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Lindsay Expositor (1869), 27 Feb 1873, p. 3

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Ithe; ‘ of dd. Mfleen chum and mu mu post, betWeen lots 3 and 4, an to present road twelve chsinl two links from the post bet and 5. nnd 5. 0:: the motion of the Ben. 14:. Parties thnt the House gointo Committee to con- sider a. resolution granting $100,000 to; the establishment of an inehriate asylum, Hon. Mr. Cameron said there was an asy- lum at Orillin which could be utilized for the purpose, and he thought that could be 1 ' ' ed. Mr. Ardaxzh believed the building at obtained on reasonnble terms, cred that the peOple of that sedan had claim upon the Government. . . Parties said it would cost $39,013, nearly half the amount now asked for, to acquire the asylum. at Orillia, put it in repair, and fit for the purposes of this measure. Mr. Cameron thought all the necessary work could be done for $10,000. It the Gov- ' bed to select a. site on grounds of justice, they should have recollected that the Village of Orillia. had lost more by the inmates of the asylum than the city of Hamilton had by the re- movnl of the Deaf and Dumb Institute. Hon. Mr. Mowatt said the hon. gentleman knew nothing about the cost of putting the 01-min. asylum in a. proper condition. ‘he Goverment opposed it on the ground that it wouldbe nwute oi the public money Editor of Ta: Exrosx-rox Dun 811,â€"1 noticed last week that a. revival l in the Oxdcr_0f the Sons 1" DIAR- §ll,â€"L “van.-- _‘ d - last week that a. revival had taken place in the Order of the Sons of Tempennce. Good 2 yes, I say good! for there is great need (If some mm'e that has for its aim the restoration of fallen man from the de- gnded position in which he has plwed himself by over-indulgence in intoxicating drink; Whiskey shops are springing up in every direction, and our hitherto beau- tiful md moral village will soon become noted for profanity, Sabbath desecration sud other gross evils, unless there are some means speedily taken to avert so sad In: event. Yours truly. A WIFE AND MOTHER. in -â€" “ Bunny)" tic, stJ. BJ’oxry‘é Co's. number of immignnts'rePOx-ted a wing settled in Munkoks during th. ‘ven month} entlling ‘October 3111:, m * , 53- 4.. {hum :â€" B .v’ffiémpwn’a . Ornuxc to-day. a choice lot of Fashion- .ble Htts, at J. 8. Perry Co‘s. Tn: Little Giant Hardware Store is the ply» to get Sugar Kettles of all sizes and Bon’ Knickerbocker Sui! Torry Co's. CALI. sud age the Longincs CAnrnxnns, give u. n. Llluuuyu a u... If you want a first’clus tool, either steel or wood. Bx auto and go to J :u. Tudhope's Hard- ware Stom and 306 the Iittlo giant. The show is it». and Bucxsmnis, attention! hope's is the place you 01 5031}- spring Itock of iron 3 11' you wan» uv muv .- a...._fl_‘ {ago gift to your young friends, call and see the stock of Plated-ware at the Shef- field House. file’itEck in Drillia. @ccx Waxu Flour. Oatmeal, Corn- .med and the very best Butter in town, at 3". H. Carpenter’s Provision Score, oppo- gite Beach’s Block, Mississaga street. Go :0 \W. B. Trnnorn‘s BossHudwm Store for your mill supplies. blacksmiths’ iron and tools, and lumbermen’s requi- sites for shsptigs o‘r rafts. A gpneral and -L -1: -nA Boat-v chamzx, you will consult your own interestsb calling at W. R. Tnd_hope’ s, the Boss .srdru'o Store, containing the 'well-l In March, to comm vorton, in the store vex-ton, m we Bwnv ”w--- , _ > - )5 ‘qtock wxll Mr, R. J. McLonghlin. ébn;iat of a. gonenl ”segment .0; Dry Goods. Groceries.'erckex-y, Wines mgd W: V“"""-v-1 ~ . _, Liquors. His prim we are sure wax meetwith general approval in thut sec- ‘tion, as they lave in this. Hit not“ Ins slimy; been, and will continue to be, “ small profits and quick return.” BIRTHS. At 'Vnminuer. 