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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 4 Dec 1896, p. 8

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OMEML'E. [Correspondence oi Tn: Peer.) WHAT W: Wan-The autumn weath- er is lingering in the lee of winter, and every week prolonged is the saving of the equlvslent at so much coal at $6 per ton. let the good work go on. GRAIN Dxuvmnmâ€"There is consider- able hem delivered at the Somme store ease, the ml]: 01th lacs“. We heard s farmer remark that he got 200. per bushel on Tuesday lest at Reuben-0‘, while 18°. and 19c. were said to be the ruling prices at Omemee that day. How lsthisi of the ”mmâ€"The sunken-sag Bethel church we eeleireted lest uudée‘y’, and the annual tea was on following. The letter was etteuded end was a. his success y. Com â€" Friday Col. Deseon was lntwenty minutes," out for about six hour. 0 is the of the nubile schools; he had In Psi-newts son (or disobedi- msedludoingsehsdsl theisd's memstesdothuhsndqw heretused Exnosxomâ€"A lamp oded in a house owned by Miss Glen enning, . and occupied by a funny named Shields. The exploslcn of the lamp sent flsmee in a direction in the house, resulting in eons - arable damage, but: the furniture is none damaged than the house. the window blinds. outpace, em, being deemed. â€"PmoxAL.â€"We had a. short visit from the Rev. Mr. McPhaden. at Mount Albert. He looks first-rate and fully able to attend to his ministerial labors ...... Messrs. John and DiVld J ones, of Toronto, spent a week here visiting their mother and shoot- ing rabbits and partrid 'l‘h put in a good time and had sect-t noting. Stantonâ€"Rev. Mr. McKay the funeral sermon for our old on respect- ed neighbor, Mr. William Patterson. Carmen Naraâ€"There was a. friendly and general amigo or pulpits on Sunday oKey preached in the , Mr. Bri mun in the Presbyterian church. ~ A s-;__ __1-J-J S- n UUBUIIUWI LII-In“;- nâ€" u-.- _,, lecture, “Life on the tell and the people we meet.” The ladies of the congregation will ve a. tea in the basement of the chute (r0131 5 o’clock to 7.30. Tea and leo- “VI-av- Anxwzasmr.â€" The anniversary ser- vices of the new Methodist church will be held on Sunday, Dec. 6.1:. Conductor Snider, of the G.’1‘.R;. Tomato. will preach morning and evening. Morning services 10.30 an»; evening. 7 pm. Special collee- tionwillbetaken up in aid cf the trust fund of the church. Monday Dec. 7th, Conductor; §nider_ willgive his famous I -_.1 LL- _-Aâ€"t. D Willi wuu-vâ€"vv â€"â€" â€" W, , _ .7 the town hall. The entertainment was one of the best ever given in our town. and Mr. Kelly undoubtedly is one or the first singers in Canada. Should he ever come again we can bespeak for him alarge house. _‘ Ereâ€"{61:17 256. EOAL NEWS-LETTERS [Commence of m Pom-1 Cancunâ€"Chas. Kelly 3 pasted before a small audjegce 3;: Sam ay evening in ,,-L__L"-~‘_ “an IJon'es ndence 0! TE: roan: mâ€"Mles ellie Welsh 15 low with inflammation of the lungs. mommaâ€"Wears glad to see Mr. Neil M'cPhaden again In his store. He has had an attack cf bronchitis, which confined him to his; tgoqx nearly a. week. "L __A _n_u. A..-â€" In Quarter-Pond Tics and Packets only. Prepared by JA BEES EPPS 8: C0., Ltd... Emmcgazhic Caemlsts. London. ‘ England; 8 a; 258mm 8. Eggs. 224x.fi<m oc>uflmm czx_<>_._.ma. DELICACY 8P FLAVOR. SUPERIORETY in QUALITY. ‘ Gum-am and commme LINDSAY", FRIDAY. 