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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 20 Dec 1895, p. 8

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Ii] Bl :viflfi eumptance will furnish Ingeraou With we took b n . . Mon Diocesan; man at Kidney gungc: 11; anothexi lecéourg and will give 1331 1%; magi-:3?“ noun or men rxonbio. m can eroccas on in; a sneer at: _ . the christian religion, while it can have no Moci’lgahngfi waif; 19°“ Idle! I] g In is a filmy to argue one’s self into the good effect. belief that snflering when it comes upon Mr Chen 0,“ Linden b. fiflwfig are in the 9.3"“ hause ' v â€" e o A , ' . son 3“.“ ‘5 must be patiently endured. USMY narrowlyeacapadafstal gjury on uses: Th8 30' boiler 14 mil“ Jiff- in cnfleringcanbercmoved, it one knows of d; or last week. He wee engaged in diameter inbuilt of steel. ounce 140 ohemeansnnd way. Much eufl’aingie n ceding wood homeboxcarintheG. “ii-WWW ensure. “RPM!“ borne by thasa who are troubled with T.R. Mend unnoticed by him “other ”I 011813. built by m 00-: 01 '1‘0- kidney disease. The distress at times is car was sent down by the shunting rmmwhlchgevepethct until hen. Bat in South American Kidney engine and strucktheonohgwasmung morepowermneedea. Then'bcller Cues, medicine thatie akidncvcptcmc, 1:on from. The coilieion was evident willouufifilbe. more hence the. nobhinxmorethoughnothinzloelm sure. one, and Chediereceindeeevere blow «mama-acorn cafe, and speed remedy istobofcund. en the heck am. but I“ B llh‘ Belicgienuinigcflbnueix hon-l. Sold him console-e for - In“ ..W,Dm Lindsay; Ont. up it yes toad ‘ ’ Kidney Care will Give none! in the us must be patiently endured. Usually nan-Inn can be removed. it one knows of the means and wsy. Much “flaring In borne by thua_wh9. gm traqbggd wit}: and ex Thanh. I To the Editor of the Lindsay Post :â€" an,-The ladies of the Central Charity Committee wish to acknowledge your great kindness in supplying them with necessary advert! sements, printingtickete, and other courteous services, free of charge. The concert was a success owiu in a great measure toyour generous»: uuoesslnz efforts in placing It before the public. Hoping you will Insert this card tor public perusxl In the columns of your valuable journal, we are, yours respect- fully, The Crew CHARITY Coum'rrxz. One '0: 'Iw: Donn of 3mm Auction Kidney Our. will Give Bout! 1n the not: Datum can :1 man” trauma. It Is a filmy to argue one’s eon Into the belief that saluting whan It comes upon Parties passing the corner of Peel William-3:3. will save money and gain style by consulting a. p. mniiett about their tars, eithar in repairing or ordering new goods. Far shou id be out to the bee: admtaca to look well, and it requires praotlcsi experience to do that. Sstistsc- tion given or money retAungedL CON TIN U0 US 3 UPI-"ERIN G NECESSAR Y. A few doors east of Benson House The Finest and Cheapest Assortment of an y store . . in Town. . . TOWN AND COUNTY. 'fiNDSAf, FRIDAY. DEC. 20, 1896. DASHEbeEI-ZE AND THERE. She @xtuaaizm £05k E-EETTGEB’S. Be sure and get your Dundas Be and We’re doing business in it. ‘34-. W Hettger. 10 dozen Gents’ Ties, worth 250 eac l5 “ “ “ 4-inâ€"hands 25 “ “ “ made up or Genta’ \Vcol and Silk Mufllers at Gents Fine Black \Vool Socks at Gents" D Braces, worth 40c, for 25 dozen Embroidered and Lace Handkerchiefs for 25 dozen Hem-Stitched Handkerchiefs for - 15 dozen Colored Border, Hem-Stitched Handkerchiefs, Special Line of SwissoEmbroidered Handkerchiefs at Silk Handkerchiefs at - - - 100, 12( Silk Mufflers at - - . _ 10 dozen Ladies’ 7 Hook Lacing Kid Gloves 5 dozen Ladies’ 5 Hook Lacing Kid Gloves 10 dozen Ladies’ 4 Large Buttoned Kid Gloves 3 dozen Ladies’ Ringwood Gloves for - 4 dozen Ladies’ Black Silk Mitts for 5 dozen Ladies’ Cashmere Gloves - 3.1136 we mean GENTS’ FURNISHINGS Price‘REDUCED at Once mun“; -c m.