0n the 26th 51199.21!!! wit. .2 Mr.'Wm. Gibbs. 9: gym 533‘ PPS-”€129 .‘ Gm of 3‘ gen. MARRIED- On the 12th inst... M. the residenpfis’ §e .m mat. a s; ssewzmflzz Ir ypu want 73!! :31ng inst. a 5: Step omnâ€" Fields, by the Right Rev. thoLo Bishop of mm“. tapped” _by the Rev. A. J. Bronzing, Md r'ndack‘ Cup- C5 £899“ £1311. Barrister-ot-h‘w. . .EfiglibSCampben Esq. Lynwoodf ‘ rum %fi%fl, ngikjg .0". "5-13. on Thmlg. the 13m 1)! «Wed rite 99?. . Rm. 2-1.. fl 7 ' Dru), At the residence of her father, new flak; no. on Thursday. the 187m insz-. 92:12} A130- j CORRESPONDENCE- 4a, concgssions, usincss gentle. . ‘3. UN” 1.‘ nu--.-__, :h, to commence busigess it} Bea- ms, give 'W. R. Tudhope a. can a first has too], either steel 3. Guam: intends, about the ‘ ‘ , 1â€" 15-- W- -~râ€"~ LTV§A |VA~ noticod b}: ypurjuuo of VA-» .t to nuke s handmxne mar- ' ~ u 1 I, auu nun---â€" ics or rafts. A gusts). 3nd stock of shelf and heavy kind be Watch at J. "“141 33 gnarl. rm Want. W bf Srma W nn‘r. Fnocn. '7 bfl 61w: ...' Wool. Ponx... Pom-ton Hmzs 01mm». per 100 1b- Coaxxm HAY Comwoon NEW FIRM! EG to intimate to the public of Orillin, and surrounding country, that Mr. Switzer has just returned from Toronto with the largest and finest stock yet shown at their store, which is now bemsz received. Their stock of Gold Watches, Chains, Rings, Ear-rings, Ladies' and Gents’ Gold Sets, c., is particularly well assorted. Our store will be refitted, and the balance of the stock -opened out in a few days. They solicit a continuance of the custom extended to the late firm of J efl'eris 8: Co., and will be happy to show good: to ell who call. _- 7‘ Large r Sto ck! C. R. Suitzer 00., Remember the place, of Post Office- ~n WOCK White ma Boots! ii 11> vaus,_ Whisu EVENING FLOWERS! The Cheap Sch; of Winter Good: 63 still going on. ’ JM}. PERRY. Beautiful Grenadines ! 1. Lot No. 14. West half‘ taining 100 .crcs, nu t: a with good byildfngs and wun 5“”; v... and watered. h Siriug \Vheat, took flrlt Pris. at mu 8 ow. in 1872 :prioo ”per bushel. a!) bush. of Early Rum PM WIL M. BOUL’PON. Bart 1 WNTED 1 V TANTED, a Teacher for School Sec- tion No. 6. North Orillia. with Third Clan Certificate. Female referred. Term to commence In of .‘IIY. 187 . Stat. 531317. sud address (post paid) to - -â€" mnv wno‘n Oxuuu. Februu-y, 187 3. ._â€"â€" THE Subscriber, in announcing that he has fur-chued the entire Butcherinz Buninou of French «30.. takes this oppor- tunity of thanking his customers at! the gon- enl public {or the liberal pstrougo bcstowed upon him, and solicits ; confinmnce of tho sine. ‘ He will keep constantly on hsnd 3 In:- all choice assortment of MEATS of any descripâ€" tion. Ivory sttention paid to the want! of enltomen Thou Indebted will amigo by enllingpnd Sottling their chountl. W. Z. FRENCH. Butcher and Poultcrcr. «DA c... _â€" he Canada undidâ€"7 Credit Company! XRE pregared to Lean Money on Im- _ proved Runs, on highly favonble terms. For pudculnrl apply to A. J. ALPORT. I‘m Rh. 1373. Cuban. TRAYED {mm the premises of the nndcrfigneflaa Number last. 4 WHITE EWES, with notch cut out of right cnr. Any non returning them to the un ersigncd will suitably rewarded ; or any pet-Ion retaining them nicer this notice will be dealt with "u:- ‘ J OHN WILLIAMSON. Kan. v.3 ego"; O SELL, TENDERS WANTED! 