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Lindsay Expositor (1869), 2 Jan 1873, p. 4

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Mr. John "World nomiiiatéd Mi: S i Wainwri‘éxt, a. gentleman who had been h g faithful public servant in the position‘of 3 Cdfinciflor for a. number of years. The { animation are -sec-):xded'by Mr. John 3 011587.?- . , finivainwright fen: obliged £0125; friends 1 forthm’r repeated proofufgonfidence. Be ‘ did not (:0th the positiun. and had never'v _ solicited a vote, But considered that when. elected it was hi3hdntyk aqvattend- to the duties; and he had always done so to the bayofghis jttdgment ‘ ,‘ fill,” . fix.- J . W. Slaven, nomatea by Messrs: ’ 5:6.Mimnn anti-‘1’. Keanâ€"declined. ‘ Mr. James Jackagn nominataer. John Bailey: for re-elecfiofi; He said that Mr. Bailey, ahd his fim,‘7wexe aewndto none in wtei'pw. :‘ Dix! got think it. wise to. change L'umcifigrs evgry year. Was 33t- isfiâ€"ed in}: t‘w: {5411-71160}; thy Reeve. and tha.’ :Emdfirgvss again: ’. him were unf- “unded‘ )Ir.‘ K. More seenudizd the xmmznaxiun. He fimnght Cuunciuor Bailey had isboured for the interests of the Village. With reâ€" gard wthe Reeve. he thought when we had a good pld servant v75 oughg to prize aria-keep him. ‘ ' ' “‘ 7 _ n -1 W ,__t-:,-.1o\,... pkg mg'z- .r ‘0! mo XIIWer- -,- ...- gard wthe Reeve. he thought when we hula pld servant w on htto ’ snakes him. . ~v I ‘5 g 3‘: pm Mr ohn Barley explained that th: reéo son why «even-tenths Hf the 1mm y m 9‘99”de south of Mississaga sheet was A... .5- Mar out was laid out-on in: ‘3!” “If” gouty. rfiV - E’mvementn on Penn-street, which were required to 8.50211 residents Of all pans of the‘ vifiage agood road a: the station He’ thnuflt it wasa nmhske nut tn have Mr. Quinn; upop the Streets Committres. A Batepxye â€"â€"Hoy abuus that doliar a. plank 2 . Mr. Bailey didjnl. know what was the. cost of laying cow! ghose crossings. He was not anxious for reelection, but if rc- turnec'i” mnld (in his duty. ; w * ‘ -'-' AHAL.‘ u.- mmeu wvuu. \rr n... ..-.-J , _ Mr. G. M. Wilsun nominated Mr. F Kegm, who he h"p€'d_, Wu-ul-t ieuve himsdf fifth? binds of his friends, as he would mike a. ' cod and faithful Commiiiur. Mr. $111. Tudhnpe, 31:, seawnu‘ed the mfiflinztion, because in Mr Kean We would fife ani efficient ofiicial. Afr. Kean said that as it seemedto be the desire of his friends, he Would. stand. They could judge his future by his past cbfiauct. If elected, the Ree“, whSevcr flight be, would notrhave it all his own in ,_ There was unething in which‘hc eased having failed when it: oficé,viz: ‘ . t gown; Mr. Quinn’spromises in re- ‘ ' ce~_tn the market fiend in9black and white. ~Had he known the man who made 3 these promises, he would not hairerso failed. . M}. Quin had pmm-ised him publicly and privately that the Market ground shunld not-cost more than $3,000, and they iould own an eqnifl quantity uf land fmm ‘ Pfii Smith for that purpose The reamm he posed than gentleman now, was that Ewhad deceived hisvcollragues in me Ctu’n- alumnae the ratepayers, In” ftnzs ma. ter. Thahked his friends for the canfidence re- m murmur»?- mme. pqsed in him. ‘ , V ~ Mr. John Hammond. nominatedâ€"and Mr. Robert Bailey secondedâ€"Mr. Gcmée J: Bmth fox: Coupgilmr. -' ‘ ,_ LL ‘L- (‘Annnfl Qer. Booth said he thought the Uonnmx £36 done all they coutd in the way uf im- "7chents with the limited means at fr diswsal. having out Pete . street. icb was fur the benefit of (he wh..~;e. he ght thc amount spent north of Misms ngh atrect quite as large, prubabiy larger- thun what had been exyended Sullth of that 253%. He had spoken tn Mr. Gimy nbuut é culverts required by Mr. Powlcyfit’nd was informed that an arrangement had been made between thnse gentlemen to defer the Work until the fall. Hwicfeud- ed the course taken by the Council in re- ference to the Lialkct Square. He hwi voted in fauna of the Midhnd Company ' ' n , AL I A .v..\Yn A _ ‘ _ ”9!; 1391185 defy ‘sutfh enterpri phcé'. "Thouiht 'ai ”muted at ti; fifi'airs; azid be‘a'ev ea Lu: UVut-Vc an"... .._, ._ fetches to the market. Square. Pie halt voted in faxmur oi the Midi-sud Company getting their ennaent tn use the esplaéxzd‘ , then he z’ounj they hm obuzineui ghercun- 367.1: .," E‘s».- partws uzozz lxlif *2 iyimetema. and that ah they awed» Was a title to wk; site for their sum-11. . Mr. A.Ro3:_>€x:s. n 3:1{Ll1i.ed‘.vheth- r it w .5 ' 75185513. Buozhamt Quinn nadusei Corporation muds to purchase 101g; 3 luxlk 4, west of West street; that the purchase was made in their own names, and the pro- perty afterwards re-sold by' them to the qugorg‘tion 2 v 1 u‘-L .L,. 