V2.5 £50 Joni-:8- . w York Journal of Commerce t 75 per cent. of tha entire in- capital of the United my d by trusts. Unda; grace“ hws are practically dead letters. by way to light we trusts is to Dr tau-Lit; a power wind: the government can exercise at . the present. congress wx'J v was masters in that. way. m1 wuneas from Haldi Humanism 15 ha the 1 timid. to £011 have the nu mz Witness corresvond’m‘v from Haldimand county- . zmunisn ts xtfe there. preaches the newspapers for amâ€; to touch it. What bhavc the newspapers do? t new country, and if any has: to venerate JOSOPh a 1-. prophet or result! the Damn as a. revebtinb. why the ustpapers 8£Wk “in, that “gut or wrong; [1100014 at doubtless he 33 ï¬nd We; agree. Bl"- X“ Ink tut the way to Bet m L‘0 abuzz mm or mule“ m: a dinb'uities. Go reason with; 7.?bospnoanoupoldinmd- Rh Claimants as if it yore nth claim to be paid I?! 3"“. ciaimants wul bed hI recover anything. 5% government, it in ‘1†l“minus umher similar 011" ‘bnt they have, for them ‘uled unpaid [or nearly 8 (DIM Led States Interior Depart- r: shows that Lhe am of 1011c landsiarapidly dinin- Lhreo hundred and odd as of desert. land requiring 1n render them valuable mus, the available water luifwient. to; only 71,500,000 mug 260,576,000 acme suit- tur grams purposes. There iorcst reservation em- : “unnamed area of 40,719,- ‘ Our neighbors will soon » questions or vital import- lzugc their statesmen. United States citizens in the thppinen. that leaves mung of losers in the â€Ummd States. It may be EDWARDS 00. ,3, Iron And Steel MM"; spanner.) Supplicl. FRIDAY, Dnc. Hymns 00.; nâ€... tor momma unrâ€" m, !or mend“! 8"“ h...- “ Snow Shank. In“ and nable Goods» â€an asks Mr. Foster to High to “repudiate, ex- zhe false doctrino industrial depression 135: in the country or' ited with the canon! the country.†Whit 1h: idea. that Ira-ï¬g 0t uncrowning himsa o! ail title to. all“! work of Divine PW Mine Psper. #4! 5 AND BEST Mu: (.‘hoppon. udiau £951. ï¬rms with side W gum-bin. but... i.- " lb. Wick m 0'“ .mL Web-nth.“ for mending hm White and m 9.1 ml. at sh ban. for the†M «“4!ka outï¬ts, for “db. Shouts. the ,United In order to give a, little information concerning the cultivation. potting and propagation of the olive plant. re- cently donated by the Lindsay Horti- cultural Society to its many subscrib- ers, 1 might sayzivhen the plant is xeceiwd, carefully pot it, using a. m 9051 of three parts coarse sandy loan and one part of black muck or peat, (peat preferred); (or drainage use use white chalk, or better still, plaster from old broken image-B. broken coarse, When the plant is ï¬rmly potted care should be taken not to water too much. Fragrans is the best olive plant for conservatory or house culture; it grows to about Tour feet high. Ibeflowgars are yellow and the time for flowering is during the month of July. Thement of one plentis sutficient to [ill With fragrant zephyrs a. large conservatory; it is an evergreen of good habit, soon forming a pretty compact bush. ‘ It was introduced into Enter; tram '1 l). The China many years '80. l _ olive will easily graft on the pnvet. ash andlflscoritmbep tedby cuttimtmthermenzï¬pï¬min ring: winter temperature! “88 348W flexeisquiw*a gglru 0! kinds otolive, Iran the smellehrub to the t ' .' tree. If ,. is the uni ffog'hougï¬al} tun. When W in amt it {5731’ aficm‘w7 {“6011 ana‘uio Girl,†by H. b. Fitz Patrick. and the usual editorials, poems and