12¢an 18th.1873. {OR SALE.â€" Saturday, Mar. s gun-013:3: 3mm Plans at: 11 Specifications I Suitable for Evening Dreuu can be seen It flu ofice of A. G. Robina, 13”., 0mm. ' ‘ ' " ! u‘l‘rvlflt 3 1nd in ' in Color»,â€" Buttons. 0mm, Feb, )8. 1373. MONEY TO LOAN. OYDOLW, v.“ ...-V ELI. w. B. McMullon will, 4:23 dste. deliver good! from eithor 0': Mia 31%;: 20st- 1:: brim») mgr-1:65; ” ’m‘ w o- n - Huck-tone, 18th Feb, \E‘SDERS will be met undonizutd, on or before (Ltte Jofl'erifl Con) TncxsnAY. Feb- A fine assortment of CHEAP. OR. TO RENT. AND A. West h;}f, 12th C on. of Ora, con- 1-3, m- r» or less, 70 acro- cleared. dings and Orchard; well foncod Apply on tho premises to D. VVOOLAMS. 1“. 1.1-" NOTICE. AT 132 ”1'50. 137‘! ‘0‘. Faun]: rezoned. Lcnu :of Mn’. 137 . Stat. 551317. D: psid) to “'ILLIAM TELFORD. Secretary 4: Treasurer, Ardtrea. . 1572 172.213 3: the «action of D 100 Bunhels_ of McCarling 62 by 65 foot. m â€" '" ;loa.i $333.. 1'6 6- SWITZER CO. second door east .Twn and four received. by (Tl-1.. NEW WATCHES, NEW JEWELRY. ed a splendid lot of Watches, Has just rcceiv THOS. MARION WATCH 00., NEW YORK WATCH Cu, LONG] WALTHAM WATCH Co., SWISS ELGIN WATCH 00., SWISS HE LONGINES WATCH is now acknowlec' 7 Watchmakers to be the most. durable and re‘ price, that. has ever been offered for sale in Canada and chenpness. Call and see it. a“ J. B. THC ‘ur Urillia. RUSSELL WATCHES are aupeiior 1 ___A"1\n1x\1’ QA‘A Annnt for Ofilliit‘ [or Urmu». THOMPSON sBiEITgEBt for 0mm THE Stock of Ladioo’ Sets, in bright will be found particularly large 11 throughout will be found the largest a! on the motto of “ Small Profits and Ql‘ Wmmxm. 1x P. S.-â€"Next do r _ 'KERMOTTTB Bylpepus Powders! Have been received from F. Kean, of 01-min; also from the Editor of Newmw ket Ira, and 'nmny others, corroborating the above statements concerning these Powders. Price 25 Cents. Enquu'o 101' buvnu an. n... - -7- , gist’n, if not procurable th.e them by post to Burie. 81 will Procure 5 Puckages. Prepared and For Sale, Wholesale, (mrmrzn) Have been unparalleled in the cure of Dyspepsia. and general disorders of the Stomach and anelsâ€"pcmom who have been tffiicted for years, and tried the various Physicians that came within their reach, without re- ,, L--â€" KERMOTT’S Mandrake Pills! ceiving 23y Egaeii't, have been entirely cured by taking one Box of these Powders. and are entirely vpgetshle. In obstinte cases of Dylpepsm the Pill! should be taken withfihe Powders, full directions 1 1.-.. Imam»: of one quu_i_ro f9! them at the , 7 -.-_.L‘- 3090me w wâ€": -2, or two, _they are alteratxvo, m lager (loses Cathu'uc and Anti-Billions, always restor- ing the hedthy function of the body. Those who hove once med them will not consent to have my other kind whatever. prczâ€": Enquire {orthexn at the nearest store when; Meaicinea are kept: or send to Bar- rie {or them. One dollar will procure two boxes pf the fills and three of the Bowlers. ~ - for WWI”. SLAYER, 0111118. ‘0 IL KERMoTT, Tmmoxms sun 1’“?an z nnu CUIUUIC‘L uunu, ._m- _....