suitor. not ï¬lm." so... " gnrssnrrs, Off/1.1.111. 9th J A J" 1873. DEATH oï¬â€˜xmuou: (By special Telegram)†.\ The Fix-Emperor Napoleon died at ChiSelhurst, this morning at 12:20 o’clock. Household in deepest dis- tress. Empressinconsolable. -â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"Q o.- IIHIIGIPM. 513011338. ORILLIA. On Monday last, though quiet, the election Was keenly contested, and a. strong feeling of excitement was manifest. . For the Reeveship, Mr. Sutherland maintained the lead from the poll opened until noon. when Mr. Quinn turned the nmjoiity, and kept steadily advancing until at the close he was tWenty ahead. From an early hour itwas evident that the Councillors would be Messrs. Booth, Wainwright, Bailey, and Kenn. The following is a statoxnent of the num- ber of votes polled byeach candidate: For Reeveâ€"lâ€"Quinn, 117; Suther- land, 97. F or Councillorsâ€"Booth, 129 ; Bailey, 1225; ‘Wainwright, 128; Kean, 1'20; W'allace, 106; Tudhopc, 71; Wilson, 80; Vick, 61. At the close of the poll the several candidates, elected and defeated, ad- dressed the electors, thanking their supporters, and promising to “ bury the hatchet†for another year. So mote it be. . ORILLIA AN D MATCHEDASH. In this‘fownship the Reeve, John Regan, Esq., was elected by accla- mation. There was a. close Contest bet 1'Ireen Plunkcttund Lovering re- sulting in the return of the latter by a. majoriry of eight votes. Every-' thing passed of in the most quiet and orderly manner. The number of votes polled for each candidate were as follows zâ€"Trimble, 14:4: ; Harvie 137 ;Thomson, 129; Levering, 88;and Plunkctt, 80. NARA. Reeve?hiliplicRae,Esq.,Deputy'- Reeve, J. P. Foley. Councillors, Messrs. McPiece, McDonnld and Hannon. ' TOWNSHIP OF MACAULAY. Jr. R. E. Perry,Reeve. by acclaâ€" motion; Moore, James, Tookey, J. Cooper, . and W. Kirk. ‘ BARBIE. Mr. Bo‘yu elected Mayor by a. ma.â€" jority of sixty over Mr. Simpson, the former Mayor. â€"Burton and Scwrey. The Coun~ .cillors for‘St. Andrew’s \Vard are Rows-nu, Ross and Sullivan ; St. Patrick's “Yard, Messrs. Seels, Bull, .and Hickling; .St. George’s Ward, Messrs. Dg. meut, Anderton and Mis- campbell were returned by ace-lama.- :tion. There was great excitement MIDONTE. Hr. Wm. N. Rutledge elected. to the Reeves‘hip, by a. majority 0f 90;â€"Fit-zgerald elected to Deputy- Reeveship by acclamation; Messrs. Craig, Levering, and Daddy, Coun- .cillors.‘ l I CEO. John C. Steele, Reeve; JasJohn- ston, Deputy-Reeve; Th’os. Edmond- son, James Robertson, and John T. Partridge. Councillors. MUSKOKA TOWSNHIP.‘ Reeve, J .‘ P. Cockburn, by acclaim- ation ;Councillors, J. T. Kirkpatrick, Thos. Jones, W. H. Taylor, and Thus Featbets‘toue. ' moms. Chas. Robinson, Reeve; Donald Ross, Jas. Cameron, Chas. Galloway, and Duncan Gillespie, Councillors. ‘ mounisox. J. H. Jackson, Reeve, by acclama- tion. For Couucilloraâ€"McCielland, 4-9; McCormick, 4-7; Canning, 38; Robinson, 37; Winnko, 14%; Clipsham, 13. â€"â€"â€"--.O. ACHILDwas found dead in bed at Midland, on the 2nd inst. Cor- oner Dr. Spohn was sent for, but on his arrival, and after hearing the as Councillors, Messrs M. l Deputy Reeves: )7 l 'childreuâ€"a c1153 which, I regret earners resources. , srsncn 'rnox rm: 1:73.052. Yesterday at three o’clock p. m., Excellency the Honourabie‘v‘v°illia.m Pearce Rowland, C. B., Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Ontario, proceeded in ' State to the_Ciuunber of the Legislstive Ammblyfld, being seatedon the throne, qâ€"s ‘ was pleasedto open the Second Session of the Second Parliament of the Province of Ontario, with the following Smell:â€" M r. Speaker and Gentlemen of the Legisla- tive Ammbly :â€" I am rejoiced in meet' on 'n to deliberate on. the affairs ldlfg the P;og:ince, I am able to congratulate you on the con- tinued prosperity which the Province has enjoyed during tbepast year. l We have now had six years’ experience ’of the working of the great measure of Confederation, which the people of.Upper Canada frankly uceepted, 3nd from which they anticipated much advantage, and I am conï¬dent you will agree with me thnt their expectations have in a. large measure : been realised. In some of its details the l Act of Union may have done loss than jun- ? tice to this Province, and incidents to be regretted my have occumd, u in the first establishment of all new constitutions; yet the general effect on the local affairs of Ontario has been eminently beneï¬cial. The administration of our local afl'airsis now in ’ our own hands; and our revemfe has on.