I 5'. if 13in. Sec. of - v" the American Bap- tist Publishing Society. Pgtersbnrg. .A. .‘_4_‘ A “I’m-B -'-_- V, v Vt, endorses it. as a cure for vlolont colds. bronchitis, etc. Dr. Brawlsy also adds: To all ministers suffering from throat troubles, I recommend AND THE BEST Congh-cure. $110 most prompt and afloctive remedy for diseases of the throat and lungs, ‘3 Ayer’s Chm Pectorfl. As an emergency medi- due, for the cure of . _ . Group, Sore'rhrout. " Lung Fever sud Whooping Couch- AYER'S Cherry Pectoral "mu @auadiau gut-t. SCHoor. Rhon'rw 5:: 3.3. No. 9 for November MoGeouah. Class IVâ€" Jame: lSpocmw um um. . Scnoor. moanâ€"The (allowing la the atmdlng of the pupils In u. N3. 10, Fouc- lon, for the month of November, the names being arranged In order of merit: Sr IVâ€" Mabel R.- Gaorale Parrington, Nell Par- DELICASY 9F FLAVOR. SUPERIORE'EY in QUALITY. GRATEFUL anl CGZ'EFORTING to the NERVOUS or DYSPEPTIG. ,_ NUTRITIVE QUALITiES UNRIVALLED. In {gutter-Pound T325 and Packets only. Prevarrd by IAKES E??S C0.. Ltd... Ecmcoygzhgg Cigemlsts, London, , --_A ENGLESH BREAKERS? COCOA Sionar. George Dsyxnan, Albert Bxï¬u'ow. First 31388 p: I Seniorsâ€"Addie Bio :11 Jennie Bagel-cw. Eddie Gmhuc'il Fits; class pt: lIâ€"Lioyd Wilkinson, Verne Wakelin, Robert Graham. Fred Hell, Fred Arbnckle Allie Brawn, Oliver Moflatt. Minnie érnham, Welter Pm, Gan-nerd Watson, Frank Ingle, Stefl'ord Angers, Bert. Ingle. Second book classlâ€" ._ MAM! Minivan, I: a marvellous flesh producer you an appetite. Possgsses .ihe foiaowing sttmctwe l‘yï¬cr: ": 0 PS. IBM to m Pom-.1 n .-_Alnn CUBUCUNK. _-_- .- a EEWs-LETTERS England. Cherry rectum! cannot be 0‘13““!- E. M. Bxuwnxr: AYEB’S LvD-u sanding 9; ngpils i2 5. 11. Albert Luau. Pm rmoy, um Guiana. Chain 01:: _â€".â€"â€"â€" HAMPOSA. muscular-Iron.) , Conan. We.â€"Counofl not on the 16m otNov. Members all present. Mic. ates of last meeting“! and upgond. This meeting m not: a bond ml: sacntlty for the prone: duties. The trauma: nob Inn 05 mud. and arrangements for n . moved on wionmment to meet again at the «not the we. Immed ad lonmmenï¬ the move and Megan. I: hand o! health. the clerk acting as aeoretm. - La. m‘n‘.fl‘ “I. and Did ad Ionrnmcnu Inc we" nu Matt and Swan: Incl The "bond of 1mm. the clerk†mm on mm mm. mum at last mung. d Ipmm I “nuu‘ï¬i port'"" 132% n u gum†I593. wï¬e :Iinw Iéfllafl the than am {gauge a 31359;: wu Mm 0.5: III: (ham. 6!; LIIIIe éI‘IIIIIII. NEW d , o! my ins tics I have one men yards. priv es and pig pens to Indolent“ while some pens were rem notifying the seoreteriee o! the V" one schools to attend to sanitary duties in connection with their respective schools. I made an inspection at these pieces and found things imgroving. I found good water at s.s. Nos. . 5, 10. ll 17; had water at Nos 4, 8, 14, 16‘ 18; well dry at Nos. 6 and 7; no well at Nos. 1. 9.12.13, 19, 20. In conclusion. I am glad to state that there is each year an improvement in things, and an emrt on the part of citizens to comply with the health bylaws. Re- spectfully yours, J. M. Blewltt. eanltar inspector. Moved by Mr. Swain, secon -‘ ed by Mr. Adam. that the report of the sanitary inspector be received and adopted and referred to the municipal council.