SINCE I am in anecdotal humour, I may as well mention a. character- istic and creditable incident that oc~ curred to Lord Duï¬â€˜erin before he came‘to Canada, 01 thought of be- coming 3. Governor. He is, it ap~ pears, like many other people bless- ed with “poor relations,†or rather ‘with relations who axe poor com- paratively. On one occasion not ' lonnr ago he and Lady Duflerin de- termined to pay a friendly visit to one of the “poor relations†aforesaid, where there were four daughters and two servants. They quietly wfke} across the country flom the «ran castle to the comfortable cottag one and were hospitably received by the old lady and two of her daughters. The other two were, however, invisible and after repeated hints the over-' ï¬ne matron wasobligod to own with much embarrassment that their ser- . vants had Been allowed a. holiday and the missing daughters were con- . sequentlyp preparing dinner. His Lordship declared that they should » not be left alone, and accordingly - rnade his way to the kitchen and urenderedvalnable assistancein clean; wing the :po'tatoos, and roasting the joint-C'or. London, Ont. ,Adzertiser. mind, hardén his heart, and ever. WM1MC1 be cast away at t I}: afï¬llzige in Michigan, a man, not a. native of the country, built a ï¬ne structure, gave to the village a ten-years’ lease of the second story, free, and furnished, at his own cost, _.the peuclus of a. library, reading- roam,‘ and art-gaï¬e'ry; When that .manowas praised for his generosity, he expressly disclaimed any credit for unselï¬sh motives. He declared" he had done this purely as an inw vestment, and believed it the cheap- est ,way to save the town the cost of pgupersï¬runkardsjdlersmnd felnns; that in the elevated moral as well as A THREAD can hide a. star, :1 six- pence can hide the View of all before ms gnda man with but. a little of ibis 'ï¬eetxng wqud may blind his that in the elevated momil as well as inteflectnal tone of society, the pro~ motion of intelligence and industry, the increased prosperity of the vil~ Inge, he, or .at least his children, should yet get back the money with interest. ‘1’ THAT which makes people dissat- isfied with their condition is the aniliuierical ideathey form of the hap- "ï¬iness of omenâ€"Thomson. ‘ f" THE great gtiarantee for astudent’s tyinomiity is in industry; and the best fdisciplinary measures will be those .tby which industry is advanced.â€" ‘Goldwin Smith. (“3"_ ANY man who starts out in life :ffyith the conviction that money can _;be better made than by earning it, - is alost manâ€"lost already to Society, 1 ‘ ‘Liost to his family, lost to hiniself. - LET every man be occupied, and :gccqpied in the highest empioyment of whiz}; his nature is capable, and die'ï¬ith the c‘onsciousriess that he has done his best.â€"â€"Syd7zey Smith. 2r.-- A._WESTERN paper, describing the effects of a terriï¬c storm, observed “that it shattered mountains, tore up oaks, dismantled churches, laid i whole villages, wasteandovertui‘ned a a hog pen." I ‘ 358% the cause of almost all them?- erty, and almost all the crime, and almést all the misery, and almost all the irreligion, that disgrace and af- fliec the land.â€"‘â€"Guthm'e. BEFORE God and man, before the church and the worllJimpeach In- temperance. I charge it with the murder of innumerable souls. In this country. blessed with freedom and plenty, the Word _of God and die libel ties of true religionJcharge rifles, obtains more applause than dis- ~ cretion, the rarest of them. THE Bulletin says that the aggre- ;_gate§ cost. of buildings erectedinc Col- hngwood last, year was 8" 9 800 4 No man can be provident of his Aime who is not provident in the choiceofhis company. â€"Jez'em3/Tay- FREEDOM in sins leads to slavery in sorrow. 