- ubled us, without taxation, not only to de- fray all the charges of the Provincial Gov- ernment, and 9’s», afford essential aid to nu- merous railway enterprises and other pub- lic Works and improvements, but also to accumulate a. surplus, now amounting to more than four millions of dollar-3.. The policy to be pursued ‘with reference to the surplus, will doubtless engage your attention during the present session. I l hope that the existence of this fund will enable you to place on a satisfactory foot- ing the debts owing to theMunicipal Loan Fund, and at the same time to do justice to the rest of the Province. I earnestly recommend to your attention such mea- sure: for these purposes as may be laid be- fore you. The works on nearly all the Railways to which, during last. session, you approved ofgiving aid, have been prosecuted with vigour. Some of .these Railways have been so far cempleteal that thly are now open for trafï¬c; and extensive sections of the country have, by means of your grants, secured permanent Railway facilities which already exercise a. most salutary influence on their industial interests. .The claims of other raiIWays will be presented to you during the present session. 1 hope it will be found that, withoutun unhealthy stimu- lus being given to railway enterprise, and without unwise expenditure on the part of municipal corporations, every part of the vaince may, at no distant period, obtain the railway facilities adapted to its requirements. The beneï¬ts which have arisen from aiding the drainage 'of swamp and wet lands in diï¬â€™erent parts of the province, points to the advisability of your consid- ering further provisions for bringing, by this means, into proï¬table cultivation m extended area of valuable land. In-therecoss, I have adopted additional means for promoting an increased immi- gratii ~n of agricultural labourers and others into the Province; and I am happy to any that I have reason to believe that the means taken ’will have valuable results during the ensuing season. I‘recommeml to your careful considera- tion measures which will he laid before on for the improvement of our educa- tional iimtitutions; by providing additional means for obtaining a sufï¬cient number of competent trained :eachers‘: giving in- A to the Council of Public creased efï¬ciency _ Instruction; and making various amend- ments which experience has shown to be desirable in our School Law. , ' Bills for the consolidation of the Public and High School Laws; 3. Bill Ior regulat- ing the Technological College, for which the Legislature has already made provxâ€" sion; and as Bill for giving to the Gradu- ates of the Provincial University a. direct influence in its management, are other educational measures to which your at- tention will be called. _ Measures for the management of the Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb, andpf the Asylum for tlie Blind, Will be submit- ted for your considdl‘atwn- 3:) pl'm'lglon has hitherto been :2. ade in this Drovince for the training of idiot and unbeCLIe to learn, gh to re quire on the part the some Attention which has already been usefully g‘Yen ‘0 other afflicted classes of the pepulut.‘00- Expe- rience in other countries havi.‘g “11"“, by proper means, the condition 0f the“! children may be greatlyï¬melioratexl. I 1'9- conunend their case to your humane con- sideratiun. I recommend to your attention the pt‘?‘ priety of adding to the lnstitufilms under the Govemment‘cure‘, an Inebrl‘aï¬? ABY' him, where those unfortunate pet's?!“ who by long indulgence in habits of 1!}- temperance "have lost their eelf~control. may have an opportunity ofbeingrestored r 1 l is numerous cnou of the Legislature by proper restraints and influences to the oeition of useful members of society. There will likewise be submitted for your attention. measures for promoting the better administration of justice in the Courts of the Province ; for giving increas- ed eï¬'iciency to the low for the trial of controverted elections: and for consoli- dating and amending :11: lane relative to our municipal institutions. Since we last met, negotiations have taken place between the Dominion Gov- ernment and myself on the subject of the toeconomywmpsn'blewithflngm Q ... .