of L UMBER AND SCANTLING FOR SALE. As he has the Inst-:21: facxhi‘ I?†f3: manufac- tnnng' sausages no a oronto. country dealers will do well to give him 3. cm. -"Wï¬yï¬s «19. shard {éxidoor to , ~__-_ _..â€"~-â€". . avrn“: Is prepuod _to supply all orders, whole-ale or on the shortest notice. SIECIMEX S SENT FREE 0N APPLI- CATION. Tem ace men are requested to ï¬d in _extendinz t o circulstion admin!- nw of this paper- Thc “Ontario Templar" is ï¬lled with useful and invading items to Templaa-s and tamper. no. people generally, and should be liberally mppor‘wd by :11 who wish good success to the total abstinenco cause; -“Temple of Honor.†T. MAUxDRELL. - - Proprietor, ORILLIA SAUSAGE FACTORY. P.- K. Snwn‘r, Play 8th, 1372. ma "HARE: TEHPIAR. 6" Be sure to call and give him your order. Orillit, Doc.3rd,187‘2. ’ ' 11. F wit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, c., c. Agent for the Oakville \urseries, will be at ï¬ll:- J D. 0’3? IEN‘S STORE every SILVER CREEK MILL! FORTE own A. Proprietor I TO EVERY FARMERugEGRGE HEARD, ,_v_ --.- .7...“ vv-..uvu MVâ€" diibely. for which the-highest price in cash will b. mid. S. WAIN WRIGHT, Cash paid for Rifles, Kip and CaIfSkins, and Tallow. mama: 191‘ AM. KHBS. f; SHOE)! AKERS’ FINDING S, c., ORILLIA TANNERY I FAST HORSES W11. JACKSON, '- PROPRI'TGR. â€" l - Shavin and Hair uttin a] on E Q- 309 Cmï¬s _Ec_m1_o_cl§ Bark wantad imme- : g G g S 0 visits Orillia. regularly on the 16th. 17th and 18th of each mmth. Good 39:â€: of Teeth :1: $16.00. Cir kqxiir a u my 0. 'th Hatch. EGS to inform ths inhabitants of Ori'i- 1m and vicinity, that he has settled m 0:- illia, for sh: prv‘tico of his Urafession, and 913: he '11! b- happy at all times to attend to my canefur which bu services may but: quired. I Outer saga; FER. ban." -"‘ at m ) J. OCGH, M. 1)., b. Mambo: of the College of Physicians and Summons of 03.5., (Gmduat. of Victoria Univer- sity, ) thsicicw‘ Surgeon, and Acc-mcheur, Bea- verton, Ont. Otï¬cvâ€"Bezwerton mapegsafy. Ln Orders 5] unit. will receive rompt atten- §OB.<â€":\ddl‘6‘33. B": 57. ORKLLIA. . 0. 125. Opticsâ€"«Next 30m: to the “ 01-min House,†fame-4V pccqpied If; A. F.»w_1ic. 035%. a: Dr. Sandorsun's. NB. ~A good opening far 3 student. Barrie, Ju}y 23rd. 13'2. D (Succezaor to A. Fowlie. P. L. S. ) Provincial Lmd Snrvoym- Draughtsman. Civil Enginuer and Architect, Valuazor. Land and General nut. Maps compiied Disput- ed Lines cargfullx adjusted. 0500, Lauisa Street, Toronto‘ -1." .-\.\':2ER,c..c. valuaéoriox. ‘ Cam ads Permanent Building Societv.l ‘ , Out. Grillis. Aug. 10th. 1871. 1.], Surveyor, and Mr. Arthur G. Robinson. formerly Government Civil Engineer and Arc§i$ect haw opened an oï¬ice at â€01mm O. H. LYON, 1; tot, Valuator; Land, We. md ngeral Agypt, Oyiug‘gpt AMUEL S. ROBINSON. SOLICITOR, And Notary Pubwfo: theDominian Bank, Otillia. , Cnnvuyancer, «to. M’oney Lent.â€". Commissions:- for taking Wu. am ordérs to helm“: at s. s. Robidsbi‘ï¬mw Gymâ€"In Més'oziio Banding-s MW 53, Orillio. J. D. EDGAR F. FENTON. G E. CORBOULD. AND 9002) CONVEYANCES. DGAP FENTON €01.13OU'LD, Barristers and Attorneys-at-law, Solici- ion 11: Ginncery. Conveygmcers. _§z_¢. a ELKâ€"Rents amidebts collected. Oï¬ï¬‚is, J an. 5th, 1372. OFFICE â€"-.\'ext dons-to the “ 0151333035,â€. or at his residence. afar ofï¬ce hours. Franz: Ev. XS, BARRISTER, gu- ‘ TO RXEY-‘VP-{,AW'. Sï¬m 1309m- wry, Connyaacer. - 'otary ' namin- done: for taking Aï¬dzwits, ¢. emczéuu'onic Bliildiixgs. Ornczâ€"Over new Dominion Bank, Odllia. REID J R. GR_._§.NT, CONVEY- VGlUx’ï¬E "L, H0. i61. C. H. BOSANKO, L. D. 5., VETERINA R Y SURGEON, IONEY TO LEN'D. ) 3. W31. wows, Provincial Land \V. A RMSTRONG. WEST ST.. ORILLIA. ALWAYS ON HAND. J. AEITORT, {ecopntjsng Arbim: H. LAWRENCE, ', to receive orders for irafcssimtal Emits. BENNER' SONS = 131-112: Dollar a year. Publisher. tmfl GIVE gm: 1". H... ‘__,, 35.1%. AflVERTISEh‘ï¬wif 6’ Superior workmagship done at £113 lowgst possible prices for cash. ’ ‘ J AS. SHANAHAN, - Pmmmron. CUSTOM Boot , Shoe Stare! PETER SIX, GRILLIA’. and how by strict attention to business. usmg nothing but the best material, and ~employing good workmen, to receive a fair share of patron- age. “‘Britner Scots†Ihmzld give him a all; THE subscriber wishes to inform the in~ 7 habitants of 01-min and. the Dublic mneml. _-_.. ....~ L habitants of On’llia and. thé;ubli<: gener:l~ 1y that he haaopenyd a New Boot. and Shoe Shop, NEW BMBT AND SIRE SHM’ 511531331133 ‘ 1 i 00:13 and ev of customer: ‘ in his basin. , a. ï¬rst-class ? satisfaction. Orflh'a, De Shaving z If you want a. good Shave. Hair Cut; or Sham- poo, c., with Cleanliness, Comfort and Dis- patch. A very large assortment of Pipes, Razors, Combs, Bmshm;rc., e., ' kept in stock.