0 WHY are reporters like thieves? ‘vâ€"Because they take notes. ,~ 'HCOCRAGE, the commonest of vir’- q-,. A man ineets little Ayn'z'pathy 5 While gtmggling for success. 1nd when the back of Fortune’s car "L‘ He’s clutched, you’ll always ï¬nd owwr‘é’ady'h‘n best friends are To bellow, “\Vhip behind!†A: happy as a. lurd, “Hi! whip behind!†with hoot: andsqueals { They yell with one accgrd. The'driver turns and plies the lash, » Thrchfld‘fdh inthe dirt, Ind in a. puddle rolls her-splashâ€" : 1 think-he must be hurt! Ea trims away ~that ragged boyâ€" i" Heis anything'but gay; His11ifflé friends they jump for joy, Amigo on with their play! 'l'he,_aftmi: was mm}:-w ‘ A; cab passed by. and on its track ‘ A; A;1ittlo dirty child. Gabby drives cdmly,throngh the slush, 1%}: albunconscious mind; wï¬eï¬dirty child comes with a rush, “ Ayd clambcxs up behind. magnates had looked with careless eye 3:011 all his eï¬'orts vain, ant, nor he’s landed high and dry, :3 They burn with envious pain. ‘ I lfgnedfrom quit my ivy-pair back- gs he sits be_twe_en the wheels, my head 'des ndinglyâ€" snob is life, guess!†f“me Behind? .101: No. 14, West half, 12thCon. of Oro. 0021- OR SALE OR TO RENT. mining 100 acres, more or less, 70 acres cleared. » __ - with good buildings and orchard}. Well fenced A Small House and Lot. on Ban-Re Road, and writer-ed. Apply on the pm to within a short. distance of the Vfllmof ' D. WOOLAMS. . '. Ora. J a. but. 1813. - 1â€. I Onllm, Jan. A Ito JOHNFOX. . 253973. . . :3? TO SELL, CHEAP, OR TO RENT. 181. ONTAINS the most reliable informa- tioï¬ of all the saying; and doings in the great “ North ‘Vest†Everyone who takes an intem 111 this fertile Province, or who antici- ate making thei; homes here, should subscribe F01“ it. Terms. 82 per mm, in advance. Address, “ The Manitoba Gaxette, †'VVINNIPEG, f How dangerous to defer those m‘o- ‘mentous ,reformations which the coiscienc‘e‘ is solemnlyâ€preaching to the heart. If theyareneglected, the difï¬culty and indisposition are inâ€" creasing every month; the mind re- ceding, degree after degree, from the _warm and hopeful zone, til] at last it will exiteithe hfcii‘cfcifc-Ie,‘ and; become ï¬xed in relentlessgnd eter- nai ice. ‘ IT is reported in South Ohtaï¬o that Mr. Gibbs has received the» ap- pointment of Financial Ministef‘, vice Sir F mncis Hincks resigned, and that he is prepmng' for his re-clec- tion before. making the facthpublic. PRESSURE of otlier‘matterhas pre- vented us from noticing sooner the Prospectus of a work about to be issued by Mr. Stanislaus Drapeau,of the Department of Agriculture, Ot- tawagntitled : “ Description, History and Statistics of the Chaiitable, Be- nevolent and Educational Instituo tions of Canada." 