350. 4. ‘ENfiLISH BREAKFégT GQCOA Possgsses _the_ foziowing Distmctnve Menta- . BEBEâ€"iii. the benefits or am. V . article are most manifest. . 83th:! \ld r>f'1'ho "D. I." Emuhioo. I haw got rid of; Inn-fun; cough which had troubled me for over . year. and have gained considerably in . Wight. I hked this Emulsion so well I was glad . when the mm: can»: around to take it. . T. H. mum. C.B..Monm . . soc. and 3! per Bottle 0 DAVIS mamas 03., lrn., name». 9 00000 0 e @0900 '1. coxscmxon and .n urns. O mszmss. 591mm: or um». - count. was or APPETITE. 'ReZieffor .leg OTroubZes 3112 Mimaiaa gufit AYERS PILLS Promote Good Digestion. Sarsaparilla, would be sores, provided I " ' ‘ was alive and able , / to carry anything. “ Eight bottles of Ayer’ s Sarsaparflla cured me, so that I have had no return of the disease for more than twenty years. The first bottle seemed to reach the spot and a, persistent use of it has perfected ihe cure.”-0. C. DAVIS, Wautoma, Wis. ._ momrwonmgm: Sa rga narllla “Every season, from the time I wastwoyeamomlsuflered dread: fully from erysipelas, which kept growing worse until my hands were almost useless. ‘ The bones sOftened so that they would bend, and several of my fingers are now crooked from . this cause. On my hand I carry large scars, which, but for A Suflerer Cured D. a: L. Emulsion. ”@3595; o: m P991! Ayers Remedies. SUNDERLANQ. CANNINGTON. 1230111.? WORLD’S-PAH: Sarsapanila KEG-imwfl ’ EMULSION; AYER’S “Eh"m-"Trade is very dull here at present on account of had roads. Mer- chants are complaining of not getting in produce that they have contracted for. vammmâ€"Our inventive uenlus, Mr. J. C. Craig, has completed a model at an improved mower that will startle acme or our Canadian manufacturers. and especial- ly the farmers, when it letgut upon the market. We predict great logs orlt. Percy Gheseal dreee BIG Foamâ€"Mr. - ed a hog for Mr. Gilbert Scott on Tueeday which tipped the beam at 55011:. Who can beat this? . 8mm A! Loamâ€"The vexed Manitoba school question is settled oath!» to all except the Hail and Empire in! E. L. or O. Islâ€"The Epwath League held their w meeting Tueeday evening. The topic, ‘ “halving." was ably con- ducted by A. E. Bryeou. ”VI-ill I! AV 1 q .u--â€"'_ Cnvncx imâ€"MEaâ€"lofi services were held in the M. E. church on Sunday evening by Rev. S. C. Moore, of Babes:- :1. 8egoonnâ€"‘l‘he Christine Endeavor Sac}- ety held a. pie eociel In the Baptist church on Monday evening. A meet enjoyable Hugo W38 about; KINMOUNT. {Correspondence of Tn Poor.) PmsoxALâ€"ar. and Mrs. Alfred Lisle. of Lindsay, visited Mr. Thos. Lisle inst Thursday. ~ Ohmâ€"Another old landmark has gone to return no more in the person of Mr. David Bright. "Honest Davie," as he was more commonly called, passed quietly away last Wednesday evening. He was one of the pioneers of this back country. settling here about 35 years ago. By hard work and after many trials he had just got nicely settled to enjoy the fruits of his labor when he was called to enjoy life where there are no trials. He leaves a widow and seven ehildren to sum wing mourn a oving father-pd hushand. last even (Monday) and some 0! our representat ves are getting very hot: us the year is now draw to its $069. Eleotuo lights, pounds, beltreyafire halls and such like are receiving more than ordinary attantlon. UUI‘D UU. uuuul. uuv yuuvuuau v- -â€"- .._..