- - .7, of file pupï¬c servnca. , . now are you. to your law - ties. in full conï¬dence tint you wind;- ply yourselves to the performuncecltbom withpctnotxsm and earnestness. May the Almighty Ruler of all no guide your de- liberations tint they myrclult inmat- mg titty prosperity and happiness of our coon . The Spook The usual routine motions having been introduced by the Attorney-General, and Adopted, the House n'djourned. â€"-.wâ€"â€" WATION. At nmeeting held at Bethesda Congre- gational Church, Oro, on the 6th instfthc Rev. J. G. Sanderson win presented with an sddrens, sud u very. beautiful Incisive gold Watch, on the occasion of hialonving his present sphere of labour, for the city of Ottawa. The iddreu sud watch were presenwd by Thou. McLeod, Esq., and Silas Locke. Esq, Deacons, in the me of the Rugby, 0:0, and Vespn Congrega- tional Churchea. Mr. McLeod read the Address as follows :â€" “ To the Ron J. G. Sanderson: "' Rev. AND Dun Sin,- We, the mem- bers of the Rugby,0ro and Vecprt Churches, to whom you have ministered faithfully for ".0 long a. time, deeply regret that you feel it to be your duty to leave us, sl- though we cannot but acknowledge 'tlnt‘ you have fully earned the nghttodosopnd it would be selï¬sh in ustotry your departure to a ï¬eld where the tax on l your physical energies will not be so severe. You have remained with u- from infancy, as it Were, to manhood, and we con any in all sincerity that you have preached Christ faithfully to us. . We would also take this opportunity of thanking Mrs. Sanderson for the interest aliens: taken in the Rugby Sabbath School, and in the welfare of our young people generally. We are sorry that she is not with us to-night, but trust you will convey to herour beotwishcl for her temporal and eternnl happiness. We feel that we cannot let you go without showing our esteem for you in a visible manner, and therefore begyour acceptance ofthe accompanying present, trusting when you look on it, you will think upon your little flock in the wilderness, and that you will sometimes remem bcr usinyourpray are to the throne of Grace, even amidst the excitement and bustle of a city life. We know that your labour here has not been unfruitful, and consay that if any of us fall by the sword, it will not be because we were not faithfully wnrned, u we can all testify that you have not shunned to declare unto us the whole counsel of God. We hope that where you are going,God will continue to be with you, and that the seed sown by you msy full on good ground, brmgmg forth fruit on hundred fold to the 'honor and glory of God, through his Son our Saviour. That you ml, hove u long and successful career of usefulness, nnd that Mrs. Sanderson and yourself nay have health und prosperity, is the sincere prayer of the three churches lately under your care. ‘ The Lord bless thee, and keep thee. The Lord make His face shine upon -theo, and be gracious unto thee. ' ‘ho Lord lift up his countenance upon thee and give thee peace.’ †- MR. SAXDERSON’S BIPLY. “ My dear Friends: . ‘ ' I vciyheartily appreciate your kindness in the presentation of this very beautiful and choice gift. It is worthy of being highly esteemed on account of its intrinsic value; but its preciousness is increased an hundred fold by the motives and feelings which prompted you to bestow it. Ishnll eve-r regard it as a. memorial of the kind- ness, love and gntitudcmf a deeply at- tached people, with whom I have lived and laboured so happily for many years. On behalf of Mrs. Sanderson, I shall be most happy to convey your thanks and good wishes concerning her, which we both heartily appreciate. My heart’s desire and prayer to God for you is that you my be built up still more and more; thtt God will send you one who will come in " the fulncss of the blessing of the gospel of Christ," and that we may meet st last with the Church of the ï¬rst-born above.†PRESENTATION. Mr. W; E. Fletcher was made the re- cipiont of a beautiful Meerschaum pipe, accompanied by the following address,’pre- pal-story to his leaving Toronto, for Oril- lin, where he now is in tho employ of Mr. G. M. Wilson:â€". » “DEAR Slurâ€"It is with sincere regret that we learn you are shout to depart from amongst us. During the time you have resided in this city, we have always found you the same kind, generous, and genial friend, both as a fellow-boarder and your gantlemanly and courteous conduct in your business capacity. We are sure your late employers regret losing the services of such a valuable and useful servant; sad we trust and hope that those whose ser- vice: you no shout to enter,‘will.recipro~ cage tho knowledge .and and you ore sure to bring‘w their buggies. As a slight to- ken or our good win and emu. we beg yourncceptance 0f the 805QQ'P3’33'198 meet- achaum pipe, not for its .mtrumq value, but in remembrance of the mm? kmd â€1d sincere friends you have left 1131‘s; whose crnfterwnrdntook Cloning}; and prevent rm w, . . supporter-of ESuWan,en- “Queen’s.