THE ofï¬ce of publication of the British American Good Templar “has been removed to Guelph, and ‘ the paper has been changed to a - semi-monthly. We trust these " changesw‘ifl be beneï¬cial, as we wish Tem ‘ance effort, in whatever di- h. Gad speed. Letters should "A“; NORTH SIMCOE AGRICULTURAL ..SOCIETY.-â€"The annual meeting of , “this Society was pretty largely at- Ttended, and a good show of workfor â€next year was made. The Presi- " ' dent’s report showed the operations "’ef the Society to have increased in 'vriextentvery considerably since 1869. â€ï¬n moving the adoption of the re- .port, he urged the neéessity of hav- inga larger and more liberal prize list. It was essentialtoofl'erinduceâ€" ‘ 'ments sufï¬cient to draw out the tal- ent and enterprise 3f our farmers. Legsâ€"t Igcalpafier in the County of _‘_‘;Yo::k. . gD’Alton McCarthy, Esq., jr., was re- ; elected President; Walter Raikes, mud Thos. Drury, Esq» Vice-Presi- vglents; George Sneath, Esq., re-elect- 1 Ned Treasurer, and Dr. McCarthy, Secretary. Directors,Messrs.J . Darby ? ‘ Win. O’Brien, R. Leadley, C. H.Ben- r-nett, T. Craig, W. H. Partridge, T. , "Earlier, T.Cundle,and A. Watt. Dis- ‘ _ ’Cussion took place relating to agri- I_culture in this County, and to the lynecessity of ofl'ering larger prizes as ‘ had been intimated bythe President Mr. O. F. Wright offered to lead the v room by acentribntion of 310. Most of the lumbermen, and many others, handsomely tank up Mr. Wright’s challenge. There was thus formed the nucleus of a prize list, which, if well lookengfter by those who take 7__i L- , , Whitney’s Musical Guest andLétâ€" E nary J oumal commences its sixth I ~ "' " "’ 1, __ ' â€volume with the January number .“ in an entirely new dress,with hand- “3 some title, clear type, and improved (appearance in every particular. In 7+2 this number are thirteen pages of ‘mus'ié, besides literary contents. mark of an eï¬'ete journalâ€"has been discarded. By this means. the whole of the contents are selected or preâ€" pared by the editor, who is enabled to make up a better and more read: able paper. Mr. Fox is a. young journalist of ability, and consider- able experience, and knowing this, it was no more than we expected to ï¬nd the editorials treat of “ matters and things†with independence of thought and liberality of sentiment. It is as a local paper, however, that the Courier has most to be consid- cred, and in this xespect the change has been greatest and most praise- worthy, so that we have no hesitaâ€" tion in stating that it is ‘now the good, and the reading matter both entertaining and instructive. The publisher announces that the March number will commence with an i1- lustrated article on the great paint- ers. $2 per annum; 20 cts a. copy. As we anticipated, Mr. Geo: H. Fox has made a great alteration, in appearance, tone, and other re- spects, in the Newmarket Courier, which has recently passed into his hands by purchase. The “patent outsideâ€â€"â€"which is a pretty certain ONE of the most valuable perigdiâ€" Gals we receive is Zell ’sMagazme, a. new illustrated monthly, published at Philadelphia, U..S The illustra- tions of the February number are in; addressed, ' S. Ranton, Dryden, ,_V._._Tm-: Summerside Progress directs gttention to the fact that constitu- tional government was ï¬rst estab- lished in Prince EdWard Island in in 1773, and urges the Islanders to celebrate the centennial anniversary during the current year. According to the facts supplied. bx cur contem- yez‘rs.