â€" Cnried. Moved by Mr. Swain, accorded the treasurer for the following accounts: Mr. Blewitt. for sanitary inspector aect., $37 80; Edwin Mark, for clothing furnished Samuel Maik during diphtheria sickness, $2 â€" Carried. Meeting adjourned ...... Council met again on 30th Nov. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. This meeting was oonvsn~ ed _ at the call of the reeve according to ad) comment of 16511 of Nov. The council went into a lengthy discussion of the ques- tion and answers relative to the applica- when the following resolution was moved by Mr. R. Adam, seconded by Mr. E. Mark, that the reeve be and is hereby requested to sign the answers in the employer‘s appli- cation of the Employers’ Liability Assur- ance Corporation for a bond from said company for a guarantee for John F. Cnni company [or a guunuuvu a.»- v..__ ._ - , nings, as treasurer of the township of Madness on and behslf of this council.â€" Carded. Council adjourned to meet: on the 15;}: of Dec. J. B. Wmox. clerk. A POPULAR C. P. R. OFFICER Adds His Testimony to the Merits of Dr. Agnew s Catmhal Powder For atagrhgnd Cold. in the Head. 7, .A 1.. DAAâ€"Im Vault‘s; (luv- - -_ __ He Says 112' 18 Peerless. Mr. John MoEdwards, the genial parser of the C. P. R. liner;"Athnbnsca,†says: “I used Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhnl Powder for cold in the head. It Is very effective, easy to apply, mild and‘pleaasnt. For catarrh It has no cqual. I hnvo tested nearly every onch care made, and I found none to compare with It. I recommend to ï¬rst. Inst and always." Sold by A. Elglnbobhnm. NH! 9! qu \ ES" #160.“ "no bad“. 6666133}! Ma. all 69 law â€nu to! . u... down was“ moon. 3 [Specitl to Tn P031 1 The followln Is the report; of 3.3. No. 11, for month of ovember: Sr. IV class- Frank Pun-via. Alfred Archer, Hezekiah Reazln. Jr. IV olass-Annle MoKinnon, Maud Slemmon. Smh Benin. Sr. IIIâ€" Roy Broad, Beta Paula, Julia. N able and Willie Stevens. Jr. IIIâ€"Garï¬eld Wood- ward. Willie Grant. John Molnnie. Sr. Iiiâ€"Katie HcKlnnon, award Keellok, Willie Sharer. Beebe J nekson. 191: class â€"Pmle Wocdward. Harry Kesllok. A. G. STACEY, teaolfer. A NOVA SGOTIA CASE-n Suflered Without hel __ n__AA in. “(1's Kidney P1118. Bnmexwa'rxn, N. S. Nov. 30. (Special) â€"There is no man in this town better known than J. S. Morgan, tinsmith, who for eighteen years had been coing from bad to worse without help until at last he not hold of the right treatment. He says: “It began with bsohaehe, pains in the limbs, and ï¬nally settled down as rheuma- tism. I was a cripple, and after I ran down greatly in weicht the Doctors said it was Diabetes. About a year andahalt ago I quit everything else and tool: Dodd's Kidney Pills. Have taken twenty-three boxes, and have regained my weight, health“ and strength. I .am perfectly owe.†3m lost two W to mull .m hll IO A. I 00 m: 10 p RAMSE Y_'._S_â€"â€"1I_LARIPOSA . ‘5‘“ I G OODEBHAME Dodd's 7‘8 1' rm. m umvonmou a! mi: hm m moon «4 ““0": Mas. M. om: "My don‘t“: won loo um and unable to Inn on, new Ml or'o Compound Iron Pill- undo strong and gum ho: oolor.