†-~ were about eighty present. ~ . G. u. Wilsonompiodtbo chair. The Queen†and “ Gem Genenl,†. ~ drunk withtheunalhon- curl. , “I . In -- .1, tho-tout of thcevoning, the Claimâ€. expressed conï¬dence tint, though defedted‘now, Mr. Suthcflnnd would next'jocrbc elected Reeve. He eulogicod Mr. Suthorhnd’a ability sud energy 9 n municipal oï¬cer, 3nd con- demned the upsthy shown by Mr. Quinn in reference to the new county movement. He thought thetdf elected Mr. Sutherland could have dono- morc for the Village. He proposed “ Our Guest.†The tout wu received with three time- throo cheat. H. M. Sutherhnd, Esq, expreuod his thunk: for the entertuinmcnt, and for the min which those present received the toutflcdidnotfooldincoungedby ndefent which he “th to huving entered the ï¬eld too late, when my who would other- wise have supported him had promised to vote for Mr. Quinn. Now that he lad announced his ‘ taxation of being: condi- dste for the Ethyl in 1874, several of those who votéd‘aï¬zï¬nit himthisymhnd come forwurd end offered him their sup- port next election. He hoped tho: whut- ever hid been said ordonoduringthc con- test would come no ill-will, but thst'nll would forgive And forget. The question of s new county wu of great importance bothtoOrillia and the township. which were so for any from their respcctiv° County Town as to cause serious loos nod inconvenience to the settlers. He was prepared to go throughout the proposed new County and adroute the project. There was no doubt that if properly con- ducted, the Provisional County would be set spurt during the present Session. He denied having either directly or indirectly dragged politics into the contest. The man who douse has more“ heat than the prosperity of the place. He regretted that Messrs. Wilson had Tudhopo Ind been defected. 0n the other hand, the election of Mr. Wainwright, one of the soundest men in the Council, who was lat you returned by the vote of the return- ing ofï¬cer, but this time stood second to head of the poll, was s grutifying proof thnthis (Mi-Sutherland» defect had not been; condemnation of hiscoum in the Council, since hinviews had generally coin- cidedwith those oer.Wsinwrigpt,snd they had acted together upon :11 the important questions which me up lost year. He concluded by expressing the hope thnt his public course in the future would be ouch as to earn the commendation of his friends. Mr. Thomas Taylor, of Guelph, sang “ 'l‘rut to Luck;†which elicited a mcritcd encore. ’ Mr. W. H. Csrpenter, lst Vice-Chair- man, gave “ The newly-elected Council.†Mr. S. Wainwright regretted that they had lost-the services of Mr. Sutherland at the Council Board. Ho had {Jund tlnt gentleman always ready to support good measures, 5nd to mam. opinions freely and fully ; quick in apprehending the true position of a question, and ready in action. A mm in whom he could trust, 1nd who would do whnt was right. He hoped to see Mr. Sutherland elected next year. In Mr. Kean'theyhnd got on energetic cud useful Councillor. Ho Mod the com-- pany for the compliment they had paid the Council. . Mr. F. Kepn requested his constituents to let him know their wants, and, if right, he would endeavour to bring them through Mr. Wm. Tudhope, being-culled upon, said he appeared, not as a member of the newly elected Council, but as n defeated candidate. And he did not regret tint this was so, since the position'wu not one for which he was anxious. Mr. Suther- land, though defected at the polls, wu not defented in the hearts of the people. “ The Council of Orillia. and Mntcbeduh" Mr. Wm. Trimble, 2nd Vice-Claim)“, rmponded, and after-words proposed “ The MercantileIntem †Mr. Wm. Ramsay responded. . , “ The Lumbering Interest†Mr. Jayne: gave on eloquent reply. He was highly pleased with Orillin, its picturesque litm- tion, people, enterprise, prospects, c. “Our Mercantile Interests.†Dr. Sh- ven was frequently culled upon to respond for the army, mvy, volunteers. medical profess'on, and various other toasts, but thought they had now hit upon l Northern and Western boundaries of the Northern and Western boundaries of the Province. The correspondence. will be laid before you. Meanwhile, I have direct- ed investigations to be made which were necessary to "the establishment of the circumstances of the case, he did not consider an inquest necessary. A NEW liner of ocean steamers to run between Montreal and Quebec . - , . ' h . . and ports m France and m t eMed rights of Ontario, and a mass of evidence imm‘i’ Win commence to Inn in infavour of the boundaries claimed by the spring. TWO steamers, or 1,000 Ontario has been accumulated, which will, 1; tons each are being specially built Ihope, prove abundantly sufï¬cient to se- for this trade, to be named the Mon» cure a favourable result. _ . . treal and the Toronto. This would £e§°lim§m if Citiebec $311 rfnatihn- , ' SI OJGCOBSO~93W U a