__-_ (1 well assorted. The atockfiof Jewellory d best north of Toronto, which will be sold P. S.-â€"Next door to “Gribbin's Exchange.” Returns.” 53‘ ALL Goons AND “'03: -20 CENTS PER BOX ! men's outfitting establishment, we some time ago ordered from a Scotch agent a case of “Galashield” Tweeds of the most choice patterns and quality. We are now advised of their arrival per steamer Sarmat-z'an and will be forward in a. few days. They are of a. different character to anything in the Canadian market. Wait till you see them, Gentlemen, and you will be pleased. Yours faithfully, DRUGGISTs 3331:, On. In view of SOMETHING WPSON I;- doses of one J. B. PERRY CO. is now acknowledged by :11 Practical .st. durable and reliable \Vntch. for the l for sale in Canada; combining durability . a“ J. B. THOMPSON Bola Agent um um mmelior to all others. J. B. opening a. first-class 12 establishmeyt, we lot of Watches, manufactured by the mos. RUSSISL a SON, LONGINES. k Mofl'att Wilson fining purchased from Mr. F. Keen utock in trade, Wilh to inform their tram and the pubiic gonenlly, ch“ ‘ will open, on Saturday next, 22nd Inst, In the building lately occupied by Mr. Ken, opposite Boothe Furniture Store. Missing: Street, Orillls _â€" Having bought the stock at e dhoount, end hnvlng a large stock of Woollen Goodl, bought previous to the rise in Wool, we hove determined to ofl'er GOODS AT COST for the nut few woeka, and will confirm. b sell at the lowest living prices. 'e hue BOOTS SHOES in uriety. READY-MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS. TWEEDS, FLANNELS. and DRESS GOODS, n11 AT REDUCED PRICES. 'r. w. mornn‘. l A General Store: In returning lincero thanks to the public for the liberal patronnge beatowod on me during the put moon, I would take this opportunity of tasting thnt r u.“ {nut Inmad from the hauling PARTNERSHIP. J éflefil a: Co., ha been thi- dny diuolved by mutual consent. The business will be unis-d on byC- R. SfiMC0.,tonlnceoimtl due this“ firm Are to be pdd. n n mmnm, Down.» BM". m. How in big neatly (unfilled. “a day- supplied wkh tho chore-t Winn. «amt. .ml mite room (or Conmcrdd OfilligMJm.181.3- LONGINES. SWISS WATCH Cod SWISS WATCHES, c.. Eamon 5: STAGE HOUSE, mv “.- v L'"‘_""d v have justrlearned from the leading fashionable hon-ea in the City of Mon- treal, that Spring Stocke Vill be more than usually Mm. I leave to: chase Spring Stock, and, as in the past, I hope to be able to IhOW ahe most astractive Stock in Orillla. G. H. WIISON. We will open 5 inch stock of F fiend: .’ heaverton Agency ! GRAVENHURST. 1:;- ;nd vino". GOOD AND CHEAP. >10. DISSOLUTION OF NEW CLOCKS! '. F. Kan his -, thu tlioy Purnmn. Flour, Feed and Provision WORLD’S " OLD. STAND 1 Family and Graham (pats, Poase. CO“ Seeds ! ’ Butter, GARDEN subs: GARDEN suns: GARDEN suns: 0mm: suns: owns 813an GARDEN SEEDBK GARDEN SEEDS! GARDEN SEEDS! GARDEN SEEDS! GARDEN SEEDS! ily and Graham Flour, Oatmaal, Corn Meal, >ats, Poase, Corn, Barley! Bran, Shorts, Onions, {utte'n Choose, Confectionery, c., ‘c. . WORLD opposite. the Past 0600. â€" ms Rnuom TO Cam-a Building. Nearly Opposite Bbo‘h't Brick Block. SLAVEN’S Orillia BrugStore. ”wuvw‘d“ ms REMOVED ms ~ STORE, ’IELD 81”: FIELD SEEDS: mm SEEDS! FIELD suns: FIELD suns: rum) 5!:an rum) suns: 11m) suns: mm @132 AT AT ls ! SEEDS ! DELANY TROLLIN G BAIT! â€". EWING MACHINES n ' in first- chu W other Tobacco Moo . Ion-ir- 0 m Bevin filam- hnd New“. of mdoaimwomnflyinm. [Wot-haw mdoorubodsoC°-‘- mum-km I Y 1“"va wk. Munch-um Pipulemhdwdrgpnid'fih mud am AW ctr» Mt Ion-in of d! Sowing adam- at! Nadia! of mMMWMflnm. [Wot-km next doormDalgotCoh F. J . DELAXX. W11.» DARLING, 1mm m Vlonw um 3’ Cloths, Tailor's Trimmings. Gentle-en's Fur-BMW 51¢ urmt 8:. W“. (W ‘5' “ 1”“ 31“.) TORONTO. ONT- 03111“. February «1:. 