†wdou canto. sinus signature HOOD’S PILLS are cathartic and liver med liable, aura. No internal mememe qu tether. eczema. Itch. ell em face, hands. nose, etc" by clear. white end heelthy. ‘ Swnnu’s 0m. 2 00.. Montreal. Wholesale Iho £2.0- Price Lists are Drawing Cards. The way In which the departmental stores reach their customers Is through the newspapers. This Is one of the most con- vincing proofs that advert islng pays. D sy after day the occupy columns of space in the Toronto allies, in which they quote sods and prices, and these ads. are read u every part of the province. They pay big prices for their spaces. but their mow Is spent judiciously. and, as_they will i you, ‘profltably.’ Here Is one example which should he followed by gory town I- 7 ~â€"â€"A_L- in in f!- There no 18,942 teachers in When Nervlllneâ€"nerve pun cureâ€" -â€"le applied. It mehtere not of how long unend- ing, Its penetrating and pain eubdulng power is each that relief 15 almostIn instea- raneous. Nervmne Is 13 «meg, cure. This etetement expressesall 10 end he eonvln now to Care A?! an m. Simply npply :‘SWAYNIS 0mm ,A‘.__; l "Jush tell them that you saw me, was what the tenor sang; His voice rang out in tanea both clear and high; ~ I! set behind the hub TAKE CARE OF ' THE BOYS. Alla w: nounâ€"v â€"_---_ -, a. good .doal monotthommlnhlmthnn most people give hlmmdlh for. Almost unyboycanbemadovictoubytamnshm he is the Who! intown. Puttho ordlnu'y boy In astyllsh, mummy mdohowthomlnhln. Put m In: shoddy «magnum ndnvalsndho'n he as: about mm ootohptopwon wl unlit-In. Men can take care of themselves wear .mï¬ï¬‚‘. â€man“ 503 .I run-oi 33551-8383.! b E all-.53 D: 58% “‘0’ For‘ COBOURG r. 0. CASE- Infants and Children. hum-6 Impossibl? muâ€"vâ€" - I. ltoh. all inflation: on the noes, etc“ leaving the skin and healthy. Inquest heal- 7_.__.4 y.- of Sight. in the best family medicine. Gentle ra- the Dominion of Jpn; foi- A "YOUNG LADY’S ESCAPE. PIIINOI THOUGHT THAT THI IPAN OF MIR UPI WOULD II IHOIT. M umwm “name: mu: lot loflm- Mutat- mun-M I'm "no loam! 805M. . in. mu u an 0! ohm There an cheapo thes ethos the oomtltuuou o! the ludivlduel. eheh'ee thet um eoue, ve eennot avert their coming. but we mu pm the the unulmery chemo“: 0! their influence. Womanhood in he in- ception in eueoeptible o! ohengee that de- mand the moat judicioue emtion end prudentiel cue to ensure perfect devel- * nan- Mk-.. r. uâ€"vâ€"--â€"~ _,V opment sud hsppy msturity. These chsnges no so vltsl sud so subtle in their chsrscter thst unless the utmost vigilsnce nnd discriminstion is exercised in the choice and spplicstinn of reputed reme' dies the worst results msy secrue. The constitution msy be undermined end the germs of disesse fostered. Vigorous life is at the bssisofsll enjoyment snd succeu. To be week is to be mlsersble. It is therefore fundsmentsl to every interest of humanity thst life's red, red stresm be ‘ kept pure and heslthy. Owing to neglect of these psrticulsrs’msny young women : hsve sllowed life to become s burden sud s wesrisome round of duties. Fsint sud week very sptly describee their condition sfrer venturing to perform some ordin- sry household duty. ’tht csn he done to sceomblish the reinvention of these nnfortunste ones? There is s remedy widely known snd loudly snplsuded, whose virtues sre proclsimed on the house- tops snd whispered on the streets. Ten A __.1.1 :5 WI)- 1-..