Toronto in waking up, however. and in pupa-in plus to get a Dominion half-million or so wont on improving it! hubor facilities. Then in no doubt on general public smut To- ronto hsrbor abould be sunny in- poved mmnn.1tmlysum- M neglected m tho conun- mono would not be dumped inmost- golnc vandals huddled in their dirty little buy. . 1 l - yinoe end all the North-west mm» promptly and hearth than the Toronto route? And yet, if we were; to demon- etrate its superiority in every my, the Midland route would not receive a. tittle o: mrt tron meet a! the T0- ronto papers, merely because them-sin Georgian Bay vessels to Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence vessels assembled in Toronto harbor. “The whole country " marks the World, “will be behind “any project that reduces the cost of any transportation, Toronto will “ receive the support of the North-west “as well as of Ontario in any efforts “it may make to reduce the cost of " carrying grain to the seaboard.†How very kind and public-spirited, and enterprising and generous To- ronto in with provincial and Dominion funds to construct cheap through lines and expensive terminals in, for end through :l'oronto.‘ But would there not be a. different tune it it‘ were pro- posed. for instance, to ask for two or three million; to double track and im- prove the‘ Midland routeâ€"say from Midland City, the best and deepest har- bor on Georgian Bayâ€"through Lindsay to any Belleville, â€" where tramhipâ€" meat could be made to St. Lawrence boats if found deeirable? Could not o much stronger one he made out for a project of this kind! Would it not receive the support of the whole pro-l on "“ Fm an}! Dominion '_ In“ treasuries to build a. double track air lino railway from Collirgwood to To- ronto, with “masonry terminals in the city†to convey most quickly and chap- ly, it is claimed, grain cargoes from Georgian Bay vessels to Lake Ontario cause western grain brought on big lake vessels seeks the shortest and cheapest routes to eastern markets and to tide-water, and these routes do not happen to pass throwh Toronto. or is not handled again at that plane, the Toronto papers and politicians are grievonsly alarmed. Ibo World, for instance. is writing up a yrcjea‘wd raid LINIBAY. FRIDAY. Stayedâ€"C. Jenkin. . Stolenâ€"Joseph Lytlo. : Stayedâ€"W. H. Myers. . This Fall .-Brittaon Bros Organsâ€"J. J. Wothemp. Finn for Saleâ€"L. ML wwk. Holiday Gifts-Dunning 8‘. Ravelle Bros. Am You on a Gift Huntâ€"731$ Carter. Nomination Moetingâ€"Towmhip of !Lhe increaae in volume of the grain- conveying trade by the Parry Sound and Midland-Grand trunk railway routes continues to excite the uneasy interest of the Toronto papers. Be- 131i; Store is busy for Christmn-J. Sutcliflo a; Song. uâ€"wv-v'" ,,V - WWW-tpwm an: Gawain gm. Unlimiud uncut. of M to In.“ on W 3t btflt nu Not.“ d“- mud. Agent for the Imperial me with auto 00.).†0‘ m ‘1†‘°' a. Union W Godot! 0‘ “0‘ a... mud, (Fin). ml an new Union ad National “l0 [nun-co RENEW YOUR NEWSPAPERS FOR 1899 AT PORTER’S Bookstore [1101180 and lflSlllflllflB muslin TRANSPORTA‘I ION ROUTES OF NEW ADVERTISEHENTS- John loaned! JOHN @8852“ whomtm. Ads-Block. mm last to the M39â€. Alum In Season- Norw wintry winds do whit about, .. .While snowflakes whirl and flutter; And Cupid gets his sleigh ball: out 1 ' 'And bruhee up his cutter. And ISue and Joe, sweet mid ehd been, Shout welcome to the mother. And, with that rogue to drive, they go Over the hills together. - as an addition to a. record of which they have no xenon to be ashamed. If general indication: are good for any- thing, the results, when announced on next Thursday