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Lindsay Expositor (1869), 3 Apr 1873, p. 1

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ADVERTISE Bis; {{lgthb, Tweedé, - . Tailor's Trimmmgs 9 fiepflgggen’s Furnishings,c. 3.3 Front St. West, (Latojho “ Iron Block,“) MA“A__, - __ ___-_,_ _, v------, 1 If you want a gmd Shave. Hair Cut, or Sharp- COUMU‘ 3 poo. c., with Cleanliness, Comfort and bk» 1 patch. A Vel‘V’ large assortment of w Remurnber his old, azmd next door toll Pipes, Razors, Cnmbs, Brushes; c., c., Berry‘s Uyuer Sal-um, Peter Sm. 01-min. ‘ -' Dec. lzln. H72. ya I kept 1n stock. As he In: the lama-w fmfilitiefl for manufac- turin: s n $.L,’:£ n >r:h at l‘umn to, dealt-rs will do We“ tn :n‘u: him a. ‘3le Wm» 6;. ”mum, Tobe delivered at the Mill. for which the highest price in C ash will be paid. will A U meets every Tuesdav vagina iii mge’l‘empelrancc Hall. Viemng mem- bers will 1: ani welcome: a y A. MCKAY. R. S. This Hotel is large. neatly furnished, and always V‘ngAplit-d with the choices: Winefi. Sample aml suize rooms for Calumet-Cid Tanners and via-iv“. he Subscriber is prepared to furnish any qua: .xty of “I hit: and Red Br: ck and BRICK and TILE YARD DOUGH.» onwx, T. MAUXDRELL. - - Proprietor. I. prepared to supply all orders. whansale or retail, on the sh urtest notice. 0:511». Feb. 26th. 1373. DRILLIA SA USAG E FACTORY. BASS WOOâ€"D Loss ONTAIXS the must reliable infnrma- dun 01' all the sayings and doings in the “ North \\ c1113 Everyone “banked an inner»: m thi: {4'5ch Province. ur who antici- te making :hcir homes here, shouldsubscribe or it. Town. 32 3:: 3111mm in adv .nce. 181. U’ 200 Cords Hemlock Bark wanted imm_e~ disuly. 20: which the highest price in cash “all be paid. S. W'AIX\VRIGHT. Cash paid for Hides. Kip and Calf Skins, and Tafluw. “ The Manitoba. Gazette,” 7 \y IN N 11" EG, mom-us ALD WHOLBALE 0mm 1! ORILLIA TAN N ERY ! LEATH ER 0? ALL KHBS. FAST H ()RSES TEAMBUAT STAGE HUUbE, WM. JACKSON, - PROPRIETOR‘ Livery Stables ! TORONTO, (51; Vintu Drinks reguhu‘ly on the 16th. 11th and 18th _of each month G Md set»! of Teeth at $16.00 Office. a: Dr. Sn. \dermn s. N15. ‘ .\ g) x! a: usable for a student Barrie, July 2.2-r-1 1872. 1-12. EGS to inform the inhabitants of Oril- fin and vicinity, that he: has settled in Or- illia. for the practice of his profession, and film: he will be happy at. all times to attend to Any cue for which hie services may berequired. 5d; Lines carnfuny adjustéd. Onion-Sex: that to the “ Drillia House," lormerlv nccupied 3?}! A; Fuwfie. Ail Or‘bm by m d! will receive prompt atten- :ion â€".\ddres~. Bux" )7, DRILL! \. P. O. 12' F \V. ARMSTRONG. . (.s'uccumr to A. Fowlie. P. L. S.) Provinci :1 Land Survcynr, Drmlghtimzm. Civil Engineer ami Architect. ‘v’ulnawr. Land an'l General Agent. _ Maps cumpiled. Disput~ \V. 1‘ AM van, c.. kc. Valuator im- the can. ' Ida Permanent Building Suciecv. Orill'm. Una. ‘ N13 “WM BROW.\, Pruvinci: d Land Survevur. and Mr. {rthur M. Robinson. lormuly (mu-mment (‘ iv}! Engineer and Arc zit-c: ., b we npenel an office at Urillia. All orders to be n' -f: 3:5 5.. Robinson ~c Law Oflicn 153. Admit-m. Buoxovsm (:ARRUTHERS, SHOE)! AKERS FIXDL‘ :GS, c., J. ALPORT, Accountant, Arbitra- . tut, “Junior, and, Insurance and General Agent. Drill} L Dun 09mm: -â€".\ln)nic Buildings. D and .‘wtary Public' tor the Dominion Bank can“ Conveyancet. c. Money Lent.â€" Commissioner fur taking Afidswiu EVERY TH URSDAY, Otillia Au:- 10th. 16?). Nantes) Immediately, DGAR, FENTON CORBUL LD, _Barris:ers and Attorneys-ac-Iaw, 501363- :or: m Chmary, Conveyance”. kc. Organ-1n Masonic Buildings Album St. 91-311». J. D. EDGAR F. 1’35““: 9 E. CORBOULD. RANK EVANS, BARRISTER, AT- TUKXEY-AT-LAW, SJliciwr in Chi-lb nary, Convayancer, -‘otary Public, Commis- sioner for taking Afidaviw, kc. OFFICEâ€"Next dmreo the “ Orillia. Hon-soft or at his residence. after office hours. GRAVENHURST. Nit-Rafi! and debt: collected Orinia, June 5th. 1872. ’ARD. KILLIA a Apnnmxxc Runs Monzmrx. At One Dollar (1 year, in advance Ornctâ€"Over new DJmiaion Bank Ormiu RED. J. R. GR~\XT. CONVEY- MONEY TO LEND. AS I) GOOD CON V EYAN CBS. Enquiire at my of the Hate-ISA AMUEL s. ROBINSON.S()L(CI’§03, ‘RJLLIA DIYiIsz. s. or 1:. wise 33993510: C. H. 3053): K0. L. D. s., Booth 60:bett’s New Brick Black ORILLIA, 031x, VETERIXA I: Y S UK 01503, M ATC HEDAS {I S 1' RESET. \V‘ EST ST. URILLIA BEA V ERTON a quantity of H. LAWRENCE, ALWAYS US “AND. usiucss (553m. lrnfessional (gulls. AT 1‘8}: OFHCI IS PCBLXSBED Proprietors; \Vinnipeg. Ma. Pxormaroa. P. MURRAY. THE Proprietor v 7 ., “(vâ€""w--- vuu-uup, La crux! a line [or each insertion. Announcqments in the "Businegs Noticed” column. set In reading. 10 cents ‘liqe foreach ingenion. Notices of Meetings or Service- to be held chu‘ged for 59 the lune nt- u etiq- puhlio W a- A Stable is’p’rdficiea'cfii YEQLRREZQTJ the treatment of horses. JAMES KENNY, Late Sgt-Major, Royal Horse Artillery- Drillia. Feb. 27th. 1873 174 AMES KENNY. Lachie Street, Old 0 Market Block, neu- the Foundry. begs to inform the pubhc of Urfllia and surmnnding country, that'he has commenced the practise of the pmfession in this Village. Over 23 years experience in the treatment of horses in the Royal Horse Artillery warnntshim in stating that he is quite prepausd to treat the muse dif- ficult. cases 9{ diseases 5); '1‘ accidentsto horses. wams or Hoxsssâ€"Arrsxnox! (é? Superior workmanship done at the lowest possible prices for cash. J AS. SHANAHAN, - PROPRIETOR. CU STONI 5390i Shae Store! VDORUNTU Near the new Dominion Bank, Mississaga St, OrilIia. 