ban 8' eat beneï¬t ti the tilde no; arbitrators appointed under the Act of emstmg between t e por g name ' l Confederation for the setdjlmnt of all- e‘ - cw , . _. ‘ a. questions arising between ‘ e two Pro- CHEESE MA.) UiAd-ï¬-PE' {if} 1511?? ’ vinces; and the Government of the Dom- ston P4)†5:951: e. 1 area» so. orles l inion having declined to recogmze' the and companies “hell are n} PIPIY 1n- award until its validity shall be determin- creasing in nym‘oer and influence, ed by Some competent tribunal,-I have will, before the advent of spring, l endeavffm‘esd ‘50 exPedit: gï¬engpthe matter . L ., ' . .. ‘ .. proceeding necessary . make ..ctue preparations fo.1 the , before the Privy Council m England. more extenswcmauufacture of cnecse Some progress to this end has been made, during the summer of. 1873. The! . . . _ . results of the past have proved be- l prevent “. satisfactory daemon being arriv- . ed at during the present year. yond question that cheese making i . _ . . is a proï¬table business to all interâ€" = ,oï¬ggvlggiwmggggbgggmgé ested, and the trade has commanded “go md‘qï¬ibm and has commenced m a popularity among the farming l â€emigre, ' . . community Which munch fail to : I have given directions that the Public - l Accounts shall be laid before you. You secure for the moqcinent a. ‘hearty will learn with satisfaction that the reve- support. Further, It 15" most grutx- nue for the past year was in excess of the fying’ fact to Canadians to know sum estimated; that the expenditure In; that their productions in this r spout are preferred in the Englis market. We hope. that the m:mu- : ed surplus previously in hand. facture of cheese Will occupy the 0‘ ' The Estimates for the P t m “m teution ofthc farmers of this locality bi.» submitted to Ten. You will d a,“ more than it. his hitherto done. “(my 3,... 5m, {2ng with "a; and I hope no obsracle will be found to «0" 3 Tuesday, 7th January, 1873. Present,â€" A. King, D. L. Sansonnnd A.J. Alport, Esqs. Joseph How, J amen Beel, and William Slee, for drunkenness, were each ï¬ned 81 and costs. $3 and costs, for obstructing the side-walk. T. F. Ellis, three charges ofalike offence, resulted in ï¬nes and costs to the amount of 816.7 5. Oliver Co., for obstructing Mississauga and Peter Streets, with rubbish and building mtorial, ï¬ned 81 and costs. dome, is said to be a. candidate for the \Vardenshipl gives expression to the belief that hi. brother editor of the Packet will, utter , more mturereflection, etc, etc, uncut certain matters, “blush to the tips of his ear-32†This we feucsn never be. The quantity of the vital fluid required to be [obstructed from tho-body of the Packet - e fallen short of the mount anticipated; I mu, 1, g aid that .3 considerable addition has, in j auricular appendsgo. in order to get up . 1 consequence, been made to the accumulat- ï¬rst- class blush, would be .0 81'9“ that ‘ collapse and speedy death would surely follow such a revulsion of the law: of w i inbornâ€"- Igmyfsjmiu follow you wheres-cry our the right one. He was amerchant, andfelt‘ Hï¬xny Hug-1L“, DAVID STPBEY: proud of beingponnected With the mere-n- W. H. MCDOUGALL, Ron. Rknroxn,‘ ï¬e interests of 3 town so enterprmng 33 Tons. MILBUKH, Tnos. Ems. Orilha ‘ ' P. B. DAVENX’OBT.†. Toronto, Dec. 26th, 1872.. .‘â€"â€"â€"-.4° mammals 0033!; A sittings of thé Court was held on Messrs. G. M. Wilson, I“; Kenn, J. 8. Thompson, W. B. Tudhope and George Clarke. also responded. “The Professions.†Dr. Ramsay and S. 8. Robinson responded. to which Mr. Sutherland, as Secretary the Agricultural Society, was called upon to respond. He stated that the'Agricul- turtlSociety of Orillin, us well â€the agricultural interests of North Simcoe, in rising in importmco. It was pct-Imps not generally known tint, according to the returns to the Department of Agriculture, this County ruins more wheat to the me than any other in the Province. Mr. T. H. Tebbo, and four other young bachelors, gallnntly responded for “The Ladies,†proposed by Dr. Slsvcn, “h Vice Chums-n. ' “The Press.†Dr. Runny-ad Mr. F. Murray responded. The proceedings were enlivened with songs by Mom. Thoma Taylor, J. J. Hgtloy, Thom-Gm Sr., and C. Moore. The compcny sang “God Save the Qnun" “W, St nearly hour. W > an’ MUSICAL Mom“ is boiled withdelightfmmmonth to month. The} January number contuim eight piece-0H exocllentnewmusic. Prion30ctn. J. L. l You", Publish", M mutiny, N. Y. G. M. Wilson ï¬ned Wâ€" W. N. Rmnnos, Reeve of Me- Tnx editor of the onus. Encarta]: nnd propelled to the submit of his We?! lied I’rc‘a‘i. \ ISocxm.