3...! ‘nnt‘nm. V VI er"..v-â€" - Mr. B'mth replied. thgt the fall beforv last he ani Mr. Quinn were insirx-cted tn‘ purcha=e thwse luts for market. pm‘poses. They were obvaiuezl f- yr$1,509, when‘others were ofi'ering $1,600. The meeting having, been of a somewhat; informal character. and i: bvin; necussary to complete the and i: being nee-mean; to cnmplete me p- rc':::w- a: once, to pt'evsm: Th: y: ‘pyrr: {rum 1,1131; ;~-!o--L‘le-' llama, wry gr. 1:2; chase in their own more, "with the max-2;» . :ion oi holding at 201' me Curgnration. lie deuieé having used corporation money in the transactxon, and stated that. the} handed "Vet the property when required, at the prlce paid. , Mr. Kern nominated Mr.Wm. Tmlhope, 52., on old public servant. ' ‘hu had serve:- the people in a. way which was no discredit- to himself or them. . [.9 nomination was seconiied by Mr. 'G.; e Wilson, and Mr. Tudhope briefly stated that if elected he " would do his duty." Mr. Henry Beard. nominated Mr. Geo. Vick, a: old and wdl-lmown residtnf, of good business parts.th woulde elected, serve the 'mnnicipa‘tity with credit. So gmded by Mr. J olm Hammond. .7 '9 Mn. J. P. Henderson said that Birtiv'Yick Knd'been calted away from thc mletln'g, and he was anthnnzed to s-sy that if elect.» . ed, that gentleman would “serve the pol;- lic interest as his own; and you all know how well he looks after his own inter-cots? I The following Were nnminated. but with- drrW; Robert Baileyâ€"nominated by D. L. Sanson. seconded by John Hammond; A. Tait-by T. W. Mofi'att and R J. Oliver. G. M. Wilsonâ€"by John Oliver and S S. Rbinmn; D. L. Sansou- by R. J. Oliver ‘ and'?. Murray. 1 Mr. S. S. Robinson said that one who 3 presides overa corporation should be above dougnny act which wasn'ot for the pnbf Hc'interes s,‘ howewr benefic al to his own private integst, - He charged that Mr. Quinn, lgnovgwg that one acre held. by the , Gorgogatirtn Wo‘nld nosba enough for. Mar kg: purposeamad purchased the lots round ginnfi compelled the-municipality to take mm at his own price. This he had been a k , tdd- from ininnnatiunobtained, throng}: his official position. A publics ~r~ vnntnhad noright to consiuerhis own poc .4 An; . 1511.G.VI. “’ikon said though he L-ai heard the Been: of the past, 1:! re 1 ae- e of urinture, magi several .czndid. ms in: “@615, upoiavzu'iefy OftO' 6,1201: nehad touched xzpnn the Impurtax t ques- tion of County dn-‘isinn. He urged that ”gym elected tnhe CounciiBuardnest wnhould be pledged to actively 51!} port the tenant. \ He szated that .Messrs. Sufiohindfi‘ Kim. and #:31va 118:1 attend- , 1r ...:-- -nl BIL-151W, .â€"-.â€"_ .7-" , 0*. I u v u " ed the mewm; helu m Mnmxson, and found 1.159 poop}? ‘of that township unam- mously mfitvcm'vi the project. Realm ( Cmuinuai) z‘ WW :- ofwâ€" â€"â€" V _ . . sun 01. tax: was that no apphcahnn had bee“: axle M the Vil‘éss-Zre Coaxial. “'hw'n gush thgucutmn has been presented; this Uutpufufi n “mun; :ecetw a. gram of $200 for tin-.- puryosa, upon ‘ tfxe same tenns as u. had been given pthera, viz: that the vil- lage supylemoâ€"m. it with a. grant of equal swam/1'. Mr. Sutherland had stated that as the Counfy Council he was considered “: Kittie sxmppiug turtle.” While he thou,th that ha. been quite sum-ll unsaid,h~: could not furbcru' :‘cc retort flmt if Mr. 8 go‘; there; the Been: Wuuld and they had w deal wizha lax-gu‘mmpgving mule, 05c 9n- He ,uon: vkr Ln" 1!: Lu: could not forbcru' :‘cc retort :Jmt if Mae. go‘; theta, the Beers: wnuld find they had W deal with a lax-gemmpgzing turtle, 63cm- siderubiv: weigh: but mile izxiiHnupe. He claimed "that the Guild}. had smitified themsdves, and sacrificed .-.n important. advantage by slei: course in regard “to the Rallway Company find the esl‘vXunade. Re- fcrrmg, tn the minutes of the prnceedings ut‘ the Uunucil. 'c Was ‘ fnund that on the 141511 nf May gthey passed a resolution granting pennksinn to the Company to bmld their, milw-sy slung ‘the water frunt npun cundibiun that they fill up the lake b-t'xeen the- shore and the track, tho'cs- plazzzsde to hef r the use of (he commagion. H ean'ng dun~ the C ompang; w on- taking stefis to ubuan ahanlucu cuntrol of the water from fromwthc Government, he called the ‘ Cuuncil together for the pm’puse of obtain- L in: their cons-men » an ‘applicazion for such control to be vested in the Village. The meezing wasxheld on the 16d: Oct, and ‘ on motif»: of Mr. Sutherhmd, seconded by Mr. Booth, thevClerk Was instructed {in make application to the Local Government on Vbehaif of the Curporation, fur the right tn entirely centrel the harbour frnngage within the limits 9f the Villa, . Learning that a certain member of. the Cuuncxl had unwashed the Clerk 3t.” defer making the ‘ application, he wrote Mr. Grant insisting upuu his doing asinstmc‘ted. and protest- 312g againht any such action on: of session. 