night week. will be in the same class with those attending the twenty odd bye-elections which have already been held since the present government assumed office. The provincial bye-election in East Northnmberland, rentbred neceuery by the unseating of Mr. Downs, the late liberal member, takes place on the some day. «Dalton McCarthy, and Went Imbton, vacated by the late Mr. M. 0. Cameron on his appointment to the lientennnb governorehip of the Territories; two are in Quebec, in Bagot, which lost its late member, Mr. F. Dupont, by death. and in Montmagny, where the representative, Mr. P. A. Choquette, has left the'political arena. for the bench; and one in Prince Edward Is- land, East Prince,therepreeentative, of whisk-Mir. J. Yw-huxomtatce upper chamber. It is over twelve months since an opportunity was last given to a constituency to pronounce upon federal issues, and much has occurred in the meantime, that much however, is fearlessly claimed by the government The sound of battle is in the air, and the live bye-elections which will be held on thouth inst. willgive tnop- portunity, sufï¬ciently deï¬nite-3nd ex- tended to form a mbly accurate estimate of the feeling in the country generally towards the government. 01 the quintetto of contests, two will be in Ontario, viz, North Simcoe, réndered vacant by the Immutable death of Mr. “em to do our business." ‘ Chat is the proper and the patriotic View. These sentiments are what we should have expected from the Globe, spasm for the whole country. Im- provements on a large scale in harbor and terminal facilities must be prompt- ly made at lontreal, and the channel to the sea mustlbe greatly improved. if Canada is to have its share of the grain conveying trade. As a result of im- provements already made, and the en- terprising and vigorous policy ‘1 Mr. Hays, the new Grand Trunk man. ne‘er. there haabeen anincreaeed grain shipment of twenty million bushels this season. Itisa busineathatwillexpand enormously in value. It is gratifyinm to find that the present Dominion gov-I ernment appreciates the importance and magnitude of the work. and have adopted an energetic and progressive policy. ‘ We may feel aneumd that ,by wise and liberal ex- penditure they will prepare for the great result that may be confidently expected. But Montreal should do its share. {them is enormous wealth in Montreal; that city should follow the example of Buffalo in providing better terminal facilities it it wishes to rise equal to the great occasionand to secure a large proportion of theenob nous trade volumes pouring from the west down to the sea. , it requires is proper terminals and some grade improvements, and then to wolrk‘ it for all it is worth that appears to be Mr. Bay's policy, and he is evidently going to carry it out with the quiet energy that appears to be his cheractarietic. ( I» - - ed business, which we should not be surprised to see quadrupled in another year or two. . The Midland-Lindsay route is just as advantageous in' every way as the Parry Sound route. All .Wlth proper terminal mantles at Montreal the already large conveying trade by the Midland route will be en- ormously increased. 