-.“ “a m. .mm’t aUnw anv old stock to remain. There will be agreat rusl Handkerchiefs " for Gifts’.” the :lustVanvd dirt. combined with the rush of trade, is to have been soiled by the dust-.1101: damaged, but just so that .’ Ties, worth 250 each, for “ 4-in-hands - “ made up or 4-in-hands Gloves “ for Presents.” ean that the Store must have the Cleanest of Goods, and we won’t a Christmas. and you ’will find it easier to do your shopping in the and everything arranged so that you can â€"Mr. W. J. Pigott. formerly of the die- patehers’ stafl’ here, but now G. T. R. re- lieving agent, is at present in charge of a the station at Klnmount, owing to the ill- ness of. Agent W. J. Harper. , â€"-Kingston Collegiate Institute board ; has adopted a new schedule of fees, by i which citgopnpile will be charged $5 per ~year, or c. per month, for primary or ‘ mmercial 3031335, and $5 eixti-al for i nice, mo ern angnages an. so once 3 subjects. Country pl: [13, not paid for by the county council. he charged $10 for primary and commercial courses and $25 1 tor the higher course. â€"A Kingston clergyman deplore: the ' action taken by a Kingston Christian Ee- [ deavorer in asking tin-o the press the mayors of christians for e conversion at Robert G. Icfisol’, the infidel lecturer and lawyer. . Black says that the cir- enniatance will furnish Ingereoll with the eubgct for another lecture and will give him another occasion to fling a sneer at the christian religion, while it eanhave no good effect. â€"Dr. Breed, V.S.. has removed to the property la'eiy purehssed by him from Mr. S. S. Ritchie, on Peel-st” two doors east of the Salvntion Army barracks. â€"Ee pinned upon his overaoatâ€" That sneering Johnny Powerâ€" A big ohrysanthemum and said : , “That's what I cauliflower." â€"Mrs. Willis. wire or Mr. J ohu L. Wil- lis, manager at the Traders‘ Bsnk, Port Hope, was thrown from a rig on Tuesday ctiast week. and received several severe nuts about the head. . -Mr. J. Meander-J12. of this town, who is a well-known bird hmeier, receivede couple of h h-prioed eme birds last Wednesday y express in Kentucky. There's sport in the wind. , The Truth in the Pinemalt Cane. Conductor Sliam F. Smith. of St. Thom- as, 0.1%., is about as well known as the Gnnd Trunk. This is what he has to say: “Pine-Malt is all the talk along my run. For coughs and colds it is the favorite. It is so in to own family. The children like it. It; sin e-traeks a cold with surprising quickness. N1 use talking, Pine-Malt tops them all." St. Thomas, Feb., 1895." These words but re-ec'ao those heard on every side. In chronic cases and consump- tion, ask your druggist for Pine-Mall: and Hypophoshitee, in place cf plain Pine- Malt. Pine-Malt is the Newest, most Pala- teble and Bast. 1.0031 Brannon. â€"Cantracl:or W. White was In Peter- bcro last) week looklng after some fit- tings hr Dnndas 8r. Flavelle Bros.’ store. â€"A gang of ahantymen numbering 100 in all came in on the Hallburton train on Wednesday of last week. They were tram Howry‘s and Gilmore's camps. when" Ball. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Otflce G. W. Bean‘s i ewelry store. Kent at. 8006': PM: 3140008 PILLS became the hvoxlto cathartic wlth every one who tries them. 23.1. Another Yum: Minister Dead. Mr. G. N. Gardiner. son at Mr. and Mrs. M xrk Gardiner, Perrytown, died on Fri- day from cansumptiov. The Young man dudied for the ministry of the Methodist church and had travelled a couple of years. Last xear he was stationed at. Bab- cayzeon and was very sucaesatul and highly esteemed by all who knew him. Ir. i; thought. that overwork on his last :iaizi of labor was the real cause of the ahkness that terminated so soon finally. â€"[Peterboro Review. Early Comers Secure the it. The men have worked night and day so as to have it ready for ed to buy had better be bought quick. as is for - i 10c each - - 10¢ each :erchiefs, - 3 for 25c ‘iefs at - 25:: to $1.50 10c, 12c35, 15c, 221m 36:, 45c - - 45a, 671m, 906 THE CANADIAN POST, LINDSA_Y_._QN_T_ EBâ€" Eéliibd, and some nix-mi! camp's: too]: pm but we 11qu not hear! of mod- â€"A fall of rain and sleet last Mondsy at an early hour left the streets and walks in a very slippery condition, and as It was to: early to expect tobeneflt byOverreer Walker’s sending prooesa, those who had “ creepers " looked to thelr and those who had not took to the of the road. _ Sam} amusing ooptrstemps -A young lady from Boboaygoon who lost a e£81m found by Dr. Jefl'ars a couple of we ago called at this cmoe on'l‘nes- day and claimed her proporty. She said Tu Emma Posr cm to her home rog- ularly and was read "nlizlonsly", but u shawasohsontonaviaioainooaholoet the purse, nnd her family were not aware of the fast, they of course did not think that the nave. had a personal applicstion. reward mede for the information thet will lead to the arrest of John O'Neil, who ebsoonded from Providence. R. L, e few days ego. The looel police are notified that he in about 5 it. 8 in. tell and weighs 160 lbs. He is en Englishmen train Men- choster and was n-eesurer of 3 shoe oom- psny.’ He is ebant thirty years of age. â€"0nr readers will have no doubt noticed the table compiled by Mr. Walters, cf the school board. shswimz the difl'erent eelnries mid to Collegiate Institute teachers for 1891. It any will take the trouble to look at the reports for ’94 they will find 3 rather different record. Perhaps we will be nble to publish the '94 reports next -â€"A big business was done in live hogs on Tuesday, formers coming in from oil directions with loads of gruntsrs. The Mstthews Co. buyers shipped 131 tothe Peterbcro factory. and Messrs. Spratt 8: Kilian also received quite a number. â€"A Port Hope young men was held up on Friday night last when returnin home from the country. He got rid o the desperado who can ht his lines by striking him on the hen with e whisky bottle and fired a revolver at his commu- ion. His horse was then released and he drove into Port Hope like a streak. bad Ionlp wounds. and the yard men , any bhnb hls asoapa from, densh was as ' narrow one. â€"Ilay was almost a drug on the mar- ket on fuesdayâ€"nthhoprfca. Severnllondn sold as high an $13 per ton. onelondot poor quallzy going at $3. Szrnw In very scarce. 100 each 25¢ each 350 each 36c, 45c, 750 22c - 25c â€"The Misses Paton. milllnarn and fancy goods dealers, have leased Mt. Eiwsrd Banson‘s handsoma and newly raflbtod small store: adj alums: Mr. John Buck's premises, and will take possession shortly. playedMohd'aynfghtbétweentheColle late acid town teams. 'L‘he p_lay_ipg_ on 9th 312123â€"933 951-33506 it}: Elie" llt'Ele practice 3:01): )team has had. The scare was a tie a :.