INCREASE 0F VICE AND CRIME to the use of intoxicating liquors, in which the Jury, in bringing in their presentment, fully concurred. The Judge appeared to have been in a merciful mood during the sitting of the Court, 'as the Se‘méhbes'vrhiéh he passed on those found guilty, were extremely light. In the NEWS? .VPORI a LINE, t'1ere has been quite a. change lately. A one-cent daily, called the OEvenéng Star, appeared on the horizon, but its brillmney 1:} not. such as woizld indicate thgt. it. will not €000 sinkto rise ld'm‘ore. ‘The *FméPq ess, the popular paper, has recently put on a. new dress and makes a good appear- ance. The Holland brothersâ€"Gmge‘ and Andrewâ€"haw 0 purchased a heif- inberest. in the Cifizen. They are both deserVing young men, being ener géticandeuterpï¬smg, andshould succeedmin business. A G.H.F. ' HIS EXCELLENCY, LORD DUFFERIx, has visited the Ottawar‘lladies’LGfl- lege and the Christain Brother’s SehOol, and has shown considerable interest in learning the systems’of education adopted in this new coun- tfy. While at ,the.flol,l_ege, he was particular in_ 'ascegtlajg‘ilgj'vhe‘ther the artof cooking was taught or not, it: ceityy xvingï¬, undonbteillx . ane f Awe‘ Der i e swift? of flomest¥é.help,~ihmous parts of the country. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS closed for the usual Christmas holi- days on Friday, and this (Monday) evening a. grand concert was held in the Rink Music Hall. Singing 'is tau mgegtdg'byiin the schoqlgbyr Pr . mimï¬m‘forï¬l‘ei‘ly bf Coï¬oiirg‘ anct-thtrvocal music given by the pupils, besides which there were two valuable gmld medals and eight sil- ver ones, given to the pupils who stood highest in each of the public schools, and those in each division,- by Mn1Wfllian1rIonng.: This gen-- leman is noted for his libemlity and enterprise, and has recently been ap- pointed as 7 criteria†in); pray“ FIRF: mam-:3 for Which†fesponsible position he'is‘ fully competent. The various other schools in the city are also rendered vacant by the absence of the pupils. The assizes have just been held, and. the docket presented this term Was the largest prdbézblytl'iat this county has ever furnished, although there were not over half-a-dozen criminal case§n .the,-npost being civil 021568.; J mng ifmstrpng,.iu his addx£§g 29t-~ tributec the tirin; children xeflected the hi rhest credit on that gentleman s ability and un- place hér in‘ the front rank, cmmnetâ€" cially as well as politically, of the cities MAM-Dominion. 'Duriï¬g the plSt week - BUILDING OPERATIONS have about closed for the season, al- though preparationsfor theirresumpâ€" tion in the spring are exceedingly lively; :Dgrjng‘the year that is just closing there has, or are now in course of constmction, something over 200 buildings, the amount expended be- ingdn' mud ï¬gures, $1,025,000! .1 n the ’tivo wards-in the westernor new portion of» the city, which is growing rapidly, the amount expended for buildings I totecI up to $750,000. Among the structures erected in this part are four elegant stone churches, twoaeducationak institutions. three banlEs; anJ’One erï¬hzln's asylum, all of which are elegant builiings. Ot- taï¬ seems to Have entered ï¬pon an ““0? prosperitv which. will soon g (Fm ouroww WW.) I“: The sï¬â€˜lenti'flï¬leighi ng in this set?- tiï¬n, together with the approach of the holidays, has given an’ increased impetus to trade, and the merchants are gathering in the wherewithal to relieve them from the embarmssing ‘ positions in which some of themi were placed by the late ï¬nancial; crisis. Although the matter was ; kept quiet, still it is generally known } that wine half-ï¬doze’ti of theiiléykd- ing business-men of the cityâ€"dry goods and grocersâ€"mere compelled to succumb to the force of circum- stances, and place their stock’sâ€"in; the hands of their crédiï¬h'rs. But now the ' TIGHTXI-Iss I.