__- Aid, of the Methodist church. gave a very pleasing entertainment in Dickson’s hall last Friday night. Everyone was delight- ed. and the proceeds were very satis- factory. ~ CHURCH Normâ€"The Rev. Mr. Tanner, of Omemee, occupied the pulpit of St- Andrew'e last Sunday both morning and evening and preach very acceptably to good congregations . ...Rev. Mr. McKinnon officiated at the re-opening of the church at Mount Pleasant. Tnmsexvmc.â€"As has been the cus- tom for some years. a united thanksgiving service was held in the Methodist church. Crvxc.â€"There_wa._s a‘ meeting of 0911an “uni-Wu: --- v-vâ€" -v-â€"â€"â€"7 r. _ her uncle’s, Mr. S. Metharell ...... Mrs. Rev. Woodger. cf Wooler, has been renew- ing old friendships in this section, and was the guest of Mr. Smith last Sabbath. She let: for home on Monday ...... Mr. Galway, of Grey county, has been visiting at tue parsonage. We understand he is to take up farming on the Hoover estate next spring ..... M‘ss ‘Ssrah Rogers left on Wednesday for a prolonged stay in Toron- to, whither her sister Nellie preceded her some weeks ago ...... Miss Maggie Glenny has been visitzgg triehds in Sandal-land. A--‘_ UGO vvuu Inning-AID -.---.â€"â€" __ .. SURPRISEâ€"A most nappy event took piece at the residence or Mr. Wine, last week. It appears his daughter has been organist for some time at Zion church, and the congregation wishing to show their appreciation of her services, made a "raid” on their home, and presented the young iady with a well-filled purse. I learn the company had a very enjoyable time, eat- ing, drinking (mike) and listening to a. well rendered pru‘grnLn. -l- uu.‘L_ (Jannaâ€"Who is “Hayseed," and did he get the four girls be advertised for (or even one) so accompany him to Valentin. dinner? [Arrived too late 10: last week] [Correspondence of Tm: P031.) NOTES.â€"aniness is reviving. Farmers are done with their fall plowing and grain is still on the move ; considerable unntity is still coming in to market ...... essrs. Davey 8: Son and Burgoyne 8; Co. are shipping two oar-loads of turkeys. . . . . Messrs. Austin Co. are also about ship- ping_ several. earloeds of cattle and sheep. A .___.r;_ -t I.-_..k.... In... “Inna-any .v vv .0. .- -v__ -â€" TEAS.-The sisterhood of St. James’ church will hold their annual high tea shortly. ...‘..0ur B ptist friends will hold their yearly tea and re~uuion on Thanks- giving eveuing, and no doubt everything will be of the gory 3309]: ag‘ usual. ,, ,Iy- fl-.. "afiii'ET-Zi‘fi; fiéh'emRvise Emslie Con- cert Co. undpg the pgtropagq of the Ladlgs: rn-a “n...â€" vâ€"-â€"vâ€"â€"â€" n ,, , . ....A very large quantity of lumber has been shipped from the Howry yards this fall and lumber is still going out everyday. The tau-mere had a picnic this tall draw- lnz away lumber at $5 a loud. and It was amuslng to see the looks some of them were drawingâ€"you would suppose at a distance it; was e load cf_hay_. [Correspondence 0! m Paar.) PERSONALâ€"Miss Alma Metherell. of Lindsay,_h_a.s bgen sgendlng a. few days. at ‘._LI_-_“‘ mg in Bumuuuu "nu nag-v -_ -_. V, the Presbiterisn church will be held in on Friday. 