2 'Mr. Grant stated that the party who , made the request to defer the application. xepresented was being the wish bf t'urce members of the CuunciL Ti w. Quinn cunninuedâ€" Anothér meet- ing of the Councll was held on the 3131: of Octuber, ‘ when the innowing remaining was adopted, on mnitipu of the very samv membz-m who had bsfore intruduced the resolution for an applicati- n to the‘G-m- ermnent, viz: Messrs. Sutherland and Unmn:â€" ' . ’ " That. this Council consents tn the Mid- LI‘ Lucau‘c vhvv w-v.._'. r- , , , this proposition was vofed down in the Council tulluwed it ~xp by azmthxr to up, 1 the remainder of the proce «is of the sale uf the Old. Market, black, to‘ erecting u 3 Market building thereonâ€"which they had cle n-L nu right‘w do accurdixxgto the pro- vi i -. s nf the Act. He (Mr. Quinn) 0.,- puma all these yrxrposatinns. bucausu he sue“ they Wage illegal, and believed them de‘rlmeutal t6‘ithe best interests of the plan. He had nfilrt‘d cme lot, 2, to Mr. \\ m Tuuhov'e fer $1,500â€"twi» years ago in; offered it to Aha sums: party for $100. Could have made $2000 out ‘uf thy: pru- may; but. Sold in to the COrporntiun for $2,900,3nd kept it for; them two Eggs, without taking ad'msmgvemof the rise'in valuev He had nothing against Mr. Sénth- erland‘,'persqnafiy, and hoped ’tbe rate- payers Wonk; elect him if :they thuught him bitter«fitmtl_37toiwndactz tgeirm In re toa‘ ‘ ‘ erred 7 anothe :- gemiguzan, thmfi'ered 1'3ka 3].,- 500 at 9. meet: ingldbn the 23:11 Not, 1871, said that e aryivi-d it'the 'mbétifi'g' late, and was 3515813 by Mr. Bolster the price of thasc 13,de he answei’ed distinct- ly and unhosimfingly $2,000 fora- Market, S4 but that no pgivate individnal could have them at that figure. - He called upon Mr. Wallace, who was present at the meecing; to :3wa this was unmet. .. Mr. Waniaée‘ distinctly remembeted-tho circumstance, and it was as stated by the 3.66%. ' - ‘ ' ‘ ' Mr, Quinn also called upon Messrs. W. Dunn and John C. McMuflen, who were quite positive the price asked“ was 82,0“). - A warm ulna voluntarily corrobont- cu we pup-w- 1-.. Mr: Quinu‘ continuedâ€"He had never ‘ been accused of falsehood; and if it had 1 been {wherwise in this instance, thewstgte-f menu-of these gentlemenâ€"and he might ‘ “bring fez-ward nthers, if it had been con- ‘sidered neces airyâ€"would be suficient. to relisii‘e him from the phmge. Had oxfered one iot for $1500, but. never the two. He went twice 09 the Northern Railway Cem- ,pany uhmt MLTPowley’s culvert, and used other exertions to remove that greimnce, but that gentleman'had not the generosity to mention this. It was not fur the Co:- : pomtion to eneer into mzvstlits about the rights of private individuals. Mr. Quinn again expressed confidence the: at the close of the poll he would'be {{eeVe of Oril lia. for another year. 0 . Mr. utherland saidâ€"Mr. Quinn in his mm, +.. the charge of inon'nsistency in the run.- â€" v â€"~ Mr.” A. Fowlie also voluntarily ed the statement. A 7‘ "A an AV. _-._‘___d Mr. 'utherland saidâ€"Mr. Quinn in his - reply to the charge of inofinsifitency in the ' Eapianade question had not endeavoured to meet the qnestian squarely, but bait about the bush in such 9. manner that it was hard to understand what he realiy meant. Be quoted ail the resolutions in‘ Council on the; matter, but‘no one ever. . denied anything containedin‘ a‘uy of those. There was nothing -to be found-in them 'hat Would justify in the least the course the Reeve had taken ‘He had not ofi'ered one single prooio'f any assertion he had mnde in the twitter; blltfilluply adhered to the same old harangue, With a few varia- tions. Adverting to the that resolution. passid by the Council, consenting to. the milmad running 310:): the shore.“ upon conditious‘that the Company would fill up i the esplanade for the benefitof the corpor- ati-m, Sta, he said that according to the l terms of the Uenenl Railway Act we had no power to compel the Cmnpany to fill either for the coronation of themeelves,‘ and conseqliently they never intended to do anything. of the kind. True, if the water lying inside the track became stag: nant, and we could prove it. a. nuisance,“ we might coinpel them to fill inenouzh to merely abate the nuisance, but nothing more. The second resolution. applying to the Guvernmcnt on behalf of the: Congraâ€" tiun for the water frontage, was through the Reeve misrepresenting the case of the Midland Raiiway Company to the Council. That 'gentlenmn had stated that the Com- pany wvre applying to (:‘ruremnient for the whole control of our hat-ham frontage, and urged the Council to take immediate notion. and apply for the same privilege 'on behalf of the Corporation. This at. the tixm- seemed to him. are well as other mem- bers of the Council, anther extraordinary move on the part of the Company, and not heingncquainted with thelaw on such mat- ters. they thought of couxse there waa no harm in trying. A few clays afzerw:mls M'xjor Bonito“ called upon Messrs. Boat}: and Wainwright and the speaker. and shew- ,...J..:.. on behalf of the Corporation. tixm- summed tn him. as well: bers of the Cnuncil, anther: move on the part of the Cum :mu "WI|"LI:IIU‘.