- Near the new Dominion '1 â€". and Wm OLD and Amorican Currency, drafts and on New York, Bills of Exchange, wd Law United States currency, bought and sold, 154, Drafts issued on all points in Canada. -â€" Interest will be allowed, at the rate of EY- four per cent. per annum, on Special De- 3m posits remaining three months. Special 311‘- anangements can be made for moneys-re- 'â€"‘ . maining over that time. ' Corner of Mississauga md Peter Streets: Pomades, Oils, c., prepared by ‘ORONTO MISSISSAGA ST.,' ORILLI’A. IiOOMS ï¬tted up in ï¬rst-class style, and emery attention paid to the comfort of customers THaving had:-. long experience inhm business, and secured the servicm of; a ï¬rst-class hand, the subsuriber 812st satisfaction ' ~ GEORGE WAINMAN. “u Orillia, DO] 135 â€"‘ Corner 0! and 5"†OLD l and on N am United S} 154. Drafts u -- Interest IY- four per cc an- posits rem ’53- anangeme' maining or vv AND SHAMPOOING SALOON, Mississaga 525., Oriflia, .. few doors east of the Shaving, Hair-Dressing, A‘.“ A.-.___, between Orillia and Fort Hope and Peterboro’, connectin with the Nipissing, at W'oodville, to and from oronto. and the G- T. R. East and \Vest, when a fresh time table: will be annognced. D. E. BOULTON; 159. President. 016.1153, December 17th.1$72. On and ..fte:- tho 19: of J anu'zry 1873. TRAINS W ILL RUN REGULARLY z on special applit‘ation, freight will be brought throughf - " PORT HOPE TO ORILLIA! of the time table of the Midland Railway is now in fwrcc, the Expreaa leaving Beamrtul for Port Hope, Lindsay and I’eterbomugl), at 2:20 p.m.. cunnecting with the G. T. IL, Emit and \Vcst. After the ' 10:5: of Becember, MIDLAND RAILWAY. A SAVIflGS BANK DEPARTRENT ‘ has been opened, for the accommodation of mechanics andgpartics Wishing to depOSilL small amounts. Deposits taken in this De- partment of one dollar and upv'vards, upon which interest will be allowed, payable halfg‘eagly. . Office ï¬ghts, 10 21:11:. till 3‘p..m. Sat- xgduys, 10 a..m. till 1 p.11). . H. S. SCADDING, 151 AB The customary WINTER ’ALTERA’nom 161-tf. where every attentidi ness entrusted to ~' ï¬mom 3 To the building lately bocupiai‘by the DOMINION BANK; comma or ' V. I . Mississagn 3338;135th Sireet's, Montreal Telegraph 00., Vicker’s Express 06., ’ Provincial Insurance 00,, And GeneralAgency, ' . DOMINION BANK HAIRDRESSER, (Succssor (Established 1870.") THE ORILLIA “ Albion 'Hotel. " J. WHITE, Dec. 19. 1872. J. SRANAHLN. ‘lBa-nk, bï¬ssissaga St, GEORGE MEAD. A; RALSTON to T. Boyci) 1634?. Agent. , , v â€""'r"'""‘J' “ Because I want tn go to Oxford St,†,said Lord Thornhqpst coolly. ,f“ But you‘ can takermo thatyftï¬m" Minsk ties on the B6; fï¬ï¬jï¬Ã©ï¬,_xo ntétkwdihm I . “I see. â€said the Ma. ms, with 3581- donic smile 8nd 511 awfaï¬ook in his eyes. “ Ignatia goes t6 him; †He crossed the street and preached the cabman, who. Meï¬ghte‘dppmd opening the cab door. “ Are you engaged 1†asked Lord Thom- 1“:th mahrepdied intheaï¬imtive. “Which way are you going ’i†asked the M5 uis. . do’ know 85" tliat’5 51:03:0dy’5 bnuw 11655,†said them nupï¬omlyu A} “ RA"--A'.._>“ -‘_ Aâ€" Helm that the coast, is clear '1â€. ’ Martha. baa gone some minutes. Sh; ca'me health: 3 ebb,'alighted at Thorn- ‘hurst House, tad wentin, closingthedoor. The cab waited. , AGENT. “ Captain Holm hue found my daughter, Martha, â€â€˜she sand, her countenance trans- ï¬gured with joy. * “‘ I 'am going to seeher at .ten o’clock, and you will go with me. Go out and bring a. cab. Stay, you. may dress me ï¬rst. †_ ' ‘ The Marchioness went up to her icon: and Changed M'cbstly. dinner dres'e for g.“ suect costume of hgavyblack silk. ,fA lit- tle before ten o’clock, Martha wagsezztout to can a. cab. The ‘x‘qm‘fl aid not'hotioe the dark ï¬gure overthé‘wsy pacing ceaselessly ‘ in the shadow, with ï¬ery eyes ï¬xed upon ‘ the VThornhux-st madame. ‘If she had noticed it, she might net. have. suspected it tokelopg‘to hegmast'e‘r. , ï¬-s_--‘ .â€"v â€â€˜33-‘09 Iook' mfmr‘theéwomn as she hm'ri out of t e mum. “Is she (mix-m m am ‘ i'ild to see her. Her detectives had been employed in a. constant search for her. Sir Victor-Cheswick, having that day made a fresh visit to the Lacy Insti- ' tute, and there learned of Tessa’a residence ‘1 in Sydenbam, had gone on to The Dingle, and was not yet returned. The March- ioness had nearly given up ‘all ' hnpe of ï¬nding her child when Holm’s ,note was, brought to her. In her anguished frame of mind, shaken to the depths of her soul with maternal love and tenderness, yearn- ing to clasp again to her arms the noble. girl who .was willing to 'sacriï¬ee herself“ for her mother, it would not have seemed possible‘ to Lady Thomhtrrst to refrain from obeying Holm’s invitation. What. ever the danger-to herself from any source, ahexould luff lgmyezl it to meet her child. ALL smear.