'It will be illus~ tmted with numerous engravings, c. The object of the wen-lids to . supply the Capadian public ivith 2i i full and complete historicalï¬eseripl E tive and statistical account. o£~ the ‘ many noble Institutions of Beuevo~ ‘ lence andCharity which existin the Dominion of Canada. It will ap- pear simultaneously in English and French, early in the present year. The subscription pribe will be $1.00 per volume, in paper cbver.stitched; $2.40 per velume for the illustrated edition, elegantly bound in cloth boards. The price to non-subscrib- ers will be double. An agent is : wanted in this town. ‘ I THE Canadian, Monthly ind N - ] tional Review enters. upon the new [year and Lts third volume With Ven- coumgihg prospects. It promises to be the most permanent,asit certainly ‘ is the best, literary periodical ever issued in Canada. The contents of the January number areas variod. instructive,and well writtenas usual. The â€"magazine can be prqquedagthe book-shuts, or from the Publishers, Adam, StevenSOn ‘65 00., Toronto. WITHOUT a. rival in its own ecu- Iiar sphere, the Phrenological ’ our- nal occupies the whole ï¬eld of “the proper study of mankind,†so as noz to leave room for even an imitator. Though entering upon the'56th vol- ume, the January number displays all the vitality and vigour of youth, strengthened by the unwerience and wisdom of maturity. b‘. R. W'eils, 389 Broadway, New York, U. S. t i Parmzsox’s MAGAZINE for Jzinu- al'y, 1873, was early on our table. ; It contains two pretty steel engmv- ing’s “Cherry Ripe†and “The Ini- tials an the Tree.†There is a._Ber- Iin pattern, in more than a dozm colurs; and the usual literary con-yr tents. The price is but 82 a year. Address Chas. J. Peterson,306 Chest- nutst., Philadelphia, US. ‘ ' ‘ BROKOVSKI a; gARRjITHERS, } Mr. GEORGE EDESBARATS, tï¬e en- ‘ tetprising Montreal' Publisher" has changed the shape and general char- acteristics of the Hearthstone, and given if. a new titleâ€"fhervourite. 15 is a thoroughly Cagndian paper, well and attractively got up. For sale by news-dealerv,‘ and on the trains. THAT favourite home magazine, the New Dommz'on Monthly, for January, has been received. The staff of cuntributors 13 fully main- tained, and we hope this )ear to see its prosmrity very much improved. Published by John Dougall éS Montreal. ary number the'Guest en£eié Vanni: its sixtb'volume, and ch‘e'publisher announces new and varied attrac- tions. W.W.Whitney,Toledo,Obio. Wnrrxm’s MUSICAL GUEST al- ways contains not only good music but, good_ readjag: With thé Janu- l THAT excellent and elegant little ' monthly the Farm and Fiï¬ wide Journal, will hencef‘orth be known by the more concise titleofPen and How. Address,P. O. Box 3242,New York, U S. ‘Tm: Science of Health for Janu- myâ€"The ï¬mt Number of the se- cond volume, and ï¬lled with practi- cal suggestions. Only 200m,- or, $2 a year. Address, S. R. Wells, Pub- lisher, 389 Broadway, New York. “£3535 ADAM, STEPHENSON ¢£~ Co, «2f Tmonto, so we learn from the Oanadir‘m Monthly, are about to publish Dr. Punsbun’slectures and a few ndmiredsermons ina handsome volume. - “DIED, in Talbotton, Georgia, U. 8., December 25, 1872, of Pure Bad Luck, The Weekly American, cut of? in the prime ot'life.†THE Bong Ia‘ Side 18 a, good paper for children. Published at ChicagO. Illinois, U. S. OUR EXQZANGES. wmnip'eg, Ma. employed. Special attention given to re- pairs. A nice assortment of WHIPS, SPURS, BRUSHES, CURRY COMES, c., V ï¬wSys 1:: stock. Also a stock of A’ TRUNKS and VlLlSES. / THOMASBYRNB. J For a serviqeable Harness, from the lightalt. and most gtylislfly got up, to’ the heaviest and most durable, go to this ea- tabliahment. No inferior stock used. Only First- Class Workmen THOS. BYRNE, -‘ Proprietor THE ORILLIA HARNESS Sm: VANTASSEL, NEWTON cf: CO All to be had next door to D. L. Samson’s stare. STRAW CUTTER SEWING MACHINES I SOMETHING NEW. SAWING MACHINE Patterson's Naw Patent Two Horse Buyers are invited to call am) judge for themselves. Bacon, Oatmeal, .Com Mod, White Fish, and Salmon Trout, alwayn keptin stock. . 