records. BJ'ï¬.’Fiiz‘}ibTanon"‘7“1o aw ' noir Conquests F ,urther,†by Helen la Stafford; “The Earl} ““919. T †7‘ _‘ 1) LL- the Potomac Awheel," by Geome H. Streaker; “With Quail Among the Cot- Lon," by Gaorgo bevy; "Ibo New New. York Athietisc 01¢," by Malcolm. W. Ford; 7"Sporti.ng‘Ba.mble_s i9 Ceyjlzn," â€"Outhg tor Decemba: is a. peasan- abie and highly interesting number. Many fine illustrations adorn it. Ibo contents are: “A New Brunswick Moose," by Frank H. Ribbon; “Line Shooting on Long Island Sound," by O. H. Chapman; “The Gtécn Spring Val- iey Hunt Cluh,â€-by Hanson Him; “The Collie and the Sheep Dog," by H. W. Huntington; “From the_ Sohgylkill 't‘o I mum Mo mu turn-rum Many advertisers have the laudable ambition to make their advertisim “stick up " above the rest by adoptim a style of writing which will attraiét attention. This implies that their writing shall ha a little different (run that of other advertisers. But this policy often leads to absurdities. The nest style is that used every day by common people, becausa it iabut unv demoed, am; a clear unnerstnndinc in one of ihe [Srincipnl points in adéer- imamâ€"Printers Ink. that they have been completely cured of rheumatism by End's Susanarilh. Rheumtinn, with it; sharp twins. aches and puns. Do 1“ know tho cause! Acidinthebloodhumnmâ€" ulatedinyourjointa. Thocnrois found in End's Summing which non- tralizes this acid. Thousands write For Nervous Prostration and An- aemia. there is no medicine that will so promptly and mu 'reetorovig- or and strength as Scott’s Emulsion. - meet for mutual beneï¬t every tort- mght during the Winter. By adopting m plan of this kind there is room for very pmtitaply ex- tending the good work which our Farmers“ lneututee are now doiqr. nut it cannot be extended very well until there isenoughlooelteientintheinâ€" etitute to take hold of the work. The plan which the South Bruce Institute has adopted will tend to bring local talent to the (rent. the farmer who can prepare an essay for a prize coin- petition can prepare one to read at a farmers' meeting. Nodnstiuuto could expend its surplus funds in a better way than. in sinus prizes‘tor essays on farm topics, and therefore we would heartily commend this plan to «cry institute in the provinceâ€"Farming. ’ meetmg. in rat. the regular. wix 01 the mstuute mm, with advantage, be suppmnwd oy a genes 0! metre: meetmgs held 111 “8 district. at whxoh only meal talent should be. «tuned. As many as twenty Inseam or this char- acter might be held every mater by each insutute [I my local ulenc were developed. It would not be vmry :0 make eiaborem premrat'mns [or them. (they could be held in some anchor-mouse. or for that. matter ’m some (annex-'5 home. when some person tn the lOcelity or from some omen port of the 11131.net might: gwe a shcrt ad.- arass on some pracucal farm topic which might. be discussed with prorit by those present. A series of mu meetings of thns kind. held throughout each metitnte dustnct every wmter wouid reach may farmers who never attend the rcgnnr mum, on). st them timomkpzceemerzogetu. crowd at ï¬n luau authoring; where outside talent could be head. The: amali meetings might. (arm the nucleus for 8. 10cm format club winch could 0% u. an: (-65. Er'ï¬lfm an " ho is: at“ Montanaâ€! 0“ my»; '5 1007â€" am in at [m branch. with a vhw to proï¬t.†in. mum no .u ragweed w Ink. 5 low mm as to tho but» protoc- lion 6! “from dun. aw.“ 1%. cm- Iut anomaly @61er an tam-w m in tin South Riding 0! 