135 GEGRGE MEAD, THE ORILLIA Shaving and Hair Cutting Saloon 3 (Established 1870.) FARRIER. liOOMS fitted up in first-class style, andeVeryuttcution paid tn the comfort uf customers. Having had a long experience in his business, and secured the services of a a first-class hand, the subscriber guarantees satisfaction- Pomulcs, Oils, c., prepared by XvIV'E EITBI A C.L'L, AND SHAMPOOING SALOON, Mississaga 5L, Orihia, a few doors east of the Shaving, Hair-Dressing, iHE EXPOSITOR ADVERTISING RATES. GEO. WAINMAN, bctw een ()rillia. and Port Hope and Peter-born”, cnnnoctinx with the Xipiwing. at "W 00qu ille to and from Tornnto. and the G- T. R East anr- “fest, when a fresh timejabLe will be an nuanced. Tn‘uxs WILL RUN REGULAR“! on special applit‘ation, freight will be brought thnvugh fr 1:) PORT HOPE TO ORILIJA! GEORGE WAINMAN Orillia, December 17th. 181' 2. 163vlv‘ uf the time table of the Midland Railway is now in furce, the Express leaving Ben.ertnn fur Putt Hope, Lindsay and Peterbornugb. at 2:20 p.m., connecting with the G. T. R., East and “1:51;. After the mm of Decembelr, MIDLAND RAILWAY. Oflic: Hours, 10 a.m. till 3 p.m. Sat- urdays, 10 a..m. till 1 p.111. H. S. SCADDING. has been opened,fnr the accommodation 0f mechanics and parties wishing to deposit small numuuts. Depnsits taken in this De. partuwnt uf nne dullar and upwards, upon which interest will be allowed, payable half yearly. 159. r a here every attention willbe paid to busi- ; Res: entrusted to ‘ ,â€" ”OLD and American Currency drafts on .\ew Yurk, Bills of Exchange, and Lnitcd States currencv, bmwht and sold, Drafts issued on all points in Canada. Interest “ill be :,LIIm\'ed at the rate of fuur per cent. per annum, on Special De- posits remainin" three muntbs. S'Iecial arrangcments can be made for moneys re- maining m er that time. Corner of Mississaga and Peter Streets. The customary W!NTER ALTERATION I: To the building lately occupied by the DOMINION BANK, 'cogxzn or 161-tf. Mississaga and Peter 'Straets,~ Provincial Insurance 00., And General Agency, @- REMOVED .9 A SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT On and after the Is: of January, 1873. Montreal Telegraph Co., Vicker’s Express 00., VOLUME [1, "0- W8. J. WHITE. At Orillia. Dec. 19, 1872. DOMINION BANK. PETER ST., ORILLIA. HAIRDRESSER, (Successor to T. Boy,) o: 3:6cles in the Editorial. ”Albion Hotel." Columns. 15 canâ€"t: D. E. BotLhiSi',‘ GEORGE MEAD J. SHANAHAN‘ 174 Presidént. :3 T. DUfiTLOP’s Agent. AGENT. ‘ uua uuruaecermmed jogl ve his . mmtomen the benefit of the an in th fn'ceofmnur, andhuputdown thew-lb; An tomcenu. A nice amt-uncut of Cska, “try, (1 Confectionery mum. for thuleucm mad! In Mr. D. McKinIay’s building, on West Street, a. few doors south of Colborue Stteet. BestllreadinTown Only 12 cents, T. W. MOFFATT, I J. G. WILSON. AT REEUCED PRICES. OPERJWMIVI \Ve have BOOTS SHOES in variety. READY~MADE CLOTHING, CLOTl-lb‘, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, and DRESS GOODS, all GROCERIES! for the next few weeks. and will continue to sell at the lowest living prices. Having bought the stock at a. discount, and having a large stvck of Woollen Guods bought previous to the rise in wool, we have determined to offer GOODS AT COST In the building latelypccnpied by Mr. Kean, oppusite Bunth’s Furniture Store, Mississaga Street, Orillia. Saturday nexfg. 22nd Inst, A. General Sfiore, H ving pnrchmsed from “r. F. Kean his stuck m trade, wish tn inform their pn- trons and the pnh‘ic generally, that the) will open, on Mofi’att Wilson BHNNER far um, manor}; gecegmined .to give his TBA 01‘ COFFEE. A GOOD CUP Grillia Fruit Bap-at RENEY REFUXDED. SA TISFA CTION GIVEN REPAIRING PROMPTLY DON E X LAKGEAN D “FELL SELECTED STOCK of Gold and Silver Watches. in Hammond’s Building, where will be fuund. u We will open a fresh stock of Mechanigixl Wgtghmaker and Jeweller, has much pleasure in aunuuucing to the pub- lic, that he hag amped a. FROM 11 A. M., TILL 3 P. M. REMEMBER. THE PLACE. LONO0N 82 PARIS New Jewellery Establishment! J an cucry of every dcsctiytion, we. GOOD AND CHEAP. WM. FERRET, In Orillia, HOUSE. YOU CAN GET MINTEIORH‘S BLOCK. AT THE OF Ol‘ of sided men One momin i1! the spring of 1813â€"“: was on the 27 Mayâ€"a. brilliant but om- inous spectacle greeted the eyes of the gm;- risnn and citizens of the town of Nimmm. In the early light 1 ere: cmt-dupeé fleet of vessels by moored on the blue boeom of the lake before the tmvn. ' The roll of drums, the hint of 512313. "’51 the tramp 7“ -£._...l _.