1m. “autumn? of the Cokbnud GUNSMITE? . .~ ORILLIA FLOWER IEEDS! FLOWER SEEDS! FLOWER SEEDSi FLOWER SEEDS! IDOWER SEEDS: nowm IEEDS': FLOWER SEEDS! “05 I! O'...‘ 0'i‘"H*fiTKâ€"NVIL HiiUSB?’ m3: SIM]! 3" BE: MILL musmom egg; BOX .AND PAéE ~ SE WING El: 170. .v-v, _.. _e‘, tux ..- V , ‘3' PM“ 8“ 0“" 30““ Fm gain. _1 magenta" «humming ERRâ€"Timur. mnnfnctnudfiey ell :ntnthetic formwruewonfgm; ”g ' where you can perceive the ,foree‘ei one fiu‘ side of the antithesis, yuu do,o£ corms-r. come to a knowledge of the force of ; ‘â€" e other side. If Lie eternal it premised (is. at one side and desth eternal i4 theme: ie an the other and opposite one, is it no: me ace be supposed that the word ‘eter.::.‘. ' ' fie i which qualifies death, is a ward Awful“: h force and in port with the word ‘ ctcrm.‘ $0 « willilch qualified life 2 WI“? no hother v' . . (.1. co d n doubt be ra' wit ngrILa' 8"le Blocmir such a principle. I venture to say ‘i: . ' ‘ ., g" the exception here (if such an one urn". -_â€"____________________.______________â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-fllt ‘ be made) is without any walk! in. the g1; ' just principleeof interpretation. 1f, 11' ‘1. the words awn mi aioniot are 11'3” LflNMN PARIS; i‘ sixty timesâ€"which is the factâ€"izit‘u- ‘ r“: f ‘ ' ' Ignatethe mnunnnizn «E {on Testementto dee' ,, ilk i the future happiness of the righteous - ' 11d ; some twelve times to designate the, e ‘ HOUSE nt' 1 tinuancc of the future misery of Lu: 0 fl; ’ wicked, by what principle of interpt'rtâ€" u-di ing language does it become imposeilk . in; » for us to avoxd the conclusion that (tum kit i and «innit»: have the same sense in but}. . cue-1 It does most plainly and iudnn. , vv Iyl FERRET km : ably follow tlmtif theScriptnres have ne: . . in“ ; mserted the cuffs: punishment of 1:. ' ‘, ‘ wicked, neither re they asserted ‘t c, i W Wgtdmnkertnd Jzegg', has; i endless happiness of the rightemfs,’ ~' -' ' much plenum in “3°“!!de 9 not 5 the endless glory endexistenceof the” n" “I" h“ 09“ . bed 1 head. The result seems tom: to begun the I and philosophically and cxegeticelly 02‘: NOW Jewellery ”bush“! end i tain. It ie tidyâ€"«either the declaratisne f the Scriptures do not establish 2.x be i ” ° ' - ; faces that Gud, and His glory. and re.“ In Onlha, (ml: 1 and happiness am ondlen, nor theplnp- nllvi piness of the righteous in stature wen-'1 h Humd'a Building, when will all i is endless, or else they eetablish the fat: ,. that the punishment of the wicked : ,,_ -_-.|....'.. Cullen.” ~ - - - .u . u H mm AND-TR}. h Humoud’a Building, when will fit, found a 1.1:; LAMILNDWELLSELEOTED STOCE'L' of ".c .. u . Gold and Sflver Watche £3; Janna] of our, dean'pfim, 6a ~.,-11 gamma momm SATISFACTION GIV I'd}: mom macaw; in d 0rillia Fruit Bepqagij QCu! rlcxs AM) SHOVELS‘. 1m: RI. BEER AND 12;“ a" Rznnnm THE PLACE. Humour: am. memnifie Inmn' ‘ .n , , . MA.ud s “ARLING BULL. rod. mo ”'an *9 mvawm. pay at W ' ”A A. BUDDWRR -â€"aL IK’I'O the premilec of the Subscriber,“ Adm-lay. I mnuxe IEIFBB. t- ‘ ‘ - ”ARLING BULL. rd. ”Flt. AMY!!