11'. Hays has been quietly making extensive improvements at Midland, Limhy and other places along the line to provide for the enlarg- doubt will deal with the Toronto hat- {We had occasion to allude recently ‘to the parochial spirit displayed by the Toronto papers in discussing the transportation question. and in fact any provincial project thetthesnot dimctly benefit Toronto. We are bound to say that the Globe has been. reviewing the transportation problem h a' broader mirit. It hespointed out that Montreal "must be the national port, in equipp- “in: which with the best modern im- “movements the whole country is{ “most interested. Notintheinherestot “Montreal but in the interest of “ the greet massol producers of Csnnda, “ that port must be provided \ritlter- “ minal facilities sufficient {or the “rapidLy expanding business of the “country; the pilotsce dues should be “ lessened, or even cut in two ; the chan- " nel of the lower St. Lewrence should 1 “be deepened, stnhhtened, swept and J " as well buoyed; es the St. Msry's river “which connects Lake Superior with “the lower labenandwhemthe buoys “ are so numerous that the most stupid "captain could not run his ship ona “ rock or shoal unless he shut his eyes; “and everything else should be done “ to attract new lines and tramp stenmâ€" | on harbor improvement. that wouldbe steadily depreciated in value by the un- sanitary conditions that Torontanim permit and appear to enjoy in connec- tion with the bay, but which to mat outsiders are “rank and smell tohen- bot question in the some enterprising, public-spirited and far-eee'm‘c my that he has dealt with the Montreal harbor question. But he should insist emphatically upon one condition before he spends one dollar on Toronto hur- bor. He should insist that the bay should be kept clean, and not msdq a receptacle for the city sewage. Lt would be unwise to spend public money THE BYE-ELECTIONS. A to on: company have orconuod hero wit connection to all surround- a: village: and the county town. Stock on now open st .5 per share. and payable 6 per oont. on cal .. Mb. . mother of John Spence, fell and robe her hip bane. She u n!- fegingjgmt dul. . _ _ cousin. The table was net in grand ety 1e that. would do honor to Lo‘rd. md Lady Aberdeen. and the celebrated Haggis was tint-class. The enter- tainment consisted o! E huh end Gaelic longs. sword dense. flue Col- lum, etc. ‘ 7 . ' St. Andrew‘: evening was duly ob- served in retain Scotch style at the 9301011“ he“ tight-ht)... i to he .. 0 pi â€were also on‘ganï¬u' to via with Scotch A meeting in connection with the Canada Bible Society was held in the Methodist church here on Monday etching. 5th inch, and was uddreued by Mr. Chambers, the agent of the society. _ _ ‘ _ .We are sorry to hear of the ver serioua illness of Mr. D. McDouga I, of Mariposa. He metricken with per- alysis some time 0. but became much worse about awee ago. He is not ex- peeted to met. A - _ Mr. H. D. Ca'meron, of Knox College, Toronto. spen t Sunday in Woodville, the guest of his uncle, ym Wm. Cam- er'm. Rev. Mr. McKinnon, late at Fenelon Falls. now of Churchill, preached in the Presbyterian church last Sabbath “Leymgi ' Mr. 'R. McKay, who has spent the summer in the North-west, has return- ed__honle “to gpend thejLint‘erL h M753 E. Williams, of Sbouï¬ville, is vigitingtï¬endain town. .. A , Dentist, at. Queen‘s hotel, Friday, 16th. It is wonderful how cheaply we can make you up a proper weight overcoat, well made, well lined. and fitti to perfection. Besides the cdnmrtt are isthecorrectneatothinknt- style counts for something these day 3. Our 812 beaver overcoat: are dandies. A full line of scotch tweed and worsted suitings on hand Iran '12 upward. Comeandsee themhefa'em else- where. MeKay Jr. Clark, twodonuwest or Royal hotel. -tl. Mr. Jan. Fell has purchased a ore-uh separator and is expectim to turn out a lot of ï¬rst-class butter this winter which he will sbxp to Toronto at gootl ï¬gures. . i Rev. J. A. Terril, B. A†at Victoria. College. occupiod the pulpit of the Methodist church Sabbath last. Mrs. James Henslip. a moot highly