-u“â€"_.-,Vr_,, . in: them gt plum-{the \vzuerfrcmt. cxpkain- ml thajt tho-y Wrrr nut applying tn gz't‘cI-n- trol of the huhourbux merely t'mt portiun nf,the espianmle. or watvr 10:9. lying in- tw- en Nrywmh and Colhurm- strrcts for station purposvg only: that inasmuch as the-y had aheaiy' secured the ussignmonf frum the owuers in fight of the smmc. with xhe exception of one. worming to the tmns uf the Railway Act, they net-d unly apply tn Government to "bu-n what they ahaâ€"n..- 1“ Hn-n‘hvfl “Jilly I.” UUVVA unuv..- required, but heinv desirous of de'lling fairly with the pub ‘0, they Were willing. for the sake of being an amicable term. With the curpormion, tn do anything re- ‘ quired by the Council to facilitate we‘ve-u ‘ to the water by men or teams. and to con- -‘ tinue through to the lake in a. propermam net the streets, sewers, c... an ’somake all necessary approaches. slips, steps, and other conveniences. providing the Council Would consent to their occupying the expla- nade. This, he said. wouldshow the Gov- ernment that-there was no double dealing on their part, but. if the application from the Council cht down, the Govern- ment would only ’31: longer time to con. sider, and they wished to proceed at once with tie Work. He(Mr. Sutherland) then, with tie consent of Messm. Booth and Wainwright,informed the clerk that it was their desire that the communication from , the Council tn the Government should be ' withheld for a. few days, or until the Coun- cil met. so that they might have more time to fully conaider the queetion. In- the meantime Mr. Quinn. hearing of this, in- structed the Clerk 32.39"} "33‘ \the' commu- ___-_ 4.....L nication at once. He (Mr. S.) was struck l with the Reeve's great eagernessto prevent 1 the Railway Companyfrom obtainin the ; grant, but upon being informed by jor Buulton that they could not come to Mr. Quinn’s figure for his swamp, where they at first intended to locate their station, the cause of theopposltion was explained. This mu where the shoe pinched. It was not 'the interests of the ratepayers Mr. Quinn was lwking after in the matter, but by eade flooring to drive the Railway Com- pat: y ofl‘ the esplanade, he was furthering his own selfish ends, and itsuccecsfnl would have forced them to put-chm of himat an % cnomlons price, there being no other al- tel-native. He (Mr. Sutherland) would like to ask the Clerk-wheu' er be forwarded the communication in question to the Gov- ernment! ' Mr. Grantâ€"I did. Mr. Sutherlandâ€"Another question. Did you ever receive a. reply I Mn, Grant-4 did receive a reply. Mr. Sutherlandâ€"And. why was not thi< reply laid on the table when asked for at we 1:23;..00011611 meeting. _ (Sensation) 1 can tell you; gentlemen why that communi- cation “:85 not laid. before the Council; becafiw 0f, its contents being 'ndverse to the eeve’n selfish views, he an pressed it. (Loud Cheers )l p ,,-__ nâ€"A:OAA‘“ \_I vulva? Befure the next meeting on the-31:6 October. be ob -lugal advice in the Ouumy, 3. Railway Compwy, hm ; thana Carpal-axial; thst :1 mm possegssion ofthe espla Â¥ drcnnmcu. and that the BAL nu thefilst'anbcr. he outs-Lei we be“ legal nd‘iee in the (Lung, and f und that :1. Railway Compuly, 11nd gTeater power: than} Corporation; the: they cunld main- ' um: possegsa'ion of the esplanndc under the circmdtanws. and that the better way u... to make the most out of them for the vil- He also found that 1: m and; cm- tuma'ry for the Government to make my 513:th u the-Council was spplyingfor, as they had usually refused similar pppli- mduna item other municipalitiesâ€"fur ex- ample,_Ccllingwwd and Gravenhursy He then saw the utter folly of both the forum: reyflw'iomgand the still greater folly of trying to obstruéi ,fl.‘ nndcmking‘that mustibe considered a great public good. i THE EXPOSITOR.. 0mm (very excitedly)â€"l never -"J . v Q . mectmg o: the‘Cgmnczl, Boulton on behalf of :theg‘pémpanynfio moved,.and Mr. Boath WWW mnmm 'veu show, in Hy: ZZthn’s spexchkw " was carried m‘xan?nmmly-â€"~ same ud‘except the Reeve, whu was very wrdthy at its passage. Then with renewed viguur he oonnuenaed the: tirade of gp'buse Wfiqgflfi'SJin his own scurrilous L ,A _._:..L 1.-.! hm“ ("Symon .n-Hcvaâ€"i, meet. tinzl?¢chct, wh: ch had been fidugon for the last six months. 