-:.. â€"Dr. White is removing this weekto his new residence. south-east corner of Lindsay and Russell-st. Dr. White’s new premises are most conveniently situated and should prove an excellent: location. ~Whlle the ’Varslty students were in- dulging in a friendly snowball battle cn Tuesday one of them had the mletortune to smash a window on William-sf. How- ever. the boys "settled up” handsomely. â€"-A very pleasant game of hockey was playedMondaynfghghetwe‘entheCelrlegletLe â€"We understand that n dcputatlon of cltlzana waited upon Mr. Rabt. Smyth on Monday and asked him to consent to stand far the mayoralty fox-1896, and that he agreed to do so. â€"Ths Choral Society have decided defl- nltely on J an. 232d for their concert. Mrs. Feuwlck, ( nee Man-'9 Barr). is to be the drlma donus, and Mr. Frank L‘oyl Baa- crott. the baritone sclolst. â€"A ,chanpo ‘to egrq 8:2 30 Is jg th_e_ ode: or 75c pair 90c pair 531.12% pair 360 pair 45c pair 25:: pair Special line of black Peau de Soie, worth 81 25, for China. Silks at - - - - Black Surahs, “special," at - - Colored Satin: reduced t) - - Fancy Art. Silks, 32 inches wide, at - Colored Suraha, all Siik, at * Six only, Beaver Storm Collanv, worth $6, .or 2 dozen Sable Mtzfi‘s for - Ladies’ and Girls’ Fur Gauntlets at - 1 Sable Cape, 25 inches long, {or - 3 Racoon Capes, long, for - - Gents’ Fur Caps at - - . - 50c, 63c, 90c yd. Black Satin Cloths, great. value, at - 46 inch Black Serge, (acid proof), - 50c. yd. English and Scotch Dress Tweeds, worth 75c , for - - 50c yd French and Canadian Dress Goods, worth $1, for - c '5: yd. 45c yd. 10 Pieces French Flannels, Nayy and _Biack Grounds with fancy spots, 25 Pattern Dresses at Reduced Pnices. Dress Goods “ for Christmas.” §§s§§§ of an even degree or temperature. when sudden cha do not take place. It would be w it convenient commend the bicycle from the floor, although it tenet absolutely necessary. “The tires should be left with nix-in them, although not inflated hard. A CHRISTMAS SILKS. Winter!“ 3 Bicycle. A greet meny perenne who ride a bicycle in Lindsey are not conversant with the proper onto 0! them, especial-1y when put- ting them ewe tor the winter. The other dey M r. Wm. pnldins geve hie opinion in regerd to the one or wheels for the winter to e reporter at the Syrnenne Poet. The question no often noted ne to how they should be left. whether emeered with M line or not, end in when temperature. ere Answered. “ The best weyto one for 3 bicycle when pnttir it away for the winter eeneon." esid r. Soei “ ie to cover the nlehei plate artfully sh neeline. This will preeerve i: from rneh. One of the meet in “hing-intoeborethehieyclein 3 piece. Under no oimuneeeneee eh d ibbaletuwherethereie the hteeb degree at dampneee. Al to :lvlhgether g wheel ehonld_he leg: in 9 G. H. 110 km: ...... 22 W. E. S mpmn....12 J. D. 1’1"ch ...... 14 cur-nu notes. â€"Saturday evening’s games were very exciting. Only three of the regular games were played. 03 the fourth sheet or ice Skips Brodie and M .5 mm had a friendly match. 0.1 ice No. 4. the rinks ekipped by G. H. Hopkins and J. Cruse had aciose contest. Cruse led until the last end. when Hepkins‘ men pulled themselves together and pulled the game out of the fire, winning by «iehots ...... On Ice X9. 3 W. H. Simpson‘s rink played against J. Keith's. W. H. Simpson tinsel: was a“.- eent, but H. Kuowlson. his vice-skip took the rink in hand and brought his rink of boy ahead by me ehet ...... On ice N3. 2, J. . Fiavelie erink played J. C. Hex-stone's. Esch of these rinks was led by a cl - man, a rather novel sight in the clubs history. Rev. Mr. Eu hson played for Mr. Fiaveile, and Rev. r. Macmillan for Mr. Hmtone. Fiavelie'e men put up a very strong game. Fiavelie himself was in great form and could draw to an inch whenever necessary. Hat-stone's men played quite as strong a game as their opponents. but the skip him self was a little cri‘ ‘piay. However. the rinks entered the ourteenth end with Harstone in the lead by one point. In this end. when Her- etoae went to fiia his last stone. Fiavelle lay shot when e played it. Fiaveiie lay three ehote and had the game won by two paints. In"! Wodoiu. 