100 many institutes depend upon outside talent tor the success at that meetings. though w m M to note a gruwmg tendency toward: util- uing more tocan talent. Outsub talent should not- be haunted altogether, but young >urmen. ewhy will. be i banana to any akncaltunul mmmnnu- we behew marina room 101'}er dé- vexopment 01' the 10m talent. in every instance afnd_usmq it at. the man: Newspapers and Incline: A W Van: W flu loath arm Int-mu“ 1mm» .mmqgh {We pm“ of $10. â€3 At Britta: Bus. Janna“. mg to any agricultural mum- ‘l'ho 010: I‘m!- The Best Style. flow it Huts: Ill“ Wynâ€""‘â€" trom Pomon alone. Their comrad- uk- od than why not from Balms. Dunnd â€Green. Tho 1:01:31th the had union had circulated similar bill. wa- puttothotwojnron, battalions“. Ittooktbojuryomhonrandn-hnltto act-coupons gamut Macho. mm â€month. Minute “one! ' “chunk-natural!»- 2%; g: 3 clued flat the evidouoo 0! Ford and Holden woo a fabrication and that the. won on wind conspiracy on we put at 91:. Amman datum": oo put the guilt on Ponton. The oshor two jurors, lowed Wand Androw w- arty (foreman), were in favor «nonvio- flon. Thopolntfluymkonwu an: Para could got MI Manama "carding the drouloflonp! shogony-dgnod not. ~ A-‘-â€"A.-__ -4. “Thé honrt n djoumod by .n on“. ion or an..." were the judgo’lmtwonh. Tho Jun-y'- Donut-“loan. That-nth otthojnry’l deliberation- :- out. The: wentsothokroomuso‘olook mmomnovsdmwude. Ton mhomtbouhrtdoodout boldlyud ï¬rmly for Papa’s «alumni: 3M do- ,,,,,,,, _j ILOaIu-nldhoflloughtltlhoudha 010.0â€. Tbjndcomh‘ a» mu.- night unflinching-In I'm-onto. - anddolay. In tho and 101m .31.“: tha: hall to the amount of 010.- woman-cum Janol Manhunt, and Robert Macho mm a do;- oonvornuon mm as the noodlnthodockanortho un- chad m pronounced. Macho will gh. ,1... o! his next hon-gr an†shadow-morning ,_ a Mr. 0-1:: mid :ho Crown would not agree to this pmposmon. The judgo did not favor Mr. Porter. Than 810.0! hall was asked. hm hats,“ in an.“ M}. Porcu- asked that the prisoner should so an his own mognlunou.‘ no submitted ï¬lm should be done. Panto-'- Bull 810,000. Mr. Ponce mid: “Mflord, on behalf «magnum-Pentax: I ask thathoho admin-d to ban." Thojudgoumthojuryhad din-greed. They m not nn‘iteg ï¬g opinion. _ Am a pause, the judge and: “I mink not," and Prisoner Macho eenk heck. Remand {or Pure and Holden. At 10.20 Mr. Oeler eskel thattheeeeee or Pare and ï¬ction be mvereed to the next cents. I: would be In the interest: of justice to curry them over under the preeent circumstances. Pare end Balden “out up nnd were asked it they had uny objection. Both replied: “There will be noobjocuon.mylord.j’__ A __ - _ “The Wt in that you to Impri- uonod In an Provincial Penitentiary tor the period of ton yous,†said his lord- chip. “Can you has 1|!me Whom mumlhnbonmjnnrlnvob- inhflnnmoagh." The judge eeiu abet, oi eunree, the prieoner knew whether he wee guilty or not. ththejuryreiurnede vcdietot guilty, he added, she primer wee en en inlet“: and purpoeee guilty. He did notwish tonyenythingehoueehefeei- ingeoitheprieouer. Theda-new“ e grave one. The full peneli'y wee 14 were. 19 was not the intention ot the judge to givethe fullest limit of the law. He had thought it out. The name-Ion wee the prieoner hed noted an en intervener. He wee the one ï¬ne robbere eew. There wee uoneedtoeeymore, “You can not?" echoed the cloth. The judge aid that it won mutt-bio mmthooxpomothnto diam! hozi been brought in. He had no doubt it was conscientiously Arrived at. H. thanked the jurors for their kind atten- tion and one in the coco. and-id: “You on now uncharged." The jury hula! nooontotthocham I andlhanboenalongtl plied the prisoner. “Nothihg, my lord, only that I “Ho'- nosvy Sentence. “Sand up. Boner: Muskie. What hav- yon to say?