†us'r. After dinner. upon the evening of the 'D day of Tesss’s recapture ’by her'father, the e- Marquis and Marchioness of Thur-nhurst '33“ separated, in the coldness and silence a. e which now chameterized their intercourse S ‘ with each other. Lady Thornhumt went 3'" to her boudoir, where, if no visitor came, , . she purposed spending'the eveningin a. †‘ dreary solitude. Lady Thornhurst ,en- ‘ eat. l tsred the wide hall, and .began to attire l 'â€"' himself in overshOes, top-coat, hat and i Y. muffler, and to search the rack for an um- i brella. While he was. thus engaged, a loud ring was heard at the servant’s bell. Soon afterwards Martha. Bates came up 1 'the area stairsywithnn unbroken letter in ,- is her hand, and passed into the houdoir, “a not seeing her master at the-further end of .at l the hall. 'But the Marquis saw her, as, test well as the letter she carried. With his“ burning: jealousy, he lcaped’to a. truthful conclusion at once. The letter was from 3 Captain Holm, and was sent. under cover '9 to Lady Thornhurst's maid. How many {at letters had the Marchioness received in ‘ that clandestinemazmer ? I He grew death~ 1 [ _I ly white, and his eyes blazed with a wrath ’ 1 that consumed him. ‘ His ï¬rst impulse g l was to go to his rifle and demand to see " , Holm’s letter. -Then‘ hethmlght that it 1 r: was probably an appointment‘with. her to t ,3 call tint evening in his own absence. It 3 to was now about . nine o’clock, and Capt. u Kl Holm would probably coll within an hour. I V' The Marquis almost decided to remain at â€- 1; home to receive him. Then, as the quiet- I _; est way of managing the matter, he con~ , I eluded to go out as if for the evening, and ' a: j to wait in the square for Holm’s appearâ€" : ’ area. He went out," therefore, hanging 61 , I the outer door withjaiorce that made the windows rattle, and paced up and down 10 the square, keeping in the shadows, and ‘9 watching his own-house with an unceasing hé vigilance. The‘letter, as we have intimat- 3“ ed. was for Lady I‘homhurst, under cover h†l of her maid. It was from Holm,.and told 3,11 her that if she desired to see her daughter 3“ upon the pecuniary terms before arranged, P“ and upon a. solemn agreement not to nuke 6 use or" her legal authority and removertlie I ll" girl from his care, she could call in Albe- to marle street, at the same number as before, ' at ten o’clock that evening. Holm bade l her beware of treachery, and said that he‘ he‘ should admit no one but her maid with .‘ her. He alsoorclered her to bring the 51": thousand pounds, or checks for it, with her. Te: From the moment in which she had "seen her her daughter, two nights before, looking “P in upon her from-the darkness and rain in the the gloomy street with gray wistful eyes, ‘ son: and pale lovely face framed in masses ' of 1001 . golden hair, Lsdy 'Iihornhurst had been tier )1: of aesit ‘ ‘That’ s Bates'†muttered the Marquis, Anna- Am.‘_ A1 , 7 [ADV TRORNHUBST’B DAUGHTER. To grasp the mighty thought ‘ Not angel migdqu ~ ' The depth «£ka bought, With His most precious blood, - , My pardon on the tree, Thaty I, pthrouszh Him, to God Might reconciled be My «21,0 Lord, my _God Freely to Thee Iy give; Bought with Thy precious blood, Henceforth to Thee I’ll live: My body, spirit, soul, Saviour I give to Thee;â€" Do Thou possess the whole ~ To all eternity. Batter-sea, Ont. J. LAWSON- , BY MRS. HARRIET LEWIS. Author of “The. Double Life, " “Txmilian ConrtM"c 8m. 0, 3“Eo'wxnuch owes: thou unto myhrd!“ St. Luke, xvx; 5._ » , And tell hm? much they pwe To Him‘w‘ho paid their ransom, «To savdfrom Marceli- v‘ 301 much tbyppottp Him . Who suffered on the tree, Their spirité‘ to redeem From endless miseryV I ugpossible i017 mind Who can the question answer, ' For Tm: Eirosmn. TEE 633A? mm. CHAPTER L. ORILLIA, ONT. CANADATTH'TU bade Lady at he heart, 3‘ with It was :1 the speak 0: 71m. Tessa to I: up one c 3:13,“, the ouï¬â€˜. yes ' am like 3 ' of looked ix )een der and 4 had face had no}: ration, fl that the shnd‘ L‘ti‘ > .“ F0“! race the jOY» 1 ale. ‘. T!†8 , , w," 0mm 01 ms: name gentleman who would "flow will you help iguandamI You henceforflr'be to be: a true and loving 1‘7““ study 0! the Bible. ml]. be have agreed Wyouwfll‘make no wempt father. She had Rant! 3 home at Inn â€'5’ nun from being â€13'†m pomt ‘ toytake her from me!