‘ According to these ï¬gures 3. -eonstitutfonal government was in existence three years previous to the Declaratipn of Independence, and for a. still greater-number prior to the- adoption of any ï¬rm of Federal con ,V stitntion .by the United States. AS’ sutedly it is no small honour,‘ and it will be surprising if such a. favour- able occasion for recalling the past, and impressing lessons of loyalty for thgthure, is gallowed to slip away $niiï¬ub$e1h ' an mteresï¬'in agZ-iculture, can be made as handsome as that of any county in Canada. The Directors evidently mean work, and will spare no pains to make our prizes for the next Fall Show far superior to any? thing we have hitherto hadâ€"From the Advance. tax-y; â€the fifsb Legislature was P0 called together by Governor Patter- son. and was n9_t dissolved for eleven ‘ Not becausethesoilisbad, But the summer’s genial showers ‘ Never make their bosom: glad. ’Better have an act that’s kindly ' , Treated sometimes with disdain, Than by judging others blindly, Doom the innocent to pain. Whenyon meet with one suspected 0f some secret deed of shame, And for this by all rejected- As a. thing of evil fame, Guard thine every look and action, ~ Speak no words of heartless blame, For the slanderer’s vile demotion - .Yet niay soil thy goodly name. When you meet with one pursuing Ways the lost have wandered in, Working out his own undoing ' With his recklessness and sin. Think if placed in his condition, \Vould a. kind word be in vain? Or a. look of cold suspicion Win thee back totruth again? DUB WGES. JUDGE BURNHAM has sentenced Mr. Fitznx:1urice"€o three years im- prisonmont in the Penitentiary, for arson, in 3ctting ï¬re to his store, and causing the late disastrous ï¬re in Oshawa. How fast time flies when you are working against it â€"- how slowly when you‘are working to ï¬ll it up 3 What a. difl'erence between trying to get your work done before dinner hour, and trying to ï¬ll up the hour before dinner with work. IT 18 rather annoying, these times, after you have disorganized a pair of trowsers in experimenting with the sidewalk, to have another fellow take advantage of your discovery and m- form you, as you struggle to your feet, that†“tha.t’ s a. very slippery place, sir.†BY renouncing all the pleasures and gratiï¬cations of the world, the servant of Christ dwells beyond the circle of dangers and careié Which ever surround the rich on earth. WHEN you are troubled with any adverse event, think that it comes fromGod, and say immediate], * such is God’swill, and with this )be re- stored to tranquility. ONE great fault of our dayis want of reverence for sacred things. The heathen treated their mythological deities more respectfully than Chris- tians treat their omnipotent God. They had a saying, “never invoke the presence of a god; unless the oc- casion be worthy of a god.†THE LAW OF COURTSHIP. â€"A Verâ€" mont judge has decided that no ex- plicit promise is necessary to the par- ties to a marriage contract, but that long continued attention or intimacy with a. female was as good evidence of matrimony as a. special contract. This decision makes a. new era. in the law of love. TRUE religion shows its influence in every dart of our conduct; it is like the sap of a. living tree, which penetrates the most distant boughs. HORACE GREELEY was a member of the Order of the Sons of Temper- ance, and the Grand Division bf Eastern N ew York attended his fu- neral in full regalia. COULD we enter the dreadregions of the lost, and ask, What peopled hell the thickest? Would they not answer, That fatal delusion, procras- tination! How sad the case of that man, who, just before he passed to the presence of his Judge, remarked to his son‘owiug friends, “The battle’s fought, but the victoryfor ever lost!" ON the 24th instant, the freehold- ers of Barrie will vote upon a By- law to aid the Hamilton and North- Western Railway Company by a. Bonus of $20,000. Mn GEORGE AND'REWS, the oldest of the 'storekeepers in Minden, has closed his store in that place,'and is nbw opening out at Coboconk. FRIENDSHIP.â€"D0 not be the ï¬rst to break with a. friend. Sorrow gnaws the heart of him who hath no one to advise with but himself. Lvuauv, v..- ..