r, fo- tunng north of Toronto. country mwfllaowelltogivehimscall. _ 'Rmembuhisold, mdnextdoortb my?! mPaKSt Guns; 1.. in of tho LUMBER AND SCANTLING r. mmm - â€" Proprietor, Iaprepnndpomvply all orden, wholoadeor ‘ \retuLontheshorteï¬notica. , PECIMENS SENT FREE 0N APPLI- CATION. Ten ee men m requested h a?! m extending tic amnion and useful- “ of amp. paw “F“Onuno Tamphr T†ufllled‘n‘gthnseful inhmting items to em gar: taupe r- um phonon.“ , and : uld be liberally mortadbydlwhzme mecca-tom. abstinence anâ€; mp1. of Honor.†ORILLIA SAUSAGE F ACTORY.‘ W50», om Dollar 6 yéar. P. I. 511mm}, - ~ Publisher? FOR SALE. ‘ . BINNER a: SONS lay an. 112. Isl-Ia THE MTARMTBMPIAR. As he has the largegt ï¬ght}. fog- maniac» gtnfessinual genius. Fruit and Ornamental Trm, Shrubs, .L. â€I" vuuawr, 1M0, u“ Gun] Aunt, Orin“. Ont. Oman-Mannie Buildings. BUB. ~Renb md dewâ€"$011M. Orilks, Jun. 5th, 1872. -' Agont for the Oflwflle Nurseries, in b. at Ir. J. D. O’BRIEN’S STORE, our] Saturday, to receive orders for ' SILVER CREEK MILL! 10m ORIIJJA. TO EVERY FARMER ! LEATHER 01“ ALL KINDS. ORILLIA TANNERY 1 WEST ST.. ORILLIA. da’Benu-etonllandgivo him your Gamma-(1.1812161. FAST HORSES AND GOOD CONVEYANCES. WM. J ACKSON, - Pxopmmon'. Livery Stables ! MATCHBDASH STREET. '1 8° Goa- mnonnoor gr goon MES? gag. men 453 are 3.908 vine F g 4E Cult paid for Hides, Kip and Gulf Skins, an! .n,, m Orilï¬a regularly on the 10th, 17th and 18th of each month Good sets of Teeth of. $16.00. Ofï¬ce. at Dr. Ssndoruon‘ s N. B. _--A_ good oponimz for 3 student U’ liquiin n Any of the Hatch. £1135 he will bé happy at :21 times to atc’cud to any useful- which hm services may bereqnired. Orinia, Aux. 10th. 1871. EGS to inform the inhabittnts of Oril- Iia 3nd vicimty, that he has settled m 01'- for the mastic. of his p :afcssiou, :md th;t he will be happy 3.321 times .0 attend to ...: WWW“. 3333‘: W L. Mum»: of tho Collego of Physiciansmd moons of Ont... (GMWO of Victoria Univer- Iity,) thticiuu Surgeon. and Acconcheur, Bear venon, Ont. Olï¬coâ€"Bcaverton Dispensarywl . . v. SHOEM AKERS’ FINDINGS, c. , F W. ARMSTRONG, . (Successor to A. Fowlie. P. L. 8.) Provincial Land Surveyor, Drauthzmm. Oiï¬l Engineer md Architect, Vainator. Land and General t. Maps compiled. Disput- od‘ldnu c __ y_ adjunct}. A Omanâ€"Next'liom: to tho “OriIIiaHouu,†he!!! Emmi-d 11v A.:_Fow_1ie- All O'rdcn 5y mail will receive gwmpt a'ttem flex-Address. Box 57. 031mm. . 0. 125. Ban-i0, Jay 23:3. 187-2. RED. J. R. GRANT, CON V EY- ANCER, .c., c. Valuator for tho Can- als Panama: Building Society. Orima. Ont. . WM. BROW'N, Provincial Land Surveyor, and Mr. Arthur G. Robinson. formally Government Civil Engineer and Axgtgitect, havg opened an ofï¬ce at Orillia. 08o, Louisa Street, Toronto. SAMUEL S. ROBWSON. SOLICITOR, and Notary Public for thaDominionBank, On'nig. Convoysncer, tc. Money Lent.â€" Woner for taking Aï¬daï¬ts. O. H. LYON, DGAR, FENTOX £7 CORBOULD, Barristers 1nd Ataorneys-atnlmw, Solid- Donia Chncery, C9nvey§9oer_ _c.. OFFICE~Next doorto the “Dim-Homo,†a st his residence. aft-u- oflico hows. rchitqct, have 0 cued an office at Orillia. Anemia-to be it st 5. S. Robinson’s Law RANK EVANS, BARRISTER, AT- TORNEY-AT-LAW. Soï¬dtorin Chan- ouy, Conveyancer. Nphry Public, Comin- donor for taking Aï¬dzriu, to. VOLUIE ll, "0. Iss- C’ Anus-muse Runs Moomn. .9 , P. MURRAY At One Dollar a year, in advance] Onoâ€"In 166m: Bindings, Ma, '11“ J. D. EDGAR F. FENTOK, G. E. CORBOU'LD. MONEY TO .LENI). J. 7 OUGH. M. 1)., n Booth Ootbett’s New Brick 310°: DRILLIA, 0311, VETERINA RY SURGEON, j' W! NTER ALTERA'HON I The gxgosï¬ar g5. EVERY THURSDAY, J. ALPORT, Amnntant, Arbitra- tor. Valuator, Land, Insurance and ALWAYS ON HAND. H. LAWRENCE, S. WAINVVRIGHT, ï¬e†c. 41' 1'82 0!?!“ 'arhs. ADVERTISE é; .' Superior workmanship done at tho hwui‘poasiblo price. for cash. ~- ~ JAS. SHANAHAN, â€" Pnopnmon, CUSTOM Boot Shoe Store! and hopes by strict attention to businss. using nothing but the best {maria}, and employing good workmen, tome“: fair shareof patron- age. “ Brittle:- Scots†should give him a all.