†mama CaptHolm. The next morning, Sir Victor Che'swick. “’1Ԡ_ _ . . “ Ah; Heaven: Yes,†moaned Lady wary‘nn'd disheartened, nuivod at‘l‘hgrn- ’1st Imam: arm; ‘of and which h Thomhurst. “Butanl'noe bizyherfree- f hunt Hausa. Ho m imbued intb the 1 wade-f 1‘" 80‘ thhm the the" of th 1303“ ? .1 willgivo you «very penny of mv 1 presence of Lady Thomhmt and Tenn, I 0W. “mm the innit†mm from ‘pnmtgfoflgneâ€"my father‘wdl pay you.†I and his an'ow, as marvel! be'imagined, in reaouma the means of casting the in ‘“ NM :11 the Redmthdom could buy was thmgd into 5 . . ‘ ’ twain “baby-age, tad thmgerminm th my Ofl'ï¬om my revenge!†cziedtheviflain, ; Captain Helm speedily recovered from pearl. AW“! IF noteveo’so Vichtronble nth a duration nails. 5“ Weep, ,Lsyiy ' the blow Lord “lumbar-dim! dealt him, mad tflxctmo .1! urea-e i- We ‘too ma! Ihomhnnt. Gptdpng on .our knocsjo . bathe made no eï¬'orttoteoont To... Ho ‘ tum even {when 5nd tom: into pearl ‘ 113?. nd see how much fhig .711an 1:05:54 w rhfeafedï¬nnd i=9 unwed-Hut defeat of great pace. . ' ‘B539 n.» _--â€"., mu muugu 10w 3 face had changed in the years of theirscpm ration, the mother knewher child beyond the shadow of a. doubt or misgiving. “ Found at 1331;)†she manual-em. “Oh, the joy. the rapturé'of‘thié moment!†‘ I ‘ The girl canned softly her moth'ei-‘a jcheelm. .' . .. “ How did you ï¬nd me out, ma 1†she asked. But I cinnot leave you, my darling, my! only. girl. It will kill me tog. any and ' love you with him: Come with tap into the other room.’ Perh I mmakeaom'a bargain with Captain 01m, so that he will allow me'tokeep you ailwgys.†cg- __‘L :2, ‘ _ V__- ’1’ ununlfl, uh , - ‘ ' . 1‘ '5} J The Marquis, utterly bewildqred, softly ' t. as followed the girl‘up stairs without taking ' l1 H gime to deliberate. 7. - They had scarcely r 111 gained the upper landing when the maid a n1 drewlnis lordship into thejliadon of the 1! er third staircaso.‘and just then Capt. Hulm, fi 1y Squire Todhctiy, Lady Thorn’lmrst and 3] Tu her maid came up to the dnwingsmm .i u 1. floor. Helm unlocked the front room, and 7‘ h : they all went in. Lord Thomhurat re- I g: e I gas-dad the party'in a sort of stupefaction. l o This did not look like alover'a meeting. Tl ' The room into which Capt. Hahn had no ushered Lady Thomhï¬i‘atâ€"‘tbo room elm on 1: had met the girl Helm would have foisted an upon her as her own~wns lighted md‘ be _ warmed. Tessa wasinthe inner room, 1 hi t :md'the door was locked upon her. .Cnpt. ed _ I Holm unlocked the door, but in he would. mt _ have opened it the Marchioness interposed he I .and said: . 7 ' < M: “Let me go in to her. Inust see her th< ï¬rst of allalone.†7 ' . \ , hm ; Capt. Holm stood aside, and the March- 1M: ioness opened the dad? and went in. ‘ She ‘ 5M found herself in 8' bodgooq,vwhlero a soft ' En light was burning. â€A slight young "irl‘ toh sat in an easy chair, her féoe bowed on lim- hm hands, her golden hair' ripplingr inn shower (I } about her shoulder. Lad] ~"l'lxm'nhurst ti stepped short, faint and trembling. A fro: panting: sound cscépegi her lips, Tessa was beam} it, and her wild. ct-yrmng through Um: I the house. She leaped taberfoet Wynn ] "no to the Murdxioneos, crying out: f bro: “ Mother! Mother! Oh, Mother.†his: Lady Thornhurnt took the girl to her ‘ ‘ heart, ynd they aobbedfln'ldly‘ Weaker: rm, It was many minutgobeiore‘fe’ithet could am speak'or move. theï¬â€˜li'er la'dyéliip 'd'row “f†Tessa to a. couch and ‘aht down there with‘ been her, holding her c1009.“. She gently took Sf“; up one of the girl's arms, and pushed back you the oufl‘. There'x ira‘g tlic “faint, irregular Ig smMmmembez-e’d.» well.- Tlien the nlou looked into the limpid. my eyes, so ton- der and child-like still, and though Tom’s 53?} Cam in“? AL..'..’..) 3.. 3' . “ The lady have come 9 see Miss,†she said ‘Com_e up stairs,:i r.†, - it g,‘ The. moan: offered by'°tixé_3mquis w'ould have outweigheï¬ rook: mare terrible than his. The girl took in money, and shut the door. v“ I am the husband ofthe lady who'just cnmeï¬f hevsaid. “I wiilgire 31,11 theseto allow me to remain in thehouse whilé she remains here. I will promise that you shall come to no harm though me. †‘ ', The. amount ofl'grgglvby the Marquis 2-..», 1 - eigns. ‘ :1“ -..