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Lindsay Expositor (1869), 3 Apr 1873, p. 4

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After paddling round the Iittlel1 creek for seYeml summers. catching : i little shiners and engineering innu- l i merable hydraulic undertakingsand l c whitling round the big open fire forl i o as many Winters, a solemn vote was' 5 taken in family council, (in my ab. 1} sencet), and I was duly informed ' 1 that it had been deliberately decid- l 1 ed that “John must go to school.” E' I scarcely liked the look of thing-s. r; I did not like the master --he had i] once been unsound in his mind. and l « Iinade the mostol‘ the circumstance 3 =‘ â€"and it was some distance, “and I l 1 should have to go nlonei” The fates l ,- wu-e against me; I must start: In i . those days a dole of public money l‘ was given to awry teacher who 3p. 1 1 plied fl-r it. and brought evidence} that he had taught a regular school under self-elected or ot‘ier trustees for at ieast three months. And each scholar was charged 82 a quarterâ€"â€" it the master WAS not “boarded ;” or a dollar and a half if the master; boarded a. week for each scholar. My . master was a. family man; and so} tWo dollars was the rate. The ten.- ple of learning in this case was a lit; tle Weather-heater) fnune building; with a. long de<k fastened to enchl wall, and a. few benchesâ€"r: ere! planks supfmrted on Lur legsâ€"in! the centre of the room. My toes «litl g not quite reach to the flour; and l ‘ often wished that when they wer- building the house they hm] made: the floors a little higher! anil- . \Vebster was in the ascendunt with i us to spelling and reading; but div 3 edition We patronind did not 16‘- fleet much credit on the bunk-hind- er; for before we got to “ha-ker" and “la-41y" the boardsâ€"they wen- “boards” of thin pine (:UV'I‘l'ed with paperâ€"were generally | fl'along the road somewhere. When the wen- ther got colder, the master disem- l ered a. weakness for popped mrn.â€"- l l I I l u 4 He would put a. handful on the ho! stove. and as Soon as a. kernel flop. ped his jacket inside out he would 1' , -17.,» n,.‘.6- “an. Eat is, 5nd watch for the next pup. It was quite beyond the virtue m little btfi's to see this perfimnanm without taking measures to shun init. ‘51. no soonerdid the curl: begin tnfidget on the stm‘e, than. enmeb uly wanted the master in an- ‘ ‘ V .44). own.-- -â€" other pedit of the mom, and when he gut back his corn was all gone. “All jumped off" the boys said, but the master had his snspiciuns.â€" New Dominion Monthly. Tm: Rucx “'A'IL‘H next. Week. OCR merchants are getting spring goods TH: countenance of Nature has bright- ened a little. Bssxxsss he gins to brighten up as spring approaches. I! you are in a. hurry for 5[ 'ing lettum and radishes make a. hut-bed 1 )w. FUR; are held at :1 discount. by the mer- chants who have any remaining in stuck. "‘ \Vinter repOSing in the lap of Spring." seems inclined to maintzun hxs posniun a1! I} xmmer . HOUSE hunting is the t‘rJer of the dzw. 3nd that‘s abum. all there is in it. There are no unoccupied houses. THE ”'ar‘ler reports twn forgeries in Lindsay. They were fur the pnx-puse of obtmmng money, not Vntes. THE 12th of Agril will be the twenty- fourth anniversary of the organization of the Grand Divisinn of the Suns of Tem- perance for this Province. 1-: will soun be time to pl 11: shade trees. Do not neglect to set a. fine row of yuan-,- maple in from 0? ymu' lot. It will add many dolimsto the value uf your-property. Tm: next number of THE Exrosxron will contain the opening chanter uf a 1:31.. entitled “ '1' he Black Watch,” a. tale of th- ”cum! Smart. rising. Everyone should rent this charming stury. 