- nth Paints and Oils: Homo Fua‘n B.â€"â€"Tinwaro mnufucturodhey ~ «canon STRAYED AT THE O? TILL 3 P. M. geld pal; «cr- . un llief sme 2 0!) :cnt fer. I . uce yuuf Ris ow! I lvmeue anuy..v-‘ .. _._- _‘ . seen one nation openly and formally rc~ 51â€" ject the docfl'imof m'e Morality; and Ian ‘ proclaim “ Death. uetmdeleep." TM “3'. j and malt of this mnvdof the pros:z‘~:.~ “W ‘ tive eternal amalgam of sin was, 12M ‘9 I I lnng in coming. Lever in the hint-my i Xe! [ mm was honourmd honesty among :1’ - r. a“? at a grater discount, never did crumfy ‘- to £ reign with a more unguinu-y end rm‘ - b? ’1 ‘ in: way, mi assassination sad robbcrv W18 ‘ stalk forth with more ruthless and :3:- 5 “3' : blushing efimnhry thin whik this (I'm-Ii 339' ‘ prevailed. In ten short yam, miium; 1““- i of the people perished. divorce was a: 1-1;! 'I . will unmet cis to» ‘aitmfl, mwx Militia}! "9° ‘1'! avg: :â€" ei: to» ‘aiona, the'fcv: mime-a W There cm be no midake henna 90W?»- ‘ and x. 10. ‘Tho sensual of (God chill reign to:i everand ewr.’ ‘flxedeu. thtn be tormented ddyanl ‘ and eVer.’ In they. "Mfr. h «m adverbial foul ‘of won, .311 tLa'. 113 its intensest fdm (sis tau-8 «gm 10"; canon); and iris» do]: n hghti 14:51 ‘ the reign and the timent they (pesky. i are of equal duution, and that that dura- ‘ tion is eternal; There are several m4»- 5 Script!!!“ in which the fume punishn; m? of the wicked is represented by the 5:: word, but. if there were none other ti; the one gunnined in my text it. woulu 7‘ 5.4”. 0...“... Testament when die word M i; u: x: in any inferior sense, it . elmyc_:.s the eternal in contra-distinction to { ac temporal." ‘ \ . The following is en W {zonPro- {enm- Stuart’s [implied Ems, main: 2:- mt! Punishment, noted by Dr. Pye 5:11:21: in his first lines o? Ozrbtian flawlesy. v “I trust it will not be questioned, 3r. regard to the nine cases where do» is at,- plied to the hxppineas of the fighuptgs 2:: another world and the fifiyâ€"one (gm!- where aioniu i; applied to the steam, t'w : happiness witho'u} limits, without 52;. is intende’d to be ' Can it '. reuonebly doubted, en, “the {:1 cues in which don is ”plied; ‘0 191,? '~ ture punishment of the “'1de ”:3 1: seven cases in which aionio: is spphod 4, the same subject have 2. 11388321113 .5: that of the. preeedin‘gmefl , The .Jw designated in bothia future, The in: ~ tion of the writeup seem. very apparc; to have been similar in both can“. I: invariable lure of in ‘ , firs ‘fore, wo_u1d_eeem 10‘ a i like' u; , fitA“. .. 0n the moral ' of this doctrirn I would j mt om if you than M aside, you remove from the unjon'ty 3 and worldly lulu, and'live nobody; rick ,. ously, and godlyin the pie-entail turn“ .I, _- L‘. M. ”In“! on. An m uuu , â€"-- 3'“: v.â€" “n “be: they see um their refusal to do «0 will canduct them down to a like 0“?“ L in which they will be tormented dsyg f ; night for ever and ever, they would 11:6“. :3 induced to reform their conduct h" 3 - prospect of any loser penalty “33;...1. their sin : and thru the hope of the w: _, salvation in stem end. This inlets :: . ~ speculation. The werld has shady ' . ' fearful evidepcetn the unbject. We 3:" - a ‘ p,___"_' “.- The With 707W. Band of Hope Raw. . Gottaga' J: 4115-80» British Worm We Folks. CW1 M. til/am 1W. BOCKD. FOB. 1873.. A! COOKIE Bl“: Friendly mew,

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