- mu», .3.» unuul approacn {like a .giflzin love; ya opened to them contrary to Lady Thorn- dress for his comingâ€"«5'0 did $1M, nigh humt’s expectations; 0311.; Holm, how ofhia return {rpm Brighamâ€"hiya!!! Exxon ever, stoodafow stepé bmnd, inthe open and diamonds; ‘ you revel in a ‘ beoutï¬u door-way of tho reception room. H e was home and boundless wealth, and you hav: smiling and coyplaisant, and asked the not one sigh for thodhusband of you: Marclzioncsa intn't'he room: She went in youthâ€"5’ *2 ‘ ' " I . with her maid, and the door was cloned. w‘f Why should I have?" demanded the The house-maid, who booston with the , Marchioness. “,I married you in a mo- street door ajar, surreyi ' Lady Thom- ment of girlish folly. terribly repented. burst with eyes and mou open,‘was now You were one! to me. You wen' ‘base, about to shut it, when the Marquis leaped mammary, bad to the core. It is hard from the box of, the cobnran up the steps, to In}? these words before your daughter. and entered the hall. The girl would Digby Hahn, but Inever loved you. I have screamed in her afl’right, Lord Thorn- have loved but once-'4’ . hurst’s countenance $14.90 terrible, but ‘ “ And your lover has turned into an be made her: gesturerlb‘ be silent, and [ enemy!" cried 01m. “The Marquis held up to her View ï¬vo glittering sover~ 3 hates vou. mr 1min Rut M- ..:n ‘--â€" a; handed the cab.†coin of I‘t‘hat amount. Thé’mg"! Abii‘it 11mg 11‘. on ‘ the pavement. 3‘th ntennnce m- luxed intu a mtkï¬egfdn, he said; “ All right, six; . d2 Excmm sharpneaa, but we “We: get put upon to an awful extent. .-But I ughzto know a. gentleman when 1;!†. r, 331-, géixtlemen always pay , and-that’s‘ the waiy I tell ’etn_ Wyatt Ituckeop‘no- 1 ii. !†b :1 1"“; ‘ he outer side The‘Mai-quis Y. , of thy hams, and ' :in he shadow-2m fur}, 531m- pawns-u; He‘e’s 31w nov- ionesa. men Capt. Hulm, ï¬st, ind Hohn dropped to‘thc floor mm" a l‘hom’hurst and shot. Lord Thomhurst turned to his a drawingsmom : terriï¬ed wife. . front room, and ' “ Come 17’ he said simply. “ Bring the Thomhurat re- I girl !†‘ of stypï¬whion.’ Like one walking in a dream, Lady zpt. Hahn had mended-them“ and Mod the waiting 4the room she cab. The Mnrquis ascended to the box. nld have foisted and the party, with the addition that had no lighted and ‘ been made to it in the form of Team, re- i .e inner room, 1 turned to Belg-ave S “are. They enter-‘1 npon her. .Cnpt. ed the mansion, and vahnmhun-q, al-l at M he would. most’pamlyzedwithapprehensionwentinto I ness interposed her boudoir. Tessa following her. Poor ' ‘ MarthaBates wentup stain weeping. She I: must see her thought that the hour of hex- lady'o doom - ' , \ , had come. And â€thought the beautiful and the March- Mzrchioneu. She laid 0!! _ hez' hat.,and went in. ‘ She ‘ baggage. and stood were his lordship at ‘,,where a soft ' Eve might havd‘stoo'd in‘Eden‘ Jimmie; :ht young «it! tohersentenoeofe minion. WThm-_ gboyred on her hung'in an utters: enoe, drew ho:- tothc mg ma shower depths .of the haw-window, and tho! red 7 Thog'nhurst satin folds oftho‘falling curtains hi1 them Lrengbhng. A from the gm 0’ the afl‘rightcd Tessa» It r 11px, Tessa was no scnten'ce of cxpulsitm‘ Lox-d Thorn- mug through I hmsthad 10:11:23 wife. m» that «dim-littXe ‘ 21-foot magnum ] nook to hear. He stood before hcr,,lxia ~l ‘ f brow! chest hearing. his. lips quivering,- Iothert" L I his face convulled with an awful emotion. i l 1 I He held his wife tq his breast, with one arm. 'He‘ chucked out the other arm ~to Team, and the sprang forward snd‘ m clasped with her'mothcr to the broad breast of that noble gentleman who would henceforflr‘be to be: a true and loving father. She hadï¬mnd 3 home at last.‘ The next_ morning, Sir Victor Che'swick. wuryyd dkhejmflpniwd at 11mm- .“Tessn.†aid the Min-gab ngtin, with a. mile of tender sweetnm. .“ come to no. Y9"! have no father. my child. Helica- forth I'will be you}- father, and you shall beadeufo menthe qoncmywito bu box-name.†They moot fmn the window, and 3p ranching Team. the Muquiagenfly ut- ter-Ed he: tame. The-git! spam; to her feet in 3' sudden «strut. Bat the grand Saxon hceof the Msrquis, with the Mg blue eyes full of bemgnancy, in no way. memblod‘ï¬ze tem‘uo‘couumnoo (ht: Ind-appalled her a the house in Albe- nurle sheet - ‘ .“Tessn."nid the Min-quiz gain. with a rookâ€"the rock of muéud M3333 ‘ m ell 3'â€! Ion. You have not ceased to love me 3" And ’0" ~ Her bluehee answered for her. “ And you 7†she whispered.- 3°10?“ J “ My wife,â€he wavered tenderly. with' 1 'J°hâ€~ W ' ‘ a unlemn may: egg, “you are 1d] my 0 may ourlu world the half ofm myself, the life In mutud, c: (if my life, the Inn! at mysoul. We here waded thrbngh the waste of afliction to- Follow me. nether, end from flat: moment there will Eel mo OI be between us the perfect aunt of ; pet- ‘6’ ' feet love." lthout T] 7" My wife!