7 ‘\ '4. " i- ”c 01 Mr. 3nther1md,â€"â€"I do not pretenuw say pqsinnly that Mr. Quinn is the p10- pnewr, but what I do know is. at the time’ Dr. Ramsay " jumped the bmumrtick" on railway, (he friumu 3nd suppmersot' the Midhnd Myers very indignant as him, and the 'queshon ox In oppmition paper was iquuced by Mr. Quinn, who said fiho‘ tn now belonging to this sane {Packet ooulgsbe puruhued chap, there- npgn 1W to enter into partner-hip - ,h mm. a..." hut. when pox-we could not sgree. (cheers), conse- quently I withdrew, and Mr. Quinn tent in on his own ,hf’ka 9nd I he‘lievu If -....I in U" nu ku>u‘~_, _. â€". , _ V A this tunic indfi-idual as editor. (Loud cheers.) However this any be, I do say that he makes unof the Packet to abate me in the most d'ugraenful manner. No’t‘ satisfied with confining themselves to my public ache, they must descend w the low- est depths uf pammdabuse. Still, I have nothithcr m n: vtieedthuir 00M sully nthscks, yeither do I intend to hereuf:er. (Hear, hear.) I am satisfied that the good think- .ing portion or the community will louk ‘ with mummy. 1:11:11;qu pmcewdings «u i th: p31 of any journal; whetfler clniun g â€" _,_. luau- Lnnr ) but ’3 I! v; “I: ‘v_-.."_' , m , mspegtagbfli “gray-n. (Hear. hear.) And why is it 1 3:th abused? Because 1 refine 1‘ tn he led" by the now; because I zghmmu to; act independently, and not 'be made a party to the Ram‘s trick. ry at the Council Baud; yet he. and his miner- able creatures Emplqud'for tin purpM have made ita. specialtyinh-yifig ta write me dun, with such pain'ul itemtiun that £Veu their own fn'cnds 4w..- buth git-emf and ashameJ of their conduct. (Hear: hear.) Mr. Quinn. in his uddrcos tn the elec- tms, had taken the wry extmv'rdiunry grounds inrzhe mane: t0 which he had al- ready reform“. and also ‘stnted at the _A,_4. "I‘m” IUD"! nv.y.-vâ€"- V St. Anfix’efi‘g Sgpper that the mrpnratinn Could have‘o‘htaiué‘dlfor thvmselves w hat. the Midland Cémifiny are nuw applying : _ _._ l .....+lu.r that. afh‘r th¢ C"ll.|,mll_\' tuc o'Ll‘Ilun-u- vv._ . fur, and turthc; tfiaf'afwr the Cnmpauy obtained pubu'kim uf' ‘he E~phumdc we had up furshcr cuntnfifilht the amditiwus :macbed‘ to the. resulmiun were worrh'ean. which they had 3134» heard him nirvrare tn-dny, a-r nearly so. Mr Quinn's v en's. uutwnthsxauuing his boasted mumczpni experience, and his unscrupuluuu endea- vours to poison the minds hf the peuplr. i:- this unmet, to has (Mr..S.'.-) diwredit. he w‘vuId shew him by d-mumeuts that he but, nut unly guilty uf gr-umrepmsenmtiuu to the public from beginning to end, but that he had jcupanlise-l the interests uf the peuplo in hie ardent desire to cling to of- fice. Seeing the't-bst nare emu-3e pursued by Mr. Quinn in this plana'lv question, Mr. Sutherland. for-1J- nwn iinformatiun, cummunicatw m the Gchrnmeut, and received the following reptyz' ’ Dan-mm or 0mm: LAW } 'l‘urgmtnthg 11th. 1872. Hccn Smnznmxo, 15qu Crime. Sm. â€"In reply to we: letter of the 9th inch. 1 I have to say that it is. and it alwavn bu been the pheiice "f the Dem-tnwnt. ’unliq» «in: of water lugs, to recognize the tighzu ml the pri- vate owncxs of the 1.sz inane-Jena,- in rear 0f said lots. 1:: the we referred to. nnmely, of the water frontage of ()rilliu, fur which the Midland llailwsy Company are now applyin-g. the.Uo vratiI'n of Uriuia could not obtain n grant 0 such vuter frontage with-mt filing as- sxggnente from the lumen of the neural .lotd in mathmof. in’thé same way a the Railway Company are uuwmnired to do. V ._ ' . ' Your Ubedicnt Servant. THOS. H. JOH XSON. Ass’t Commissioner. He then communicatedto the President of‘ the Railway, asking whether they were willing to execute bonds to the co )ntion ’ coveringr the Conditions uttach to the reenlntion in Council of the 31M. October ‘ but, to which he received the following re- ply: _ _ , . "1.3.. 5“- m;nt anw 01' “WE w: ------ _ , . _ willmeet romuo s anym‘gencence. We m w desimus uf obeum’ ng Made tothe hand one by ourm capital, which it u neces- any to do where such outlay is inn-bed. The people of Urillia can alwnyo rely upon this Lompany computing in any shape in their power for theAdvance of the general prosper i of the place. \ ty I amasir. yours faithfunv. ; - - 13. E. BOUIJ-‘ON. ' j '“‘ .. V President. Aithough it wu~not abmhite'iy necessary that he should ham: obtained this assur- ance from the deland Railway Campany. still it was satisfactory to know that they had no intentiun‘ of doing anything detri- L mental to our interests; because he was ; informed, both by the Garcr'nmcnt and l the Railway Cuugpany. that those very conditiuus‘which he 1nd referred to. would be covered in their patent frum the crown. The Reeve”; were pretext that the Council should have called a. public meeting first -â€"_£or 11%3: comiier.t}1e propnetyyg one indi ' emanating