\‘ THE MONEY MARKET has been relieved, and the pruspect .of more failures dissipated. The mar- ket here is generally very'large, there being often as many as three hun- dred teams, laden with hayL Wood, and farmer’s produce, on the Stand and adjoininf,r streets at one time. Articles of uomestic ecmnoiny haw PRODUCE A- CORYER when the market is not very large, by purchasing up all of some article tbgt,kin demand,_bc£ore the [groper Messindfllsm $93133, M‘expiibi: taut ï¬gures. This game is generally played by buying up turkeys, geese and chickens; but it has been put a stop to by the prompt action of the police, and several of the “ bulls†have been brought before the Police Magistrate and ï¬ned. Hay has been bringing from. $20 to $23 per ton, but hasmgone down as low? as $17. Oats are scarce, and worth 4-2 cents per bushel. Wood brings 35 per cord, but. coal is principally used in the city. ‘ :géngrally beam on» the hï¬igh‘si-«leygmt‘ as cygrythityg’isgomivgï¬m Plénhi’q! w’ V.'..".'J"'.‘":D '*.:7 5‘ ‘7’ ‘â€". J . "v- ‘.. now, the prxces are more reasonable, and poor people have an opportunity of enJoymg some of the fatness of the land. Sometimes the hucksters 53' 9w ï¬oé‘wrth‘qi iï¬Ã©sï¬elé‘tï¬stï¬bncéfï¬dï¬â€˜e j 9.391] ,' '1 8:72.†go. in thestreets of this moral place mlled Collingwood we have heard little boys who could not count as high as their own age swearing, as if profanity had been the only lan- guage they ever learnt. But boys only do as they learn from their elders." No gentleman ever swears, and therefore, he who swears (low not deserve the name of gentleman. â€"Collingwoed Bulletin. ONE of the mostshocking vices of the present day is profanity. Go where you will, there comes from the lanes and the streets, and especi- ally from street-comers, expressions of the mostyulgar blasphemy. And somepeople’s genius Seems to ï¬nd agreeable exercise '3 in, discovering some'.new â€combination 'of phrases whose horrid impiety will surpass all the multifarious forms of oaths hitherto recognized. Do these per- sons ever reflect how vulgar such conduct appearsin the eyes of every honorable man? One could almost excuse people for speaking emphati- cally in the heat of passion ; but to sit down quietly and breathe out plasphemy in ordinary conversation must be strongly characteristic of some place where none of us care to An Artist’s Sale took place on Saturday afternodn, with very indif- ferent results. Two oil paintings, by Verner, of great merit severally en- titled ‘Portage, MuskokaRiver,’ ’an’i “Encampment, Muskoka. River,†went for the ridiculous sum of , Q14: .apiecc. “Eagle Rocks, Labrador,†my the same artist, fetched $45. Paintings in water colours seemed to be more in fav our. “Eugenia Falls, Beaver Rixer. Ontario,†by C. 5. SMillard, in water colours, was S. Millard, in water colours, Vwas knocked down at $25. “A Cana- dian Dessert,†a. representation of Canadiaï¬ fruits and Wine, by Mac- thews, was bought for $60. A very ï¬nepicture, “Black River, Muskoku,†went for $9. In shot 6, it seemed as if the crowd, unable to judge of art, were bidding for the frames. There were over one hundred paintingssold all by Caspadiaqn;:zrtists,iand if sold in any other'cauntry', would have been certain to éommand good prices. OX Sunday, says the Edinburgh Daily Review, a. certain welLkhoivn rev doctor, after reading from the pulpit severaLannouncements refer- ring to Christian work in connection with h’s own church, said that he had received a. great many other notices with requests that he would intimate them to his congregation, but as he was not a. Sunday editioi of the North Bï¬tislz Advertiser, he declined to do so. [From our own Correspomientj On the South side of King st, op- posite Toronto st., and facing the new Post Ofï¬ce, which rears its. tall and elegant proportions at the north end of the streetâ€"stands a. dingy looking building with at least the dust of twenty years unswept from its grimy walls. Over its oft-trod- . den and uninviting door-way waves l a depraved Union Jack, which cer- tainly looks as if it had, “braved a thousand years the battle and the breeze.