27th in'st. . An invi that ohnro tation ls cordially extended to all to attend. has sold his A CHANGEâ€"Mr. B. Ross , livery stable to Mr. W. Moore, of this place. . Fume-35' INsmmLâ€"The farmers’ In- stitute will meet here at an early date next month. Preparations are now being made to have the evening session as entertaining and instructive as possible. _ CHURCH Nonaâ€"The ordination and in- auction or five new elders will- take place in the Presbyterian church here on the second Sabbath in December, at which the Rev. Dr. Gregg. of Toronto, will omoiate. occupy the pulpit of the teri church here on Sabbath. 283:: inst, in the absence of Rgv. Mr. Duncsn. who w preach the anniversary 5e rvioea in Gienarm Presbyterian church, to be held there on that day. ENThR‘l‘AINMKNTrâ€"A temperance meet- ing in connection with the Y.P.S.C.E. of - ‘ - '77 I- I. mnlhahnlrl In and kindness of héart. LINDEN VALLEY. 'cotnepoodenee oi m Pom] Omâ€"theeoxnee our painful dutyto report the death from cancer-oi HuVai- entine Dale. II wedthy firmer at, this locality. who died at his residence here on November 2531:. Deceased was widely known and eeteemed. He was a member ottheSooie oi Friends. and was~buried intheFr 'eemeteryhere.’i'heiuneral was largely attended, a number of relatives and friends being present from Toronto, Pickering and other distant points, Mr. Dale underwent an operation at the hospi- tal in Toronto some months ago. when the doctors held out no hopes of his ulti- mate recovery, the dreaded disease having already gained too firm a hold. He leaves a family. consisting of a wife, (our sons and two daughters, to mourn his untimely death. The bereaved have the sympathy cf the entire community. and all who‘ knew Mr. Dale feel that our neighborhood has lost a good and useful man, and one who wag especially noted for his iiberality $133115 m ‘ plum 'm was Com! (Strumâ€"rhea II 30* and: outward hulk you about. W" un- anmo-mthe ungmgomtym gndthe elgmgs 3W 09 129 PI. 3 Gm; It bowentor'l‘nnPos-rtomuhlhh Etaâ€"era ii '7 " r utotheele wy w the [visions tor the Information at lntend day (I ingrown. FENLLON FALLS. LITTLE BRITAIN. [Too lute for last week.) W001) 1711.in THE CANADIAN roanw month odor. “"‘ mur'oroxfizmi'vmi‘odéhem mammmbflmm I: “wish! pod thoâ€"wish all“: were on handtutzudm mtfl'fi mun-Moranwmoh u! 1!... V- wwâ€"q v“â€"_7 mun-ton, Klnmount “Benelux M15361! other points slang the aileron: RB. lines. All day naturism storaotl 1201-1511131: ware flaw glimmdh mam! welsh ‘ I ’- been supplied with '. Csnsdisn butter std gear-”9:5" '5 cheese for some time past. and he has now developed a ewdibsble loudness for Cu:- sdisn fowl. . For s couple of yours is Messrs. Dundee Fluveile Bros. are shipped turkeys to English provision dealers to supply the demands of the Christmas holiday trade. end while the returns the dealers were not «zoom. reported thst the densnd for Csnsdisn sent out buyers to purehsse 8n]! turkeys it possible. and deliveries begun on Wed- nesdsy last. The tuners ot the surround- ing eouutry ht in great wagon. loads at turkeys m3 worehouse in the east wsrd, thousands of birds were shi . in by trsln from Ganglia. @911- 59.1% LL15 was": "w.- â€"â€" â€"â€"_.._ __7 _ 7 cute .is little short of marvellou'. end we have no hesitation in saying “Kootenu Cure" cured him. Should you think an - faring humanity would be benefited by the publication of this letter, you erect liberty to use all or any part of it. Wishinz you oontined success with the DEAR Slap-We, as e secrecy, have m fiv-v-vâ€" â€".;.