611’s of excellent quality can be obtain- ed from even the sorrivst out that sneaks through the streets. Gloriuus prospect: Lct us start a glue factory in Drillia, and utilize the pmwling pups. Ta: WAY nu: Moss? Goe=.â€"Snnn idea of the enunnuns eXpenscs of Railway Companies "may be formed from the fol- 1, .wing item : The Lancmhirc Yorkshire é London um! Xurch Western Raulway Company employ funy-five thunsnnd pur- wxxs, rather a lame army of paid servants to keep going. 4 - ‘~ Scout Inn: has arrived, and we would suggest to farmers and their wires that they take uwre pains than usual to umlu~ nice syrup for sale to the pcnple of tin town: this season. and that :ill housewives who have empty fruit-cans. or can buy a : dozen, fill them with syrup. hoiiiug hut. It will keep timely fur use next smmuer. or later, and in the coming scarcity nf fruit will be a fine relish fur the huusehuld or for cumpany. Maple syrup may he kept {cry well in jugs or hutzles, if well cm‘ketl sud sealed when hut, until mid snnuner. but not so Well after that timeâ€"Exclumga Bum"; BIARKE'In-Thlfl mmrke: has nut the best reputatinn in the Worm for honest buyers. It is unlv a few Weeks since we were called upon tu in ~ntiun the frequent complaints of farmers in reference to shfll‘t weights, and nnw a correspondent uf the Gazette states that it is nut unusual for the principal. after delivuring. to make it deduction in the price at which the agent had purchased. Such mnduct is in the highest degree (lishunorztble, and if our county town is not tn lose trade by it, the authorities must take severe measures tn pmtect the tuners from these species of robbery. A; Ola-am 6:: Ker-:3 You; Moxsr AT nounâ€"mien or our townsmeu as have a surplus of mam“, should loan it to some honest business mag. whu needs it, or else inn)“ it in one 01‘ home enterpriseS, in preference to other places. Let home enterprise be encour. jged', and there is no better way to show that you haw confidence in the honest, of your businw community, than by lacing in t've hands of those wbu are strivjn; to build up our tnwu such surplus numy u you do not need in yunr own business. It is a. duty every man owes to his place of residence. to first cuntribute $0 the building up of his own town befuxe making rich those who are foreign to the welfare of every pizice except their0w_n. Each and every resident should give this careful thought and act wisely, Xena”? Ennisxoxs humanâ€"A Mmu'mntnf theopemtions of thi; Mun-v... _V.. _ , day, the 14th of May. at. 9 o‘clock a m. The Stewards are requested to be preach: t-n Thursday, the 15th. at ten o'clock a. 111.. when the financial business will be :aken up. Brethren viii please have thv‘ir Missionary Lists ct »mplet:-d, and come pre- pared. to make full returns of all connec. xioual funds.â€"Guardiau. Km? Yuck Mossy AT Honaâ€"Snclmf mu- townsmen as have a s:1rp_lus .nf money of your buiinexs con ylacinz in t'ie hands strivjng to build up on numy u you do nut. business. It is a. duty his place of residence. 7.... “£1; “'£5LEYA§:.â€"Prnbationers and candi- dates fur the Ministry uf the Wesleyan Church on the Barrie District, are re- uesccd to meet for examination, in the Vesicyan Church. Ban iv. on chnesdny, (‘nc 3J1!) uf April. at 9 o’clock :Lm. The annual District Meeting Of the Barrie Dis- trict will he held (I). V.) in the “Wesleyan Church. Burie. commencing on Wednes- - 23}? AND 50235035. 