re- epec ted citizen of Verulall'md peace fully nwny last Friday. oi: the ripe age of 69 yearn Lire. Heulip me born in Inland and when quite young moved with her. potent: to America. .8110 and her narrowing husband lived in Mnnvern in her early married lite,bnt for a great many yenrn they have lived in Verulam. For several years they. lived in Devitt settlement and then moved to her late home on the “Moon- cession of North Verulun. Mr. and Mn Heulip have done their ehnreto make this township what it is. .They have worked hard, and -sucoeeded in hnildi a beautiful home. The de- ceased ooked forward to a few years of enjoyment in the new brick re- sidence which they erected this year, but was only permitted to live in it for about three weekend then passed on to her home not made _by__hnnds. In†Heuljp was a most faithful memlbr of the Methodist church. and her ne- moval will be long left by'thel society in which she worshipped. The sym- pathy of all goes to the bereaved hue»- b'md. daughter and son, in their afflic- tiomâ€"lndependent~ v. - Miss Lottié Wign- spent two weeks visiting friends at Little Britain and elsewhere. I Mr. W. A. .GiJlis and his son Roy are vigi‘ting relgtï¬vqs neat Omemee. Miss Ella ï¬illis, of Lindsay, is visit- ing relatives here. ‘ - 'POWLES’ CORNERS. (00erme to ï¬ne Post.) The fowl supper that was given here on the 28th of November was a very successful affair. The ladies of the congregation mated no pains to nuke it the best of the season. .With fine weather and good roads it brought about a great boom in all kinds of fgvléoggdha sufï¬cienfl: nuui'lger tested t t in: to up t nice sum of a little over .48. The social on the following Tuesday n'ght made a ton] of about $55. The choir were in fine trim and eclipsed-all former efforts The pastor, the Rev. Mr. leech, and the Rev. Mr. Dean. of Sunderland. en- tertained the large audience. Both are able and are equal to every emergeney. --.~ ___ Mr. William Suuitt. sr., hes been very poorly for eorne time, end we hope to soon see him on the mend...â€llr..A. A. Burnett's intent child is very enqk 'et resent. . r. Richard Der-k, of Lindsay, wee out here last week to visit Ir. Suc- gitt. and a he is quite a checker play- er andhndpromieed tooomoutend plsy Mr. Junes Fell, of this piece. they [eyed two genes on Friday morn' . 'r. Fell won the twocmes‘ Hr. Der complained about the her bosrd and checkers being eo derk that he could not see them. so Mr. Eell went to the Falls and got s new board and new checkers, and plsyed Mr. Dark min in the evening, resulting es follows: One game for Mr. Dark nnd ten for Mr. Fellâ€"a. victory {or Mr: Fell o! 18 games to Mr. Derk's one. BADDOW. Sewer-“mundane; to The ï¬rst“; ‘0 me our poop were 1' r now, and I think they got it My THE CANADIAN POST, LINDSAY, ONTARIO. pail-:13 were well utuï¬ed with the to- m ; Out-13¢c mperanool meilnthgaistgpt pto- remve a pm e over gotty yeers in exti’ehenoe it he. still the vigor you“ youth. - The mundane ' of our chemo fuctory was held on . 28th. The total value of the canon nah was close on eight tbomd_ align: Ibo Dr. Dean, of Toronto, has come to reside in our village, sad it is to be hoped that thoeelnneedofnediosled- vice will givehhn 1 call. as e resident doctor was much needed. . m. Esndley has moved into the «cunt dwelluc on Front-st. . Wintar has come in «not and great piles of the bountiful no to be seen on all sides, No doubt it will nuke thin: mgm lively. - Mrs. J. Woun‘s wood sale on Sntuv- my last was most successful. the half 80!); lots buying from _8;2 $9 85. :" GWSK.