- ___- _ _'_r, 7 , . adopted this means to express our sincere ; 3°13. Youths. Children: end Hens thanks for your valuable medlelne, “Koot- ready-made 010“” etmy Cure.’ which you so enerouely doâ€"V Tim“ 0048 ere $11 sewn with linen neted to the Cheerful Wor er’e Circle of thread. 0 01°"! ‘3 thoroughly 8901,8011 king’s Daughters. Hamilton. It bus I and shrunk, “11 “10 WWII) fully proved a bleseina: in several cases of rheu- 8“”833006- In PM pocket 01 0' Ru“ metic sufl’erinsz by efl'wtlng a cure, and in ! meats of Shore! I 010th“!!! 18 81“: e tic- one case especially. the: 02 Geo. Bell, 1 36” summing 15- I! you insist on residing on Sanford Avenue. near Huron- ; seeing “115 “Ck“ before ‘30 . you on st" we desire to thank you. When we | be an” 01 BORN Shot!!! .. us they em visited Mr. Bell in September lest, are the only house who name to sum- ‘ tee their workmanship in this manner. I..- .â€".a a hanging: and hnln‘fifl- invnlld. his ‘ nu" "v “we“-.. â€"_ -____ first visited Mr. Ball in September last, he was a hopeless and helpless invalid, his condition being brought about by Sciatica Rheumatism of long standing. We gave him a bottle of your Kootensy Cure which he took with such beneficial results that in three weeks’ time he was able to walk. and twin» , after taking three bottles. is com niete y cured and working at hard labor. His case was an_ unusually “.1. one and his _Aj _- It will be remembered that the great art house of Prong 8: 00., Boston, consented to undertake the production of the Family Herald's great reminm picture this year, “The Orphan's rayer." Prang went into the work with a will, putting the whole of his establishment at the services of the Family Herald publishers. The demand that set in for the picture soon showed that even Prang could not produce the work fast enough. In the crisis. it seems, the Family Herald publishers cabled a message to Rowney 8‘: Co., of London, England, the owners of the original artist’s proof edition of the picture. asking them to help them out. Ruwney 8r. Co. did what they never did beforeâ€"they gave up their art department to the production of a newspaper premium. They telegraphed the Family Herald publishers their sym- pathy, and ofi'ered anything in their power. sending at the same time the balance of their artist's pron! edition to help the Family Herald to keep up with the enor- mous demand. It is said Bowney can only produce a limited number._bnt their help A:,.,, 7 LL_ unfiniâ€" HAMILTON, ONT.. April 2, 1895. S. S- Byckman, Esq.. M. P , thallium, Ont. Dun Sm, â€"We, as a society, have adopted this means to express our sincere thanks for your valuable medicine, "Keat- enay Cure.’ which you so nerouely do- nated to the Cheerlnljorher's C'lrcle of LA, Help at a. Critical Time. From all that can be learned the publish- ers of the Family Herald. and Weekly Star, of Montreal, have came in for a stroke of good luck. wvâ€" â€"â€"-â€" .. ____-- has been great thing for the Funny Herald and aWeakly Star. Thousands of Turkeys. Goose and Chick- ens Shipped from this District to Simply the Demands of the British Holiday Trade. IIWI u, w u u.- '- .._, Wishingwyou contineajnééein with the medicine, and thanking you once more,we remain, A MARVSLLOUS BLESSIN G APPBGIATBD. As a. Society They Vonch for Ryckman’s Kootenay Cure for Rheumatism. cucup uuu; nun-u yumâ€"n.3, ,. v ,1, tea. etc., but while .11 things are cheap people arc crying out. hard times. My friends, there must be a little more ecan- any and tampomge practised. KING’S DAUGHTERS the new brder of thingsâ€"railway 1 cheapflaug 15ml clothing, cheap angu- LII- -II ALI...