“ THE subscriber wishes tojnform the in- habitants of Orilï¬a and the public generaL 1y that he has opened a N ew Boot and Shoe Shop, NEW BO0T AND SHOE SHOP If you want a. good Shave. Hair Cut, or Sham; poo, c., with Claanliness, Comfort and Diu- patch. A vcrv large assortment of Pipes, Razors, Combs, 1321231193; o., o., kept in stock. Nut the new Domig‘iqy‘ flank, Misting: 3t. GEGRGE MEAD, THE ORILLIA Shaving and Hair Cutting Saloon 2 (Established 1870.) Pomades, Oils, c., prepared by {ORONTO ] OOMS ï¬tted up in ï¬rstclass style, and eVery attention paid to the comfort of customers. Havinghad 1. long experience in his business, and secured the services of a. a ï¬rstclaas hand, the subscriber guarantee: ssï¬lfactiom GEORGE WAINMAN. Orilï¬a, December 17th. 1872. . 163-137. MISSISSAGA ST., ORILLLL AND SHAMPOOIN G SALOON, Missimga Sm, Orilha, a few doors east of the Shaï¬ng, ‘ flair-Dressing, GEO. ‘VAINMAN, between Orinia and Port Hope and Peterboro’, connecdnï¬â€˜with the Nipi '13, at WoodvilleJo and from oranto. and the - T. R. East md West, when a fresh time table will be announced. D. E. BOULTON, 15’. Prgsï¬ï¬‚an} on special appliI-ation, freight will be brought through from PORT HOPE TO ORILLIA! 'of the time table of the Midhnd Railwxy is mm in force, the Exixress leaving Beamrton for Port Rape, Lindsay 3nd Patel-borough, at 2:20 .m., oonncctin with the G. T. R., East and est. After e 10th of December, MIDLAND RAILWAY. has been opened, for the accommodation of mechanics and parties wishing to deposit small amounts. Deposits taken in this De- partment of one dollar and upwards, upon which interest will be allowed, payable half yearly. ‘ Oflice hours, 10 a.m. till 3 p.m. Sat- urdays, 10 am. till 1 p.111. ' H. S. SCADDING, «A. .- GOLD and American Currency, drafts on New York, Bills of Exchange, and United States currency, bought and sold, Drafts issued on all points 1n Canada Interest will be allowed, at the rate of four per cent. per annum, on Specm 1 De- posits remaining three months. Special mgements can be made for moneys re- maining over that time. Corner of Mississaga. and Peter Streets. where ev ery 31 tention willbe paid to busi- ness entrusted to 161~tf. On and after the lat of January, 187 3. uxs WILL RUN REGULARLY z Montreal Telegraph 00-; Vicker’s Express 06., :Provincial Insurance 00., And General Agency, @- REMOVED .3 To the building lately occupied by the} DOMINION BANK, comma or i Mississagn and Peter Streets; A SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT DOMINION BANK. HAIRDRESSER, (Successor to T. Boyd.) “Albion Hotel." ,., The customs; J. SHANAHAN. 19, 1872. GEORGE MEAD. A. RALSTUN Tn] Presidént. Agent. 3‘83!†â€PM?“ aiming M: 9m: in M Ac m. general. It. flashed in the pan. Pelixsier, who hadrooovered his oqnanimity, checked him by: gesture, anti-thou aid: “ Sir, ypq mill repprt yompolf under mfg- Dome one of hi: African campaigns, the late French Marshall Peliuier, whose outta temper was well known to every one of his soldiers, so for: f0 1: 11.13;]! on one oecuionaaseomike and 0- camp with his riding-whip for urongly executing hi: olden Without 3 mo- ment’s hesitation the ymng ofï¬cer: drew hi- mew whom and Name __ -- â€".wâ€"' uâ€"v “Va-v such acheerfuf, delightful lace, andyonr- eelvesso natured sag obliging, that many of eplaces where your brothers now seek amusement will lose their-at- traction, and a coarse, loud, fast girlho- come repulsive.â€"-Chrisï¬an Unions“ » was ready to hefp anti encgui'agévhiliz; Singers, _do auryou can to make the home £ 7 7‘ "il "-m '-'J “HIV at :pped gromng~ , and ad] the fault-ï¬nding in the world does not hasten the matter. I don’t believe there is a. boy in the world who would not be susceptible to the peï¬m ing‘influehce of a gentle,_' loving sistgrggho __ -_AJ ,V vâ€"_‘_‘-v “v nvl. ance. If possible, never ï¬nd fault with them, and lens the sisters never miss I. chance for commendation. It is surpris- ing how a little judicious praise will set a boy thinkingefhinhortcomings, and plan- ning how he may deserve more, Don’t look at them when they are ea ‘ . It is very comforting to rememberthat ya do learn to out. pmperly__wlxen_ t1_:9y_ 1!?" .5 _.._A.I “-7 ' once they might have over their brothers by exercisinga little self-con trol. I say a little, perhaps that is too moderate a word; it would hardly be too strong to say . a great deal, for I know very well how tor- menting boys are oftentimes, and how they put one’s patience to the severest proofs. But, after all, there is nothing gained by ï¬nding fault with them, for the next day after we have scolded and lec- tured them for prowling about the house and helpin themselves to whatever there \ is to eat, t ey7will gothand do the 8:12:16 thin agam.’ ; grant at itis rovo " to hzgve all the doors left open? and th: tracks of mud on the floor and carpet, and _ that it is discouraging to have a boy swal~ low his food without chewing, show all he has in his month while eating, drink with his mouth full of meat and potatoes, put in his food with his knife, or any way to get it in; it is discouraging, especially if the boy is getting on in years, and quite disgusting to his more reï¬ned and delicate sister. But it is not positively wicked, . and I have known such a boy, a boy who 1 did not half wash himself besides, grow ‘ to be a great and good man, and behave as well among civilized people as any gen- tleman of the.» all. I don’t know as there is any reason why boys should not be as tractable and controlable as girls, but as a. class they are not; and We must accept the fact and govern our deportment to- , ward them accordingly. They will'be out evenin without always accounting for themseï¬es, which their sisters would not think of doing or be allowed to do if they did think of it; and they won't get up in the morning when they ought to; like enough theyare lazy, and perhaps they ' smoke and won’t study. It is an unplea- sant state of things to say the least of it, and ought not to be so. But I don’tkilow any other way for sisters to help the mat- ter thanhy uniform kindness and forbcab 203 rte-v.4: n _v_ u, . My duty every day fulï¬ll; And thus obey Thy Holy Word, And do my blessed Master 5 will. JANUARY 2.1 Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James, 1v., 7. With prayer resist the devil, And he will from you flee, For 110an that is evil With prayer keeps company. "I Not slothfnl ix; ; fervent in 51 serving the Lord.-â€"- omans, 111., 11. May‘I with_ hands aqd 1‘9““). _O Lord, That I may worship Thee in secret prayer; And may Thy Holy Spirit’s aid be given, That I in spirit maycommune with Heaven. And now, while from my b¢def sleep I rise, And how to pay my morning sacriï¬ce, Lord, take away each worldly thought and . JANUARY 17. Watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation. â€"â€"Ma.tt. , XXVL, ffl' Help me, 0 Lord, to watch and pray, Against all sin to guard, ' ' ’ That I may serve Thee every day, Till called to my reward: JANUARY 18. I can do all things thmugh Christ which atrengtheneth: me. â€"~Phil. , 1v ., 13. Though helpless, weak and vile I am, And nothing good can do, I trust alone in Jesu’s name, And thus:my strength renew; In Him I ï¬nd sustaining grace, And thus do all things to His praise. JANUARY 19. I myself will awake early.--Psslms, own, 2. wfmder _if_gi1:13 realize what an influ- Csnm‘buted to Tax Exrosrron, byJ. Lawson JANUARY 15 What wilt thou that I shall do unto thee ?â€"â€"-L_uke 1111., 41. “ w 1 ‘ _ Junk! 16. - According to your faith be it unto you. -Mat. 1x., 29; . ' ' Have faith in God and» thou shalt see His saving power made known in thee; For never will He hide His face From them that trust Bis saving grace. Open my eyes that I mf'soe My_ wretchedness and misery; Saviour, ‘50 me this blessing give, That I may look to Thee and live. Dymg' ! you, the year is dying, Ever onward Time is flying; Coming down life’s rapid tide, Every year we onward glide; Months and years are quicklypasa’dl By and by will come' our last: Ever may we watch andpray, Ready for the ï¬nal day. ORILLIA, ONT., CANADA, T SDAY, JANUARY 23, 1873. 7 . ‘ -‘ A mu WWW m ï¬n Inter @133 gm gmwt. I A. u. ‘L- n a--_- A_ ix; 1", :rizlf?hrg:knifob DUB DAILY BREAD. 4.». n J9- E férvexft iq _spirit; For Tn Encarta. cked, servants, 7 who gurusâ€"r] grow y some :have “ The 'gen- little H: them ing tire r be as “ ‘ Gm 115 as we will 54 wept “ ‘ No d: toâ€" W “n+- J. Larson. “ It was 3’ glorious night; the moon shining so brightly that it In: almost a light as noondzy. And a they at on the piano, everything about and far up the good was plainly visible. “ Code, the nurse, noticing her mis- tru- muneuy, endeavoured to divert hu- mind by my musing anecdotes. And-itertnhoutnnd mam-0,011. atopped into the house 3 lament, Mumv “‘DomSt diaiurb hm 'We’ï¬ï¬nke and undress him when his father comes, orwhonIammdytoreï¬rg.‘ “ Gently hking Empim ï¬LLiTmm 01131190“. My? #51-†thew-58 “ ‘ Thou who knoweet all thingy direct him. Sendhim home to us, ormyhin f60tateps. whichever seems boat in Thy night} she prayed. 