'ho two Company, and'of the progress of t _ V undertakings 111 band, 13 presented g: their report. A: difficulty has (penned’ 1n pressing forward the Muskoka. 11119, (’sz .: LL- _...-:..:nnlitim to TESSZHS LU '- wuu my w--â€"vâ€"â€"â€"~ to the failure of the municipalities to 0mm the expected edbonnses. Attentionis called to a somewhat impel-tan rtant mehich is worthy of attention, viz., that owing to r _. -uu-in'l- fhn 18 Wonuy u: “wan..." ._.., ,__, _ the rapid rise in the priceo materials the aid granted by the Ontario Government bears a. much smaller proportion to the total cost. of the railway than.“ the time the grants were fixed; and as the line ex- tends into a. new and sparsely settled terri- tory, the Company feel that they have a just claim upun the Govermnent for more liberal assistance. The difi'arence in price of materials alone is nearly equal to the snbaidy grantedâ€"$2,000 per mile. “'9 hape nuthinz will prevent this important line from receiving such aid as will ensure its extension as originally contemplated. A reso'utiou was passed cunvcying the well-deserved approval of the shareholders to Mr. Cumberland, for his successful negntiation of the Company’s securities in Englandâ€"Monetary Times. Tailoring 1n returning thanks fur the large share of patronage he has received since be com- mencul business in Orillia, would infurm the pubiic that. his new Is now Spring Stock of Cloths! Although he does nut wish tn deceive the public by advertising that he has the largest stock in town; his long experience in the: business commends his ability in buying a. good article, and in making it up, advantages which ready-made Tailors do not possess. Is also replete with a. stuck of everything that is required by young men and. old. Call and see my new stuck fur yourselves, and you will have no need of buying else- wlure. 20 Hammond’s 820M / MISSISSAGA STREET. Stock Complete I LOW AS THE LOWEST! and an assortment of Shelf HARDWARE. Now is your time to buy your Stoves and Stove-pipes, Copper, Tin, Sheet Iron, and Japan Ware, at. prices that “will astunish \'I)|‘. (’2’ A call will satisfy you that he is lam-mined to sell at prices that cmmot be beaten. EAV'E-TROUGHING (Inne in a superim‘ manner; and every description of wnrk in his line m-mufactured tn order on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. LATEST DESIGNS z ESTA. BLISHJIENT. THE FBPNISHEHG DEPARTMENT DOOIile STOV’ES, Toronto Scuboro Junctxon A-vincmm: l ninnville .. Markham Stoufl'ville GmMIWuUd ., Uxbridge \Vick .. Suudcrlzmd... Umui uton \Vnmhine . Midland Junction Victoria. Road Cnboconk Beaver-son ()riilia Lindsay GOIXG SOUTH. Exprs‘ NEWDOMI\10\ Lindsay Leav e Orillia - .x x 3 Beavefion - ' (‘obocnnk - ~ Victoria. Boad Kirkficld Portage £40911 Eldon ' ’ Argy 1e ' ' )1 «Hand Junction \V nodville - Cannington ‘ Sunderlan '1 - \V'ick ' ‘ Uxbxjdze Goodwmtd Stoufiville Markham U n ion ville Azincuurt ~ Scarboro Junction Toronto Arrive l l 3 l I ! i REMOVED xnumnnâ€"Smgc for Cedar Grow. Bali \Vhite Vade. Bangor, Brougham. CnmmLâ€"Stage for Manchester. Prince bertfon Parry. Epsom. U668. “mamaâ€"Stage for Vroomanton, V: tvne. cumxcros.