-_ ‘17“, - v , ,__ ar»~/“ -~--"WGOII!F tIII'I I neighborly helpfdlncss are often changed to deadly cnem‘cs, and even claim for their bitter hostility the sanctions of duty. George Monon naturally espuuscd the cause «If his native c-mntry. with which, ton, all higcommercinli. terests wem‘dem mind. This brought him at once under the ban of Mary's fatln-r. and his wish were interdicted. Enaign Roberts took advantage of the nbscence of his rival to press his suit. which, Squire Lima fnvurâ€" i ed as bring likely. he thought. to wean Mary from her forbidden attachment to one who was now her country's foe. But E he little knew the depth and strength of a : woman's affection. The more hr: royalid ‘ lover was assde and ma! --d,'the more family glowed her love. t e more firm ‘ was her rcsulve to be faithful unto death. { Early in the war the British not with 1 great. irreparable 1m; in_the duth of the I gallant Brock, whose nuns and military . skill were arm-er of strength to his country. George fought a: a volunteer-at Queenuon in the bloody conflict which ugngwl the fate of Canada‘s “darling hem," sad as the minute gun: of both the American and British forts boomed above his gave, the 1 gentle May wept sympathetic tents over i her country? fallen foe. . .... "nu unoua ceased, It is one of the the dread rcsulu nf internatiunnl conflict that the inhabi- tants of the hustilo frontiers. who had prnvimxsly dwelt in good fellunhg'p and “0:..Lk...!-. L ,I :4, -_ _-..~_ ouv otw' thy shuduws. whii; file river rippled calm- ly by. Win: the o xtbrezxk of the war, hnwerer, t}_xese pk-gsgnt PB“? and visits A__A 1 Cannali'nn, who fur sumo: time ha] non-(l as clerk in hvr fa‘lu-r’s store. and shortly before Opened a small can diahment of his mm H tn: oppu ~in: awe of the timer in thetlnivng vilag o Ni'glra. Eve 3““ - day yuung A‘.O~‘£ull crnsse m hi1 mm Ii; 1; skid’tuaneml chmch mth Mary; mm 0.. smumrr evening many Were the pleasant aim thry had umn the shini- g rtalchf's at the river, watching the sun go duun in guide» gl«-ry in the basnm of blue Outta-In, and the silver mnon bathe in its pulp li:l.t the dusky foliage of the shows, beneath which dark and. heavy crunched the steal- _ At the outbreak of the war of 1812-13 Squire anson held the importamt rural 1 position of Justice of the Peace, milk-:- and merchant at the little hamlet which nestled beneath the wing of I’m-t Niagara, on the American side of the tin-r. at its mnuth. But what more concerns our :tnry is, that he was the father of pretty Mary Lawsnn, a damsel _uf Some eighte -n summers, and as blithe and h-nuicn has :us ere: gluddcned a. father's hvnrt or in- spired a lover‘s dreamt. Anni {avers Mary had in plenty. but the n’mst eligihle uf of xhvm all, in the upiniun of the village gosx‘ips, was young Ensim Ruhertx. at- 1 l- cited to the American format the Port. 1 Not so, huwevcr, thnught Mary. the fa- \‘nred uf her heart mm a smart y‘mngl ORILLIA, ONT, CANADA. THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 187 . an air of calm repose. No vulgar din of tradedisturbsitsquixtgra.~*s-;.hnvn sneets, the dismantled fort, the broken stcwknde. the e.npty fuse, and the. crumbling ram- parts, where wandering sheep crop the hex-huge an I the swallows build their nests in the mouth of the u’erturm (l and rusty cannon, are all the evid_encu of the lung reign of an unbroken peace. But at tllv period when our story Opens other sights than these met the eye. 0:: ummsite sides of the timer grim forts framed do- fiance at ouch other, and gnardcdjikc stem wardens the channel lye-tween them. The “turning rcvcille day after day seemed the ‘ shrill c'mllengc to mortal combat. S-tllen and 31 en , xike couchant lions, through the . back embmuurcs the grim cannon watclr ed the opposite shore; and not unfro- i i l I qucntly from feverish lips. as if they could : no longer hold their bre'uh. hurled at the f re the ion dvuth. The white teats of an army dotted the plain. The murksuf re~ cent comm-t you: everywhere visible, mdâ€"smdclebt evidences of allâ€"was the mmtitude of Boldinra’ graves whose silent pleepers no morning drum beat should arouseforevtr. The peaot'ful pat-ash church was turned into Ill hospital. where instead of praise and prayer. were heard the gnmns of wounded men. nt'erythin: in fact gave indimtiona of military occupation and the prcVulg-nce of martial law. | l D l l f ruggeu frbut and restrainsita iplpetlluus stream to the semblance of a placid Md age after a wild and stonuy life. The slumbemus old town of Niagara has 313" . v _r».- nul'l’ in}; her own lava-linen. The com iortn'hlc fmm-steads nestle amid their emboweriug peach and npple orchards, the very types of peace and plenty. The mighty rn'cr, acter its dizzy plunge at the great catar- act, and mad tumultuous rush and eddy at the npids and whirkpool, uxuoothes its There are few sex-neg of more cafm and phcid beauty than the Niagara River from Lake Ontario to Queenstun Heights. The banks. in steep esc:nx'1,un;_ents crowned with nak and elm. and gis'mt Walnuts, or: in gentle turf-clad slopes. SWeep in gracefinl curves around the windings aithe stream. In places the weeping birch trails it treuev‘ in the wan-{s lee a wumi‘nynph admir- EIginburg, Ont. Faith, Hope and Charity. how bloat, How Wnndrnus great these three! Butfar snpprinr to the rest Is Chxiszian Charity. - This nuble bkssing Charity It suflcreth lungâ€"in kind â€" O ercomes the heart' a depmx: lty, And gins in. Christ- his: mind. My‘gr rods I aim to feed the poorâ€"- Snob zeal for God I h are.