â€hc said, brokeuly, in tunes whose tenderness s'tct’ied the torturedï¬ anguished - Max-chimeâ€. - “ My «poor, . wwngedmiie! Can levergtona? “nave bqen blind, but now my eyes are a ned. Shall it all bi: â€if it had not {wen Can you fnmiye me 3" ., w . :. , Ignatig looked up aghim wildly, incgod- tummy. Hadhappinau come to her at. last 2 She met a loving, worsh‘ï¬ping gaze full ofagony and self-mlmch. calmed his arms to her. She flew into his em. brace, as a dore‘flig to its neat. “ Yon have.‘forgiven.mn. Anthony?†she wished, in an outaoy'af joy. ; ' “ Nay, it is I‘ who must sue for forgive- ness,†he answered gent] . "Yecwe have both erred, my wife. on should have told me the truth yarn ago. A flea-ct be- ‘twéen husband and wife isbutaooilod ser- ' pent. which will sting'wnerorhtor. ‘ I hue beencmelmverboaring and unbeliev- ing. My sinihu been the gmteot. But wo-n‘n begin now; my nwn'wifo, Ind our regal-2d happiness will no? bo'flbyilt 1:989 .L__-_I. _A _, ,_ hates you, my lady. But he will gum ynnput‘ of his housebemre 131m thrdu'gh with you. I will ’work nponhie mad jeal- ousy in a thousand my» Irwin «may your dwghter to Todisetly, orI will: shut her up where she will! never see daylight I again. You have felt but the beginning lof my revenge. You 'shall now know it 1 in all its honors.†' l . He momd.towa.rds herwithamu out- stretchedx as if he meant to embrace her. 'ith a bound like a tiger, the Marquis leaped into the, 1-603}. Those who were; there shrieked at the sight of him. He ‘ looked like an incarnate Nemesis. He rushed upon Captain Helm, who_ turned and faced him inn sortoz' termr. The -Marquis strucklxis riv'gl with his clenched ‘1'. You hue scorned mic. and yéu. dull feel an the honors of ï¬fe revenge I Invasion: to fake upon you. ‘AthIt mvéngo! h‘owit prospeu: Havelnotdmhtéd yourhmn'es'! Have [not alienated fréug, on; at ud. (gating Othello of a has, 3? Ve I gotfépuatedjon from yopr was? Did a, Isrnxsn study of the Bible will keep m5; nun from beingvnlgu- inpoint of «y 0. Tax. irriteï¬nggnin 'ofuadwhich by incident has gocwithin the lhcllof the oyster. incite. the inmate mm from its mum the mean of eating the in- trusiVe enhance. end thus sex-minutes the pearl. Andie icnoteven'sewichmubles and aï¬eï¬mia’ mate 3- We ‘too may} Follow mesâ€"Vtï¬lézixï¬. ,â€"57. Eel me, 0 blocked Lord, to follow Thee; vyiflxoqt Thy help I know ’twero all in For no t' “taunt the paths of sin to flee, Or seek eternal htppineu to gain: 3 Thy help I need; my he! Insane" I see, Help me, 0 blessed L0 to foflow Thee! JAXULBY 13. Thouï¬rt my GOLâ€"Pulm xxxfa, I4. Thou u-t myGod; l twat/in Thee, 13., â€â€˜2?“ wry m w on, now at 0 once 8 ve, ‘ F0; Thou did’st weed my noul to save. ‘ Juvm 14. ‘ . Thywordin;lnponto myfeetand 3 light unto my puttâ€"Palm m. 105. ‘ I thank The. fol-Thy goodness, Lord, ‘ In gI‘Ving no Thy hie-od'W Byyhichnlighttomingm 4 That phinly than the way to human. 0 may our hearts towards other move In matud, constant. self ' 1g love. ' The ladies are not forgetful of this “Pam“ â€$3,133?" by" "’m’“ and ané now doing their civil best to 12:: “ ‘Vhyue yofeu-fnl, Oyeoflittle Faith 2 I “’1 °PP°M *0 “1°" object rim-cod by temperance advocates. It's very. leg. “M“ um, 26' . . ‘ sant to be it: disfavour with the bat-gs.â€" Foï¬'l nost; poor tremliluxg 11:21:11, 1 Exchange. y viour'l mig ty . Doth all-life’s boiat’rouc waves control, GOO†LCC‘ â€An,dmmfll5' WEBM- He’ll bring thee â€â€˜9 to had. be:- of the sons of rack men of New York Im‘nny9 are at this moment helpless dmnhxdg, “ 3 I ' Young men are they, may ofï¬aen of Pï¬xï¬nmm' 3’7 ’ I @293??sz “HM“!!‘ï¬e-véfgéq- The Lord doth reign; let earth rejoice, And praise our heavenly King; but all that breathe lift up their voice, And join Hi- pnila to sing. , . Juan“ 1).. ï¬eloved,‘ let In love one amazonâ€"I â€"-.-. -5.‘ 71 u 4 w \I usu. am? when Lord Thomhurst took her to his heart in general}. love, the 1d Life’s Shadows passed away from b for-ever“ arid the stepped out into a‘ glorious sun- shine thmun nevgr be dimmed. ~ ' T ' run min. - . Shunt“ ‘39.}? one last word of :he beau- ;tlful Mï¬ï¬cï¬lb ésa ?_ It shdl then be this: Lox}; before she read the bticf no§ice In a morning paper, headed, “Death of a once briflianc army ofï¬cer by drinking and ex- pos'urc.†Lady Thumhunt had ceased to be stirred bythe name or ghnngbt of Digby Hahn. His power over hex-failed on that ‘ nightwheq herhxgsband knew all the truth; J Bellow yo’nr Blanca Lord! Lo, He can edmxthe aging billow By-Hil dmighty word. Lawn? 10. . Ike Lord vigneth, let the earth rejoice. \ werc married, and the Yorkshire gossips are wont to remark. that “young Lady Chuwick is as much at Thornhum «a: hex- own beautiful home at Cheswick CK“- tlo. Strange that a motherand dsnghter ah’ould'bc so wrapped up in each other, as are Lady Thornhuuf: and Lady Cheewick I†rc- ‘- ' Lady Thomhurst kept her daughter with her yearlyxwo years-before she could. suffer her to go from her house and home. But though, at Its: she gave Tessa to Sir Victor Gixeswick, her daughter did not go fnum her heart, 02- from that of Lord Thumhunt. There was a grand wedding in Yorkshire who}: Tessa. and Sir Victur I _--. ....