â€" ____‘__, thousend mothers heve recommended it end twice ten thousend daughters preise it. Reed whet one at them hes to soy: In the villege of Lencester there lives Mrs, A. J. Mscpherson. widow of the lete ‘A. J. Mecpherson. She is well e d fevorebly known in the community. Some four or ï¬ve yeers ego Mrs. Mec- pherson sent her eldest deughter to New ‘York. While there she resided with her i uncle end ettended school, being then only shout sixteen ycers of ego. The sociel life of her temporery home made rether severe demends upon her time, end being embitious she wes enxious to mete rspid progress in her studies. In eech per' ticuler she enjoyed e coveteble meesure of success, but st no smell cost. Meny remerked her pelenesl end loss of color. She hegen to feel'tired endweekeftere little exercise, such es e short wells. ~ ‘v 7 V-.L noun “Wyn-v, _..-_ Min Mecphorlon'e any in New York lubed shout two yam. Alllthil time she Ate end alepb [sirly well. In the spring of 1893 she came home. and her mother oonld not but remark how changed her dmghter wenâ€"pole and languid instead of being bright end ruddy. Thinking that nourishing food and per- fect quiet, with judicious exercise, would restore the lost vigor and ruddy glow, it was participated into the fullest extent. For a month this was triedfhut stilll Miss Mscpherson was as pale as before, liable to turns of weakness and with an insatisble desire for sleep. At this juncture the family doctor was consulted. Iron pills were prescribed end a trip to the Thoussnd Islsnds taken, the stay lasting about six weeks, during which time everything was done to help her re- covery. The friends with whom she steyed came to regard her recovery as extremely doubtful, and when she return- ed home her mother saw no improvement. Qne dsy while making purchases from a dealer in vegetables he (the dealer) took, the liberty of linking some remarks anent the health of Miss Met-on, which was obviously not promising. no strong- . Wm v. -v â€"! The ma mung beg-n eomll'h-m“ thopbnorndsloopMWNï¬dd to thinflmoth.Wnnm’PinkPilll- 000an *0 mo! “OWN?â€- pa- 0! horn-Mon "continuou- "in?†in...“ do". auxin†2b"... Ko‘u: "hawk?“ :ld {raunchy-2 MSW“ Peat-mo com no Moon In»: com o no no ood wuu 19-Ja- not hot h In. wm: Idol at No out. Doro-Old earn sold Moi ot W went. out! new ll atom o! 80. TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKET. The reccl‘i‘u of live stock (0-61! were 83 cox-loads. he demand (or export cattle to ulr. with choloe worth pom and excep- Buliu for actually ï¬ne lots at!“ export act to 314cm Butchen' cattle nnchen nged. 'rhe heheot Lola It ac to sue. Medium cutie hflnï¬ 2%? to 2'5.c and tn- lich cow: use-ll at $25 toj-lo each and calves: t$3 to $6 omh . .-_..- a- llmllnd supply and “a count-u v... bondo pettingâ€"When: on W M to 6d higher. English country amen in :mï¬â€™cues n cheaper. lulu.- on pm ea . - Liverpoolâ€"Spot when: steady; rotun- ate. 1t 80 loud for Dec.. Jan. and Feb.. and 11d for larch. mm Itend n 23 III/.d for Dec" 2. 