†" qumra-t.) .Our two teachers on mind for next ym Mr. y.Ed Phoenix is under the doctor' a can. Mr. E. Bowel] is able to [)3 around again 33qu _h_io aptac_k_ of inflammation. Mr. T. Miller is able to be up satin alter the typhoid tover attack, but will not. be able to mums his duties in the school until the beginning of not}. "Ail its ldéang‘tomrd' tn theâ€"New Year's annivemry, IS they expect : better time than uml. . \ term LobAL anmmm :WOODVILLE. 100treap¢ndeuoo to The Post.) um. PLEASANT (Cox-W to The Plant.) NORM VBRï¬LuL To recapitulate. the 7|de 1: of wheat In Cumin and the Uni out“. 1 bar with tint afloat :0 In It an.~ 1 bunch. m. Inn-u A: comparod with a week ago. the “db! supply or when In (M m the Unit“ 3}“ ’23: 5â€â€œ?31 “Roomuuz'a‘3a corn l ecreu . that or on, {m dqm_rizwo M a. Borne of the things the people are ny- ing: Liftord ought to have a cheaper teacher next year, considering the small attendance of scholar: at the day school.. ... ..The ratepayers should at- tend the school meeting this year; if they do not, they should stop their rankingnabout a. high sultry, and just allow business of the section to be controlled and worked by two or three interested portions. as has hith- erto been the ..... Who can the cor- respondent be who writueo eomny imaginary stories shout Litton-d and its doings. and who nukes Inch tnntio efforts to Appear funny. but nomehow does not succeed. _ Dutlug tho Put Wool tho Vlublo l.- euuo of “but '1!“ un- Under Tum-cunt." mm.» Bunch. head†Evening. Dec. 1. Liverpool when animated u: en: tone denc: today. Chicago (mum new a» The can markets were mm: In Iym thy. A great may wlm um being own. owing to the Mom. new tram (In Chicago Ind MM grain M In still sen-co. The Rev. Mr. Rae, of Bowmanville, will give a lecture in the Methodist church here. in the course o_f e‘ few M fl'he' rev. gentleman is well known and very pogo!" hem. and will no_ doubt)» crypts yy : (n1) house. It is with pleasure we welcome Mr. Horton Mills and his bonnie bride to our“ village; they have taken up their residence in the home Intel occupied by Mr. Helloran. No doubt oxton will prgye t2 be a_n_ ideill village blwksqifzh. is here. : ' Mr. \V. Htuoran. our village black- smith, has moved to Frazer-(mo. .We We are anticipating the pleasure of soon hearing the sound of the merry chimim bells, proclaiming that}: winter m sorry to lose him. as he is moody obligi mood was a good citizen gener- ally. will be missed in the choir and church. in which he took quite an interest. We wish him success in his new ï¬eld at labor. {viahastenwmum' the plenum: task ofjrituz. u- _ _ ‘ LIFPORD. ' (00er to The Post.) _ Mr. Munâ€"ninth: 8 tow hues from our qnist. village would not be amiss in your unable paper. and lost theiworld gnight {one}. ou_r exigtepog, Mr. P. Chec'kle? recently wt a (div (by; with his parents here, but re- turned to his work min. . r"‘*'* Mr. McGee went north on the 5th with a. couple of men to do some lum- boring. Mr. 3. Eng linh, of Burnt lineup-Bed thro ugh here on the 2nd. . M139; Gould, of Gooderhsm, was here on the 4th. . Mr. G. Armstrong and Mr. Joe. Hund- cogk spent a_ few (is)! herein} week. Port Elmsloy. vis- t and 2nd inst. . has on the 7th. Means left home on the 8th to Em 2: Eva higireoovrery. Mina A. ' Smith, of Barbecue. pcid Irgpdale g flyipg visit_]aat mk._‘. â€Easier Gordon 'Mtxwell has been yery ill. but“ hope tosoonheu'of Ian‘s Illa. Man's Suits made tron Pm All-Wool Sarge. tweed. From. Buck Carl Effect 3nd Pun th Worsted, stylo mac and shootuw coat. 84.1!) Suit (or... .. ...~ $5.60 Suit for... .. #50 Suit for... .. .50 Salt for... .. . . 88.50 Suit for... .. .. 