â€"â€"Stage for Oakwood. At Scarboro’ Junction connect with the G. T. R“ Sci connect wit East. and at sidinngnctlon lidland Railway for Lindsay, Peterborongh. Beaverton, Orillia. - w. GOODE'RHAM, «131)., , Oriilia, 26th March, 1873. Box AND PARLOL'R STOKES, \- v v _--_-_- W Managing Director Toronto, Jannm lot. 1873. CHING NORTH. Statiun. as fullmvs : complete, and will be found to cum prise all the PARKHILL AND PRICES Arrive Leave Whom it may 0039”” Business Transactions ! ! FRANK will now find his ofice in Kean's Brick Block, up stairs, first. door to the right hand. COUCHICHING SaWPlaning Mill J AXES 8:, Builders and Manufactur- ers of all kinds of Planed or Unplaned, BILL STUFF ofall lengthsSssizex. SHINGLES, LATHS, DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS, BLINDS, CASINGS, By improving the present and intro- ducing new Machinery. Messrs. JANES BUDD will be able to execute wurk of all kinds on the shortest ansible notice. Gnnd and Seasoned LUMBER will be used in manufacturing. therefore the pub. He can rely on the work. Planing and Shop “'ork of all kinds dune on reasunable terms, and promptly. Architmves, Eavctroughing, etc..etc. LUMBER, Any person or persons havin 0 . A.JA1\'ES. [ Orillia, Mzirch lst. 1873. MIL LSâ€"Near the Asylum. BUDD, - PROPRIETORS, with J OS. BUDD. Commercial Although considerable time has elapsed since the undersigned com- menced Business in the Store known' by the appellation of ’ (But now, and in future, to be known as the “ Commercial 11311.") in the VILLAGE ot ORILLIA, he has hitherto refrained from Ad- vertising his Business to any 9xtqtnt. V 7“." . . His prmcxpal reason for adopting that. murse. was, that. the premises above named required to be which required considerable time to :Iccumplishâ€"pefure he could mm- I)___ A“) Enlarged and Renovated! u vv‘-.ur. ._-_ pete sum-mfiiflly rwith older and larger establishments. He now feels it a pleasure to in- form his old friend: and patrons, and the Public gvnerally, that. his establishment is in and that he is prepared to furnish them with all kinds of Goods in his line. at prices that. cannot be beaten by any house in the Trade. Hith- extu the quality and low prices of his Goods were his only advertise- ment, and they have been suflicient to procure for him a very large share of the business done in Orillia dur- ing the last six months. His stock (which is now very large) consists of the following lines, viz :â€" Dry Goods, CLOTHS, WOOLLEXS, Ready-Made Clothing ! GROCERIES! PROVISIONS, FISH, ever held by any one Establishment, in Urilliu. varying in price from 204:. Lo 51 per lb. The puLuic are respect.- lully invited to ‘ Call and Examine KING'S OLD STAND! Stock of TEAS his stock before purchasing else- where, as they can save muncy by doing so. In the article uf Tea alum», a great. saving cam be effected. either by purchasing by the Chest, Hull-Client, 01' Cattle, 01‘, prupnl'tlun- utcl)’, in sluullcrqualutitics. Psu'tivs purchasing b_, the chestur half-cheat will be supplied at, Toronto \thlc- sale Prices! Flour: Feed Ullfimav: I ‘19 ‘ ' ' A KENNEDY. * Onmnu. March 5th,. 1873. consrqnently, parties requiring such, ‘ will prutit. by purchasing their sup- plies at the “Commercial Hall." His TERMS, in future, will he STRICT- LY CASH, or Good, Merchantable Produce, being convinced that by that system alone, Goods can be fur- nished to the Public advantageuusly to Buyer and Seller. Parties will, therefere, please reflain frum asking Credit, for, by doing so, they will save themselves the disagreeable pain 0f being relusetl, and the under- signed the pain of reusing. Fur Cash he will sell all articles in his line at the very Lowest. Living Profits. FULL BLAST,” themselves. He has at Present, in Store, the PROVISIONS I Speciality ! WINES 5; LIQUORS, CROCKERY. GLASSWARE, BOOTS d} SHOES. F URS. HATS, CAPS, 9' A Call is respectfully solicit- Goods and Prices will commend FLOUR. largest. FEED. GR UN . KEAN’S BLOCK. 