-v ._._._I , ANunhappypoetremarks: “When. the sun has set on the green-clad hills, And the nightinaale’s gone to itsnest, Thereis that wiich banishes cares andills,â€"’Tis to pillow my head on her breast." .It would be worth eleven cents to see the poet pillow- ing his head on the nightingale’s breastâ€"wouldn’t it? We judge his head is very small. THEstorehouseof Mr. Willis, wool broker, at Port Hope, was destroyed by ï¬re, on Friday. Loss, 8,0001bs. of wool. Insured. , . THERE 15 no fool so great afool as a. knowing fool. But to know how to use knowledgeis to have wisdom QUEEN VICI‘OVRLA sent a. gold spit- toon to thg King of Siam, who uses it on State occasions for an oyster THEsymptoms of spiritual decline are like those which attend the de- cay of bodily health. It generally commences with loss of appetite and a disrelish for spiritual food, prayer, reading the Scriptures, and devo- tional books; Whéueveryou per- ceive these symptoms, be alarmed, for your spiritual health is in dan- ger; apply immediately to the great Physician for a cure. THE General Sessions will open at the Court House, Barrie, on Wed- nwdav next. THE J onada‘os are a. remarkable body of temperance men at Washing: ton. They take what they call the “Iron Clad Pledge"againstall intoxi- cating drinks. No one is overallowed to violate the pledge. If he drinks, he is expelled for life. He is taken by the hand, if he falls, and encour- aged to join some other total absti- nence associationâ€"but he can never return to the J onadabs. The tribe is founded on the pgssage of_ serip- tune it} the 35th chapter of J er'o- miah. ,It has increased steadily in numbers, and is doing great good in Washington. Every man properly vouched fonwho willtake the pledge of J onadab, may become a member. â€"Baltimare Monitor and Sentinel. ONTAIN S the most reliable informa-' tionof allthesa' anddoingsinthe great “ North Wes †verxonewho takes an interut in this fnrï¬h Province, or who antici- fate making their homes here, should subscribe or it. Terms. $2 per mum; in advance; “ The Manitoba Gazette,†. VVIN'NIPEGZ _ 161. EA GOOD CUP tioï¬. Note mi 20 tbs. Rice for 81. i, ' . 10?; tbs. Bright Sugu', 31. Golden Syrup, 60 cents per gallon. 12 Chests more of that oelebrajzed HIM- ALAYA TBA, 20 cents per m, which in point of strength and flavor is superioxlto any 50 cent Tea in Orillia. , . Bacon. Oatmeal, Corn Meal, White Fish, and Salmon Trout, always kept in Invitea.the attention of'the publio‘ to his stock of Ready-Made Clothing, Boots Shoes, Grocer' s‘, c., which hue been selected with great care,-~on «the most ad- vantageous tag-ms, and which are to be disposeg of at prices, which defy competi- PRICE LIST: Men’ 5 Canadian F 1111 Cfotb Pants, 81. 95. “ Heavy Stoga Boots, $1.95. “ Superior Kip “ 83.25, worth3. 75 Gents’ Wool Under pShirts, onl 87 k cts. “ Drawers, only 87 Buyers are invited to call and judge foif themselves. IMMENSE SUCCESS! ! Every Department Fully Assorted ! summarise NEW. 6' 3335113333 THE PLACE. III'I’IIORN’S BLOGK. Yokohama House. Stock Complete ! Patteï¬on’s Naw, Patent Two Horn DINNER for 1513., FROM 11 um, TILL 3 P. M. SAWING MACHINE. 0rillia Fruit Depot STRAW CUTTER SEWING MACHINES ! A11 to be had next door Samson’s store. VANTASSEL, THE ORILLIA _ HARNESS SHOP! THOS. For 3 serviceable Harness, lightest and most stylishly get up,-to the heaviest and most dug-able, go' to thjses- tablishment. No inferior stock used. Only en;ployed. Special attention given to :0- pairs. A nice assortment of WHIPS, SPURS, ' BRUSHES, CURRY COMES, h, a?†in stock. 41» "took of sf; _ __ ‘ d‘~_~ aimysinsto TRUNKS CUMMINGS CELEBR ATED TERMS .3 SALE QRjTO RENT ' mm nun-puma, can J. D. O’BRIEN. ATTHE YOU CAI GI! Lab; {rim Mulcahy «39 Co. ’8 CASH. THOMAS 3mm Workman CO mammsmmm srocx Gold and Silver Watches, Jeweller] of every description, «in; will alwap Parties wishing w sell or pipeline Hons will do well to call and leave them mmminsions with him. He. hu also oommexgced the mining“ Colts, to"which he would mvito the “mum ofstock when. ~\ man“! I:- 110RSE Tuna. REPAIRING mourn! Don 2 SATISFACTIQN GIVEN! MONEY REFUNDEI). WHO’S YOURTAILOR? ï¬'ailor’s TrimmingS, Gent] ‘ en’s Furnishings,c. 13 Front 3. West, (Lat. tho Iran 1310a,") [Tonia