810.00 Suit for... .. gag Ron's Heavy Probe mum in brown, black and lawn. warranted hat col- onra. made with weltaoam‘Iinch atom collars. and yachts. tab for throat, heavy and tuned lined. both wind an waterprool. aim 84 .uli m.“ Boy- ’Ommbâ€"tbomhjutlbinuis bywlmlmumwtm engag- wvgm MM. “.50. M Bon’ Two and T by. a “gust toolurbo boom Suit. for... 75 Suit: hr": . . .50 Suit: for... .. .. 50 Salt: for... . . fl.†Slit. for... 70 purchased for Cash on November 30th 200 Pam Inn's Pants, and they as now in stock asked at. nbont onnohtll their vane. 81.00 quality we now... ... ...... 750 $1.50 quality no now ....L00 $.50 quality no new ... â€4.1.50 “.50 quality are now..................'2.00 04.50 q . 86.50 quhty {or ..... 06.50 quality for ...... $7.50 qmlity tor ...... 05. quality for ...... 810.“ qnnlity for ...... 123’ IRONDALE. . J. CARTER, INCREASED VISIBLE. "I“ No sad Alum “IMMI- Ian's Putt @Are You on a Gift'Hunt? 7’ THE BARGAIN GIVER Maud M30. .0. lawn-o. m Wheataflcrzmmhnoldatm yum: ’Wflte red 70c goose 670. Pâ€; "“ mum .000 01- telling a: 0:. u“ {500 bushels told “.3313: ‘ the MI- Peg m: 100 babel. gem an 8th to my u loads #00 ‘ with her 3?.“ pet ton or “may and fl to to: i C out. '0“ W Dre-ted 8 Denver!†113mm u.- ‘ g; to $5.50 per an. CHRISTIAS SUGGESTIONS IN DRY GOODS: A hint that in Carter’s stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods and Men's Furnishing Goods you can ï¬nd many useful and beautiful things to give at Chtiatlnas, will perhaps set may a mind at ease which has alrendy been wor- rying withthequettion: Whatshall Igive? A visit tothiaatote wouldbealnarvelto some people, and those who have had the idea that only averÂ¥e quality stufl’ isnold here would have it dispelled in a minute. Oi eoune e have things just suitable forthe humb- lest not, but there is a wide range at beautiful and cost! things' good enough to go into the handsome-t ville in the burgh. and the gnu-mum ida will ï¬t into every bit of itâ€"big. little, low priced. middle W’ of ' 'ced, and if you are a millionaite or a dollat-a-day man, you get the :51: spawn-cc and value at this state. i. DECEMBBBMQ. 13†[Averâ€"away»! when! do“. with No. 1 «than n: a- 21! red winter “(um 60 (oi-Dec min! for Jun. and Feb. and that! for lurch. lube am l-‘n- tum quiet at a. Nd ornecu nominal far 19: AM Feb. and an m for rum Hour. â€ml â€It... [Ax-M 6â€"02.!) No. 1 0.1.. ‘Jh v10d! to as 1M: Watcr..1¢ 1h one!“ ornate: com. a not“; 25:1“;901’500- lard. 27- aa- w. : bacon. heavy. 1.0. in". â€an?“ in, â€I Cd: check. white. 40': colénd 41.. .__'v_- and; up: Bub, nodu- export Bum, heavy export. so 1}.““4. upodbntchma ext-ten. nixed ...... 8! m and medium â€"‘1'5inlrecdpu tor ht week were u M ion : m cattle, 83$ cheep, 10.3! but. Tom well-II tale Ralph were 818.72, Thenâ€"g [fly at (at cattle clued to-du Ink-u , “with rice. unchanged tronthooe at Friday: .pricee for all kinds of stock were: l{Mutan- cane, etc-pun to: It. Live Mock. I." The receipts of live stock at the Cattle lute: were light 8 loads. â€I told. con- tend of cattle. 340 the». 40 am- I! an hon. nmmmmmmlyu Isn‘t In Glove- “ m Inn's Kid W Glows nod mm a thallium: rth o! note.gOc.65c,So.7’ axémss’ï¬mlm Ion'lnIIOyI'IIII-u. lion's and 3016.13 Wool Shirts. our stock in km. (mt val-o. note 9.» mica-Ans! 009° us! Pym: One of the t attraction: at our do» in our 3'. Furnishing Dav-rt- mt. Me luv. may Qecialtiu in *this department that in Just the thing {or Cir-tun Gnu. lean Silk “flan. sll dupe: ......10c flea“. ilk Thu. all that. ....... Ila lion'- 3m: ï¬ns. :11 ulna. ..... .150 Ian's Silk Toes, all shapu ..... .31: Men's Silk Ties. all’ slap“ ..... 50c Oi.