105% for Jam. eh. a. u“... .nd 2- Md (or May. Flour. Flourâ€"The whet In very dull. Stnlght met! no quoted a u to $4.15. Toronto m:Tx-e:equle quletud pm unchanged. “um-3M1.“ 087.60 welt. um Ihom whet In qulet, with of- “edrlces reduced st coun- try pom White when: sold at 84c west. and red It 83c. No. 1 hard 1- enter. with muntwqcflndlnsmmnflnwdm Mum trelghu. Buchananâ€"The market In dull end nonl- Buleyâ€"‘l‘nde (1011. then being little do a 81: end No. 2 I: and. weed ï¬coumldaudteedzrlultmcmm 8mm; â€39 “awn 1:11:18th 1% ..._mo.u “:08- .l . . d .- $2.316!» doum. gooï¬ng-3330. on: a! I.“ 3 I30 SOIEoO MVUI 7w". _,-_ tare-HathmtlforDec..h' ~ Jun. and Feb» um 6. 10m reclamat- lulu quiet at 2: 1.1 1!: mm Im ‘ 311mman 2- Wtorltn..M ï¬nd gin-eh. and in 109“ for m. London-Clooeâ€"Whent on pause an! ad ad lower. lulu on “Steam. Wineâ€"Wheat any at 10: to: Jan. Flour 4?! we for Jun. 1080110 14 mm when. Sula of red and gun m undo waldo to-du u 83c. 0.: lulu»: bud In dull 3: We to 94¢. chntm Buckwheatâ€"11a whet II can all nonl- nl “29¢. Eulaâ€"m dull. there being little do- md. No. 1 I: quoted at 31c nud No. 2 at â€conuldmndteedbuluttaocwm Ontâ€"mm: I: um and prices at» W Whlto no! ouuldc 3: 19¢. at aux at “Jim-m: good noel Ion: u. m... -,.. to 3c (10.. and the common bent- at tron ..... a u. - Londonâ€"O What on nil-lg 3"- ilh mung-51“â€" u †1' aver. O. m “L“? .2329’0-911". W _-_ xunaoiâ€"mc on “gm 5‘ mm REPORTS. mum nu 1mm 3mm: umxms LDec. «Lâ€"Spfllï¬ â€œ'9‘ tea, no stock £11391» 0 out-Idol loos-run. mm mm. A on d éf'nnd em?- 5. Bu": :9! “am-d m little“ bbzfld at! you! MW atone-with .11an N“ -. mwmuwmmmdyudmmmfl MWWMQWuMMom-ommgmd Sat-d My. AM or W. Now-l Vat-cu. Emission.“ Maul I'm. M 00: of 0;“. M. or 4W5: Sï¬Waflh, m of munch-d» M.WM nudism". wow. A In [Me or «mm a, nu..." -.__..__ , summit-nu nu lacque- “tool amt. our pub- li-hod. Luvbhly Haunted. (Win In member.) Rudyard Knpluag'n Gut America: â€ML “Commu- Coungooqu" (minus In Nombu.) Bah.“ [null sumo-on : 8!. Ivan ‘ TM odi‘mel oi Bun-now- “an. 3 motor of Unconf- aunt, and u pm- bob'y WW annoy out-um [Mug lo “me an mthmoI duh poï¬od {mu m- noon- m demo Mill anal-u II on Deal-l... ha um All an Icuon an! be will If!“ dutin: the comma nu, with unempuonol two Mbuuona w mom! puhlmflou. which we 'e on con med hon hill no vulnppurin lchn'a A new we of {any by tin-3}" W d gin: tint a the In!“ M wink-ION ,_4__ 5...»: N9%’ 115.} FAMOUS WRITERS Neww McGlure’s Magazine Euomn. page: 911101-335“? - I; _ ‘.H..‘...., Wm..- .4. «Alâ€"MW id "' WWW" â€-44...- .u. *7 “enemy M of pure Rubber. Thin, Light, Elastic, Stylish, Durable. â€NOV" In lungmw ‘ “ht. â€â€œ1â€â€: :1 5:1 Hyhonl- lhv m‘ W' fplt‘ H. . '“un†\‘ .nyou'u I; . I'd'l‘r l", I nymï¬Â» 1' \r‘ THEJAEC Sana? Mm. rot 8:10 by W For -#‘â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- '- 77 ‘ r OABwâ€"Am choice NOMINATION MEETING. Ill Pen m 0600. CI! mm ooum oouucu. mvmou . - *â€"“--â€" ‘1' "Infa- 8:10 by W. G._WOODS. Lindsay. .Qhoawv ‘ mam F 7" number 0! mm are rcqutmd no be elected. (I d “who pollute plum (or one division! within :he said dint: fonth'nf m I'll v. v condom upon tram nim- w_ocluc|i in me morn ï¬ve o’clock in nu durnoou. and no W. I'nnn A 15c .' om ., canons. I N I 8 9 7. ALL NBW FEATURES. TN CON"! 