- an. I“ FOR THE ENGLISH MARKET. ._, Grafetully yours, (Signed) MAY Pun. President. (Signed) M33. D. B. Pam-r, 25 E53) Ave., N. URING last week a tremendous slaughâ€" ter of turkeys, geese and chickens was perpetrctcd In this district to supply the dcmcndacttthfltlch public; the table or the Englishmcn has Old Gold Macca- Finer: One “ Excelsior Rhyming A B C Book. mustrsted.” s real gem of litho- graphic art. It measures nine end a quarter inches long sud six inches wide; the cover is rich and artistic; each letter of the Alphabet measures two end three- quarter inches long and two inches wide, and no two letters are of the some color. Esch letter hes on appropriste illustrstion good for hhirty dzn: wmycu belnthcmh and-vim! Cm you mcrdwcpcnd ten cents for the big- gest and most useful mum of Inter- cotlngmcttct ever ofl'ercd to the public! Wells Richardson 00., Manual. manufacturers of the cclobntcd Diamond Dyes. having a desire to male a. wide- sptead introduction or their new “ Excel- sior Rhyming AB C Book, mutated,” make the following exmordmnry ofler. PARENTS AND OTHERS ARI DELIGHT”. Her Measure. They are dancing the cotillion, And among the souvenirs Is a silver-mounted girdle He has chosen. But he teen That it will not at the slender Waist of her he loves so well, And he whispers: “What's your more! For I really emot tell. Banishiy she smiles end dimples, Full of sweet, ccq uettish chum. Se log: “I should think my measure ould be equal to your em." FUN AND ENTERIAINMENT FOR THE LITTLE ONES. , .....- w. v ,, , be as: shoot thee Tsotohs to well mtg: such a suit. '7! 1) go There Is no reason why any boyshonld wear poorly msdo clothes, bscsnso the v best clothes on now be hnd ready- 9. Messrs. 1-1. SHOREY 00.. of Monttoal hove 315d; sppntgtlog for The boy lathe tetherot the mm. end hoe a. good dad mono! themenlnhlmthen meet people glve hlm eredlt tor. Almoet my boy can be made floloneby talllng hlm he la the worst boy In town. Put the ordinary boy In a stylish, yell mode cult of clothes and make him think he emanate to eomethlna end he'll rise to the oeeulon mdshowthomen lnhlm. Put hlm In a. ehogidy salt thatylll rip and revel and he'll A _|___ A- ... _.1I Men can take care of themselves TAKE CARE OF THE BOYS! dPZuO zuh. conâ€" 209F<ZEEOO 0.0 “20 She yawnod, but still he lingered than; (0! boxes he was the grate») Until she murmured in d .' “You're up-todato. f must eolm. For you're the very latest." A tall stern woman volts for me When I come home too into ; However light my footsteps be She's there u sure as me. “om” mm M In Who of’a. mouse hos mm And tainted In my Arms! Her Observation letter tum staff ad 14 higher It as use: to: Dec. 80 fidtorJunndFeb.nndh three- n vita-Much. unu- menta- duo wide, :13. and Dec. and 2: I?!“ for Jug,“ I“ ”10, and lurch. . ‘ Pubâ€"Clouâ€"Whnt arm nt 22! 10: h ntlon Dec. Flour strong 3t 47! 80c to “werpooLâ€"Clonoâ€"fipot when: an: - tum stead ad 14 higher at G- 11 Dec. 8. 54d to:- Jun. nnd Feb. mat for March. lulu- quiet st 3. a». and Dec. and 23 11%! for 1111., um lurch. Floor. 25- 3d. Ionâ€"What arm nt 22! Flour strong 3: 47! 80:: to ”donâ€"Wheat on passage 3a to a. Gal-goes Bun-ha when on t ed bribes-:31“! Julâ€"nun an! 3"‘5 Egg. 5?: 3:23? “i ‘1'... "__â€"- _ :Bc to 29¢ It. oufildi poinu'. Ontnwllâ€"The market is unchanged. V"! at lots quoted at $3.40 to $1.50. BRITISH IARKm “vex-pool. Nov. 28.