going Dec. 28th co Jm. ht, Returning until Jan. 7th. 1896. I 10 t â€to: to? sum» :- and W. flu t-ohll mo sud Ono-thud. Going Dec. 1811: to Shh, Returning until Jan lab. '96. 39.01.31 mm for Comments! Tuvalu-n. lune 11:590ng _l‘u'_o_. 0313: Doc. sou: to 25th. Be- an- gamma J'ui'ï¬h, iSOC-nw. FOR CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR’S HOLIDAYS STflflILlfll} FEMS. I. WHITESMITH BUILDER AN D CONTRACTOR Plans and Estimates Furnished on Appllcaum NEXT THIRTY DAYS High Grade Watches, ,Most Etegwnt Jewelry Fine Etectroplate Warm, Having just received a l: of ï¬rst-class I hve the best of spplinnoel for testing and ï¬tting the sight as well u ex- perienced ju ant ad 0. - good stock ï¬ne lense- md fumes. l. «WHITESNITH’S. c. P. KOFFICE, 52 xx \"rm‘um: 1:, ..0 MAIGHETT.- -AGENT. Albums, Toys, Novelties of A53 Kinds, going to break all previous records in prices as regards $16. as. Style, Quality, Finish and Du: bility, and I fully (Innate. able to satisfy I. W111 tea m1 th- OF MANILLA, Is FOR THE B. OFFICE, 52 Km STREET, A FEW also latest designs in‘ 'i'niahund Dun.- come and no what number rAY. DECEMBER ~ 18, 'éaummunuxwmbym nudes-sum npto-oonou be Handsome and weigh 1,800 pounds each. Apply ut ALBERT JIWI'I‘T’B -932. d 08.1. ' an: Inn. TOWNSHIP OF_ MARIPOSL [ch-thu- Dam By- Law. 98 cglcoAaoa-ZS‘Z-fliofluag ‘udé. conga 3 no 9.12.8. 3: 35113: 2.1.. a! .DSL‘ an Ian-lion: .3 6H 55.3 a 15 I! 18808 HORSES WANTED. In IN lmvv‘. -â€"â€". --‘_, 7 -7, â€"â€":Ch ism-aim. 005., L. 3.8. [And-y, D09 11. 195 -m8. cum on... w. m uni-Er. [bum December 313$, 1895, Horses, must ’vâ€"lefmvne ems: OOMPARISON AND cmnmsm or oun STOGK AND pmces t3- ' “â€"wlllawdliï¬, 'Pstent Medicines, bt‘nwuv-a . '30“. Provisionr, than and Feed, Wall Paper- Every department always kept well assorted with new 56350 goods. We want to emphasize the fact that our stock is large an! blues. aluge “n83 0‘ Goods, many lines bought in carloads and gums, â€2 much lower prices than small dealers pay, so that W thc inducement to do your trading at this store, of a mum/«7" at†{11" {1173“ a Wmddeupm. €414: ({u past uwl' : an] m'wcd' in the history of (It: Here. SPECIAL BARGAINS :I'HIQ WEEK .I'm gin-Him“ -_._ -- _, yd" womens Guy Manual. 150. yd., Drona Goods 150 m 400; pa, nun-u Books and Riubbeu 31.75 pm Mm’s 1103“-‘:.C‘°‘ mm. "M “my“. Wull Papers, Choice Bait-in“, MKSR W DI... Ml. Knive- wd Forks, Tuble Cutler)â€, Rocket ‘ «an: sap. Mu. men Shootings. Gm: Fancy “““eb’l hu- m. at M Chin md mm, Albums. Toys. Games- Clâ€. m, mud Sleighg, etc" Sliifu/I/c' é SOC or. ‘ -7 W m. m, M-j‘mof ' i“ J“ T" Mini 35.7â€, ‘0 “50°. Today's 3: Vicmpiznoeylm I. 1'“ IOLWWIKG DIPAITKINTS. Ohrlltmu Presents. racy Gooda. Tweeds. W mm. cow-g Dry (19“., non-yum c OnLLAâ€" 4... 03m, 8! Goodn, Twoeds. Worsteds, ' loodo. m’y-made Cleth‘ng’ 3“" Shoes. Rubber: and Oven-1109': r0._ Shel! .94 3°“? “WW" L â€â€™0'" 00, B“ Neck I in all Ch Holii Gloves. Lamb Melon Collars Capes. ownu at La and A‘ N!"