6' Call and see his new stock md ex- amine his prim. 13 Sawing Machines ccrrxxu 30x35, PLOL'GHS. or my Rimb- BARROWS, HORSE 8025, (use morons. STCM‘PISG nucanx'ns, 4m, 52c. All kinds of Castings for r9] Machinery required by Farmers. best. am be procured 3t Vantassel, Newton 5; ’. WORLD A. S. GALBRAITII, Orrxcz -Gribbin‘u Exehmke. )hnufacbugr of die Celebrated DELAN Y T ”UL/.1 NG BA I T .’ qE\"I.\'G MACHINES repaired in tin!» b clusutyle. Mvenlchxum ancl-nthcr'l'obmg Pipes ferrulul sud reluired mid: name“ and dengntch. Attend-m paid in light. myth! of .. . . . u ,...:..(. \IM-hinou 1nd Needle! a! dealuwn. Aswan-u. ...” w. ,1, . , all kinds. Sewing: Machines and heed!“ «f 311 descriptions kept mluuutly in stack. of W .rk Shop. next. door to Dodge 8'. Co): ofiice. Mississauga Street. ' F. J. DELAXX. Lvu .- AS usunu COMPLETE SUCCESS! 1372) Ten First Prizes ! (IRGASS and MEIADDEIHS This grand sncceu, “1 year's recurd "5 8- SleER menu. 3 mmuu. At the Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers of the “ ORG .AXETTE," Containing Scribner-’3 Putent Qunlifyiug Tubes, acknowledyed by all to be the greatest improwmeut yet introduced. Their superiority in conceded by other Insurers from the fact thlt st Guelph they withdrew (mm ccunpecitiun, thus mknuw- ledging their inability to compete with them. Every instrument fully Ira-ranted fox five years. Send for unique confining fifty Meant styles of instrument. W. BELL (22 Gunsmith Shop FAN NING MILLS! INGLE COPIES of TH: Emmi», 8m”wh.§3.1. Iii-«cadmium. whmdflw. Orilliu. Fcbmnn' 4th, 187:1 By Royal Authority! 6 Next door to D. L. Samson's. oppoaiu. the Post. Ofioo. EASREMOVED '1‘0 THE FARMERS 0F GRILLIA Guelph. 0ct.15. 1812. Guelph, Ontario, Received Every F irst Prize for LSD VICISITY. be Provincial Exhibition. Hamilton, and Central Exhibition, Guelph. '. BELL 85 Co. Centre Building, AUCTIONEER At Two Exhibitions 2 UN S M 1TH- OBI LLIA DELANY, Castings , far reptifipg in IE msr mus. in addition to 171-1v. (187 HARNESS Sllfll’! 170. For ; umeuow nun-o... ”v... _. Hahn“ and molt stylishly get up, tn the heaviest and must durable. go to thin el- ublilhment. No inferiormduud.‘ Only Firstâ€"Class Workman employs}. nuns and vausrs. THOMAS BYRN E. Yokohama llouse. IMMENSE SUCCESS ! Stock 60mplete ! Every Department Fully Assorted Invites the attantinn of the public tn his Muck uf Rudy Mule Clulhing. Boots 6': show, Groceries, c., which hue been selectA-d with guest we, on the moat ad- |:_L ._ ‘4‘ vautageons gems. and mum an: w w dinposed of at prices which defy comppti- tiun. Now my Men’s Canadian Full Cloth Panu,$1.95. “ ' Havy Stag: BM)“, $1.95. “ Superiur Kip “ 83.25. ward: 3‘75 Genu' Wool Under Shirts, onl 87$ cu. “ “ Drawers, only 87_ ha. 20 Ibo Rice fur $1. 10; tbs. Bright. Sugar. 8].. Guldcn Syrup. 60 cents per gdlon. l2 Chests mute uf flat celebnted HIM- ALAYA TEA. 20 cents pct 1b. which in point 0‘ strength and flann- in Input-i“ 9; my 50 cent Tea in Orillis. BRUSHES, CURRY 003135. c., dump in stock. Also . Itock of Bacon. Oatmeaf Com Med, wmu Fish, and Sdnwn Trout, alwsy: kept in Buyers we invitedim all and judge fox themselves. (Opponibe the Residence of June. Sutton. Bah Front Street. 