â€"The Annual meeting‘ of the l ‘ - in. James Tudhope, 3rd Vice-Chain l “>070 Sweaty tune- place on Warmly, ' the “ 'cult mlIntoreet†. mun, PW Agra u of at 2 o’clock, p. m., for the election of of- Km one eye onyou' woodpik, an Manama-moment. Nazi. order.- goodn out oltownwboo youcnu gotjutngoodstbom. Conudmyommmhqwd mwfron sundry country“. occur streets. anutherdnnng’ the out woekbu Tn: Packet hunct been nearly so witty since the Humilton Spectator discontinued its currency. 827qu more ï¬ne. for obstructing side- wnlkn. Thiq amusement appears to be getting upon-in. Coon Bmm' Variety Troupe hove cngnged the Temperance Bull for Wed- nesday, 22nd inst. Tn: tux collector is after the dilstor y, sud wu-n- them not delay settlement be. yond the prom. t week. ~ Yuma: sud town-hip Council: moo t on Mondny 20th. The County Council will assemble on Tuesday, 28th inst. annu t. Rznxoxn'l Minstrels will cxhibitin theTempcrmoo Hall, on Thun- dny and Friduy evening: of next week. Tn: annual Meeting of Orillin Union Agricultural Society will be hold on Mon- day next, at the Albion, nt one o'clock. Smut: capieo of Ta: Exrosrron can be obtained st Cooke Brad, J. J. Hindu, or at the oï¬ce of publiostion. Price 5c“. Muunmxn -â€"Wo trust the new Council willdcvino some liberal scheme for ‘the encouragement of new mufucturing enterprise: bore. Coxunmnxoxn â€"-Rov. Mr. Munch“ will preach i. Rugby at hklf-put ton, st Bethe“; Church, Om, at two, and V6:- prn st six. on Sundny next. Tnz eksting rink inland every Wodncl- dn'y and Saturdny, sud open to the public on other evenings. The rink has been reloaded, we! is in good order. Stzxan Brim. -â€"-Pu-ties driving through our streets, without bells, should be in- troduced to the Magismm, for s lcuon upon their duty to their neighbours. A PALACE Pkuovl. CA8 has been nt- tacked to the train leaving Orillia. for To; ronto st 5210 n. m. ; dud on the tnin louv- ing Toronto for the north st 3:45 p. In. Pucxmsrxc.â€"Thero us come ï¬ghting St the “Queen's" on Monday evening, Considerable loud tnlking,nobody hurt,a.nd â€"where was our efficient police force 3 Yunnanâ€"The prediction of our Ot~ town correspondent, that the Star would not live long, has been fulï¬lled dready. After twinkling two weeks, its light went out forever. Tun subject of establishing a training school for idiots st Orilliu, in the building formerly used u an insane asylum, is un- der consideration by the Government.â€" Guelph Mercury. BOYS, be arch! about stealing n ride by “ catching on cleic ." had his leg broken, a few dnya ago, by!»- ing caught by another sleigh pulsing the one to which be m clinging. Lvnkmrxox.â€"Tho Sum of Temper- nnce will hold n public inatnllution of the ofï¬cers for the present qua-tor, on Tues.- dsy evening next. Doors open at‘ eight o’clock. Members sumac-tad to second at seven, slurp. Cox.» Connorsâ€"Lute one night last week, an unfortunntc wretch, while drunk, crept into the hull of Booth's Black, to sleep. He by upon the lard floor until morning, with no covering but his ordi- nary clothes. an Firmâ€"We ~ore informed that Mr. .E. D. Hand, who lately sold the Bobcoygeou Independent, isnbout starting 3 new pnper at Fenclon Falls. It will be called the that“. We with Mr. Hand's new venture success. - wa Anvmxsmmâ€"Chup Mods; Agricultural Meeting; Hannah Intelli- gence; 303ch Letters Uncullcd for; Estray, 2; Jewellery; Jammy Sole; and Morrison Council. Read than. and look out for more next week. . ' N. R. Coon-x Saloon Aquarium the 16th., at the Quad: Hotel, Barrie, fleets, And .other'businou. Plum Mrrnonur Cumâ€"The subject of the sermon on Sunday cvemng' next, by the Rev. E. Punuh,’ will be “The Handwriting on the will; or, the Doomofu WickedKing.†Serviceinthe Temperance Hull, morning and omng.‘ Durstâ€"0n Sunday afternoon, ache congregation were luring one of the Churches. sdrunkeu‘ individual" pur- ningudevioucounoulongrmgt. a. bhmedthonow;bnt some thought such evidenceofthocviltnï¬c should boob- continuous-street! ct lent oncdnyof thcweck. . ' TnkOrillisStAndnwo’l Sodctymoton Wednesday eveningudroolvedtoeob- hate the BumAnnivcrnry,25thimt, bynConanundSohcqin tthom'pcr- anceflall. Thom-p ' todto carryouttbisnooluï¬on'will lac-mor- rowovening, undpcrticulu'lwillbopub- lilhcdinnfcwdnys. Podiumâ€"We nrc pleased to lean .f on w. u. n. W mum,- m inï¬rm written antic-sin boanrcmnrknblofotndde; cad Wt. Aboyintown ' WW mulls?†to Mm mum. Suthodsnd'lm 5! Ibct'danoyttcr supper, gamed" c pll'tyofnboutthxrty' ntthclï¬dhndflotcl - on Wedneodny crating. He will agreewithmthctitwonldbowinutoroâ€" {min tom mkmg' ' bet! upon o thing so W' a on election' com until itis over. . Son ofthe mo! thcconlu'uction tninonthc Wildlwnynn ofl'the truck, north of Benetton, yesterday, pl?