10 came to the our oi our reporter on Monday am an Interesting event wan to take inco n: Halibut-son um evening. being he eeiebration oi the olive: wedding of Conductor and Mrs. W. Pun. Among the gueets from Lindsay were Mr. Edward Dniv. Miss Dziy. Miss D‘Arcy and Mr. C. Pedger. The psrzy narrowly (sanped being left. having to drive from the station to the Junction at break-neck speed. "1e (13°37'21“ hmTFhé'e} my .90, {Mg}: Best. Furs “ for Comfort.” and we won’t allow any old stock to remain. There will be a great rush till after shopping in the morning. I he Prices will be Marked in Pla'n Figures so that you can tell the prices youreelves- Dundu g mavens Bron. 860833 : J; C. Hmtone. .ll J. Ctuso ....... .13 J. Keltb ........ ll reduce the prices still more for the reason that some of our goods some soap and water will be required to make them right. $2 25, $2 70, $3 60, $4 so .ummsrwummnm, “WNW wwwm o! a m that delight“! than who know Mr. Bnu in what. We. Mrs. A. O'nghlln and: I out“! hon lutbophzndnchedhu pm to the . , wane Incohflv wall ultrahigh ct wtchuulhumor that hpt the an on ounvulna with lumbar. The M: van so well dong byultho you nudgenflemthat ranch wh npp!ytommyhlrly be ulna to All. Thus m n bun-wand: lutheaoungotmm. duo-nun! whoa-x 0mg 013 th. snag human: occasion. The load! pTx-t w Mr. Thu. F. Lynch. gather cf 1):. L733: sad at proton: on I visit. Thu 3:21qu (9 an unmat- ”to: of uncommon power and sunny. Ind an u very remade rendition otchodlmcomuot mam whom circumstances phat! ln o mm 11:. Mr._an._B¢gq. to tho align-um of In, a,, umucuung amen ma Top-Boots to the anm o! the (insulin! hands.” m fully up to his Mina-0t (mantra. And kept the “dunes In flaunt humor. The second put at the m s hm untitled “A Emu-m "undocu- mted of I chin o! u. extran- guzcgs m4 tbguglgtmhgaumod um: c has been head In the Lemmy than the song given by Lin. Hupxlu. ‘ The Quiet Moon 1- Sam, Bamlna' . Author mm war: have not head In public tax-lone yeus I: Mr. J. B. Koo ulnar. H}: malng o! the maul mum; of the “oocut tar WNW!“ PM?" “4. .Twfioe to AL- ‘v -7 “Good Bye." The pea xe at L hue heard M15: Gnu on e ewocculone tel). but her eweet end era-dc latex-mutton: ere always aparecleted. tu- her edmlnn Include every member ct the eudlence helm which ehe stage. In 1e eame time elnee we had the plenum o! hen-Inc Mrs. G. E. napkins. end this has been when. gar n9 "teeter e993 end _ no_ "new voice . 90c 18c 22c 31 , 45c '. kc' 54%? one 45c 581M: Ode. 90c Citizen; enumwho also. after the nut put of the program, rendered n spirited selec- tion in their bruiisne style. demeeier B:own and his supportels deserve the thanks or the town 1 r their generous nt- tendazce. Mr. Thou. F. Lynch ve e recitation in capissi myie, end wee allow- ed by Mr. Allred Roberts in "The Ski - prr.’ Both these gentlemen Lg responded to enoeree. Mr. Babette In new one of the wen-recognised unritee ot Lindsey, and hrs name on n program: is e untraneee cfgood mule. rendered with skin end feeling. Mm J. MneDonen end Miss F. O'Leery phyed with much min and jiniehA e Ieieeuen train " rim tore," and won warmly a idea. My: 1:}: “Gigs- Inc I_ 991:9:ng The Ghent) Dance". The entertainment given ThnudAy even~ inc. 1):o. 12:13. in the Acedemy. hy the Gen- tre! Charity Committee. was e plating euc ms. Large endienoee oiten turn out. ezd ere entisned with nay cart 0! program when the object in (unity and the per- formere ere people well and 1 monthly known in town. Thie charity oonctrr. how- ever. wee en eaten-moment which did not need to rest ite eieims to.