01-min.) ' Illu an. ...... __,, forth )urchna 1nd sale of Homes, and will alwayu ve a lag:- number to dinpou 0L Panic-I wishing to sell or purchase Horse- will do «u to call and leu‘e their ounmimom with- him. H ulso commenced the tniningof than. to H: he would invite the “teatim- THE Subscriber for thc purchul' (10123. to of stock ‘ HAS OPENED IN BEAVERTON Groceries, GOOD HORSES _! Goods will be sold at Orillia prices. CALL “ IHE EmMSIZOfi’,” Is nc-xmlsnv 1 has! paper; does not pretend w compete with the city pspen in variety or quantity of reading matter but is puticulnrly and speciglly dcwtod co the best interests uf the peuple of th'u unctiun of the cannery: being tho ndvoeucof go-d morals, temperance sud sound pulitial principled: the organ of an mun, act of .s__._ 1.... .J uncut and rgm. pnnclplc; :- um v- ...w -_ . men. or clique, but of man, and ram, sud mnuun JUSTICI. a Communjegtium m requutod up- ad. Speck! “tuition given to re- A nice meat of Clan and respectable Vehicles. 3 1x M‘Loccuux‘s om suxn, TERBIS (3 A 9H. J . D. U'BRIEX. Late with Muluhy 4' CO- . The yublic are invited ‘0 of the “Orillia Exchange," . J. GRIBBIN, J. D. O‘BRIEN TINDLE’S before making purchasea HORSE BAZAAR. pmcn LIST: a Fresh Stock of Liquors, 810. ' SEE HIS STOCK which .R. TINDLE. TESTIMIDNIALS Powders. $1 m Procm 5 Packages. Prepared ”d For Sale, Wholesale, by (urn-m) Have been unpu-alleled in the cure of D pepsi nerd disorders ifs the Sprung and various Pby'sicinns that came within their much. without re- ceiving any benefit, have been entirely cured by taking one Box of these Powders. KERMOTT’S Mandrake Pills I and an entirely vegetable. In obstinwe use: of Dyspepsia» the Pill; should be alien with the Powders, full directions accompanying each box. In dmes of one or two, they are dtentive, in Inga-doses Cnhutic sud Anti-Billions, almys restor- ing the healthy function of the_body. PR I CEâ€"i Fox TESTIMONIALS 531-: Pumas-rs: Enquire for them at the newest store where Medicine! we kept: or send t9 Bar- rie fur them. One duller will prucurn- two bone. of the Pills and three of the Powders. Pupned and for gale, Wholesale, by ° C. H. KERMOTT. CLEARING SALE FLANVELS, WINCEYS, MERINOS. LUSTRES, SHAWLS, CLOU DS. WINCEY SKiRTS, FACTORY COTTONS, BLEACHED COTTONS, In thanking lfis fifiends and the public for their [mtmpage fur the last, sixteen yeals, Would infurm them that. in order to dispnse of his present stock, to make room fur Spaing Cards, he will. sell, tor the next THIRTY DAYS V the above goods. I“ grad Lion in price. AN EARLY CALL BARGAI NS Family Groceries a- Anindebeed will greatly oblige by calling at m early (iate and settling_ the amount of their m an: by on. sum, cum. is solicited from all in want luuVVW‘--vv -- _ J. J. BIND. Onlln. Fob-nay. 18W.- indebtiédnefl. i. KERMOTT, J. HIND, mmwho have been y-ea-rs. and tried the I A --...A A Choice Shock of dwaya an hand. DRUGGIST. Powder: 2 03 Chemist, Barrie. Out. Cents. Baum, 051'. reduc- NEW GOODS Every Fall and Winter Staple anti fancy I"! PACE Groceries agd Provisions, GBOCKERY, GLASSWARE, BOOTS SHOES, Our stock will always be found complete, and we sell at prices that cannot but. give general satisfgption W 11131va EVERY. WEE!- THE Suboa'ibor bins shout to mt! - Change In his lulu“ Would tako thil opportgnity pg t . . cuatumen, and the gaunt-.1 public, 9: plig libcml pttrunage he has maivod irony them for a many years; and In uqnah Those Indgbted to Hm! Consisting of a. 18189 M .f Placed in. Suit for All ACCO [NI‘S liKSE’I‘I‘LED -y week. They m 3003th "191‘” additions to their Household Fm'nitm‘e { Boom Paper: Window BlindS. Frapedyic‘mes' Fancy GOOdS. School Bo_okl. l‘Wfitingslzesks, mazes Viv.â€" vamjly wing Mach' 3 M-Vfi' I beedles. Melodeons, 4:: ' ”In” a" Manufactory on Pour Stages - ‘P 0.311;... .130 3'. 13mm. CLOTHS. FLANNELS pmmm DRESS Goons. Arc receiving to PAY U: a Ora, cg NOTICE.- COTTONS. ITOCKOF PACE a; MALN, GEORGE VICK- Clothing. of ies' Work 39’?” KINDS OF

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