7 “ Still watching and Whiting, little Her- fy‘sat until his eyes grew retry, and mur- wiring, ‘ papa comingl’hishead _d;'ooped and he sank agency-oz! the 690W: _ ! When hlsmotherheud his re 137 all the alarm she had felt ceme hacï¬ with re- doubled force. end ehebegxn to regret thnt she had not; urged-lia- huebend to get excused from his engagement, and re- mm home early in the evening. “ Little Bury continued calling for his ‘ psim,’ and Mary grew every moment 1 more miserable. Suddenlyewildthought entered her mind. ' “ Oh, why could not her husband hear theedli Perhnpehegnight. The infant'- u . CalL ptpa, Harry. “(Bother win ukGod {sound himhometoua,’ shonid. And a little Barry’s liaping tones floated out on the night wind, his mother’s fer- vent fix-aye: winded to heaven. cry, borne on .thei 5;;ng tgflhin ea-t: would surely bring him home. Ghnoing at the clock, she our it wgs' just sewn. If he would only start just now, he would reach home by nigg, she thqughtz’ .AAAA‘n ,, , child, stillénéerly «E15,; tinâ€"€585: _- “Little Bmyhad heard the conver- sation of the morning and'it 1nd evidently made a deep ' tension on his inind. When hismothmeud his renlv all the “ ‘ N6} Harry’s 106151}; For p-aps. Har- ry wants pa to come. Something hurt {magma _i. papa gian’t come? answered the 7‘ ‘ Come, Harri gitâ€"ya;- £53532; we_ yifl gigs the chickens theirs. ’ 7 ,.'_--____° -'_ v.5..."- hv“ThHe babe was aleepgng SWeetly,‘;;d 'ttle arrysittmg' ontopiuzanv ~ ing‘ {31:3 road,_when the nurse called-â€" the won the no "on. have ï¬t Beige] I o' . camedi tell me , a. tiny 3 ‘_‘ Hm ï¬nget, a.) V°“- “ Ten 7 " nearest: Be apart, M hee; [ of her m “ The manifold duties of the day soon diverted her thoughts, and she grew busy and cheerful again. And so, forgetting the fears of the morning, the gtve :11 the servant", 31‘]: the exception of oneâ€"the nurseâ€"permisrion to attend a party given by some of the neiglgbonring â€mute. um 1 I “ ‘ Allright! Here, Trust? he called to a large mastifll The dog came up, and he placed h‘a wife’s hand on the noble ani- mal’g hegd, and said: Av an I unav- “ ‘ Ha, ha, ha! Why, little woman, for that very reason he will steer far away from here, thinking he would be expected. Rest easy. I’ll come back tonight, as you feel anxious. ’ . ‘ “ ‘ No, no, no! I would not have you 3 come through the woods at night for any- ' . Ibis for you I am so frightened. Do not come unless you ounget 03' early.’ ‘ “ ‘ You remember my‘ engagement will keep me until eight. I will leave directly after, and be with you about ten.’ “ ‘ No, Harry, remain in town. and leave Trust here with us, and I shall feel easien" ~ .. “‘Harry, you have forgotten he hits vowed vengeance on every one who had anything to do with his conviction, and pdrticularly you,’ said Mary. in a. trema- lous voice. “ ' Well, déar, if he has, you may be sure he will not linger in" this neighour- hood. He is probably out of the State by‘thig time.’ “ ‘05:; £55515; 1;; 321:3. But last night, you know, we heard that Watt WQlf had escaped.’ “6W-" An..- :1.- L- 1-; “A, . " ‘ Why, you are nervous, sure enough. What is the cause ?_ Tell me; lpve. ’ 111A. -. -.- “ How you rattle on, Nettie! Now k'eep gu’i’et, and I will‘tell you-.11 Ilmow'about 1t. 1 “ Ten years e'go, in Vx'rginn,‘ - where the nearest neighbours lived at least a mile sport, Mary Southern passed the ï¬rst year of her married life. ’ Her husband being a lawyer, was neeeessrilymuch from home, attending court, which was in sesion in the town oi , ï¬fteen miles. from their home. Always goingwith him to the gate, and with a. bn'ght smile bidding him good- bye. Mary would wetchherhusaend ride 03', to be absent ï¬re or three thisâ€; as } his business was more or less pressing ' i “ One memorable morning in the month ‘ of August, Mary, with her babe in her arms, and mother three year old cling‘ng to her hand, folloWed to bid her husband goodbye. As she raised her face to h'n, and put up her lips to give and receive hi: parting kiss, he for the ï¬rst time noticed that the sweet smile was wanting. On her fsir face rested an expression of great anx~ ietyxend he asked: {KL "7,†__ tell me all you 7m 3.59:1: :r-‘z‘wlï¬â€™ï¬ï¬; ,3 tiny from? I’ve seen gin]: of Waive _ _ . , . I “Yes, Ne 'c; it doedod: odd, for one ,90 youngâ€" 