†an â€â€™9 i048! At 10.10 “Order." called Conn-hi. Bun, a the jury rum-nod. they were u and lot of Jurors. Arm- mlhtotm was odlod ond wavered. the olerkot tho court asked: “Hove your 03nd upon a val-dict u to the prisoner?†“No.†laid the foreman. “Do you 31a body desire (unbu- an. as to the detention: Ponton?" The jury talks) among themselves. Tho 10mm reported thus they would like to spend mother hom- tombs: out! no. I: was 9.2). and the jury ï¬led out The foreman réplied: "I could not .1, my lord." “fret: are for acquittal; two mm!- mhouon." "Is there any hope of their spooï¬ng!†asked his lordship. “tht of PontonP" asked Clark Do- Me. “Verdun as to Ruben Macho, 'guuty. no say you an,’ read Clut‘Dorooho, 3nd every juror nadded his hand In acqua- canoe. James Muckio.- it. the “that, lookd weighted down with can. The alarm bmngh: (mango. and the Juggernld: “Very well; bring them In.†In mod the jury. lookingosrowom and weary, as I! may had up: atop: a wink. The names wore called. “Gentlemen, hue you agreed upon a verdict?" and Mr. Dumbo. of eltlxene, who would hardly oleer e way for the judge and the cannula-e. The Judge took hls place upon the bench at 9.05. The room was jammed. Holden. Pare, Paton and Mantle were brought Into the :lock. The court was etlll. â€Billy" Ponton looked enxloue. end at beelde hla mother. They talked in low whlspers. Mr. Meokle, father of the pri- soner Buckle, was also preeent. The tat-small, Jamel loCulM_ said: "Robert Mack]. '11 guilty at“). chm-go. Five recommend to mercy." Nonaâ€. Doc. 5.-’1‘ho no» but rob- buy trioi ic ended and ii» not malt ii I conviction and a diam-corneas. A0 to null Robcn Bookie tho Jury were unan- imono in choir belief in bi- gniit. but only two o! the 12 were convinced at tho cx-toiicr'c complicity in m robhory. On accord" morning ubo door: 0! the 0m Homo wore bosiond â€tho mot crowds End: In a Convloflon‘lnd I Dm- lgnomont of tm‘Jury. ANOTHER TRIAL FOB PONTON. flu am “and u I. I I» stung-mot 0! Inner. Radon» u the Dominion lulu-lob." lulu Ion-d Oullty and “It.“ to 1'0. You" in tho Fault-nun. THE BIG BANK TRIAL wrim as u trimmed," am m m- Mum: roam, mm: ammo. nmuama a um The Jury'a Verdict. bdm ' on: I . ‘ngimoomï¬orimdnudin ï¬ve mghts the trouble disappears. Price. 35 cu. “mum-o A701 John 1'. Nlblook. tho Nontufl London III. M Axon. Confocal to l'omrluâ€" A True Bill nil-d A‘dl‘t Andre Blown. {or larder-30v. Dr. Blak- ntock'n Bad Slip. Four Chin-non vote baptized In tho Immanuel Bnptir: Church, Bnflnlo, Sundry night. Mr. John H. Tudon nnd Mr. Tutu! will ho the Milton myonlty numb data in January. lnthotannnrlolormgwuh 1896, in- clndvo, 407 school chudron communal and. in Germany. Ir. Jamar Kidna- ot Aathnr “hun- ult nooidonully while going: hunting. and died In a tow mlnntel. mush at putting up' income for plum with serious results. Adnvr'IOnrr "MOI savour comfort. md to-du database-her mufï¬n! an think-Idea: DR.AONBW'8¢URBFORT;BIIM- 1 ml mews cummx. rowanâ€":- - in DR. AGNBW'I LIVER "Ll-Wt... SMALLPOX IN THE QUEEN CITY WEAUTY! "‘18 this undone, an Amman and British 3“. was manned. u a comp!!