“ Our Silk Bludhychht Nut-eat in mediating mu: WI. dim: fro- Japu. “mania-tot). mnuhctum. :- the quantity m 850M mac-Whit u a prioo The lollo'iq [had Cor-nu are Chain uh of hum tint our“. amo- vho know- tho rial mo. and â€that (ï¬tting. Oaks. Black and Con. who a! t W W no at... ... .. ... .. . .. MMCOIMMFM withflrm. m No 117. st... ... .... ...75c mm mm g“... No. 415:. ... .. ... .. . .5 li . M’tm “53.15. “$0.150 an cu! Yacht At. 3:: :75 gaggx 0" all 'spoéhl Bus: ciéen. hm. tun-3'94 black 81.3 nudity (or... .. ..... 39°. “6.6.5936. um’ a... quality qulity qulity quality qulity qua lity mu. manna. maneuve- for... for... (or. ... for. ... for... u...†a 0.68 "' [Adio' mum Wool Undone.“ - g a... mkuthohmatu-otu-pntud a. “a tho hast ulna ever attend at Lind- ay. 1'). following line. we now ‘. "mu muted on our counter-u. 15:, an. ï¬e. 8c. 50c, 00:. m" .41.†315 «0m W. I. “GUESS. F. 0. "MI. mud-ext â€ii; -_ __- nag-ha um u. a. .d u m TWO YEARS’ PROFITS CANADA LIFE Onlmday. 12th Dec“ 1898. by Elia. Bowen. actionsâ€, cmdittalo of km M ‘ 93090 of the m. t. IcNoevin. onlot trg con. 4. Paulon. Sale st one oclock “d without mm. Dale-day.tho19thnoc., lfloby Elia. Manama-noncredit also! bra that all “thepmperty otlmAlu. rammbtucon. Llanclon. ï¬hatonooHchck 03% um ï¬at“ n53 gut: OnMyMIMMbyEliu no", auctioneer, uh of unable tu- utock and maths My dJohnSeotLu-tm.ot lot. 10.00:).8. Wolfonelon. Solo'to commence atmo’clock gammaâ€"ma. st Ludn' 7. Dec. 0th. me. Jonah. intuit mum of Ir. and Mn Swollen. Glands-st. WELLERâ€"0n \Vodnodn . Kev. Nth. ms. yarthauwjh gt ._ A. Weller, .11.. J 6! the Countâ€"0663“? like : FOX-In the Good Shopherd Convent it Mt. m on Friday, Nov. 189.. 1“ Elm a: In] Fox. (in a“ Lida“ of. I: 38“.. )' r . o: Faction '0‘. “I. Ind a mu :1“! wnson â€" NICHOLLsâ€"On Wednes- dantho 7am. hymnâ€. J. Uncut-lune, um. Hr. Matthew John Wilson. of on. to His Minnie H. Nicholls, o! Sonerville. bum Inn-In nae-y. oi 10w. 2 wit. 0! Ir. Allnod In». of a m mgymmwxn l Our ht stock" a lugs and wall “cott- odâ€"aU-ad emonr m and E7" " “h“ “km"? in. Gnunthb. an}! L hi Can (haul-h. m at! Robes. Children's Gaps. Collars. Ruth and Clank“. o O I . . . . n . . ..... ..... 7'53 Cart". MILAIQLCIOM onbtih'éoa .i, .t Denial. near Cunbn). “.1. on. o'cloc‘k. y 0C ’lock. a m Gm Wouâ€nu.e"â€' 'i..L"..'.iZ£ 25 jneh Plaza mu sum ..... so 2’» mt]: Phil: Pink Sinker .. ...5t Huh AlLWeel Seth" .. ...10c lye Opt-as. 17 inch Ballet Toning...†... 80 inch Modems... 81 inch Father 1‘31:ka ...... Loco Cumin, my†pair ...... 164 Whit. Bed 89m" 50 inch Stun-u. ... ... mmxwmuu ASSURANCE CO. 1’. 0. Taylor. THE BARGAIN GIVER I19: ~‘Whhto6flnd 7"†mawaumwww" SALE â€"Ei¢hmn scan. manor “dihMRC 0'“ [M Sax-mu, "- Elm. ....'lh '" {high 6m lambskin 0....- dae. 8115. 81.0.. 02-50 10-4 wait“ and 11-; Must] an WW 1701' 334mm. double Ilia-wear. W0 8!. m 8 taking tab In M musicalâ€"no was: (or and: who was never one.“ *0 And an! be Ind only hen. M put before you c :7 nu. tor-ï¬t: cum m,“ I. Ii. 0! good: from up,“ .hnpbcï¬onof’Xmaqgitt“ I.» I“ 8!! “WV! um 54 inch 0mm. “in! J 58 inch Oran. medal†1 C inst OI... “$1.. 5 E inc. White. Qecml 1 8 M "Li“. W33! ‘ 8‘ inch White. spools“ _____ l ‘mm. â€"Co-o into the 5 E: on both 314:. quality, bargain E. «E... socâ€"Dong. Duo. 3.8. 8.8. 3.8 I :SUIâ€"ORVPE 03. non ...... lgvgaqau. .9» '1' E 8 we; flinchwul’o. v Quality. now.. 16 guilty, now... now.. «alumna quality,†0. fl gummnow I? red Be. M%?;UL:O ind p (bloc 50 GABIME- Sl‘. J. Parnell Morris, ORGAN. PIANU, ll mud to receive pnpi “Eridanus, Now Advance-on ts u- "muzm for (‘Iflfln 9* lb:- r, m. mm and 8M "1}“; m THEBBY â€"â€"m 0'â€" 3".“ £33 "3 allow), E‘erhm ‘ III’I’JI ‘- ï¬ll.†I 3'": p111: NA m1 1: IncSn tuna 7.7 Jot 0V