6 is a. fluid 6m thirtyâ€"to ‘ have such hair. Hen“ is one of those strange incidents thatymhaveoï¬aon heard of, and now have where one hour of terror has accomplihh (most afectually the work of longer ‘ ~ the snows of seventy , have so bleached her ' see them now. †As the hall door clouiiï¬torthe depu- ftux-e of a visitor of Mn. Gnhun’s, Netti- exclaimed :â€" l " “ Why, mamms, hov'viry odd it is tint your friend, who looks so young .ndptetty, with such an exquisite com lexion, and bright, laughing eyes, Ihoulg have such grayâ€"no, white hair! Why, I don’t think therein g dark hair‘in hot head; and she has 33¢}: a: ahangiugoo‘ of it, $091â€? '1: #11 thé “ How thugs! BoGâ€"my'" 3" excl-ind Fetus. “They both had pm- mï¬lunh. had they not 2" . , “‘I‘Lor,’ he continued, ,f‘Iconldeontin- tally earâ€"imagine, o commâ€"Hurry allingon mo. Aud,8port, too named tohsvom ghtmy humour, for be than“ flewhome.’ “‘Whattimomit, 31113371!“ you ï¬ntfeltoorukednuy. “‘Afevmmcnhiï¬arm Win: initlove! Yonlooklost-ugelxg' (a A n,,,, , , “ Casio, in word- Iaxcely mtdbgl' ' 'ble from terror, made him understand whnt had Inppened. Little Harry was unhnrt. bntunkened bythoreport ofthoputol. whinhhiomother 1nd struck upwu'du tho infant Wolfhnd pulled the trigger, thus swing the child. “ Wm :pplied. Mary m Icon sobbing nth joyon her hush-ad’ubooom. “Kahuna-tint when he started!» fnlï¬lhisengngemenh be m irresistibly drum boulevard. So deeply was be im- preaedtohuten, thug heeouldnoteven "91> ï¬g I694 I": Saw , bofbre him. tax-dad the report oft‘m pistol, dnhed' _in_t_o 59d is wife lying'appmtly dad “ Fool! to lava «topped 30101351! But thisâ€"to remember Watt Wolf by!’ and he ï¬red the istol which he held covering the “1:: °* W aw†agonizing cry. a: ‘ tâ€" ing to the floor, u the ï¬end rushed through tbs homo and out the buck wag; Trust sprees?!“ him “4.13m ‘ “Sham, “ Yes, it w the chtter of 1 horse'- hoofo coming near, very near. The elm ofthoyard gate conï¬rmed her joy, 3n his dismgy. to hear. “ ' What‘s thtt Y’demanded the midi. “ ‘ My husband? Mnrieretumed, never fox-1m instant remo :- eye: from the out 3' “Unlesiyoudoulbid,1’ll givethut young one a long sleep. Now, what do you say? Quick.‘ “Halt! A sound teache- their an. Near sud neuter it comes! 6“ ' u ‘ Stand back 1’ cried she. And :3- treeting a step or two back. she held bi $31k. And Cutie spmgto herd “‘Nowfl'rnet! ane'l‘nut! Helpuel' ‘, They stood, the three, before him. They would ï¬ght to the death, he know: He mmtchange hinmovemente. Separate them, and then he would conquer. He drew forth a. pistol. and panting it to the aleepiggï¬oy, md_uid : _ i “ ‘ You one cool, or wantto nuke outso. And you knowthat your husband will not come to eat that. And now I have not much time to spare. The ser- vants will be coming soon. New look atme, ladies 3 Watt Wolf !-â€"bloodyWe.tt, atyouraervice! Now, madam, you will come with me, and hand out your money and jewellery. I’ll get tint before going further,’ said the ï¬end, $me and ; putting one 1153 han‘dtoteke lxold of {(1112} [ll “ Boih held knives then, and both knew the other’s intent. ' “ ‘ Certainly. Take some, and give this man come. But wait; let the cut a. nice piece for Mr. Southern ï¬at,†‘Mary answered, her heart gaining strength gain for one hopeâ€"to get pouession of the knifgagain. “O “ ‘ Have a. niece of this melon 2 Can I cut some, please, m’m 1’ she asked, turning to Mary, and looking with eyes which told so much then. "‘Put it downâ€"now.†he said, in a menacing tone. ' “She laid it on the table beside the fruit. “ At len h be had ï¬nished eating. ind pushed bac his chair. Then, forthe ï¬rst time, Cassie's speéch returned. She got up, 3’35? approaching, said :â€" “ While he ate, his keen eyes were eon~ tinuallywatchingMaryandCusie. Notic- ing one of the former’s head‘s were con- oealed. he said :â€" ‘." What are you hiding there? Ha! a knife! What areyou going?» do with it 1’ “ ‘ Cut some melon. I was about to do it when you came up.’ ‘ol It“; .1 1..