â€" My bud} marthe flames endure, But penance cannut save. Tia Charity 1 must 1wsscss, Nut Fun!» and Hope «lone, “'uh Cluu'i'y I must be bit-st To change this heart of stone. Though I possess such mighty faith 111351: I could muuntmna move, This cannut azure my sun] {mm depthâ€"â€" I m nothing w ithout Love. Though I with angel tongues may speak, ' Alas! ’tis all it; min: I must be humble, loving, meek, The heav'e'xgly rest to gzgin. All prophecies and knowledge I (And mysteries too) may know These can’t the Saviuur’s favour buy, N or save from endless Wuo. A TALK OF THE NIAGARA FRONTIER. BORDER 003315322. 1. COR, 13m ann-zs. GEORGE Lawsox For Tax Encarta. iresibe. i .. “An' the: same is the we; cling! went, l forjt'e starred W“ the oowld I sun‘.”uid the Illiveringmature. who with chuck-r- iatic ingenuity Ind failed to eppneheud the meanigg of the menace addressed to ! him. But 3 pudden flash end a. dull thud I of a. bullet at: dust the ice beside him in- ; terpreted to his sluggish brain the dznzer ‘ in which he set-0d. "The saints be Mane m an’ hex-m." he exclaimed, derontly musing himself. “0):: 0h! aux-e ye won‘t munler 3 body in could blond who’s kiltentirelyelneedy. It’s he]! drowned and hotel em, withqm beinzxiddled like a cullender rid your bullets a well." “Why. Mickey O'Brien," exclaimed the “tend-bed eoldieeé.vfho hadfby tbej gun In}: recognised . mflm’ atom efsqeondun friend: ."shy i1; thunder “Union you waver I‘ll fire,” shouted the untryJo whom Mickey’- mandating. halfdmwned by the cashing ice and gusty wind. wen unigtelligible. (R- C.‘ “Bedud! m’ it’: that same] would i! I could," replied thehewilderod Iridium. “but {can‘t walk on vuther, and thin ice- .1.‘.§i.n': much better. ” “Advance and give the count: exchimed the enraged soldier, maniac: obedience to discipline, chauonggadwwning nun before to nv'e him. "‘Sun: I don‘t go at all. that's what‘s the mum,” mi the boatmuz, uncon- 3c7uu|1y anticipatinguhpg phase of but times. try's Vi Iiwv “Hall!" r: out Slurp tad deleJ- on the frosty lifle challenge of the nutty. “Faith. a ' it's halt/ed fast enough I am," answer-a! Mickey. -: “1’ goes there?” 1'01»;th the sen- “12"“ force 8 pm“? “I“; "Vâ€" ' v“: on." . “”5““ "3'3 “"1 «r at tfifm‘flfii whose but they)“ unfortnmuely drifted “(1-1- or ____ 7 ,_ v“- .l‘v.“ u": i face.- of I c'tl’psc dimly Deon amid the «In-k. Occasit-unlly I huge "aging!“ of ice Would gnu», mil cmh. and crunch against the frail ribs uf the boat, as if eager tn crush it md frustrate the generous purpose of its initiated. But the ”mug arm of O'Brien pushed a pause thmugh the ice. while Mxtry m wrapped in her cloak and in busy meditation m the 1101th "f the i 1.01:. But they lad not calculated «I ' the strength of the current. tad the re- sistance nf the ice. In spite of every e7; fart they were being rapidly burne dawn f the ism-um. Another danger sun-ed the-n: ? in the- face. Shmdd they be cur-led inn; l the lake with the {lusting ice, tlwy might 1 below morning he dnfud nut uf night uf p land and perish miserably uf cold ur hun- i ‘ get: ur be dashed upon the icwbumul i shore. when. tluy cunld hear the wnveu i mar harshly, like u; beans hurling far i their prey. But the bitter north wind, ‘ which lmd been such :1. iu-nrcc 0f disenta- furt. now prm‘ell tln-ir salvation from this imminv nt danger. Bluwing fresher every moment i'ams ed cl 0 icr-«lruit. and form- ed .1 snlld bmrrier from shore to shun md ”(ending in:- up the river. But this in turn all? anally prevented the prcgmn of the li‘tlo boat. which lad gimme reached ihe Cnnadi m s'mre : and rum still, the dim grey light of morning bean to (him. Suddenly the sight Ufa black object in the middle of n white field of now done ice, and the sound of Q'Brien'a ou- uriv- 1 f It was an the 9th of Decemberâ€"a. bleak, f cold, cloudy nightâ€"um: Mary, bnving I secured the aid of her father's faithful ‘ servant. Michael O'Brien, 3 jofly but 1':- 1 thcr stupid Irishman who knew no' fear, ? escaped from the window of her mom { after the family had r. tired to rest, which _. was not till near midnight, and set. forth " upnn her perilous mission of mercy. In i order tn amid the American senzriea they 3 nttempted'to cmss abuut a mile thou: the camp, and in the with dulmeu fearlesnly launched their little bout, steer- ing by the lights in the town slumbering ‘ um)! xycious 0: its fate, when sumo pa.- ‘ ‘ tienc watcher kept her vigil beside a sick 1 bed. The dark water eddled and gurgled ‘ umid the ice flow, fmm which a ghastly gleam was reflodfcd‘. like that {rum the] :-Ar 71-4 __, ' “l"..u... u. ~V|:l¢3° Iv wry out 1381' put- puse. The u'mtur had set in early and swere. The river was running full of ice, which rendered crossing, especially by night, exceeJingly peril -us. To this was Nddvd the danger of hi lg challenged.md it might be shut by the neutrino! the Am~ rican camp. But when did true love in man at woman “up to mlculaw chances? or hcsimm to encounter danger or even death for tqu beloved unel {every kindness from the ofieer and cur- : gebns of the hinpriam harpital; and in the gentle minihtmtimu of Mm Lau'aqn, which he eluted with the furof the wounded,’ he found 1 enmpensation for all his sud’erings; ‘ Cpeu his partial annula- .ence he was relented an pamle. end re- turned tn Xingu-a to look After hi! du- urgnuized and partully ruined bulk)”. By his skill and industry, aided by the fictitiuus pneperity causal by the pre- ‘ sence (f a. numerous