†It is in keeping with the rest of the building, and the stranger might or.might not distinguish a faint flutter to indicate its presence. This is. Coate's A 'ction Rooms. It may or it may not be the' dearest place in' the city'to buy anything in, but as the auctioneer and the public ' are at variance on that subject, we will not discuss it. To this building your-correspondent has resorted every evening of the past week to, witness Shaw’s Great Book Sale, and to feel the pulse of the book market. The auctioneer, who is a Toronto man himself, complains bitterly that we are not a. book-buying people, and dravsdisparaging contrasts between his Toronto sales, and those he has ‘made in Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, and New Orleans. I would be in- clined to view this as only a trick of ‘ trade, as I could not distinguish any . difference between his prices and the retail market, were it not that I heard a prominent clergyman of this city- giving utterance to the same sentiments on'the platform of the Sunday School Institute now being held in this city. Shaw, he of the lending library on King street, is a broad-shouldered, deep-chested, red- ; haired Irishman of the mi lle height who has all the volubility and vol- ume of voice of the successful auc- tioneer. He shows an extensive knowledge not only of the book trade, but of books, and hasfrequent- ly prdvoked applause from his mot- ley audience by his eloquent recita- tion from memory of extracts from the works under the hammer. The- poets are still in the ascendant, By- ron, Burns, Moore. Scott, and the older poets commanding a ready sale. Burns still enjoys the undisputed pre-eminence of being the people’s _poet. His works wereeagerly bought at auctioneer prices, being nearly six to one of the other poets. Longfel- low and Tennyson were looked upon ; withfldistrust, I suppose as being in- ‘ complete. The Dore Gallery, an im- mense book, crammed with the fa- vourite pictorial works of that great artist, went for the extremely low price of $30. The Dore Bibl‘e, two superb volumes, was knocked down at $19 per volume. I think Bohn’s reproduction of the famous steel en- gravings of Hogarth went for $30. The last works were sold very low, considerably lower than the London retail price. There was a. large and varied. assortment of books. JAS, SHANAHAN, - P33315103- 6’ Superior workmanship done at the lowest posible prices for cash. OTICE is hereby 'ven that, at the next seésion of the ' ture of Ontario. :ï¬pï¬mï¬onwill be made or an act to erect etownshipsofOx-illia and Motehednh. Me- donto, Toy, Morrison and the East half of Om,’ in the county of Simooe, Mm nnd Runs. in the County of Ontario, and. Cuden, Dalton sud Ryde, in the Conntyof Victoria. into a new County, the Village of 0am; to be the 1.14.: and as my late employer, Mr. Husband. bu dismsed of his business. I solicit a share of the patronage so liberally extended to him, ensuring you that every attention will be given to my orders entrusted to me. ‘ .- , CUSTOM Boot Shoe Store! county toï¬n. ï¬Ã©â€™Ã© risk Br'éxï¬iie'." .01 L. I beg respectqu to inform the public geno- rally that I have tinge stock of HARNESS, @‘ Repairing Promptly and Carefully attended to. » THOMAS DANIELS Yalmlnama House. stock. Buyers are invited to all and judge for themselves. EAD THISZâ€"All persons having lei- “scare, Icludsddxess tom_d to madam sen re Secupwioneesyand {0233313, suited to all. and_espec_ial]y to Ladies. $2 to 810 day :- «r 1')an “.â€" IMMENSE SUCCESS ! ! Invites the attention of the public to his stock of Ready Made Clothing. Boots Shoes, 'Grocer'es, c., which have been selected with great care, on the mos; ad- vantageous terms, and which are to be disposed of at prices which defy competi- tion. Note my Gents’ W' 001 Under Shirts, onl 87g cts. “ Drawers, only 87 cts. 20 Tbs. Rice for $1.. ' 1023 tbs. Bright Sugar, $1. Golden Syrup. 60 cents per gallon. 12 Chests more of that celebrated HIM- ALAYA TEA, 20 cents per 1b. which in point of strength and flavor is superior to any 50 cent Tea. in Orillia. Bacon, Oatmeel, Corn Meal, White Fish, and Salmon Trout, always kept in Every Department Fully Assorted 2 Men’s Chadian Full Cloth Pants, $1.95. “ Heavy Stoga. Boots, $1.95. “ _ S_1}pe_rigr .Kipm‘f .3325, worth 3.75 1,, on! .A- Mississaga. St., Orillia, a few doors euï¬ of the “Albion Hotel.