-... _--._n L- -4: :d " ‘ You are right. But why should I be ‘ularméd? I am glad, always, to feed the hungry. or help the neody. I never injured anyone in my life; and you \= 711 not harm anyone who is kind to you. Shall I get the foodâ€? Mary answered, feigning a calmness in order to delay his ‘inteni, whatever it might be, hoping for some relief. ‘ “ By one pretext and another she delay- ed placing the food before him until he_ de- manded it guicklyi _ A “ ‘No: you are goingto give the slum. Oh, no, I know that you no Joneâ€"dune, In! You can go. Your hashsnd in of for the night‘ and your servants drums he‘x‘vgy to a piggy. “ ‘ I never saw 'you before; 71 mppooe, .though, you are hungry, and mt some- thing to eat’ , I d “‘Hungry! Yes, byâ€" an, n thirsty too? And under his, bmth he mutated“: Thirsty for mega 2’ “~‘I ï¬ll gen an â€mean-n: to est,’ Mgg‘ï¬aid starting t9 go in {he hpuse. “ With a. powerful efl‘ort Max-y tried to coppggl her tenor, and answeredâ€"- You lie!‘ he aid, straining his an “‘Doyou knowme! 01"!!!â€th duqe_ ngxselfl’ “ With a ï¬endish leer he looked on them,_ and asked- 'â€"'"I ~â€"â€"r. -â€"-â€"v- n-V'U-e dmw 021' and Moved himself behindhil mister, the dreaded' mm a. punched. The hearts of both mien-nu amid were appalled. There WIS no mi; ' the truth. Watt “’03, the opflnw, the oute- bmkermd burner, the murderer, the rob- bgr, the ten-o;- of the State, 'stood befoae t em! 1step, approached the bane, the faithful creature, with e hand, leached end sprung u n the integer. Another ne- Ic’oglild. an n knife aimed in the moon- . t. _ . A “ M05303, sir! ,Bere2here1'cried . Terriï¬ed Ihe VII, heu- thoughts were uvihmd ‘ t Another instant, and that M yould resch the faithful hurt. ‘ must-ave him ‘while them In: any hope, oruntil the they beheld emery!) gfmm behind a. clan. ter ofMubusheaahugedzrkï¬gure (K‘D , “Furiomly 13m baked tiar'm (hen the am}, End} qyick and noiseless ____..â€" '“v-V “an . “ Sm hm! the optoed the analog, when 1017 VII from Trust and both Mu-y and ti? nurse to look “only about. Nothing. however, could they see. But the dog continued his meaning-I. H A M...“ n... -_A A- AU; 1 , ingwith 1 ‘ve ï¬ne Inter-melon, d phoed it, with?th knife before Ma‘s. “g~-nâ€" L..‘ -k- nâ€"‘-.) AL- 7, \ 1h :5 mi; “3‘31? “mm- m- izinz r . an pay yonwint you “It." A wa You Judge aid in ;reoent ‘mqwhnnthmthouunddolhn were Minded, “Itiaumuch thedntynf theuhicletokoep out ofthenyof pe. dosh-Ram. nitis fortho'htte: tempo Lac-in; wverbyghefoger. M03; am e no nght monopolm. privileauofthe M :- thcynowdo. sud foot W should make than A mmux from London aute- that the Right Eon. Bulwa- Lytton died on swanky, in the 67thyau-ofhinme. Hr. 8.3.,0nvu, M. P.,sbodiodhlmdon on Saturday. “ Wm is the rent of your little W- ment on the seventh floor 2" queried t moftPtcishndlord. “Twotbounnd francs." “Hun yon umhleuwdfl†“You W “PEEK“: eh)" my!» coun- in thrmm-cï¬mjidnmngoï¬homfh dmp- ee a:- typo, mm n shamed tie webmber. £233“; 3 flight manlyâ€"2dr: Magazine. Brother. sir." “Well, that isho ï¬xed. my child?" Sheï¬xedhor lugs undid bluee unponusmdnid: "Ken's my ad. air." We knew hut-Von an} behind the counter: “Your husband, melon, undertook to do no nod no. “Kai-not my husband. sir†“Well your lanthanum. †“Nor in be my men dare the some dwelling with young women without “citing any mpmbotion. One may mdevery dayin the uewnpapen advertisements like this: “Such a. one. doing ; prosperous business, desires . girl or young widow tolook titer the shop and his household. If mutton should go on well, mun-inge will follow. †We were one tiny at u trulunuu’ni thop, and aid to the yak-ind bugon girl no talented and condoned by public opinion Mmygood and honest‘y trades- Soil?“ wï¬iéh nuflioee to make the time past may enough. Theygowtdoors and Silk done together, like Charlotte by the side of Wax-tea; Among the higher chase and: liberty nihi- doee not pro- ' nenoee; with the dnee any evxl coneeq lower, phone yhichpocugionsyx do gulllt ihough you: my $600 before th'o mur- riageiscolebntod. ntilthenthoyoung people @592 W09“ 0‘ . '. i139"- ago. A hmily must therefore emigrate or die out before unaware-.11 take its plus, lamihonoef it i: that the faggot-s of Milie- 00 out or 3 may on nut-lying their children. In ehc mun ï¬ne the ho- trothdtaku phat, which. under the mtee of hqpqr and} of_Duj>ch 3199 m ‘ L endangered and no one, neither the police ' nor public opinion, dared to intervene in his behalf. His own father himself, quite indifl'ei out to the want of success attending ,hisson’ness,srash saidasmuchtothe effect that the Dutch people had only ex- ercised their ng'ht in innovation. A married son or dang never dines with the family without an expre- invi- tation . The same sort of formali'y isflso established between brother and sister, for they only visit each other on the foot ing of guests. We were one day praising: to a Dutch lady the conservatory of a 1 brother of here who lived in the same city. “I have never seen it," she said, “as I only call npo :1 him in the evening.