12 Chests more of that coleï¬'mtoé‘ HIM- ALAYA TEA, 20 cents per Ib.‘w‘hich in point of strength and flavor is nupen'or to any 59 cent Tea 1n Orillia. “ “ Drawers only 87§ ct: 20 Tbs. Rice fur $1. (2"? 10% lbs. Bright Suga‘g, GI Golden Syrup, 60 cents per gallon. v~uycu A any . wuov, wuruuuu Genta’ Wool Undury Shirts, on! “87% eta. “ Drawers,-only BTgcts. A... u c;- -‘ . CUMMING’S CELEBR ATED PRICE L'IST- A -- 3 fl... Men’ I Canadian link}. Cloth Pmï¬t 95. “ Heavy Stu 8300" $135.- _ . “ Superior_ ip__ - “ $3. 25, worth 3. 75 Invites the attention of the public_ 50 his stock of Ready -Made Clnth’in (Bigot! 8., Shoes, Groceries, c., Vï¬ich {inn been selected with great care, onl the most ad- vantageous terms, and flinch are to be disposed of at price: which defy competi- tim. Note my -‘ Every Department Fully Assorted I IMMEN SE SUCCESS l! Stock Complete! Yokohama House. DINNER fort ~ 150., TEA or COFFEE. A GOOD 0UP (Drillia Fruitllepsbt TE RMCS CASH. FROM 11 A. 11., TILL 3 P. M. J. D. O’BRIEN REMEMBER Tï¬i‘. fï¬dm MINTHOBN’S Block. i or MANY KINDS. THE EXPOSITOR, 03.119415, J. D O’BRIEN, Late with \Iulmhy Co. YOU CAN OI! AT THE Writing Desks, Ladieslï¬iquâ€" Bfox‘ Family Se ' ‘ a}:lhc(l:“l‘x‘xéts,~ Mi: Needles, Mel eons, d-c. , DEALER Ix ALL mxns or Household Furniture 1 Room Paper, Window Blinds, Framed Pictures, _ F anc Goods, †, .gagch'tndolas)‘- u Toys, fl sure, and wishing to increase their income. lease send address prepaid to undersigned. ccupationeuywd honorable. suited to SE and especially to Ladies. 82 to $10 by with‘ont rink at expense. 0. L. BOSS . Mig- the an. n“ a 0th.:- public announce-tub All paragraphs or srticlel in the Editorhl, Loeal or Correspondence Columns, 15 cant. a line for each insertion. Announcements in the “Business Notices“ column, not at reading. 10 cents dine for mhvimerï¬on. Notices of M'oetingn or Sande?! to bayou chm-god for pt Vâ€"f- r", ~ 'aa .‘ a'. THE EXPOSITOR ADVERTISING RATES. A full stock of all kinds of Gentlemen": Furnishings, consisting of Shirts, Drawers, Ties. Collars, c.. with 1:1 assortment bf Rendy~Mado Clothing. ' | His long experience in the business, and everything beingmade underhis own unpop- vision,onable himtogumnteeutisfaction. OF ORIL‘LIA, ' " OF COURSE WHO’S YOURTAIibR? @- quer thngqwginion Tami, vvf‘! ' P‘Y“ 3‘ HE Subscriber 11:70 gelled". '33:“:- for the urchm and of How ad will alwayn \e I large number dispose of Parties making to scum 9: purchase om will do well to 2:38 and leave‘their unanimous with him. He also commenced the trnningof Colts, to which he would invite the attention of stock ruisen. ‘R._ TINDLE. BAD THISBâ€"All persons having leiâ€" __A,_‘ ,,_,. A, 6' Clean 3nd fespectable , Vehicles. (Oppqc'itarï¬hé ‘» ‘idence of Jamessan fl " Esq-.33; Street, 0mm) â€3’ R. PARKHILL, Mï¬NEY REFBNDEB. 990.12.. HQESEs/z SA TISFACTIQN GIVEN I REPAIRING PROMPI‘LY DONE! Gold and S11ver Watches, Jewellery of every description, éa. yfxnegmn WIELSELECTEDSTOOK in Hunmond‘i Building, when . found. Me‘cbmiéat ‘Wmiinkei-édhnnég bu much'pleuulo in “yawning to the pub- lic, that he has Opened 1. N av Jewellefy Vï¬taï¬Ã©hment I iaNElfONQPARIS - HOUSE. ‘Failorfs Trimmings, Gentlelï¬eri’ s Furnishings,c. , 13 Front St. Wat, (Lanna; 1m Blochâ€) TORONTO, 0N1. WIL‘p .. Mum, In Orillia, WM. FERRET. TINDLE’S suitable for Fall and Win- tar is now receiving his né stock of Cioths, 5w; R. PARKHILL LL‘D WEI-WWII BAZAAR. :Qoncertinas, or I: I. ' a?" REMEHBEBI-é-Kiag‘o , old Stand, Corne'r Mississag: and Peter Streets. GOOD v“ VALUE! Good- and Pneuuand you win he ________ JLL,4‘ convincéd thnt he in giving Call and Examine than horetofon uold in land a Ergo 965d: 0! Liquors, whiélj he is determined to sell us DRY GOODS. Fall and Winter Goods,» NEW STQCK 1. txecutod with p UNCTUAHTY gs DISPATCH A. Kennedy Gnocans, Lower GRIST L’i LL REPAIRS.