â€". .‘u‘J' uuu no cur: . . muuucal OI a. yeoman. ‘Thcmnce spare and hollow- checkcd seigatms is. a ibixom matron, with bustling ways, and the mates: daily, the {inept poultry-yard and the plumpest cbiï¬drcn to be found .in all the county of De 71m. - l and ,migm forevég’r 'he'ï¬Ã©j'éyï¬ clgrk resigned his oï¬omâ€"mch. tothccha- ‘of Marsh Co., who hadfuxciod chm by {his early audjntemtod charity, he_ha.d I bought Dennis, body and soulâ€"and moved , down ’into Des‘onahire upon his farm, ‘ which Lady Thomhurnt, 8100 in 7 Tessa’a Mme, completely sOOcked ï¬nd furnished. The cider from Dcnnis'farm, and the but- ter and clotted cream from My. Démxis’ dairy, camhmd the highest price in the London markets, aizd are noted far and near. . Thcmnco allow clerk has gnown purely and riddy. and is the beauâ€"ideal of Ant â€â€ maï¬a?" Lady Thornhurst, about a month after moovering her daughtermumhucd a bean- tiful freehold farm in Dcmnsbire, with an 014 atone farmhouse won“, and present- ed tho deed of this estate to Rauben Den- nis, in 'g‘eua’s name,__tudAf‘ to his heirs __.,l .mhr Itmwpposed “hum - f" , any ' ‘ ' mun ‘ofmiseï¬gvgto him, :11 you. ~Ir'all. with 41mm whom he hated. . Ind ‘i'honibtmt haul procured and identiï¬ed they manta .mdvsleovc-clup's which ~were upon Tessa. when ,Holm consigned the child totinauwe «Vi-Mn. Riggs. and which Reuben Dennis had punchaaedrof' the old beldmel and 71m). _ ht with Teasa'to London. The girl’s i idea ty wnis proven' beyond a doubt, and ‘she was (Iceland the heinssgpparenc to 11 -tl|aRedruth estates, which she would in- horit after-he; mother. The “juicing of Colonel Redruth avg-r phe [ecovery of his .4...,I z)-.. W t . __ -â€"v -vvv'w, VA um grindâ€"daughter, and .the (21th of the clonda' 'that h'ud threatened?» darken for- uer the life of, Ignaz}. m great beyond description His joy gave a. new impulse to his health, and he recanted from his illness and grew hale and My, prominp ing to last into : vigomuuand extreme old with what, phflooopiy he could command. Ht- revcnge had led mitmbij', and thine Wham he in ht to injure Were amid beyond Munch. ,Todhe’fly left hin’ to his fate and rent buck to Dorset. ghire, where he, Mummiurly and mis- mthmpic. No l ’ ‘x- buoyed u by that 'wild hope 0f rev upon the ion- «1, of Thmnhmfligby Hahn ugh lower and lower, mshinginto the «m: of do- ‘ atrucxion with hulking gpeod. Hebe. came an emplpyeo‘in’ a. ‘ gainblingzhouae, ’m 36mph) out for which -hi-‘ serpe- n'cnca of Mind Mixing but soonr‘bwunom low even infant, and‘ one wild Déé'eni'bei‘ night, just a year after his return to 'Enghnd mdhi: 'memmble mi: to the wry-avian 00%.:ng in Dévqnahixy, he ran found-ï¬eld in ï¬le. i w ge. OUR DAILY BREAD. ~9me 12-. ! “35¢; of either; but on TOM Island they ; disc scored the remainaof snIndinn amp. ‘and them they found pieces of bum-n per and seaï¬ngwu fluid: had been amt. I: inprolnble themsil M had been mbbedby the'lndianl,mdf0ttlmntdy it was am “ï¬nally maiden, (in u- 1hr mail not ringmeh W1. ghene when ityu made up. Phl- about thiï¬y year: the mils ham been carried over this mute, and this is th- ï¬rlt acui- dentwhichhuhgppmmd ('0 them-J“ _ MAIL Losr.â€"â€"Capt. Ou- reporh a m text between Peneanguishene and B Inlet last month. The mail was W from Penetang'uiihene by two ‘ndiene, end after being camidembly overdue one of the Indiana arrived at Byng Inlet. when he xepnrted the mail loet. He stated tug he and his communion had been “"8“ in theme where ehoaxgotamuhed. 7 The 0311, sails and ma}! bag wen. mm on. upon a sheet of ice upon which 3,1†one ‘ of the Indium took refuge. The other“ ‘ out on the opposite side and the ' 73nd blew so ï¬emely that the piece of ice con- taining the mails m blown out into the hey, carrying the Indian with it. The†was no means afreeeue, and the arriving Indian started for Fyng Inlet, when he repgmd himself, badly from. A part was immediately deepatchedaltat the nie- ï¬ns India! 1W!