poverty «to an-‘_ k": - DEAR 81' ,â€"â€"I beg to acknowledge the receipt ‘ of your letter concerning the occupation of the water.» frontage ofUrilh» for station purposes. . With regard to the_tw-\quutiulls rhercin as): , the V inland Railway Utimpa‘r‘uy will execute ... _~_. .L:..b n... ‘vw WAIT-It“ ”a uw< ‘â€"v ._ . the L iuLm Railway Unmpany wdl execute any legal documcn: the Uuuncil may think ne- ceasary embodying the c4mditioml attached tn the resolutions relax-red to. maki ., the exec!» dun of the fencing. as all milro. ornpsaues Are bound by 13w to fence their mtion ground, but unless so ccmpelled. it is not likely the Company will «a do so. It is to the interest of the compan to put eVery facility in the way offinilding wiarv who ad one mama-um Wine; “‘6 2"?" ._. otha,m'}fich' was he‘d-in his own righ‘mnd ! that of his heirsâ€"was simply :Lhcznd. But- if he 11:14,}: he pretenus. that ull-weing eye uf his ever open to the intex'vx-tsd this carporatiun, he would have called a pub lic meeting a year ago; Intake into omnid- cratiun the propriety of the curpommu obtaining, frum the private ownem, awign- , ments nf their'right tn the water Ermmgc, ! bcfure the same Was 00:1chqu tn the Mxi- ‘ laud R ilway Company. But be suppo: 0.1 ; It would not. have suited Mr Quinn‘s uw‘u z permmal intexe t‘ then, 3-: he mightflluost have i-gcncunsidezegl 3;. employee oi ‘32:; Railway Cumpcay at that time. This fins 1 "mummy; of his Shrinks; apzdiy‘ a? ; I: £- : ‘JANU43Y. 2.514 at the ' all“! wratiun ng‘l us what the pplying evi .m‘muy pul Mic we um laid-ms ‘ flu u) q ”7, 7 ,, ofthemrketeite wherei’ i1. rte-tony whet m limp!)v nut 'tru ‘. AI-to.the . chuge of extortujgfioo mom for 105 1: end 2 than had beeflegree‘d upoubetween himself end certain other members of the olduCounciL he hand may nude 3 very lane defence. While denying that there was say, egreoment made for 8150:. he had not attempted to say that the lmrgmin was $2000, but clung to the only semblance ufg'pretextthathe hadat hoax-min Pub- lie meeting stat-ed in answer to a question put to him that he wanted 32000 for the property; and in support of this he ha} called upon severe! gentlemen to eu‘mtan~ time hi3 statement, but he (Mr. Suther- land) was prepared {4'- an upon an unlim-v : ited number}: prove that the answer t-v ‘ the ‘selflwne queatitm was 81300. (M. S. here named Mean. F'Kem, L. Wilson. G. M. Wilson, “T. TndhoPe. and said he muld name twenty more ‘if tweesa-ar'.) {1 Butthi: meeting. ire-hell long after ' 'e time the Rome hand with the old Cduu. d! that the cor' ‘ratiom shall” have the In“ for the same as would have In he paid Sutherland Stnyuer fur 10's 3 and 4, via. $1510, and tu e'xbfltajlfintoithis Messrs. Kenn and flirt-re. who ‘were then his cow. fidcuhzd c- .1'..\c\g‘:w~‘ m the Councii. were wailing 1 ' Inn-1‘ affiaavit. as Mr. Kean hm! already stikd, “m! .31500 was the prime agreed upon. lichen-r, laying aside fur the tweak-u! this Memilul)’ c(mtra.d§ctur-* evidrncc as tn the price xne'diuucd at the public meeting. he (Mr. S ) had nth-r am: more auhsmztfinl o-vidwnc" to 511‘ A? $213.“ , ’m: iunprvssiun nf the public '_{~"L‘X'-'t‘.ly was ; "' ‘ those lute were in end uniy 8150'}. ; In the "<be uf the 7th~Mnrch lent. and _._|.... u“! h. Hideâ€"nee as to the price public meeting. he (Mr. [um-o: substgufizd o‘vidr juat Lefuro the locmticm W81 sumnicwu m the rate ycrs. acomm-mimtiou nppeurul, headcd,“.The Market Question," and nigg- cd‘J. S. It was scnrcer neoepazgry .(nmy that‘thin same cummumca! nu Wu New}~~ ganeruliy unltratmxi ,at the time to be. from the pen nf J as Sam-on, Esq” and in justice tn that gentlcmnu it was but rigid to any that “pun :my suhj act Mvch he an nentakes t- write be in general}; Well in ‘ onned. And as (he cnuvmumwtznm was .-. le .gthy (me be (Mr. Sutherlnwi) wunhl only read that poxtiou touching the mat ter in question: . , ,1 “ It will unit of r it, vcecumisti of mark LWJ .mm'thc "361.: umhich is flag-415‘ ed-M.“ 4)); b-ai let a w 1.9-0 m me, hands-4m- . .. “an A-.. 1h. 1]., Sm‘Lh. m.“- ter m quantum ‘ , "1“ “ It. will permit of rm1~lenwce cumming g5 nearly LwJ .W;'thc price 0! which is afihat‘ «1-3: 5‘ 4)); b-mi la a w 19-0 m me, hands-«nu I) prqcuud unbe viluge bv Mr. Smith. m4;- iug in all than: three mom" ' He askefl every intelligent rah-payer pre- svut Whefll-‘l‘ in the {we uf leis cmmuuwi ' ‘ ‘1â€" . A .....I.I€.u :unl He asked every intelligent rsltcpa.;.-er ire. svnt whether in the hue uf this CH‘JUII'JIH rattan gab»; hm “5633' t D Ch:Q Dublic. just at tin-tun: when the ratep were «eve :xb-m.