â€"8p wheat. GI 11%. go 15 used; red. no stock: '0. 1 curl-ea :07; 76: com 8: 0d: mama: 9° 503; Ind, 21; 6d; bacon. Le. hen-y. mod; do. ugh 270 8d ado“ I.c.. he: . a. flow. 0d: cine-e, white :3! col 40.. in 27166;“ Le. he: .25- uuoxg.‘ 0d; cheese: white mg c0103 619'. . â€",-~ LA; 4... 4â€" . h. Flourâ€"There is u moderate demand and prices rule study. Straight roller: a. quoted at $4.15 to $4.30. Brimâ€"Trade «mint and rices steady; denier: asking 87.50 west. horu $8.50 up 50 west. Wheat-The market is qulet. with price. firm. Otter-ins: of white Ire limited. and the rice uouuuai at we outside. ited sold .: "- outside. No. 1 Munitobn hard in dun at {Me to 95¢. Toronto freighu. and .\'o. 1 horthem at We to 9-Ic. Toronto {rt-isms. ilucluvhflltâ€"The market in study. with sales at 2899c to 3: west. . Barleyâ€"Trude dull. were being little do- umnd. .\'o. 2 sold oumdeat 29c. Outsâ€"Market is quiet and firmer. White 3:! outside at 20c dad mixed quoted at ~ i'E-asâ€"Tnde quiet and prices my; ale- at 41c north and west. ssiegeâ€"Trade quiet. with 'uien outside a Corn-gunk“ 9913. wighprieeo steady n us An. Lhorpoolâ€"Stockl of red what exhuma- od: tutum study: at 0. N for Dec.. 8. 9 'd (or Jun. und Feb. 1nd 6. 9V5! to:- lure Maize steady at 11§d torDoc . and 2. 115.11 for Jun. Feb. hutch. Flour 23! ad. Parisâ€"Wheat an. 20c for Dec: flour «2: 350 for ng__,...u "gnu-If- arm "'i'n'édzâ€"fieo"i'i.£ Sufi/25.04; 10.. light. 27' ed: do.._n.c.. heavy. 2“ 6d; (snow. 19¢ 04; about. vhlu and colond. 51L Londonâ€"Openlngâ€"Whent 0! cont nothing doing. on Inn. Engllnh country markets dull. nlu on passage Itcndlly held. â€"Srmxwhect.6010$fl 0d; 'o.1 Cd. 7| 6d 10 ”km 9,7954LP55 FEE pe..rlb nanny: 83cm. Lioumbam‘uuun mewmmnmer Export chain toll Tic» 14mm and pne- new fie r 1b.. weighed to 3 light w: u 2%c to and “A“ cumin Sheepudlunbo gumfiedsu Wane! wutAmer. Exports: (Jimâ€"unmet mm. with puc- M 8: to me u m points. ‘ Oatmealâ€"The nuke: In undiluted. fit. a: lot- quoted at 88.40 to 81.50. ”BONN LIV. max mm mmpuotnnmmnmu Mudthurogthemx-uguq! .m . . “mm .. M W m m an m u u m w am .._ MW a u mml .mmma mum m wmnmammmmmumu mam A “m m “kWh.mzmwmwmm “mammmmemmmmm mamas “mum my eel ’ "39:3"in-iâ€" “mm 9 ’ fien- 0:041:80 m m few choice 36 ”2% 3:09:25“: Ofleb :31! they would b median butcher! a Mono:- at par Us; In wwwmm CI. open. 00'. £1825“ chm: confined to Inferior m§éivfiwvfim V as" M. ; 1050110 11311218. Cornâ€"lurk“ dull. vith price. M u no to we at out“. points. Oatmealâ€"The market In undamaged. with union ammunwmw TORONTO LIVE s'rocx MARKET. no market menu: In: quiet today. with 1:09:19“. Mu- m_ 919.1111:- 31330310 114 mus". The God: 00. BRITISH IARKETS. Count-I. at “an. “WW 1‘06:qu can. Ethan,“ m' . and” at Mr"... “WW7... 3m mud mud to and: ”or m WI M“. to vain and mum on an. gnw cinema”. mus po'or clout “mm“ Wm.“ WWW mW mmm. ”Hum againn'ovoulold. M, m o in win". W Omen-mound!» m OJ." flaunt-my, I IMO Omensâ€"41.8 STR AYEDâ€"Into the premises of Mr. w Kw, .W _I._ 00.: lo, 033‘ 813p \j Oubolhrptyurll um NOTICE is hereby given that an up- mun ho ado '0 tho pull-neural lUBSCRIBE FOR THE POST. 5"" --u 'n x u u If! “mama wOI- on“ 09’ ”II (It! ‘13::- tofuwr on which mg.- urn.- wruu-I u- .I' ”I rt II-o III “In-an. IIduI oIIIabor W2! (gavel-I lyi- lrw-r an... m n Tumnlo. naked..