- appreoiazion on charity or indulgent iriendahip. It was 0 thoroughly meritorious as to he entitciy independent of such oonsi. e: “ions on d it is no more than justice to any the . Lter- teinment was the ((1 mi of most of tre firetoclees per 0 mzmee of p‘ !e e t: n‘ troupes which have vasiud em- uwn. Meyer Welter: opened tie pram-am by the audience to: theiuncmrsgc- meat of the eflorte of the charity commit- tee in heiping to make the new home hr the aged uomtortnhie. The eeeond num- igeewnehn exceiient_ per:grmnnoe_ by the $45 0 each $3 60, $54 50 $5 - $16 each 58§,c 675e, , DEQEMBER 20, 1895. us. and now we are using it. ' Great Reductions in this some lmes wo n’t last long. 45¢ Brothers. Chrnilles st - J ute Curtuns reduced to Whi'e Muslim with spots Nottingham Curtuius ~ Swiss Curtains - Swiss Curtain Nets Down Cuuhionl a: Down Tel. Cooieu at 10 u (c u 6 Eider Down " White Connterpnnel nt Art Muslin. Ind Sateen: at 10 Fine Light Comforter: at Men’s Double-breasted Reefers, all wool, for Men’s Fine Suite to Order for - Men’s Ulsters, “ tweed lined," for - Men's Fine Black Suite for - Men’s Single Breasted Overcoats for Men’s Pants for - - - CUSHIONS and COMFORTERS. mamwmglm with a flu} md (1351â€": mutant“: ”cultu- md persuasive m he s cheerful manna-nu all: glqnhhgnmm fund. the home ant-mu Include Point £35.... W, mutation mdihome Chm Notes. I --Rev. 1. O. Stringer conducted the : eerviee in St. John’e church. Cembny. on Sunday Moon. The little church we: well filled. He gave en account of hi: minionu'y labor. near the month of the 21(1th :1: that. He eiiudBeldhto Bthe tact wen -s yem a 0 amps! communal to [chat :I‘hooe thgee tribes. but wee so much (hit he leit them in deepeir. Theee nae p :ople ether- wudenmembcredhimendhu work with MM. They expreeeed emu-ow for the my they hed hated him and received the laminating-h? thenew analogy, vex“); Vining”. preacher eieo erred the wk of Dr. Rania end Mr. Thee. Mush men: the Indium. -Sh Andrew's people hed their idea sndvlem'fivlna'weuehehn up and ventilated he! Sundey. Hr. Mecmiilen‘ _____ ‘-' -.._â€" unn- unusual-cu, "HID", considered W. rent: the Imperial ulna at $350,000 000. The property was bemused by 3 New Ycrk syndicate for â€"-A traveller named Marks. who was on board the Banevme train when It fell through the lock hr! at Peter-hora clatmed81,000damagee m the G. '1‘. 11.! company tor the shock sustained. The uses topay. and the oasewm! he ”toulmnggt“t out In the courts. â€"'1'he greateet auction the world has ever known took place the other day at Topeka. Kaunas. when the entire mm o: m Alcheeon, opeka and Santa Pol railroad was on'ered to the h heat cash! bidder. Nothing was of Its 10, - Mmueecftraokglte2m010oomotlveeJt-l thoueaude up on thousandec! care. its building. righte_ and franehleee,_ which, ! -Ths rush of extra height over this diviskn is now (la reeelog somewhat, and during the put few day: tour of the spe- cm cmducbon hue been put back twist- Ing brakes. â€"Thrre Is a freight blockade In an Potrrbfra ycriq a: present. md Sutton Azent Hayden dccs not. know what to do with the mumulnticn of empty mi. Rummy 50¢... â€"Mr. I. C'K‘ctc, night bazzsgeman at the nation tort. was 011' duty for sev- crs‘. (1:55 last week ud this. “Bering from 3;: at tack cf lam-Inn. 0m: volume-Why. Bzcmse hi; 3 513w paint: and shortens life. Because :t': a waste of money. Why not save : Because ycu‘ll be a hotter mm “"3b'15t It ? Becauw J‘OBAC-' L‘RE Ellis the ham! Guu‘mu’u'. $1 a b..~'. Pill-lit. PINEMALT. the Newest. most Pant- Iblo tad But umoiy for colda.coughs. 1| gdpps. hour-ocean. sud n11 bronchial and lung ailments Curtains “for Presents.” ._._..‘. W“" m that I flew Wm “my, mg: CLOTHING. at for tact. and 21?an up with brOSpcc: or an“ t". worldly ends or increased riches the”!!!