way, before ‘1101 winter set in his business land beatlne again exceedingly ”finishing, but only to l he ruthleSsly and completely destroyed. ‘ An opwrtunity man nocnrred for Mary to show her daring and «lei-cation to her ‘ lover. The Win80: 0‘ 1813 was approach- ing. The Britilh‘u'xny were gluai'ng in ' ltheir lines of .' in nrder to recoveri I the Niagara funnier. General McClure, : the American émmnnder, prepared to E evacuate the tufix; but before doing an i i he resulnd to p: petmte an act of inhu- : man bu'hanty, which ah 0." hand down his I . nzuue tn infamy to 1 mg as the story nlmll ‘ l he mm. In unkr to deprive the British f f trumps of winter quarters he determined ’ to burn Niagara, leaving the innocent and ! nun combatantijnhabitanta. helpless wo- t men and little children, homeless and lshelterleu at he very beginning of a I lCnnddiau winter. Amid the active pre- 1 ' pan-anions made for the transfer of his: 1 forces and mates-ml acme: the river, in~ i ‘ tellig nee of the atmcioua design came ,1 to the knowledgeuf Mary anaun, chiefly ‘ through the indignant dissent and Femnn' ‘ stance of McClute’a own ufiicen tgtinst ‘ a II a I the mtmldier-like cruelty. The intrepid girl’s renolve was teken on the instamt. ' She determined under cure? of the night to give the alarmtoher lover. and through him tn the inhabitants. that the might if 3 possible, fmstnte the innocent designmr ‘ at least rescue their moveable property" | h fr-nn destructiun It required no small 1 ‘ “Wu“‘n‘ff courage ‘to tarry out her pur- . ‘_ (a zhpndmd forth challenge end defiance. The glittering sheet! «If bumishgd anus fluted m the morning sun. a huge after have tandem“ the husfile fume from thofleeyt'p the shore under cover of a hat, fire. 'Morton, with the militis company to which he was attached, were lying in e hunow neu- the there, to check, if poniblé, the advance of the foe. A ’ round shot from tne flev: struck the ground in bank of him, covering him with dirt, and breaking the arm with ivhich he was loading his" musket. At 'the nine mo- ment '3 bullet from the enemy “rub-er” hi; new comnde, passing“ right t ug his body as he by upon the grqund. A slight quiver cunvulsed lzie fume and tin-nit we. at M‘p‘umveh A: the foe ede in farce, driving beck the Brit- ish, Gouge, nimble l0 retro“ a: rapidly as; the rest, was taken prisoner and with LWntuu-ou to the America: {mil . g ; noldler, who m r, would Two gentlemen were riding in n m coach, When one of them, mining hi: lundkerchief, ruhly mused the othe of having mien it; bnt soon finding it. find I thegoodmmmbeg pardon for the 35mm. laying thnt it was ; mistake: to which the «he: replied with grout nudi- ‘neI! Ind kind fooling: “ Don't be may; itiquui-nh;mtooknolu utbid.pnd!tookywtorc (equal-an." Tn 28th of Ap'n'l next will be the any. fourth waiver-fly of Udd~Fello ' In America. her of well dwsl-yed ndvertiuamenu in gnod evidonoe the estinmtum in which Ta: Exmu'ot is held- by the con-ibis and wide-nuke business men of Clank. -â€"Nc writ, New Janey, Manufacturer. ' Tm: Emma, 02-51114. Ont. Cumin, came. (A an manned an sin uni well Elba with interesting matter. The lugs numvi Tn: Ken-ark (N. J.) Maugham" for Much maniac. Amongstotheruhod thingl clw direction: for the trauma; of inju- ries by accidenu. which dwyld‘hg muted up in All shop. when madnnery is and. Fan April the Phrawlogical Journal pre- sent.- piquant articles calculated to be of pmtiad lawfulness. in making the livot nf in radon better 3nd hlrlplcl'. Pub- lished by S. R. Weill, New York, us. Peta-1' Shaina! Monthly for April. price Mounts, ennuimu twelve iecea of new music. It it rally nut-pruning how the Pub‘i-herm Joni to giro :0 much for the muney. ‘ Tm: Im‘: Advocate for April its con- nidcnbly improved in appearance. The “mum any: ncy and guod In aha-r yar- tn children 1nd to chil- dren's children on his knees Geom med often to recount the peril: of those frarful net-nu of m and muting; but no theme was more pleasing to himself md to hit youthful undiwrv, whfle flu- onmnly ma- trnn in her mutum beauty blushed at the phi-co! box- on heroin-m, than aha op?- Me of the fair Mnry Lawsrm': midnight “venture in the ice on the Niagara.â€" (‘amuiiau I Human! News. “Nam dour heart,” she mulled. “ the long trig! of our lure has purified it imm euthly dmu. we! prurod it the type of loge immortal in the ultiou." “Alth-udgh this cruel cu.” whiipmd “come tn his bride 'mon their weddinsz day. “but rubbed m of I." out-own van-Lily wealth. has amt Von your fucker, and hulaft me a cripple for life. yet it could nut take from us the price)“: wealth of our nfl'vction." If!" ’ ‘ With the My morning meleenken were sent thrungh the town t0 warn the inhnbimh to leave their homes end re- - moye their mperty: and the wldien pro- .1 ceeded {on with to fire the buildings. ’ Then might be seen the womenâ€"bane“ of I the men were any with the tropeâ€"hut- ' ily gathering tngether their own and their lchildren‘a clothing and n few treasured heirlooms, end with teen and bitter h- 1 "mutations leaving their sheltering roof, going fmth like the patriarch, knowing not whither they went. Late inm the night burned the fires, reddening the midmxzht heaven: with the lurid flames of «unfor- tahle bomrstends, well-filled barns and I stacks of min. Herd- uf afl'righted ent- ( tle flushed wildly over the meadows, the Rim: luwing pita-tidy with distended ud- Sdcn for the necnatmned hands of their 'milkere nt eventide. One'hundred end ‘ fifty dwellings were eunnumed, only turn ‘ or three escaping by accident, one of which still remnimnand fnur hundred women, [and children were left to under in the 3 anuw or seek the temporary shelter of some remove farm-humour Indian wig- wam in the wax-Is. Some windowed for days in tha adjacent diurnal “Black Swamp,” feeding on frost-bitten cram- ben'iel, or q!) a “3"”! rabbit or groundhog: ')4,,, ' 1 -.