†As a rule, never do married chilh'en live under the same moi with their parents. Therefore some diï¬eulty arises from them in the contraction of marriage since they ‘mnst ï¬rstofall secure shone, andthatis not always an easy matter in many ol- those semi- aquatic towns moreparticnlarly in Amsterdam. Building groundissearce, and the pile foundations cost more than the house itself. Such extravagant ex~ penditures as wen common at flue third period of the Rep ublic’s zenith of pros- perity is not to be renewed often; thus generation succeeds generation in the occupancy of the dwellings boilt centuries D > \ The tyranny of social cnetom in the basis, as itis the bane, of Dutch Jife. Every one submits to it, end in his turn exercises it; the rich man in hia‘own man- ner, the poor one in his. We remember a very chamteï¬sticeeeeinpoint. Cotton does not permit riding on horseback inthe sweets of Amsterdamâ€"I prohibition which doubtless sprung into enstenoe from the ancTent cleanliness of the mime, end which has always rammed e. tacit mump- tion if not a recognized fact. A young progressist philosopher endeavoured in our presence to disregard this prohibition. A saddle horse was brought, and he mounted it at the door of-hie father’s house. Hooting and hisscs followed him to the very outside of the city, and the children threw stones and sticks at the animal he bestrode. On the next following d: he renewed his attempt with true utch phlegm, when the people again opposed him with the same perseverence. Crack- ers were exploded to often under the horses feet that the life of the rider was -AAAJA_.- a. constant_ reminder of what a brave little wife hehnd.’ Andin «his eyes, I m lute Iheis ï¬u- more beautiful than ever before that tonible night.†“ 0h, whst a. misfortune! 'I should never cease worrying over it; Does she mind it, manna!†_ “No, notattll. I’ve bend her hat: baud uy to hog, fthose a§lvexy_loch wet-e _ â€"â€"°_-n.â€" -am }. “ H. vm mam" ' to 5m and me:- tmrd executcd'; m pmviouly eon~ ‘ fee-ed his intention Miami: duo!»- ing Entry Souflfap’uhcno: Thus the ï¬mm’. “3%â€? “m“ “ Thenext morning afflu- thst fateful night, when Mu-y Southern looked in he: glass, it mfleaed the hair thattfew hours before was of ; raven has, as you lave â€9P3? M‘s? - ' “Thurs tint Hangman-hid tohiswifonodlvmmmyoau‘thher words. _Sheniddukneu'butlitflogbont God’s AMVel' to her payer." ‘ “Andwutbe 11â€.“.th f†uked Nettie. . . ; “ Yen; Harry went out to can Tryst. And offer some of them returned, he went with them to knitthohithfngm nd ». enl places, but still dutchmg' sud holding to the ground the ten-ibis outlaw, almost dead fromthe Mdyiqï¬gptyithi Trust. ‘I u- _.77 . ; unfliciont lgond 9f gecunfy oven mmmmnm byfew lag-1w.- taken he; @0qu .34 marâ€. Waterloo! And xt 63mm: ï¬le 31;; of life to has the WM of an «snide plug carrying down flag ‘tiding- ‘of sad: m... " theop none: of Palmer tl'm'tménhaa died ï¬poplexy from 0. watch miles an hour being sustained Mammal and London! Some of then maybu-é lived!» travel in u: express trnin. De Quincy up, “the “2mm it was that W over the had the hen-baht. as aw of W‘k‘“ Sdamama mil unile. “Well. Ixeck‘on 1332“," min thisffloe whe could have Tu h'nt amptteanymflahum nude in Enghnd less than acmtm'ysinoe. Mr. Puma- Eel-sanded the governmentof Pitta let im make the trial dim coaches between London and Bxistol. The ï¬rstoneotartodontheethAugud. 1784. Slow to eppredate the talent of discover- en, it was twenty you; Wm flat Pal-Wt gum Jflhn Palmer‘- ma £50,- 000, the adoption of but coaches-having mauled the postal revenue in that time from£240,000to : million 1nd 1 half sterling. Theglon'ea of the old w ere .not no old therefore a! tone wodd think, thou in the†deyepnknown to mof - . Itmm‘wmb! AL‘ A._-..._d.. .. 11.!