‘ tr vote upuudhe It must haw men; kw: "cation, seeing; :u in wing all he must Lan- knowu, (fur no doubt tin: euxnmmdmfiun was nutter; at hit suggestion, as he j; generally binning, from ”mu .to post abuzz clectiou times. craving as little cheep unto- riety tnroqu the pspers). that i:' th. re was 1 2m}. error in he augment that the two ‘ acres were to cost $50”, viz‘, $1503 tn Shyner and $1500 we». the tune for the o it, and not!» wait hken, and than say, for he two lids. that ReeVeto llitVr c Irs'em‘o 0in flat the vote Iva‘.‘ so he had said in i‘me Post uflice.1nthe rusewee of half- Pduzm gentlemen. that t e {maple th trapped tinemselva, inasmuch as hwy had voted in take 1133 property, and wuuld now be com pehed tn purchnie at his price. ,1! mus :53, very Well for him to propvrty :1! w he. can say that if he had 1‘; :- Xd we)! it for imam", b-J 1t should be reuv-mbered that t'xc-udvaueu- in priee uf property in that vicinity was in 1 ctmsequenee of the there. ‘ Issue pemnn would LLLI‘ket Debt-g located Agile, Mr, Quinn said, "3“:er guy hsve considexed the queation n11 eettled after the Vote 1nd Been "taken? Mr. Sutherland was rut-prism! at 'thi! ststement. inasmuch as the lime tin reply-to I. qmgtiou p Caouueil Board on the 14th Maxis“, and which was geported in the Council pmed- 'chn WI! anucuu~w.v--, _ inga, that that very meeting was called for the pin-pace of settling the price. which he laid W33 to be find by the ,‘Cuuucil after the vote had. taken, and now he stalâ€" tified himself ' uyingb that it Was all set. tled beforehau . And ere let it b0 under- stood tint another little trick was Wrmptcd, in which Mr. Q. ’s selfishness ngniu crapped out, viz, that we should exchange 101 1, .1 full half-acne on the front street, fur: small gum in Far, belonging to himself. this lot 4 being four times the value of his gore. This ”taunt was made without any previ- on; intiumtiuu to the Council. or any one else. except the tu‘o pliant assistant. he had in“ the Council: and although Mr. Booth stated to him afterwards that he was better pleased at the result thwif his motionhad been untied. bedtime be was sorry he had ple‘fged himself to Quinn to any out the scheme. to his (Mr. Sutherland's) us; tonisluneut. Mr. Booth fell again into line at his mutet'e bidding. gun moved the sum. ablation. He‘ uked- whdhefir'in ....J Lu.“ Jud in View of 'xh 30 ‘3‘ movin ' t :.e fol Booti. a mu «u o. 1 h“. hwy"? .N.luu,on-x-s.ndl he mu wounded adopécd :519 men} pt: uilhto resurt lu dire taxes bung already as hig ht" puI'er (0 30”.. It -II by Mr. Qumn and hbffiui interesxeu 2n the Market Cuuncal had no powfr u: Batu" "I raw - ~~r~ â€". : lnts “melt” and «My 3150!). rkat uf the “uh-March 1348. and c the lmmtinu W31 submitted to Lye“. a. communication uppcarui, The Market anm," w-i sign: It was scarcely necepmry .lnaay , __u-‘. 7‘. I” ‘I'w-v 4" V . '. ‘ As (Mr. Sutherland's) us- Ir. 800th fell agzc'm into line 'I bidding. and movvda the an. He asked» hating/in f-gL-h. Le was nut justified in almwuu amendment to Mr. .“mx'vf 5 - flyi-’ - ‘ «the. we, mama Wc~w 5%: w -‘ ‘ ':“"fll6 kc}: vhsi'e it is, Mr. ’ ~- -- “- . would giye six Qifii‘algnt 159 what it 'w und‘necasarytomee'fromm‘her Muslin, in rear of said pmpegty,’ be- : : thawing lots on the Com-v33: Rodi ‘ . ‘* msdfmm; hand-Bill untied by Mr. 1:”, .Qginn. and stud that would my intelli- ‘ ;W_rqfly . ‘gentman infer fmmrthe words mntatnad mafiw‘vu in «herein, “ an mount and wwhat it we} :.title for SW found new 00 purunaoe frum «'vther Ln 1866,” h_ namii- individuals, tooumpiwtothe bloCk" ? Was finisher portion in. it not that having to purchase nne acre thg m mu. 0:. Jam Mr. Stanza, and anotheryncne from the carpomi't“ )9"? m. “of Vi: .miuh, fire ”Biuuld hxvd hm acres} pa: agggift. besides the thno nemat‘ ' ‘ 'e-Ihich 153's uckn-wwicdged by 4 aer "i‘wau Godudl to Be an ; ’3" Ir- :ifinwluW-dyâ€"u promised bv Mr. yné O'Brien, to‘thv: Cuuncil. Moreover, the :1 gift hag-(Keane Metrmwhve been in l'n £00 qimple, whcgw it. had only beeg, ot- f'etiil’imd, ap‘d the quantify dwindled ed avian-foam: -m.q " m Hrf‘Sntherhnd-cdhd " Hr. Win- sy wright, who com ‘ ' , ' “statement he 9.: t6 zhé ski-69m state sprint being} #1 distinct and Ippgutemftgromw land m “lava -nu WP..." row of the Mar . “21' wt W \Vs "-Ivnv _v- ,. _ ‘ My; Sutheafizd‘ ' he n33 ‘ Mr. Quinn had dude wartime W‘- nt thé undentauding withing- 'Bfign m M the gift was oniy tn be same uljo' ‘ and the matter wemod ‘po have” M ' midcrstood by Mr. James 153123011. from later qunted above. But gain we difl-ul'euf venisiuu in the PacM.(“»ohi§ umzm. rec-411mg") of NuvemUr‘r Sim-é.