¢- “In this your genes-psi” to ; (alien foe, Mr. Robert: 7" the exclaimed ; 'hqt‘ (m { pmnd in at a {wax- for her lover from ,1 his rival oherolansed into paughty nilepec. guard-mun, and Ensign Mt!” : . oer oid-e 933M, immediacy sent {013$ [ “ To the inhumanity '3' command- er, and to my desire a; an innocent people from in con . ” “ I regret, Mia Lam {but my mili- tary duty prevent; "an "shitting ynu to curry out your generous pus-pm. Yuu will be unaudited her» I: cumforubly as our rude mummudatinn will allow till the river clay, When you will by t_ent “feb- home." “WI-y. “ii Luann, ,130 ,0?“ cantonishugnt, “to: an «own I “:1- Mrwudo a and she‘d. {II-“a gee; but still they could not reach tho host. Tummy Duily with fertile: ingenu- ity tying some [wine to his mum“ fired it (we; the Ikizf. when it in my to tend out: I fithemm'a line, rhich Mid: tied the Nut-.‘md a dozen magnum quickly drew the boar. whore. The ho- numipd {um «f M [aka-go go the “ An' a party tin-id: it‘Yu‘d be for 0': too. Tummy Daily. It‘s not uhun of my name I unfit I’d knmvn it Ira-you, I‘d (Amid yc's before. But help In out of this m’ I’ll heu- ye'n no'mdice ninth-er.” The man! had turned '09“ 3t the report of the guy, 3nd getting such plain as verofv‘ulgllle ‘lnid them on the floating didn't you {Guyan- name. ml 1 might unskilled you a dad a : actor-nail." 0'03 EXCHANGES. ' lug-bix‘ndings. But it in not so much of I Mn plenum that we would speak. ‘ .. it meta»! muney in beauty. A: a ‘ lane. t pr». in which tutu in ex- 'bited. ind eyergthing is kept up in nice atyle. will lying duuble tint of one in which clingy 5nd min rule comp!ete. It in to be noted. hoqevcr, cm the“: pretty places an scldqm for ale. 'ljhoae whov whim $5189th but. with the viewofte ins ' placainoomeqnenoel of imymving than, teen: to thrive un. ; cqmomlv menu-y other uny; and in‘ time cone‘to an conclusion thus they an M is.“ mu veu essay mam-.9 To mun our homes beautiful should be- or e of the object: nf our livm. The more making moneyriusl! Very Well. It is in- deed, one of the virtues. He who is will- ing to work, and in axiom tu make ad :0 save mumsy by his hard labour, may have vices; but he is seldom so calmly bad a: the shift!“ upen‘lthrift who. while 1 ridiculing the swing lubiu of panama or ‘ friends, is yet wining lo burrow from or spend money for than. But no often these pninrorthy, fund and saving habit; dumb? to into 5 11:1; of We. and very itde pines-arm): inmyshz - result- from the money made. A veg little at these swingsâ€"o very little timv :pent an beautifying one'n homeâ€"put a new phue on distance; 30d we madly believe men would live 8“. avenge of ten jeinuoredwn dwydoif th were to fly mob in n while “ begoue in" are" in the more mmd muney-muking, and deyqte‘t little timo- euch day one to nuk- m§mdugtfi_wr homemd the Army. Poop-The question u to how the custom of “making fools,” as it is called, on the first dny of Afiril origin'ited ha puzzled antiquarian c maiden-ably, nnu 1 no definite mutter utist‘actory to nll has ’ yet been nbtnined. The custom is more widely extended than is generally thought. The nncient net om of the Eat have a similar custom, pnrticulnrly the Chinesv and Hindus. Some of the learned are of the opinion tlnt the practice um deri red from the Hindm game called hull, which has been observed by the disciples of Brsh- 1 ma since n very remote period. Other: ere inclined to the belief that the custom. a pmtiled nnmngsf Christian nations. took in origin from the fact that Christ,' at the time of His triad. was sent to and fro between Herod. Pilate and Cninplna. In France the custom of tricking or de- ceiving people obtain: more than in Eng- land; the “ fooled" person is called [mission d'arril, meaning a silly fish, like a. mac- kereL wily caught. In Scotland th 5' all those who have fallen victim: to the plots net for than, gouks, which means cuckooa. ‘, is. The first wunhip ufl'ereu' to Christ on i earth was a worship of gift.- Giftn wexe I recognized mu of wonhip in the Jewish 3 chum-h fmm time immemorinl. All that 9 is "enemy-y is tn reinstate this not (of war- I ibip IO (hit every Christian who goes to church dull bring withhis u'ibdte of prayer I wd praise his uttering of mohey 9;: an act é of warship, in ordertu salve the free church 1 problem at once. Churches are to be } by git; ofi'ered in worship, by I. dedica~ ' tion of substance 3’. wall as self. and they :3 me to be carried on the sane. We heliew t tint if the solution of the free church pro- blem in mywhm, it is here. We ue tn Say aside all ideas of the uwnenhip of pew: in every name, and to bring every Sunday ‘ our offering of gifts bowldingto our abilty f and um- degree of pampering ‘1“! act of ‘ Oxu' honest means end; m-nhip, just :3 Bomciediibuily ‘n‘ we bring our petinun tad our praise. We belzewein the theorysnd in the plan wholly. sud thus believing. we believe it to be whully practicable. We have m ‘1': a. qucatiun that a living Christian church, thoroughly enlightened on this uub'ect by a clergy- mu: In» thic uith ese views, would find the u on to the plan all reunion-d. :3 Well a the oluuclcu w in unfulneu.’ i Dr. J. G. Ho'lhnd, in Scra'lmer'a for t Jsu'uagy, endeavour: to solve the free {church pmhlé‘m, which is attracting the i attentiun 0f Chrixtiuxi in all our large ‘ cities. After depmen'tinc the fact' that ii: ‘ moat of our chumhe- the (Repel is preach- ed tothe rich and nut to the it, he give. his ideas of chnuges that a maid be made, nnd suggests g anathod that has al- ready been tried in some places with a gtwd degree uf success. He sayszâ€"‘fOur houses of wnrehi must be mgxm-d as huuses of God- oases in which there are no exclusive rights purchasable in any way by moneyâ€"house: where the rieh man end he be gu' meet on common ground to Wmship a. comtnun'Loxfiâ€"hoases to any seat in mi 11, an mu. higher law, rich or poor, has equ- ri,ht With my other mm. We have tried the other plum Mug enough, and ought tn sa'isfimi by this time : tint it is n Inilure,‘ u it must lamentabl'y 1 fitnble and polite,‘ the 1am} the any. dimmble, impmper. nft‘en'fqolisfi. and highly ofi‘enaive to good sense, good taste and «and manne‘ a. ILL Batten-sea, March 28. i “ backbone useful lesson? though I can- not drawer for that myself, u I never read them.) Well, then, 'filxe 193mm is thin:â€" Sinoalnch people do exist. we of course must put up with the annoyance‘ as best we can, taking good an that we do nox belnng to‘tbeir number. Let u: be careful not to imitate their example, and gndw ally fall into the' dune siIIy habit. The difl'ervnoe between wit ind dung. or be- tweenoriginpl jokes. gm! old ‘5 threadbare" and «fun vulgar expresgionx, is nu stg‘ik- ing that my per-sun of good tube can read- ily distinguish the one from the other. i :lud while‘the’fnrmer_luay be pleagnymro- 1 Now in order-thatthe above observations may be of name net-vice, both to you and me, lot In nee what pmcticol hints may be deduced {mm them. (Why, even nov- els the ”id to “ out-in a «1 mural," c r “ khan" mmn “fit“, I-.--_ "L-...L 't --_ _.. --..... J -_ .... , ‘, «as M'Mo. an cunning. and «hub; not. met. with such people? Why, “mak’e‘ine of some n! their wit, they are “a thick as pasty pudding." Well, we :11 «.f course meet with web peuple. and have to suffer more or Im I: already described. This I. one of_t_he many mrgoymoeupf thi- life. m m ' "03 in}; ‘ ___ V VvVâ€"v - -â€" {that fgllgkbgo gobyaomothername,~ {slang} originally! would be: mom pm- » per name. I hide often met with indi- : vidualu particularly gifted in thin way “aim”... ”325" ”W '3? :2" y In: (2 t ( time thus. they are showgga fit amoum ofwit! Andi!” donotluugh at min: they think ”exceedingly funny, why the) at once orndndo that you me either very much outof m. or else than nu how not to appreciate theiz wit: Soyou Veeithex-wtryand s‘qucen out a laugh matter how exttaurdlnnn an cfort it ' oust youâ€"or else incur theirdu umnd mni agitation, and 8!“- tot yoii several degrees in the x M94311 dithilbocauaeyou can-1 {wggdggabythomoofwit rue 633mb». mamm.‘ TENS: Cl PER Alli!” 52".??? W“ noble be ploughed or otherwise utilimd. It would by no means be out of plate along lune: and public Md udu. 0“ lake shore. .md rim banks, and dong milwayn. Them ought to be u sugar-mph: “ asp-hush" on every fun. 1: mid pay in t-mber, in fuel, and hangar, tonynothingofnu- Tm: ougnr-mqlle is one of the most bean. tiful of trees; iu sumliuess and graceful hlbit rende; ing it an object of special'im «mat to those who pmctioe landscape gun dl'lling. No other tree support: In: equally «native head of {dingo so slender o stem. In. autumn it «1' ya a. surgeon- variety of tints, nod chow groves (”groups of nee: which bout its presence in 1 goodly pmportiou, then shod stayed m 'n mantle of beauty which is most cup- u‘vuting to the lover of the picturesque. Sugamnaple tree: will 310mm steepndeâ€" «ilk, in gorges and glans, on mountain. on plain, anong rocks and stones, in "It: place: when pho mn4__nmy ngt If we mnot cure the evils of society toâ€"day, we can by the foundation Mr a matter society w-momyw. Tu do this, we must. begin our individud efl'ons to gerL minwe duracten of something more than passive goodness sud piety. Every one of us sum-nu contamination from the ignor- ance, the smfulnecs, the wickedness of ; those wound. They may hededled to- gether in one corner; but the sir is free, and ducal-Mao through disputes, muting up peotilenwo, qn'd «trying them toil” purer retre’m; gathering up purity. and .iroppinsz it. among sinners and ocufl'cn: and when we ackmvwledge our-elve- will. enough :0 judge with condemnation, we ought to be willing to sacrifice those lux- un‘u of life which we know will load amen in!» temptation. Turns is nothing Worth doing unless i£ is eminently worthy of being well done. Sleight-oi-lmnd pcrfomsuwu will not build up solid structure: for us ; will not sow the seed and till rho soil that