The Subscriber is prepared to furnish an qwtityoiWhiteandRedBï¬ckM Tileso mysizestlowpï¬geo. Oxd'ersbyMail will receive prompt guanine; ' . BEAVERTON BRICK and TILE YARD THE Washington Chronicle notes the gratifying fact that wines and otherintoxicating drinks were almost entirely banished fromthe social ta- bles in that city on New Year’s day. THE Illinois Legislature has pass- ed , seven different laws against the Canada‘thistle, but by a beniï¬cent law of nature thistles will grow where there ares'omany donkeys to full of hap piness. I couldn’tbeanyhappier unless I could grow. †Honnun is not inaptly called the land of countless wind-mills, innumerable dykes and successful on gmeering. Large dis~ tricts of valuable land have been regained 5mm the 36: by drainage. If there is one thing which Holland docs understand it is a successful system of drainage. She has become so expert in that direction that Haarlem Lake has succumbed before the efl'orts of skill. and perseverance of her people, and 44, 000 acres of arable land is the result. And now, an enterprise of like nature is to be commenced, which, if successful, will reclaim an arm of the Zuy - dcr Zee, inundated in 1282. by which sev- enty-two towns and villages were submerge1 ed, and 100 ,000persons drowned. --_V_ i ,7 ' ‘ GEORGE DRAKE, 20th May. 1872. Beavetton. P. O. Hnnxsss.â€"-A little girl attending a. party, was salted by her mother how she 911101951 hes-emâ€"r 0151’ said she.“ I hm Ir costs more than $2 to let the Police Magiatrate know that you leave horses untied on the streets of Hamilton. Csxsoux ILLUSTRATED Newsâ€"The current number'of the News contains a portrait and a facsimile of the autograph of Her Excellency the Countess of Duf- ferin ; a double page illustration of the Montreal Citizens’ Ball; a sketch of the Fancy Dress Skating Entertainment held in honour of Their Excellencies; and a. picture of the wreck of the Allan steam- ship. Harmony off the French coast. A remarkable feature of this issue is an illus- tration of Professor Pepper’s Patent Ghost, accompanying which is a paper, written by Mr. Pepper expressly for the I llustrat- ed, explaining the method by which the spectral illusion is produced. Thunder and lightning form the subject of the second of the series of gussipy articles on Popular Science, written by a. gentleman well known in scientiï¬c and literary circles. We observe that a column of Notes and Queries has been introduced, and have no doubt it will be well supported. Alagies’ degartment has also béén established; in whxch the Editor invites ladies to discuss topics of interest to the fair sex. WE take pleasure in calling attention to that enterprising musical and literary jour- nal, Whitney sMusical Guest. It is pub- lishod at the low priceof $1 121 y.ear W. “. Whitney, Toledo, Ohio, U. S.y WE can reiterate what we have already said in praise of the New Dominion M anth- ly, and recommend our readers to obtain a copy of the February number, and judge of its many excellendes for themselves. It can be procured at any of the bookstores, or from. Ptho Publishers, John Dongall 15; Son, Montreal, THE Bobcaygeon Independmt urges its subscribers to pay up with potatoes, geese and pickled pork; and with commendable enterprise, promises tinted newspaper to those who bring in sausages. W: have received a copy of the Petition of the Council of Public Instruction against the proposed changes in the regulations, working, and manner of appointing that Mn; Eormn,-â€"â€"In your last issue appears mother letter written for “Thorah Look- out,†and of which I alone this time am the text. At the time I wrote my former letter to you, I felt I was touching an un- clean thing in “ Thorah Lookout" and am now convinced that such was the case. In one of his quotations he writes “bring me to the test. †Let him prove himself other than theoowardly poltroon he appears, by putting his name to his letters, or release you from your promise not to make it known, and I may notice him anon. Until then, though he may seek to tradnce and villify, I met again notice his ignorant ‘ and trathless communications. Yours, N. F. PATERSON. against me till, with the assistance of one o the Beaverton gentlemen, they managed tofleeceme out of about 8140. I shall not at this time tire your patience with a. long letter, like the Lawyer, but I expect Mr. Paterson to make apology for injuring my character, for if this is not done before long, the matter is not to end here, as the world knows that Paterson commenced on me, withoutthe leastprovoeation whatever. intelligent“) mind.