- of how“: friends an lands promise . the” ‘5 pneumonia in this world xhstcannotll obteined with money cr valued 1360111” cums. will“! end cente. Honesty love to ' ate the eliiiee that m ‘ l lite of a men greed, cannot be at wed by God 3.6 g 81:13:: but am besto is those '11: surrender beset riches 0° to the toll be h: In. a of t I”. :35 . W mwvw 00mm to 31!- to work for God we shouid use _, talents to beet advantage and depend“ like Dflw' ; 8!: power for results. Then ‘we must go to our taskln SF therldicn mnsemene ct enemies or do!!! (f those who should be cur end helpers ...... Mr. Memmfl’v of St. Andrew'e. preached to the eveni we have)“: (tom Pam'e words, Lo. and followed Thee.” end Chrlst's enum- Be divided the camper ssttons promudg com to than who made sacrifice! Elm. Into three. erquulshlng vim “Minion for Christ's sake 'hh night rlghltally enjoy, Is what Chg nromteee compensation for. not Ill'i up with prosptcbordeeire M I!!! ende orlnmesed riches With regard to the Increase of but: tdende and lends promised. that“... pmlone In thle wet-id 511:3 own ll $2 70, $3 90, $4 50, $7 :20 . $1 35 pair . - 16c. and 20c $4 50 $13 50. $16 20 $18 - $675. $8 10. $9 - $11 40 to $1 - $5 90, $7 90, $9 900, $1 50, $1 75, $2 25 In Elmaâ€"£567 liter hlstol'y- “0m “" cm of Dnid’e encounter with 60““ll we mey learn thet we must not only mat God. but heve confidence in the 9970“” he. alven us; that we must not trust” others . armor and weaponfi. ch ‘9 a” present de .io othera'methods of ”1151“” vork“ wh ch wlll likely be not suited '0 ~ La- -..â€" -_... honln with S!!! ‘0‘ 90c, $1.12., 81.35. $1.575 .w“ UH“ AUFPUMG “nu " .J».e~â€" --vâ€"â€" , 9: 2: “The pecpie that walked in dark- ness saw a great light.“ 119. czmpa the mental position of the tribes to tilt twilight ci that country, showinz 2h“ 3 they generally receive the gsqnzl William. but as yet it ins not made a very deep impression upon the pecpie, althnnzh it hue mtly improved their moral. ”‘1 their treatment of others. Light is R- quu'ed fer both animals and plantsâ€"i9 the eune :wey mankind rcqulres animal! light. He urged his hearers to use em! menu- to send the light at the 805991“ times now in darkncse. -â€"At the Bsptlst church last Sunday the m preached in the morning iron it Samuel 17323. “Who is this uncirccmciud Philistlue. that he should defy the armies of the llvlngG- " Faith in Cadmium to lave been one of the prominent in!!! in stid'e ehemcter even his earlier yearl- As then. 00 now. mm in Gad my Wt: up in convenient questions, that sisal: ‘ worldly eeuee. end will risen 1 19M coum cp‘nroeeti, to 1”le 89:13.11:- m5“ ox c 121.0! ;, ’1'“ null min armed go be i sr from flflifl â€"At St. Paul’s church 1.1:: Sunday Re» I. 0. Stringer conducted the mafia: sex» che and preached from Hebrews 13:5: ‘ Jesus Christ the same yesterday, will! and forever." The preacher ailndcdtohh wcrk during the last :hrce years In the Azcuc renions. among the Emma onher Indian tribes. In the eveninglk. Marsh rssd the prayers and Mr. Show read the_lesscns gz-d yrmcheg “10?”??? 3° form at God's com and otinviu flan in christian development. To me- gl'c'll we uquired knowiedze iuwiiah ihiicai cduuticn was supnme. Anozhcr aid to our progressivenw: cme in Eaveâ€" iuve to God through our neighbors. And lastly. we must grow in v’amuczer patios:- seen. In A somewhat iennzhy conclusion 31:. [lughson cxhc-x‘md anyone. in I ‘ymmthetic and earns“ immenmper- sew-re until we had ran-":ed tm‘ ncble idea! which God has plum-i bi )re us. 900, $1 80, $2 50 - $4 00 afd Si » 00 3155c and 40¢ .L > ' w 50c, 59c, 90c, $1.] - 45c and .‘v 15c, 20c. 22 l3 3U Our 1 Booms: m work. I! 3 W. Short wuculurq -“0 Vi We bu Ill me- \o thou he no» Best Who It

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