will bring forth as bolunfiftdaop 6! good W6 to fill our grannies; ittdqesgood husban- ‘dry to do this, The prayers tlnt go up from our altars will not feed the hungry; relief must. cullm tlu‘oqgh homely hands, Lhrotuh clumsy machinery, through old- fnshianed lmnest karts, that are not ashamed of the cannon humifiu; our pmyerx must blossom into work-no hot- house rare exotics, but gutunl roses, that m nut too few in number, or too good to be pluck:d b the humblest, the poured. or the must egnded. Mum. Fawnâ€"The iron of iron. the fire of are. the ether and sounoe of all ele- ments, it moral farce. We delié‘ :32! tom these puuers. Method, patience. self-must pox: \emuce, Ime, desire of knowledge, ‘ p mer nf pensisunce of enduring de- feat, of gaining victory by. defenâ€" these are mrcc s uhich never lose their charm. Exen in nutâ€"find: u mud lm. be farceâ€"«nun! qer" I" eminent Coed nmmunic on good muskeu Owe mu»: Inn'e; but these dog not gain the bat- tle. You may have a mountain of iron, every pebble a slugâ€"it is all in "in with- out the hrasc hands to use, the cool head t) command the god muse uln’ch fires aery bnin m the herdedâ€"Ema ' MAST persons besides schwl-boyl and cullcge sludents use the plume, “ He is a. brick," without the least idea. that it is uppused to beof classic origzn. It is said that King Ageaflaus, being asked by tn nfihainmr‘irom Bpims why they had no walls fur Sparta, leplied, “We have.” Pointing 3» 'his numb-fled army, honid. "Them are the wms‘o’f Spa-t}, eyes-yuan you me is a. brick.” ‘ ‘ Tax “ tattle-tide" ism finned: that feed: upon'neighlxmrbnod qmls' and‘ family jealousies. It will worm itself inm the Vitus of soda; thpinaa in‘ older to de- stroy the sweets. with asuppused satisfac- ta'on. HAPPISESS abounds mod among the luwly. Theme are mum blouonu in the valleys than on the hills Sonnows 1:: life are like shadows, tint let off and reliem the bxilfimcy of sun- shine. Busy-it}: the fuilties uni imperfection of thy neiwhboun; consider how God bean w ith thine Tm: lowest reading the past winter ha been the thermometer rccurd. Among the new membeF-s of the House of Commons, whom we hsve selected as deserving ofspecisl notice, we find the name of] W. 11. Gibbs, the member far North Unwiu. This dam is n brother of T. N. Gibbs. I! orepuuentsths South Riding of the same «county, who has himself already made his mark in Purlinmeut as sga-d d'ebuer, and a mem- ber of large information and'eSOeiiexm judgment 1nd! mastun'ctmudcd with financial or mmwcrcial question's. Mrfi W. H. Gibbs is a. native Cansdiain, and has been educated in the practical school of business life, which so often mm out men of useful ability, «:pr ideas, and of s sound and enduring “My, and who's; ublic men, rank swung the vex-v beat. . Gibbs hss shrge shue of the shrewd common sense, and the logic of reason founded upon {sot sud ex! 1perimce, which weso often em set at naught specious and volstile eloquence; which sets in men‘ts entixely upon “wet! turned senmnces sud pretty but and» stunts} theories. Mr. Gibbs, beaver; has the additional sdmtsge of a. good command at hngqsge, and though not s. baillisnt ontoris s sensible nigh («605013 9 shot, sndhas pusedthrou a g 5001 of training, :0 fit him for the floor of the House, in a long and successful ext perienoe in municipal politics. Mr. Gibbs my safely beclassod u a useful mem- ber of the fines: House of Pauli-moot. Ottawa Free Pms. ' ion, mxmbefing over 33.000 headt- Th representative. Mr. Hermon 11L Cook, jg ofthe old “ Glgugm‘y’kflock, and Wm so a. {unity who have ten my use men to Cumin, his u e t‘pd #:9153116? I :uavjng sat for my years in “add Pox-lin- L meat of Canada, 1nd his Mox- now re- : mfim Budg- rin dig -, , o Ontzm'o. M3. Cot-k. filth ‘ ' - am, is ’m uncompromising Mama, and though not sod of that “ res» less eloquence" w idh betimes occupied” much of thc':ime of the House. is forci- hle and practical speaker, and f not a long oxwrieuco thoroughly acquainted with we ixmerusta of the Country, and qualified no givé an opinion of Weight upon my questionafl‘octiugthem. He succeeds Mr. McCon'key, a the member for hb‘imooe, and having known both from boyhood; we moi opinion that the country will be the gainer by the chgnge. - _ ‘ It hadnimd on all aids. tint the ‘ second Psi-Hm: of the Dominion in by; ‘ :ong odd. aup‘efioi' in point of mental adi- um to thdt which want out 0‘ ‘cxinéfico Int you. The “nu: men" mfu' be: youd the rule of namely media“ Nify which chunk-rind the max-icy of. _ ' predem'sson, n; proof that 1 Wm admcingin ink-WSW! My " wealth formerly weighed ‘llo'wn 2h ' wales, intelligence is become morn ‘ Knowlédged to b: thesuzndardnf fitness 50? Pulmnrnuryhunoum North Same is 31m must populom Riding infilaeibomin- New mbmcttboxousac: Cm; U JobPrim1:§:Ei’g"exe¢uusa’“w as-zelm’-"1§a; and st modmte prion. .Wotkdone, to: can, when promined orpochugc; .- Zinche- 200 500 700 i005 column I 300‘ 750 1200 2000' comm 150011200 2500 3500 column I 00:2500135001c‘cg Transient vrniu meat! 8 cents peg line for the 1d. innatipn: and 2 cents poi- am far each subsequent inset-tints. ya; 13; "‘IE" ..uFP«ugEn. E .mfiagcaamaua 30h. dam plane n4». .Fgahfin m 0",“th ‘5 II‘ Ammo urn: .- o‘. 8.4

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