†mil; may, toad no eroua natures; honorable and high-mm. but the demon of drink has taken Inch possession of them that a. whet-’5 bunk- ing heart. a. mother’s fear [and e W's agony availnottodnwthem from their deep damnation. Elegant khan: was their ruin. , The best mytouve a dam from minis to bring him up to “help ‘ father. †Make the children feel that they must do something to support the Emily, to help along; thence feeï¬nau arias whieh do their â€Madamâ€"M of M and pride. for we naturally love than. whom we help or whom we skugglg’ to- gether with for a desired object, and rmtlxifugl is; imgem of echdd' a to nth. him ee at a: lone consequence, that hecwdo sgmethingmdflut '1.“ he does in approcuted.â€"- «13’: Journal of Health. " ‘ Ix one town, at least, the ladies of this “ ‘ Prnviuce are taking an active intereat_'in matters raining to munmpal’ ' manage- ment. 1p: Beneville, no less than 1,345 ladies are manifesting u) unxiaty auto the 5 mebabie issue of the town clecï¬om ~ For 5 what reas<m think you 7 Mum '. ago they petitioned the council for jihad: ’ support in suppressing the evils of intan- perance§by limiaing the numberof Econ-en, and the memorial was no little thought of that they laid it on the able, which nip), means “thrown it; the waste] WW." The ladies are not orgetfu of ‘ M, and ané now doing their civil but to have , all opposed to their object liplnced by f temperance advocates. It's very. mph. ' mat to be in disfawu: with the Mien... ! Exchange. - Tm: oettlen are petitioning the Commis- " sioner of Crown Lands for a mad though a the unsun'eyed township north of tho 1 townuhip of Mutclxett, to oonnectthe‘u , ko‘m Road with themwdhulymadothm' f I the township of Ryerson. It is chimed . that while the length of mad asked for in _ only nhout seven miles, its construction , would be a great convenient»: to theinhafl- 5 I tants of Rya'son and surmnndx'ag town- 5 : ships, would save a. distance of about-thirty ‘ mi lcs in travelling from Ryenonto Brace. - I Midge, and also open up for lawman. . # ï¬ne section of country. V . Om: of 3.030.0031ettcm went to the United Statgs Dead_Letter 05cc , thing the last year, 68.000130ng not be 5011111} ed tn the pmper destination became of the camlessness of the writers in omitting I to give the state, or county, or both, to I which they should have gone; 400,â€) g failed to go because the Isl-item did not estamp them; and 3000 failed because ithey were not addre'saed aid]. If we ’ could estimate the anxiety and wï¬â€˜ ' 5 occasioned by this number of failumt, an: » add that to the honey value of the long. involved, it. would help us to helm how 3 expensive 3 thing carelessness is. [3‘ my. 3 one to keep his wits about him, even in I 5 email things. rubbish. They are greedy and aggressive, and we must tell them plumpIy that they muwtkeep within respectful boundl.†Such a policymight require modiï¬atiaa, and mightlcad tograveemraJutitinWe: than the “peace at anyrdoa†idea-Ibis}: seem- to pmmil now. rubbish Iristold that when a pro ‘ ' you nobleman, who was movingmtï¬ngaddmu,†came to Palmerstm for his cue, themrdy old veteran said, amdng other thinï¬m they game to the paragraph about Ameri- can attain, “ I do not mt any ofthknon- sense about. community of Wage and interest, uzz‘iyenul Mother-1:009, and such _._I LSAL amusement To ntifymrimity. Been; they have‘read all the-stun stun,†Births, deaths. local and accidents; g: a?“ they nut to. Because they can‘t he 9 it. on known account. Them and thetremainder ofthe train kept Hairpin. ‘onthe track. Nobodywu hurt. but: the train was delayed in 00qu Offline accident, and several W nought lodgingsinthe hutelsforthenight. ‘ , "er do people read admiaemmhi To see who is enterprising ma to Ian: what is going OIL To see ifthere is my- thing new, or anything that they mt. To see if the season’s styles have come in, and to ï¬nd out who bu them. To boy if any One isselling 08‘ at reduced at“. or to watch tbschanpe of an auction. For Tflmaï¬ â€œ1i! ï¬rth/North"; an.†as: within accident at New a «May evening, After {W- . tho station. at 7.30 the (:0va am. Ts:_SL John, N. 13., Dds/Nam think: that if our railroads were flirted on both sides by ff eï¬nï¬nuou: beltdf ï¬noonnoctod with ski u yamnged must: ‘corhin specially exxmedvpoinh, for mould!!- of inocnoonvenient magnitude yould be found on them. Axoxchnnge “wand-huh“ which has been the mast popnhr would in the past ï¬ve weekghaa snddcnlygonn-out 9E fuhion. What is the mum? Worship as if thou wen taLdie no.1", 2 inchea column column column U Job Primin 31%“ hi au‘ penw’ofjï¬yï¬ T and at nmdgnti’pdm. Wax-k done, “for 2133.111†Wgh (fax-go. “IE EXPflSl'flDB. Annmazs‘qz‘iaéi 0900.901 b1 wmmmm w .‘III’III' 7o I ï¬zzsw mmmmm mmazmm mmmmmm mswwfl I mmmwm m news: 3: m an: in: that they mt styles have come in, an them. To boy )6 at reduced meet, a of an auction. For