â€" ‘ “The Reeve 6231de «plan he hall‘s pmfia'e'fmm :Pnfomt’a-‘Jdfiijs of p f ' Vgramt of [and {wmh‘ufid' f own My; pant - - jfiwg “.4 the (Input-whoa} ' m or: m J; c ‘19:: size; who ,. ’tyofsecnr‘ ing the lots nn otthoaefi'on‘hng' on West street. to the Communion could, by continuing Tgl'isuisngn aim-ex through 69,53. mm M find cunning aw” 6’ N‘oztuvum «It-mt so as“ 1,-- bring it hay-chm; o! the umrkct_ site. have a fine block of land. directly wrlblefmm 2.12 annex-I and enfinly isolated {mm the adjacent Qwerty by a. street ruun'ug entirely amuud it; further said, that uhouh chc Nu gushed arrangement In; “flied not. he feltrconfi‘k‘nt be 11 bejable doo ‘ to procure the ptrk lot on mhic the spring is j situated, we a. gift to the c rmwaLinu «After ‘ Bumc‘ deauhurv diwussion it wzs res-‘lvodâ€"mniy some six «can: fusing grainy: fifth“ the siw "UK" we -- ----- “râ€"r‘ ~r . . . t0 procure the park lot on which the spring is situated, as a gift bu the awningâ€"After turner demhurv discussion-“was res»olved._..n1y some six urclghc vnsiug again 2 ic~that thesih: Why Chg Revue bchwbedfi'v 3;; a It 'might‘fiwc as‘md‘ whrrfiii he (HE'S) co‘né .- I ‘ ‘ c. o “In..- ,-u. fl QJMy Wod- After some further remarks from both candi- uhm far thc.Recves}xip_. {vote-31f $13.ng .113- Hm "cyan c::c:x_!~tz-n: um. Lu: .m-uucu .5...“ am village shfii‘tb“ was name. He mail; at- umexhe clvcmm int numb»: pmmpzed the cams}: he and when butau hum-w: desire up pro- mutp: fin- volfm'c af the place. nudexpresaedthe n-rpe h. t if elected he wmxld give no cause. for chem to regret t‘gcir .lwtion . Notwithmndin the boastful‘manncr in which Mr. Quinn h declared that he Would be [how for 1873. there move cm of nlucurity fast cloning around 1pm. spud glut be ‘woxdd .meive on the 6th of A A: , ,n, ,MI,:A.I_ mag n76: 'iiéiixé'iJé'mmvmm me chair. Chet-'93 for the Queen. and Messrs. Swim-13nd. and Quinn, ass-minded the proceedings. ' Ham; Nuts 59 the tide of the htest .andidat‘e for ~{he favour of the newapaper reading ublic, from Toronto. The pub- linhen. wan Big-k3? ##5## pro Influlo, “VIII“. u. _'. ‘ ___,_,. - . 7 mise a long list of $5311: Jntdbuwu. ‘ Howm'm; we may difl'gr from the Hail other respects, We cannot charge it with lack of enterprise. As a gamer-ct of the very lawn. intelligenoeit baa no superinr, and but anaequal, in the ‘ Dammion. its a Ch‘intmas gut to sxmscri'ners, the pun- linhera ixmxed a. fin ii-sbee; nipplement, c- m- nining Charla Readc's Christmas Story, “ The Wandering ii. ir," uhich has been pecured at a c'muidcmhlc outlay. If thv Mail wen: as circumsp'xtt pditwally as it isrcugr‘frising as, a newspaper, it. mm bit It.“ rival 415 the Globe for the-furo- inost pua'iuun amungst (Minn journals Tm; MOJZREL. Warns-s, aha}: unique ‘ m the newsisger nun. has gamed a world-j mde repumuou though the ad: add : emery-ix wnicu John Dung.- in chief ‘ wu‘n‘xozur, hm, shown in starting a lixe paper unxtur me same mane in New» Ynuk. .'.\oi.w:.latinding_ um 14: up“; has encr- .1», in: M ”mm pupcr s-‘mna tn uhuw every us} ncw sign» "1' wwhtyandviguxâ€" both in the mama».- :1! (Le “manual;- as the uni Illa ediumn at a. tune, alien vthm“ ‘ d. y papers are increaaln; tm-ir latices; the l improvement. in 14¢: up." and m the'eva- w de-mmke and indeger-denm editonal de- thmeuu ‘ lu rpm ’nf the gaming 1: penny: ui ever: clung, We beliew tn.- Wm maintains a verg large and, and ya“ (1er 13mm- whbuever rapi "0y andnccu- moymy by chum-win: pcém-ooed. *1! Is urinal; m'uauxy 2039ch a marvel n. Jumndism, and it M no: waqderful that the pubhshers Into" a; image mercy-e In their lulhcripliuu list m in“ of. J ‘3‘ Ac. La». 1...â€" .. v v 1 Agent forjhcxhkvilio Nurseries, will he st Mr. J. D. O'BRIEN‘S STORE, every Why. to receive out?“ for Fruit and Umamebml Tubes, Shrubs. 6.13., c. order.’ Drillis. 5°9- 3nd~ .._â€"â€".~».â€"-W'~ r0 ' EVERY- FARM E3 iifibnasox. e'smjoedludfl‘” him 5m". ‘3“ Q.‘ ‘m‘ . .m 1-610 Jamal“ is ‘ahépou. which H. LYON, 33‘ :I fit to Wm» E it '5' _$!5ope‘ypn.xxtb J AS .SHANAHALN. 6' Superior workman-hi? don ‘t a. lowest powble Prim f” “‘h ‘ ‘ -~ ‘” T. )IAUIihL‘ Is preparqgi “E1 Anhehiuflup " .iwhgawtqlfi; tufingW nojl‘omtuf dealcnwflldoii' MmeW- 4.; .7“ ,1 .- I'n-a ' _- Gui-Remember his 9111, “and nation to. Pmy‘ s Oysterm S: loom. MWW’ 163:1 Low-9x ‘P‘A%R.ISi-’ HOUSE. . m will! Medanial Wawhmaker and Jewullel much pleasure in uzmunucing tn lie, that he has opened 1‘ the I! LARGEAE iORONTO Gold and Silver Watches. REPAIRING I’ROMPTL‘I .' SATISFACTION GIVEN! SQMET MG NEW; Pattemm's N ,w Patent, Two Horse SAWENG Rhcmm STRAVV CUTTER SEWING 1341;103:3me Sans'bu's Smut. \VM. PERRET, VA? GEO. WAINMAN,» Shaving. M's St" Orillifl‘afiev'dovn out of-thc “Albion HmeL" Hammond’s Banding, when found a. Jewellayfif every duct'iptinn, «be AW proving CU MWG’S. CELEBR ATED Oran... 9mm: 17th. 1872. NTASSEL, NEWTON AND SH..LMPOQIXG SALOON, Jeweller! Esza‘bhshmcnc ; , '~ ‘ (w ,. ., ' In 0111113? - SD WELL SELECTED STOCK BEAVEBTON 01? in“ .mxmé‘; :- (Sweeney-to T. Boyd.) 'elicry Esmblishmenc 1 and . .ellcr, ha

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