- mttotha (handball monk. of th- joant high communion. Proddont Funk 3. Booted woo vory fortunato in his introduction a promin- ont gum, and with oohtimIIt, wit ond oatito conduct-d tho footuroo of tho din- Spooohol ato alway- ohoI-t at pidiron dinnou, and thou wan no oxaoptioa to m rolo a: Saturday night. Ron-rho wore mado by tho Prooidont, tho Vioo- Proddont, tho Pmidont of Coon Bioo, Lord Horoohol, Sir Wiitrid Loin-lot, Soo- rotary nay, Soototory Long. PM General Smith, Admiral Sohloy, Gono. Shane and Garcia, Capt. Bigohoo. Soon- tor Lodgo, Mr. Foota- and others. Among tho foaturs woo a hurlooqno investigation of the conduct at the war. which mod oomo of the mono humor- ouo tanoioo of the tool Wan. nonhu- of tho oommittoo brought in innonoo otaoh of tootimony. alao largo upon: and difloront exhibits, which took on oomo M and muood glut ammo- moht. The report oonolndod with the ï¬nding that thou-o wao a war. that Spain (at lioh’ and that tho Anglo-Saxon the United sat-e, Enrol» and m paradehewefld. In the mm,“ the Preddent, “Vice-M003. month-'- 0! the Cahtnmthe Preddent a! Geek Bid, the Panic of Canada, “I. “1Ҡjoint high American-Canadian commie- uon, Gen. Garcia. the moat min-0t calm at the army and navy, Senate“. W and many other Much nlahed men. lore ehen 160 penile wan mm In the beautifully-decorated dining hall of the Arlington Kohl. The dinner was in a measure oendneeed on une- o! emphment and halo!- .0 men who dietingulehed themselvee by both land and eeeï¬ln the late war. Great ova- floneweregiven to the Preelden‘. Ad' mun! SohleyandGemShaMwhuthc nee so epeek. while other m!!- eelved not: gencoul consideration. Washington. 0.0., Doc. 5.â€"Tbo Grid- ' iron Club on Saturday night can. no.- not-bu din", cunt-plum; (go-sq d In. M. visit-d hot huh-n1! In tho an a noon, And an and“ parting an. m mind. mm. Iandlo was also want gnd hot-punish but undead oven Iron-M Vulcan, the hue. Patton at Bollovllle. Bencvmo, Ont, Dec. 5â€"13.. wu much adamant in town sum-day on: tho but robbery on... W. H. Penna unvodonfluï¬ï¬ommlntho mills. tad went quietly to his ham . Pontonlohta- Banal“. 03.04.80 m,szdemylnc hunto mMnudMn¢Mmuthmn pulled out. 3.1mm. u out Intull tthhImundhuml-r conn- nlutbotnlnpnlhdin,nndtbm u. hottiminnenovuhrlghtnow. Washing“- :ho Soc-o of . Ito“ than Dun-or. at Whloh Ian M: wuma War nd ml Column. invalid “them-03m: om ruched ontolfln Mr'kmhkbuhln; won: down town to W wand than Mud. THE GRI DIRON CLUB York drugs!“ has raid. the 80“ If! A HIGH-01m and 1’. HOW duflgbdvdmlnSoap. hthcnmdtbeSoap. Ywunbuy hatanygroceuï¬orScmtsacah. Tu: 01'. Clot! â€A! van. co. .1. mu a th- Incl- Wham-III one-chm: valvu when buying 50‘?- Ir. Gm oi Bum 3.0 . 5“ boon applaud Gout-uncut new: uni n mun-Ania mom an%uohmo¢tho whole Nor- thern British Cannabis territory, with largo discretionary powers. Il- Bunon, as Phat. ms, and at loom-l. vhfllunlo Gal-donutâ€. TmnmmonSnndny aha-tom Ital-flan ml. «W “In. W by M!“- I' 3 mum-Bum my him an!" mun-u It Cobourg. what-how may m; Ironwood â€Wm“ munocbacus. Int! WW whammwmmmwm “E Jon '1’. Nlblock, the Neutral can: ottho Won mt. Immune CG,“ contented tofu-goth. whtchnuud him “57.83. wmmmmmmm down completely. and the soon. on Sat- nmy when Mamas wit. valued Mm â€mandating. Park. on, nan-tend with guilt hum. Autumn!