- STEAK ENGINE, WOOLLEN. CASTIN GS, IMPRQVE-D «mans a: mum. and stréwcutting ' ‘73 ofï¬ng? 'pzsoaim‘rdzti Reaping, 'nom. scs'uxns, um a- ; TRIAL ï¬omorrED'. .é READY-MADE CLOTHING. Agricultural Implemenuf! PLOUGHS ! C H.‘JAY' CO 3001's and SHOES, In low rueiving his Consisting of sawing. (Totmansfl, OFLLLILYDC 01' Mowing, SA W AND Our stock will anâ€, bg found complete, and we sell at. pï¬eés‘thst cqnnot but. give general ncisfaction Booms: SHOES, M ‘M Stock of ~Bugdy-I ‘7‘“, .1 ~. Staple and Fancy ury Goods, h"; '30}. They an‘ivzéea‘i'v'ing ‘ regular tintio‘no to their“ Fall and Winter FEE * mm Aimvma EVERY WEEK. “gill. gain“ in thei- Admh'o to gin Conqistigg of a. large stock of Heavy Harness 1 ' . Luhm at .m- u. Astonishing Low Prim! Double Single Harness. Dissette Hay. SADDLERI' wmuocsn A lug. stock of light And buff 711.131., T‘.'.‘ r _I'I‘OGKOP DRESS GOODS, PACE ‘.M‘AIN~I“ , “COTTONS. DISSETTE HOY. CUB-RY COKBI, of All kinds; on bad, a A wry Isl-go “oak d . ‘ ‘ Arc recoxnng l-"v *gâ€"m the 33mm, ï¬ve yea-n. Sand for cat-1003! containing ï¬fty difl'mnt style: of instrument: I5" .1 . VLWOCN Gum. 00:15.1“ . » ‘ t‘ Prove that our Instruments! 12: the opinion of competent judge: m ineompenbl euperior to :11 other; 3' 1 Sole Proprietms and Manufacturers of 6h. 1_ “ORGAN'ET'IZE.†Cdnhining Scribner’e PM W118 Tubes, acknowledged by 3.11 to bethe meg imprqvement yet warhead. nu nority u conceded other canker-frag; them MeirGuelph‘they withdrew from competition, thu- acknow- hdgingtheirinsbflitytooonpebm Guelph, Ontario, Received Every First Prize fur â€owns and "an170“ Thug-andsneceu, ym’ummdof s sum lullAl. ‘ 3 all-long and I2 flllin‘ Imus, At the Provincial Exhibition, Hmilton. 3nd Central Exhibition, Guelph. Ten Figs; Prizes! ’7 " * At 7% Exhibition? COMPLETE SUCCESS! 1872)., -- '_‘-V. VI. vu- digrestinqtiee 33d moi: reasonable tem- Béméniï¬Ã©Ei-oFVKe-xrmnï¬ho ' Hotel, on West Street. “' “D. PHILLIPS. . Nov-is your-ï¬ne 1:th you-Sowe- and Stove-rages. copper. Tin. Sheet Iron, ma qu . st prim. am will utonish yon ' 9' Ad! Will utjsfyyonflnt ho is determined to tell gt Mouths: cannot be beatexi. . EAVE-TROUGHING done in :mpen'ar my": and «for: degaipaou or work i- COOKING STOVES; BOX AND PARLOUR mm, and tn allot-uncut of Shelf HARP'TLABI. J- ingthanh for the urge-hr. cfpd- tmnagv he has received since he‘ com- menced business in Odllin, and would in- furm the public that he huhtely pal-chu- ed on the hunt improved machinery, to- gether with tinge stock of TEE subscriber, his «lecture In return- Jna than}. ‘nr n... 1.... 4.-.. .t.. Phillip’s Tin Shop. GROCERIES! The rush stiu continues, beam it is well known he in sacriï¬cing, in A FIXED FACT! that the lug; and ï¬ctitock or '. BELL 00., ~ on hand. Orillia. 11th Doc. 1872. which his Father's Undo, 342- Li- 3‘ death, left by entail, has fully hid. up his mind to ' ' £ 1 5 0, 000, instrument fully wannioé for BY THE lat JANUARY. Being ‘now about to “our. tho A full‘usonmont of nowonhnd. tbonderontho (1372. of