†N ow, Mr. Editor, 311 thereunder- of Tm: Exroerron know thatI mthem'iterofthe ao-calledsewâ€" ing machineehallenge, for my name was to the letters, and I never wrote a letter for Tm: Exrosrron, or anyrpaper, without my name being to it. As for ‘the other three letters, the man in the moon knows as mush about who wrote them as I do, for the ï¬rst I know of them was when they appeared in print. Now, sir, what do you think of Paterson, a foreigner, for aught I know from one of the Cannibal Islands, who came to Beaverton a few years ago to 1 insult, abuse and wandalize his neighbours who have been residents of Thank for forty years. Shame! shame on you, Pater- son! (Rad Libcdich) when you would try to injure the character of one who has been a friend to you, hiding Agricultural Soci- ety sins as well an other sins. I never sup- posed that Paterson was bought over to be a dim enemy of mine until last Saturday, when I read his scandalous letter. I had my anspicionsLhowever, muscle little last Spring, when Paterson took a. hay fork swindling case of mine in hand. But what think you, Mr. Editor? Paterson, against the rules of his professionâ€"as for his con- science, very little is thereâ€"worked Benetton, February 8th, 187 3. - JOHN MURRAY. Thonh, 3rd Feb., 187 3. ‘ Mn. muonsâ€"In your issue of last week appeared along, libellous letter over the signature of N. F.- Paterson, Beaverton, wherein he says, “And if any of your readens will Place side by side the letters on the ‘bull subject of eighteen months ago, certain letters on a sawing machine challenge of later date, and the letters of ‘Loekout’ and ‘Justioe Watchman,’ he will not be long in coming to a conclusion thatutghey age the emanation at: thg‘geme 3 [Our columns in open to all matters of put:- licinmest. Wedonot hold ourselves s: ro- uponaible fort 91; endorsing, the opinion: of our- CORRESPONDENCE J B. THOMPSON has received a. new stock of Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery. . which he is determined to sell cheaper than the cheapest. His ten dolla- watch is the most popular in the market, and selling fasterthan ever. The Longing- Watch is the strongest, most dumble,_and gives better satisfaction than any ether that he been produced for the price. Sold only by J. B. Thompson, W Call Md - amino goods before rchasing. Wuoxxs, Cnocxs, um .Jnmunr hem: Rn- mmn. @‘ Alf GOODS AND WORK WARRANTED. .9 SHOVELS, PICKS AND A Discount of: 10 per cent of to clergyman of $1 denommatmm. - , REMNANTS AT HALF PRICE, REMNANTS AT HALF PRICE, REMNAN TS AT HALF PRICE, REMNANTS AT HALF PRICE, REMNANTS AT HALF PRICE, REMNANTS AT HALF PRICE, GOODS AT COST. GOODS AT COST, GOODS AT COST, GOODS AT COST, GOODS AT COST, GOODS ATV COST, STOCK TAKING SALE! STOCK TAKING SALE‘ STOCK TAKING SALE. STOCK TAKING SALE! STOCK TAKING SALE STOCK TAKING SALE! Gold Silver Watches Black Jewellery. {WJL WA}. Bingham q 11 8.1996}: 650a; At- G. M. WILSON‘S: At G. M. WILSON-s. A: G. M. WILSON‘S; At G. M. WILSON‘S. At G. M- WILSON’S HHVAA NIL 'DMIIOOH EXPOSITOR, GRILLIA, FEBRUARY 13th, 1873. and a large stock of Liquors, which he is determined to sell a Gallic, wand. um um DRY GOODS. Fall and Winter Goods, NEW STOCK ! A. Kennedy executed with PUNOTUALITY G: DISPATCH @- A TRIAL $0140sz. 9 GRISI' MILL REPAIRS, STEAM ENGINE, ‘VOOLLEN. GROCERIES. CASTIN GS, IMPROVED DESKS for schools and straw cutting Reaping, PLOUGHS ! READY-MADE CLOTHING, sawing, (Totmazis), OF EVERY DISCRIPTION. Is now receiving his :EAVERTON FOUNDRY. ROAD saunas, and BOOTS and SHOES, numhmamqu Consisting of I. JAY CO OF ALL KINDS 0F Implements ! SAW AND Our stock will always be found complete, and we aell at prices that. cannot but give general satisfaction BOOTS SHOES, Andthrge 8170;]: of Ready-Z Groceries and Provisions, GBOOKEBY, GLASSWABE, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Eall and Winter Every week. 1110.311 moi regular aintions to their NEW GOODS PAGE 6!. MAIN. ABRIVIN G EVERY WEEK. will ï¬nd it tn thcix ndmttge to 'n amuse-.11. 