- vcnting the utter-noon express from coming throughtoOi-illin. Thooonstractionhtin. ex‘cept thconginc and tender, was con- plotcly waded. Fortunstoly. the occu- pcnhdthom, annmbdofmvviegcu- coped unburned. ' ' Alumnus! Sustainâ€"On Sunday of- tcrnoon, Rev. John Gray delivered his Annual sermon, or address, to the children of the Preobytcrinn Subbsth School. The remuh of the Reverend gentlcmn were well adapted to his little nuditru, sud neither uninteresting nor uninatructive to their elders, of whom then were a good number present. ‘ Burnoutâ€"At n meeting bold at the “ Queen’s" Hotel on Saturdny evening, a strong committee was chosen to get up 3 Banquet to the Mldbnstilway Co. Mr George J. Booth was appointed Choir-mun; Mr. D. L. Samoa Treasurer, and Mr. John C. McMullon Secretory. The Committee met'lut evening, and found there wu over 8200 already subscribed. and site: making management: for u further canvass of the village, they cdjourned until Friday oven- ing. ' Pneoru..â€"Mr. George H. Fox, late local editor of the Ottawa Free Press, was in town on Tueodny, en route to Newma- t, where he goes to take control of the Courier. We wish him mecca-u in his new ï¬eld of labour. By the way, Mr. Fox is an cur-nut temperance worker, sud Enter- prising Temple, of Ottawa, panda reso- lution of wlmowlodgemcnt for his valued services to the muse. expressing also their high esteem for his persons! qunlities, on the eve of bio departure from tint city. ODXXATION.-â€"Th0 Lord Bishop of To- ronto hold “Ordination on Sundny morn- ing lost, in St. Andrew’s Church, Grimsby, when the Rev. William Newton. Ph. D., Missionu'y st Lake Roomu, was admit- ted to the:order of Priests. The Ordina- tion Sermon was preached by the Bishop, from Romans, 10;}: chap, 14th and 15th verses, “How then shall they call on Him. in whom they hove not believed 1 And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a. preacher? And how shell they preach except they be cont 1†_ Ettcrxox Tnxczs.-â€"Thcre no rumours of “ slurp" dodge: by over salons nup- porterl of both parties to prevent oppo nonta from polling their votes, on Monday last. “'15 cannot “(attain certainly what truth there is in these reports, but if there be any, we hflpe such unfair practices will be frowned down by all respectable men, and if any nttempt be made to repeat them on unother occasion, that the guilty parties will be punished. We do not believe say of the candidates for Reeve or Councillors would for a. moment countenance such un- lnwful methods of securing their election. Cncncu‘ Orr-mum. â€"'l‘he Primitive Moth “lists lave Opened 1 new Church ontbe 10th Conwuion of Oro. The dedicutory sermons were preached on Shnday, 29:11 ultimo, by the Rev. E. Parrish. of Oriliia. There were goOd congregations morning md evening. ATes-moeting held on New Yen's Day was well attended. At the public meeting afterward, the chair was occupied by Mr. Thoma Edmonson, and addresses were 21'.in by the Rev. E. Par- rish, “d Rev. W. Nixon, Pastor, There won .180 a Social on Friday evening last, of which we could gather no particulars. Y.M. C.A.â€"Tho Directors of the Young Men’s Christina Associnh'on ore requested to moot at their rooms, Booth It Corbctt’s Block, on Saturdny evening, at a quarter past eight o’clock. The business meeting of the Association will be held on Monday evening, inthe some place, at half-past seven. We hope there will be} good at- tcndnnce of ‘memben and friends. The Committee hove made mogcments for opening a reading room immediately, und in this will require considerable outlay, they will solicit contribution: from the townspeople. A: the object in most phil- Mouueyurew ' «11:er . muons rumor-usua- ofibimpcin'nsthccï¬cienqotï¬ow non schools; that the high sand: 5. oontroflcddhcctlybyogcnenlbuï¬hn conjunction with the public school“ , “09:0th “‘ Tnunmuineoftha Unitedsubi shows“ vealed shout 200$!!!“ this is only nboutoqullto the tango owned-byndngledtyofthem vin,8t.John, NIB. WebelievoSt.John ownemou chimthan my othcrcity in Editor oan: Exrosrron :â€" Smâ€"In answer to a question which poured in your-paper nweok‘or two .30 up boxesofmthntcsmointomy' for ldentiï¬ution, swaths moment the rightful owner - gives proof of In. chum, the gonds will be landed over to him. It is ptmible that the some party may wish you to ask through your next it me, why I did not advertise them. If necessary I can gamer that aka. A few days nf‘tcr the ï¬re I wenttothe difl‘er- ont Merchants, seeking them owner. No one claimed them. Consequently I left them to one side, posing that the owner would turn up in; y or two. Although no one has claimed them yet, "they motill home, just in the some condition a when received. I trust that this will serve as uuï¬ciont notice, so that all who mnybuve the slight- est idea of any claim to the goods will come at once and rove their prr- y. J EN HAMMOL . Consume, Orillin. M...