“ ]{OOMS ï¬tted up in ï¬rst-class style, and every attention 'd to the comfort of customers. Having a long experience in his business, and secured the services of 3 a. ï¬rst-class hand, the subscriber guarantees Satisfaction- Stock 00mplete ! ‘2. The HEINTZMAN PIANOS media- tiugmished for their Durability. Shaving, Hair-Dressing, 1. The HEINTZMAN PIANOS we pro- nonnced by competent judges equal to any imported, and Scranton to most. GEO. WAIN MAN, 25 PER CENT. SAVED. Nos. 117 and 119 King St. West WORTH (VHSIDERING ! Orillia. Mav 30. 1872. GEORGE WAINMAN. Orillia, December 17th, 1872. 163-1Y. ORILLIA Harness Emporium ! ‘ORONTO The HEINTZMAN PIANOS are made at Home, and are therefore Lowxn m PRICE than others. The HEINTZlIAN PIANOS manna; the Steinway and Chickering. The HEIN’I‘ZMAN PIANOS are all guaranteed BY Tun‘mnns. 'he HEINTZMAN PIANOS have n Brilliant Tone, and a Fine, Elastic Touch. AN D SHALLPOOING SALOON , TERMS CASH. D.,O’BRIEN ' FACTS .J. D. O’BRIEN; (Successor to '1‘. Boyd,) SADDLES, THE EXPOSITOR, 0R PRICE LIST: Laié with Mulmhy (9 Co. BRIDLES, '3 c., c., m: 161-tf. KEPT IN STOCK AND son) AT Low From long experience in the Bak- ing and Flour and Feed business, the subscriber feels that he is able to supply the public with flour m PEST OFFIOI. ALL YE PEOPLE! bound to keep pace with the times. A Carload of Com summim mama", WHOLESALE PURCHASERS Bakery and Feed Store v’rill ï¬nd it a; their advantage to Everything ! IN HARDWARE, NEW SHOP, REMOVED ! 5O BARRELS 'A CALL! FLOUR, Ox PEASE, , BRA: CHOPPED STUFF, IN STOVES, give GEORGE VICK as any in the market. The old Establishéd- NEXT DOOR TO HEAR THIS ER APPLES ! Just Received. IN TINWARE, GEORGE VICK. Just Arrived. PRICES. in‘Price! W. BINGHAM- HOUSE. i1 E3511 AM, BEAVERTON FOUNDRY C H. JAYCO. SADDLERY WAREHGUSE FRANK KEAN _ . #3!!!" s 99' mâ€"mï¬a ‘ OATS, ..’ VII} cm "I“ mwu’§ W luuuu a REMEMBEBF-King ‘ °1d complete, and we sell at. prices that gingham†Mm “d Peter cannot but give general satisfaction :- , and straw cutting STEAM EN GI N E, ‘VOOLLEN. Fall and Winter and alga-go stock of Liquors, 1! he is determined to sell at Goods‘and Prim'and you will be convinced tint he is givmg DRY GOODS. Call and Examine GRIST MILL REPAIRS. GOOD ‘ VALUE ! IMPROVED DESKS for schools PUNCTUALITY 8; DISPATCH CASTINGs, A. Kennedy PLOUGHS ! GROCERIES, arms... o«. and. 1371. 1a.} Lower . Pï¬Ces OF EVERY DISCBIPIION. ° ROAD SCRAPERS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Whack-q). A TRIAL SOLICITED. .9 sawing. (Totmans). Is now waiving his BOOTS and SHOES, OI'ALLKIXDS Consisting of Mowing, 0F MACHINES. STOCK ! Implements 2 SAW 4ND will ï¬nd it on this .4va- *° ti Staple and Fancy my Goods, iARRIVING EVERY WEEK. Groceries and Provisions, Gaocxenv, GLASSWARE, Double Single Harness. Bissette Roy. Every week. They are receiving m'lar additions to their themsau. And 31:12:: stock of Ready-Made NEW GOODS Heavy Harness ! A lnrgi‘étock of light and heavy Dug-stock _will alyays be found PACE MAIN Consisting of a. large stock of BOOTS SHOES, of all kinds, on hand. ï¬t A very largo stock DISSETTE 8L ‘HOY. Are receiving LUMBEBMIN sud ethn- w CURB! ’ COHBS, DRESS GOODS, Winter IBUIHJI, of which his Father’s Uncle, at big 2 death, left by pptpii: has muffle.“ Retire tron when: ~ The rush still continues, because it is well known he is sacriï¬cing. in sales, for cash. Pattenon's New Pabént '1‘on Hora. that the large and SA TISFACTION GIVEN 1 MoNEY REFUNDEB. Mechanical Watchmakcr sud Jeweller, bu much playful? ix_1_a.n_no-mdng 310 the pub- Gold and Silver Watches, REPAIRING _ PROMPTLY DONE ! in Hammond’s Building, where will be found a LARGï¬AND WELL SELECTED STOCK 8mm LGNDCIN '82 PARIS HOUSE. GROCERIES! STRAW CUTTER SEWING- MACHINES ! Alltpbebadnextdodr to D.L. ' Samson's store. VANTASSEL, NEWTON «£- 00. liet that he has ope‘n'egi‘a New' Jewelléry Establiéhment 1 Orillia. 11th Dec., 1872. CUMMINGS CELEBR LTED Being now about to scan-e the ‘1’ Jewellery of every descriptién, Jae. WM. FERRET, BY THE ‘lst JANUARY. FIXED FACT 1 In. Orillia, A full assortment of 0!? “NY KINDS. uï¬ his'mind to Therefore it in. on hand. now on hand, of of