3‘ Heavy Harness ! Consisting of a large stock of Astonishing PAGE 81 MAIN Double Single Harness. Dissette Hey. ’6' LUMBEBMEN and other-i Iv SADDLERY WAREHOUSE Alargo stock of light and heavy DRESS GOODS, DISSETTE BOY. of all kinds, on hand, at CURRY comes, CO'I‘TONS, Ara receiving very huge stock of STOCK OI“ BRUSHES. Writing Dgakg Mes- Work Boxes, 1 Family Sewi Machines, Machine Needles, Mel eons, éc. i a†.lhnufwwry on Pew: Street, '3th ~ 6150 1800111.; Window Blinds: Framed_ Pictures, Household Furniture ! GROCERIES i that the la rge and select stock of 3 goods now on hand, The rush still continues, because it 13 well known he rs sacriï¬cing, in sales, for cash. A FIXED FACT! Drillia, 11th Doc†1872. Retire from Business! which his Father’s Uncle, zit his death, left. by entail, has fully made up his mind to £1 00, 000, Every instrument fully wet-ranted fox ï¬ve yous. Send for ahlogu e cortuning ï¬fty difl‘emnt styles of instrument. greatest improvement yet introduced. Their supenority u conceded by other mkenfrom thefactthatatGuely phthey withdrewh-om com Eon, Ems acknowâ€" ledsinztheir .t'y.t‘2°°mvetevith Provethdonrlnstmmentaintheopinion of competent judpsi are incoumbli superior to in others. Sole Pmprieton and Manufacturers of the “ ORG-ANETTE." uni Central Exhibition, Guelph Thisgrmdmmin addition to year’nreoordofl. SILVER IEDAL, 0W8 and. MELODEONS At the Provincial Exhibition, mum, W. BELL ’ 00., Ten â€ï¬rst Prizes ! A}: Two Exhibitions: COMPLETE SUCCESS ! 1872) BY THE lst JANUARY. Being now abou}. to secure the Guelph, Ontu-io, Received Every First Prize for A full assortment of 3°29 1Taper. no Misï¬ake 3: Therefore it. is on hand. L001 Books, Toys, and. l2 FIRST PRIZES, Eoncertinas. W. BELL Co! 7 3 (18 ot Steve-pi '" peri‘iijéiét‘ix'oi'xi Jtpan ï¬cazppï¬Ã©el tint will mill; you. . e Acdl will ntisfyyouulheis determinedto sell a; prieeaflnt cannot be batten. ‘ , . EAVEâ€"TROUGHING doneinsmperior manner; andeverydeumptx' 'onofwuiin his line manufactured to cadet on the shomtnotice ad most reasonable can... Remember-781191) next to W ".A I , - and assortment of Sid! HARDW‘RE; THE subscriber, has pleasure' 111 return- ma thanks for 1"“? 1m sham (I‘M- Phillip’s 'l‘in Slurp. TRUNKS and employed. Specifl mm given to me- pun. Anice Inorhnent of WHIPS, SPURS, BRUSHES, CURRY 001138, c., any: in stock. Also a. flock of lightest and most stylishly get ' up, 5 til; heaviestand most dunble, to thins- tablinhnent. Nolinï¬erior need. Only Firstâ€"Class Workman â€" THOS. BYRNE, - Ties, Collars, c., wit}: an M of Ready-malothing. £45. Remembu- the Dominion Tadarmg Ewalislmwnt. THE ORILLIA HARNESS SHOP! everything} beiignnde “dam: on abpot- viaion, enable hixnsogun-nnteeutisfacï¬on. OOKI G STOVE-‘3. BOX AND PARLOUR STOVE, OF COURSE. For a serviceable__l_hmeu, from an WHO’S Y0URTAIL0§§ 1torme§mhmma die of Km {33 will alwavn via-gees number to dupooeal. Panties wishing to wllorpuwhue Erna will do well to call“3 mdlesve charm-1m with him. He ha also oomneawd the of (3.10:. to which he Would innte them In ('oltu, to which he wmfld of and: miners. HORSE BAZAAR. (Opposite the Residence of Jane: Simon Esq., Front Street, Drink.) A full stock of all kinds of Gentleman’- GOOD HORSES I R. P xRKHILL, mCMhmpnofthtedcbx-stodï¬m- ALAYéTEA,mce:;pu_ib. which in pointo strengths; var ismpedortc anySOcentTesinOx-mn. Go‘lden SyrEp. a) Benin pox-9301:. Men’sOanadianMObtb 81P1.m‘.|,81.95. “ HawsngMï¬ '*' “ Sundial-IQ) “$.ï¬,“£75 Gents’WoolUndorMon laid: “ Drawers, 0913787 ch. 20;ba.Rioe£0t$1m’ 1.0%.?)- Mtge?†Inutgthecmmofmepuhï¬cw stockofBeady -m ClothingBook Shoes, Gaucerieu,c., which have been selectcdwithgxectcare,onthe moat nd magma mm,cn(1which mtohe if Every Deparhnentfnlly Assorted IMMEN SE SUCCESS !! Stock Emplete! '5 . TERMS CASH- J.D DO’BBEEN, Mimi) 31:1th :5 Co. Yokohama House. HE Subscriber has opened a Bun:- Clean and mechble Vehicles. 3 TINDLE’S THOMAS BYRNI. J. D. O’BRIEN 0F ORILLIA, suitable for Fall and Win- ter. ‘ is now receiving his new suck of Cloths, 6m, PRICE LIST: R. PARKHILI; D. PHILLIPS. of Shirts, Durex-s, R. TIKDLE.