_. e- 4 “in †- This mandate bylnndua" whom Mr. Greeley“: m tempt-“’1‘- me principles. “Oh 3 ‘1 use, ’ Wed Mr. Greeley daily: “you dmukzhehnady ad I drank the waterl’ On another oo- cuion the phdooopher‘: wit silanoed Mme of his oï¬ioe mocha; Mr. Greeley had given an account of a wine dinner, ï¬nd '00“. thuthe party had indulged infloid- dock and champagne. these both bï¬ moi for the am; kind of Wino. . atom lmghed easily“ Mimi-tube. which they pointed out to him. f‘flid I mjte inn V’s-£4310. ziflucoodm-tmd “ W'hy, yes, ymid must remember how we dunk bnnfiyfnd wuwr togethéru .‘oé‘r- ! A mun despstch my: Amhf Connollyhucwued s cinemas-to be du- tributedinalltheï¬oman Catholic Churches exhorting his flock who sell liquoronSh- day to refnin from doing so hernia-.3 Ax musing anecdote is told at thelnto Home Gmley, who m onee‘xnet at a. railway stnien by a. nod-face individual who shook him warmly bytheJnnd. “ I don’t recognize yon,â€luid M1}. andâ€. ing to rid a... city-of the gypséys'br the Sim Morena, ve orders that they should beRogm eyed at interment. “Rather hen flan gave diggers!" m the cry of the Wyn, and (Jul-ll returned to their mountains. from the gypeey horrible cries, u if he were lgeing essentleunatedl. III, while he is prepmng 1m ,amevoentlund. beside him tdead dog orat, he will it mediately throw his dinner on the dung: ‘hill, {mm feuofwitclm-aï¬. Aswan.†e {efeels hie death pangs begin, In as to carried into the open air; forif it happens tint he dies in hit home, Shin family must put all the furniture into the Mbefore they can any out the-corpse. In short, the dread they have of the deed is such that-a cogegiglofof Garden, yigh- If; funenl procession hxppens to pan before their house, if 12 o'clock â€ha not yet struck, theihmily W31 go out upon the threshold of the door, and ny tho usual prayers; but if it in afternoon they nuke haste to shut thedoon and window; and no onewill goout tillthenext morn- ing. The night of} dxyp ofblooa dun -_ â€"_~ â€am-W ture, uveuto theldmission ofarticle! usedinahipbufldingn IfWecln pointto such results under such a system, therein little octaï¬on for indulging in gloogxy foreboding: for thefuture; enterprise and «pita! applied judiciously to our grim: national mm‘viu, doubtless, furnish even more favorable statistics in future yamâ€"St. John Telegraph. , -- fl vâ€"v "I‘ll-“v swam here. were built in the=County ofStJJ 61m. Eventhane wenbynomeoéï¬tpdto one locality however. Westnoreliad County come. next tho-Saint John, the mount neginexod a; built them bgng ‘ 6,000 tom. King’s Countyfnmiflmg‘over 3,600; Albert 00. over 1.5“); Que'e‘h’t County nearly 1,000. and York Gm 206.. These ï¬gures will, of 1:11“:de serve to show how thamughly We. our plowince is on the whole, we: ihich will be still mom strikingly presented when the statistics Of other ports become available. . It should be mmenbwed, too that this industry greens itis, hpgmovn: up without having received any special fostering cue“ tine heads of the Legislz» Excellency, th'e GoveiiégGmmch‘f ":13; the least interesting future observabk in the table in the very generdway in wind: 51,11prin distributed over the pro- Pl‘orortion of the v including m thm one-half of all ting-teams W Lang a"... 1.--:n .2, u ~ ,, . w .... W New Brunavnck is earned on 111% butarhhor riskynulm'et." Muir flu 763.91. are owned as Well “human as will be engagedintndmg' toad our pom, relieving In of qurpurplm Illn- bersndother ‘ noeandvbn'pg'nginn equivalent in e shape‘of impbnngobds Itinpieuingto be able to cumin.“ our pro'vinco on the candida: of disliln- portmt industry.whfle_tha mum nu... 1‘- --â€"â€"A _ out.“ ll well. It tppeui, moreover, to befihidjly ï¬nancing, fox-while theappended abduct than thejaonmge of newve-nlcw _ hm h h“ m 26,612in 1870’ My" 086th itgives 37,302 form, he- ‘inglnimueofnaflymllerohntom bayou, and: little more Nun 40 yet cent over the ym‘bofom. Some out.“ vmehluve, doubtless, been built :36 s maiden-able extent on hemmed, 01;,†some would lay, on paper cap‘ ., 193,]: in every other callin , men by “inguin- éuehastotogetnichhue, inter-565's. hvolvad‘typmelm and 09:91: inflating. INn the man, pom, a? W“ We published many § W count of all the new M W‘s the Port ofSt. John for the ymciding 31¢ Dbc..,l872. Thencenunt in mattin- tezutingone. in mu: ImpactsJ lnd‘goea hr fa gha- éL-d. -L:_ nu); - - U Job'Pmung‘ ' WW '-inâ€".§M_" M. and pt. modmb " Work done, for can, when paw no change. thcurm Enter-mum “W0 um: hpanssbegin. he theopenair; forif sin hiihome, his rfumitmgeintotho buyout corpse. yhsveofthedud wow" rs: pseyao 1 e 014%: that they at interment.