“ but decided mmwmmm 'Ihoboudot mumammnmum mud-bow with tub-u- E The death of William Batty, who went to Parry Sound n: 1868, hon- noonood. Huwuowhlnboun Bows, “mmdthothohn G. Bow-o, no one time Home! Toronto. no howl haddo- hll widow. three doughnut-o 3nd Ipnoon Friday night. Indra-round mwwflisnmdhmhunm Ahwhhhooourmdin the Gounâ€" ducal-0M Tumthh-nmunn- ultdthooolhpnottho Uni“ Sat. amwAmh-Ws do “WNW†In and.- â€commasâ€. mm“ Mule“. rut Doc." lacuna-bravo.» Sam- ole-Inga!“- Ammahhu‘oonpmdtor .5. Com m “Wdflnnw bosom-lid. No mood and.- 81351190: Ohbuw MAM mmmmaaun. ,ndJukBMd New mwmm u Athpttoom-tho English Chanda has. hp balloon proud maï¬a-madman, “amino-Mum mam-raunnum mmmmmm on Saturday a noun hour. dune o’clock Sand-y mucus; W'- WE“ mmâ€. m.mwmm. a. “mm†m â€mm “Wm M: pan for 3 skin that h Maddie-0W mkdiquImo-nwho seeinnndthemmtoftho pdentwhoudaflybudmit is to but it about. DI. :m Iimldummglot o! handsome datum con- “diamante†lookinrlav “which DRY GOOD is Me largest department and tumor 1m in us good uhupe frr doing a [argue business in Variety ot goat to shot from and at price- thu will mad the clout-ct oompuim. 7b: 1‘. W in the store and all well stocked will: Ssmablc Goals, but Gum DRY GOODS is the my {Man You an invited to at. . duébok damask tinctuchudeonpnmpï¬m whechoryon buy or not. Then no any . fat of the line. of New Goods inst puma :n stock but «on line is much below regular price; we bought them spam sud om- onstomers will mp the beneï¬t. , 66m OAKWO AN...†EHO ’\ DRY GOODS SPECIALS Advertise in The Post. "vvâ€" 'â€" Sféwest smes,’ Heavy Cloths and Extra Values PinidDmsGoodsSpedalax ...................... Imam 30 and 32-inch Flannelettes ........................ 5c ayard. 361mb Extra Heavy Flannelettec, ................ [0c ayard. Wrapperette Cloths, ...................... toe and 12k a yard. Ladies’ Heavy Ribbed Fine Cashmere Hose. ........ 45c g par. Ladies’ Fine Wool Vests. ................................ 60:. Ladies’ New Cloth J ackets, ..................... $4.75 to $6.50. Ladies’NewaghCapeg ..... #1.. ...... .‘.'.".°.'T‘.'.i;‘,1§5‘°°‘9‘ ARE ALWA Y8 UP-TO-DATE. They are honestly made of Pure Rubber. Thin, Light, Elastic, Durabrâ€" Extra thick at ball and heel. Each year the Granby Rubber Co. add new terns to ï¬t all the latest shoe shapes therefore It is no wonder that rubbers which are not the some shape as the boot should be uncomfortable. It costs money to employ skilled pattern makers but the result is a satisfactory ï¬t. 1 Grocery Department Most Rubbers are Uncomfortable Granby Rubbers Established Quarter Century. RELIABLE 6300‘ For the next two weeks we are offering special value in to Piece Toilet Setts. To secure these goods at the price ne were compelled to buy in original packages containing many more setts than we usually carry in stock. To reduce this line we wil give you the advantage of our shrewd buying. Samples of these goods on exhibition in our window on Satur- day. November 19th. Ask the prices. Crockery Department Choice Cleaned Currents. in). packages Choice Seeded Raisins. ‘ Fine mm Currants Selected Valencia Rm. . Crescent Valencia M51115 We desire to call your special attention to our By importing our Fruits direct from the W we have béennble to accuse exceptional value end can therefore od’er our customers theeeflneent, and below, the prices usually paid for otdinuy goods. On: specialb’e: are i SPBATT KILLER, They at; the ï¬nest grown. Crosse a . Blackwell's Peels Valencia Almonds Shelled Grenoble Walnuts Crescent Brand Raisins Fancy Lanai Cost. Aplmroushowgods Granby Rubbers wear like Iron. DIBEGI' IMPBBTATION. TOILET SETTS. £213," a £1133: Bog: 8:75