â€â€" Editor of Tax Emu-on: Sim-«4V0 are proud to host of the gun- erosity of the new Rows. of Morrison in gruntingnid to an. old, inï¬rm individual, for the big sum of ten dollm. Question, doca‘thc Reeve pay it i I say, yes! PLUm mm' THE Session of the Local Parlin» ment opened yesterday. Ax exc . tells shout a little boy in school who gave one of the best deï¬nition: :hvpr given of Economyâ€"Faring potatoes in. Bucnnuncu has no weigh â€and the Gazette say: the wwt conne- ill-win between the farmers end villngon. Gum work of any kind in business in unantic- mctory, and was, more loss thou proper appliances would cost. gastric“ goals. WW ~~ BI: sure and settle your-taxes this week. Tun Exchange is almost giving any clothmg' , mw‘ ‘ngroonr for optinggoo-‘h. W. R. Tunnoux is doing. very largo busineu in Sewing Machines. Cd! dad. ace his new stock. Axes, Croat-cut Sure, c.. the stock in to“, at the Shefï¬eld Home, next dOor to the Poet oï¬ce. Tm: Hardware Emporium will boro- after be known as the Shcï¬old House, by W. W. G. Binghun. . , G. M. Wilson’s anuuynlo in going on Woolleno and Dress Good. n n ‘u- cum. Call now and got burguins. Au. parties who have not yet paid their taxes will take notice that the Collector is determined to put on costs after this week. ' ~ G. M. meox's Fashionable Tailoring Establishment is still doinar ran basin... Clothing nude on short notice, and wor- rantod to give satisfaction. W. W.G. Dinghy: are opening" a new stock of Cutlery and Electra-pm goods. Call and seethcir nbwumck at their new store, next door to them Post Oï¬ce. . W. W. G. Bxxommrecei ' the large“ stock of Shelf nnd Heavy ware ever b to W and u the; now buy only for cosh. all old and new customer: will receive the ‘ndmhgc of low prices. ..J. ., ash-M ‘ p.‘ Airï¬ermm. A \ l I l MARRIED. At the residence of the bride‘s father, 0m, on the 24th of December, by the" Bav. Robert Furbsim, Mr. Thus. Baycnft, of Hot, to K180, second daughter of Mr. John Anderson. At the residence of the bride's hubs on Thug-gag cvempf, Dec. 3. 1872, by the Dev. .A., P. H. Stew-t. ofTomn- mthmpic, the appeal rhould be generously responded to. an or has: â€"Pnyer meeting-arc being held every evening during the pre- sent week, in'thc Wesleyan and. Precby-‘ “Churches My, by Rev. Dr. Fowler and Roy. John Gray. The pro-- gramme forth! two remaining evening. of thewockilufollowu:- Eridsyâ€"Pnyerfor W; thoa'mlntionof the HolySa-ip- .mmdthe uprudofpmliterstumï¬or the overthrow of tyranny and oppression; forthc removdof every form ofAntichrist, for ill Wand captives. Saturdayâ€" Pnyer for Sunday Schools; for Minimum-y, Tact, and other religious~ societies: for the incense of W nndforthc re- 'movnl ofhindrmtothenpread of the gospel. andthe conversion oftbc world. Scaooz. â€mmâ€"The Anna-l School Meeting for the election of Trustees, and, was held yesterday ad better extended thun mud. The report of the Trustees madapud. ,Mr. That. Dolls: sud Dr. Sanderson wen elected Tun-tees, in the «and of Mam-i. World and Wninwright. The Board now consists of the above- nuncd gentlemen, and Menu. Wkum' , to. Oneal-in. Pro '0“): of the “Ont-tic Tem- . phr.â€to Min . Addie “levelling. dmhmcftheHmVY.P.I-‘kwe' of Clifton, ng' '| County. New Bancwick. By the Rev. James Dick. of Richmond Bil:i on the lot Jam. 1873, Mr. June- T3 or, ’ Beaverton, to Mill quic Nicol, doubts: at June: Nicol, Earp, York Town-hip. DIED MBr-cobridze. ontbcflth Ilt.thcwifo of Mr- H. J. McDonnliucodsï¬yenn- At Oï¬lliaon,Mouds .tthth inst. JueVRthewifcof r.J.J. Hind. - _ £5 yous. Mrs.Eindwu. in early younger: W’ sud prudent co-adjutor of her husband, who was one of their-at merchantl hen. Upcoï¬ time her long mucus begun, sud even who nblclincc, she took uforcmostpu'thworhd benevolence. Her long illne- wll borne vifll Christi-n resignation. She was beloved and mpectedbydkyoungmd old.who were no- quninted with her. The rem-ah wen W in St. June-'3 Cemetery on WM}. and were follow“ to their lat resting phat by 0 hrs. cor-taco of com wing fricudl. . Suddenly, at Orilln. on Wodnaday, 9th inst. Mn. ‘. 3. Portugal 70 your. oiuLLu UNION WW' ' m. AL MEETING of the “cube. _ of the 03-min (73an Sow. will “keg“: at the “Albion lï¬h'Vll Maddy. lath Sam, at one o’clock. p... 3. cm Sun. in! 1"“. might just hint that the-c meeting: would be larger, And more interest shown in our educational this, if better notice of the time 3nd place were given . Posting up all Hateful-t yâ€"Mv . . t \