szfmms .. EOUSE. WM. FERRET. in Ramona Building, when will ho found 1 GOOD HQRSESE WW» DARLING, OF COURSE. His long experience in the business, snd eve ' beingmsde under‘his own super- vision,ensble himtogunnnteesstisfsction. A full stock of s11 kinds of Gentleman’s Furnishings, consisting of Shirts, Drawers, Ties, Collars, c., with an assortment of Ready-Made Clothing. All pbs or uticlcl in the 245“th or ornapondcnoo .Coluxnna, 15 mm a line for “ch insertion. Announcement. In the “ Bunineu Notices" column. not H wing. 10 can" 3 line for «ch insertion. Notion of Matias- or_ Services to be hold chm-god (or 3% , u. -_ __Lu- n-Annmnfl. .uvvuuo- v- - tho anon to u'otiaié public 76.30 aénd tddm prelim to unu ' haunt-shin. united to in. eccpshon easy and sad sped-11! ‘0 M“ wither» link at m . :2» $10 as c.n.soss£frn$’- Dunn IN ALL KINDSOF Household Furniture 1 Room Paper, . Window Blinds. Framed Picmm, Fancy Goods, ' School Books, ' Concertina, Writing Daks, Ladies’ Work Boxes. FamilySewiï¬ Machines, Mine Mes, Mel eons, Jim . a WWW on Peter Street. New Jewellery Establishment 1 ' m THIS!â€"â€"All persons having 1-i- , an, End wishinstoincruletheir ingomo. .1 __ __._-:A LA unflnmond, R. PARKHILL, @- Remember the Dominic; Tailoring Nrblinsnn '20me Clean and respect-Ibis um: Exrosnon .ADVERTISING mm. TIND-LE’S .In. Oriflia, the Residence of J amen Salon. _., Front Street, Orillin.) 0F ORILLIA, is how receiving his new stock of Cloths, 6., suitable for Fall md Win- her. R. PAR KHILL .. GEO J. BOOTH. Agricultural Implements ! Reaping, and straw cutting STEAK ENGINE. wOOLLE'N. GRISI' KILL REPAIRS. CASTINGS PUNCTUALITY DISPATCH a- A. mm. sonlcmcn. .3 Fall and. Winter DRY GOODS. and a large stock of Liquors, which ho‘il determined to sell at GOOD VALUE ! Call and Examine Good! and Prices, and you will be convinced that ho is giving 'g- REMMBERâ€"King‘. old Stand. Carnot Minis-8.3. ad Pour PLOUGHS ! In low rouiving his Lower OF EVERY xDIBCBIPTION. H. JAY CO “Milan-laugh READY-XLDE CLOTHING. sawing. CI'otmans), non) SCRAPEBS, all OI'ALL mus-0.1m. m. BOOTS and SHOES, Consisting of DESKS for schools SAW AND RY. lsnmmm WABElloUSE Bissette Hey. Double 8: Single Harness, it in ï¬sh advantage to give ARRIVING EVERY WE EK. Staple and Fancy My Goods. Groceries andProvisions, GBOCKEBY, GLASSWABE, ' BOOTS SHOES, Andnlarge shock of Burma. Our stock will always be found complete. and we sell at. pn'ces that cannot but gin general utisï¬ction Ahmstéckoflightmd heavy PACE MAIN Consiltinz of 3. lug. stock of 331d“ idéitignl to thoir of 1.11 kinds; on hand. a! LUHBEBMIN ad DISSETTE 85 HOY. CURRY COHIS. DRESS GOODS. Au tucking MOI than the Cheapest. COTTONS. PAGE 82 MAIN. Harness ! Winter BBUIHES, Pricés! rm A FIXED FACT !' ,~ Must be Disposed ‘ 1- ingthnh for the large shmofpr tumnge he has received since he con- menced basins-sin Wand‘mld in- form thepublicthsthehuhtely pnrchuo oddlthe Intent improved machinery, to- gether withalu'gegtock of COOKING sroVES. BOX AND PARLOUB S'DOVES. and an assortment of Shelf HARDWARE. Phillip’s Tin Shop. Stg‘xv‘el‘pi-yql *‘éï¬e'rfï¬i'. éhoetlron, and Japan mast prices that will utoninh yon a’ AenJl will utisfyyouthnt hols determined“ sell 51; price-that cannot be batten. EAVE-TROUGEING done in l‘lupdï¬f’l’ manor; and every deocn'ption of wart in his line manufactured to order on tho shot-est notice uni mont momma terms. Bemmberâ€"Shop next to Dominion Hotel. on West Stroet. 1872) (1872- ' A8 lulu: COMPLETE SUCCESS I Ten First Prizes! a» *v W. BELL 85 00., ‘ ORGANS and MEMBEONB A: an Provincial Exhibition. Kantian. and Central Exhibition. Guelph ATE-Manama, in'addiï¬on b kl. yoc’omoordof. SILVER "(DAL Ptove auteur Mama iythcoPiniO“ of W‘ 5P“? “‘ W‘ 1’ Sole mpriewn an} W of Che “ ORGANETTE" 13170 155' 11ch my. wan n- “W'o‘v as, distant ml... or W “I. but. 1.. an. W. BILL Orilliai. 11th Dec, 1872. Guelph, Ontu’iO, Received Every First Pï¬zef“ gooï¬s now on hand. At Two Exhibitions 1 on hand. a ti: ms! nuts. wT'Bâ€"iu. q (1:72.