'ill oonunue m be Ill over) m- 0. mm Anode-m Mine, its mm.- a! come-'- hawk; ooh conch an ban in liwmwn: sod-fl- ' ankle†m 307010! the American Revolution M Mun-U future (or 1897 sad we nuwrpw E" "1‘ “of. Dr. 8, Weir llwhell. The m. I“. '10â€. I’m kacr." pu pom to he the m9“! 0' III halo. an other on Wuhinxzou , phu It the Limo u! x b 00 “a“. in vwn. l' at ““30!“ me‘himny - ,- -Lt- nan-L 101 .nâ€˜ï¬ 'fliï¬. PM kaer." nu innâ€"~- “Ml'lphy of I“ hora. m ofï¬cer on \Vnshinzwn" hm :L ghc Lime u! M In! Bods! II“ In Hand 01;: M“ h lo". intonuuuzly dcpvtml Ind W m he! do Wuhiu vwn l-‘mu‘aliq Lunyewe, M â€I W human h m mew a; my othersin mic mu... , bu tun mg: th. 9‘ h. It ' “only thy “can: cï¬r-‘t chmcfl 30d w. . $0613“! 9310'“! 5181: «13 of December Me between the our: of one and two o'clock - ,, A_.z_-.:....,.u NOW Advertmments. «King of Viomrig )an , A. smut/m: 0M “- 1m 43 30’ nvmox. hit «the Queen “ml omdï¬mw Year In Col-«no- \HI I Aestxgas' 3t W London, D90. 4.-â€"A1'('0 on IMIY."N In correspondent nt‘ '1 there is talk of Qumm cember. henna m 1897 in Ind two o'ckocki!1 ‘cetebrations ou-x' hu- l nominningmfl: W the longest p“! 5 ACKSQN u : “Dr. Agnew's Cure for M be over estimsted, ' s: m. I well-known G.A.E W. Pm, and he continue! me pzlpimticn and til hrt. I used two homes .e and feel like a no! “ken bottles end bottles ï¬nes without help. I int friends at every oppzrcun! II e greet medicine. 1:5! steer the ï¬rst dose I Ind I A. Bismuth-m. - C I'WoM'I . Allm x u uvl‘ In the Iuw . l'rlvc“ w IISOII': luau) l mu: In the bank, luinx 1 of kidney (Hm w , ; Mllm'a Hundmzhr U W ‘3 â€Iran lullnl'vn. l' Ilnm'u I’lle Oml nwm mm of Mice. l’rlcv J lunyon'a Blood (‘Jro- «r â€do. at the blood. 1’. H ) u“m'n Female nunq bbgll wow: u .. J w v., lunyon‘a 15th:“. Bow ‘flnm upd [guy-e px mum ,l) Taiwan‘s (Marin RH]: a. Catan‘b Cure-price, ~glhe_aop_tgom lye pysg W letters ta Pref â€Albertoâ€. Toronto. am â€Mal “vice for any di “I the parts. .‘nnyon'a Net \‘e Pure m “I“? Pik'c. 17M". ‘77. 19,, __ ‘ Grand Army Man With Heart Disease Glorious Victory V‘ of Dr. Agnews CI Heel L. “ï¬lm's Vlbulizex real was. $1. A , Ar,__ .‘__ ,._‘|. -T. Viv te cure {Or am- Anon-s mutt. most!) ‘1' 'n" ' ,._II LL-_ԤA ha“ One on the B] A ,0! cricket abory is “of Rmhesoer. He has! cricket match, when shell very wide of the 1 lull In the parish l†cl! . The nex: ball kl '0 middle stump 01 Bed : “1 “flat thet‘si d‘oeose. my lud." landon. Dec. tâ€"M here to-dny from Lib that the President otw Joseph Cheeoeman 4 Vice-President Co unrated as President 3 [Inla- Hudl- nu E'London, Dec 4,â€"A 1 â€cow to The Sxanda ties that students' of the t disaster Inn y ll the dish‘ mugs of ‘h\ .demonsu'uum a. hundnw .the closing or mums were to Ind. Captain Am hmmed out of > tion as a sr ,on 1,112 Du Dia Guiana. hunted (on ‘ , Dec. 4.â€"-A . Standard rep†named I tenoed to a hand 1« I has rejom :. Dreyfus {0‘ Tallowâ€"price. g “it after“ a: GENERA I. (‘1 Bl. President of L! I‘ you that 0L0 WAR H No lope {or New Y0! utteflng in; disappf '. FRIDAY. “I“ u v 0mm: - Rem: 0116