- ml “Tap”: no?! .u-vu â€"â€"â€"_‘_ 'â€" ml \" rapper (lop “iii-hum flour”. w “I the fUKm ‘l‘llu'l‘ (‘ompu-uwr Iv“ In. I0. OF 0613“" $1,625i New A avortlsoman to. Oemesw ocuâ€" :ME :2 , Total given during year l897, $19,584 = l umwwswmmmwmm: insistonhnvingit. ”W"‘ “"663 HOW TO OBTAIN THEM. â€" - - - It is no wonder 1‘31; rub- n b f bets, ‘hich are not the Same m shape as the boot, should be uncomfortable. It costs mo. ney to employ ski}! cd pattcm Ru ers m u a. ' satisfactory fit. Lu'n “a: matte added, no it all the latest shoe sham, and Grub, Ems sneaky gale of pure Don’t Draw the Feet mfinhfigmdm k' They Fit the Boot ‘11....8. {finallaljfiglc udalull Eoflgiat‘ugg E is... iSSUEIE I! E . ulidMiidl‘lIdâ€"l inflgéailgl geodiiiacallld'h saltsiéeue E, mun 0" DISTRICT illusicmig TG'WEW FREE no vmcnis EACH MONTH James Smart Mfg. Co. Fibre 0113111018: Sunlight 32 gr "#3:? g: Eggz‘siigiagé cnnm'roas â€"-I» W 03:35- 3er Battle. 9/. 49.11.”?3'5 l mouth (or m punoncxggtnyvih ‘ OB SAULâ€"In 1 _ limo-2 ‘ “Ed“. .- II." New Ad vex-meme .31. NOTICE.â€"I will not v'n- Silllliuht â€"In the tonnhip °‘ “dn- Fun. for union” was a mvmrr. ud- RU LES. 7 (1:58 contracted 0! mos. 15008013331 [’0' o) 3 O) ‘W. mostly 253. u v Pal-loud letters to Pro! 18 A1 at" Toronbo, an; ‘1“ advice for any dl: mmOULTIES 0F ooMPE'rrrd ‘mmthe New Ya m . new talent: muwmntootho WWW”. of the ' ,m go)” ll... 0011!) th paw It an secure. that o! dun-sue subscl mment and rm sex-flee of a {101 of the desirable ‘w‘mn, m added m. In other wo m daunting only 8 principally by the mm prove pro of advertise“. the t! gt; flanadi So a telephoneJ several hundred Inbscrlbere. and yet have no practl at user of telephel public, and the en rarely called for. Bu 1: must pay hls y just the same. 1 the greatest numh1 leech wlt'n the ski a t the flestest number ( ‘M desire to reach that I W Invaluable. ‘ Aeeoond problem, and hit of aolutlon es llmt‘ Mary desirable Eu ensure the capital neoesnl modern telephone plant. Innot be roperly com Inn from 95 a subacrll Iedber, depending on thl flange; the larger the 1 lie ewe out not eubq in! telephone plant I eepeclty of 1.000 5| pleted for $l25,000.l bly rtqulre on luv? 1 complete every decal 3 000 enhacrihers. one exchanges he can per subcrlbor,‘ .8 (one the way (I all Inter-prises, end leuln bevy Investment. No Is not putting his tethet programs as ’w” Thomnson- .49 King Sm?“ T les of Mun i“ an best res 'g Kinney Can the back, loiue t kidney disease. '5 Headache ’h three minutes. '9 Pile Olncmen! mot nee. Prim! ‘5 load Cure e of the blood. Pd mm’s Female Reml finyon'e Asbhms 30'“ [hum end cure per-11w mm" “W“ 3"" h 05ml! Cure-Dflceu In M.‘¥°m_“_‘3° ”‘33: iiiéo'or' aid lawyer ‘ bhone exchanges do. bls neme In remxn mldereuon. But. the or poor y) from Ilde by “lambs "â€"honl metal-ea who are so believe them become citizen holds qulbel new enterprise he mu mount therein. 4 has the eeeerve m on Investment he: 3 practical ll Na venture my lu- ever. the meet dunoulc . the xv comps? Olen e oonstm hum at e plent‘ “.3 Mung. ASk Y ’s Guide to l 250. Munvon 3‘ Wi;nyon'g trffll’. I am («I'm ”7 up“ Rheumatism III on? L5 three ’0. Pf‘kev 25 ll tel: one In Ind duo to ill [and crank mm: link lines, and ovu- lamina .l mm: lonthol H Mien-II Minue‘ e “D. lenthol TmDAY Q LAWREN do ‘ mm unadul-

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